The Clinton New Era, 1896-03-06, Page 3•
()ordains no Injurious Drugs i;, Eeery int reellept le a Hearth Builder, Certain and Permanent Relief ie guaranteed in eaoeo of Con-
stipation,g3yepepeia, Neryeasnpss,, All Welk/Mews, Blood and Skin Diseases. it is based on Glycerine instead of Aloo]I ol. For Pro-
, 5toalgt; ,3duo ng Soft, Olseir Slain and Bright Oomploaion and Relieving all ills Peculiar to Women it is Unsurpassed.
Bold,jat ALLIIN & WILSON'S Drug Store,, Clinton. Ile certain to get " ikIANLEY'S." Take No other l
R Mother—I wonder if my little boy is
Bio afraid of work that he does not
Study his lessons? Little Boy Me
afraid of work? Not mucil. Why,
mamma, I can fall asleep alongside
of it.
Teacher—Well, Tummy, you were
not preeent yesterday. Were you de-
tained at home in consequence of the
Weather? Tornmy—No, ma'am; I
couldn't come 'cause of the rain.
First Boy—I's smaller than you.
'Second Boy—No, you're not. Third
Boy—What's the matter with you fel-
lows? I's smaller than both of you put
Jack explained a misstatement the
other day by saying: "I misunder-
spoke. '
"Well, pry dear," said the gentleman
who had given away the prizes, Can
you tell pre why it is cruel to dock
horses' tails, and trim dogs' ears?"
"Because," answered the little girl,
"What God has joined together, let
no maim put asunder."
Mamma — Are you getting along
nicely at school now, Johnny? Johnny
—Yes, indeed mamma; I've got the
best place in my class. Mamma—Yes?
What is that? Johnny—Near the
Small Boy (watching his big brother
shaving)—You shave too often, bro-
ther; you'll be sorry some day. Cholly
—Why so? Small Boy—'Cause by and
by you'll want to raise a moustache
and can't. Cholly—How's that? Small
Boy—'Cause if you keep shaving all
the time, you'll come to the end of
the hair.
In catechizing a little girl the cler-
gyman asked, 'What is the outward
and visible sign in baptism?" "The
baby, please, sir," said she.
In the pereon of the Rev. John J Hin-
ohey, of St. Joseph's Church, R.C.) : am-
ilton, is found one who does the h' • hest
credit to the self-sacrificing work in hich
he ie engaged. Hie kindly heart conant-
ly prompts to deeds of love and goo . ees,
and in the city of Hamilton all who . now
him are ready to bear testimony to his
high character and active generosity,. A
result of neglect, thinking more of . ers
than himself, he has been a sufferer . o.L
cold in the head and its almost oertai as-
sociate, catarrh. Recently he made u : of
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder,
found in it so great relief that he dee.: it
a pleasure to tell others of the good it as
done him.
One short puff of the breath through
blower, supplied with' each bottle of Dr
new's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this p
der over the surface of the nasal passe
Painlege and delightful to nse, it relieves n
10 minutes, and permanently cures Dater . ,
hay fever, colds, headache, sore throat,t
silitie, and deafness. 60 cents. Sam
bottle and blower sent on receipt of 10 oe
in stamp° or silver. S. G. Detchon,
Church St., Toronto. Sold by Watts
g -
Fire Friday morning completely destroy
ed the chemical department of the Ontarh
Agrionitural College Guelph. Lose, abort
Browne twine clerk at the Ft. Hall Indiar
Agexloy,.oes-Fork, Idaho, has the longest
mustache of any man living. It measures
nine feat from tip to tip, four and a half
each way from the center of the lip. This
mustache is Mr. Brown's greatest joy and
pride. It is most carefully kept and would
attract attention anywhere. The Indians
look upon this enormonely long mustache
with awe and reverence, believing Mr.
Brown to have been exceptionally blessed,
When Baby wart trick, we gave her Caatorta.
When she was a Child, she cried for C./stories
When ahs became Mae, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Catstor%
Marsten T. Bogert an instructor of
chemistry in Columbia University, re-
siding at Flushing, N. Y., in whose
hand a bullet, which had been imbed-
ded there seventeen years, w as photo-
aphed on Monday in the college la-
boratory, said :—"The experiment was
more than successful, and demonstrat-
ed beyond a doubt the ability to take
accurate photographs of hidden objects
by the new process. The experimeet
was made in a partly darkened roue,,
and the exposure lasted 40 minutes.
Every bone au the hand was distinctly
outlined in thejpicture, though the rays
had to penetrate first the skin, next
the flesh, and then the large bone lead-
ing to the third finger. The negative
showed the bullet distinctly under
the bone. At the time of the accident
by which I received the bullet, five
physicians probed for it, but none of
them could find it. The photograph
was made by Prof. Pupin, of the elec-
trical school."
blood purifier, gives freshness and clear-
ness to the apmplexion and cares Consti-
pation, 25 ate., 50 etre, $1. Sold by J. H.
Oombe, Clinton.
K nits on the Trains Deeretmaatal to
As a people we are spoiling the sight of
oar eyes by reading newspapers and novels
on the trains. No sooner does **work-
ingman, be he mechanic, clerk or met,
chant, secure a 'seat in the ear, than he
whisks* paper from his pocket and im-
mediately is lost to everything but the
contents of its often poorly printed pages.
Hs does not think of it, but he L raining
his eyes. The work girl or the school girl
pores intently over a novel and with eager
eyes pursues the jolting lines of print are
the ear moves with many lurches on its
way. Thisbe bad for the ayes. The Read-
ing Times remarks on this subject : This
hat is most trying on those delicate
muscles that regulate the shape of the
eyes' lenses and so affect the fooalizatfon
of the organ. The danger is greatest, of
Bourse, on those railroads whose ballasting
is imperfect and whose rails are roughly
laid, producing much jarring and cons.•
gnent rapid changing of the distance be-
tween the eye and the paper.
In some cases the eyes of a victim of the
railroad reading habit are so affected as
to form at different distances, and then
hiesufferings are most acute, and, though
much relief may be afforded by the treat-
ment of a skilled practitioner, nothing but
a discontinuance of the habit will afford a
petrfeot cure.
In the ease of a person who suffered tor-
tures for two or three years from eye dis-
order due to train reading neither rest nor
professional skill prevailed until, by ac-
cident, the yellow window Shades in the
office in which he was employed were re-
moved, when he was 'able at once to work
with greatly increased ease and comfort,
and in a few months was entirely cured.
An utter loss of hope is characteristic of
oonsnmp4ives, though no other form of dis-
ease is so fatal, unless its progress is arrest-
ed by the nee of Scottie Emulsion, which is
Cod Liver Oil made as palatable as Dream.
A petition was presented Friday after-
noon in the Superior Court, Montreal,
praying for the disqualification of Alder-
man Wilson, of Hochelaga Ward, who was
elected obout two weeks ago. Several rea-
sons are given, one of these being that the
Alderman in question cannot read or
FMB Hopes.
1, George English, shipbuilder, have liv-
d in Chatham, N. 8., over 40 years. Last
pring I took severe pains in my knee, ,
hich combined with swelling, laid me up
r six weeks, during which time I endured
eat suffering. I saw South American
hermetic Cure advertised in the Chatham
orld, and procured a bottle. Within 24
nre I was absolutely free from rhenmat-
i . , and have not been troubled with it
e ma. For sale by Watts ct Co.
The Pa{,'teptn ,Grand Association elected
for the ,netting year: Grand president, C.A.
Mallory; viae-preeident, T. O.Mnrrie; grand
trnsteese/LeI.00kie Wilson, he. Gifford and
Fergus Kennedy; secretary-treasnrer, L.
A. Welsh; grand sentinel, J. W. Patton;
grand auditors,* Wm. Valiens end James
Moodie. A Iolation in favor of n, ifortn
taxation and the abolition of all exemptions
was adopted, and it was decided to me-
morialize the Dominion Government to
abolish the deposit required of /candidates
for the Horse.
A New Haven grocer has had lots of
trouble with his apples. He bought a
large stock early in the fail, and put
them in the cellar. Recently he httS
jbeen selling a large number ,of apples,
but barrel after barreland bushel after
t7 bushel have been returned to him.
They all had a nasty taste, and what it
was appeared a myaftery. The grocer
finally ascertained that there had been
an escape of illuminating gas in his
cellar, near where the apples were
stored, and the odor had permeated
the fruit.
Tho government hart ordered the prepar-
ation of s resolution, which will be sub-
mitted tp Congress, providing for the reg-
istration of Protestant marriages. This
action upon the part of the Peruvian Gov-
ernment is the result of lengthy diplomatic
action, in which the United States Govern-
ment and the Government of Great Bri-
tain have taken part. Rev. Mr Wood.
head of the missions in Porn, some of
whOso miseionaries belong to the East
London Institute, and others to the Ame r-
ioan Bible Society, has had trouble with
Peruvian officiate for a long time past.
The expnldion of some of his misoionariee
from Cuzco brought about an exchange of
notes on the, subject between Great Brit-
tain and Peru, and the non -registration of
the marriage of Miss Wood, with Mr
Hazltine, was the basis of the diplomatic
!lotion mentioned.
How He Know.
Frenchman of high social rank was
ssing the great desert of Sahara with a
mon Arab guide. Every night the
de kneeled down upon the burning
and prayed earnestly. Day after
passed; but the guide, however weary
the march, never failed to offer
ksgiving and praise to God.
last one day the Frenchman said to
th'; .ids, "Yon are very faithful in mak-
onr daily prayers; but how do yon
lin ' that there 1s any God to whom to
pr i"
e guide looked at him hi aetoniah-
me , but in a moment answered, "How
do . ow that a man, and a camel, has
pa... here}" and he pointed to a human
tot nt on the ,,and. "Even so," he eon -
tin' ., pointing to where the last rays of
the. •Ming sun streamed in purple and
gold ver the western sky, "that footprint
Is n' bat of a man."
Th s are many so blind as to question
the e atone of God, In the very face of
His nderfnl works. Happier far are
the . imple morale that see in every espeot
of nes re a manifestation of His love and
provi n oe.
A Born Diplomat.
Cha e was caught napping on the
porch a summer resort. A pair of soft
little 1 de covered his eyes, and a sweet
voice t•I manned: "Guess who it 1s."
Noth g very dreadful for Charlie in
this yo hank, but, then, you don't know
that C rlie was engaged to two girls,
and fa 'e life of him he couldn't tell
which - 1 it wan, which made it a very
embarr ung sites,ion for Charlie. A
wrong l ese would lead to complications
awful t hink of. But a happy thought
inspire.: barite, and he announced: "it's
the dear t, sweetest little girl In All the
"Oh, - • lovely boy!" gargled the sat-
lafled on as she removed her hands.
And n, Charlie thinks of apply for a
foreign istry, feeling that hie talents
would... 'acted In ally other than the
diplomat field.
i •.
"fa 1.. lt,-,,a t. Oi[tat lv Die."
They toll) ale hi the dining car of a train
on the Louisville & Nashville road that
in the smoking car was an old colored man
who was going South to see his old
plaxitation home agaiu before death claim-
ed him. By and by I went in to have a
talk with him. Fie was wrinkled and
White-haired and evidently very old, and
when I expressed wonder that his friends
in Kentucky should have let him set out
on snoh a long journey he replied :
"Dey jest couldn't help deirselves, saki
I tole de °hill'eu I was bound to ens, an'
dey jest had to let me."
"And how long since you left the old
plantation ?"
"Way back in wah times, sah. - dun
went right off wid some Yankee Bogers,
an' dat's de last I eber did see Mare
Thomases folks. Ise gwine down to 'sprigs
"Where is 1t 1"
"Jest a leetle ways out o' Selma. Dey
tell me dar' em great changes 'bout
Selma, but I reckon I kiu walk right
down de road alt' find de plaatashun in de
night. Braes de Lewd, sab, but T doan'
reckon I could hev oloeed my eyes hi death
11 dey hadn't let me cum. Dar's bin etch tl
longin' to see de ole place agin dot I
couldn't stand it."
Three or roar of us chipped in to get his
meals and make him comfortable, but ere
saw that the journey was telling on his
strength. On the morning of the day we
were to reach Selma I could see that he
was weak and nervous, and when I sat
down beside him he said :
"Ize feelin' sort o' skean 'bout myself
die mawnin'. I had a dream last night
dat I was welkin' long de road an' met a
funeral, an' when I axed who was gwine
to be buried a white man spoke up and
said :
" "Pon my soul, if dat haln't Mare
Thomases old nigger Job, who runned of[
doorin' de wait 1 Heah, boy, let me tole
you snmthin'. Yo' has cum too late to
seeo'r ole Mars ; dat's hire in de coffin,
an'he was axin' 'bout yo' la day belo' he
• n
I told him that dreams did not signify,
and after a bit had atm quite chirped up.
I got him some tobacco for hie pipe, saw
that he had breakfast, and as I left him
he smiled all with happiness as he
"Only two hours mo' to Selma! liss
mss dun got dere 1"
Thirty minutes later the oonductor
beckoned to three or four of ns to come
into the smoker. The old man sat in /AU
seat, leaning against the side of the ear,
and seemed to be sleeping.
"He's been dead ten minutes I" quietly
observed the conductor, "and he died as
peacefully as a child falling to sleep 1"
So he had. There was a smile on hie old
black face—a smile of anticipation, and
the pipe had not fallen from hie fingers.
Death had come like a soft and fleecy
mantle, and its touch had been painless.—
Detroit Pree Press.
An Electric "Motor Cycle."
Bleet$oal manufacturers appear to have
taken up in earnest the matter of produc-
ing a practicable electric syole. The at-
tempts hitherto made in this direction
have been, as a rule, either complicated,
inefficient or expensive, and sometimes
have been open to the threeobjections. A
motor oyole which has been designed b! a
New York firm shows in many respects a
decided advance on previous types. It is
intended to be operated at a maximum
speed of twelve miles an hour over ordi-
nary roads. It can maintain this
for four hours, thus giving a trays
distance of forty-eight miles. Two meta*
as-. employed, each of one-half horse-
power, and weighing 24 pounds each.
These are geared independently to the two
rear wheels. The storage batteries which
supply the motive power for the vehicle
are of a apeoially light lead -sine type, and
weigh 05 pounds. The total weight of
motor oycle, including everything, is 810
pounds, which is much lighter than any
vehicle of equal efficiency yet produced.
A Child's Quaint sayin=.
The Rev. David Macrae has brought to-
gether in a most interesting little volumes
entitled "Quaint Sayings of Children," a
number of stories, many of them old, but
nearly all of them good. There is one,
evidently told in print for the first time,
of a little girl in Aberdeen who brought s
basket of strawberries to the minister very
early on Monday morning.
"Thank you, my little girl," he said,
"they are very beautiful. Bat I hope you
didn't ,ather them yesterday, which was
the SaUn,nth day P"
"Nu, air, replied the child. "I pulled
them this morning. But they was gtowin'
all ysste rd a
What Did He Mean?
Two young gentlemen met in one of the
Pittsburg parka, according to the Chron-
lole-Telegraph. One of them was wheeling
his first-born son.
"Ok, good morning, Mr. Bellefield," said
the proud father. "row, isn't that a
pretty baby 1"
"It is, indeed," said Mr. Bellefield. "I
AMnewer wen your wife, but I fancy the
Eawst take after its mother."
ES, ..i
- Ui_E AR
cugeEsvCONSTf t'!0'
I NDmeseiGN
An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE rdNIO,
Hold by Druggists or cont by Mall. tie., GOa,
and 1$1.00 por package. Samples free.
for the Teeth and Breath. 25o.
Sold by J. Ii. BOMBE
FST iii MA so that you need NOT
S;'f IT all night gasping for breath for fear of
sn r,ratlon. send your name and E
r.ddreas, we will mail trial bottle II -
DR. TAFT 6808.,188 ADELAIDE RT..
Welghf am 4 Oman?' n?' [Tttic apo 4*uA. a -
maal at one of Vile hotels the other
;WM told au latsreatiug Rtpry of how Mhq.
felghtier In Ike far West road to supply
tlromielves with whisky. Hs said that
some years ago when all freight ea the
irolatie>rl wee hauled in wytgoas, Ise hair
paned to maim a trip of several hundred
Mlles with a train of wagons carrying
morobandlee to remote stations. Nearly
every wagon contained one or more bar -
role of whisky.
"The first sight out I noticed," said
he, "great activity around the whisky
barrels. The wagons each had a hatchet
and a gimlet, They would knock up a
hoop, bore a hole, draw all the whisky
they wanted, then put about as much fide
grayel in the barrel as they had drawn out
whisky, drive a plug In the hole and put
the hoop back in place.
"I learned afterwards that the barrels
were weighed and the whisky tested be-
fore it was turned over to the freighters,
and that when it arrived at its destinat
1t was again weighed and tested. The
gravel supplied She weight and bulk end
the .quality remained the sacra, and this
was why it was used instbad of water ID
supply the plane of what had been tabsa
out.—Lewisville Courier Journal.
Hot One.
Johnsey--Jenkins, I believe you hoe
some of the elements of snoops abdb
Jenkins—Not $ sblillrs, old roant for
brlgkt I You'd be stela/mu flim it �3.
—Spare Momenta.
SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a guaran
tee. It oures incipient Consumption. It
is the best cough core. Only one cent a
dose. 26ots., S0ots., and $1. Sold by J.H.
Combe, Clinton.
R.ev Mr Millyard is to remain a fourth
year as pastor of Grace Methodist Church,
St. Thomas..
:The Detroit News Windsor correspon-
dent says: Sheriff Iter, of Essex county,
is ander arrest on a charge of contempt of
court. Every endeavor has been made to
keep the matter secret, and it is impossible
as yet to get the full partionlare. It ap-
pears that some writs were issued against
Sol. White, ex-M.P.P., and the sheriff ne-
glected to make a return.
The Town's Leading Merchant Laid Vp
Rheumea.tism in various !ores is one of
the most common diseases there is.
It arises generally from impure blood
and a broken down system. In the
limbs it is painful ; in moat of the in-
ternal organs dangerous, and in the
heart usually fatal.
The experience of Mr. B. Mann, the
well known general merchant of Stitte-
ville, is interesting :
" Last winter 1 was badly afflicted
with rheumatism. I decided to try
1!r•. Chase's Pills. To my surprise. I
got immediate relief, and before I had
need one box my alfliction was gone.
" I was also troubled with bit -
neat for years, and at Intervale of three
or four weeks would be laid up with a
severe headache and sick stomach. Sine
using Chase's Pills I have not had as
attack of wither.
" I may add that Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment for piles and skin diseases in Nat
as effective as Dr. Chase's Pills forbloe9
troubles. f have a clerk who suffered
terribly from bleeding piles. He tried
Chase's Ointment and in a few days waa
completely c'ured."
All dealers and Edmianaon, Bates A 00..
rnanufaetnrerile Toronto. 25e,
Chase's Linseed and Turpentine for
colds, bronchnitib sod @consumption. Sore
sere, 25 omits.
B.B.B. nnlocka all the sec -,tions and removes
all impurities from tl.a s3 ,tun from a common
pimple to the worst scro'u,o,s sora.
BURDOCK PILLS act rent!r yet
thoroughly on the Stom:,r„ .. i
Is sire to attend those
Success who make good use of their
time wh a attending
The Canada Business College
Last week showed :the placing of five stu-
dents In ohoice positions; this week three.
Bella Mitchell, placed as second sten gra
pier with the Van Anken Steam Specialty Co.,
of Chicago. The first steoographer, in the same
Mike, Mis6 Anne Moffatt, is also a former pupiL
James Warren as stook -keeper and office as-
sistant with Wm. Gray de Sons, Chatham,
Fred Thompson changed from stenographer
with Geo. B. Donglae to stenographer with
Messrs Wilson, Reukin, McKeough & Kerr,
Barristers, Chatham.
College re -opens for the new year, ;San. 6th
For catalogue of either department address
Clinton Planing MN
The subscriber, having tbo very latent improved
machinery and employing the most skilled work.mon is able to do work in his lige in the moat
satinfaotory manner, at reasonable rates and
on the shortest notice. A trial solicited
THS tioN1 411131
for Infants and : Children.
MOTHERS, Do You Know that Pare.
BaWmnu'Q Drops, dodo- y's'Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrup.
meet remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine t
Do You Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic polsons t
Do Yon Know that in most ootmtries druggists are not permitted to sail Dam.
without labeling them poisons t
Do Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your chill
unitises you or your pbysidan know of what it Is composed t
Do You Know that Oastoria 1s a purely vegetable preparation, and Ciel et lilt of
iq ingredients is pobllabed with every bottle t
Do Yon Know that Oilstone Is the pteecr'iptkon of the famous Dr. 8amod Pitcher.
That it has bean in nee for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now cold than
Ot an other remedies for children combined t
,iso Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and et
other oountr'iee, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and ire aealg ns to use the word
"Caotori "and he formula, and that to imitate them Is a state prison omens t
Po Yon Snow that ams o! the reaeoos for granting this government promeorloaw*
'GOMM 0ustorla had been proven to be £boolntely harmless?
sDo Yon Know they 95 average doses of Castoria are furnished for $1{
ge nts,or one cents dose t
Det You Know that when possessed of tads perfect preparation. your children me
'e kept wen, and that you new have unbroken rest t
Well, these things are worm koowhrg. They are facts.
denature of
is on every
Children Cry, for pincher's Caetoria.
Who Does.Not Know'
That Christmas will soon be here, and that in order to properly observe
it you most have a good podding, and that to have a. good padding you
;must have good material to work with. Granted that yon already
know this mnoh we wish to inform Lyon that we have the material of
the highest quality at a very reasonable price. We have also the in-
ferior quality at a ld'wer price, but much prefer giving you the best,Ias
it is cheapest in the end. Everything you need in the way of
Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spices, Figs, ttc.,
Ae low as any, quality considered. Weare in a position to sell as cheap
as others, and will give as good value in any line of goods we handle as
can be got in town.
OUR TEAS, are the best to be had for the money, try them. If you have nob
tried "Salada" you should do so, as almost daily we are getting new onstomere
for it. The best 40 Dent COFFEE in town; try that also. A shipment of:Din-
ner and Toilet Sets just in. Call and examine goods and prices.
NearPostOffice—CENTRAL GROCER,'—Telephone 40
Not Giving up Business
But continuing with full lines of seasonable goods.
New Flannels, and Flannelettes
New Cotton and Woollen Blankets
New Tweeds, Trouserings, etc.
New Ladies' Underclothing
New Readymade Clothing
New shirts and Drawers
New Dress Goods
Don't trust to luck, it may assist you, but more often leaves you in the
lurch. Use good judgment and buy where you get a good article.
New Raisins,
Canned Salmon
New Currants,
" Dates,
t� Apples.
Our stock of Crockery, Lamps and Fancy China for Christmas
is worth your while to examine.
New Pigs
( 1 SWAL]Lf
0 W,
▪ Clinton
The Finest
are taken by