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The Clinton New Era, 1896-03-20, Page 7
r, i d NEW BUTCHER SHOP. The undersigned desires to intirgate to the people of Clinton and vicinit that h R4 ' ('TCii N`V0N ` N KW 1 i NEL.LIL:¢t�l "§ SH 09LD F© 13UY � ; BialEAb. RA had t;ollvd fyt tai, 4staira with no. burden, there miraQ vp been rojolofnl 1n that abode of poverty ap(I Obspair, bu J e 'I was not there to Deo and heap has opened a butcher shop in the store of ^ li'atl,Dt><p Picture or poverty is a Oily But my heart rejoiced also to thlul ;i W. Qare, Hunan Street. 13e has had many pHfl of OluLtian People. I had been able to glue comfort to them yeAto oaparieuee; and feels that he can give Awn in one of the narrow and forbid- Truly It to "more blessed to give than ti the best of satisfaction. lie will sell "' ' ' c y r cY. $ receive.' striatJy for Cash, and of the lowest possible "Y'S ,v +a i• �, '' ding -streets near the bay ,Rad nap far L. @tit ' from, Jarvis stre@i; picot (led' wroupt prices. + N,s._ hv.;abil one,,, --night, I saw % gaunt and ragged - ORDnics RRzOPECTFULLY SOLICITED we 4n standing in front of a pawnshop a parcel in her hand. It was no neer u u a, ,,: sight# except that the parcel was smaller �� M. W. Wright, - Clln`ton. thgp'people usually,oarry o"suoh pl and that the woman seeAaod l?4`bgoGn CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP B1 r T � R enter, the dingy irhop 'Whl li li d visited by thousands of her station in Itsr�lr CUR -141a IPAI She advanced and retreated sever - Fount $ DIUUPHY, W titres, but at last, wiping the bears VIGOR (SneocAdore to J, W. Langford) BYSPEPSIAy from) her eyes and clearing her th;oat, she spelled the d(lor arid) laid F, thO parcel on ' Having bought out the above business, we BA® BLOODY tbo tjounter, Lcoking1hroujb the win- 8estosN natural intend to conduct it on the cash' principle, ���������,���� dew I saw what follpwed. The man re- .41Em9 color to the hair, and will supply our onetomers with the beat an moved the paper and hold up a pair of VV�_ and also',^prevents meats at the lowest paying prices. Patrons S shoes --a child's shoes. They were worn it falling out. bTrs. may rely upon good service and piompt KI���� ���� �I y and dila idated dilapidated, but even 0 bone..from V, W. Fenwiok of filling of all orders. HEADA0A - the seh barrel bas its price these times In "Digby, Id, S., save; Toronto. The pawnbroker threw down- " FORD & MURPHY 00L00U6N - � � � _ :.� A little more a coin on the counter. She pleaded with a••'S hien, but be, like all his brethren, was t M ^, A " than tWD dears ago Central Butcher Shop, Clintonlinton B.S.B. unlocks all the secret'oni and n•.rn ;vey obdurate. �.• '•'-� r< my hair all impurities from the systcnt 1; om cr,mmou durate. She sobbed, and he shrugged ?r; o•a ,. b e q a Tl pimple to ti,e wor,L scrcf„'o,: sure. his shoulders. She wrapped up the shoes 3� ` to turn and he laughed. She started for the door, Y-^ CITY BUTCHER SHOP BUR D•®C 1i P f L L F1 •ict rant! yc.t but poverty forced her to turn back and d g r a thoroughly on the SL,nr .r1, - r pick up the ooln and leave the shoos. a i and fall "You found no lr'� ( '' * it. Af- Iwish to inform the public that I willsnot pity in there?" I queried �„•, , ' y)t,� �,. ter the be undersold by any other person in the ae I followed her half a block, and "'-'- up o o f business. I am a practical butcher, and Jfj/Lc" then walked beside her, one bottle of Ayer's Flair Vigor ttly understand all the branches of the business. They were rules. You can't arrest hair was restored to its original We keep the very beat meats and a full mel ' she replied, as she drew away from color and ceased falling out. An stop AAW,4y aP R..baud, And. mill sell at _the -occasional application has since kept Lowest Cash Prices. Bring along your ,1*6BUS I nuta' not an officer, ma'am. the hair Ail good condition." -Mrs. moey and get the meat at the cash price. Once more at it. Invigorated by a couple of You patgyllri"a pair of shoes back there- H. F. 1 ENwiex, Digby, N. S, We will give Credit but not at cash prices. weeks rest. Gladdened by thesight of many sl hoes b0t0#1 1pg to one of your children. Please Dell and see what you can do for now tacos. Down to hard work for another, Things most be Soles bad with you." �roh Cash qt , year. Perhaps you thoughtof a genres but "Whs;t-what is It to you?,, she hest- coria act gist here Rif; ,the openfij���� day. Ra• tatingly asked. R. `�ITZSIMONS-- dentsthe k&r spell arta cepepon ,.at std , : "khat is it -husband 111 in bed P" of Mir. year roundel Come when you Dani, New students will be entering every week. In" ould you come and see for your - the meantime write us for free catalogue, Itis self8 t - CITY MEAT MARKET no trouble to us to give informatiorfl „ "Eight ears ago, I had the vario- loid, on. • yy loi and •lost,my hair, which previ- Central Iwslness College Ttgtz blocks down sill np three fllgbyp ously 'was quite abundant:. I tried COUCH WILSON. f of stairs. The IP r, hall llghted-.-the a va lety of preparations but with Stryttfordf Ont. rwo -upper in darkness, Tbpte, was ,the out eneflcial result,till `I began to tinbport ere d. strtir'k otify lac pubitq t4At I' •o1NTO$He APring111. odgtl gLQar110. the glpom, of phe,penegrent fear I should . be ,prmanently bald., h.8v1i pcul on_tvth onto b ing t fl h f3 A W & ELLIQ + r • Proprsetore. -the -signs of povd;py,ap every hand. .About six months ago my husband iYi t ft }" s,For(I td iil;$q ° , _ No laud than we encountered a mac beer ht home a bot><19.` Of Ayer's if ne-1 a mime >sri a tlielt pereone� pnperdi® Ori:' �' Orders will have prompt and oarefull attention, Yo want a Plough. I am an stumbling his way downstairs and mutter- Hair vigor, and I began at, once to Preeh meats of all kinds will be kept in season. agent for Ing to himasAit He;•e ,alta there we passed . use it. Ina Short time, I1eW hair mold At rAasonable rates and,doliyared ]anywhere fibs. Fleury flow. It took the ,medal at the a child lying, sleeping In town, 1 the "'cur r Those who have u4od it not onlyyin glee in in the hall near begat} to appear and thete is now Ilk sit, but say they don't want any other. fsome "half open door. Third floor--ltsif every prospect of as thick a growth ARTHDti COUCH,, CHAS. N. WILSON won't coat anything to look at it, and if I can sell way,down the,dirty narrow hall -Into a of hair as before my illness." - yyou one yyou'll never regret it, — ALBERT room'handl larger than the stall i Mrs. A. WEBS CLINTON. " 13EELEY, (lenoxaI Blacksmith, Clinton, y 8 given R, Polymnia bt., New Up lips farmer's cow. A small, cheap Orleans, La. 0004 oil lamp gave light enough for one to WANTED i7 �_ NUJ FI3FrD• 6TQRE see ' the poverty t and despair. A man ,o Farmers' sone or other industrial persona o lying on an old mattress on the floor-aAY�'R��lRVIGOR Lair ednoation to whom ta76.00 a month=mould girl AlA years old asleep serosa his feet- �,DrV IDS I be an inducement. Write me with referensee. a table, two Or three old chairs, an old PREPARED BY Could also engage ladieb at their own homes, stove—that was poverty's home. ¢n T. H. LINSCOTT, 165 Bay Street, Toronto. YOU see," said the woman, as she OR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U.S. A. One package of each of the following seedsstood in the middle of the room and wav- Longg Blood Beet, Short Blood Beet, THE PAGE WIRE FENCE. ed her hand. Ayer's rills cure Sick Headache. Raddish, Cucumber, Tomato, "This is your husband?" Garden Carrot, Sweet Peas "Yes." Nasturtiun (tall or dwarf) And that is your daugbtorl It was It should not be for otten that the All for 25 Cents• her shoes you pawned?" Imperial Privy Council has declared "Yes-Nellie's shoes. I had to do It that the public schools of Manitoba Also Bulk coeds such as Peas, BeanB, There was nothing else to pawn. Even i are non-sectarian. if Charles was able to get up to -morrow Corn, Timotuy, Clover and he would have no coat to put on." Right Hon. Walter Long, President Alf yke Clover. This fence is the beet and strongest wird fence "Is It an officer, Carrie?" asked the of the Bowrd of Agriculture, stated in the British Parliament. that 72 cases of JASSTEEP & X0 in n stock w it has smooth surface, and will man Who had been looking at me is a . turn stock wichoutinjury. It is neat and easy troubled way. contagious pleuro•llneumaniahad been to put n requiring low posts; it cannot blow No," I answered, "I bappened along as found in cattle imported --from the �- down; w it not break in winter; it is pig tight, your Willa entered the awn she United States, and ixteen in the cattle bull strong and horse high. Lag6,ly it ie so cheap P p with Produce Exchange that it is within the reach of all• The under- the Biose. You seem to have had a hard imported from Canada since October, signed is sole Agent for Stanley, Tuckersmitb time of it P" 189• Whatever "View ttie'L`anadlan Hollett, Goderich Township and Colborne, and "God alone knows how hard !t's been and United Staten authorities might Headquarters for all kinds of will promptly fill orderalfor the erection of the fence in any of the townships named. for us," he replied. "I got hurtthree take, he could only say that it had WDM STANLEY, Holmesville months ago -here in my elde-and I've. FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS been conclusively proved that the dis- been lying right here for twelve long ease was infectious. Two care choice Seed Corn just ar- r weeks." Rev A. Waddell, one of the pioneers For pwent doctors Twenty - Si Years "What do the dtors carr" I have had no doctor for the lest of Presbyterianism in Western Onta- rived from Illinois. We have a large 4 srio, died at his home in Blenheim on 3 S stock of Feedeaos", Corn. Oats, Barley, seven weeks, sir, and the one I had at Thursday. Deceased first took charge first did riot seem to know much about of the Harwich "torate iii 1854, and Highest market price paid for Coarse I; r tbo case, continued in such till 1890 ' when he Grains, or taken r exchange. :: i" "And being out of work, you've had had to resign, owingto his enfeebled Cash paid for Eggs. to part with your things to pay the rent condition. gDuring his ministry he had HILL & JOYNER ' and buy food and fuel?" to take charge of several small con- HIIRON ST., CLINTON. "She took the shoes out to night to get gregations near Blenheim, and had to money to buy bread-wbat's left to us walk through the forests to hold ser - would hardly bring a dollar." vices. j0O--KlIS y "Did you buy my shoes?" queried the THE COOKS BEST NIEND girl, who had awakened at the sound of FACE FlO'Ud LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. my voice and sat staring at me. rd Feed Store "Keep quiet," chided the mother. �}� "I can't go out doors any more," said McLeod's the girl, "but I don't care, We have to LOTC H S BRAN & SHORTS ��, t�171 RENO©AZ'OR have bread. Ma, where !s the bread?�• �l H•ash, childe' are articularl disc eeablebecause In large or small quantities. "Hasn't help ,bean extended you sem P y OIL CAKE and MEAL AND OTHER some of the ober}£able societies. Surely they are noticeable and apt to cel se Tested with so many ociettes in the city, dome " OF ALL KINDS. gated Reltllefliel•. comment. �unfy the blood with have helped yea" 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 11 Not it dollar, mfr," he answered. "I Scott's Sarsaparilla and remove bushel of Oats,. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE have sent word to some of them, but no them. All this class of diseases, as For Impure, Weak and Impoverished one has called yet. The wife has worked C Gwell as blood putrefaction and bone D. OOK, CLINTON. Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- now and then a day, though her health is tation of tine Heart, LiverComplaint very poor, and the child there has begged decay, are usually of scrofulous BANKS. Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis coppers an the street. Think of the origin, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid shame of it I" nay and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitne' Dance "As a workman you earned -good Crof u la The Molsons Bank. Female, Irregulari tie a and General Debility wages, I suppose?" SS "Right along, sir, and we had the best Incorporated by Act of Pnrliament,18651 LABORATORY, 60DERICH, ONT rooms and the beet furniture in this and scrofulous complaints of all CAPITAL, $2,000,000. J. M. MCLEOD, kinds, blemishes, house. I hadn't lost but very few days kiblpimples, blood REST FUND, - $1,875,000 Prop. and Manufacturer in the last year when this accident hap- P P pened. Look at us now -at the poverty eruptions, biliousness, dyspepsia, v gold in Clinton by and rags, and when the ten cents for P HEAD 01ITME, MONTREAL. J. H. OOMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON Nellie's shoes is indigestion. he2rt disease, syphilis, gone the rest of my IP H. R. OM S,.-GeON ..ralM eager. clothes must be sold. God, sir, but it or rheumatic troubles cannot be F, W. THof>zeB,..,.Genera► Manager. makes me so desperate that if I had the warded off in the spring if the Notes discounted Collections made, Drafts is- strength to got out of bed I'd feel like Aued,Sterling and' American exchange bought I ►� Wiping us all out together." system is not put in good order. and Field at lowest causep rates. Interest a]- T' �t � �j j 1 P �150� q lowed one oche. J jL1 Y �I II•v1 11 "Do you drink intoxicating liquors?" 6'ARM_1Wn$4. ' I Alas, yam," he replied, "when at work A Boy's Life Saved Morley advanced to farmer on their own note I thought I most have my whisky ever with one or more epdorsers. No mortgage re y "One day my little boy, aged 7, quirsd as seenritq—THE LEADING= day, aand many times most of my week's of a fall and hurt his knee. Inflam- H. C. BREWER, Manager. g were spent before I got home to g Carrie." mation of the knee joint set in and UNDERTAKER " What have you done for the drink GE while you baps been lying here?" the decay of the bone of the leg (ALO. A McTAGGART. —AND— "The first few days, air, I was burning rapidly followed. Doctors removed up with the fever, and would have sold k, BANHI�R E�BALFR• my soul for a drink. But the dootor said over a hundred pieces of decayed I must not have it, and Carrie, my dear bone, but the process of decomposi- wife, prayed me to stop the drink. Now, tion continued. All attempts to ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. s1r, I promised her I would never touch it again, and as God in my wnheis, I atop it failed. The boy had but a PVL, LINE OF never will. If we bad the money I have few days' life before him according ,Oti � sill ,,•, , a u:ai (��'' 3e./� g A ge ii 0 i Banking Business {ry jryty�y+ `n spent 1n drink we would not have to to all human expectations. Mr. t2 ansacted illll 111 STOCK Pawn Nalllq!4 @hose for 'brer ,!' . "Will you go with met" asked of the DenhafYA, dYugg"lat; petrolia, advised ' 1 NOTE(3 4I800II;�iTp1]., little girl. me to try �Ptt s '-=+,'s'+•-�4 � "Yee, stns" Sarsaparilla, I did "Then oo s 099d night to yousand not only saved but complete- 1 c Drafts issued. Interest1ilIa(wed,oa 11Lgb@Mfg('1u1>;11xtTI�1 ;k'1t11dga0ti:', Nellie will' U6llbabkillbalfdo, hour.,t ly cured�my bay.">—JOSEPH Dux- depoerte. She took hold of nay hand and we CAN, farmer, Lambton County, Ont. walked de�rb')'f(tglrll(1 sad oats inio the a it street. Near the corner was a shoe store. Doubters fiia ct'rite either Mr. I (plandid Iieal'98. When the child bad been fitted With a Duncan or Geo. Denham, druggist, nl!�1k1tA1% S TISDALL pair of shoes we entered a place a few doors off and bought her a hat and shawl Petrolia P.O., for verification of I ,A,LBERTM,CLINTON which had been sold by somebody else in these facts, then they will immedia- eoverstore the (;Trap of poverty. Theii to the grower's fiesidena CLINTON. GXT and the bntoher s, and as I returned With tely purchase a bottle of her to the door of the tenement and hand- SCOTT'S I OPPOSITE TOW HALL ed her over the basket, I said: t "Good night, Nellie." s Advances made to farmers on their own She had tyexr orttf >la�ed, looking ht notefi at low rpteq of interest. me in 06,02z'ied 4Y, but sVIng novel a° ARSAURILLA wolkl, and heir I Fi'ade bei~ gotxl night C �rabneial 11ornidlig B4lmine4 trwifaotod i •. N she plaeod her grlTnqy lipZlo hand in mine -Y tateveat,p' �flowed oil de mita, fora few woonde.ttnai the°nl eat down boo fleaktgra.: �� QO per lame linitis. i y `ef style the baelfeti �ItAd tont over it and d`fna,lt teaapaonfaz at dose, f <grt[e I�Ti114J'i iY� 4l1 n a r n i14 11 iIIC i1 11,i lGudif l thX b o . l Hifi ttatn a not eeetib stem f T ererAr nifraiei tlivsi ltys� Astir oma AQAre.d, ti M "ih+i Ta Ar, Z i111C. 1111ti b i16lStlpi' . �y y WhSt1 flier , �� � t�8 � . .. (in�tol, dllhyai !1 0#01i o a � soap c ��� „ r you Don't wake hp on our account Are' � . ' A Dbd; ------ - - This proosition is for the house keegere Who vddz t to add a a few choice things to their house after house- cleaniug-it's this -we have now in stock a big range of Small Centre TableSI in Three ,Styles, Made to wear as well as to ornament. If you are thl4k ing of tables we ask you to inspe0 these lines. Prices, 45, 55 and 75 4ents. Don't judge the quality by the price hat come and examine them for yourself. We've still a few of our Framed Pictures left at 45c to $2. The whole appearance of the house changed by this kind of inexpensive adorning., t JOSEPH W. C H I DLEY FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. J6 W. IRWIN Keeps the largest assortment of newest goods. Quality fine and prices low in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware TEAS -Black, Breen and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5 to 10 -,onto per pound if you buy from us instead of Tea peddlers. Com- pare quality and prices. SUGARS -We are headquarters, we buy direct from Montreal refiners. Keep best quality and sell at close pricee.l SPECIAL BARGAINS -3 pounds Evaporated Peaches for 25o. 31bs Evapor. ated Apples for 25o. 5 The Prunes for 25c. 28 lb Box Raisins for $11 Crockery, China, Glassware and Lamps -We have to make room for our Imported Goods, and have reduced our prices on Dinner Sete, Tea Sete, Toilet Sets, Berry Sets, Water Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups and Saucers and Lamps of all kinds. Call and see our goods and get prices. No trouble to show goods. ry ,. x ulGiS_,y-tJVlq••rLhe,b TRADE• Do You FEEL SICK ? MYR NARa Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, Which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- TAKE RIPANSTABULES PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have TAKE RIPANS TABULES LIVER COMPLAINT, — If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you TAKE RIPANS TABULES SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR- TAKE MPANS TABULES DERS OF THE STOMACH, — Ripans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. Ripans Tabules act gently but prompptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines ; cleanse the system effectually ; cure d�yspepsia, habitual constipation, offensive breath and headache. One TABULE taken at the first indication of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. If liven a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an Infallible cure 1 they Contain nothing injarlous and are an economical remedy. ONE ASY TO TAKE — QUICK TO ACT GIVES &lpansTabales are sold by drngaists, or by inif RELIEF the price (60 cents a box) is sent to be Ripens Chem - teal Company, No, 10 Spruce St., New York. Sample viol, 10 cents. IT PAYS TO r fs sure to attend those �UCCes� who make good use of their time while attending rheCanada Business College m common every' -day CHATHAM, ONT. > Last week abowrd:the plaoing of eve stu- ills of humanity. Bente in choice positions; this week three. Bella Mitchell, placed as second sten gra- �Da her with the Van Anken Steam Specialty Co., f ebieago. The flrstatenographer, in the game z Mae, Mgise Anne Moffatt, is alsoa former pupil. C Jaynes Warren as stock -keeper arid ofoce as- 16taut With Wm. Grin* & Sons, Chatham. Fred Thompson changed from stenographer fifth Geo. B. Douglas to stenographer with lessrs Wilson, Renkin, McKeough lk Kerr, larristers, Chatham. r, PAYE TO ATTEND A GOOD SCHOOL College re -opens for the new year, fan. Btb For catalogue of either department address 8011tl i Amerifs>vi DyMoLAOHLAN Chathr&mAM 1W I0016P Billuol Flro Insurance Do ARM h IFIOLATED'$'OV1 N PROPERTY ONLY INSURED ago. Jas asident, Harlock P.O.; Jambe res.Seafort74 P.O.; W. J. shall. Benforth P.O.; M. Murdie, fn - Be tarth. P. O. frif4osoRe. I'etiritbraisdtfmf and Bbi►fortb;M.Mtirdie,ses,forth; ]mux a 861 th; Oeo. Watt Harlook; T. E, Oldeft teilti {or s lox tlardiner, Lebdbury; Thos, d John MoL, , i;lppon.j solttfTe, 1Vb��+lf� 3arlook lint l+#nAiClllan,tleta• indsi•.isemen, ,16, 4t ;: 'ifs o ` a SPl�ING GOODS Your attention this way for a surprise in fine spring goods.;<< ' Flannelettes in great variety, superb Prints, Skirtings,' Shirtin s, Ginghams, Zephyr and Duck Suiting. Best M'ilack lines Dress Goods,. Nothing to beat our Cotton- ades. Large assortment of Tweeds. Our Millinery is very handsome and cheap. Field and Garden Seeds. Oranges or Lemons 2 dozen for 25c. Our 25c Black Tea is a daisy, so we hear from our customers, Groceries of all ' # kinds at very closepprices. TERMS CASH OR PKODUCE. P,S-We would like to receipt several accounts. ADAMS'EMPORIUM, R ADAMS �; LONDESDORO e �• J6 W. IRWIN Keeps the largest assortment of newest goods. Quality fine and prices low in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware TEAS -Black, Breen and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5 to 10 -,onto per pound if you buy from us instead of Tea peddlers. Com- pare quality and prices. SUGARS -We are headquarters, we buy direct from Montreal refiners. Keep best quality and sell at close pricee.l SPECIAL BARGAINS -3 pounds Evaporated Peaches for 25o. 31bs Evapor. ated Apples for 25o. 5 The Prunes for 25c. 28 lb Box Raisins for $11 Crockery, China, Glassware and Lamps -We have to make room for our Imported Goods, and have reduced our prices on Dinner Sete, Tea Sete, Toilet Sets, Berry Sets, Water Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups and Saucers and Lamps of all kinds. Call and see our goods and get prices. No trouble to show goods. ry ,. x ulGiS_,y-tJVlq••rLhe,b TRADE• Do You FEEL SICK ? MYR NARa Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, Which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- TAKE RIPANSTABULES PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have TAKE RIPANS TABULES LIVER COMPLAINT, — If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you TAKE RIPANS TABULES SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR- TAKE MPANS TABULES DERS OF THE STOMACH, — Ripans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. Ripans Tabules act gently but prompptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines ; cleanse the system effectually ; cure d�yspepsia, habitual constipation, offensive breath and headache. One TABULE taken at the first indication of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. If liven a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an Infallible cure 1 they Contain nothing injarlous and are an economical remedy. ONE ASY TO TAKE — QUICK TO ACT GIVES &lpansTabales are sold by drngaists, or by inif RELIEF the price (60 cents a box) is sent to be Ripens Chem - teal Company, No, 10 Spruce St., New York. Sample viol, 10 cents. IT PAYS TO r fs sure to attend those �UCCes� who make good use of their time while attending rheCanada Business College m common every' -day CHATHAM, ONT. > Last week abowrd:the plaoing of eve stu- ills of humanity. Bente in choice positions; this week three. Bella Mitchell, placed as second sten gra- �Da her with the Van Anken Steam Specialty Co., f ebieago. The flrstatenographer, in the game z Mae, Mgise Anne Moffatt, is alsoa former pupil. C Jaynes Warren as stock -keeper arid ofoce as- 16taut With Wm. Grin* & Sons, Chatham. Fred Thompson changed from stenographer fifth Geo. B. Douglas to stenographer with lessrs Wilson, Renkin, McKeough lk Kerr, larristers, Chatham. r, PAYE TO ATTEND A GOOD SCHOOL College re -opens for the new year, fan. Btb For catalogue of either department address 8011tl i Amerifs>vi DyMoLAOHLAN Chathr&mAM 1W I0016P Billuol Flro Insurance Do ARM h IFIOLATED'$'OV1 N PROPERTY ONLY INSURED ago. Jas asident, Harlock P.O.; Jambe res.Seafort74 P.O.; W. J. shall. Benforth P.O.; M. Murdie, fn - Be tarth. P. O. frif4osoRe. I'etiritbraisdtfmf and Bbi►fortb;M.Mtirdie,ses,forth; ]mux a 861 th; Oeo. Watt Harlook; T. E, Oldeft teilti {or s lox tlardiner, Lebdbury; Thos, d John MoL, , i;lppon.j solttfTe, 1Vb��+lf� 3arlook lint l+#nAiClllan,tleta• indsi•.isemen, ,16,