HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-03-13, Page 5s TO all fay onsteinerl wbo baffle helped to Make )hie Christman trade the largest in the Watery of onr buaineee, and eeooeded by far oar expeotatitcam W141110$ you iiia is ppY and proeperoa. New Year. Waith ilia vow tit week for prices. 1'. S. -We are bere to stay, and it we warrant a watoh we will bo here to fulfill our promiee. We. aro not goinglout of bueinees. REPAIRS. by a skilled workman and a ilrst-olaae engraver. We obarge you for nothing in our repair department until we know a watch is running right. J. B. RU M BALL Watchmaker, Jeweler, &c., TelephoneExchange White. -Pine Expectorant We recommend it above all others for coughs and colds. It has given the beet se tisfaction of any cough mixture we handle, and we have them all. The best4test is the quantity sold. We have sold more of it than of all the others combined. If you have a cold try it. You will like it ae good if not better than we represent. Price 25 cents. Our selection of Importedpand DomesticlOigare is one of the beet. J. E. HOVEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. SPRING GOODS Your attention this way for a surprise in fine spring goods. Flannelettes in great variety, superb Prints, Skirtings, Shirtings, Gin hams, Zephyr and Duck Suiting. Best lines of Black Dress Goods. Nothing to beat our Cotton- ades. Large assortment of Tweeds. Our Millinery is very handsome and cheap. Field and Garden Seeds. Oranges or Lemons 2 dozen for 26c. Our 25c Black Tea is adaisy, so we hear from our customers. Groceries of all kinds at very close prices. TERMS CAST OR PRODUCE. P.S-We would like to receipt several accounts. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R.ADAMS. M LONDESBORO1J 1V1 • Com,be's Iron Blood Pills A most valuable remedy for all forms of debility arising from an unpoverished and deficient blood supply. They are direct food for the blood. The use of these pills will change the pale and sallow complexion of debility into the ruddy glow of health. These pills have a very large local sale, and the large number of mail orders show that the reputation of these wonderful pills is spreading. 25 cents per box or five boxes for $1. JAMES H. COMBE'S cKinnon & Co,BIytb$ The Path of Low Prices Is being swept wide and deep. Every department in this busines has received special attention for the coming season. Goods that are bright, fresh and reliable have been finding their way here during the past weeks, and everything is ready for your inspection. We have spent time, energy and money in getting together one of the finest collection of goods in the county. Everything Bristling with Newness. BLACK DRESS GOODS are always in demand. Fashion says Mohair, Secileane, Alpacas and Luetree will lead; we have them. Black, Henrietta and Cashmere will be popular. We bought a lot last fall (before the advance in price) they just came to hand, that's how wet e selling Black Henrietta'worth 35c for 25c Black Henrietta Black Henrietta Black Henrietta EleSant lines in Figured at worth:40c for 30e worth 50c for 40c worth 65c for 50c Brocades and 50c The Black Dress Goods we're showing at 60e, 75c, 85c, 90c and $1 are simply perfect ts. Cash and One Price. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash CARPETS We have just what you want at Just what you want to pay prices. The patterns combined with the quality and price is what makes them so attractive Prices -20e, 25, 40, 50, 60, 75, 90 and $1 "Price" is the best salesman on earth, a fact we never lose sight of McKinnon dt Co., Blyth PLUMVMSTEEL 1 GIBBINGS . . MILLINERY ° LADIES --Our new stook of If illhiery has arrived. This department, under the management of Mies Welsh, iii eeetilowleg with novelties. In onr stook will be found all the new oreatione this the 'Markets afford, many of whioh we have the exolneive sale. Our opening *ill anon be announced. We will out do all former efforts in this line. We will theta by far the most euperb line of Millinery goode ever exhibited outside of the cities. Dress Goods We are leaders in low prices. We always have the latest styles. Bny Drese Goode from no. We save yon money. We are selling all wool Serges, Black and Colors, 40 in• wide, very desirable goods for 25e the yard. We have an endless variety of Lustre, Crepgone and Pattern Dresses, the moot com- plete stook we have ever shown. Don'tIfail to see onr new stook and get the latest when von are intending to pnrohaae. GBINGS tl� 141 MaN'+Lilt', All the talk about Greelnwwy °owing and nettling the question after the Manitoba Legislature has adjourned, is oonsidered to be nothing better than a part of the tont!, awesome which the Government ii play. ing on its weak-kneed followers in order to persuade them to vete for the second read, ing. It would be political ruin for Green, way to listen to any sash proposition. Without doubt the Goverment is digging its own grave, and making it deep by the methods it is traploying to tarry the WI -- Toronto Star. B. B. Sheppard, the Oonnervative editor of the Toronto Star, says: -"Mr Laurier's apeeoh made a profound impression. No one would think for a inowent of ever say- ing that Mr Laurier had told an untruth, or that he promised a thing that be did not perform, or that he ever presented an phase, either in public or private, that did not prove him to be a gentleman. I, for one, declare with great pleasure that I hope to be the first one who tan be beard at his door; that anything and all I van do to serve him I will do with great eagerneee. I do not care what party name he wears. if I have not proven to those who read my work that I an sincere in matters political I may be misjudged in thie matter. Ib is entirely immaterial. As long as Mr Lan- rier maintains his present position, as long as he is an anti-olerio--whioh I am from my very heart out -I am at hie service. I do not tare for other things; we must over- come this improper domination before we can really be a civil power and have any importance in the world." How war deetroyes the industries of e people is proved in a marked manner by the experience of Cuba in one line of industry of which figures are easily obtainable: The output of Cuban sugar sine the let. of Jan - nary has been 25,518 tone against 976,000 tons in the sam% period last year. The best authorities estimate the total crop for the year 150,000 tone, against 1,070,000 tons last year, a defloit of 920,000 tons, a lose of 051,200,000. SALE REGISTER. Farm stock of Mr Arthur Conch, Huron road, half -a -mile from Clinton, on Wednesday, March 25th. T. M. Carling, Auot. Farm stock and implements of Mr D. Moun- tain, lot 36, con. lt, Hullett, Wednesday, March 25th. C. Hamilton, anot. BORN GILROY.-In Clinton, on March 6th, the wife of Mr J. C. Gilroy, of a son DOWEER..- In Detroit, on March the 9th the wife of Mr W. L. Dowser, late of Clinton, of a daughter. CRWIN-In Wingham, on March 2nd. Mrs (Dr) A. J. Irwin, of a daughter BROWNELL-In Seaforth, on March 6th, the wife of Mr Joseph Brownell, of a daughter and son MARRIED STRONG-SPROAT - At the manse, E - mondville, on Feb. 26th, by Rev Ned Shaw Mr John Strong to Mrs Martha F. Sproat, both of Tuokersmith MoDONALD - THOMPSON - At the resi- dence of the bride's brother, Matthew Thomp- son on Feb.6th, by Rev C. Fletcher, Mr Donald McDonald, son of Donald McDonald, of Tuck- ersmith, to Miss Mary Thompson, of 'Osborne SOWERBY-SNOWDON - In Stanley,w on March 4th, at the residence of the bride's mo- ther, by Rev Mr Robinson, John Sowerby, of Goderich township, to Mies S. L. Snowdon. YELLOW-FULFORD - At the Methodist parsonage, London, on March 7th, by Rev Dr Daniel, Thos. Yellow, of Exeter, formerly of Tuckersmith, and Emma Fulford, of Chicago McKENZIE-STERLING.-At the residenoe of the bride's father, 4th con., Goderich town- ship, on March 4th, by -Rev. -Mr-Graham Mr Donald McKenzie to Mary E., daughter of Mr W. Sterling, all of Goderich township. GRENDSIDES.-SHEPHERD.-In Clinton, on the 9th inst., by Rev. W. J. Ford, Mr. R. Grensides to Luny, youngest daughter of Mr. J. L. Shepherd, all of Clinton. HUDIE-FAIR.-At the residence of the bride's father, Bervio on Feb. 26th by Rev W. C. 3aunderson Mr G. Hndie, of Goderloh town - Fillip to Miss Minnie Fair. DIED. ROUTLEDGE-In Clinton, on March 9th, Maggie, wife of E. J. Routledge, aged 27 years. ACHESON-In Goderich, on the 9th inst., Sarah, wife of Mr Geo. Acheson, aged 63 years and 2 months DENNISON -At Glencar Ireland, on Feb. 21st Mrs Jane Dennison, eldest sister of Rev J. W. Holmes, of Clinton, aged 76 years MoMUBRAY-In Egmondville, on March 9, Margaret McKay. relict of the late Wm. Mc- Murray, of Tuckersmith, and mother of John McMurray, Clinton, aged 77 years SCOTT.-Ia Blyth. on the 4th inst., Mrs Jas. Scott, aged 52 years. TORRANCE.-In Goderich township on the 6th inst. Margaret Torrance, relict of the late John Torrance, aged 79 years. HUTCHISON.-At his residence, Glengowan, Goderich, on March 8th, Matthew Hutchison, of Ogilvie & Hutchison, aged 69 years. WATT -In Elora, on Feb. 26th, Alexander Watt, father of Mrs (Rev) John Ross, Brussels. aged 98 years SHAW -In Seaforth, on March 6th, Elizabeth Little, wife of D. M. Shaw, aged 68 years MARTIN -In Goderioh, on March 6, Henry Martin, aged 69 yearn PRICE -In Goderioh, on March 6th, Mabel Vaoora, eldest daughter of Mr James Price, aged 13 years ELDRINCITON-In Ueborne near Lumley, on March 6th, the wife of Mr Thos. Eldrington SHAW -At Vancouver, B.C., on March 7th, Charles'.-. Shaw, youngest son of the late Rev John She..', of Toronto. aged 30 years BONIS--Near St. Mary's, on Feb. 28th, Robt l3onis, forme 13 Inspector of eoboole for South Huron, ag,.d 7,). oars Clinton Y. P. Local Union Topics at the several Young People's Society meetings being held during the week: - Baptist Y. P. U., Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Meotin for March 16th will be conducted by the pastor. Rattenbnry St. Methodist E. L. of C. E. Mon• da evening, at 8 o'clock. Topic for 'March 16th, Christian Citizenship. Mr II. Foster Rattenbury 88. Methodist Girl's Junior E. L. of C. E ., Friday evening from 7 to 8. Topic for March 13th, a missionary evening Rattenbnry St. Methodist Boy's Junior E. L. of O. E., Monday evening, from 7 to 7.45. Maroh 16th Ontario Street Methodist E. L. of C. E. Mon- day evening at 8 o'clock. Topic for March 18th, 1. Keebing our pledge, Matt. 26, 3141, led by Miss Edith Cornish. 2. What we learned yes- terday; a memory service. Mr H. E. Folllok Ontario St. Methodist Junior E. L. of C. E. Friday evening at 7 o'clock. March lath, Mys. tery meeting, led by Maud Wiltse and Clara Steep Willis Presbyterian C. E. Society Sunday, evening at 8.05.Topic for March 115th, Keep ing onr pledge in spirit and in letter, Matt. its 3141. Catechism question 76. Miss L. Mo- Laughlan Londesboro Methodist E. L. of C. E. Monday evening at 8 o'clock. The topic on March 1811, How best to promote the interests of the League. H. J. Fair Turner's Methodist E. L. of C. E. Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Topic for March 16th, Alphabet of prayer. Miss C. Johne Bayfield Methodist E. vv1.. of (1. E. Thursday evening enn 4, fl Rom, 1111, 10; 15,2.icJ. PeMy ek then and 1. Cole's 3tethediet church, Goderioh township, E. L. of C. E., Friday & ening at 7.00. Topic for March 18,JMyy brother and I. Gen. 4, 9; Rom. 18, 10; 15, 2. . Green few Ativrrtiorintitto. ( coax FoimmR- t 0SALE' Il y'er rill!!, a &rte qna�tilitrOf Weil•siredbate' 1r.'oad..pp'IY to AIIRZr itt,U>STArttn, llr*N4ltld NEW axcll;S:f1Q. .. , U4-ENTo MAat.a110 (Wrested *very:'fhnradayaftergoo* 'hntaKIFYI tsar. 12, 18960. Vibes*, spring.. 0 76 4 0 77 Wbeat,fal1 0 70 a 0 77 Oats, 0 22 a 0 26 Barley •. •.., 080 a' 0 65 Peas 0 48 a 0 60 Flour per owe.. , .... • ....:226 a 2 96 Pork 460x476 Butter 0 14 a 0 1 Potatoes' geper doz 0 20 a 0 0 14 it 0 25 Hay, New and Old 12 00 al4 00 Sheeepakiva 0 26 a 0 25 No. 1 Trimmed. Hides 4 00 a 4 26 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK HARBETS. There were about 100 head of butohere' Cattle and 100 Pelves, but no sheep or lambs, offered for sale at the East End Abattoir. There weals goad attendance of butchers, and trade was fair for the beat cattle, but common and inferior Hook were Blow of sale, and prices continue very low, a good many of these will not be sold to -day. A few of the beat beeves Bold at from 8 c to 83o per ib, pretty good stook sold at from 2 o to no per lb, end the common animals sold at from 90 to,910 per lb. A few large rough bulls were sold at about 9ie per lb, The oalyes wore mostly young animals, and prises were from 33 to 06 each. There were very taw farmer)' hogs for sale, and pprioes of feed bogs were from et to 34.10 per 100 lbs. There were 100 distillery fed hogs on the market, but there was no bid for them SEEDS! SEEDS! One package of eaoh of the following seeds Long Blood Beet, Short Blood Beet, Raddish, Cucumber, Tomato, Garden Carrot, Sweet Peas Nasturtiun (tall or dwarf) .All for 25 Cents. Also Bulk seeds •enoh as Peas, Beane, Corn, Timothy Clover and Alsyke Clover. JAS. STEEP & CO. boarding can be ng - aocommodatefl at the comfortable lately occupied by Dr Appleton, opposite Eng- lish Church. Furnished rooms without board can be bad. Apply to MRS WALTER COATS HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Several houses either for sale or to rent. Full partioulars on application to JOHN MOGARVA HAY FOR SALE Ten tons of good Timothy Hay for sale at the barn of the undersigned, Lot 9 Con. 8, Stanley. ROBT MORRISON, Bruoefleld'P.O. •41 LOST A good Goat Robe and Spring (Mahlon some- where in the neighborhood of Londesboro. The tinder w111 besI a )ably rewarded on returning Through this store wig reveal to you an array of exceptional attractions at every turn. Come and admire. Are you interested in Clothing 2 We invite you to see this fine display of CLOTHING for BOYS; like all the Clothing we sell, it's above the ordinary sorts, Natty, Neat, Well Made, buts not high price& MEN'S CLOTHING too, don't forget this fact, it will pay you to keep thinking. Dress Goods Dont forget our Dress Goods and Cotton Wash Goods departments. Stuffs for Dresses are so pretty this season one scarcely kows where to begin telling you about them. BIack and Colored Lustres and Mohairs, Shot Sicilions and Shades.14, o1y Tweeds, Black and Colored Brillianteens in lead- ing combination of colors. If you will take the trouble to compare you will soon. satisfy yourself that this is the popular place to the same toDA IS' LIVERY, Clinton. trade at. _ WANTED mer are' Bone or other industrial persons, of fair education, to whom 376 a month would be an inducement. Write me, with references. - Could aieo engage ladies at their own homes. - 1. H. LINSCOTT' 155 Bay Street, Toronto. House to let or for Sale. The commodious house on Rattenbury Street, next to Tedford's shop, ie offered either to rent or for sale sheep. Being centrally situated, and of easy access, it would make agood boarding house. Stone cellar. Apply at the NEW ERA Office. Poseession at once. HOUSE TO LET. The undersigned offers. to rent the house oa Maple street. at present occupied by Mr F. Hall. The houeo contains 4 Bedrooms, Parlor, Dining - room, Hitchen, Hard and Soft Water, good stone Cellar; rent moderate. -MRS T. COOPER. New Implement Wareroom MESSRS BROWN 8t MODONALD of Seaforth and JOHN LEMMING, )formerly of Blyth, have opened an Agricultural Wareroom in Mr George Trowill's Blacksmith shop Clinton,and will keep on hand a full line of Farming )Implements, among whioh will be found the Sylvester Pressure Grain Drill with all the latent improvements, also the nqted McOormao Blndloohine. Summerhill Cheese Factory, Notice. The directors of the Summerhill IOheese Fac- tory will let by public auction at Summerhill, on SATURDAY, Marsh 23et,1896, at 2 o'clock p. m., the drawing of the mllk on eaoh route to the factory. Full particulars furnished on date mentioned. BEN CHURCHILL. Pres JOHN LOWERY, Scope Holmesville Cheese Factory NOTICE. The d [rectors' of the Holmeeville Cheese and Butter Manufacturing Co., will let by Public Auotion, at Pickard's Hall, Holmesville, on Saturday, March 14th, 1896, at 2 p.m„ the drawing of the milk on each route to the fac ' tory. Full dartionlare furnished on date men- tioned W.B. FORSTER. Pres. W. S. LAWRENCE, Seoy NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the eetate of the late William Mason, who died on or about the IOth of Jan., 1896, are hereby required to deliver them to any of the undersigned on or before the 1st of April next, atter which date the assets of said estate will be distributed to parties entitled thereto, and said executors will not be responsible to any person, for any part of the estate of whose claim they had not notice at time oil enoh die+ tribution. All persona indebted to the said W. Mason, deceased, must pay the same to the un- dersigned. MRS FRANCES WISE SARAH J. MASON Executors LENA MASON Dated at Clinton, this 5th day of March, 1896, OUR PRICE LIST FOR FIRST WEEK IN MARCH 61bs Ginger Snaps - 25 2 dos fresh water Herring 25 15 Ibs Oatmeal 95 Cornmeal per lb 02 1 Ib first class Japan Tea 26 1 Ib first class Ceylon Tea 26 8 lbs beet Siftings 25 3 bars Toilet Soap 05 First quality Vinegar rer gallon 26 Rolled Wheat, 10 Ib, 26 Catsup and Sauce, 8 bottles 95 Mixed.Pinkles, 3 bottles Belk Ploklee per quart 1 Canned Peaches, large size ed 8lbs Pot Barley . 10 10 3 !bee Baking Soda . 10 Fine now Dates per lb 05 Mixed Dandy per lb 05 H614P or Canary Seed per Ib 05 English Breakfast Coffee per Ib 20 Washing Soda, 4lbe 05 Cocoanut per b 25 Salmon per Ib . 06 7 pekgs Simmers' vegetable or flower seeds 26 4 padkage. Cornstarch 65 Ennalglish pi1011 pckled onioone,very Eno, per bottle 20 lte 20 6lbs nice ge ca eau Whp 26 ite Beans . 10 Good sound Potatoes per peck 05 DriedPeaehes, 41bs..,. 26 Onioas tree from front, 6 the 10 Divest syrup, clear ani honey, ?albs 1 00 Raspherry ,arm, Strawberry Jelly per Ib 10 8 hart Washing Seep,. c 05 New Baiting and Currants per lb Ori Orate its and Lenient pee dot ...... . 10 61bs .ttGraflrilatedSugar . 26 6lbn'isilow Stigler ..-;.., ., .., t6 icing Seger noir tb ••••064 ... ,,,.. 0s MA" USS M18Cfi aretiow arriving. ,WI would like is elate crit a 1St 01°odd lle,. thf# of fon baren t ilii !non., it will pay $lir 1 01141801+ Ic 00.,. GILROY & WISEMAN If you Are Dead Don't wake up on our account This proposition is for the house keepers who want to add a a few choice things to their house after house- cleaning -it's this -we have now in stock a big range of Small Centre Tables: in Three IStyles, Made to wear as well as to ornament. If you are think ing of tables we ask you to inspect these lines. Prices, 45, 55 and 75 cents. Don't judge the quality by the price but come and examine them for yourself. We've still a few of our Framed Pictures left at 45c to $2. The whole appearance of the house changed by this kind of inexpensive adorning. JOSEPH W. CHIDLEY FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. NEW SPRING GOODS 0 Received this week. New Prints, New Ginghams New' Chambrays, - New Dress Goods, Shirtings, Cottonades, Gray and White Cottons. Carpet Warps We are showing WHITE and PRINTED TEA SETS splendid values in WHITE and PRINTED TOILET SETS Have you tried our Ceylon Tea at 35c. n isaiot