The Clinton New Era, 1896-02-28, Page 5WO gamy oustgmoxs>bta. bays helped to Melte this Christina* trade the largest lit th9 hisser 'of our butiMes e, .end Weeded by far ear oxpeotatione. 'Wiebi�ln Mt all a 12appy and prospermia New Year. Wistoh title space next week for prieee. P. $.--*'W"e` ore here tq May, andif we warrant a watch we will be here to falai Ortr Premise. Wo are not goidgiout of business. REP,Axa$ by a skilled workman and a first-olass engraver. We oharge you for nothing in our repair department until we know a watch is running right. J. B. RUMBALL Watchmaker, Jeweler, &o., TelephoneEachange White Pane Expectorant We recommend it above all others for coughs and colds. It has given the beat satisfaction of any cough mixture we handle, and we have them all. The bgetitest is the quantity sold. We have Sold more of it than of all the others combined. If you have a cold try it. You will like it as good if not better than we represent. Price 26 cents. Our selection of Imported and Domesticleigars is one of the best. J. E. HOVEY. Dispersing Chemist, - Clinton. H�yeltyBatery as Restauraet. Donforget that we have the finest assortment of Fruit and Confectionery I in town Candief4 from be to 50e a lb Beasonahle FRUITS at low prices - Pipes, Tobaccos, &c. In fact everything at the very James McClacherty, OrrasrrE TRE lowest prioes. Menem CLINTON Florida Water 5c a Bottle Perfume makes a most acceptable holiday gift. Our:stock embraces all the leading makes of FRENCH,. ENGLISH and AMERICAN PERFUMES. We want your trade and make a bid for it. The question of relia- bility, of standard sterling goods and long experience should tip the beam in our favor. Add to this our moderate prices. We can give you something handsome for 50c, $1 and $1.25. JAMES H. COMBE'S • ckionon&Co,Biyt IT'S OUR CONSTANT AIM To give yon better service, to give yon better goods, and to rednoe the cost of every article yon require, We keep in touch with the manufacturers and the wholesale houses. We bay for Cash and sell for Cash. We look after the diseonnte closely. Not being confined to any place to pnrohase our goods, and being constantly on the look ont for bargains, we always have Bone snaps that will interest you. Come and See us. Our $1.50 Pants Lace Curtains lie are justly proud of onr showing in Laos' Curtains, all bright, new geode fresh from the looms. The patterns are dainty. The quality -well, we guarantee everypair. The prices are certainly right judng from the quality we are selling. We start:them at 3be a pair A better line at....50o a pair Reeder 51.25 Lace Curtains for $1 $1.90 " $1.45 " $1.66 " $2.00 " $2.25 `` " $2.75 " $43.50 " " 912.110 We world be pleased to show you these goods if only for comparison. Are making a record for themselves. Good patterns, mostly dark stripes Hosiery Ie one of the branches that we keep up-to-date in Shirting The big purchase we made in Shirting le making its fnflnenoe felt. The Shin- ing we sell at IOD is worth Lebo. We Sell Ggoceries Cheap Not cheap Groceries. Our Special Brand of Japan Tea at '45o is a good ono. Black Tea 26o, 400, 60o and 600 a Ib. We would like a share of your trade McKinnon az Co., Blyth Cash and One Price. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash 1. L NEW STORE We purpose handling Ready Made Clothing largely, and In order to get our stock in shape bbfore the new siring go arrive, we will hold for one week a special sale of Clothing. We will give you prices that ought to be an inducement to buy. Do 'you want an Overcoat at your own price 2 DO you want a good Suit of Clothes for $3.99 ? D0 you want a pair of good Tweed Pants for99e? Siz'liply stated, do you want Bargains P If so, come ata See us, we have them, make no mistake and get into sofne other Store and pay. more for your goods, but ebbnf! directly to the new store of 1113WO 14011$ "Gill Nyo,» the humariet, Is dead. Mr b', J• I'+yliob, proinineat edaaatisu. Lot of Peterboro, ip dead, Ex -Mayor layers, QI Goeftuoque, diad suddenly $nnday ixlo,'eing. Dr. Yeiland, of Betorbore, died Wednee• day of appendi.4itie, aged 81. J. A. MoVean dehorned 150 head of cattle at Wittenberg the other day. Jordan Minor, of $parte, wsN oompellea to pay 8460 for running an illicit still. The Toronto °World, Conaervatiye, says that the remedial bill cannot poeaibly pass the Rouse. IYIr Sennet Edison, father of Mr Thos. Edison, the inventor, died at Norwalk, Ohio, aged 92 years. Thos, Blaokwood, a ten -year-old boy, was killed while attempting to board a moving freight train at Almonte. Mr McKean, who resigned hie seat: in Parliament to make room for Sir Charles Tupper, has been appointed a Senator. The Grand Association of the Patrons• of Industry decided not to open the order to all professions nor to abolish passwords. ' Some of the Conservative papers are speaking of Sir Charles Tapper as a politi- cal Jonah, and they are evidently getting ready to throw him overboard. The residence o! Alre Bier, near Oshawa, was destroyed by fire, and her ten -year-old daughter was burned to death. Mre Bier made heroic efforts to save her child. Mr. Flint's prohibition resolution was introduced in the House of Commons, but an amendment to adjourn the debate was parried by 66 to 47 votes on a division. The Conservatives of Brookville have asked Mr, W. J. Olnff to contest the riding on the ground that Hon. John F. Wood has ceased to represent the true sentiment of the Conservative party. G.B.H. Morin, who was sentenced to be hanged in 1890 for the rerder of a man named Roy, and afterwards bad his sen- tence commuted to imprisonment for life in St. Vincent de Paul Penitentiary, has been set free by Lord Aberdeen's order. In reply to a question as to the health of Canadian oattle, in the British Parlia- ment, Right Hon. Walter Long said the Department of Agriculture certainly thought that pleuro -pneumonia could be introdnoed into England from cattle imported from Canada. Yesterday's Globe states that an effort is being made to bay np some of the Qnebeo Liberals, and thus seoureb heir support of the remedial bill. But the Quebec Liberals are made of better staff, and one of those so approached, authorizes the oorrespondent to say that the Quebec Liberal members are a unit in favor of Mr Laurier and his policy. Many residents of Bruce sincerely regret the death of Mr Angus Stewart, of Luck - who passed away last week, Deceased was license inspector for the south riding and a most effioient official. He was also piper for the Lnoknow Sons of Scotland. Mr Steware had a pimple or abrasien on hie arm from which blood poisoning set in, and extending to the body, death followed. The meeting in Toronto on Saturday evening, to protest against the coercion of Manitoba, was a success if members and enthusiasm const. The large hall was crowded; the speeches were moderate in tone, but earnest, the resolutions were strong to the point; and the utmost har- mony prevailed throughout the meeting. It was an earnest expression of the opinion of the Toronto electorate, stated in a business -like way, and in a manner which gave no reason for offense. Knox church, Palmerston, was burned early Sunday morning. The building was erected only a year ago, and was one of the finest in that part of the province, costing about 510,000. Rev. Dr. MacKay, of Woodstock, was to have conducted the an- nivereary services the day of the fire. While the building was on fire an invita- tion Dame from the Methodiet ohnrch to swept their building for the purposes of their anniversary, which was gladly so- oepted. Dr. MacKay preached from the words "Our holy and beautiful house is burned np with fire; have faith in God." Steps will be taken at onoe to rebuild the church. Clinton Y. P. Local Union Topics at the several Young People's Society meetings being held during the week: - Baptist Y. P. U. Monday evening ab 8 o'clock. Meeting for March 2nd will be conducted by the pastor. Rattenbury St. Methodist E. L. of C. E. Mon- day evening, March and, at 8 o'clock. ilt will be a consecration eorvice, roll call, collection and monthly reports Rattenbury St. Methodist Girl's Junior E. L. of C. E. Friday evening from7 to 8. Topic for Feb. 28tm h, "A question contest" Rattenbury St. Methodist Boy's Junior E. L. of C. E., Monday evening, from 7 to 7.45. Maroh 2nd, consecration service and roll call Ontario Street Methodist E. L. of C. E., Mon- day evening at 8 o'clock. Topio for March 2nd, 3rd olause o1 pledge; Eph. 6, 8; Heb. 13, 21.lead- er Mr Jas Foster. Consecration and roll call will follow Ontario st. Methodist Junior E. L. of C. E. Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Feb. 28th will bo a coupe :.,tion service led by the President Wtllir i . e-byterian C. E. Society, Sunday, event,'. at 8.06. Topic for March let, What is involv,-1 el loyalty to Chriet Luke 10, 25-37. Oatech i , q uo-. 74.Leader Mies M. Dowser Lond.,,i,or ..•iotbodist E. L. of C. E. Monday evening at 8 o'clock. The meeting on Marsh 3rd will be consecration service; leader, Mr R. C. Davidson Turner's Methodist E. L. of C. E. Sunday evening at 8 o'olook. March let will be conse- cration service and roll call HORN NEELY.-In Seaforth, on the 14th Met., the wife of Sim Neely, of a eon. CORDON, -In MoKillop on the 18th Wet., the wife of Alex. Gordon, of's. eon. DOHERTY.-In Tackereinitb, on the 18th Inst., the wife of John Doherty, of a son. 0ORNYN,-In Wingham on the 18th inst. the Wife of John Cornyn, of a son. ANDERSON. -In EastWawanogh,on the 14th the wife of Wm. F. Anderson, of a daughter. MORRISON.-In Zetland, on the 18th filet., the wife of John Morison. of a sem. GOOK. -In "Gingham, on the 12th !net., the wife of Clhae. Cook, of L0oknow, of a daughter. OLARK.--In MoKillop, on the 12th inst., the wile of Mr A. Olark, of a daughter. BEID.-In Mollidlop, on the I6th flet the wife of Mr A. Reid, of a eon. MARR11EED WHEATLEY-ARMSTRONG - In Tucker. smith at the residence of the bride's father, Mr W. Wheatley. of Clinton, to Mies Mary Arm- strong GOD$IN-BOYD.-On the lath Inst by Rev W. M. Pomeroy, of Walton, at the residence of the brides father, Mies Dorothy, second daughter of Mr Anthony Boyd, of Moltillop,to Mr Jas.X. God kin, of Drayton, North Dakota DMD. KENNARD.-In Bromfield, on the 18th inet., Maria A. Kennard, youngest daughter of Mr Thos. J. Kennard, aged 27 years, 2 months dud 0 days. . % OHNSTON.-Irl wBarfield on the 17th lust,' Oharlotte, wife of Mr. . E. Johnston aged 24 Pare. I ODGSON.•-'•In Exeter, on the 13th test 'Thos. Hodgson, aged 34yeare,10 menthe and 1t daYe. Bees, aged.26years and 10 0Onthri. fust.,, Ifslirq IF YOU would see a big store with a big stook of bright goods, "visit here,. IF YOU are looking for the very loveliest soft blending Checks in popular Waist Stuffs "visit here." IF YOU are wondering what the very latest Cotton wash goods are this season "visit here" IF YOU purpose soon buying New Dress Ma- terials for yourself and family by all means "visit here." IF YOU are' out to up while stocks are the latest Fast Print + and Stylish, Suit D .cks "visit here" IF You want 12hc Prints 32in. wide,fast col'd for 8c ; 20c Towels for 12h; 8c heavy Gray Cotton for 5c; strong Dutch In- digo Prints worth 180. for 1 tic, "visit here" IF You wish to wear the only perfect Corset ask here for those with the Perfection Fastening OILROT cr4 WI3ELIAN, Clinton CLINTON MARKETS Oorreoted'every Thursday afternoon Thursday, Feb. 27, 1896. Wheat, spring 0 76 a 0 76 Wheat, f all 0 76 a 0 76 Oats, 0 22 a 0 24 Barley 0 80 a 0 40 Peas 0 48 a 0 50 Floor per awt, , .. 2 20 e 2 35 Pork 4 50 a 4 75 Butter 0 14 a 0 15 013 a 014 Potatoes 0 20 a 0 25 Hay, New and Old 12 00 *14 00 Sheeepskins 0 25 a 0 25 No. 1 Trimmed- Hides 4 00 a 4 25 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS. There were about 400 head of butchers' cattle, 20 calves and 5 sheep offered for sale at the East End Abattoir on Monday. - The butchers were out in large numbers, but they bought sparingly. as they consider- ed the prices rather high, and are hoping for more liberal supplies during the week. Choice beeves sold at from 3fo to 4o per lb, pretty good animals at from Bo to 8,}c per lb and the common stock at from 2 to 3o per lb. Young calves sell at from $2 to $6 each, rnd those 2 or 3 weeks old sell at from $7 to $12 each. There were no sheep sold during the early part of the day. Fat hogs sell at about 50 per lb.: Egg eper doz SALE REGISTER. Farm stock of Geo. Allen, lot 9, con. 10Hui- lett, on Monday, March 2nd. T. M. Carling, sunt. Farm Stook, eto. of M. Braithwaite, lot 27, con. ll, 'Toiett, on Tuesday, March 8rd, C. Hamilton, Anot. Household 'furniture of Mre P. Cantelon on Mary street, on Saturday, March 7. T. M. Car- ling Anot. The County Council of Grey has reject- ed the proposal to establish • house of refuge. New g1'drertionnento. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Several houses either for sale or to rent. Full particulars an application to JOHN MOGARVA LOST A good Goat Robe somewhere in the neiggh• borhood of Londeeboro. The finder will be suitably rewarded on returning the same to DAVIS LIVERY, Clinton. boarding - Parties desiring comfortable boarding can be accommodated at the residence lately occupied by Dr Appleton, opposite Eng- lish Church. Furnished rooms without board can be had. Apply to MRS WALTER COATS Choice Thoro-bred Durham Bull Calf for Sale. Subscriber has for Bale a very choice ten - months -old bull; le low set, dark red, and from the celebrated Cruickshank stook. Will be eold on reasonable terms.-APPLETON ELOOAT, Brumfield, P. 0. pd HOUSE TO LET. The undersigned offers to rent the hone° on Maple street, et present rumpled by Mr F. Hell. The house contains 4 Bedrooms Parlor, Dining. room, Kitchen, Hard and Soft Water good stone Cellar; rent moderato. -MRS T. COOPER. House to let or for Sale. The oommodfone house on Rattenbury Street, next to Tedford'° shop, is offered either to rent or for sale sheep. Being centrally situated, and of may Recess, it would make a good boarding house. Stone cellar. Apply at the NEW ERA Office. Possession at once. STORE TO RENT The large commodious brick store on the cor- ner of Albert and Huron street, Clinton, lately occupied by Plnmsteel d; Gibbings, is offered to rent. It is the most centrally located in Clinton, and is well adapted for a general business. Ap- ply to J. P. TISDALL, Clinton. Harness and Saddle Stock for Sale by Tender Tne undersigned will receive tenders upto the 4th 01'Meroh 1890, for the parohaee ofthe stook in trade, Harness, Trunks and Saddlery, also Shop Fixtures amounting in all to about $28 belonging to the estate 06 John Ward, of Seelorth. Inventory may be seen and terms of sale obtained on application to the undersigned. . Seaforth, Feb. 10, 1898. 13. LOGAN,fAeeignee 100 VOICES WANTED. Tho Choral Society meets every Thursday.Evg at 7.80, 1n the rooms over Mr T. Jaokeon's, Sr., and in addition to the 80 members now on the roll, will have room for 40 mare' wipes for the next consort. The florvieee of the Waited mnsioien, Mr. lllithevan 13.MoDoll*1d b1 London here been se- cured e- curedascondnotor endnodoeero heti&Sheuld mint the opperiunity 01 thio anti m*tuI's inetrntie tion. Rules nut grtjjjbi�i..'th tooiety ate that 0h 0 wilt be on siyail �e8 Eglft DAY mus10 okot 8toeib, and pille the entltlY fee of a adr Y riurkent eta, ,ucntell..1st 11;eheasul �bn':►m1'1nilan edd,1�,,Iµ` IPell 278'11. E. 0. linEWRIt; - i1W'5T BOXn8 P: In the : Majority I••-� Of houses the parlor is also the drawing room and reception room., Here is really where the effort to display is conoentrated,beoanse here most of our visitors are entertained. In the line of Pictures, we have just reoeived some very pretty things -suitable for Any parlor, framed oomplete and ready for banging. The prices of these Pictures are 25c., 45c., $1 and $1.50. The colorings are soft and delicate and the subjects pioturesgneland- soapee. We have also a special line of Frames suitable for Cabinets, complete with glass, mat, &a., at 45, 50 and 60 Dents. If you want something choice see these goods before they all go. JOSEPH W. G H I LJLEY FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. -- Miss Hattie Donagh, Goderich, Teacher on the Violin, begs to announce to the Musical people of Clinton, that she intends starting a class immediately If snliieient bom- ber of pupils can be obtained. For further in- formation please apply to MR T. JACKSON, JR VOICE CULTURE MRS WALL, late pupilf Professor Bischoff and Mies Leavitt of Washington, ID. C., also of Walter Damroseh, of New York, is prepared to give lessons to a limited number in VoioeOaltnre. Single lessons, two months, or by the quarter. STRAY CATTLE. Game into subscriber's premises, lot 18, eon, 10 Mullett, about two months ago, two Heifers ric ing two years old. One Bleak and White, the other Red. Owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay Merges and take them away. GEORGE MOON. W ANTED Good Hard Green Wood in exchange for .Robes and Blankets, at JAS. TWITOHELL'8, Victoria Block, Clinton. Holmesville Cheese Factory NOTICE. The directors' of the Holmesville Cheese and Butter Manufacturing Co., will .let by Public Anotion, at Pickard's Hall, nolinesville, on Saturday. March 14th, 1890, at 2 p.m,, the drawing of the milk on each route to the fac- tory. Full dartioulare furnished on date men- tioned W.B. FOBSTER.Pree. W. 8. LAWRENOE,Beoy L You Want a Plough. I am sole • agent for the Fleury Plow. It took the medal at the World's Fair. Those who have used it not only like it, but say they don't want any other. It won't oast anything to look at it, audit I can sell you one you'll never regret it. - ALBERT SEELEY, General Blacksmith, Clinton. WAN TED Farmers' sone or other industrial persons o Lair education to whom 875.00 a month would be an inducement. Write me with refereneea: Could also engage ladies at their own hornet. T. H. LINSCOTT, 155 Bay Street, Toronto. Our Prices Are Dwarfs Our Values Are Giants We do not ask or expect profit on winter goods selling now, we are satisfied to take the money we invested. We do not .want to pack away a single winter garment; our business is that of salesmen and not warehousemen. We believe, however, that it would be wise for you as indi- viduals ,"if you have the money to spare," to buy for future as well as present requirements. Flannels, Heavy Tweeds, Suits, Underclothing and Overcoats, At present prices you effect a saving of 20 to 30 per cent, and we know of go other way in which you can do so well with your money. Think the matter over. We want the dollars to invest in goods for the spring trade, and you will find that the purchasing power of hard cash is great- er now than ever before. ' . 01111 h The 04 Da r, 14.#0 i • ti