HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-03-13, Page 1'TWW
mwy: , " ,
I . ,
.A ., v
I rff
,,.,..,, .: .
Ferf ect in fit and workman-
sain style
terial that11 wear—most rea-
i[- , sonable in price. They're
r`r worth your attention.
!% To Order only
• $39 $49 $4.5% $5.
We can make them for you
•'i ' in a day, at any time.
E Our new Clothing department
• in the Rattenbury St. wing,
entrance from either door.
1111 .111".-odgen Bros
NoTEs.-Mrs William Coak was at
ill. I
home to a few of her friends on Friday
evening last. We are sorry to hear of
the illness of Mr Henry Colelough, but
h oppe he will soon be around again.
VlVVm. Hugill, our carrafge maker, has
Campbell's driving mare.
The Sundayy School purchased a new
Library at Cooper'a book store, Clinton.
. Mr John Best, who has been the guest
, of Miss Lotta Cook for the past week,
returned home Saturday last; his smil-
< ing countenance will be missed in our
' Colborne
THE LEAGuics.-On behalf of the
Bethel E.L. The little item which ap-
peared in the ERA a couple of weeks
ago, under the head of Colborne news,
concerningg the visiting of Bethel and
Hoimepnil►e., Leaggues, really did not
sound very'friendly, We were very
,•', sorry to have it appear in such a self-
! ; . ish way, and as a League heartily dis-
;. claim any, connection with it. The
+• , Holmesville people indeed gave us a
, very hearty welcome, and we enjoyed
ourselves very much. But were more
delighted with the evening spent to-
gether at Bethel. Their entertain-
ment was a first class one of a high
order, and was ably given. We wish
Holmesville every success, and hope
they will favor us with another such
an entertainment ere loner.—Com.
f Brucefleld
'. ' Notes,—The offerings neat Sabbath
morning in Union church will be given
ei .i to help the needy Armenians; it will
r.,-, ,
no doubt be liberally responded to.
1 We congratulate the town Of Clinton
in obtaining so goodly a portion of the
Stavely estate for a library, etc.; peo-
• ple in our towns and villages wonder
why so many of our young men find
.11 ' their way to the hotels, but it seems
',I sometimes but the one place where a
r ;' 'warm fire and equally warm welcome
awaits them; places that have good
+ }'' libraries anrooms have much
d reading
g,' to be thankful for. Quite a number of
barns in our neighborhood will be
built this summer; r A. Mustard will
place a cement foundation under his
Earn, this is the first foundation of the
Wind in our vicinity. Mr P. McGregor
has let the brick foundation of his barn
to Mr Kidd, of Hensall, the frame
work to Mr. W, Logan, Stanley. Mr
Woodley, Stratford, is having the ma-
terial hauled for his barn, whose farm
is rented by Mr Wm. Berry; Mr Alex.
McBeth has charge of the frame work.
The furniture,. stove, etc. of the R. T.
of T. in village was sold' on Monday;
•+; I ,ill the property belonging to the so-
ciety haa d been sold excepting the or-
gan, W14 ch will also be sold; we are
sorry the society has been disbanded,
• as there Is still much work to be ac-
compfished. Mr Fath is having his
hotel enlarged as there is but one
cotel in the vil s 0 now the aecommo-
ation is not; suSicient for the public.
Misses McLennan and McNaughton,
df Clinton. spent Saturday and Sunday
With Mrs (leo. laird. Misses Nellie
and Mamie Higgins. who have been
u • the nests of Miea Higgins, have gone
. to I onsall. go great s the demand
r . creatird b good thatei ial and work-
xtata,nahip t John Snider, our popu-
, lar harness MAnufacturer, ban had to
seciltre gnother assistantin,tho hereon
'.. df . l ndr,P*#,O'ke, Ot Exeter. Alex. Me-
Kowdej ,*ho recently sold hid farm in
Tuckerdtntth to J"ag. Alicia, had become
` a citimli. The Fisk Jubilee_'_ irf,0irra
stave one of- their excellent concerts to
a smaall house on Thursday evening of
Inst week; the small audience was due
to the extroinolp brief notice given,
those twho , were present were fully
satlaftod. It, the •pact the Oddfellows
of taut village Piave ,given good enter-
taitimblits, whether inform of cone
lecture, or an evening Of teadings; be•
ing dotb'rmined to OUstain their reputaw
tion In, this res , of they, have engaged
ase xr
to tae a con-
e Co'kn:
eert,Tlioiwj v L "rel 17th; as
CertT`ue1§da'y bight,.; Ma tailed
.. considerable .expense *lll be eft
• in Brit, tnj` t $ cdmliany' hero, there
oixld a o6d holier' to re ay the
sh pp
>e #or bi ugTbg bad. curet taita-
mttithlrt Cts read .ata 'rcagaff•
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ROBERT HOLM13iS, Editor and Propriet tr.f
CLINTON,C.iv'atN(J Trl'., MARCH kI 13, 189G a year >1 advaldtae lal.tio when not paid,
Q T "r 'U_B Lurizd. esUo. Holutesville. u chase or any artiaee we reoom Ad dp 44 '
• IRIVO astlsfaction, wd lotand y04r rgA1,Y6 ',
What widq-awake and reliable aorrespoudants find worthy of recording for publication. BTooII NOTHfi.,--•Mr Robert Scott ur- CauRou. -Next Sunday the Rev Mr
abased a One Durham cow and calf at Fair, of LQndesboro, is expected to GLISSES
Stanley Gtoderleb. - St. Marys last week from Mr Hugb preachEducational sermons here morn-
PREBENTATION.-A number of the Dic*Tao. -'Last Thursday Mable T4QMgOn, Albert Wayme.uth pur- Ing and evening; RevE. W.Andrews go- that correct any deteot in the a ''04 "I
chased a Durb;am bull calf from "Mr es to Londesboro. If the Ice aroand the - sight, at a moderate price, We t mot
congregation of Bayfield road Presby- Price died of Consumption; doe was )~8 free and do it properly, s t'
terlan church gathered at the resi- years old, and had been sick about a Bigggitts. Samuel McCool has sold his church was kept out it would be ranch p perky, beoause ;tile
dense of Mr R. Mellveen on 7`ueaday year. On the same day Jas. Martin Durnam bull to Messrs Innis„and Mc- safer for those coming in and going out Itow, having learned how prAo-
eveningg, and presented Vra MaIlveen who formerly kept, Saltfiird hotel, died Bwen, Of Stanley. of the basement. ,. tically in the Optical Instita a Of
with a•liandsome dinner set,, accom- at his residence in town. Mrs George Goon INVEB »NT. --The late John, Canada.
g LEAc uE.-Avery good meeting MOn-
panied by an address, as an apprecia- Acheson died at 8.80 Monday, after Nelson Pingle was a member of the C. dap evening. Mr Jas Ford read as ably COCOA CREAN
tion of her services as organist. , about eight, hours illness; she was O• F• he Paid into the society almost prepared pa er on "Say what you
cork some montba ago, but latel °sly, and he of during his life p a necessit for this time of e
QUITE A BOON. -Messrs John and A. y g + sick benefits a couple of time, an after mean, showing many of the advanta- y y ar. It
McEwen, of the 2nd con., have ur- ad improved; on sundae she sties d gee that would be derived personally, prevents and cares all roughness of
P ed class and two preaching services in his death his widow got en for sick P akin. it is neither oil n
chased a very fine two-year-old abort- P g benefits, $30 for funeral benefits and socially and national)y, if persona only y or etieicia
horn bull from S. McCool, Hullett. He North St. Methodist church, and on meant what they said and said only but dries right in,'malsing the akin
odds at 3.80 m. she was dead- she just four weeks and one day after•his soft and smooth, 260.
was bred by Mr Fairbairn of Thedford, Y P• ' death she of a cheque $1(100 being what they meant. At the executive
Was a good woman, a true friend. a g q +
and won 2nd prize in a large field at To- 1 his endowment. meeting on Wednesdayy n igght, the ppae-
ronto, and the same at London, We I noble, loving wife, whose husband will tor, Rev Andrews, S.J.Walter, Geo. OUR IRON PILLS
teat) miss hot companionship. E. L. OF 0. E. NOTES.—Quite a num- k }
hope the boys may have success for
greatly P p' ber were present at the meeting on Acheson and F.C. Elford were appoint pnrify the blood, tone the appetite,
their pluck, for no one else in the Vsx>Aaors oa 1866'Rnumon.—A reunion Monday evenin to bear the topic, ed delegates to the first annual conven- and bails up the system. (iaaran-
nei !,:'--
neighborhood seems willing to take. and cam fire of the veterans of 1866 was „ tion of the London Conference to be
g g Profit and loss, which was presented teed. 26o, or 6 boxes for 91. Only
the trouble and risk for all the profits i held at the Point Farm Hotel on Monday, by John Garrett, and afterwards ex- held at St. Thomas, on March 2R-25-28. from
derived therefrom. to celebrate the calling out of the volun- patiated upon by Wm. Lyon. The NOTES.—Mies Hannah Ivigon, of Kip-
NoTEs.—Mr John McNaughton will tears just 80 years ago, to repel the Fenian afterservice was conducted by Bros. pen, has been spending a few days with ALLEN c W[LSOLi
place a atone foundation under his invaders. The host of that well-known re- - Wes. Fair and Millson. The meeting her friend Mise Holdsworth. Mies El- The Druggists.
barn thieaeason. Wm.Graham return- Bort, Mr J. J. Wright, the little corporal of throughout was of an impressive char- sic Pickard is visiting at Porter's Hill.
ed home last Friday from his trip to the Huron Rifles in those stirring times, acter.
Con. sEdY. Miss Lindsay, of Porter's Hill, has been pJ e aA
England; be encountered some rough had made elaborate and generous provision PEOPLE WHO TRAVEL.—The follow- °reit#n )viands here, Quite a number 4 aweJ "-"
g for the comfort and entertainment of the of relatives and friends from here at- s
weather. Peter Baird, while skat#ng, Ing persons left here this week:—Miss tended the funeral of the late Mrs Geo. Tuckersmith.
fell and rained his wrist. Mrs Nell Sneers. ,The affair was by no means for- E. Thompson Winnipeg,Man.; Thos, r
mal• the old boys and the citizens who N Acheson of Goderich on Wednesday. MOPED.—Mr Jae. Allen moved to
on while out broke
Friday last, y Chester, #nga, Man.; rand Mrs W. A live) session of Parliament expected ,.,
ski ed on the ice and broke her right )class with them gathered in groups arcane Crawford, Killarne ; Mrs Robt. Rid- y P the farm he has lately purchased from
PP the lar a Bre lane and whiled awe the nextMonday evening. Anumberhave /
arm. Barry steep has been off work g P Y dell and two chi) ren, Pilot Mound; stored awe an abundant ice harvest. Mr Alex. McKenzie, gn Monday last; ,
for some time with a felon on the first hours with stories of the early days and Geo. Thompson,, Peterboro- R. Bow- y we wish him success.on his new lace.
eoanas that have been intervened till now, t Mr arid Mrs Roberton, Rev A. K Birks, of Teeswater, was at p
finger. Joseph Dunbar, of Ashfield, cook, Toronto; D Mr McKenzie has moved intothe house
After dinner Lieut -Col. Wilson of the 88rd H. Elford s part Friday and Saturday of Mr Hu
was a few days in Stanley last week. Galt; Mies Medd, nelson; Rev.. J. Hugh McCartney, on the Mill
Master Cleo. McLennan, of Clinton, Battalion, took charge of the program, and Hamilton, Robt. Scott, Jas, Young, road. , ti`.0
spent last Saturdayand Sunda at G. for over 8 boars song, story, speech and Miss E, Garrett, Hensall; Miss Rober- Porter's Hill. 1'M;..
y sentiment occupied the •time, and right G NOTES.—The farmers of this vicinity
Baird s, p gh ton," Gait; Mr geo. Cockerline, sr., and • NoTHs.—On Friday evening of this were busy putting in their suppply of
heartily were they joined in by the entire Mrs N. Pingle, Wingham. week a public meeting will be held in ice last week. One of Mr H. Crich's of
Hullett company. The evening closed with Auld DAIRYING. All farmers who are in- Potter's Hall, to com tete arras e -
Lang Syne and cheers for the Qheen, the terested in dairying i r horses got kicked r badly last week F
ROLL OF HONOR.—The following is g will be pleased to meats for the organization of a Work• as to require the services of a veteri-
H veteran end the host. know that the Directors of the Londes- men Society in this village. Mrs D. t ,;
the Roll of Honor:for S.S. No. 8, ul- g nary surgeon to stitch a cut, and will
lett, based on attendance, punctuality DEATH Cir A PROMINENT MAN.— boyo Creamery have made very favor- Cox returned home on Tuesday from be laid up for some time. A numberF ,
and general deportment for February. Matthew Hutchinson, member of the able arrangements with Mr Jas. F.' London, where she has been spending of big to a have been moved this week. ,
Sr. Department —Harry E. Pharr, firm of Ogilvie & Ht tchtnson, and Rose, a practical butter -maker of Birk- a few week, visiting friends, r Lea- Mr N Lloyd was in Exeter on bueinese %'"
Principal. P.S. Leaving class—E. Fair manager of the Goderich branch of the ton, for the managemen t of the factory land Waggle intends returning to this week. Miss Turner, of Clinton, a
and R. Riley, Nellie Lyon, Lawday business, died Sunday after a linger- during the coming season. Having London next week, where he has tak- is visiting relatives here. r *%
Young. Entrance class—Ulvetta Brig- Ing illness. Deceased was born in made a thorough canvas of the terci- en a situation in a machine shop. The (_ w
ham and Eddie Mogridge, Bernice Ayrshire, Scotland, in 1827; came to dory the directors are pleased to find I.O.G.T, intend giving % public enter- Sayfleld.
Moore, Ernest Adams. 4th class, sr. this country with his parents in 1833, the prospects of patronage very good, tainment on Friday, March 20tb, to FAREWELL.—Captain Secord and Oa-
part—Minnie Lyon, Dillia Oliver; .I. who settled near Montreal. He was and have no doubt that with favorable consist of recitations, dialogues, etc.;' det McCutcheon farewelled at the army A",
part—Lizzie Whitley, Forrest Riley educated at Dr. Blacks school in that weather there will be a large make of the committee will spare no pains to barracks last Tuesday evening. They XZ
and John Jeffrey, Eva Shobbrooke and city. His mother was a sister of Jae. butter in the factory during the season make it a grand success. have been carrying on a very success- y i
May Bell. 3rd class—Alice Hunking Miller, founder of the, Allan Line of 1896. Let all farmers within reach of JOINED THE MAJORITY.—On Thurs-f al , u:
and Bell, Mar Bro den, Robert steamships. He was married in 1&54 the factory give this worthy enter- day of last week an old and respected this
revival for about two weeks, but ''
d y P this was summarily closed by orders
gg rise : t,.,
Townsend. Average attendance for to Helen Ogilvie, sister of the Messrs p their generous support. resident of this vicinity passed away, for another field. The Captain's work a{•'
month 30 pupils. Ogilvie. He for years acted as flour TH.o.N$s.—To the officers and mem- in the person of Margaret, relict of the here has been marked b success, and—' ' f
NOTES.—Mrs W. T. Noble, of hast inspector for the porgy, of Montreal, bets of Court Pride of the West No. late Sohn Torrance. Until within a we are sure that her many friends here
Wawanosh, and Mrs J. Ellis have been succeeding Mr Young in the office, and 31 C.O.F.—GENTLEMEN.—Permit me week of her decease Mrs Torrance,who ra
will wish hot every success in the field
visiting friends in the vicinity of Con- on relinquishing came to Goderich in herewith to express to you and also to was in her 80th year, bad been in good she has gone to—Norwich. Captain &"',_
stance. Miss Cade, of Hullett, has 1874. When the big mill was com- the High Court of$cers my sincere health, but from the moment of her Clark will suceeed her, opening with a IV;
been the guest of Mrs Jos. Granby, ted he entered into partnership with thanks for your kindness to me and attack, a aeSere stroke of paralysis, welcome meeting on Thuradapavening. ;f l :Morris. Mr John Noble, of the 2nd, a.raOgilvie, his brothers-in-law. for your promptness in payment of hope of recovery was not entertained.be lit a team of horses from a party r several years he was a member of the sick and funeral benefits, and also She was a native of Glassford, Lanark- FOOTBALL.—Last Saturday, amid a ,r
in Wawanosh last week. Two sleigh the town council and of the county the endowment provided by your or- shire, Scotland. She was married in storm of wind and snow, and on a field f3` ;S
loads of young people from Harlock council as one of the reeves for the der, all of which has been caused by 1848, and left Glasgow in 1855, settling of slush, the Bayfield and Varna foot-.;
spent a pleasant time at Mr Cook's, town. He leaves a widow and five the death of my late husband, Nelson with her husband in what was then ball teams faced for a match. In about 1 r n
Kinburn, on Friday. S. Noble has en- children—two sons and three daugh- John Pingle. My wish shall be that known as the Huron tract. Her hus, one minute the ball was rushed to the. }!.'
gaged with S. Johne, Tuckeramith for tars—Da J. A. Hutchinson, chief your noble order may continue In its band predeceased her in 1885,. -since- Bayfield --goal, and declared "past" by- ' "
the summer; this is bis second engage- medical officer of the G.T•R. • W.W. good work of assisting the widows which time sbe bas resided with her referees whistle, but no notice was 11
meant. Jae. Noble, who has been work- Hutchinson, of Winnipe Mrs Jas. and fatherless. I am yours thankfully, son John, on the old homestead. An taken of the whistle. Tho ball was ;'.
MARTHA PIN(iLE. only daughter, Mrs Dyke, lives in brought around and scored, being al- aJ
Ing back near Wingham, has returned Thom, of Montreal; Miss utchinson, Gaierich. Mrs Torrance was a cod lowed to the Varna bops. flap went:
home. Thos. Fairservice, jr., is confln- and Miss Fannie Hutchinson, to la- NoTHs.—Jas. Hill is blacksmithin g s
ed to his bed with a severe attack of in- ment the lose of the 'kindest of hug- at Brunsdon's this week and last. Mr specimen of the old line Presbyterian, on till half time, with no more goals , .'
flammatien of the lungs; we hope to band and fathers. He was a member Jae. Youn attended the s. 9. conven- and in her long residence near Porter's being awarded. With change of time. +',
soon bear of bis recovery. Mise Gertie of Knox church, a man of Stirling in- tion at Hensall on Wednesday and Hill had made a large number of the Bayfield boys were successful in ,V.
Farnham.who has been visiting friends tegrity and honor, and a supporter of Thursday, as a delegate from the Metb- friends, who will mourn her sudden scoring once and the Varna boys also e
at Auburn, has returned home. Miss the Dominion government. He carried odist shy day school. There was a departure. The funeral took place on scored once, thus making the score 2-1' "
Angie Dawson, of Kincardine, who has a heavy life insurance, $10.000 of which wood bye at Mra Mcgenzie's Wednes- Saturday, and was attended by a large for Varna, one goal being di, uted. ,
been visiting her sister, Mrs B. Tyre- was in the Uonfederation Life. day. Mr R. B. Smith, general agent number of friends. This gala the teams even as Ba field 6':i; ",,.
man, returned home on L? t'idap last. Massey Harris London, was in town beat Varna 1-0 in Varna. The tie re- a3 r'
Messrs G. Jardine, of Pine River, and Varna. Wednesday. 'Mr E. Bell has disposed Blyth mains. The game was entirely devoid lr+f
L, Hutchison, of Listowel, also spent a of his stallion to a arty near Luc- DEATH.—The funeral of the late Mrs of rough talk, play, etc., such as was ..;;
few da a at the residence of B. Tyre- NoTHs.—We regret to bear of the James Scott, who died on Wednesda seen in Varna, thus showing the gen-
y illness of Mr Jos. Foster o know. ,Mies Laura Hancock i eturned Y.',-
man. Mies Nellie Medd is now visiting f the Parr from Port Hope on Saturdayevening, March 4th, took place on Saturday tlemanly way in which Bayfield boys n,_
friends near Glammis, where she has line, Mr Chas. Reid, the noted horse after an extended visit ther. Special morning to the Union cemetery. De- and spActatora treat visitors. ;F
taught school for the pant two years. dealer, who lately returned from the services are still in progress in the ceased was in the Gard year of her age, NOTES.—The Fisk Jubilee Singers '," .
old country, is out buying horses and leaves a husband and three small a eared in the hall last Thursda
Methodist church; they, are growing PP ( Y)
Auburn. every day, and purposes crossing the and seem to be increasing in interest. children, who have much sympathy in evening, under theauspices of the Bay "I",
pond on aturday next with another Master H. J. Fair has resumed duties their sad loss. field band. Miss Anna Whiddon visit-
ACCIDENT.—Mrs Robt. Mutcb, of E. carload of horses; we wish him every after a forced rest of several days. ACCIDENT.—Mr John McMillan, jr., ed in Goderich Townshiplast Saturday `iG'
Wawanosh, bad the misfortune to re- success in his financial enterprise. $ happened with a serious accident at and Sunda Miss England, ofKincar- •
calve a ver severe injury one da last There,are several cases o4 serious i13- PP $ .
y y y CHuRcH.—The Rev. M. J. Wilson, of ness around, to say nothing of those their mill, north of here, on Tuesday. dine, is visiting her sister, Mrs H. W.
week. In stepping on a piece of icy Hensall, exchanged ul its last Sab- who are suffering from severe colds. In reaching past a saw in motion he Erwin. Mr McLaurrhlin, of Brucefleld F ,,',
snow, she slipped and fell, a !staining a g P had the flesh of his arm severed almost refereed the football match on Satur-
bath with Rev. Mr eech; the large The village Supp of ice is being re- "
severe internal injury. Slight hopes g from the wrist to the shoulder. At da A number of oun ole 1;1
are entertained of her recover congregation which greeted Mr Wil- calved from Eaef✓s, the ice in the river ip y, y ppeep ,with
y' son here was much pleased with his not being fit for use. Mrs R. G. Webb first it was thought amputation would the band, serenaded MrMogenzta, God-
W.F.M.S.—The ladies of the W.F.M. very interesting and instructive dis- is on the sick list at present; we hope be necessary, but we are glad to learn erich Township, last Friday evening;
S. of the Presbyterian church intend course from 2 Peter 3, 13. The Metho- for her speedy recovery. Miss Agnew this may now be avoided. were invited in and report a very en- 1,I ,
giving an entertainment in thatchurch. dist congregation of this place purpose spent Sunday under the parental roof NOTES.—The monthly fair in town joyable time. The ice is leaving us and
They havd secured the services of the having a teameeting on the 18th inst.; at Belgrave. Miss Higgins, of Clinton, on Tuesday created quite a stir; the at- the young people hardly know what to , : ".;
Rev Dr Frazer smith, a returned meta- i the proceeds to be applierl in repairing spent Monday with her sister. tendance was large, owing to the floe do with their evenings. Miss Turner , ,,;
aionary from Henan, who will give an the church shed. weather, and a number of animals is visiting at Dr Stanburyy e. Rev R.
address on his work at that distant .Morris changed hands. Mi W. H, Cash has Robson has started a Bible Class for
FOOTBALL.—A return match of foot- g oun eople. s ectal° meetin a ale
field. die osedof his botogra his business g P d g
ball was played at Bayfield last Satur- NOTES.—Messrs Jae. Nethery and pp p pp gg yyein g
G. T.—Last Friday evening the Good ", to Misa Sutherland, of Winirham, who Ung held avis en t. Rev Mr Oaten
Tem )are aid a visit to t~ Helene' dap between Varna's Little Fry and John VanCamp are getting sand and has announced a sermon on "Division"
P Bayfield's Ironsides. The day and other material for the erection of a takes possession the 1st of April. Miss Yor Sunda
Lodge. That lodge is doing well at Fitzaimona, of Clinton, is a set at y
resent. Our Auburn friends were grounds were not suitable, but, never- bank barn. The many friends of Tom
P theleas„ a lassie kickin on both aides Graeb are ho in soon to see his ever the home of Mr Edward Watson this ,
well pleased with the reception accord, p g „ y P g week. Miss M. McKenzie, Bayfield, is Goderich Township
was manifestly shown. The Little smiling face=again; Tom is a general bb
ed them. The only difficulty they en- a visitor at the home of her brother, LEASED.—Mr Peter Cook has leased
countered was the state of the roads. Fry' however was much too smart for
favorite here, especially among the
In fact a certain art of the roads next the boastful "Ironsides," some of whom fair sex. A certain young man, though Mr A. McKenzie. Capt. H. T. Rance the farm belonging to Mr J. Elliott,
' P claimed to have beaten some of the not of the south ward• want out driv• attended a meeting n the officers of on the ?th con., for a term of years.
morning indicated anything but what the 33rd in Goderich, on Monday. Mr r Cook gets possession; next fall the a
we Might expect from a load of Good seaforth Collegiate bops scarcely two ing with his beat girl, and accidentally
g P minutes elapsed when the Little Fry left his mite in a store in Belgrave; and Mrs A. McKellar left on Monday present tenants time has expired.
Template. made the only goal of the first half- never mind, Will, next time you go to morning to visit friends in Strathroy Fool BALL.—A foot ball match oc-
NOTE$.—Mre McLachlin is at present time. The Ironsides then scored a Nether(land) and have a,r occasion to and Sarnia. Miss Powell, Wingham, carred on Tuesday evening last, be -
on the sick list. Messrs Cullis and cal, which was Boon followed b an call at a store you will rbcpa forget #a a guest at the residence of her bro- tween Schools No. Sand 10, The game
Goldthorpe have started to saw this g y y don't 8 that Jdr Geo. P° ell,.this week. Mr was intense) interesting from start to
week; the secured a much greater other for the Little Fry. About three the sweets, as you know she on t like yc m y g
minutes before time was called the fruits. A, . Dickson, dill hue essin Seaforth finish, and was witnessed by quite a ,r';
number o logs than anticipate The Little Fry shot another, which was on Tue•y. Mrs Higley and Mrs number of spectators. The result wasL.
Jubilee Singers have secured the Tem disputed as bels oft side: The ams Went Wawanosh. Davis, who have been spending a few a tie, each team scoring a oat.
eranee Half for Saturday evening. P g g weeks at the rectory, returned to their NoTns.—Mr Chris, NXII is the
p e visci al event this weak is the was finished by cheering; both teams, NOTEB.—Measre and Mies Windmill
Th f home in St. Thomas, on Tuesday. Mr owner of a Jersey heifer calf, from Mr
p p and especially the referee, Mr 112c- spent an enjoyable evenin last week
Sunday School Convention on Thurs- ppee PGeo. Cade,who is laid up with a severe D, Ti lad 'a Jersey cow, which is a
I.au hlfn, who did noble work and at Mr Oliver'e. Mina M. li p
day. ,The new school Union No. 18, g utledge: Gof attack of pneun-onia, is Improving little beaut , it is real) one of the
East Wawanosh intend havingan en- gave fine satisfaction. The Ironsides Ebenezer, apant last week at HH gr- rettieet Jersey calves ever Been. Mr
must surely feel small after such tall Taylor's. Dr, Medd, w Dungannon,G. Miss Jennie Habkirk is visiting n Fd p y
tertainment-on i'rriday evening, reciterd ce at resent. Rev A. McLean at- Bohn She aid, sr., who fell on the ice
tions. dialogues, music and speeches blowing, in loafing the significance o! was Balling on friends in this hart last y P PPI 11
P tended a meetin of the Preshytery In recently and in jurin himself severel ,
gu their name, als well as their fame, In week, John Howitt is ataq n with g g yy
an Wm. Caldwell received s telegram h g Hensall on Tuesday. Mies McTavish, hoe almost recovered. Miss Pollick, , ,
announcing the death of his sister -in• suffering such a defeat. his brother Geor a for a e ort time
g Mise Curtis and r Hugh McQuarrie who has been visiting in this vicinity
law Mrs Taylor in the township of Al- ban VA.BNA TUM before starting arm operations for were the delegates appointed to attend for a few weeks, has returned to her
bion last week; he started at once to at, We read'great tales of the days of old, himself. Miss McKenzie visited at the S. S. convention in Hensall this home at Ripley .
tend the funeral. Quite a number o! of heroes cat, and warriors bola, Mr Rose's on day last week. Mt OR- week and left on Wednesdaq morning LEAVING.—John Crooke (son of W.
our citizens attended tbQ month) fair We thought theaethiags were but a dream ver and Miss Smith were the nests of ' '
Q__ y when we beheld the yarns team. g for that purpose. 111r Neil McTavish, Crooks, Goderich tbwfidhip who has
at Blyth on Tuesday. Mr David FBA Mrs W. J. Davidson last Wednesday. who had a nt the winter here with for some time been em to ed with the
had an offer for his fine driving novae Whate'er's the failleg of &'Varna boy, Herbert Thompson visited St. Helen
g He is no coward, he' do, or dle friend,; returned to Pennsylvania on Dry Goods Palace, had talon a rtitua-
at Blyth, but so infinitesimally small so the'•Little, Fry , to the Ironslaea, friends a few days recently. Mrs, Thursday )stat. Miss E. T' '
ri aman left tion vrith Pickard & Son, Exethr 404
is Dave's calculations that he ould-not Superior proved pt every side. Sc mgeour; sr. who was seriously in- last week for Detroit, to begone some leaves for that place on the 1htal", pAL p
for a momient eutertAin'it. Ora King, aontfdentrinlleswere ob ovirytare disposed a few days last week, is now, time. Miss N. Kelly, who holds a pa- .He is not only, a thorou k"hly gfilC est
Of the let con., ,,haat Waw46jratlh, fell es on the told the teams tools place, we are pleased to state, somewhat im• attics in liiimbei'atone, returned on and competent salesman,
a yonu ' 'r
And{ , each eye sun did gleam. ved, Wie have experienced all
last week and surf her lash aft bad)yy it BoethAd tob 00 4 fort` e v'xrda, team. pro p Wednesday eveliing last for a holiday roan of irreproachable character an
thatshehalf been 'ullablQ ti3 be sCround kinds r►f weather since the ushering in at home. Mir3g F, Cartoi', Buffalo wap people of Exeter will find ;iitm a ";
since. Rev R. 'Hearderebii attended a At lenqth rriEli 4 tnt,h a shorans scream of .Maireh. _ Several farmers are tar- P ,"
A gdali a' ! r ihe't arna 4unimoned here last week to attend stir ng good citizen.
meeting of the Pre6bytery, at Hensall Ther std itgsih twaai a wantihil trance; Chasing seed and grain and making the funeral of her father, the late. Mr • - -» •----- } •
Their tam
last Tuesday. __. 'Phe oppobarita,> egtn to feel rather e, other preparations indicative ofspringg- Geo. Cartel. who "died on the 4th ingtr, AN OLD Al MANAo.---M JAW106 A:t•g.
T a Saute at leder epme to s bloae, asst Davidson and McCartney will
IIeborina. Pc tp t1 ;'lSittla aroaa ave heir shingle mill in McCartney
blast tai and was buried- on Friday, in Turpper s strong, 'Varna, brought us on edilap
cemetery, Tuckerstnith. Mr Ifred a eo y of "Tnu NEw )late Huron roam r ` .
FInH. 2a`riday morning about $v+e nv noible the all did tt few days; they have Mr Somerville, pp
Twos a orown ng day for the Varna team. Austin, who was ladarried in Linton ty $armprs' Almanac, for the year bf '' tl
O'clock the frame dwelling house of w- ••1.1 .1 . of H,uckriow, enga gged as soperintefn- on the 4th Inst., to Udine Alice Seeley, our Lord 18W." 'pile Almanac vltaa hail i!
Ralph Reddy, deputy -reeve, 8rd cora. TO $1l11J90$IEER$ dant. , AI't hur Newton is enga ed returned with big bride On Wednesday among some of his father d p4,Vors , 4fid
of the township of Mborne, was totals . with It, Glenn, near Carlow, for he evening, and they have taken op.t'barr has been used as a memoranda 6ok ,
bummer. bt.t r
e Ra I Medd Jr.,r a en for ly destroyed by fire, with all of the A oOdbaany`etibscrlbeti s 1ta'e0 renew. , j , e'g residence ima tpwn;. we e5tte>hd cangra- also, containialg •some iiitdresttrt ' r '
contents eitcept an organ, which was ed good
subseriptiolas for the present Page wire fence. An early spring tGlati tins. Mt Jamca Marshall, elm old forelegs ad fo`r mdtarten on Juno 4£h;, °.
saved. • Mr Redd and fafnlly hada yyear, but quite a number have 14ot het pould prove a great boon ;to man resident of Bl +th, and. fbt. some years 1888, "t uardin Bayfield from Pool. 1 "
a ben brats arts dam7a sc althou b ttie tt r i8 still farmers who acre scarce of feed, a f dle at the HlOuae Oi H ins, July l2, I letcelobratiofi In 0111h.
narrow eseaV6 tr ib being ti r p . thou h ts+e,aro Of too o talion filet rf an Invalid, d ++ t8 " at a s Taft let <'. 11
Just, escaped in their might clothes. (! art e in (limtton, atyediaasda , Of )ant torr Novi fir im , p ,
p g vI` to their ad coag. >ucr Hob ill » . ly ll d b hof
tm a a:aeRl to sire dtartett !w a Ira oar in latlrvailcg andpsulascri . oseliaving a; ttr itis wanks, ers Cee lt the 'fuuoi vA took lath TCataa the girls here+' Tt9v, Ir « •atm -d ';»ear
Thefledisa p b + p p Welt; . ,,
' a rs ll eat) colt a tlb vont t 9f It, at currei it piicoa;t toro +r 0 d ,tl; ; ty t rlac1; iutsciiarl arr. Atmd.o laelC eisd+dW,.,',
trig parlor s£avo itisamred . n tTae ,`F C . be gt r g b l li ei>sOu hand to s r ^ rbMideaoa of ll s eami . fm ()espy, tO ne A
TOwnshi Fl1lc Imdur uCe d, f6r;W_ 11: rzsixiittaricee. g of like >rlattt ..
.1>:ngll Mki clitiroh,c6ir1et31i'jr
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