The Clinton New Era, 1896-02-28, Page 3• 1 af> 1 A NEW AND WONUERFJL BLOOD 111E4 AND •NEI 'E 'SONIC. tjontaiwi no injurious Drugs! Every ingredient ie'.a Health dilsler, Cal Pi 0147p4inenent Be sof •It,gtiffrsnteed in caries of Qon- litipatiop, l?yspepeie, Nervousneeg;,A3k-Weaknoseee; Blood end I;1►ijli 1)ia�aekl># 1t ;s;baacd op Glygtil'i1,o pot earl,ol;Aldoi>,ol,. Via Pro- duo;ng Soft, Clear Shin and Bright Coropleaien and Relieving all ills Pc0014r to Wooten it to UnarlrpasiiO4, Sold et ALLEN & witsoN'$ U ug Store, Ullutou. 1Sca c:<'1'tat11+t9 4` LtA,N. RPS,." . Take No otherl A 13QY WHO COULD AND WOULD I know a boywho was ieparin to enter the junir class of the New York University. He was studying trIgo- nemetryand I gave him three exam- ples for his next lesson. The following day he canoe inta my room to demon- strate his problems. Two of them he - understood, but the third—a very dif- ficult one—he had not performed. I said to hint, "Shall I help you ?" "No, sir; I can and will do it if you give me tune." I said s,,w`I wj1l give you all the time you wish:" • • ' ' The o@xt dayy�he came into my rooms to recite! aliotl bi ltis�on .in tt a same study "We I;$jpson,haveyou worked that exampl� ?" "No,.tiir," be answered; "but I will do it if you will give noe a little more time." "Certainkfj1 you shall have all the time you desire." I always like those boys who are de-, Ing and if asked .the manner 'of lte.:,lotle termined to do their own work, for win s1>amlty say that he 1061" it in_ , the they make our best scholt�rs and 'f'. 1,t, �n+ar;' The story of chid' afbir ie FO - too. The third morning, ,y)U al}gnid' am. ,fhoul[h I am told that there are have seen Simon enter ItlYi robin. 1 lnlltances of the same nature" that .:have knew he had it, for his whole' face told owning: Bewas married a few mon1 the story of his success. wizen mil ie opil for volunteers war Ise'tfifli pini he yearned to reapond to his oonn- tze invitation. Hie wife put her foot down at once and said tba* he atonia noir" go. Two months passed, • and as the storlee.oame from the front of the roar- ing of hannon and of blood beiag spilt, William, for that was his name, vowed that be would go to the scene of battle. One night his wife saw him get up in lite sleep, and, putting himself in a be - roto attitude, extend, his hand.as though it clutched a swgrd, and .ory, • `,'a'or- wend I" this preyed on her. mind, so that on the night, afterward she asked him if he folly intended to join the , army. He replied emphatically that he did. "That night when William Wept she arose, and, with stealthy step and de- termined look, took a hatchet from un- der the bed and name to the side of her sleeping husband. She noted the calm- ness of his oountenanoe, and bent and kissed his. forehead ,as a tear coursed down her cheek, Then ebe took the in- dex' finger of bis right hand, and, sep- arating 1t from, the othere, laid, it upon the side rail and brought the hatchet down with snob force as to sever the digit. William awoke, and what be ,aid Is not recorded,' but be was made of sterner staff than his better half thought. When the smoke of battle rolled upon the field of Bull Run and Union hearts beat wildly in the first great encounter, the martial sound of William's drum urged on to glory many an Ohio man. He could not handle a musket, bat he went to war. "—Columbus Dispatch. ,,......T._..- ,'MEN As LOVERS," when Baby wen elik, we gave ben Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorle. When she became Mies, she clung to Casten*, When she had Children, she gave Mara Castoria, THE MAIMED VETERAN. e1ngu1ar Story of How He Lost His Index Linger. An old soldier who beare the Soars of several wounds received in the late un- pleasantness was speaking to the wrlb- er about odd incidents of the war and among other tbiugs said: "Courage is eo different in different people that I have been very often sur- prised td see exhibitions of bravery : lin 'unlooked-for quarters. There is ab HMO who Maid 'to live 1n Marion O.Velao has the index finger of his rAsh*� band Iitfilf" ALWAYS PI,SED. No Gruinblers, oy, Growlers when DiamQllyd Dyes are used. Thousands of pleasant, happy and grate fol lettera,are d>n file fsQm Iadiee who; have tested the 'pbpuler Diamond Dyes that always do their work well and satisfac- torily. Mre Thos. Lavin, Newark, Ont., says: "I find that Diamond Dyes are the best. as I always get good and fast oolore from them. I have used other dyes, but they are all inferior." Mrs Wmr Moore, Steenburg, Ont., 'sage: "We like piamond Dyes better than all others lin,Iithe market; they ads aye .git+d eplendid"oolore." When ladies ask for Diamond Dyes, they should always insist upon seeing the name on the package, as there are so many worthless dyes sold by dealers. WHICH WAY ARE YOU LEAD- ING THEM ? When I look back over my own min- isterial experience, I see now that a laooe part of the soul converting work, was done by personal conversation.` For example, I met lately with a vete- ran Christian who has been for 'nearly forty'yeais a zealous member of the church, and I recalled to him the even- ing on which I had made him a pas- toral visit. On that evening a long talk with him had not produced much impression; but before I left he took me upi�td�tb.our@ ry,tosee�hie;tosy childreni lie*. cribs. As we stood looking at sleeping littIB;c r bs, I said to bird, s1My'frieti,9;'What 0i'f; of a father are you going to be to these children ? Are you going to lead them toward* lidelyeepi ori+ -the; :other Way?" The arrow lodged, it was � blessed by the next . the Hql,z 1 „ilillO 1R� B'On Ile was at the Mae�en'�$ t�,ble, Pr a t m in his pd�!1h'bld' hot bl o tghe ttiti�� tb a decision; the preaching he needed was facetoifateieort. ,If nastorlswill rgo among heir people, they will discover that there is an unbelted, door }yi. al- most everybody's heart, if we ask f,he Holy Spirit to show us where to Sind it.—Dr. Ouyler. , •J i. .A cardr-.dn. thrb • tea, a x, outside of of. ,`�,1i'�' ■ fice-door days: " Gone to lunch. Be back in ten ti minutes-" A n d , .. '' • the man will r be _ there on time. �!�, ) ° i - • That is, for Dome ,,f ye,weeks or even months, I. Titen he will be at home occasibnally for a day° He'll tell you he has aiii. dell dbserts,That war Cure Leash for tbo altenet Bide of File. "If only mee • would reall"ze that the material side is what we girls care the least Airs" writes Miss Idiliatt Bell in Feb- ' ruary Lediee' $otne, Journal. "Pray don't think, Poet because, you have built us col- onial houses, and have our clothes made for oat and•never allow butchers' bills to annoy no, that you have done your whole duty by us. It never occurs to most of us, who have these dear American meq for overs and husbands, that we could ever really get cold or hungry. You would have a fit, if you thought any body belong- ing to you didn't have all the clothes they wanted apd the best the market affords. But you thigh It is a huge joke when we gay that we ars tlientallg ooh , and, hungry a good deal otthe time, and that you are a etorehouaq with ,all that we need, right within your iearts and brains, only you won't give it to pe," A Gere for IaaoWulA, The latest cure for insomnia is cheap, healthy and eMcacioue. The remedy was suggested by ahold doctor to : whom a de. spairing young man had gone for advice. "Of course," said the doctor, • "I could stir. you plenty of drugs :11%1 would put yhtGt, to sleep, but• in the case of a young man, that is.. always to be avoided. The rein son you oannot sleep be because your nerves are all unstrung. That does not nedeasarily mean that you mast put your nervous system to, sleep by the use of drugs. What you want le a; lend sAeite- ment, that will lift your nervous system out of the rut it has fallen into.' The beet thing in the world to do that is a trolley; ride. Don't try to settle upon any nestlo- nlar route, just jupip on any car that comes along. Don't even ask the conduo- tor where the car is going to, but just go along with the car. It will surely come baq k some time to the tofnt where you took 1t. If the route is eight or ten miles long so muoh the better. One thing ,is certain, you will either sleep during the ride or as soon as it is over."—Philadel- phia Record. Some First Principles. s reported that Mr. Lincoln ono. -raid a man who suggested a doubtful proporitfon to him, .` I should think that to anyone wanting something of that kind, that something of that kind would , be about what he would want." It is the same way wits . bloomers. Those who admire them, admire them. Those who don't, don't. Seep The bloomer question ie•one that 1s not to be settled by a magazine p- article. Thereare some funds tal trutheli all may agree upon. hien'vehOtiislnt'thbn a series of skirts are not cum bersomeanti that they do not retard and tire the ridei would, no doubt, simply Goll tae if they were compelled to wear thgftl,, Ib' seems reasonable that bloomers have some advantages along the lines o! oomfort'Mi O0ndeniepde. II Isn't .pity enured tried women rat re to be dberoberu They dd'1fYd`1c'idde With oomfert, The foes' of the' bloomer doettlthe are opposed`'to'ib' delely on the ground of "the leOltil Of the thing." ' They•dhould be benefit enough to non - fess this, for no one Will say that bloom- ers make cycling any more difficult, physically. Granting there is a physicalgain in wearing bloomere, is there a morel loss? Not neoeseartly. A lady's real nature ought not to be ohanged by a change of dress. For ages men have been yelling "dress reform" at the other es.[. The Wise, bewhtekered Iorde of creation have insisted that trailing skirts end tight 'lading were dragging our slaters, 'wives and mothers to premature graves. Now theme men are afraid dress reform ?` Th(loss of a barn oma 411 tine tlelt,Aoil'A Prop, and frequently portions if not all of ,t,ho live stock thezzein, bltgi becpnge- so u iii Ol Pate ytar<'e that; it trine Ono of the 1noet serioue drawbleks tq f'ttrtiing in some sections, • W e notice recovdsof fifteen barns burnt in three Pennsylvtlnia comities during a Late storm. We suggest that an inveetiga- tion be nada as to the proportion • of. barns actually destroyed in this way, whip') were supplied with a properly constructed lightning canductet, pass- ed sufficiently deep in a moist subsoil, and kept moist by watering, especia11� p° before a storm in times of drouth, it , is seldom one heals of the dwelling house being struck; it is the barn. and this is more frequently supplied with a conductor than the haus.. Innarrow valleys, in the ncountain- ous regions of the country, farm build- ings ere seldom struck, the proximity , of timber affording superior attraction, especially with respect to certain groups of trees. It hae been suggested ° that trees about the homestead, if buppiled• with. conductore, 'would be ;a much hettem, safeguard.. The,: Td., S. • weathenr tussah, hss,done aome,alsefill l work in,sthdying lightning,, but. there„ is room for further observation, and experiment. —American Agriculturist. Premier Peters, of Prince Edward Island, says of the outlook for the corn,' ing general elections: "We -expect that the entire Ottawa delegation will he Liberal this time. The feeling Jaffna way. We•did pretty well last time, but we will be solid at the next gene- ral election," Mr Peters is the young- est premier in the Dominion. He is very pohuiar. In referring to the Manitoba school question„ Mr Tarte said, the other day: -I find in the Ottawa Citizen that the Government is sure to lose 25 friends on this question, but is just as sure to get 25 Liberals to make up the loss. If each as Tupper, Bowell and Caron wait for the Liberals to take them out of the hole they will stay a great while in the hole.' ;,r a heitt?athe•-a'turn• of chop is -.* ''?'1.E'.lnbfbffs,1'6r ms7be'lie'll woman, 11 coming. The new btoy she wears what le termed thee sap he had a lump in his stomach and «ideal' costume, has neither trailing felt too miserable:'to -move. The lump skirts nor deadly oorset stays. was probabi .twdy,or'three ten-minute Ohl it's awful to tbink that some of • lunches 'do eise& They were hurried these women are so Immodest as to 'In, but they were taking their own time empty about like men And they may- about ay-• about�E,` titer'"ttlrit�itri'.dff•"t become as strong and healthy, too. Isn't ''.This is a great mistake, but as long es it a shame? 'there's life there's .9 .chance to rectify A -great many say it is. And nmany mistakes. i ear i isn't. : The man whti9e0i3oitb• h"'Iti'nche8,�vi� 1 �'$ -emir until further notice, ladies find Dr, Piert4'e Id`l'e Y'e'11ete' the ,aranyiaed..to dress as. their own Dema • best friend he a er••met'-TlI Pelle "` of propriety dictates. ,may not hurry as much as the man does,_ -No matter what they wear, the hest- bnt WO wul do the work Toi viEkh sus won't fall.—L. A. W. Bulletin. 'they lire intended—surely—promptly- 1Th i no case -of biliousness, con= ,tipat on, indigestion, "heart -burn," or ane o the ret)o€ithe aught-fnare breed' 'ing brood, that these little " Pellets" will 'not c re. '111'11 �;,' r, Th are 1. are nQt ,disagreeable to lie,. neither are the+`+t.$ltoWeliattgi�ee.alile. Oty' ere entle laxative -too 'fl i y cure plena., 'neutr+. There's no danger of forming a ," Pellet habit." • Thertfore; you don't beconie a slave to their use. Send 31 one -cent .tamps to cover cost of customs and mailing only, and receive ab- solutely gratis Dr. Pierce's Common ,Sense Medical Advisor, and find out how to' keep ,yourself and family healthy. The book tentaiiia r0o8 pages,, over 300 illustrations and over 68o,eoo copies have been Sold et ISf.5o each., The new edltid*i of s00000 eopteti is to be given away absolutely free. ,It le ft veritable medical library, complete iii -one 'volume. Address, with stamps, .World's Dispensary Medical Association, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N, It. fel Canada's Drink Erns. The following facto,, oobaplled from the 1s. t published Dominion Statistical Year Bdok, go tel show ho* the " drink traflia' "helps trade" in Canada. Snob facia etre well worthy of the *orient; ooniider- atipn of every Canadian citizen, no mat- ter what may be bis views In. regard to total abstinence. Official tables are given of the value of the different kinds ofliquors imported into Canada for home consumption from 1877 to 1894 inolnetve. TIib total value of these importations aggregated as follows: Ale, beer and porter- f 8,821,038 Cider87,708 Malt for brewing ` 347,522 Spirits and wines.... 21,070,1197 Grand total 520,880,2 This amount represents merely the money' that wont out of Canada to pay for these Iiquors alone, at importers' wholesale prices They were coneumed from year to year, and what had Canada or the Canadians to show for all that outgo; at the etld' of 1$941 Shhnply both- !:• ,ling Whatever that`'added one iota to the prospoxjty, health, addltndenient of hap- : ,pfifee�se of the • ooun$rryo' � Stet 1 ' tbbre e y _ ' M-oiilton velf %l.el' im1ilrratfiIt Of 1tciuo a.prom. AYER'S Hair VIGOR Restores natural oolor to the hair, and also prevents it falling out. Mrs. Ii. W. Penick, of Digby, N. S., sage : "A little more than two years ago only hair egan tu$R r fall te> the %% Ire of nne bottle of Ayer's /lair 'PiTg' r my, hair was restated td its Original color and ceased• falling ont. A.ill occasional application hal since kept the hair in gots1' condition." --Mrs. 1I. F. Fkxwrcli:, Digby, N. 8. U rowt of Har: "Eight years ago, I had' the 'ratio_ ;aid, and lost niy haW'tvhieh preVi- eusly Was quite abundant 1 tried a variety Of preparations, but with- ,. It beneficial result, till I began to 1;3,r I should be permanently bald. About six months ago my husband li r o ht home a betlle of Ayer's IIair Vigor+ and I began at once to use it: In a short time, new half' began to appear, and there is now c ; e: --r prospect of as thick a grow -V.1 of . r as before my illness." � — I: A. \. V\'r•:BER, Polymnia St., New Urlc...5, AYEs FAIR VIGOR puuSrdirlla BY OR.1. 0, AYER 4 CO., LOWELL, MASS., U .S. A. Auer's PIU. cure Sick Heafiaehe. �f.7HllV 0 IS G FAIN I LLE iRt /it 5? t1 I''�'t I 3 't: ,• ER Qyt ft '@ THE G1'SEA'1' Family medicine ofthe Age. Taken" internally, it Cures Diarrhma, Cramp and Pain In the Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Colds, Coughs; 'era, oro. Used Externally, It Cures Cute, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sprains, lbothadho, Pain in the Faoo, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet. 276 articleeror attained to such unbounded popular. It,.-Baltis Obterstr. e,Wnto �troaffin.0f tehirebanefeis Streets btintgh •ortrrelttpp aart/o,, Noelatsw1tto 56 a Iasi arUcf&•-016 0e norb fntRt mYstrroipwidtt,ritiAtfler;which'is fhb ewe rs3aebis*say eustu,;letnew teeite, 'dttftae8ed omaIth ieli1aE M ;i meidoaaysptan medicinal** AtentaYOust to tyDtsts Pskeifillur3fFres. flaG y earl f♦s"fIs' Davis:" UrYe t eti IT STRIKES HOME 1 Ches.'s Ointment Curs. 111 Skin Irrrltls• bons, 01 tae many 'Xs diseases, eczema ie oat of the worst and most common. The one effective 1 remedy so far covered for it is Dr. ,,: Chase's Ointment. It never been' ewe, + . known to fail. Mr. GRAM nrrox Andrew Alton, of Hartland, N,B., ssys: " ley little daughter, Grace Ella, aged three and a half, was a dreadful suf- ferer from eczema for three years. We tried a number of alleged cures and sev- eral doctors, but all without effect. Her's was indeed a bad Case. Her little body was entirely covered .with rash. One day oar local druggist, Mr. Wm. E. Thistle, recommended me to try Dr. Chase's Ointment. I did so, and four bows effected a complete entre and saved our child." Dr Chase's Ointment is jnet ae effec- -tive for piles, salt rhetum and sores of all descriptions. For sale by all dealers and Edmaneom. Bates & Co., manufactur- ers, Toronto ; price 60 cents. There is nothing to equal Chase's Lin- seed and Tnrpentime for severe colds and tang troubles. Large bottle 26 eents. IT PAYS TO is sure to attend those Success timewho make good use of their while attending The CanadaBusiness College CHAA'rHAM, ONT. II�qet week showed :the placingof five stu- do6ts in 4ppro pgsitlons; this wek three, ells Mitchell, Pieced as second ;Oen gra- pher with the Van Anken Steam Specialty co., ofChico o. The first stenographer. intbesam office, 4.one ttofratt, is alae a former Pupil. James Warren as stock -keeper and office as- sistant with Win. Gray & Sons, Chatham. Fred Thompson changed from stenographer with Geo. B. Douglas to stenogrs,pher with Messrs Wilson, Rankin, McfCeough 8c Kerr, Barristers, Chatham. IT.PAYS TO ATTEND A GOOD SCHOOL Oollege to -opens for the new year, Jae. 8th For catalogue of either department addrese D. McLAC ULAN Chatham -N, ' 16.1 cuutolil Cook's Cotton Root Compound Manufactured by T h e Cook Co., Windsor, Ont, and Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in "the hour and time of need." Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two poet - age stamps, with her addrees, for Oil and f 1 particulars, wh ch we will send by return mail in plain. sealed envelope. An old physician, 33 years con - tinned practice treating diseases of women, has charge of the office, and can be consulted by letter or in person. Address our train office :'H! COOK COMPANY, Boom 3—No, 263 Woodward Are., Detroit. Mich. rfr Cook's Cotton Root Comppmtd is sold by all responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United. States for Otte Dollar per box. IEbr'ui';II I jlia I $$ esa�r m ° .40 New Boot and Shoe Store The undersigned bege to annonnoe to the peo- ple of Londeeboro end vfoiuity;that ne has oi.on- ed a Boot and Shoe Store next to the post otIce wbero wilt hp found a con -Mote assortment of PALL and WINTE.t BOUTS and SHOES: Our goods are ors. -class, and oar prices are right — Custom work and Repairing done Ina workman. like manner, Butter and Eggs taken at cash. Come and see us before buying elsewhere. JAMES YOUNG, - Londesboro. Clinton r'n Pktiiinng 11tH DWI' KILN! Fire nubseriberr, having the •Very istc.tIndproved mtiehiesry &TI, er4pl..ying the most tklIIerd work• osteinta' abi�n.todo eerie in his line in the most eatletetter); •mannas, sties/enable rates.arid •ori the .')cyan,tnaita8.,.A.tilalsollattttd ' 1'ACTO1'tlt NEAii (1.".'11. litotTIOlt QLIII''Olr '17101 Velt111'k(2111 for Infant 4u years' obeervietion o!sstorw ls ith the frotta tt% Isniffle= R;. •C of Qersone, permit us to speak of dt tsdthotit It it unquestionably the bent reaaedy or infants shsal [11slitdleltlll " the world has ever known. It is harmless, Cbildreo►'.= 111' J save, then' health. It will agave their live!. In it 39)0110ri *sty se anetbing which is absolutely sato and practically Wierolifillfssa t child's medicine. Castoria destroy. Worm,. Castoria allays Feverishness. Castoria, prevents. vo t1t1ng. Sour Curd. (Astoria our= 1)ildrilt 'diid Wind echo. Csatorrda relieves Teetllie.g "Trdnbles. Csstorii,.,eures. Ooddnttilpation, pini Flatulency. Castoria neutralbers;thei,e,Niefli of carjipaio acid gas or'a i ren ons sliilMj. t7astarie does not oontabpniw pb1ue, .mini q, or other aiaa°botio Vs. tt;e1* aiiisiilater AA 'toed, retiaiates the stomach and bowels 04 k lki , •a tdat:or41, loot , , Carr risiAls put-fnn, a n one 6 It is riot arid lie ibuIk iib !n'%r risings a ,on iP fselli ct , else on the ;Asa or prr� thdtit is `f j<etet'ita hood*' gad "'wU ev er eveery apinri+t►eie: iiee dist you stet• Q -'.A 4441.! Rtri-A. Tho lEild-i#elile dgn1►tuto.oR G + 444 14.1 taco' error,. • u c•.d ©hlidrer>F }Cry for Pitcher's Castorino, Who Does Not apo w4 That Christmas will soon be here; and that in order to properly observe it you most have a good pudding, and that to have a good pudding you meet have good materidl to work with. Granted that you already know this ruttish we wish to inform you that we have the material of the bigheet quality at a very reasonable price. We have also the in- ferior quality at a lower price, but much prefer giving you the best„as it is cheapest in the end. Everything you need in the way of Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spices, Figs, &c., As low as any, quality ooneidered. We are in a position to sell ae cheap as others, and will give as good value in any line of geode we handle as can be got in town. OUR TEAS are the best to be had for the money, try them. If you have' not tried "Salado” you should do so, as almost daily we are getting new customers for it. The best 40 cent COFFEE in town; try that also. A shipment of Din- ner and Toilet Sets just in. Call and examine goods and prices. Mc HURRAY & WILTSE, NearPostOf'ice—CENTRAL GROCERY --Telephone 40 Not Giving up Business But continuing with full lines of seasonable goods. Oar New Flannels. and Flannelettes New Cotton and Woollen Blankets New Tweeds, Trouserings, etc. New Ladies' Underclothing New Readymade Clothing New shirts and Drawers New Dress Goods ROBT. COATS & SON CLINTON :; HUB GROCERY :: Don't trust to luck, it may assist you, but more often leaves you in the lurch. Use good judgment and buy where you get a good article. New Raisins, tt Pr>nies, Walnuts, Canned Salmon Tomatoes, ct cc G6 New Currants, " Dates, Filberts, Blueberries, Mackeral, Apples. Our stock of (rockery, Lampe and Fancy China for Christmas is worth your while to examine. ca ct it New Figs " Peels Peas Ctlrn Herring 44 if ff (,w-1EiO ; WALLU W, Ci t. i uton The Finest PHOTOGRAPII$ are taken by 441 c7„ si i^e