HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-02-21, Page 8Februl 21 . 1896 FL ttlaorl Ar "t.E. Tula aims** Meeeiug: of 'the, .lftir(ta''othiwaryy_ 'tM�odieal , eq eociatiun was hold an. the to' a hall, 40 . Clinton, ein Friday, Feb, 7tir j ry.- lJrr cFhraerd i.Clark, V.1, QCCupiedth,e r4n, y , • The. weather beim favorable, .them was a large attendance. An iatezeete, s . lug parr ontill; treatment, of open ,joint, .Wag read. by Dr Wilsons of iVitighatn, Male ,wag followed by a lengthy and' animated. dissuasion.w a Other topics of interest to the profes- sign were also diecessed at. some length.. The officers chosen for the currentear were as follows:—Pres., + Dr Q Golleyy, V.S., of Wiegliaui; Vice Pres„ Dr Chas. McGregor, V.I., Con' t _ stance;'!?r J. J, Walker, Londesboro, • wile retained in hie forest nos#tion ea Serretar�y; Dr lglae:itali, of Minton, was. ✓ also retained, in hie position as Tress- • urer. The meeting adjourned to meet in Winghani. Text July. CI OR,aL Soc)uizy.— The officers of e the Choral Society are to be comnien- clad for theit'-efforts to bring together • the Musical people of Clinton in the way they are doing. They_ have se- cured the services of Mr R. el. McDon- ald, of London, to come every Thurs- day evening and take charge of the society; we invite all lovers of music to meet him. They hope to pay the con- ductor by the proceeds of concert, and thus give to all who attend free instructions, with the exception of 20 cents to pay current expenses. We are sure this will meet with genuine approval. The music has beeh selected for this concert and comprises some very fine choruses. A notice in another column gives full particulars of the society. Stutter faulLacs ws ►tali,-gANNrxanton 13uo Co ,e.Juet girt,� • vee eras '91 Fend. earn AlLeT JOUil li, Pliuteri Fes,' O4ob Stood , peeks .ar1K 03ioke a C teat�here toren in exo3le s° for t!n'pitarte at J. 0 ,401411 �1�1i0114 Vexnittua dtere,. ' Tea 1tletArltereToe esu fiav4 44.»e t *0114i)1:40axq00044. mimeo, ready -mad doter gosg rure two the bankrupt deal l bre Ole/St$ Wd6 MQfl b.eesez Oiiuten. 1404411/4• _ bO Qn laavo Rule 4'wrieica mereto get tee lea w lu tb idarierAt lees tah,e oto aaspriae xi lertivei 1pkan tlt s sunny da •eiuoe wo ate t6d sect our etorsit ehau1d Kut no doubt 1fl l:e °road 4110,10:1 parealu.r'tp4l;ote for tae next 4 weeks, to 4 cheerio eke tom wee not ooaur again in years *wV* 01140. hair sated hie p.le di Arthur Couch t h Huron read, Tuckersna;ith, . to Mr Geo White,.ot Tuckersmith,who takes pee eession' at once. Mr Couch has secux ed a good tenant, and, Mr White a good fermi ' Me Couch reserves about 40 agree or his awn use. P>fPrlral it'll'ORMATION,--Mr Wright, butcher( has had on exhibition in hie store for several days a block of ice, in the cexltre of which is a very pecu- liar formation. It is a spiral column 'shout eightinches in length, very pretty, and looks as if the bottom of several tumblers had been broken off and thea joined together again by the steins. It is one of nature's curiosities. PEOPLE wHo ',TRAVEL. — Josiah White and wife left on Tuesday last far Nesbitt, Man, where they will re- , .0 side, in. future.. Geo. Hastings was a passenger, on the Vancouver from Portland,on Thursday last, bound for IeiVelijxoo. T. Holloway is attending Grant Lodge of Workmen in Toronto. Miss Fumball is visiting her sister in Toronto. Above were all ticketed by W. $acksdn, Town Agent G.T.R. -Dias t y Joan DOUGLAS. --Mr John Douglas died est Woodstock on Thurs- day, in the 83rd year of his age. He Was for 85 years Preaiden t of the North . Oxford Reforn Association, and wasa highly respected gentleman. So high- ly wag he thought of that Mr Mowat and other members of the Cabinet , sent -floral tributes for hie funeral. He Was related to Mrs W. Murray and, Mrs McTaggart, sr.; and Mr G. D Mc- Taggart attended his funeral ;on Sat- urday. MORE THAN THEY BARGAINED POR. --One evening last week a number of • young ladies gave aleap-year sleighing party to a number of their gentles en f7riende--taking a trip out the Maitland concession. Baring the fact that the gentlemen had to jump out in the snow severaltimes, the trip out was un- eventful. After enjoying themselves until an early hour of the morning, they started forborne, but were upset in .the farmer's yard, breaking the sleigh; the driver declined to start un- til daylight, and the crowd had no al- ternative but to go back in the house, "And they played all night Till broad daylight And then came homein the morning." L O. G. T.—Last Friday evening at the meeting of Clinton Star Lodge; 1. O;G.T{ ,the following officers were in- stalled the present quarter:—Chief Templar, J. W. Moore; Vice, Mise B. Wilson; Chap., Mrs "Stevenson; Rec. _-Seey,, T: McNeil; Fin. Sec., A. Cooper; Treas., Mrs Seaward; Guard, Mies N. Brown; M., T. Ford; D. M. Mise Grainger; Sent., A. Kitt; Miss rI. Teb- butt was elected organist. The seve- ral -,reports received showed that the `der. has, steadily . advanced, and is tiow'in good etanding. both in mem- bership and finance. The program for. next Friday evening will be furnished by the single members of the Lodge. A full attendance is requested. OI tN'. UN A E, W J E.A PERSONALS FROM OUR EXCHANGES. —Miss Ross, of Clinton, is visiting her sister Mrs W. B. McLean, Hensall. MrsJ'os: Keating and Miss Keefe, of Seaforth, are in Clinton on a brief visit to friends. Mrs T. 'Riddel and Mise Agnes Riddel, of Londesboro, re- turned home from St. Marys on Wed- nesday., Misa Maggie McMurray, who has been visiting Mies Jennie Bell, of Wingliam, for several weeks, returned 'to her home in Clinton on Saturday last. , Mr Fred Beattie,. of Jackson Bros„ of (Hinton, took a run down to Seaforth on Tuesday, owing to the ill- \ neati of his grandfather, Mr Carmich- ael. . Mr and Mrs Samuel Sweet, of Clinton! are visiting friends around Seaforth. CONCEwr.—That we have first-class local talent,_ and that local entertain- ments are, always well patronized, was demonstrated 'last Tuesday evening, when a Crowded and enthusiastic aud- ience greeted the splendid _program venlig tbe•Ladies Aid of St. Paul's given la,,*hicb :was given in almost its entirety,` and, received more encores than any program ever given in the hall... •xbe greatest interest probably centered in the fairies, which were first on the program, and .was a surprise ,...on deli(rht to old rand 'young when Norma Dickson, a pretty -littlegirl of Seaforth, ae •Queen, came tripping in, and With her magic, wand soon drew 22 of the prettiest little tots that ever appeared on the stage, and the many movements '`for» seccaused frequent outhuratei bf n plaulle; the -credit of this is due to Mrs Jas. Jackson, whose Patience and _preserverance brought it to'so sueeessfnl•'an issue; the stage was moat handsomely decorated for this piece, being.very affective, and to this the credit' a ado, Mrs Parke. and Mrs • flier. As juveniles, Lolo Miller and illie Wilson, the young successes, are very clever little people, and the 'marches, glees and all soloists were exceptionally good. Special 'mention most*Made of Mrs Wall, in whom We have a singger of unusual excellence. awl who On this occasion appeared to greater perfection,than over in her solo :."Mope,' which ;dielayed a sweet and wonderful; range:ofpvoice; the peo- Cle Of Clinton realize more than ' ever hat we have in Mrs Wall a very tar anted person, and whose willingness ` on all occasions to assist local enter- tainnients is making ber very popular. e aeeoirnpanists were Mee Wall, Mieees Gibbinger and Corebe, the latter also gave a fine instrumental selection that ,also shelve than we have in Mies Conine a 'very' brilliant r player. Mies Jackson, `6vho had most of the aceoiriaiiyi}ng to do, also displayed teat talent for her arduous duties, r It..Downs d11fo excelled hrinself oh this occasion: The Concert was in theme ;of ht'r T. ,lrickson,r., who 'never fails to' brling oft a big The proeoeds We believe amounted to tuiniething less than 43100. BIBLE SoaIETY.—The annual meet- ing of the. Q. C. Bible Society was held Lin the Baptist Church, on Friday even- ing, the President, R. Holmes, in the chair. Mr J. C, Stevenson, Secretary, read the annual report, and also the list of collectors, as follows :—London road, J� F. Grant and C. Avery; Stan- ley, D. McTavish and F. McEwan; Tuckersmith, Ira Jphns and F.La tan; 'Hull*, Jas. Walkinshaw; Goderich township, Chris. Nesbitt; base line, , Missesiplady and Cornish; Summer- hill, G. M. Kilty; St, Andrews Ward, Misses A. Brickenden and A. Gibbins; St. James', Misses F. Patterson and F. King; St. John's, Misses Cole and Shannon; St. George's, Misses MeA 1- lister and a. White. The election of officers resulted as follows;—President, A. Armstrong; Vice -Presidents, the resident ministers; Sec. Treas., J. C. Stevenson; Depository, W. D. Fair. Committee—Messrs Combe, Alcock, I. Taylor, R. Holmes, W. Robb, Hoover, Stevens, D. Ti lady, R. Irwin, Walk- inshaw, A. McKowen and T. Rumball. An excellent address on Bible Society *ork was given by Rev Mr Holmen, wh., was followed by Rev Mr Harris. Music was rendered by members of the Baptist choir. NOTES.—Messrs Seale & Hoover have taken an order from Mr John Moffatt, of Stanley, for a very fine monument to be erected in Baird's cemetery to the memory of his father, Mr Thos. Holloway represents the Clinton lodge A.O.U.W. at the meeting of the Graud Lodge in Toronto. At the last meet- ing of Clinton lodge I.O.G.T. a resolu- tion of sympathy with the family of the late Fred Hartley, was, passed by the former lodge -mates of deceased. The next sitting of the Division Court will be held on the 28th inst. Mies MdHardy, who has been in Toronto for some time, has returned to town; Miss Staples. of Teeswater, one of her pupils, has just :pureed the last examin- ation at the Toronto Conservatoryof Music. I. Taylor, town, and J. Cor- rison, McKillop, are this week perform- ing duties of County Auditors. Mr 0. J. Wallis leaves this week with a con- signment of horses for Killarney, Manitoba. Mies Sarah Acheson, of Goderich, is spending the week here as the guest of Miss Challie Cooper. The Mail of Saturday has an illustrated article on the Conversazione of Toron- to University; one of the faces shown is that of J.G.S. Stanbnry, of Bayfield, who is vice-president of the Literary Society. Mr F. R. Hodgens was in Toronto this week. Miss A. Holmes has returned from St. Catharines, and has resumed her place in this office. Mr Jas. Walkinshaw has invested in a fine Doherty Organ, purchased through Mr Emerson. Messrs W. Coats and Jas. Scott were in Goderich last week, closing up their duties as executors to the estate of the late Jos. Whitehead. A farmer four miles beyond Blyth, last week filled a contract for wood in town. D. Cantelon shipped a load of hogs on Monday. D. C. Campbell, of the real estate department of the Can- ada Life Insurance Co., was in town last week. Hill & Joyner have thie season handled several car loads of corn for feeding purposea; the corn is both Canadian and American. A small watch chain pendant has been left at this office for an owner. The Royal Templars held open lodge last night (Thursday.) W. Wheatley has contracted for between five hundred and one thousand cords of wood in Colborne. Mr Hiram Hill has the con- tract of putting a stone wall under Mr Wm. Miller's barn, 2nd coo. of Hul- lett; Mr Mat. .Mains has the frame work of it; he expects a first class job and we think he has struck the right men. The Hockey • match between Clinton and Exeter, booked for last;Thursday,idid'not come off, Exe- ter players falling to allow up. Mr Hoover is attending the Grand Camp Woodman of the World at St. Thomas. Mrs ,Georg a and Miss Belle Murray are visiting friends in Hensall. Mrs H. Roes of Winnipeg, is visiting at Mrs H. Andrews', Mary street. Mr R. Downs took part in a concert in Lon- don last (Thursday) night. Mr Geo. McTaggart was in Toronto this week. Miss Rose Nimeno is in Toronto at- tending the millinery openings this week. Miss Maggie Moran of Sea - forth, is visiting Mrs Jas. Flynn and other friends in town.- Rev A.Scbrane of p'ergus, addressed the Royal Temp - litre last night (Thursdaty) on "Memory in character bbuilding.' The many friends of MraWtn. Haat will be pleased to hear that she is able to be out, after seven weeks' confinement in the house by a severe illness. Mr T.Jackson, jr., and Mr J. C. Gilroy leave on Wednes- day next for New York, the latter in the interests of his new patent corset fastener. Mrs Isaac Brownlee ,, of West Harrisvilte, Mich., is visiting friends here; she i9 looking well, and !Ikea her new home. We are glad to teiu,n that Miss Hattie .Leslie, who has been in delicate health for several weeks, is now able . t,0 attend to her household.d.uties tie Wind. Di' Robt. Agnew has moved' into the house for- merly oeeu red by the late Reeve Me. Murchie, Genuine blizzard yesterday. The kind of a chance that don't come to us or don'tcolla0 to you every day,- : It 9alne to us in this way: Tokeep up tradedur- ing the dull season, the largest corset manufacturer in Cana- da sold to those merchants only who would buy a certain quantity or over of the -Corset he makes to sell at $ 1.25, for the same price as he sold the one made to sell. at $1. A merchant had to buy the quan- tity to get the low price, and to -day they cannot be had for less than the regular price. We bought them and now comes your chance; while the lot lasts we offer this regular $L25 Corset for 98c. Per pair. It is a five hook, long waist Corset, made from fine strong couteil, is perfect fitting, and one of the belt selling $1.25 Corsets made in Canada. der utilbaaq tip buy soe a plot° ro to acloino koir ,est mom, :: J.he w,eab the romilo, s. w them sat and aeleelte(' t"i'he Ward of Pansies" in llfellb gilt frame. at . .8O, preferitlg it ,to the white enamel frame at 1$3,20. We Frannzi° Pictures and have alanys.tytes of wool4ing, The "Pan- sy„ picture, (we have now only one left) exupha- sizes its superiority best by comparison. See it in our window. Some goods in every merchant's stock , move slowly, in many cases they are more useful and handsome than the quick moving stock. This applies to our pictures, we can't afford to keep them on account of their good looks, however We must put a "movement into them" and look to the price to do it. If our pictures are not genuine bargains we would like some gi- gantic intellect to accurately define the mean- ing of a bargain. The W. D. FAIR 00., jlietween seasons 4 t 1 Just in this week are a lot of English Shaker Flannels 27 in. wide, 10 patterns to choose from at 5c per yard. People who like to get the best patterns are picking out their Prints now. Everybody says there has never been prettier or better Prints in Clinton. Very soon you will want Spring Goods. We have already received several shipments of the latest styles, bought at the right prices, which we Shall be pleased to show you. In the ;meantime we wish to call your attention to our HiI BDT!EI Clinton. ADVANCE LINES . . OUR . IMPORTATION OF Men's Bicycle Suits, Linen Collars and Cuffs Men's Neckwear Silk Handkerchiefs FROM THE CELEBRATED HOUSE OF WELSH, tfARGESTON & CO., LONDON, ENG. Is on the Atlantic, and will be in stock in a week or two. It is needless to say that our assortment of fine goods will not be equalled in this section. JACKSON BROS THE FAMOUS CLOTHIEtts, MANTON, - Midwinter Sale W don't believe in carrying over goods from one season to another hen great reduction in prices for this particular sale. If you are our customer we want you to come and secure some of the bargains we offer and tell your friends. If you are not our regular customer, lay aside your prejudices, come in and investigate, make your own comparisons as to quality and price. Gentlemen wear Slater's' Celebrated Shoes, they are the best in the market. Taylor lir S�fl� dl` Don't Grasp at Straws Ladies' and Children's UNDERWEAR But buy goods that give satisfaction. Von get that sort it you deal here. Ladies' $1 Vests for - - 50e Ladies' all wool Vests - 40e Big values in Children's; all sizes Men and Boys' UNDERWEAR Biggest value yet, during this week. DRESS GOODS A Some bargains for you yet; don't take our word for it but come and see, and judge for yourselves. EMBROiDERIES Our new Embroideries and what we had in stock, we offer you away below regu- lar prices The . best value in the trade �T A is what our customers tell us. GI GRAMS We bought a lot of 121c Ginghams at a bargain; ;you can have the benefit at 8 cents a yard These goods will be sold for Cash or good credit for short date. •: H ES LEY & The. 14 adios' favorite +'stablishiment, Clinton. M► . D�e�i? li�� W