HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-03-20, Page 3it
. ,
Y'm , - ou"NO
r� f V)*H OVEF, MON and 'WXXJk -
Contains no Injurlons Drugs 1 Every ingredient is a Health Builder, Certain'and Permanent Relief is guaranteed in oases of Con'
stiitatian,�Dyspe�ieia, Nervousness, All Weaknesses, Blood and Skin Diseasam It is based on t}lyyogrine instead of Alcohol. For Pro-
duoing Soft, Clear Skin and Bright Complexion and Relieving all ills Peculiar to Women it te.Unettrpasstld.
�. .• Sold at ALLEN & WILSON'S Drug Store, 0114tton. Be certain to trot 11XA b7L1WY'S-" Take No other
NEWS NOTES Dr. Henryheeler, of Media, is was so strongly denounced when Parlia-
seriousl il� with acute rheumatism meat met, even by Conservatives that they
The town of Thamesville was the
He wasyto have preached his farewell
rescinded the obnoxious order, but there is
.scene of a sad fatality I esulting in the
sermon to his congregation there in the
no guarantee they will not pass it again
the—yes—when the them
death of James Miller, a teamster in
First Methodist on Sunday.
when sloganoalle
the employ of Pet guson Bros. He was
He was unable to leave his bed, but
to the fray.
driving tti team attached to a load of
his wife took the pulpit and delivered
(o) Fearing the elections of 1882 they
wood, when the horses ran away and
an eloquent sermon, and made the
farewell for the sick husband.
struck a, cowardly blow at the liberties of
the load upset and fell on the driyer,
the people by gerrymandering the eoustit.
Killing him instantly.
Cestoda oures bumheea and Wind colla,
uenoies,wbich scandalous measure disfran-
The teachers of D tmouth have in-
Rescued From Insanity.
chins tens of thonsands of their political
opponents and stifles the true voice of the
stituted a suit for libe ainst a mem-
her of the Local School card, Mr I.G.
GENTLEMEN,—To say all I ought to in fa-
people at the polls.
(p) Fearing still more the elections of
Leslie, because he stated, at a board
meeting, that the penmanship of all of
vor of B.B.B. would bedmpoesible. It hes
been a great health restorer to me and I do
1887 they struck again at the public liber -
them, except the principal, was bad.
swear by it. I am a different man to what
tine by forcing through Parliament the
infamous Franehiae Act which inflicts en -
T hey deny the truth of the statement,
and have concluded to carry the mat-
I was ten years ago when it was expected I
would be in the asylum, but now I am in
ormous expense alike on the country and
candidates, and places the preparation of
ter into the law courts,
perfect robust health and it was the B.B.B.
the voters' lists ander the control of paid
Did -oboe t"ef'r `stup to ' think how.
European le so much
t did it. .I suffered for five or six years
from constipation, sometimes so severely
Government agents and which can be and
man iot'rthe eo
y p p ,
that I went out of my mind.
is, especially in outlying Provinces and rid -
in the public eye are well on in years
QueertltVictoria is avail seven(
y y'
I tried various doctors, both in the conn-
sage grbsely abased to disfranchise op on-
ants, and prevent a fair election and an
severr,o-Peinoe Hohenlohe is seventy-
one, - Count Glaluohowsky, the new
try and in the city, end took medicines
too numerous to mention, but everything
honest count.
Ausbriaai,Chaalcellol�' is sixty-seven;
failed to have the desired effect. When
(q) The "bleeding" of public contractors
Sig.Austrian, .i, the ,Italian Premier, is
I used Bardook Blood Bitters it succeeded
has been redaoed to a science, and a Minis-
seventy-seven; the.Pope and Mr Glad-
beyond all expectsions, requiring only two
ter of the Crown not only secures for a
stone are eighty six, and Prince Bis-
bottles to cure rue. To make it still more
that B.B.B. is the real care for
railway promoter a large government sub.
aidy with one hand and takes $28,000 of
marck is eighty-one.'
constipation, I may say that some
the Swag for politioal purposes with the
Diseased blood, tonsil ation, and
P y
two years afterwards I felt the symp-
other, but brazenly Brie a his fingers in the
liver-�kn'tt bweI' troubles are oared by
Karl 1W-'Glo"bet'-Root Too. For sale by J.
toms returning end took one bottle more
andfrom that time to this present day
tate of parliament and eolaree he will do
it again tinder Similar circumstances.
H. Oiibie, Clinton:
(over eight years) I have never bad any
• -
Clla�lea, nayt@A. a gent county farm-
returns of the disease.
I knew medicine to work so
er, eoitnpl lined to the Toronto police
never any
last e"rldug that lie had been robbed
by two, strangpre of $300, while drink-
well. It does net seem to be a more reliever
but a sure and certain care as I can testify
them at the bar of the
to, for hundreds of dollars' worth of meds-
urerican Hotel, between four and five
oine and ildviae failed to do me any good
o'ciock in the afternoon. He said that
but three dollars worth of B. B. B. made
he had drawtl the money from, the
a permanent cure that has given me years
Dominion Batik° that afternoon,' and
of health and comfort.
Having himsglf been bene&ted by the use
had shown his bank book to these
Yours truly, C. L. KlLxua, Toronto.
of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, Rev.
chance acquaintances whom he met in
Father Hinehey, of St. Joseph's church,
the hotel.
The Political Situation.
Hamilton, Ont., followed the counsel of the
Word was received at St. Thomas,
Thursday, from Simcoe, that David
— —
Hon. James Young of Galt, formerly a
good book, and carried the good news to
oth'ere. One of his parishioners, Mies Mag -
Cram, who lives seven or eight miles
member of the House of Commons and
of the Ontario Legislature, contributes
gie Melody, had been a sufferer from I" -
flaenza. Father Hinehey knew how much
west of Simcoe, was frozen to death on
Sunday morning' It seems that Cram
to the Globe a three -column article
good this remedy had done in case of cold
in the head with himself, and recommend -
tow his father and brother were in
town on -Saturday and it is said drank
on the political situation dwelling ar•
P g P
ticulerly upon the dangers of coercion
ed it to Miss Melody for her case, who, over
a good deal. Un reachin home David
and the inefficiency of the present Gov•
which he says is more than weak.
her own signature, has written: "I have
used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder for
was unable le walk to t e house and
was left asleep in the barn covered
ernment y
After referring in strong terms to the Re-
influenza and found it a groat remedy. In
th a borne blanket, Next morning
medial Bill, he goes on to sa It need sur-
g y'—
no'one that the affairs of the Domin-
fact it gave me relief almost at once. I
can with pleasure highly
P g y recommend it to
he was found frozen to death.
ion generally have been drifting on the
all who are suffering from this malady."
rocks, and that in every department of gov-
One short puff of the breath through the
ernment, legislative and administrative,
gross abases have been permitted and prac-
blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr Ag.
new's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this pow-
der over the surface of the
tised to an extent heretofore unparalleled
in our experience. Let ne as briefly ae
nasal passages.
Painless and delightful to rise, it relieves in
One of hardship and con-
possible enumerate some of the wall -es-
10 minutes, and permanently cures catarrh,
hay fever, colds, headache, sore throat,ton
tablisbed results of their policy and prac-
silitis, and deafness* 60 cents. Sample
Stant exposure
(a) They have run up the gross public
bottle and blower sent on receipt of 10 cents
debt from $174,000,000 to $318,000,000 since
in stamps or silver. S. G. Detchon, 44
Frequently the most ragged constitutions
taking office, nearly $8,500,000 per annum,
Church St., Toronto. Sold by Watts cPG
(b) They have increased the annual
are broken down—A prominent farmer
cost of government from $23,500,000 to
tells of the Wonderful Recuperative
$38,000,000, nearly three times as mach
The Ministers;at Ottawa are consid.
powers of a Famous Medicine.
as at Confederation.
(0) Under the N. P. the exodus has large-
ly increased, in large-
ering a suggestion thrown out to them
with a view to prolonging their ex's-
oar growth population
ly decreased. Thelast censaa shows that
two or three months longer, to
submit to the Supreme Court whether
(The Assiniboian, Salteoate, N.W.T)
the percentage of our growth in population
Parliament dies on April 26th or June
Everyone around Yorkton knows Mr Dan
in Ontario and Quebec fell off nearly 50
11th: The Supreme Court generally
Garry, and what a pushing, active business
per cent or one-half, the actual decline
gives judgment in references submit -
farmer he was until la grip took bold of
being in Ontario from 18 per cent to 9
ted to them about a year afterwards.
him, and when that enemy left him, how
per cent and the Maritime Provinces from
At present there is a reference in re -
Listless and unfitted for hard toil he became
about 14 per cent. actual stagnation.
g d to the fisheries before the court,
For months he Suffered from the baneful
(d) Daring the same decade, twenty of
ait has been waiting for a decision
after effects of the trouble, and althopghhe
the finest Ontario counties lost population,
f more than a year. There would
still endeavored to take his Share of tlfefarm
thirty once prosperous towns and villages
be an appeal to the Privy Council, and
work, he found that it was very trying; he
increased less than 200 persons each, and
of course the Government would re -
had become greatly weakened, had lot}.1 both
no less than 27 actually retrograded and
main in power until the Supreme
appetite and ambition, and was tirbd' wi'6h
-declined in numbers.
Court would give judgment, and also
the least exertion. He tried several reme-
(e) Under a revenue tariff from 1868 to
until the appeal was decided. The
dies without deriving any benefit, and as
1873—the first six years of Confederation—
late Chief Justice Ritchie always de -
one after the other held failed, he dotermin-
our commerce expanded in value $86,000,-
Glared that the court should be better
000. Since then, with protection in fall
for 16 the expansion
engaged than considering such ques-
tions, because they
Swing years, greatest
were biudin upon
above the returns of 1873 and1874 was only
nobody and the Glovernment did sot
$30,000,000, and the average annual valuerequire
to accept the decision unless it
of our trade during the last ten years was
suited them.
only 81,100,000 more than the figures
reached 22 years agol
„My baby had croup and was saved by
y,Fz �J
(f) It is claimed and I believe c)rreotly,
Cnr, A writes Mrs J. B. Martin,
of Hu
Huntsville, Ala-Sold by J. H. Combe,
that Shipping of the Maritime Provinces
has declined from 890,810 tons in 1884 to
489,765 tons in 1895 nearly 50 per cent in
It is no lieved that Mr Frank W.
twelve years.
Brown, co for of taxes for the town
(g) The Government bowls loyalty and
waves the old flag day and night but die-
cards the British for the Yankee trade
of Sault S arie, who was found
dead in his dWce, was murdered, as
two bullets ad through his
policy, and taxes John Bull's goods 22 per
cent. and Brother Jonathan's only 12,}
No COLD OR Coran is too severe to yield
per cent,
(h They have bnrthened our farmera.
to the curative power of Dr. Wood's Norway
ed to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial.
I' lermen, mariners, traders, professional
pine8 rup. It has cured thousands of cases
He felt ao utterly worn out that several
men, mechanics, and working and produc-
experimental shipment of apples
boxes of the pills were taken before he
ing classes generally with taxation estim-
from Canada to Australia has proved
found any benefit, but with the firat Signa
of improvement he took fresh courage, and
ated at notices than$60,000,000 per annum,
about one-half of which goes into the Do-
a lailrtr•e, bnt the many influence,
tending t, .:.ted that result were of
eontinned taking the pills for 3 months, by
minion treasury, and the other half into
such a na.r t r•• i hat a profitable traria
the end of which time he was again an ac-
the pockets of a few protected and favored
nee(1 not. ih �. In' re6aidedas impossible.
tive hustling man, feeling better than he
had for' yearn. Mr Garry tells his own
(i) Although they have nearly doubled
Air 1, W u, . , rtop, Secretary of t he
Ontario Fruit -(bowers' Association,
Story in the following letter to to the Annie-
taxation, they have had $17,729,000 in
and Mr G. W. Cline, of Winona, made
deficits since taking office, $4,153,000 of
the experiment, and the fruit, was
DEAR Stn.—"After'a severe attaok of Is
which was daring the last two years.
handled in Australia by Mr A.F. Win -
grippe I was unable to recover my former(j)
and activity, I had no ambition for
The chief industry of Canada —farm-
ing—was never so depressed as sinoe the
ter, who makes a specialty of selling;
Canadian goods on commission. The
either work or pleasure, and to Use a popa-
advent of the N. P., and farms have fallen
failure was due in a great measure to
Jar phrase, "did not care whether school
from 30 to 40 per cent in value.
the spoiling of the apples in transport.
kept or not." I tried varione medicines
without deriving-spy-berrefi 1mm them:---
(k) The spoils system has been worked
for all its worth and even Senatorships
Although they were wrapped separate -
ly in blotting paper, and all reasonable
With not much hope 7 decided to try Dr.
have been kept vacant And allowed to 00 -precautions
until some
taken, only 45 of the 113
bushels were marketable. In
Williams' Pink Pills, and was agreeably
Bumnlate political emergency,
bartered for
ever yy
a large
pleased to find after a few boxes, a decided
and notorionaly partizan ser.
vice apd support.
variety proportion were spoil-
ed. The duty of one shilling a bnshel
chahge for the better. My' appetite, which
f liegan to look for
(1)' Mlllione bltbe been wasted in tbd cord=
has since been removed. If the trans -
failed me, returned, and
my meals half an,.Jlonr.before time, and I
of Such public works m the St.
portation problem can be solved with -
was able to get-Arotiud"with my old time
Charles Branch Ra way, the Gelops Rapid
out undue expense the trade may yet
vim. I continued the use of the Pink Pills
Channel, Sheiks Ial'snd Data, the Curren
become profltable.
for three monthoo-and find myself now bet-
Pridge,.Carsgqnat Railway and Tay Canal,
some of whidh are simply oorrapt election
Centuries ago, people need to fear what
' $out e therefore depend
ter than ever.ru y• p
upon it that from this oat I will be found
kites, all of which ha a cost, in the Public
they called the pestilenoe. "Black Death"
the in
among the thousands of other enthusiastic
Works and Railway De omenta, from
two k ten times as Ddpae their original
was most terrible thing the irorld
to them. They feared it a- people now
adrnfrers ppf Dr. Williams wonderfnl health
restorink =Iioino.
estimates, the St. Charles Branch Railwity
fear the Cholera and Yellow Fever. And
Yours gratefully, DAN GAIIR2
for example, eatimeted at $136,000, having
cost $1,740,000 at last accounts:
yet there [s a thing that causes more e.
sty and more deaths than any of thesoeo
Dr. �VilliAme' Pink Pills strike at the
m) The latter reports have revealed in
( p
It is es common that Wino -truth- of all the
sickness in the world i13 tr0ce..ble to it.
roof of t o dine&se, drivino it from the eye
regard tb the shipping dock contracts of
it ib merely that wimple, common tbing
tem an Jestoringthe patient to health and
McGreevy & Cbnndl y that, either thrbugh
eonetipation It makes people lisflosa
strengt Tri oaeeb of paralyrib; spinal thb negli�ArSoe dE obNnivan@e of the thdn oanses dizzineae, headaches, lose of apps-
J tronb es locomotor ataxia, rheumatism, WWAde of Public works, the Dominion tite, lose of Sleep, foul breath hnd distresn
soiatica, erysipelas, acrofnloaa troubles, Treasury was robbed of over 8950,000, a after eating. The little help needed is fhr-
ete., these pills are superior to all other considerable portion of which found its waynfehod by Ur PieroO'- Pleasant Pellet9.
treatments. They aro also a Specific for bank from the contractors into the Cosset- One pill is a gentle laxative, and two a
the troubles which makes the lives of so vative election funds, of which Mr Me- mild cathartic. Once need, always in fa -
many wolrlori a -burden, and speedily re- Greevy was the treated &rid Honored Treas- vonIt yon aro careless enough to let an
stored the rioh glow of health to pale and urer for nearly a quarter of a eent4y. unebtnpoloaa druggist sell you something
dalIow oheeke, Men •brokon clowfebyovdi' (n) Whetl the elections Ivers lhmineut on which he makes more•monev, it is your
work, worry or excesses -will find in Pitek lust spring,.the Government bssti(y passed owli fault if yon do not get well. Be sure
'Pius, a certain, cure. sold by all dealers an ordeer m-Cou roil Oanting $2,500,000 to,and )let Dr Pferoe% Pleasant pellets.
or lout-by-nAil, postpaid, at Goo a, bolt, or the fa c Htadron.-Bay 4rv., This Sdad 31ots in one benGSlatrdlrsto World's
dreg n fro
;e,0'' if fi I7.
or 9 �
w 14 i ` b ser • Ih a
6 •� rl cilia' Aaaobt (ton Bid to
t i
Medical a
fJi1lllritniM' uJ>�ildioitfa.� olripitli, $roakile, t;ttd"rdbt�i a' `lex Pfbrt:d'e 1009` 8
r tf tt d nobly tater ft rdoili 6 „ . a
4ht. iAf'b,oirli , >Xp d fnifititif3edke oci3eJ61 �tdvlbtt #o rd•
:rtI,f;",ar�.,. " l' 1 llrt ►>2rt° ,° p,y
alM,1� s!`.,•l ail,'U ftldf 1j';k, r,or:ly .
„i�Y.., .►.�.A.:Y tt�&fistau.l_.ui J..v..-.-.. • �� .. r v .. .•� � .,.. A,. ..v -U - . -. `V .... 21
Terrific Coriab4t Widolt W1AR11r ]tended 406'
tb* car X4114 Xecaie.
"Did you ever know tjiat ,tt m is p
deaplly olatlpot11.T betweon .a opal moB
water eAako pqd an eolt" asked t1ko, d•Aber.
iqh. -Well, I never Knew lx UP01 eR
experlonoa I bad In witnessing A figlit 4,
swoon the two. Pereo4aily. 14,4ve the
ratess dread of eels. I'm, aurora afraid
of them than I am of a onak% and you
can imagine nay chagrin when I h4ppen-
94 to hook one on opts of my tfsbing vac
peditione. I was ofrai3 to to ah it, and
all I could do was 0 let it dangle in the
air. I could not get It off My hook and
I was meditating what to do When alto-
gether unnoticed I allowed the Blimp ob-
joot to drop Into the water. In a moment
I sew a big water snake make a dive for
it. At the Stab plunge it oaught the nook
of the eel squarely between its teeth, and
I could see it sink its ugly Lange Into the
eel's flesh. I waited anxiously to s• -e the
developments. With Its grim hold still
on the eel's nook, the snake, quick as it
takes to tell It, wrapped its sinuous body
around Its antagonist's nook in an effort
to squeeze It to death, . The body of the
eel was too sleek, however, and the snake's
Boils, despite all it could do. would slip
down into the water. Time and" time
again it tried to squeeze the life out of
Its antagonist, never for an Instant re-
leasing Its hold -on the eel's nook, but the
body of the latter was too sleek for it and
every time it would slip dawn. Finally
the book broke and' the eel made good
Its escape. "—Indianapolis Sentinel.
Wolves In Norway.
During the last two or three years
wolves have without doubt increased con-
siderably in Norway. Not only have they
committed a good deal of damage among
domestic animals, but in some oases the
elk have been so persecuted by them as to
be obliged to take refuge among the
haunts of men. Last winter, in Selbo
district, near Trondhjeta, the remains of
several elk wake found in the forest, while
the tracks of the bloodthirsty brutes show-
ed plentifully in the snow all around,
while many more of the big deer must un-
doubtedly have fallen victims to their
ravenous appetites. Two men drtving In
a sleigh with sleepers for the railway
came across a big elk in sora plight ; three
of the pack which batt attacked hlpkt lay
around dead or dying, pierced with his
great antlers, while he himoolf could bare-
aro-ly stand. Needless to say, tke ,worthy
peasants made the most of the occasion;
they killed the unhappy bull, and they
claimed and received the Government re-
ward for each of the wolves.
Only, however, when they are in droves
will wolves attack the larger animals. At
first they try to stalk their intended vio•
tim, and then, springing upon him witb
long bounds, they endeavor to pull it
down ; failing in this they proceed to hunt
it in the most methodical manner, two or
three following the quarry closely, the
others endeavoring to cut off its retreat by
lying in wait and bouuding to its throat.
In spring and summer wolves are rarely
seen, as they keep for the most part to the
solitude of the woodlands, but in says.
cold and stormy weather they collect to
gether in packs and descend to the more
open and inhabited tracks of the country.
While herding his reindeer during the
long winter of the far :forth, the Lap•
lander must be on his guard against the
marauding wolves. Frequently for weeks
together there is no sign of the common
enemy ; than, without warnfag, the -urged
the watcher rings out over the snow,
"The wolves are afoot I" And, howeves
blinding the snow, however dark tte
night, ail the inhabitants of the little
camp rush forth to defend the animals
which to them represent wealth, slothlos,
food, existence itself. In such a raeles
the smell, wiry daai�,s, of which the Laps
always keep a null., perform an iia•
portant part, barking and snapping at
their opponents in the most plucky way,
and dietmoting their attention genersily
until the arribal of their owners upon tke
seem.—Pall Mall Gazette.
People really do not know how often the
crgel of death hovers over them. Mr. R.
11. %Watkins, 173 I3ay st., is•a barber by
tra,le, and gave our representative this
ht itory of his escape from the dis-
ont^r hvhich was rapidly carrying him to
„elves Mr. Watkins is a skillful and
ed man, and is now enabled to
hi:,; s!:J1 from morning till night,
•ire 1 ^!ore he was unable to regularly
t :' •s ills chosen calling. This is Mr.
'<fns'story as related by himself.'
P r over tl,rec years I have been
U•- .,•'�:,1 v.itli what the doctors said was
tIr -t'.: Itiscasc, was getting rapidly
and could scarcely attend to my
ly at,kles were swollen, the
hs at in my back were almost
,I•e u-inc wa t of a dark wine
r 1, .^ :n,l it wank t', drihi le away continn-
,,ily 1 lta'1 to rise y or to tunes each night
, v,,id the urine, and c<.nsequently lost
n•-riv all my sle.-p. Tl.e scalding heat
, ,.lin in pa,,i i:,g the urine were painMI
i i .listressing beyond my feeble power
t . • acrihe. People who did not know
tr •thle usr"d to laugh at my frequent
: Jt., to the urinal. My hands and feet
i;r., ,,:•rays cold and clammy, and I suf-
I •r,�.i .everdy from palpitation, shortness
of hr,' ,'t, ami was, in fact, almost a total
,.•nn.;'.. i rot a box of Doan's Kidney Pills
from ?user,. R. llooper & Co., and im-
pi I tt once. I have used two boxes
ant f rl like a new man ; can now work
r.g!it alr.na and at 12 P.M. feel like working
right abo:t(l. Had I not got those pills I
feel that I would not have been working
to -+'.Y. M words only faintly express
ti,: r,t,,P iful condition I was in,.and the
woo,ierful cure made by Doan's Kidney
T'or sftle lay ALLAN & WILSON
V19"Ma tr"dtl.srid IoW" of ui".dlotue but rl" 60 u
aniforer.. afro �prm end. ppaM Ot'du, Wilier. I. G.
7200T x.d, 'LAE We ldalAtSb tkreit Toiotfkl Out
���tiXilll .��"rhlltll�,I ��I��I
—AND --
The v`abscribbr, hotvittg the very West3mpproved
Inachinbry,and ttiaproviug the ;moist skilleAWork-
men IS able to da Wbilt fn bis line 14 th6 m Est
satid oo orf. i obisto'-#,t xeKrotl Illi tfthif 444
�d1oalrw[hgiluhynrti�ywtytt6LtciCb: ' lk ibiisltsii
fla.UtIft WWn dUt4d0' *bib foes ' 71t 'ttlates the stow .Ih and b
gira�,.Iibl►%thT k>ttrl"r4ittnx'al rice).
Castorla in pmt rip coo, ane -moo Uo 4* only. It is not told in nmD6
ifon't shoal any: one to MM V ix tLm, ilsg else, oa tie -)lest or �remisg 7
that it to "Just ms 4rood7'r and"wiliAnaver every purpose." l^
See that you get c -A -S -T -04L -I -A.
The iso-a#mile is on evert,
signature of
Children Cry for PitcheesCastelrlas,
Who Does Not Know♦ •
That Christmas will soon be here, and that in order to properly observe
it you must have a good pudding, and that to have a good pudding you
must have good material to work with. Granted that you already
know this much we wish to inform lyou that we have the material of
the highest quality at a very reasonable price. We have also the in-
ferior quality at a lower price, but much prefer giving you the best, -as
it is cheapest in the and. Everything you need in the way of
Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spices, Figs, &c.,
As low as any, quality considered. We are in a position to sell as cheap
as others, and will give se good yalue in any line of goods we handle as
can be got in town.
OUR TEA.3 are the best to be had for the money, try them. If you have not
tried "Salada" you should do so, as almost daily we are getting new customers
for it. The beat 40 cent COFFEE in town; try that also. A shipment of_Din-
ner and Toilet Sets just in. Call and examine goods and prices.
NearPostOfl'lce=CEN RXL GROC;rflk '—Telephone 40 -`
Not Givin g up Business !
But continuing with fnll lines of seasonable goods.
. ................
New Flannels, and Flannelettes
New Cotton and Woollen Blankets
New Tweeds, Trouserings, etc.
New Ladies' Underclothing
New Readymade Clothing
New shirts and Drawers
New Dress Goods
ROCERY::Don't trust to luck, it may assist you, but more often leaves you in the
lurch. Use good judgment and buy where you get a good article.
New Raisins, New Currants, New Figs
11 Prunes, , " Dates, " Peels
66 Walnuts, " Filberts, Peas
16 Canned Salmon " Blueberries, Corn
11 Tomatoes, " Mackeral, Herring
Our stock of Crockery, Lamps and Fancy China for Christmas
is worth your while to examine.
The Finest
taken by
H FO ST ..sur...,
.. l�:t: r 4 '• i
SiIlTY Tears' obaervwtion ad Cattdrlttyrith tilts pststiasto ts!'
a anion of xUrsoUng t us, to speak of it without .
It it ms guestioni IZ the bast resgtedy los Imf<ants ;tno#
as svarld star ever mtaarn: It is harmless. CMM -6A 'WW f it,' ' 'It
Lives them health. It vrill save 'their liver. 11, it Matters lts4w
sometb 11 wMoh is abwrint & sabe and praotioallii;�erieot Sts m
oWd's medicine.
Cast" destroys Worms.
Custom" allays F�
Qastorla prevents vomiting Sottw curd.
Cestoda oures bumheea and Wind colla,
Qastorls relieves Teething Trouble,
castorin 0U"W,'C2nst"tibm a" Flatulency.
Onstarlr 'neutretlih- the etdffentr` of carbonic mold gas or polsoi ane stiq
Oastorls does not oo ataiit mQr ,biale}_gpiUm, or other narcotic�ro t
fla.UtIft WWn dUt4d0' *bib foes ' 71t 'ttlates the stow .Ih and b
gira�,.Iibl►%thT k>ttrl"r4ittnx'al rice).
Castorla in pmt rip coo, ane -moo Uo 4* only. It is not told in nmD6
ifon't shoal any: one to MM V ix tLm, ilsg else, oa tie -)lest or �remisg 7
that it to "Just ms 4rood7'r and"wiliAnaver every purpose." l^
See that you get c -A -S -T -04L -I -A.
The iso-a#mile is on evert,
signature of
Children Cry for PitcheesCastelrlas,
Who Does Not Know♦ •
That Christmas will soon be here, and that in order to properly observe
it you must have a good pudding, and that to have a good pudding you
must have good material to work with. Granted that you already
know this much we wish to inform lyou that we have the material of
the highest quality at a very reasonable price. We have also the in-
ferior quality at a lower price, but much prefer giving you the best, -as
it is cheapest in the and. Everything you need in the way of
Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spices, Figs, &c.,
As low as any, quality considered. We are in a position to sell as cheap
as others, and will give se good yalue in any line of goods we handle as
can be got in town.
OUR TEA.3 are the best to be had for the money, try them. If you have not
tried "Salada" you should do so, as almost daily we are getting new customers
for it. The beat 40 cent COFFEE in town; try that also. A shipment of_Din-
ner and Toilet Sets just in. Call and examine goods and prices.
NearPostOfl'lce=CEN RXL GROC;rflk '—Telephone 40 -`
Not Givin g up Business !
But continuing with fnll lines of seasonable goods.
. ................
New Flannels, and Flannelettes
New Cotton and Woollen Blankets
New Tweeds, Trouserings, etc.
New Ladies' Underclothing
New Readymade Clothing
New shirts and Drawers
New Dress Goods
ROCERY::Don't trust to luck, it may assist you, but more often leaves you in the
lurch. Use good judgment and buy where you get a good article.
New Raisins, New Currants, New Figs
11 Prunes, , " Dates, " Peels
66 Walnuts, " Filberts, Peas
16 Canned Salmon " Blueberries, Corn
11 Tomatoes, " Mackeral, Herring
Our stock of Crockery, Lamps and Fancy China for Christmas
is worth your while to examine.
The Finest
taken by
H FO ST ..sur...,
.. l�:t: r 4 '• i