HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-03-20, Page 1at a store where you know that
what you order you're going to
get. That's the kind of a store
thfe is, there's no wending back
pants bought here to be length-
. ened or shortened, tightened
or .broadened. You have fit,
style, comfort the first go off,
and the further satisfaction
that the price was as pleasing
as the rest of the transaction.
Supposing you try us for Pante
We've just opened up some
very nobby lines of Spring
-Neckwear. They're different
from what's been shown be-
fore, the very newest things
for spring.
Our new Clothing and
Furnishing Departm't
In the Rattenbtry St.
Hodgens Bros
1yest Wawanosh.
FARM SOLD.- John Mills has pur-
chased his brother William's farm of
50 acres for $300. This is a first-class
farm and conveniently situated to Mr
Mills' other property. He is now land
owner to the extent of 400 acres, be-
sides several village lots.
DEATH. -Word has been received
from London by the friends of the
late Wm. Phelan, telling of his death
in the nunnery of that place about the
15th of February. He went to London
a little over a year ago, prior to which
he resided on the 3rd con. Deceased
was upwards of eighty, and a life long
member of the Roman Catholic church.
NoTEs.-Nearly all the farmers of
this community attended the monthly
horse fair at Blyth last, week, and re-
port a very big crowd, but business
�� was very dull. Chas. Washington is
at present under the weather, having
a severe attack of grip; Charles' many
friends hope he may soon be restored
to his former state of health. "R. A. -
McKenzie and family visited at H.
Finigan's, of Ashfleld, over Sunday.
Mr and Mrs J. Washington visited the
latter's parents, near Clinton, a couple
of days last week. Robt. Medd was at
Whitechurch last week on business.
Mias Cox, of Dakota, is spending a few
weeics visiting friends and relatives in
this township. Geo. Routledge and
family spent last Monday evening the
guests of H. G. Taylor, Beaverton.
Dr. Milne, of Blyth, was through here
on business last Friday.
SCHOOL REPORT. --The standing of
the Public School here for February is
. as fbllows:--5th class -Ethelbert Mc-
Ilveen, Winnie Thompson. Sr. 4th -
Arthur Huck, Mabel Huck, Mabel
Sheppard. Jr. 4th-Ste,wartHill, John
Mair, Blanche McIlveen. Sr. 3rd -
Olive Hill, Alfred Butt, Jonathan Mc-
Ilveen. Jr. 3rd -Minnie Kilty, Ed-
mund Ball, Norman Ball. Sr. 2nd -
Anne Lovett, Jimmie 'Johnson, Wm.
Beacom. Jr. 2nd -Louis Johnston,
Lilly Butt Herbert Oakes. Sr. Pt. II
-Mabel &arvie, Russell Colbourn,
Percy Hibbert. Jr. Pt. 2nd-Oharlotte
Colbourn, Goldie Hill, Carrie But
Pt. 1 -Wilbert McIlveen, Melville Hilj,;,
Alva Beacom. 11
' Blyth
NoTE&. Mrs Geo. Stewart left on
Tuesday morning to make an extend-
ed visit in Spokane Falls, W.T., where
, she has a eon living. Mrs Micklejohn,
Hartiston, is visiting at the home of
her father, Mr Forsythe. Misses W.
Taman and E. Moser paid a visit'to
the county town on Monday. 'Mr W.
James, formerly of the Standard staff
here, renewed acquaintances on Mon-
day The funeral of the late Robert
Laidlaw, an old and much respected
resident of Morrie, passed through
town on Wednesday afternoon, and
was one of the largest seen for some
time; the bereaved family have much
sympathy In their affliction. Mrs
Lucas, 'who has beenending a few
weeks in Clinton with fends, return-
ed this week. A sleigh load of young
people from the Temperance lodge
here drove to Kinburn on Wednesday
to spend the evening with the brethren
there. Mr and Mrs Smith, of Strath-
roy, were' guests at the home of Mr S.
Herrington last F`r'iday. Mrs Panders
was Mrs Hen 'a guest last week.
X188 lbwh, gel Orth, is visiting Mise
Taman at present+ Mr Jae. McMur-
Chia, was in Toronto a eouplo of days
last week. rand Mrs Jones, Lead-
bary, were tests in town over Sun-
day. ]rs $. ,Scott, Clinton, was the
Mw�irest o 'Mie Plummer this week. Mr
.111ohmond returned this week
Ifrom A Sae weaks busipe" tri east.
Merwrs J. Wiseman and W. JacksonM�
t . ,', did boalgess in town on Monda .
w Jaliaason Is Astttng friends in &nden. -
• . • Mr Jai , McMpoy, who spent the win
ter with, friends belie, returned to Fair
tCall, Man,. on Wednesday morning.
Mr and'Mrs Jas. Blmkbrough left thTa
station -on Tuesd4,y morninfor Anar
conda, Mont., ah6ta it as ir
tion to settle. Inspector Paisley, of
Clinton, was in town last week.
A.s�116 tetult' of a,cburoh quarrel Rev.`
J. iidill, pastor of ziob Con gee a0fonal
chotoli, 0i "alt, ttls assaulted bg Mr. win.
MOLarlir ; 0da r061144. 04 aiiib ift the faces
I ___",_�I , , 1-1-1 11 . , .. I _!, I �
ROBERT HOLMES, , Editor and Proprietor. CE-TT4
I N, QNm.3 M A, -ROH 20, 1896 $1A. a y4,npr Ii4 advanee $1,.50.wheri not ga. paid;
What wide-awake and reliable correspondents rind worthy of recording for publication.
Hullett Bayfield.
NEw Hovsu.-Mr Nelson Bingham MA1RRLiCiE,-Aq Met mani�a ra took
is about to erect a new frame house, pplace at Mr Jae, 'V &We' last Wednes-
and has let the contract for the mason day. The parties immediately con=
work to Hiram Hill, of Clinton. cerned were Miss A. Wallis and Mr
ARM BROKEN. -.The other day while Welsh, of the Soo. The Methodist
the wife of Mr Thos, Fear, of the gra- church loses in her one of her best
vel, was crossingthe yard, she had the workers, but what is the church's lose
misforthne to slp down and break her here will be the church's gain at her
arm. „ I new home,
ACCIDENT. -Mr W. Hesk met with a OoNCERT.-The Band Concert took
bad accident the other day; he and Viace as per announcement last Thurs-
Lux Hill were chopping in the bush, day evening. The audience was small,
when in some way or other the latter but appreciative; the program, how.
accidentally struck Bask on the leg, ever, was very short, and therefore
cutting to the bone. The accident will disappointing. It is to be hoped that
lay him off for some time. I the boys when they try again may be
LOUD WORK. -Last week Messrs I treated better by the people of the
David Crawford and Daniel McConnell' village, who seem to think the band
� ehou d give open air concerts for no -
cut from the fallen tree, and split and ' thing and receive very little help.
piled a cord of short wood in 28 minu- _
tea. This was done on the farm of Mr wok the d have to e of record' thle
Jae, McConnell, 13th con., and this is Y
considered pretty Rood work. a young man who has been sick some
NOTES. -John Cartwright has a con- length of time with consumption. He
g has been steadily declining for some
tract of supplying wood to the Loudes- time, but grew worse about two weeks
boro Butter Factory. Albert McGre- ago. On Tuesday he sat up in a chairi.
Ionhas a contract for supplying a Lon- and in, the chair died about nine o'clock
don firm with rook elm logs; it is said Tuesday evening. His character was
he is f 8h-ing for another contract. Mrs exemplary; his trust in God sure and
Platzer is visiting her daughter, Mrs unswerving to the end. "Blessed are
Livermore. Miss King and brother they that die in the Lord." The be -
and Miss Minnie Moir and brother, reaved parents have the sincere sym
have been visiting at Mr Jae. Cart- pathy of everybody in this sad bereave-
wrIght's for several days. Mr Sam. merit. He was buried on Thursday af-
McCool has bought the farm of his ternoon by the "Young Britonsof
brother John, on the 8th con.,100 acres, which order he was a member.
paying in the neighborhood of $5,000 NOTES. -Miss Ada Burns is home
for it,
COUNCIL.—Council met in Bell's hall from Toronto, where she has been at -
on Friday, minutes of former meeting tending school. 'Mrs S arkes has re-
read and passed; a number *of tenders turned to her home in Dakota. Miss
were received for building the bridge" Porterfield, former teacher in Bayfield,
on con. 4 and 5; Mathew Mains' tender was renewing acquaintances last week.
being the lowest, $667, was accepted. We are glad to report the corival-
The clerk was instructed to notify the escence of Mrs Cowie, after the opera-
cor''pporation of Clinton to put the side tion she had performed. Capt. Clark
wally that leads from the town to the and wife have arrived and taken charge
cemetery in proper repair, as complaint of the army corps here; they are con -
has been made that part of the said tinuing the special services. Mr A. E.
side walk is now in an unsafe condi- Thomson preached on Varna Circuit
tion. A number of accounts were pass- last Sunday. Mr and Mrs McLeod
ed and ordered to be paid. Council Sundayed with Mrs McLeod's father,
then adjourned until April 15th. JAB. Mr Jas. Thomson. M. Whiddon and F.
UAMPBELL, Clerk. Dantry, who are attending Clinton
Collegiate, were in town Sunday. Mr
DEATH. -Another of the old residents and Miss Johnston, of Lucknow, Sun -
passed away on Saturday .last in the dayed at Mr Jobnaton's. Mr H. Calla -
person of Mrs Snell, wife of Ephraim day has been in Goderich for a few
Snell, of the 10th con. Deceased has days. Mr Will Peck left on Wedues-
enjoyed ordinarily good health up to a day for Dakota to take charge of a
few days before her death, which was school; Mr Peck will be missed among
due to a heavy cold contracted two his associates in town, Rev. Mr Oaten
weeks since while attending the funer- was called on Monday evening and re-
al of her brother, the late John Ball, ceived a hearty invitation to return
which caused inflammation of the for next year. Mr Eagleson, traveller
lunge. She was a native of Devon- for the Doherty Organ Co., was in
shire, and was married to Mr Snell in town Saturday. Fish are plentiful in
this country on September 18'0, and toWn• Miss(). Thomson,of Clinton,.
has been a•resident W Huller t "ever Sundayed in town.
since; slie never bad any family, but
adopted three girls, one of whom being Londesboro '-
the wife of W. Hill, Colborne; she was NOTEB.-,Mrs Stovin started for her
an amiable woman, a good friend and home in Manitoba; she has been on a
neighbor and will be missed. She be- three months' visit. The smiling, face
longed to the Brethren, the remains of Chas. Meyer appeared in our village
were interred in Ball's cemetery, Tues- this week.
day, a large number showing respect
to her memory. It is said this ie the HAY. -There were six loads of hay
sixth or seventh death in this family in the village on Monday. Hay is not
from the same ailment. as dear now here as it was last sum-
mer. There are several farmers have
Stanley hay to sell now that would not sell
LEAVING. -The StratfordHerald then.
thus alludes to a son of Mr D. McTav- PERsoNALS.-Tbos. Riddel left as a
ish, of the 2nd: -•'J. C. McTavish in- delegate for the Home Circle in Ham-
structor in penmanship in the Central ilton this week. John Green was in
Business College, leaves in a few days town this week on business. R. Bow -
for Anderson, Indiana, where he has cock returned from a visit to hie bro-
secured the position of principal of the ther in Toronto on Tuesday- Albert
commercial department of the Indi- Brunsdon was in Brussels this week.
ana Business College, Mr McTavish Fred Youngblut was in Goderich on
has been a resident of Stratford for Monday.
about two years. He is an active STOCK NOTES. -Mr John Granger
worker in Knox church, being a teach- has sold his last bull calf to a gentle-
er in the Sabbath School and president man from Mount Forest; the man
of the Christian Endeavor Society. drove for the calf, owing to the ex -
He will be much missed. cessive freight rate that the Grand
NoTEs.-A sack of oats containing Trunk has lately put on; the R. R.
about three bushels was picked up on seems to have adopted the penny wise
the London road one day last week by and pound foolish policy. The Messrs
,Mr Nott. Mr W. J. Taylor has been Bell sold their famous stallion, An-
101sitingg friends near Blyth; in fact he drew Lamie, to a gentleman near
marAdle his friends there. Miss Addie Lucknow, and because the R. R. Co.
Rathwell and Miss Addie Pollock were would not ship him to suit the party
&W,visiting there. Miss Martha Tay- the horse was taken by the road
Ior. Who has been visiting relatives in through Dungannon.
thisfiefghborhood for sometime, has THE CREAMERY. -All farmers who
returnifi to her former position in Sar- are interested in dairying will be pleas-
nis. rs (i. Forgie, of Wingbam, ad to know that the directors of the
paid a Short visit to her friends in this Londesboro creamery have made very
vicinity. We are sorry to hear of the favorable arrangements with Mr Jas.
Illness of Mrs L. Clark, of the Goshen F. Ross, a practical butter maker, of
line, occasioned by grip. Capt. Second Kirkton, for the management of the
trd Cadet McOutcheon, of the Salva- factory during the coming season.
tion Army, held their farewell meet- Having made a thorough canvas of the
ing in Bayfield on Tuesday evening; territory, the directors are pleased to
Capt. Second goes to Norwich and the find the prospects of patronage very
Cadet to Rrussels; Capt. Clark and good, and have no doubt that with
wife held their first meeting on Thurs- favorable weather there will be a large
day evening. Mr John Rouatt and make of butter in our factory during
sister returned last Wednesday to their the season of 1896. Let all farmers
home near Moose Jaw. Mr John Mc- within reach of the factory give this
Gregor is leaving his rented farm and worthy enterprise their generous sup.
Is going on the old homestead. Mrs port.
McGregor and family are moving to
Tuckeramith to the farm purchased Porter's Hill.
lately, belonging to Mr Geo. Sproat; I.O.G.T.-The I.O.G.T. met on �`ues-
Mrs McGregor ie an old reeident of day as usual, and are making all pos-
this • township and will be missed here. able arrangements for their entertain-
PhusFNTATIoN.—A number of the menton Friday, the 20th; a large at -
members and adherents of Bayfield tendance is expected, and the enter -
road Presbyterian church met at the tainment promises to be the best of
home of their, orgaiiiitd Mr's lit. M0111- the season.
ween, on Tuesday evening, Marek 10tH, Rr WAWAY.-What might have been
and gave her a pl t ALUVrise by aserioua runaway was witnegsed in
resentin her wise " biniat on our bur gg one day this week, when Mr
Inner and tea sap .cul , 04tart of Jas. McIionald's team, which were left
knives. Mr Wm. lElald,' +riddonbof at Cox's mill, broke loose and started
the Y. P. S. C. E., Iftid, W following for home, lea0n1p the sleigh in pieces
address:- algtlg the road. Fortunately the team
Grp, themembersandadheE�ntag of th*.Day- escaped without any serious injury.
field road congregation, have met here this oq-
enfng deelrinq to eaprede in come tangible
way, our fteef�nIs of indebteduess to s7ou for IUJ)��
�unrloy6tyan willingnewtodocheerfullyau NoTEs.--An.at bomeunder theau-
that lay within tour lw+rer advance the spices of the W.F.M.S., will be held at
musical ofrole of this conarega n. We pow
ask you to accept this dinner set 'f china dish the home of Mr $. Recker on Marsh
ca, and flown ocni as as a. small testimonial 20th;the committee are sparingneither
of the esteem 1 wh ch' yo have been held- by `pains nor exjiense to makke this a sue -
us. Hoping in
yon s be font seared to cess, and eek for' a full house. Mies
take an active part in nr soola] and, relfg-
iow meetings. Mair the bloseing of Clod rest Ivison to enjoying the fresh air of lake
u n you, and may wo all meet a last.&round uron at Porter' Hill fdr a few weeks.
the thrnno Nod to hear him day "Well done �r HO�p r tV d' has been assisting
good and faithful servants.' t '
Mr R•. Mcllvda , in his wife's name, Rev. Mr Wal er lin a series of vel
n successful meetingq4 in the Methodigt
made reply. ,After the presentation a church, Eras takeh'liis departur
ploxeatif evening wits spent an social ed by the well wishes of a
enjoyment, frierfde, .
win sham.
t ' SUDDEN DEATH. — J. W. Ripley,
STOmc NoTne.-Mr Appleton Elcoat
SHAAf1H3UL. -- On our second p
sold a days since the fine 11 months'
Durham bull Mr H.•
will be found an account of the shame.
- ..
. /,
treatment of a man )lamed Fielde,
win sham.
t ' SUDDEN DEATH. — J. W. Ripley,
STOmc NoTne.-Mr Appleton Elcoat
SHAAf1H3UL. -- On our second p
sold a days since the fine 11 months'
Durham bull Mr H.•
will be found an account of the shame.
old Hero, to John
treatment of a man )lamed Fielde,
McDougall -for a good figure. He was
The following particulars chow the
well-bred and gives promise of a
particular) ood animal;
outcome of that: After threatening
to kill him if he remained In town or
To test eyes wlentifically acrd .•'
fit spectacles properly. If we
NOTES. N. Lloyd returned
home on Satur day last, after visiting
appeared against them, he was re-
leased and taken into the house, when
,. ;
don't give you thorough al4tirf+ • ' d
faction at a moderate oa ' `.
relatives at North Bay. The sleighing
is now getting thin, in many places
the fields
it was found that besides being badly
cut up his feet were frozen. On the
price 111
can have your money bac .
Test Vree.
are bare only around the
following day he was driven to Bel-'
with the others, and have to be fed in
and although feed is, not so
grave and put on the train for Lansing,
Our Iron Pills
plentiful as usual, an early spring is
Mich., where he has a daughter living,
between five and six hundred dollars
bein hoped for by many farmers of
this township.
but for some reason he returned to
London, and was found wandering
Are a tonic, blood purifier and
around the streets in a dazed manner, I
system builder. 25c a box ON 6 ,
boxes for $1 Guaranteed
East Wawanosh.
NOTES. -Mies Jennie Taylor, who
has been slightly indisposed, is now
recovering and able to be around.
The Misses Martin, of Seafortb, who
have been visiting their cousin, James
Taylor, for some time, returned home
on Thursday. Arthur Brooks has cur-.
chased the house and lot occupied by
himself from R. McComins, Blyth, for
$350, which is agood figure. A sleigh
load of young folke sgant a very plea-
saut evening at David Scott's on Fri-
day of last week. The neighbors, of
T. M. Walsh, who is seriously indis-
posed, assembled at his place on Fri-
day and cut a year's supply of firewood,
besides cutting and hauling a quantity
of saw loge; one touch of nature makes
the whole world kin. R. B. Coultas
was presented with another girl a few
days ago by Mrs Coultas; "If it had
only been.a boy,"
NEw BARNS. -Mr Jas. Riderson is
getting the timber on the Disney farm
for the purpose of erecting a barn; it
will be 40x60; Jos. Rilley has the con-
tract. Mr Lew Proctor is also getting
ready to put up a bank barn early in
the sprinjQ'.
NEw INDUSTRY.—Holmesville is al-
ways adding something to its already
extensive trada, a cooper steepp being
one of the latest additions. Mr H. B.
Evans is turning out some -of the best
cider tubs, pails, etc. that can be pur-
chased anywhere, for durability and
lightness they ean't be beaten.
VISITORS. -Mise surrey, of Sunshine,
is visiting her uncle, Mr J. Trewartha,
and other friends. Miss G. Rumball is
visiting friends in Wingham. Miss F.
Pickard has beensl3ending a few days
at Varna. Mr T. Ford, who had the
first two flngers,of the right hand tak-
en off, is spending his forced holidays
at home.
Institute, Philadelphia, the students
of the Normal class are getting out an
annual Hand book for 1896, and we are
pleased to see as editor in chief the
name of. J. T. Holdsworth, Holmes-
vilIe, Uanada--- This is d4ie of the high-
est honors that can be bestowed u on
a student, and we congratulate T.
upon t.be appointment.
PRESENTATION. -At the close of the
prayermeeting, on Wednesday even-
ing, the choir and congregation pre-
sented Mr and -Mrs Wm. Lobb with
two very handsome rocking chairs, as
a slight token of their gratitude for Mr
Lobb's services in the choir. Will has
sung in the Methodist choir here al-
most ever since there was a choir, and
it is with sorrow we lose his very val-
uable services. He moves unto the 6th
con. in afew days.
NOTES. -Mr S. Merrills is moving his
effects unto the farm on the Maitland
con. A number of the young people
enjoyed an oyster supper and a very
pleasant evening Tuesday at the home
of Mr R. Acheson. The debate at the
Parliament, Monday evening, waxed
quite warm and things looked quite
interesting for a- while; the bill pro-
hibiting men• from attending oyster
suppers, etc., unless accompanied by
their wives or best girls became law,
and the probabilities now say, look out
for squalls.
cerned please take notice that the
Holmesville Association Patrons of
Industry will meet March 20th, this
(Friday) nigbt, at 7.30 p.m. A good
attendance Is requested, as matters of
importance demand the same, together
with the election of officers for the en-
suing quarter. Let all remember the
change, we will meet after this until
further notice be given, on Priday
nights instead of Thursday nights.
Johnston has engaged the services of
Mr McFarline, of London, a first-class
cheese maker, to assist him for the sea-
son of 1896. After a thorough canvas
throughout the different routes the
prospects for alarge make are very
promising. The drawing of the milk
on most of the different routes was
let last Saturday, as follows: -Route
No. 1, A.J. Courtice- No. 2, J. Trewar-
the; No. 3, C.W. Williams; No. 4, not
let; No. 5, R. Weston; No. 6; J. Weir;
No. 7, W.C. Lawrason; No. 8, J. Kyle;
No. 9, J. W. Hearn; No. 10, not let; No.
11, Nelson Steep.
CHURCH NoTEs.-Rev. Mr Fair, of
Londesboro occupied the pulpit here
both morning and evening, in the
morning he preached a grand sermon,
displaying considerable originality of
ideas and depth of thought, Romans
13, 10, "Love is the fulfilling of the
law;" in the • evening his sermon took
A more practical nature from Mark 14
8, "She has done what she could."
Next Mond&y evening League meets
and hill hold the monthly consecra-
tion meeting, led by the president, a
full attendance is looked for; everybody
cotdially invited; 7.30 to, S.W. The
choir were entertained* to a 10 o'clock
super at the parsonage on Friday ev
an ng, when the? spent a most enjoy,
able time. Alf seemed to offer the
same solution of the fact that so few
of the choir were out Sunday morilin'gi
Constance .
GOOD'i9MPLARs.--'the officers elect,
ed for the present quarter are as fol,
Iowa:--C.M., Lne Farnham; P.C.T., J.
R& son* C. Wm. McIntosh; V.T„ F.
Fistrer��V1W.N1',, A_. edd- R.S. J. Medd;
A.S. 1K. heat, •yr; F? S,, b. Reade;
W.Zf:; G. arnh ria• br sprat Ma titer noir- olitic4l and ve '. r
e,follow g , ry y , o ry ti i�t•
host of Wiie,atie�y, 8014 1ne ;•Il. "rector; duar , g y g who raters sits` meetingo Is ism
1S;nnie Reade, , � ttetnittaifoes"
repaid for the trottble�
� y,
f .�, ,
L ud
and was taken to the hospital. An '
examination proved his condition to
be very critical, and he died early ALLEN c� WILSOl!�
Thursday morning. Great excitement The Druggists. i.
=authprevails in the town, and it is suppos-
orities will now look up the Vi�ii►►
affair. Fields was a widower, about p/--�alts���_C1�`ivarat6
55 years old, and leaves four daughters ✓✓
and two sons.
Noise -Thos. Tilt, of th3 British, has
been confined to the house this week b a
severe illness. We regret to learn that Mrs.
T. N. Danoey has been confined to the
house for some time, but trust to bear of
her being able to take her place onoe' more
in the good work in which she was engaged.
Jae. Forster, of near Luoknow, drove' his
handsome team of well matched draft horses
twenty-four miles to Goderich Tuesday
last, for a load of bran. Justice Falcon•
bridge will open the chancery sittings for
Huron county next Monday, the 23rd inst.
Hary Hart who has been sick for over two
years, died at the British Exchange early
yesterday morning. The deceased gentle-
man came to Qoderich some years since,
and though a perfect stranger to our peo-
ple soon gained the confidence of the in-
habitants of Qoderich by his kindness of
heart and ever courteous conduot.-Signal.
NOTES.-Robt. Brown, of the Clinton
Collegiate Institute, was home on Sun-
day. 13. Turner, of Goderich, was vis-
iting friends here the past few days.
Geo. Hanna, of Wingham, was visiting
friends and relatives in the village on
Sunday. Miss Bell Wilson, of the
Clinton Collegiate, was home last week
for the S.S. convention. The temper-
ance lodge was well represented when
they visited their Kinburn brethren
on Wednesday evening. Cullis &
Goldthorpe's mill is running all the
day, cutting sawlogs; there ie a very
large number of logs on hand both at
this mill and at Young's. Rev Frazer
Smith, a returned missionary from Ro-
nan, China, lectured in the Presbyter-
ian church on Wednesday. A large
number were at the entertainment at
the "Separate School," and report hav-
ing had an excellent -time; the, program
was well rendered, and the audience
CONVENTION. -Notwithstanding the
fact that the county S. S. convention
was in progress at the same time there
was a large attendance at the conven-
tion held here last week. The speech-
es and discussions were good, and the
singing and music lively. The answers
to the queries in the question drawer
were, in several crises, amusing. One
preacher declared he could not answer
satisfactorily the question "Is it right
to escort a young lady home on Sun-
day evening" through lack of experi-
ence. Another said he thought it was
right in some instances to ride a wheel
on Sunday if it were not too dark,
brick left for Manitoba, where he will
assist his brother to run a farm. He
has the well wishes of all who knew
him for his success in the Prairie Pro-
vince. Since he came from Great
Britain and took up his residence in
this vicinity he has won the esteem of
all with whom he came in contact.
In;church and Sunday School on Sun-
day much regret was shown on ac-
count of the removal of a willing and
Christian worker.
Church Chimes.
There will be a meeting of the Clin-
ton Local Union, in the Presbyterian
Church, $ridgy evening, March 27th
The Ontario St. S.S. anniversary ser-
vices last Sunday, were well attended
and interesting, proceeds being in the
neigghborhood of $50.
At the Baptist church on Sunday
morning, the pastor will finish the se-
ries on the life of Joseph. Joseph's last
days and a resume of his character,
will be the subiect.
"Christian c tizenshi " was the sub-
ject of an admirable address given t
the Rattenbury St. League, I en t
eveningg by H. Foster. Few are able
to hand�a any subject better than he.
The report which originated with the
Mitchell Recorder to the effect that
Rev. J. Kenner would retire at the end
of the conference year, and take up
his residence in Mitchell, is incorrect.
Rev. W. J. Waddell has been invit-
ed back to Ethel circuit for the next
Conference year; we know of one or
two circuits which also hslve their eyes
on Mr'Waddell, who is tvclever and ef-
ficient pastor. •
There was a good attendance at the
Junior League of Ontario St., Friday
night. The exercises were changed
from a Mystery to a memory meetings
at�d each member gave a short note on
"What they learned on Sun day"• .Af-
ter this • a program was givef t' the
Senior League as follows: _ lips,
Additional Looe) News.
``" ,.
t ' SUDDEN DEATH. — J. W. Ripley,
private banker of Kincardine, died
suddenly on Wednesday. This is the
r ",
fifth death in the family in two months.
He was a brother-in-law of Rev J. W
Holmes. ,4
escapes demanded by law are bein
put up this week. Religious service
rt ` '`
a $� ''
were conducted last Sunday by R.
Holmes; Rev. Mr Harris conducts them
next Sunday. No less than ten of the
inmates are unable to take their meals ,
with the others, and have to be fed in
their rooms. Geo. Nichbl, one of the
inmates, from Seafortb, has been left
'3v ',11
between five and six hundred dollars
by a deceased brother.
publishes birth, death and marriage
notices free of charge. Correspon-
,J r;.
dents will confer a favor by furnishing
such notices, always being particular
to be accurate with names, dates, ages
etc., and giving proper details. Instead
ii :�
I?; L:
of saying "John Smith wears a happy
:i .
smile because of an addition to the
:+ % ,1,
family circle," state when the little
..: 5: y'.
'1? :,. '
Smith arrived and whether it is male
or female.
r pt:
t`�?r�, ,
amounts received from the govern-
ment for advertising, by the papers of
;� :':
this county, will not make them rich.
The Blyth Standard received $10; Clin-
ton News -Record,
T de-
,' 3,-, ..
vance, 016; Exeter Times, $a7,d; Q
;,. =
rich Star, $55; Seaforth S n, 15; Wing-
barn Advance, $5. In ddition, for
tinting Dominion voters' lists, the
russels Herald $40; Exeter Times,
$300; Goderich Star, $167• Gorrie
.� a,
r, N ..
Vidette, $28, and Wingham Advance,
,E .
r?J„ , `
the regular meeting of the I.O.F., held
on Thursday evening, 12tH inst., a
` ::
resolution of condolence to Bro. R.
Routledge was carried unanimously as
follows: -We, the members of Court
#,. i'
Clinton No. 470, wish to extend to you
our heartfelt sympathy in your sad
bereavement and while we cannot see
the wisdom of our Heavenly Father in
removing from you one so dear, we
know that He maketh all things to '
wo:k together for good; while the
clouds may seem dark at present there
is a bright sunshine behind. We pray
that you in this sad affliction may be
led to look to Him who is a present
help in every time of need, and to real-
ize that she is only gone before to that
place where we all may meet to part
no more forever.
ST. PATRICK'S DAY.—The exact date
.'r '^_'
of St. Patrick's birth is uncertain, and
11 I
England, Scotland, Wales and France
'7i `
all claim the honor of being his native
land. . The 17th of March is celebrated
not as a birthday of the Saint, but as
the anniversary of his death, which
more or less authentic history says
took place on March 17th, 493, in the
one hundred and twenty-first year of11
his age. Wherever or whenever he
was born, he is believed to have intro11
duced Christianity into Ireland, and
also to have banished snakes fi om that
country. Another story is that he
taught the Irish the art of distillation,
, '
but commanded them to abstain from
indulgence in poteen in the daytime
until the bell, rang for vespers in the
evenrn$. S1,.! lg9ly enough, )many
coutitr;es even n modern Limes have
recdjv their knowledge of Christian-
ity drink
an of strong from the same
source, the missionary and the barrel
of gin being transported upon the Game
PRESS POINTS.—The Mitchell Advo-
° '
Cate says: -"The Toronto Mail asks $20
worth of advertising in exchange fora
paper sold for $6 a ear. Yes, this is
one of the many abuses some pdpers
put up with, but there are scores of
" I,
others. Last week the NEW 98A Cod-
signed to the waste basket a propoi .
tion from the Detroit Sun,
which *as
equivalent to free advertising. WevM-;
should refuse the 6
papers usual oil of
nurserymen to exchange stock fbi'ad-
vertising space, but it is evident mane
do not. The Heneall Observer save:-»
"Neither the Clinton
of papers of lady
week contained a notice of they S, S.
; '
convention now in session here, its ,
strange that the one ,where .AIR the.
gpranting' was done should show'such ...,
Iittle intereat in the matters' $6 Cow-
ered the cost of printin lis a paper
to keep a
expected stand ag notlte.of
these' things In type simply betaine a'
little printing is done; t e AW ata `:
gave a notice of the Conv ntiou -01 ih '
always does; Its, editor attended
Convention, anfailed to see hisIten
sell e6rift'ere there. The Georg6tojft -
1 ;:
meet ng will be a tempgcanee one 'to H
Te, ta�en byWillie P1umateel and hf4b in
lexander; something good expected. t
Aggood many subscribers have renew- ne
ed t71eiv subseriptions for the present do
yyear, but quite a number have not yet m
Eno. so, although ,
the paper is still eb
erns to their ad"dress. , Our . fries itl ca
=1. a yeah ui,adr�ance, anri�subecri•• sol
beth. will rei;<tl oblige till by prompt er
eraid comes to hand much improve' " ,.E'.
appearando, . being all, printed at, ome, on fine raper, and is very meat
ypographieally; Bro. Warren Isadell 4
ood paper. Mach, in SaturdayNiglxt,
Its a proper question in discussing
tvanar,ar nncl•nna_ onalnn' -Jlvu. ..,