HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-03-20, Page 6I1!>6rtteli 20, 1896 T kl U •i. i pepais is a 'home fiend.' It is traly a cruel ai.. and torturing monster, and makes its M,., slaves miserable specimens of breathing l: humanity. TI pne#ny of thousands is a@eotually $�� oonq rmt by the mighty power and gentle virtues of Paine's Celery Compound, and • the victims are released forever .f =a the. srf awful tormentor, >., . This is, perhaps, the worst season of the .�the trioti�nne of dyyspQpaia, indigest- on, 6i3d 3 aibtiidt5h • troablea... , 'The Great nerve system requires strengthening; the e° '` blood, now charged with impurities, may be made pure, so that it will coarse health - k: fly and in abundance; the stomach, weak and unreliable, must be toned up. t ` Pafue's C3eleaFy a C492P4nnd }will accom- plish all these grand objects for the dyapep- ,f� ' tic, a )•fitbiru4or„the,propQr -performing of all fe's duties. Me Joseph`Ciarret, of Garrettown, writes thus: "I was laid up for months, and could not work, eat or sleep. Day after day I was getting weaker, when a friend advised me u-•rr?a~ to'•tg4 P„gicle;'e Celery, Oompop, I, did flt'r gide 'the -iitriadicine a' trial, and bdfdre the first bottle was finished, I experienced a great change. I can a�]144V e¢G, slsep; and work as well as any ordinary man, and I can truly say that Paine's Celery Compound is a wonderful medicine, and worthy of all t the praise that people can give it. I ad• <; , viae all to use it or dyspepsia; as o purifier of blood, it surely cares. i MISSIONS. rn The pages of history contain no sto- ries of greater heroism than those which record the lives of many who have been the sent ones of God, to pro- claim the good tidings to the heathen. . ` Such men as Gordon, Mackay, of Uganda, Livingstone, Hannington, Judson, Carey, Brainerd and a host of others, could with Ot. Paul say "Be ye { imitators of me'.” " ... "Who knoweth whether thou art f come to the kingdom for such a time ' as WWII A little girl was heard to say at the t {' close of her eveningprayer, `And I ft:! •^: saw a poor little girl on the street to- day, cold and hun r but it is none of our business, is it Clod?" None of us R a, would be willing to pray or say that, r but most of us are perfectly willing to M xy act it. Perhaps some one says, "I have no taste for missions; I don't like them." Well, no one has a natural taste for unselflahness in themselves, thouggh they admire it in others. But unself- ishness is desirable, and can be culti- vated- 'Any one who has been "born ajrain" can cultivate a taste for mis- sions, and must if he would be loyal:to the Master. "If we cannot give our thousands We can give the widow's mite," An old cogplet that has given comfort to>hgmands of stingy souls. BLit re- member that giving the widow's mite t is giving all. Had we not better stop and think a while before we decide ''`• that that shall be our portion? If this country needed defending, d and war were declared, how quickly our young men would rush to arms 1 How brave they would be 1 What a record of heroism many would make for. themselves) But when a nobler strife awaits them, when Christ, our great Captain, to whom they owe ev- *%� eryything, calls them to defend the Ev- erlasting Kingdom, to fight manfully against Satan s hos�howtimid, weak, halting and undecided they are. "We do not well; this day is a day of good tidings, and we hold our peace." 4 t Pills do not cure Constipation. They only aggravate. Karl's Clover Root Tea givea perfect regularity of the bowels.— Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton. s A despatch from Bombay sayt- that Samuel L, Clemens (Mark Twain) ie i seriously ill at Jeypor. Dr Rowe, editor of The American ' Field, one of the most prominent writ, era on field sports, Is dead. The Grand Lodge, Sons of England, meeting at Peterboro, elected officer and decided to meet next year ai Brantford. SPECIAL COTTON BYES, i' BEAuTIrrr, AND BwAjANT OOLORB IN DrA MOND DYES T$AT .WII.L NOT FADE-•MADI SPF.OLLLLY TOR COTTON AND MIXED GoODa- SIMPLE AND EASY TO UBF.-ADBOLtir'EL' FART -BEET IN THE Worm). Cotton is a vegetable product, while woc comes from an animal, and hence the tw are so different that it requires a differen S kind of °dya for each. The special fast cotton colors of Diamon Dyes, such as Turkey Red, Brown, Pinta 1 Purple, Yellow, Orange, and a half doze a others, are ptapared specially for cottoi gouda, and give colors that even washing i; att'dng ooapatids and exposure to the hno light will trot Ride. r Do riot riak your gdods with the eommo. m storekeeper 1 -that eo e rf worthiest d �s �r And y ^ruin Your, cod d ' ' 1, Chad Ci<�db' d � .. 'Mid Cti0 & "tt btlll ori l 0,01140 g z file ior,�e, IsD aflxoia+� ' lid kil+1 [1 fr' frig !n the dit�aal ib Eli, +►44 j 194, will ,doss a a 7,lr�irfll,�'► ' ry � .y C Yl�'rwtrlfl+ Who want to look nice, feel good and malm the moat o themselves, find me an efticlent help for I make article that makeladiea beautiful of face and' form, and healthy in body. What I do for others can be done for you. We t Can't tell all about it in this ad!vectisement. Ask Tn're 1 to a man who Bald, after can't carry y ALLEN & N�ILSON, iNllnion,Ont.,Drfaggists p y ' "Well," screamed the old lady from seeing the uxur es wt w is a the pavement, "cant a ems e r e for m book. These artielee are iall Anker was surrounded, that he ought , . . on itP" yc y iii for sum- o be a happy man, he eaclaimed, cod-liver oil Wlt�1 mer use. vV,ltat, happ y?;when ust as ou are f "If we have any trouble with Eng- �. FACE BLEACH, 1 per bottle. Clears the coplfplex- oirlg to dinhelr a letter is placed in . land," said the sad -eyed reporter, n,e,pua R1< pn, Yott must have it if you want to get rid of freckles, hypophosphYtes whose copy eylways needle revielolr be- � .t.^. moth patches, &c. our hand, saying, ' It you do not y fore it goes to the printers, `I have a FACIE P OWDEI't•—White, Flesh and Brunette, 50 cents a box. Perfection end me flue hundred pounds, I will i low your brains out." adapted to the request to make•" .,Well,, sand the for powder users. One day two tall dark men present- city editor: "I would like to go as the d themselves at his office. They bow- . war correspondent. I can speak the VOLA MONTEZ CREME 75c. in opal jars --creates and improves face d, in response to his bow, but said no- weakest dlgestlori► English language if I can't write it. beaiuty for maid, wife or widow. Foe to wrinkles. Their hand, however, began Cawker: "I have discovered what Mrs Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor 40 and 42 Cleary n fumble in their ockets, and the started the new woman craze." Cum - Releases --A1111ost as 8t.. San Francisco. Cal. Eastern Dice, 6Awashington great beaker instantly took alarm. so: "Let's have it." Cawker: "Lis- Ave., Detroit, Michigan. "Sere are the long -expected assay- • ten to this testimonial in a patent me - sins," he thought, and seizing aledger- palatable as milk. dicing advertisement: "Since taking he hurled it at the two strangers and four bottles of your Health Restorer I hpyted for assiatanc�e. Two sazea—so cents and $1.00 am a new woman."' SWEEPING MAJORITY when it appeared that the men were SCOTT & BOWNE. Belleville, Ont. Aman went into a drug store and two bankers from another city. bear- asked for something to cure a head - ng lettere of introduction to him, for ache. The druggist held a bottle of which they were nervplrsl�'huntiog at SOCIAL LIFE IN JAPAN. hartshorn to his nose, and he was near - the time o his unexpected "ainslavg ts, 1 overpowered lap its As his mortification knew no bounds. "The, for a European, lees attractive y pungency. soon as he�gcovered he began to rail THE MAJORITY OF SWEEPERS "Poor unhappy mel" he exclaimed. sides of Japanese life—the intolerably at the druggist. "But did it not help "A. yikitiul.tp,nervoppPeags, and fr>ncied,, draughty houses, three of the walla of your headache?" gasped the man, ` I "'�•� errors, and all because of nip money." which are movable, while the fourth, if it kiaven't any headache. It's my wife 'USE at all exists, is conspicuous, by its trans- that has the headache." parence, the whole structure appearing to ----- be in constant motion ; the entire and centuries to ago, poo -awful bareness of the rooms—no chairs, no pie used to fear what NhenR{a vmdlek,wegaveherossterls. gables, no bed, no stove—the impossibility they called the pes- 9 Whenshewasa Child, she cried forOastor4t, of standing upright without stiriking the f thence, "Black n. Death 11 was the head against the ceiling, of lying at full lath ftb boo%4reM*-$116411ggtoQaptttrlat, length without coming in contact with 1 mot terrible thing FOR SALE BY US. Nbenshe had Children, she gave th iasiorta, one or other of the movable walls—a risky 1 in theworldd them. —v They feared aTHE CASH GROCERY experiment—the perpetual feast, against people now fearr thee which the palate rebels, of green tea and 'Cholera and Yellow snails, with raw fish and rice ars the only Fever. And yet OGLE r change—these and all other drawbacks we there is a more terri- ( .. JJ COOPER P & e BITS OF KNOWLEDGE. gladly skip over to look into the temples ble thing than any t.,lt E and watch the young Shintu priestesses of these. There is Farm reduce taken s,8 CaBh.—Teephonae No. 28. To ascend Mount Blanc coats about performing the holy dances. Arch little a thing that ceases p more misery and 615, as there must , by .law be two, priestesses they seem to be in their re- more deaths than ",..«.,.•................ .•... «. ,........ ,..,,.�...,. ,.,, .•«•«... ;uides and a porter to 'each'person. splendent robes, and pretty enough in any of these. It is the commonest trouble 3 The centre of the city oBirming- their refined coquetry to convert any man that human beings suffer from. It is so 2 bam, England, ia?'boing' undermined by into a devoted Shintu. "They are as lov- common that nine -tenths of all the sickness f the myriads of rate infesting the sew- able and charming," says Astrid Naeru3, in the world is traceable to it. It is merely ars. The 4amage .done 0 property is "as the geishas or professional dancing that simple, common thing --constipation. incalculable. In one place no fewer girls of Nippon, and scarcely less unap There is no telling what it may lead t s but = S than 350 rats were caught in one da reachable. But reit ion and leasure it is sure to lead to something bad. Its im. RmloPm A K y P g p unpleasant effects are unpleasnt in the ex. The largest tree ever known ;n the are so commingled in Japan that one goes treine. It makes people listless, gives ? Norithwestern a Woods was cuts by the direct from worship In the temple to one them headaches, makes the digestion poor, Holt Lumber Co., in Oeonto county, or other of the countless theaters and causes dizziness, loss of appetite, 1085 of Wisconsin, recently. It was nearly dance houses that lie in the immediate sieep foul breath and distress after eating. 100 feet high, seven feed two inches vicinity. According to Japanese ideas re- All films merely because Nature has been 1� through at the base, and cut six six- ligion and pleasure are kin, and every• imposed upon, and has been refused the ONE GIVES RELIEF s, scaling over 8,500 feet. where among temples, ods and saints is little hells she needed. teen -foot to ` g p g This little help is furni shed by Doctor The pine was worth $81, when Cut into worshipped also the goddess of happiness. Pierce's Pleaisant Pellets. One pill is a logs. This is a significant feature of the char- entle laxative and two a mild cathartic. A photograph, hitherto unpublished, acter of the people. The Japs are frivol- There are two remarkable things about the c of Thomas Carlyle, is to appear in the ous, superficial, butterfly natures that " Pellets." One is that they never gripe; ....,,n,n,. n„n,•.,n. ...,w•,.•..•.e,.• n..o••v., «n,•«n.n.n.,..nu..: forthcoming book on his Chelsea home. hardly ever take life an grand segrieux. the other that they cure pefmanently. On this photograph he once wrote the "One of the prettiest spectacles in .Japan There e tl other medicine that does cure RUN OVER words: The best likeness known to la the Odori, or cherry blossom, dance, permanently. You can take any other me." medicine you like, as long as you like, and which is only to be seen in springtime at if you stop, your trouble will come back Jules Verne is now eighty-five years Kyoto. The dance commences with a pro- quickly, and the chances are the trouble ;L old. He thinks Charles Dickens the cession of young girls, who hover to and will be worse,than it was before. This This list and see if you want any Valencia Raisins off stalk F.O.S., or Selected Beedlee? greatest of all British novelists. fro, up and down, in slow tempo, swinging isn't true of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Rev S- R. Crockett, the Scotch auth- wreaths of flowers around, while their You take them until you get yourself into Raisins, New Currants thoroughly cleaned, Sultana Raisins, California or of the "Stickit Minister," writes to swaying snake -like motion shows up the perfect working order, and then you stop. Loose Mnscatel Raisins, London Layers or Black Basket. Good off stalk a friend: "I try to tell a plain tale as I resplendent colors and curious material of You don't have to take anyy more ' Pellets " RaiAine, 6 lbs for 25 cents. California Evaporated Apricots, California know it, I believe the world to be as unless after a while you do something that Evaporated Peaches, California Evaporated Plums, California Cann4 run t, ever believe was, the world as blue, their robes, which are bestrewn with deranges your digestive systeni again. We Apricots, Nectarines, Yellow Peaches, Canned Pineapple, whole, sliced or Y many -hued fantastical flowers. Gradual- are not guessing about these facts, and we pulped. Neta of all kinds, Candies, Lemons, Oranges. Finest Elme Figs, theocrers as fresh—why kee stir- ly more and more geishas dance in, the don't ask you to take our unsupported word in 10 and 20 pound boxes. Bright new Dates. -- ring all the time in the cess pool ?" last representing flowers and buds in the for it. Thousands of people have found most bizarrevourbinatious: These fling that they are true, and have testified to them. Let the druggist whosays that some- CHINAWARE—Fine Dinner and Toilet Sets cheap. Call You DON'T HAVE To SWEAR OFF cloud of petals over the spectators, while thing else is "ood 11just as gsE•1 that some - says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture with graceful motion they swing around thing else to somebody else. Don't ]et him and see our Fancy China, Glassware, and select your Xmas in an editorial about No -To -Bac, the Pam- to the mournful sounding music. The trifle with your health for the sake of a " present. oua tobacco habit cure. "Weknowofmany trailing,dreamy dance and the graceful little more profit to bimself. eases cured by No -To -Bac, one, a promi- movements of the fans exert an Irresistible World's Dispensary Medical Association, N. B—Do not forget that I have the finest quality of TEAS,and COFFEES in town nent St. Louie architect, smoked and chew- fascination. The smallest dancers ars No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. y� ed for twenty years; two boxes cared him muse air of from tour re six years, called � 7 . R O R C O I \7 •� Clinton so that even the smell of tobacco makes musums. These are dressed to represent ��^•-TM•''°"•• """""" 1 v .1 L 1J t.J v 1 �I him sick." No -To -Bao gold and guaran- off -torn petals of the sweetest and most jl�Z) '4 ?�. i I'- tr teed no care no pay. Book free, Sterling delicate hues. Some of these quaint little iJ o y'� • � Remedy Co., 374 St. an St., Montreal. elves hand round tea to the apecteetorE. It Sold by Allen & Wilson. is in mystical old Kyoto that the finest cherry dance is to be seen, and arowde i f ALL SMITHS THERE pork thither from distant places to take iii r � t utt„.s sly Cutters e part in the beautiful festival. Morey of �,� � `•` c2,: They tell the story in Dalton of a the geishas are lovely—relined, odd -look. i recent revival meeting in one of the Ing blushing little beauties in lour, rrca �S' z/1 -- rural districts of Whitfield county. tesque kimonos."—Review of Reviews. t 6 In the middle of the services the A few first-class well -made and well - preacher said: The Cook's Mistake. _ •1� "Will Brother Smith please lead in F A Prairie avenue capitalist who gained yi o finished`riUtterBi Cheap, at prayer?” the larger part of his wkalth in the saw- Seven men arose and began praying mill and lumbering Industry in Northerna4:1 _ at Once. Wisconsin is noted for the vigilauoe rvitli NUrray �11a 11i K RUMBALL, CLINTON This embarrased the preacher, and which he watches the small details of hie he said hurriedly: big business. Ai an example of this char- C "I mean Brother John Smith!" actteristic a story is told of a tour of in- yrs. At this announcementone satdown' - a and flve more got up and began pray- ju th on made by him to his logging camps in The preacher saw his mistake, iu the pine woods. Rich In the lung-heallnr vlrtves oft'.ie T"r•+ $' On this trip the Chicago lumberman was combined with the soothing and ezp-01' rt said nothing and let the 11 pray it out properties of other pectoral herbs and bat'u. grieved to notice that some of his team• among themselves. A PERFEOT OURE eters s, an too many oats b feeding their 3 r Consider Your Feet DO YOU SUFFER PAIN? horses, and was shocked by n Pow other coiesGf:rs AND C:Crre evidences of petty extravagance, but what Hoarseness, l THI'a, Eronchitis, Sora ",*, 1 Does a dull aching of nerve or muscle, or pained him most was the amount of rovi Croupand an THROAT, II ate cou l',s the acuter pangs of neuralgia, toothache, p p LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate courts r+ �i � -the work they do -how much they toil � sions consumed at the camp. He believed resist other remedies yield plornptly to . , .: m and eufPorl clothe them in kindly sbo: s, L r or lumbago make life a misery? Thous- i sods are compelled to suffer day in and flay that thin was due to the wastsfuluess of pleasant play syrup. iro k, thouh AllCh waste 19 difficult t0 PRlOB 26C. ANIS 600. PFpe.,?6�•: :I.E.1.�• which give ease and comfort to tsc:-1. Why I out simply because they are anaedgaintod tCOOAg.oro "� •. os,•'^ • b=� load them down in 111 -fitting leather shackles with the extraordinary pain -subduing pow- detect. But the Chicago man soon hit up- f �^^^- -"T "''" ' on an ingenious detective scheme by which when you can buy the most f e price foo e er of Nerviline-the great nerve pain cure. he was able to tell whether or not the ��• wear in America for the same price ay the It is certain to core nerve pain speedily. thehitfa mous Good Here elt pros made by Nerviline cares toothache, rheumatismcooks were oconomlcal to the use of sup- � NALLAGES the famous Goodyear Welt process which It i powerful:plies. considers the form and inclinations of yoar foot,— penetrating lumbago etc. I e penetrating and effectual. Sold every- At all the camps a pig was kept and Ped which yields to its eccentricities and helps it to do its �+ where. on the scraps from the woodsmen's tables. may be cured. We duty. Made from beat imported calf-akin—black or After a c isit to the pig pen he approached treat all seznAl dii:an ten. Stamped on the sole $3.00, 84.00, $5.00 per pair. Master: "Look here, my man, are the cook with a friendly smile and re- you out of work?" Dennis: "Yes, marked aea men. FourovThe Slater Shoe for Mena sorr; I am that." Master: "Well, I "Ah, Antoine, that's a fine, fat pig you gjfive — want a man for odd jobs, i'll give you have there. Couldn't you just as weld ess,menbd--Ty, ten shillings a week and our keep. food another ?" attaok� of" the blues,"` y As Antoine was wise he replied: — K— Is it a go?' Dennis: "It's sorry O1 aro but paying the pen. am, sorr, but I can't accept. Oi've got "No; we can't keep more than one. We t` to march in the procession of the un- baven't onough scraps." +dt1� early Ez°s employed poor next week, yor honor." At the next camp the same question was Tho -dread alarm Of WN. TAYLORP � SONS, Sole Agents for Clinton. asked the unsuspecting Peter, and he L pdency,theexhaLs- Consumption is oared by the use of promptly replied: tIonofSpermatosr'b�a Shiloh'a Cure. This great Cough Care is "why, yes 1 We could food another plR ' the only fe ed for that terrible disease,— just as well as not. Send us one." p May be CUREDSCts. gold by otnWj Clinton, Then the lumberman found the cam inttyfct can atersi ss,! foreman and said: "OBrien, you will ,xgw,�expe" a ��yyr�q���� �{ �� �" ° "^ " �'V, JOHN FORETHOUGHT. have to discharge that cook of yours. He fMdtator r frAtseew book. w�' SON �ii�Of� $� laws' I can feed too many pigs.—Chicago Chron- >MfA MOOD" s,3 Years, Xv?cporiofno0 "John," said a wife who wets auppos- [Cie. is atraraisrfe>r 44fdift BrEnciitlal+r1 ed to be on her death bed, "{n case of COIC en ,1 qq ;� � eau my death, I think a man of our Li1�G YEDICAI. C�r� 8n11�Qa Mayo " cfr m and fs nom' y Rev G. A. Anderson, pastor of the — ereraoterraaeA—Kid n tempr'rai;ment and domestic nature, i a 1Cidnrp and Slad- aside from the good of the children, English church on the Mohawk re- :B,9i% ,i,U6r T�i"'t=8#3r � troublm perm■aeati should marry again." serve, Deseronto, is dead. creel—pt«yGonarr vrr�qko«feaae "'Do you think an, my dear?" FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREE ■ wlthattt pd1�"g' "I certainly do, after a reasonable NO ,WAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH st ill Bl TJ1a7/irai fated length of time." DEATH SEEMED PREFERABLE TO T g AND ASTRACHAN PINE, safierlr from tlir �g of Well, now, do you know, my THE AGONIZING PAIN. loses ram" Iadla¢re�tlon■, I dear, that relieves my mind of a -- The latter of whish we make a specialty- ME—_; i q .Nervous igreat burden. The little widow Jen- Mrs Roadhoaae, of Williaoroft, P. 0., �� ► ' b kine fab acted rather demure toward Ont„ writes: "I have used Dr. Agnew's LARGE STOCK ON HAND.w� , .e me since you were taken sick. She Is once far the heart since last fall, hexing 1*7 err gad ath4 y taken in all nine bottles, and I Dow feel The shave ornamental treees, a and shrubbery w ' a■ r b1e pt flu! I not the woman that you are, a strong- thing goad at very tow connection and those wanting an K M minded, intelligent woman of char- entirely like another woman. I am 54 thing in this oonaeotibn wilt save money by pn MO6e• I actor, but she is plalmp and pretty', heart old, and hese beme troubled with 0haeinghere. fihatoo rearfregw t>e. - and I think would make the a desirable heart frf disease for more twenty yearn; some- ]bya sla'�� knit or urningregirattiOm-"- times for flue home at a time oufferin 0"dere by Halite{ld be promptly attendeden■ cempArlledbrargrht rmardngor reareHur,aed I wife." g to. Address, miggamanaerthAVM%ateanrot famelure +*0"7 ► such agony that death seemed preferable cuaty,ignorrmtafthedptr. 91hr nr WM row—tea The next dak Mrs Jtihn was able tb to the pain. The cold sweat would stand JOHN 9TEWART BENMILY.E es, and tacAnhr rater e h Of 1�� ��r�• trw t sit tip, the followin da she went cutin rent beads non m fees. The t unabltmtbcalt, +,►sacks fa1}MW tkls'eitlrrlrtararar�llave, I down stairs. and on Che third day she g p y r ar', �wttIrsullitnirtwekiMrs •far teitiaa�s Ilallnt#on this Pape e►lwlt. �a, ti smart Care gnus me relief from almost ,Y�1FTS YNMNLkNS : F msn -1s,, rn, LIF t pi rd. dtafai'rr to Y11 i+ e• i. i was planning for a new dress. , a ... _..the first doer and bas proved a great ,tld, tttonc' s,t nIGi iiAlbffHbM',IiCiNtYll.•, •: bio Xririfimr': >l ilr+'-� 'ii�*. r e tlirtlil a a e 'YoSf are dcf'13bort to ubliah t}a£d Ii9tYb�- i � < > t ., s,5 ��R11'"`�1�,t3dlCt ,slit .,N7.L•+^7 :!� •,!'.• P1 c it you t ink go dein tt 004il R bis. l q.., / YY,17y) , y (. y6a ,..{,J (. L }tj ■�rw ,f.rl..... ,... ,� , ;.• 7. •� '•1<` A l .. �Y. .¢ ILL.�1y�1 •.. r�' �I�II f.,4 MiIM ..i Sb i ''t-.... '.'.el -i.". - L �% .L -ice•. ,y y'. q. ,{ 'A:•1�Y . :> '. 11 , JAp,Yritl..'f}i�'%.1 ,�. V � , k�.�•F � rrww,���. � � jCA��: :': " ., J , t .. .w'.. •' .. 6nfi'•'• �Y!'{ !l7 l '"1'.`a�§ n . YY. ! .. :, •.. ... ,,. a '.r ..,: ." , , ey spy J i, , ,.1 i %i,► all r, �a D �. S i, ,b TH� M m� 1 v i TREES .f ill v r flans of the bladder. FOIL FUN. l UNHAPPY FINANCIER.JUST FIEND The other day an elderly lady with tItis said that Nathan Mayer Id,ntkla= . an umbrella atoiad on the sidewalk in child the third son oR tills j'puuder of bankinhour®, ,w , "' Washington Street, vainly trying to p' the the who established London branch at the beginningg ' � �� stop a south --hound car. A white car came along, and the woman brandish - the lived in fear oY "Herat of pi esant century, ed her umbrella, and called out. assassination bG perry tf�d pisturber dgptl{a for years before his and slept with loaded pistols I The cream of Stool You stop!" The motorman slowed up a little, and called out: "W e close 4t bond 't ou this is a mail car." of T6ougands. - Norwegian h luxuries with which the purest female id t °-: ou and Old Its Victims. s f, e �'aine's Celery Compound thing. t Releases All From its r Bondage. a s t q Mr Garrett is Made a New Mon, ' t v t�4 A well-known writer declares that dys- t pepais is a 'home fiend.' It is traly a cruel ai.. and torturing monster, and makes its M,., slaves miserable specimens of breathing l: humanity. TI pne#ny of thousands is a@eotually $�� oonq rmt by the mighty power and gentle virtues of Paine's Celery Compound, and • the victims are released forever .f =a the. srf awful tormentor, >., . This is, perhaps, the worst season of the .�the trioti�nne of dyyspQpaia, indigest- on, 6i3d 3 aibtiidt5h • troablea... , 'The Great nerve system requires strengthening; the e° '` blood, now charged with impurities, may be made pure, so that it will coarse health - k: fly and in abundance; the stomach, weak and unreliable, must be toned up. t ` Pafue's C3eleaFy a C492P4nnd }will accom- plish all these grand objects for the dyapep- ,f� ' tic, a )•fitbiru4or„the,propQr -performing of all fe's duties. Me Joseph`Ciarret, of Garrettown, writes thus: "I was laid up for months, and could not work, eat or sleep. Day after day I was getting weaker, when a friend advised me u-•rr?a~ to'•tg4 P„gicle;'e Celery, Oompop, I, did flt'r gide 'the -iitriadicine a' trial, and bdfdre the first bottle was finished, I experienced a great change. I can a�]144V e¢G, slsep; and work as well as any ordinary man, and I can truly say that Paine's Celery Compound is a wonderful medicine, and worthy of all t the praise that people can give it. I ad• <; , viae all to use it or dyspepsia; as o purifier of blood, it surely cares. i MISSIONS. rn The pages of history contain no sto- ries of greater heroism than those which record the lives of many who have been the sent ones of God, to pro- claim the good tidings to the heathen. . ` Such men as Gordon, Mackay, of Uganda, Livingstone, Hannington, Judson, Carey, Brainerd and a host of others, could with Ot. Paul say "Be ye { imitators of me'.” " ... "Who knoweth whether thou art f come to the kingdom for such a time ' as WWII A little girl was heard to say at the t {' close of her eveningprayer, `And I ft:! •^: saw a poor little girl on the street to- day, cold and hun r but it is none of our business, is it Clod?" None of us R a, would be willing to pray or say that, r but most of us are perfectly willing to M xy act it. Perhaps some one says, "I have no taste for missions; I don't like them." Well, no one has a natural taste for unselflahness in themselves, thouggh they admire it in others. But unself- ishness is desirable, and can be culti- vated- 'Any one who has been "born ajrain" can cultivate a taste for mis- sions, and must if he would be loyal:to the Master. "If we cannot give our thousands We can give the widow's mite," An old cogplet that has given comfort to>hgmands of stingy souls. BLit re- member that giving the widow's mite t is giving all. Had we not better stop and think a while before we decide ''`• that that shall be our portion? If this country needed defending, d and war were declared, how quickly our young men would rush to arms 1 How brave they would be 1 What a record of heroism many would make for. themselves) But when a nobler strife awaits them, when Christ, our great Captain, to whom they owe ev- *%� eryything, calls them to defend the Ev- erlasting Kingdom, to fight manfully against Satan s hos�howtimid, weak, halting and undecided they are. "We do not well; this day is a day of good tidings, and we hold our peace." 4 t Pills do not cure Constipation. They only aggravate. Karl's Clover Root Tea givea perfect regularity of the bowels.— Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton. s A despatch from Bombay sayt- that Samuel L, Clemens (Mark Twain) ie i seriously ill at Jeypor. Dr Rowe, editor of The American ' Field, one of the most prominent writ, era on field sports, Is dead. The Grand Lodge, Sons of England, meeting at Peterboro, elected officer and decided to meet next year ai Brantford. SPECIAL COTTON BYES, i' BEAuTIrrr, AND BwAjANT OOLORB IN DrA MOND DYES T$AT .WII.L NOT FADE-•MADI SPF.OLLLLY TOR COTTON AND MIXED GoODa- SIMPLE AND EASY TO UBF.-ADBOLtir'EL' FART -BEET IN THE Worm). Cotton is a vegetable product, while woc comes from an animal, and hence the tw are so different that it requires a differen S kind of °dya for each. The special fast cotton colors of Diamon Dyes, such as Turkey Red, Brown, Pinta 1 Purple, Yellow, Orange, and a half doze a others, are ptapared specially for cottoi gouda, and give colors that even washing i; att'dng ooapatids and exposure to the hno light will trot Ride. r Do riot riak your gdods with the eommo. m storekeeper 1 -that eo e rf worthiest d �s �r And y ^ruin Your, cod d ' ' 1, Chad Ci<�db' d � .. 'Mid Cti0 & "tt btlll ori l 0,01140 g z file ior,�e, IsD aflxoia+� ' lid kil+1 [1 fr' frig !n the dit�aal ib Eli, +►44 j 194, will ,doss a a 7,lr�irfll,�'► ' ry � .y C Yl�'rwtrlfl+ Who want to look nice, feel good and malm the moat o themselves, find me an efticlent help for I make article that makeladiea beautiful of face and' form, and healthy in body. What I do for others can be done for you. We t Can't tell all about it in this ad!vectisement. Ask Tn're 1 to a man who Bald, after can't carry y ALLEN & N�ILSON, iNllnion,Ont.,Drfaggists p y ' "Well," screamed the old lady from seeing the uxur es wt w is a the pavement, "cant a ems e r e for m book. These artielee are iall Anker was surrounded, that he ought , . . on itP" yc y iii for sum- o be a happy man, he eaclaimed, cod-liver oil Wlt�1 mer use. vV,ltat, happ y?;when ust as ou are f "If we have any trouble with Eng- �. FACE BLEACH, 1 per bottle. Clears the coplfplex- oirlg to dinhelr a letter is placed in . land," said the sad -eyed reporter, n,e,pua R1< pn, Yott must have it if you want to get rid of freckles, hypophosphYtes whose copy eylways needle revielolr be- � .t.^. moth patches, &c. our hand, saying, ' It you do not y fore it goes to the printers, `I have a FACIE P OWDEI't•—White, Flesh and Brunette, 50 cents a box. Perfection end me flue hundred pounds, I will i low your brains out." adapted to the request to make•" .,Well,, sand the for powder users. One day two tall dark men present- city editor: "I would like to go as the d themselves at his office. They bow- . war correspondent. I can speak the VOLA MONTEZ CREME 75c. in opal jars --creates and improves face d, in response to his bow, but said no- weakest dlgestlori► English language if I can't write it. beaiuty for maid, wife or widow. Foe to wrinkles. Their hand, however, began Cawker: "I have discovered what Mrs Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor 40 and 42 Cleary n fumble in their ockets, and the started the new woman craze." Cum - Releases --A1111ost as 8t.. San Francisco. Cal. Eastern Dice, 6Awashington great beaker instantly took alarm. so: "Let's have it." Cawker: "Lis- Ave., Detroit, Michigan. "Sere are the long -expected assay- • ten to this testimonial in a patent me - sins," he thought, and seizing aledger- palatable as milk. dicing advertisement: "Since taking he hurled it at the two strangers and four bottles of your Health Restorer I hpyted for assiatanc�e. Two sazea—so cents and $1.00 am a new woman."' SWEEPING MAJORITY when it appeared that the men were SCOTT & BOWNE. Belleville, Ont. Aman went into a drug store and two bankers from another city. bear- asked for something to cure a head - ng lettere of introduction to him, for ache. The druggist held a bottle of which they were nervplrsl�'huntiog at SOCIAL LIFE IN JAPAN. hartshorn to his nose, and he was near - the time o his unexpected "ainslavg ts, 1 overpowered lap its As his mortification knew no bounds. "The, for a European, lees attractive y pungency. soon as he�gcovered he began to rail THE MAJORITY OF SWEEPERS "Poor unhappy mel" he exclaimed. sides of Japanese life—the intolerably at the druggist. "But did it not help "A. yikitiul.tp,nervoppPeags, and fr>ncied,, draughty houses, three of the walla of your headache?" gasped the man, ` I "'�•� errors, and all because of nip money." which are movable, while the fourth, if it kiaven't any headache. It's my wife 'USE at all exists, is conspicuous, by its trans- that has the headache." parence, the whole structure appearing to ----- be in constant motion ; the entire and centuries to ago, poo -awful bareness of the rooms—no chairs, no pie used to fear what NhenR{a vmdlek,wegaveherossterls. gables, no bed, no stove—the impossibility they called the pes- 9 Whenshewasa Child, she cried forOastor4t, of standing upright without stiriking the f thence, "Black n. Death 11 was the head against the ceiling, of lying at full lath ftb boo%4reM*-$116411ggtoQaptttrlat, length without coming in contact with 1 mot terrible thing FOR SALE BY US. Nbenshe had Children, she gave th iasiorta, one or other of the movable walls—a risky 1 in theworldd them. —v They feared aTHE CASH GROCERY experiment—the perpetual feast, against people now fearr thee which the palate rebels, of green tea and 'Cholera and Yellow snails, with raw fish and rice ars the only Fever. And yet OGLE r change—these and all other drawbacks we there is a more terri- ( .. JJ COOPER P & e BITS OF KNOWLEDGE. gladly skip over to look into the temples ble thing than any t.,lt E and watch the young Shintu priestesses of these. There is Farm reduce taken s,8 CaBh.—Teephonae No. 28. To ascend Mount Blanc coats about performing the holy dances. Arch little a thing that ceases p more misery and 615, as there must , by .law be two, priestesses they seem to be in their re- more deaths than ",..«.,.•................ .•... «. ,........ ,..,,.�...,. ,.,, .•«•«... ;uides and a porter to 'each'person. splendent robes, and pretty enough in any of these. It is the commonest trouble 3 The centre of the city oBirming- their refined coquetry to convert any man that human beings suffer from. It is so 2 bam, England, ia?'boing' undermined by into a devoted Shintu. "They are as lov- common that nine -tenths of all the sickness f the myriads of rate infesting the sew- able and charming," says Astrid Naeru3, in the world is traceable to it. It is merely ars. The 4amage .done 0 property is "as the geishas or professional dancing that simple, common thing --constipation. incalculable. In one place no fewer girls of Nippon, and scarcely less unap There is no telling what it may lead t s but = S than 350 rats were caught in one da reachable. But reit ion and leasure it is sure to lead to something bad. Its im. RmloPm A K y P g p unpleasant effects are unpleasnt in the ex. The largest tree ever known ;n the are so commingled in Japan that one goes treine. It makes people listless, gives ? Norithwestern a Woods was cuts by the direct from worship In the temple to one them headaches, makes the digestion poor, Holt Lumber Co., in Oeonto county, or other of the countless theaters and causes dizziness, loss of appetite, 1085 of Wisconsin, recently. It was nearly dance houses that lie in the immediate sieep foul breath and distress after eating. 100 feet high, seven feed two inches vicinity. According to Japanese ideas re- All films merely because Nature has been 1� through at the base, and cut six six- ligion and pleasure are kin, and every• imposed upon, and has been refused the ONE GIVES RELIEF s, scaling over 8,500 feet. where among temples, ods and saints is little hells she needed. teen -foot to ` g p g This little help is furni shed by Doctor The pine was worth $81, when Cut into worshipped also the goddess of happiness. Pierce's Pleaisant Pellets. One pill is a logs. This is a significant feature of the char- entle laxative and two a mild cathartic. A photograph, hitherto unpublished, acter of the people. The Japs are frivol- There are two remarkable things about the c of Thomas Carlyle, is to appear in the ous, superficial, butterfly natures that " Pellets." One is that they never gripe; ....,,n,n,. n„n,•.,n. ...,w•,.•..•.e,.• n..o••v., «n,•«n.n.n.,..nu..: forthcoming book on his Chelsea home. hardly ever take life an grand segrieux. the other that they cure pefmanently. On this photograph he once wrote the "One of the prettiest spectacles in .Japan There e tl other medicine that does cure RUN OVER words: The best likeness known to la the Odori, or cherry blossom, dance, permanently. You can take any other me." medicine you like, as long as you like, and which is only to be seen in springtime at if you stop, your trouble will come back Jules Verne is now eighty-five years Kyoto. The dance commences with a pro- quickly, and the chances are the trouble ;L old. He thinks Charles Dickens the cession of young girls, who hover to and will be worse,than it was before. This This list and see if you want any Valencia Raisins off stalk F.O.S., or Selected Beedlee? greatest of all British novelists. fro, up and down, in slow tempo, swinging isn't true of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Rev S- R. Crockett, the Scotch auth- wreaths of flowers around, while their You take them until you get yourself into Raisins, New Currants thoroughly cleaned, Sultana Raisins, California or of the "Stickit Minister," writes to swaying snake -like motion shows up the perfect working order, and then you stop. Loose Mnscatel Raisins, London Layers or Black Basket. Good off stalk a friend: "I try to tell a plain tale as I resplendent colors and curious material of You don't have to take anyy more ' Pellets " RaiAine, 6 lbs for 25 cents. California Evaporated Apricots, California know it, I believe the world to be as unless after a while you do something that Evaporated Peaches, California Evaporated Plums, California Cann4 run t, ever believe was, the world as blue, their robes, which are bestrewn with deranges your digestive systeni again. We Apricots, Nectarines, Yellow Peaches, Canned Pineapple, whole, sliced or Y many -hued fantastical flowers. Gradual- are not guessing about these facts, and we pulped. Neta of all kinds, Candies, Lemons, Oranges. Finest Elme Figs, theocrers as fresh—why kee stir- ly more and more geishas dance in, the don't ask you to take our unsupported word in 10 and 20 pound boxes. Bright new Dates. -- ring all the time in the cess pool ?" last representing flowers and buds in the for it. Thousands of people have found most bizarrevourbinatious: These fling that they are true, and have testified to them. Let the druggist whosays that some- CHINAWARE—Fine Dinner and Toilet Sets cheap. Call You DON'T HAVE To SWEAR OFF cloud of petals over the spectators, while thing else is "ood 11just as gsE•1 that some - says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture with graceful motion they swing around thing else to somebody else. Don't ]et him and see our Fancy China, Glassware, and select your Xmas in an editorial about No -To -Bac, the Pam- to the mournful sounding music. The trifle with your health for the sake of a " present. oua tobacco habit cure. "Weknowofmany trailing,dreamy dance and the graceful little more profit to bimself. eases cured by No -To -Bac, one, a promi- movements of the fans exert an Irresistible World's Dispensary Medical Association, N. B—Do not forget that I have the finest quality of TEAS,and COFFEES in town nent St. Louie architect, smoked and chew- fascination. The smallest dancers ars No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. y� ed for twenty years; two boxes cared him muse air of from tour re six years, called � 7 . R O R C O I \7 •� Clinton so that even the smell of tobacco makes musums. These are dressed to represent ��^•-TM•''°"•• """""" 1 v .1 L 1J t.J v 1 �I him sick." No -To -Bao gold and guaran- off -torn petals of the sweetest and most jl�Z) '4 ?�. i I'- tr teed no care no pay. Book free, Sterling delicate hues. Some of these quaint little iJ o y'� • � Remedy Co., 374 St. an St., Montreal. elves hand round tea to the apecteetorE. It Sold by Allen & Wilson. is in mystical old Kyoto that the finest cherry dance is to be seen, and arowde i f ALL SMITHS THERE pork thither from distant places to take iii r � t utt„.s sly Cutters e part in the beautiful festival. Morey of �,� � `•` c2,: They tell the story in Dalton of a the geishas are lovely—relined, odd -look. i recent revival meeting in one of the Ing blushing little beauties in lour, rrca �S' z/1 -- rural districts of Whitfield county. tesque kimonos."—Review of Reviews. t 6 In the middle of the services the A few first-class well -made and well - preacher said: The Cook's Mistake. _ •1� "Will Brother Smith please lead in F A Prairie avenue capitalist who gained yi o finished`riUtterBi Cheap, at prayer?” the larger part of his wkalth in the saw- Seven men arose and began praying mill and lumbering Industry in Northerna4:1 _ at Once. Wisconsin is noted for the vigilauoe rvitli NUrray �11a 11i K RUMBALL, CLINTON This embarrased the preacher, and which he watches the small details of hie he said hurriedly: big business. Ai an example of this char- C "I mean Brother John Smith!" actteristic a story is told of a tour of in- yrs. At this announcementone satdown' - a and flve more got up and began pray- ju th on made by him to his logging camps in The preacher saw his mistake, iu the pine woods. Rich In the lung-heallnr vlrtves oft'.ie T"r•+ $' On this trip the Chicago lumberman was combined with the soothing and ezp-01' rt said nothing and let the 11 pray it out properties of other pectoral herbs and bat'u. grieved to notice that some of his team• among themselves. A PERFEOT OURE eters s, an too many oats b feeding their 3 r Consider Your Feet DO YOU SUFFER PAIN? horses, and was shocked by n Pow other coiesGf:rs AND C:Crre evidences of petty extravagance, but what Hoarseness, l THI'a, Eronchitis, Sora ",*, 1 Does a dull aching of nerve or muscle, or pained him most was the amount of rovi Croupand an THROAT, II ate cou l',s the acuter pangs of neuralgia, toothache, p p LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate courts r+ �i � -the work they do -how much they toil � sions consumed at the camp. He believed resist other remedies yield plornptly to . , .: m and eufPorl clothe them in kindly sbo: s, L r or lumbago make life a misery? Thous- i sods are compelled to suffer day in and flay that thin was due to the wastsfuluess of pleasant play syrup. iro k, thouh AllCh waste 19 difficult t0 PRlOB 26C. ANIS 600. PFpe.,?6�•: :I.E.1.�• which give ease and comfort to tsc:-1. Why I out simply because they are anaedgaintod tCOOAg.oro "� •. os,•'^ • b=� load them down in 111 -fitting leather shackles with the extraordinary pain -subduing pow- detect. But the Chicago man soon hit up- f �^^^- -"T "''" ' on an ingenious detective scheme by which when you can buy the most f e price foo e er of Nerviline-the great nerve pain cure. he was able to tell whether or not the ��• wear in America for the same price ay the It is certain to core nerve pain speedily. thehitfa mous Good Here elt pros made by Nerviline cares toothache, rheumatismcooks were oconomlcal to the use of sup- � NALLAGES the famous Goodyear Welt process which It i powerful:plies. considers the form and inclinations of yoar foot,— penetrating lumbago etc. I e penetrating and effectual. Sold every- At all the camps a pig was kept and Ped which yields to its eccentricities and helps it to do its �+ where. on the scraps from the woodsmen's tables. may be cured. We duty. Made from beat imported calf-akin—black or After a c isit to the pig pen he approached treat all seznAl dii:an ten. Stamped on the sole $3.00, 84.00, $5.00 per pair. Master: "Look here, my man, are the cook with a friendly smile and re- you out of work?" Dennis: "Yes, marked aea men. FourovThe Slater Shoe for Mena sorr; I am that." Master: "Well, I "Ah, Antoine, that's a fine, fat pig you gjfive — want a man for odd jobs, i'll give you have there. Couldn't you just as weld ess,menbd--Ty, ten shillings a week and our keep. food another ?" attaok� of" the blues,"` y As Antoine was wise he replied: — K— Is it a go?' Dennis: "It's sorry O1 aro but paying the pen. am, sorr, but I can't accept. Oi've got "No; we can't keep more than one. We t` to march in the procession of the un- baven't onough scraps." +dt1� early Ez°s employed poor next week, yor honor." At the next camp the same question was Tho -dread alarm Of WN. TAYLORP � SONS, Sole Agents for Clinton. asked the unsuspecting Peter, and he L pdency,theexhaLs- Consumption is oared by the use of promptly replied: tIonofSpermatosr'b�a Shiloh'a Cure. This great Cough Care is "why, yes 1 We could food another plR ' the only fe ed for that terrible disease,— just as well as not. Send us one." p May be CUREDSCts. gold by otnWj Clinton, Then the lumberman found the cam inttyfct can atersi ss,! foreman and said: "OBrien, you will ,xgw,�expe" a ��yyr�q���� �{ �� �" ° "^ " �'V, JOHN FORETHOUGHT. have to discharge that cook of yours. He fMdtator r frAtseew book. w�' SON �ii�Of� $� laws' I can feed too many pigs.—Chicago Chron- >MfA MOOD" s,3 Years, Xv?cporiofno0 "John," said a wife who wets auppos- [Cie. is atraraisrfe>r 44fdift BrEnciitlal+r1 ed to be on her death bed, "{n case of COIC en ,1 qq ;� � eau my death, I think a man of our Li1�G YEDICAI. C�r� 8n11�Qa Mayo " cfr m and fs nom' y Rev G. A. Anderson, pastor of the — ereraoterraaeA—Kid n tempr'rai;ment and domestic nature, i a 1Cidnrp and Slad- aside from the good of the children, English church on the Mohawk re- :B,9i% ,i,U6r T�i"'t=8#3r � troublm perm■aeati should marry again." serve, Deseronto, is dead. creel—pt«yGonarr vrr�qko«feaae "'Do you think an, my dear?" FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREE ■ wlthattt pd1�"g' "I certainly do, after a reasonable NO ,WAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH st ill Bl TJ1a7/irai fated length of time." DEATH SEEMED PREFERABLE TO T g AND ASTRACHAN PINE, safierlr from tlir �g of Well, now, do you know, my THE AGONIZING PAIN. loses ram" Iadla¢re�tlon■, I dear, that relieves my mind of a -- The latter of whish we make a specialty- ME—_; i q .Nervous igreat burden. The little widow Jen- Mrs Roadhoaae, of Williaoroft, P. 0., �� ► ' b kine fab acted rather demure toward Ont„ writes: "I have used Dr. Agnew's LARGE STOCK ON HAND.w� , .e me since you were taken sick. She Is once far the heart since last fall, hexing 1*7 err gad ath4 y taken in all nine bottles, and I Dow feel The shave ornamental treees, a and shrubbery w ' a■ r b1e pt flu! I not the woman that you are, a strong- thing goad at very tow connection and those wanting an K M minded, intelligent woman of char- entirely like another woman. I am 54 thing in this oonaeotibn wilt save money by pn MO6e• I actor, but she is plalmp and pretty', heart old, and hese beme troubled with 0haeinghere. fihatoo rearfregw t>e. - and I think would make the a desirable heart frf disease for more twenty yearn; some- ]bya sla'�� knit or urningregirattiOm-"- times for flue home at a time oufferin 0"dere by Halite{ld be promptly attendeden■ cempArlledbrargrht rmardngor reareHur,aed I wife." g to. Address, miggamanaerthAVM%ateanrot famelure +*0"7 ► such agony that death seemed preferable cuaty,ignorrmtafthedptr. 91hr nr WM row—tea The next dak Mrs Jtihn was able tb to the pain. The cold sweat would stand JOHN 9TEWART BENMILY.E es, and tacAnhr rater e h Of 1�� ��r�• trw t sit tip, the followin da she went cutin rent beads non m fees. The t unabltmtbcalt, +,►sacks fa1}MW tkls'eitlrrlrtararar�llave, I down stairs. and on Che third day she g p y r ar', �wttIrsullitnirtwekiMrs •far teitiaa�s Ilallnt#on this Pape e►lwlt. �a, ti smart Care gnus me relief from almost ,Y�1FTS YNMNLkNS : F msn -1s,, rn, LIF t pi rd. dtafai'rr to Y11 i+ e• i. i was planning for a new dress. , a ... _..the first doer and bas proved a great ,tld, tttonc' s,t nIGi iiAlbffHbM',IiCiNtYll.•, •: bio Xririfimr': >l ilr+'-� 'ii�*. r e tlirtlil a a e 'YoSf are dcf'13bort to ubliah t}a£d Ii9tYb�- i � < > t ., s,5 ��R11'"`�1�,t3dlCt ,slit .,N7.L•+^7 :!� •,!'.• P1 c it you t ink go dein tt 004il R bis. l q.., / YY,17y) , y (. y6a ,..{,J (. L }tj ■�rw ,f.rl..... ,... ,� , ;.• 7. •� '•1<` A l .. �Y. .¢ ILL.�1y�1 •.. r�' �I�II f.,4 MiIM ..i Sb i ''t-.... '.'.el -i.". - L �% .L -ice•. ,y y'. q. ,{ 'A:•1�Y . :> '. 11 , JAp,Yritl..'f}i�'%.1 ,�. V � , k�.�•F � rrww,���. � � jCA��: :': " ., J , t .. .w'.. •' .. 6nfi'•'• �Y!'{ !l7 l '"1'.`a�§ n . YY. ! .. :, •.. ... ,,. a '.r ..,: ." , , ey spy J i, , ,.1 i %i,► all r, �a D �. S i, ,b TH� M m� 1 v i TREES .f ill v r flans of the bladder. oft a.cnkening oft a a�■te mea who die o this diffi ffuel cdAe in all Aneh bee iftltntiaa free. Tftofle 1r16dtclua te+t�>tic�i`e Cc tactics •