The Clinton New Era, 1896-02-28, Page 1tf
11 I
.-„O.r.,•F• P--,
'•'I 1010 ,I �...'.,A ARALI jai !. .40,1 mi. 1,+,,,11 4.'1.400 !'.,!,,•
Ii.4„)a0idJA'.M..,71 ,
ROBERT HOLMES, Editor e,a, Proprietor.
Opens right into our new
Tailoring and Men's Fur-
nishing . department, for
we've changed the
tn f the sto kAaIIdin-
-stead of findingTweeds
,and Men's Frnishings
`near the main entrance,
you'll now find them in
the Rattenbury `3t. wing
away from all other stocks
Here we will have an exolu-
si' a Merchant Tailoring
and Men's Furnishing de-
partment which we think
will be better than the old
way of mixed stocks.
Come in and see what you
think of the change even
'if you don't want to buy
anything. Entrance from
either door..
Hodgens Bros
St Helens
LECTURE,—Rev Jas. Livingstone, of
sardine; ae.
va lecture on "Imagi-
nation," in fhe town hall, on Monday
' evening last. The lecture was given
under the auspices of the Mechanics'
institute, and was very much appreci-
;t' " ated, many thinking this the best of
. • the three Mr Livingstone has favored
ire with here.
NoTEs.—Rev'=s. M. Whaley, B.A., is
visiting his mother at Cedar Grove.
Rev Mr Anderson, of Tiverton, occu-
pied the Presbyterian pulpit on Sab-
bath last. Mr J. B. Weatherhead was
in Auburn last week. Mrs M. McDon-
• ald left last week for St. Thomas,
where she purposes staying tor some
time. Miss Ford and Miss Landsbor-
ough, of Milton, are the guests of Mrs
'Thos. Todd. Miss Arrow McDonald
left this week for her home in. Grey,
after spending some time with friends
in this vicinity. Mr Wm. Tood is at
present -laid up with an attack of con-
gestion of the lungs, but is apparently
improving somewhat. Mrs H. Ruth-
erford, sr., has been ill with congestion
of the liver, but we hope soon tb heat
of her ultimate recovery; also Mrs 0.
Stuart, who is very poorly with con-
gestion of the lungs. Mrs John Gor-
don, We are sorry to say, is seriously
ill with inflammation of the kidneys.
Mr Colin McDonald is 111 at present,
too; there is a great deal of sickness in
the community, but we trust all will
soon be in their ordinary health again.
Mr Will Cameron and Mr Duncan Mc-
Donald attended the funeral last week
of their cousin, James McDonald, post-
master at Crieff, who was lost in the
great storm, and not found for a week
. after. Mr R. J. Woods and Mr Thos.
•"r Sanders were in Wingham this week.
Mise Salkeld visited at Auburn last
_,,week. Mr Hugh McDonald is attend-
ing Goderich Collegiate Institute.
DEATH.—On Sunday, Feb. 16th, Mrs
John McOrostie passed peacefully to
rest, after a short illness, her death
being due to heart failut e, occasioned
by an attack of inflammation. De-
- ceased was in her filet year, and was
!born at Castleton, Brae -Mar, Aber-
deenshire, Scotland, nine miles south
of Balmoral, on the Duke of Fife's ,es-
tate. In 18556 she and her husband, Mr
John McOrbitie (who stili survives her)
came to Canada and settled at Belfast,,
when the Goderieh and Lucknow grav-
el road was building. Mr McCrostie
went into the hotel business and after-
- wards began Deceased was
a woman of more than ordinary cul-
ture and education, was an excellent
conversationietend of a gentle and
.amiable disposition, and leaves many
friends to ragmen her departure. Her
• • 'i'A):nilyl eolhdiath of two sons and four
dauggh�iere• William being on the home -
etead,'n and, 'John in the drug business
• ' ° in -Forest. ` The daughters are,Mrs
(Rev'y."Pritchard, of Forest; Mrs eth-
erington;'of Souris, Man.; Miss Maggie
of Forest' a'nd Mies Bede, who ie at
home. Mrs Mc0rostie was a - most
consistent and ardent member of the
Presbyterian chitreh, and until health
fallect was one of ite most active work-
erir. 'Jliez' loea'will be, keenly felt by an,
but more especially by the rorrowng
husband and family, who have the
deepneeteytgpathy of a , large circle of
aequaIntancete Among the relatives
b• from a'dirtarice, pretreat at the funeral
• *ere noticed, r Wm. Stuart and
�: � daughter, of'Wingh ta; Mr' John Stu-
irt and Mimi Stuart, of Listowel Mr 3,
.F Brussels; Mr and Mrs MeGtory,
Clifford, Melt., Mr Arthur Stuartallar.
Olsten; Mr O. Stuart; Listowel, and
'R*V J PeltehaNrd, Fareat,
Sea Orth.
it yAbout 2 o'clock Monday
atnarninefitie started tin the aid Pink
nay• hotel building; next door south of
• .40004 t office, and recently> occupied
'070,4Haxbyas a restaurant and barber
°eb ,and"dwelling, `and. th
is bending, din
Vth xener filldtpie,s , hsrrte'sshop Tbalnkewrthsmbbitotawdaesso ed
n and
Of T. (Tolema
by the estateT.
was thinned in the Guardian fee , $800.
Its lois to $1,800. °MUea ie,s lose is
•l, inured for $750 in the_ndon
lobs. The origin ,Of the fire ale
i to have been ,tncend aris!ba ,—
VARY '` ,.2$," 1866.
`T v
ear in advance $1.59 when
T V TT.a� / } .�#. - .,iF3•il
Hawesville; AnlettIraa.
What wide-awake aid reliable correepondoets iiud worthy rif reeerdlug for publication, 147443 NT` l�•vENI rO. A pleasant Qorrvei rp ;—The fifth annual con-
DEATH ON Tun RAIL.—One result of
the recent heavy falls of snow was to.
lead to the instantaneous and horrible
death of Brakeman Alex. Livingstone,
of Wingham, of the G.T,R., Saturday
night, about 9.30 o'clock. Livingstone
was cone of the London, Huron &Bruce
way freight crew, and root his death
while on ditty in the railway yards at
Hensall. The accident occurred
through Livingstone mistaking, in the
insufficient light, a cattle -guard pack-
ed with snow as part of the solid road-
bed. He was assisting in the shunting
of cars, and the work was being hur-
ried, as the crew were a day late be-
cause of the heavy snowstorms. A car
had to be "kicked” into' the .Hensall
sliding, in the railway man's parlance,
and Livingstone wee in the act of
drawing a coupling'pin from between
two cars while he whole train was be-
ing slowly shunted. He had:' to move
along While pulling -the pin, when he
suddnly Bank' in the dee snow in the
cattle -guard.! In' an instant the fatal
car foliowin done its work.' The
body= was �yr '�nangled. Grief-
stricken ecuurs es'Aaif the dead man
tenderly gathered=ti the remains, and
theywere carried into the caboose,
and thence taken' to Wingham, and to
the home of the young man's. father.
Deceased was unmarried, and about 28
years of age. He lived with hie' mo -
Cher and father, who not longsince
had moved to Wingham on his ac-
count. His connection with the G. Tr
R. dates back a number of years, and
promotion would shortly have come
his way. He was exceedingly popular
among his comrades, and quite a num-
ber of railroaders from London at-
tended the funeral.
NOTES.—Mrs Ross, of Winnipeg, vis
ited relatives here last week. Mrs Joe.
Crich spent last week at her home in
Usborne. Mr Alex. McKenzie is hav-
ing a sale of his farm stock and imple-
ments; it is reported that he may re-
move to Algoma. The assessor is on
his rounds; shut up your dogs. The
good roads have been a great benefit to
those who are preparing to build.
CouNoi ,.—The council met at Kyle's
hotel, on Thursday, Feb. 20th, as per
adjournment. All the members were
present except Mr Cosens. The fol-
lowieg changes were made in the list
of pathmasters for 1896: Division 27,
Wm. Cameron instead of Ed. Papple;
61, J. Love instead of H. Carter; 82, F.
Burgard instead of F. Westfall; '77, D.
Moore instead of 11. Chesney; 90, D.
Campbell intead of J. McKinlley,•-79, R:
Doig instead of M. ,Keefe; 80 W.Smitb
instead of W. 0. Clark; 20, (eo.Turner
instead of J. R. Turned Thos. Boyce,
and Wm. Habkirk were appointe
poundkeepers in place of Wm. Berry
and J. P. Brine, who had resigned.
The following changes were made in
the statute labor road divisions : N b
25 and S 26, con. 4, owned by
W. Gordon, taken from L.R.S.div, 25 and
added to div. 24; lot 25, con 5, L.R.S.,
owned by James McKay, taken from
div. 24 and added to 25; E } lot 5, con.
7, H.R.S., owned by R. Leatherland,
taken from div. 59 and added to 79;
V lots 9 and 10, Armitage's survey,
Egm ondville, owned by Louis Reinke,
taken from div. 78 and added to 90; lot
8L con. 3, L.R.S., owned by D. Mc-
Tavish, taken from div. 20 and added
to 20. The contt act for the supply of
8 M ft. rock elm, for. culverts, was let
to John Doig, at $9.95 per M. The
auditors' report was accepted, and the
clerk instructed to have 200 copies
printed. The next meeting will be
held at Egmondville on March 21st, at
10 o'clock. A. G. SatiLLii, Clerk.
FooTSALL.—An exciting game of
football and rugby combined was play-
ed here on Friday last between the
Bayfield boys and Varna's "Little
Fry_" The grime was carried on very
spirited throughout by both parties,
though there was much dissatisfac-
tion, owing partly to the condition of
grounds, which rendered fouls una-
voidable and numerous, also abusive
language and 'a quari'el'lgome spirit,
discreditable to any Match anddie-
gustingto visitors, while fairness was
out of the question entirely. The first;
half-time neither side scored a ggoat
vghile the portion of the second' hall,
.time the Little Fry evidently had the
best of the game though Bayfield ob-
tained one goal by foul play. A short
time elaiised when the f•efer'ee called
time eight minutes too soon, and this
terminated the game. A return match
is expected on Saturday next in Bay-
°NOTES, --Mr L. Farnham,tias•return-
ed from Strathroy,where he was visit-
ing friends. We are pleased to know
that Mr Fred 'Martin, who bas been
sick for th6 t•few days, it recover-
ing. The Epworth League niet on
Tuesday evening',`'"Mies Washington
and Mr Ooopor, of�Clinton, being pre-
sent. Some of the farmers,aie :bony
drawing Ice for nett summer s use.
Mien Annie Hinchleeyy it: the guest of
Miss. BertOole.-=li>ctgpinks; of Toron-
to, is yleitin ext hi. uncle's. Mr .D.11111 -
son s. Mias olland is vipiting at Mrs,
'Wm F$nell'r.
J ,:nimfuer a
Atit t;Frirmti G x31 ITER. — We •have
had utte`+t ittintherti of people Ott th
-^�i14 Pcesb tefiian
evening was spent at the' rest enae of vention o the Auburn IJltion Sabbath
Mr Wm. Stanley on Tuesday, when School Assocfation'will be held in the
onGAN, y congre- a b !nabs' oaVo le g folpu ere',ikl get Methodist church, Auburn, on Vallee-
Kation is be inning to navigate for a !3 d day, March 12th An excellent pro -
new Organ. �We understand they will y gram has been arranged. Three ties
birthda ..
Skye ue a high -claves entertainment in NOTne,-,•..!!'lass Cook, of Leeburn, has siousiwill be hold --torn ng, afternoon
the near future. As this is a large and I been visiting friends in the village. and nionng. Music will be furnished
flourishing congregation, no doubt, a M A. Osbaldeston has been confined y choir for morning, session
new organ will soon grace the church. • bathe house for the past week with a and by Westfield choir for afternoon
Ciiil7ROS.—The Christian Endeavor painful foot. Terri lard meet next and evening sessions. A joint meet-
ociety of St, Andrew's church, which meet -
Moray evening, a lively time in the in g of Sunday School workers will be
liament a ted. held on t e revious eve in in the
S p
was begun about three months ago,
par OolvpkltTexpecte
A public entertainment, MethodiQ church, addressed 'by eve.
has proved very successful and num- under the auspices of the Royal Tem- Henderson and Baugh.
hero about thirty-five members. They lays, will be given in the hall on Tues.. NoTEs.—The Sabbath. School con -
take ry ces, whole and ef the Sunrent is niby a • eveningnext, March 3rd. A first- vention here has been decided forthe
services, and deep interest is shown by class progrn has been provided and a Isth of March; a good program as
she cargo audience attending every good time is expected. Pra cram corn- been prepared, and a success is antici-
service. The first social was held in ences at 8 p.m. sharp. Come early Pitted. Mr A. T. McDonald attended a
the church a short time ago, and coo- so as to secure your seats and avoid - meeting of the Warden's Committee
grafiMete, of a tea and an informal pro- the rush. at Goderich, last Tuesday. Mr Moore,
gram; which everyone enjoyed. BLAoli KNOT.— In going through our village naafi carrier has been un-
MnMORIAL nkRVIOE.—A memorial the country one is struck with the ap- well•the last few weeks, and unable to
service was conducted in the barracks parent carelessness of ea many in al- perform his duties; his place has been
last Sabbath evening by the residing lowing their cherry trees to become : supplied by hie son. Saw logs is the
officers, in memory of the late.Mrs laden with that `pest, black knot. i� eit1 question at present; Guilts and
Johnston. There was alargeaudience, Many, we believe, do it thoughtlessly, C7oldthorpe have gone extensively into,
thus showing the high esteem in which and we hope a word to'those in this .soft elm; anticipating a large apple
Mrs Johnston ;was held. 'The boys at vicinity will be sufficient. Don't leave crop next year, by having a large sup-..
the door, however, conducted them- it_too late, cut them all out and be ply of staves on hand; Mr J. Young
selves in a disgraceful manner. It is sure all are burned, and you will not as the mill yard well filled also; he
to be hoped that this will not be re- only help our own trees, but your Ohipp nearly 30,000 feet to Buffalo
posted, it brings the village, so well neighbors'as well. last week, Tho sohooi question has
and far known, into ill repute. Boys . on THE WEST.—Mr W. J. Lobb drop ed considerably in interest, since '
be men. and wife, • of Roland, Man intend - the Uecfsion iin.favor of the new school
Noi'fis.—Fine weather! Fine skat- bringing the Ontario' visit' to a close
Was Made public; truth has gone up
ing! The, young people are enjoying and expect to leave for their home in '100% on the question, since the deci
themselves and some of the old, fry too. the course of a week'or two. They sign, previously it required extraordi-
there has been splendid skating en the
left here on Tuesday, Mrs Lobb for nary faith to believe all you heard.
lake this weep with promise of more. Stratford, where she will visit friends; " OPm. McDonald, of Belmore, is visiting
Rev. Mr Ferrier, of London was, visit- Mr Lobb for Gait, where he gave a friends in this section at present. Mrs,
ing here lash week. Mise Hyle, from phonogr h concert on Tuesday night.; Birown pf Logan township, is visiting
near Kippen, has ,been spending, the They will'visit other daces between 'her mo her, Mrs Paterson, of the 13th
last few weeks with Miss M. Wilds. 'there and Toronto. We wish them, a cop, of ullett,.who has been seriously
Mrs Brandon has just returned from a 'safe journey and pleasant tr'i til for the past. few :weeks. We are
un -
visit to Belgrave. Mr John Falconer LEAGUE.—A large and interested glad to see Squire Caldwell around
and family have moved to the house tike ienceecons Monday_eProbablyg cif 1d eking weather
much t late he hasbeen
b n the
recently occupied by the late, James Epworthg der they, y
Stonehouse, Robt. Elliott has moved there were any who did not know why wholesale here at present, each and
into Mr Marks' house on the riper
they were Methodists,the subject given everyone from all around is busy stor-
bank We understand that Mr T. J. by Mise Holmes would cause them to ing it at present; large quantities are
Marks intends kjuilding nine cottagges think, and give them some solid tea- moving in the direction of Blyth. The
this spring and a concert hall for the sons for preferring the Methodist Good emplai9 District meeting on
cottagere. An excellent paper was church. The meetings are made as in. Wednesday.
given at the Epworth League last teresting as possible, and all' are invit-
Sunday evening by Dr. Sheppard on ed to come -7.30 to 8.30. In two weeks
"The commiesiorr� of Ohriet,'� Mr Jos,, Ford. Will talk on "Mean what
�� ` reeding'cireic„ all who .woyyii �'�i�e to
see�t a lii`Ii•se of reading, p��t t*te
R torrAL.—On Friday evening 1 you Mrsy,
The League rs or n,i1 ng a
an interesting recital was given } li w
Mrs Stanbiiry's pupils at her residenpe. e. thino'it, mein a ply� the pastor,
on Clan Gregor Square. A number oft Lnevixii:, can E. W. Andrews, who
the parents and friends were prose pre-
imas been Hillis' with his brother, at the
and the excellent erogram was pre- parebnagge 'since New Years, has been
seated in a manner reflecting mo l offered th4 nelecipalship 'f the
. Public
creditably:onthe pupils and themiwchooletS les about 30'mlles east
teacher. Among those who took part of Detroit. "''ehae aceeptedthe"offer
were Misses Ethel Marks, Lillie Mail+i and left for' that ace T es da. morn -
tin, Ruby Whiddon, Nellie Martins, ' ' . •� • Mr Ahddrr�eve''' bee fait`ln the
Mary Galbraith, Mabel Whiddon, same school and'lef,'it'lit drd'erto at -
Stanbury, Anna -Whiddon- and -t- tend the, *orfila/ and the ''trustees
Flossie Stanbury, A recitation was wishing'to (lave balms' back.a n' is
given byMr Frank Edwards, a solo very good recommend: , Although
by Mr Alf. Erwin and a whistling duet Wiltrtot h =bean ' here but' a few
by Messrs Edwards and Er Messrs eon- months, has made a number- coif friends
panted by the autoharp. Messrs► who, though'elbrrytb"'lose iii' ram
J. and A. Peck gave some fine seLefril1 ourlinidst, Will be glad' to heat' hie
tions on their violins with autohar' sucrose in,the futYrre.. • '' r
accompaniment by Bliss Ruby Whf ;,,,,. .
don and piano by Miss Flossie ata -_�.,, , ` Blyth
bury. It is to be•regretted that tike;, .; Noi'Es.
snow blockade prevented several pit- Mails were very'irregular
pitsits and others from participatingin the latter
notof a+ f last
s, wWi $wing glad to
spin the very pleasant and profitablep ; see James'Anderlion out riga n after an
FOOTa&LL.—Friday afternoon last attack of lit grippe. Dr andM s Milne
the football boys of the Public School., extended hospitality to a large party of
made their way to Varna to play a frlerids at'their residence oft Friday
friendly match with the team in th t evening, wheu a most enjoyable time
burg. On arrival they were cordiale was spent. N.J.D.Cooke, of Goderich,
received by Mr Barnwell and his boys. was init felt for over
Much s the
Preparations for the • match were im- cad and antimer demise of her brother,
mediately carried forward, and soon y
the teams lined upon a field with snow Mr Alex. Livingstone on Saturday, at
from two feet to six inches deep. Play-
ing attending was indeed laborious work and at brakeman. Miss McMurchie, Clinton,
half-time neither team bad scored. sister of Mr Jas. McMurchie, was the
After changing play was nearly as guest of Mrs. Nation over Sunday.Mre
elow as before; about 10 minutes he- Higley and Mrs Davis, St Thomas,
fore time a corner kick was given by Tmother and .1?i< Higley,s star respective! of Rev.
the Bayfield boys, by which the only reriesteat the Rectory,
goal was scored. by Neil Cameron. Al- at present. Division Court was held in
though there was no brilliant playingg, Industry Hall, on Monday, Judge
we would' speak particularly of,
)!4r Doyle presiding;�� several cases were die-
of, Bayfield, who, was too posed of. Mr Wm.Jackson, of Clinton,
quick by all odds for his opponents, aid business in town on Monday.Mr
and Mr Harnwell, `of Varna, to whom and Mrs, C.A. Howe, .after an absence
two feet of entity appeared to be as no -
of three weeks,returned home Tuesday
thing. It is to be hoped that when from a holiday trip to Prince Edward
the Varna boys visit Bonfield there county. Misses llabkiik, McConnell,,
will be a livelier game and that our Bentley and Bell,'are attending the
boys will do the _needful even to a millinery openings inLondon this week.
greater extent then they did in Varna. Alit erly
Hallett NOTES.—On Wednesday 19th, at the,
Presbyterian church, Pine River, Alex
8iiz.-1Ir M. Braithwaite, lot 27, oon. 11. Wilkin was united in holy bonds to
will have an nnresit' sale ofthis farm etook Miss Rebecca Mitchell,of the 4th con.,
eta, on Tneeday, Maroh 8rd, he having ren Huron, by1
his farm, Rev J. McFarlane; we wish
HONE. --Jain. Hill, son of Mrs Thos. them every happiness in their wedded
Hill, of the gravel road, i8 home on a Alifs oldMrJohnston, of the 12th coo
visit. He has been travelling for a Ashfihd, is are
low at pd of herent, re -
steel manufacturing firm of AHlwau- ,little hopes are entertained. of town-
at a salary of $75 a month, but ship, b John Walsh, of Huron illness'compelled him to take a rest elifp, has purchased the .Beatty fai�u,
and recuperate. near Amberley. in Ashfield, for $2200.
and will become a citizen shortly. J
hesnp ng•
9th con., on Monday evening; a crowd,. Mr sdeofeson, of Lanes' has.pur�Ghased
front Goderich (township, and others the Bayne faint and Will move here in
taking possession of the house, and en- the spring. dn.,.Jae; Literarq Scyciety here
joying themselves until about 2 a. m. ,le at present in 'a very flourishing eon -
the nelsthnocning. Refreeshmentswere dition• it has near' £Wo'hundred of a
SoozAL.—A very pleasant piety was H. McLellan has >:•ep a Fie Acte fstall
held at the residence of Mr
R. Garter near Tiverton. and iavmovein, r+i
rved Ori theevening; d all
DELEIiATEe.—North Star Lodge sent
a good representation of delegates to
Auburn, on Wednesday, to attend the
district meeting.
STOOH,—John granger has sold an-
other of his fine Durham bulls, and
has only one more left. Albert Way -
mouth also sold his Durham bull to a
farmer. from Colborne.
No LEOTURE.—On account of unfav-
orable weather and bad roads Mr Mill-
8an's lecture on "The 'questions of the
day," had to be further postponed, this
time indefinitelyy,
ORANGES.—Howard Riddle moved
his week from the 13th con. to the
of M. Braithwaite, on the llth
co ., and the Messrs Walter. Cunning-
ham, sr. and jr., moved to the Riddell
Wnnnrxa.—On Wednesdayafter-
noon at the residence of W.L.Ouimette
one of those happy and important
events took place, when Walter Cun-
ningham and Mise Hannah Riddell
became one.
CONCERT.—The concert,under the
auspices of North Star Lodge, on Tues-
day evening, was fairly well patronized
and Was on the whole a success. The
parties who gave the entertainment
eachadid their Share very well. The
proceeds were almost $20, and is for
the benefit of the lodge.
PERSONAL.—On Saturday,, the 22nd,
Mr Jordan, sr., was taken to the House
of Refuge by his son-in-law, Mr Chas.
Hambridge. Mr Jordan h been a
resident of Hullett for about four years,
having come here from Wawanoeh.
Ile was, however, one of the pioneers
of Goderich township, having'resided
for a long time near Holmesville.
RUNAWAY TEAM,—On Monday fore-'
noon Wm. Fairservice, While at the
sawmill, neglected to tie hie team, and
having occasion ttego into the mill,
found on his return €hat his , team had not again be tried.
disappeared. They ran up to he'vil-
lage and were stopped thereafter scat-
diber around somewhat
rticular harm done.
E. Norne,—The meet -
y evening last, instead of
raft nature, was one in
Are caused by defei:tivo'eyesigh!t
thl�ou 'most pesplo are aware of,,
The pro er Corr eetion for 'ilii►
defect removes the - headache.-»
Possibly youlr headaehes'ane-the
result of some such` -defect. To
find out come 414,1taye its 'toot
your eyes. VV'e know o/ to do,
it properly and know how o give ' •
the right cprrectioq, if glasses, ere
required. • We charge nothing
for testing, aModerate' pri�Ge,only;,
for glasses; and 'guarantee that
the glasses we fit you with will,
give you satisfaction or we refund
your money. Injury to the ey`e'
possibly disease is the result der°
delay. Now is the time.
The Druggists. •
p/ .._V ett6 rt...,��urAlrL¢
Our Balsam of �Wild Cher reaeltee`;
the spot. It cures Colds. 250. yj;
day attending the wedding of
Riddell. ,
(Too late Ler last week)
' E. L. os' C. E. - Quite a number
were in attendance at the�r ea ee here
Monday evening. The tepid, as an
pounced, was presented,by MissWebb.
After the usuall.prayer meeting, the
"Apron schemer' Was. discuss BAC;
several young ladies were appointed to'•
dispose of those sent by a sister societys"
of Toronto. In view of e 1 eyangelbit
tic services' which are time edmgrenc.
ed in the near future,.it was"deepf s
advisable to set aside the liter to eat
tertainment, which Was toe have bee
given next Monday evening,end aut'
stitute a topic, the' meeting. te'be led
by Mr Jae, Yougi;
Goderidh h�vnali""iyty,il ,
PERsoNAL.--M.188•i ;P9rki1� ,ii SGorrie,:
(daughter of the ,poetmester) is they ;
guest of Miss Thompson, of tne.lfitk
Tavistock ' Gazette says:—"Ou'Thurs .,
day evening last this community wt':x
shocked to learn , that Mr. . Riche
Woon, cattle buyer, of this,viljage, had
suddenly dropped dead 'with Ilea's
disease, while overseeing the loading
of.a car of stock at Hickson' rta ion, i;,
His honorable business dealings and
hide warm genial disposition endeared :?
him to all, andthe immense ga�thering
at his funeral 'on Sunday afternoon
last, in spite o f l the intense cold which
prevailed, sheaved the high respect oI�;''I
the public to himself, and his s rickeni z;
family. There were I fully. 000 ppeople w,
present' at the services :at the Crouse,
Mr Woon had been afflicted with.,
!mart disease for atone than, a year
past, but, not wiehr to „distyrlp hiss
friends, had. said bu the abop it, ao
that only a few)were, aware :there was
anything wrong with hint. Re was a,:'
brother of MrJohn oon,,c Goderich
NoTns.—Mise Jemima Fraser, of
Toronto, is this week visiting'her mo
ther, on the second. Meagre James;
and John Wylie, Mr Lovell, Mrs S.:,•;'
McBurney and child, from Turmberry,
are visiting friends irr'Stanley this
week; they are the gguests of Mr M"al.:
McEwen. Mr Jas. Gilniourr returned
to his home in Turnberry
Mr John Butchart purposes raisin"
his barn next summer and , :plying
stables underneath. r n '
HALLIDAY vs. STANLEY.- rhe men1-
hers of Stanley council andother.wit•
nesses left last week for, Sarnia, r to a
tend the Halli ve. Sts le
n z.�
This case was the fi, t bro ighi for-`
ward, but after a Ellett dine the judgo,
Mr Arwour,ldismissed it, on the }ilea
that it had never been properly' ,enter-
ed by the plaintiS'. Garrow
till and Oster for ' plaintiff. l pbess.'. `
taken to a higher court the' case will',,
tering the la
!lively. No p
E. L. OF
ing of Monde
bei f l-"
Brueeflold ' '
r ;
DEATS.—On Monday of last week,;
Miss Marie Kennard p ed away,y; af-
ter a, lingeri ag illness of collentoption...
ng o a 1 During the entire, slutumn and:; winter
keeping with the ss�ppecial work in she has been confined to her loin Of
which the church is now engaged. Mr nine children she was the yaungetst.of ..
James conducted the meeting Mr and Mrs Kennard's.' She Web buts
of the League, and nude ' a 'few re- ied cin Thursday,in Egtniondiille ceme4
marks based _upon Heb. 3, 2, after terry, bet, owing 'to the' bevel* sterna
which a short after service was held - of hat day, few Were able to attend
by Rev H. J. Fair. • <. the funeral: Her rinotbei'itAkbeen coin
NoTEs.--On Sunday Mr;/ Billson had fined to her ro6�in Par a 1c#ng'titider"said
such a severe cold that he was unable it to feared by merry tt sec zWill bob.
to preach, and Mr Jas. Ydungg took .long'srirvive her. yo r t born,
the service in the evening.. Ii. Mc- NoTEs.—Mr anti liMrrrmeravbh (neo;
uarrie,. et Blyth, was working foe Mise Annie °Rost) atir''t",vIeitiilg: at Chi*
John runsdon part of this week, Geo. ' home of her rinither,,•M"rs Alex. R,osa',
`Brogden being nablo;to,attend to. hie her Many friends are glad', to:btd�'hor
usual duty. Ed. ll, after nearly' - welcome on thie'. her Sret 'visit Under;
two weeks- illness, is able to be around' 'the parental roof. Wee Hilal! man.
again. Mm R, Adams spent part pf ttoog�h' is visiting''at' he hoittevn her
this week in London, , attending, !the adfrt, Mrs Oouttd, of 'Alla* ; ''Mr
millinery opening and,pnrchasing her T. B. Higgins, of Osgood.
strC1c 4 r the spring, trade. Herb: to, laid a ehort rosin
hoe iia K
tae !anis
LPtie' le; returned:toMil ry school, wee . :.Mies Jemim ec, ofrTa uq
ne n en g; • an membership, and t e meetInge are very tA� on. John Boyle, of Toronto, was to, visited her motet
vowed Mr an Airs Oarter- excellent lcrgelyr attended; Friday nicht ie a in tan on Thursday on business. !tin week. .MiesesNelllllll4
general entertcirtants and a weekfat-• ace'ount of the severs steer on Thurs- of "London, aro the guest$
or is a debate; eub�ecty "Resolved that def, the evening train on the L. Z!I.&13. gins. Miss Mathesoio ;: ol't
i vIsiti a th . �'
Po -Th 's' Jl�iil.• ' • it 18 fno, beneficial to fhth ,. nntr to rrlinn�t get up till Friday afternoon, n_g t e homo 01 snit
1. Q. 0. T. --Tito" 1. O. G. T. met on tastes than -de Statute lis tr" Misnr special e+sr #ccs 11 be conducted bq en. Tho Messrs W`�r1 ,° ! ext t
o visiting e s .n e, �> . mil Alain-
of We tneetii0 auras! the .debate an- 'vicinity of Auburn. Mrs DunratiTher;? P illsiird',`"eerryyrr; da this Week, tri- head. Miss Be11eJi1A rand•*Attend--
penned anti Week, 4Ix Womr n~a Frans borne ie on 'the elck 1I.t,' 'and` we hope -.eluding lotal.het ). Iton Wray went log the millinery opentngir ,Toronto
chile, ,Both Adel were al"bIy °handled', for her speedy reco+f '; to'Wingham on Monday, to attend this week. M rs O., Kennedy'. D.
twilling in, the, est ishin o w ° ,i,,;. the fugnaera! of his uncle, the late Alex. Langley and Q ollcrnxlri _low*, to
Piot ge of vadtin , --Mice, E aline M tie, of Tem 'killed tot n railway arcs at Reuss funeral of the bralienni i ut , .
P lieg • g ed , q h Jennie M h killed i$ 1�
q ° e Worne kla. he• tiles to aneourio pilin the (loU late Institute n _ Kenzie pal y.night., y, tad
Fick lI � saner iif'thetn seriqusi" ib , �' � � „ . t
4t, y r a
Tuesday evening. The thief feature'nat Rev Faits 'W are visiting theta dfiJ
AMA J lindton in isiti gf5'i nil i "th 'thbttrrs', nil g
bl f ...
maw "s ifOtto,' showing Athatene has a l�zci lox Front OVA E ra L,iklti `to�he, brakesrtln who • w Win ham on ll ptl '
net tri h an -Shen'd aowed the 6 _ funeral , dna to tacid lr
water In ^vi tin her rather Mho, le on"Saturdanight,Mies enna a c- w o was' n e
t site est d a visit to Hensel[ this ds Mr Mix bia'isi
ed fpr last Week, to .take Into conaid- Clinton, on her way to Detroit, where week, Mr .Webster jr., who has se- friends in .London dodge' The . peat
rfe'die' liid to 'ay they asre geth.t ation the' advisabilit . of o 'plain a Elbe wlli'retume lieir sition rt l8teno- cured a position in Toronto-. left for week.
tit _�g� gg 5' �a g. Po png `'
Mr l ke, who irrr" bseir Ibild lodge "ef tynited' Wbrkrben here was a, heti SKr and 'firs` Jas Wllsti of that lace this week, Mr S, !fills nt
ittvertl g p n p �
�,np� k In Bl t . lltt°s 5. TOS l� John stool Aitr "Abe p"stp'au'c'<l an na�aurtt; tit bad weattrer► Ingham, ate' itr Giaciarlch,ta�►+trdtlip. ,n�t!f;' f thisiw'�e � c y b 'I'# l��
and will tttlee place an Friday avenin title week WO. Hollawa of Olin; Wo than stilt Centinnee a pearly+
fi � g y
T. Gledhill " le eking ttttir Miri lklidiL .' , i*
of tido week. Mr Sheppard f,(lode. tett. nt Sonda' with friends ri Ex Mr ; ofd Rinburn, 3u Bine ,A' ood man 8114130 10SIntim noV+r.
I il] wvha �iat. been serionsl 111. ply �,i e _ y' . . M
(#� + rich wit present to .hid dress+ the ter• Mrs Jas 7E3eattie air Clinton it vale Tuea attending the funeral ed Lir eub,d)i tiottir for the t
better, orid'liidisoltlthgr isalsir lig_ fibs i� + .. y .., i<. .nos ya
trheeWog rand all whir i�sae any!dear 'dotting at S, ieattie s Brtr era. l►�tsw of li s,•obttisln, .Mrs orator avid , her year, bit quite a it:Mabel* have pair
of fotiltinga re:t :otgalls kind Otxld: Hattie J mato iensali waif ieitin ;ratan left for;GlttAp lie cin Sattxr- .done! ski, atthci it
;thsi ria still!
B riy bfal ah•rit>rsiirr8libla� fsrail thezneelves of this o'. t nit friendsilu ,Clinton last week. ; ev, Mr morning. SSever reonwinterltt ala' tlibinr:ad ress.. ruses
�s� _. .... rl�!' ! y'. $� ing , g g
!, to sh+r'NEW RA,ttui•Wtai y= of crinin Info aloin cone�orisiri . th Parke of Clinton • conduct- talin advantage or ' o Northwest i. a' >r #ttl!s ir► ».
It g l'�d . _, g 8 , ► ed LteitteYr g , . _ � , � yrs�.1 ai . �r � •
p+ti+i Eo tlisswx 5f 1606 if its :flit y ,.
of s m +,m _ work,n of the foolet . ° xt will! moat, service in Thain s 041, '' N ,Soo- ex:cbt'sw0a e+ pkat trio .1.444 L4 M flat -. heirs will gt fly. *it° us by '
ru«, soiitf;10151. 4 of that anrxwniraiir, . • 1n d. W. Pottec'il hale et 71'84x. forth, on'Wedneitdaylast. ,. betty was In'tha vlltet}le 'on W dd �. rergit Axtt
a:A ,L.i � 'i16