HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-02-21, Page 7yi4 z: ti3 UTou, sl ,ouot 'L! ` B CTC rR, SHOP Il 1 I cN. T aroigue4 d00.teii t, : ,,all ate to the pe peg of'Clinton and ,omit tl�t e• '13410^'913.40a 1t k'utaher Shop ju the atone of W. poi*, Street. ile has had many . ryoari expuriatiae, Arid feels that be can give $he . t of set 6feetion. He will sell eiieleti3,' for Cash, and at the lowest possible •::pr1oep, .l O1na$s ReseecIffLLY SOLlorree • W. Wright ,/ Clinton. CENTRAL 'HITCHER SHOP FOlilyyD & MURPHY, (Sul:loosens'to 3. W. Langford) • Illavftig'bought out the above business, we bite$ tO oonduot it on the Dash prigeiple, and will supply oar customers with the best meats at the lowest paying prices. Patrons may rely upon good service and prompt filling of all orders. FORD & MURPHY Qentrel Butcher. Shop, Clinton CITY BUTCHER SHOP I wish to inform the public that I willjnot be undersold by any other pperegn jn ,the bnefnese. - I Yam a praotioal 'bufr' her,; end anderttedi'd all the branches elf the h in ss. We keepthe very best meats and�a full stook always on hand, and will sell at the ;•Lowest Oash Prices. Bring along your money and get the meat at the Dash prior. We:will give Oredi ieltntYnot. at cash. prices., Please call and area what you oan do for Garth at R. FITZSIMONS' • COUCH & WII SON. Subscribers desire to notify the pubiio that 1 e have bought out the butchering business lateyly oondnoted by Mr Jae A.Ford and yfUl eon - tin b the same under their personal supervision. Will hors prompt and careful atterine i, Fr meats of isli kinds will be kept in se6►oli, so at reasonable xatea mad delivered 'anywhere 1� in'town.' : t o ti ' 4111TRURCQTf g,'CHA.S. N. WILfaOIN CLINTON. FriAli I 3 lbs. for 25c. NO BEEF OR LIVER PUT IN. Pork Chops, Boasts, Cured Meats. Prices to suit hard times. Pure LARD by the pail Jrrcrock. We make fresh • sausage every day. JAS. STEEP it CO. FLOUR AND FEED STORES. Flour, Feed,& Seed Store S Titp un reigned desire to intimate that he • will keep on band the'very best Fl~+OU,R,..and. V, Of all kinds also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds which will be Bold et close margins for cash. HALT also kept on hand. He will also keep a bolos variety Of all kinde of TEAS which oon- sumere will end to be excellent valve. HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. ;r. Cooirs F,iouriFeed Store ,a6Fz'11i,'. �ra BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantrtieo. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL BINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 18ab; CAPITAL, -- $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,376,000 HEAD OFFICE,' MONTREAL. 3. H. R. MOL8ON President. It'. W. THOMAS,....General Manager. NoteCdlsooUnted CollectionsDrafts is- eued,"8terltng snd American exo ge bought and sold ' lit lowest current rates. Interest a1- i t I; lowed On deposits. Money, edvsnaklt to !armee , on their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re attired as security, H, O. BREWER, Manager. GED, D. MOTAGOART. BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Bauliing Business t* animated NOTES DISCOUNTED ,drafts twined. interest skewed on deposits. 1'l & 1ISfALL ,� BANKERS, �i ay ^ CLUSi O r &l .i1! r ' Tt NT • 1. Q 04,4100-4# 'xr,,',0 ,,y� �yI Q /040 41.40.N4 14 •. 9, In tr, cin, up some of Santa t'luus' good deeds this year, a lady girlie uft the fol- lowing account of her Christmas poz. The lady'A name le. Mrs. I3,;,0. Ferguson. and she resides at. 2111 Oht$?cb st.� Mrs. Ferguson began as follows 1-R- " I "have for years been a sufferer with kidney complaint, leve rat under shoulders and across back, c latterly so weak that I could not walk out or do housework, Seven years ago the doctor told me I had Bright's Dl A number of ph sicians toll me I past help ; one of diem said I could not ve a month. I have taken a great deal of medicine, but without relief, and had given up hope ; in facts told my son that,% did not expect to live until spring. My son saw the adver- tisement of the Doan Kidney Pill • Co.. Dec. 3rd, and told me. I asked him to get a box and I would try them, although I had but little faith in them, because all other remedies had failed, and as a result I had given pp hope. Ile got one box of pills at J.R. Lee's drug store and I commenced taking them. The result has been marvellous. After taking them once° I experienced relief, and after tak- ing them three times the change for the better was marked. I have only taken one box of pills, but I feel lite. 4, new woman. The ppaiq and other; gym tome of the dreadfnla,diaeaso are One. am stronger and better than I have been in many years. I son now able to do my housework and walk out without suffering any 1.,- : .. l „. -.. That box of Doan's .,,$1PV 1!Taa tlagranc _ iss box for -fee -1- m ear- to 'let creryone know about this wonderful cure, in the hope that some ons who has suffered as I have may try the remedy sad bo itmosftted ,�tm��['# l basl4�" ,, , ,,i r. 0:11,p ' Etii;l at: Ii �'4ti , 'a I' ON PERFEGT MANHOOD' C How e4 -how re. 894OrLre:rt 44;r* sic % not the+ tori a! e ` antolct w. SEX A PO BERfsey, 1.0 GS gni�1 Awl '14 s4Pily4u tion. Our book lays bare the truth. Every man who would regain sexual %1- gor lost through folly, or develop members %teak by nature or wasted by disease, should rrr•ite for oar sealed book, •' Perfect 'Man. :rood." No charge. Address On b EBIE MEDICAL CO.. DR. `�? g 's Norway ,Pin S tirtrup. - Rich In the lung -healing virtues of the PIA • combined with the soothing and expectorant' properties of other pectoral herbs and barlrlt: A PERFECT CURE POR COUGHS AND COLDS',' Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis Sore Throat, Croup and all THROAT, IBRONCHIAL and _LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate coughs which resist other remedies yield promptly to this pleasant piny syrup. FKIOfs ileo. AND 500. PRM 90771.5. •SLD •Y ALL DNU.D.ST•. McLeod's s System RENOVATOE AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impnre, Weak sold >:mpoverisb*d Blood Dyspepsia, Slee leserierel f"at tabore of the Heart, L eer,,.Qor 1s nt Ne giisj Lose - of Menni y' • Br4 I itis Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases, 8t. Vitus' Dance Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, BODERICN, ONT ,.. i t Prop. nd fnuferthiteff Sold in Clinton by J. Li. OOMRE, and ALLAN & WILSON on the, o 1idslrxioea >7lEt3e to farmers r vvn° . notte at liow' nates of interest. , A, general. Banking busiheelfl setityeaotetl T1ltereet allowed on't%ite: 4. • a' ;.pals-�iyCytiQ�ysµ'�bp�y� , .:'•. ,,",i'TT(ily4*Er, tifiNger --T#E LEADING - UNDERTAKER :c! -AND- E11LBgL�� A PULL LINK OF GOODS KEPT i11 STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidneed Splendid Hearse. ALBERT 6 T.,CLINT ON ovorrito re ResidenceA n.,...Ol l'O8tTlt TOW TRH OJ11:N'L'ON NEW ER Jia Morro Market NVAA'T 15 WIWT%,101P . 4 Farrufng, for February sa3ysi. -"The' Tho antlilatre ovt�oi`th ....8 ar t � � lI?4+liar plospecte for horse breeding are deck'. 0' the" Interior of the Feder'At.Govern- ed ly brighter thait they have beets for went, has appeared, auti tt Si ,Very die# , s the tiwe past. The Markets have aowftlrtm `40011 a llgs not yet bad any decided advauee, but `ht eiatrielf Qf h`ougeereads were 114 there is a steadily growing demand in 0,5 COI is t' 'd i 2, •. x h previous us the large horse markets of the centro.. f'a a With i >'o .e pr ro Year, ent. P seat erre yet low down to what' a daarease;uf , they were ilk the good old days, but • 'T'ho < e,rrivahl of iwnugr int a# the the twidency is now decidedly up- its of Qtiebee Halifax and Montreal wards. 'But the 'buyers new want during the first ten•wonths'of 1895wer on1 ggoo.odod, sound anianals There is PAO, as eozitpared .with 25,(16$ ,for. t4 not�yet *or denderld',1oi' Inferior ani;; co responding period of the previous male; serum are not saleable, ent, year,'a'decrease of 2,29Q, ly, in eastern Ontario,? a buyer, pibked During the Same period 1712,31 innmi- up twenty teams of`,good young grad groats declared their intention of be- Clydes, not aA heavy as he wanted, "but cowing residents of Canada, as certtpar- fairly good, aniwala ltlf' ipq diem • size. ,ed With 18,923 during the came period For a lot of three, bough in one diLyy. of 1801: -.ft decrease of 1,f4/2. The per - he paid $31O, and for Another lot, $415 eon's wo signified their intention of for fours animals, The lowest priced settling in Manitoba and the North- of the fortyy auiznals was ,$b0, and the , west number 4,A01 --•which, as compar- higg set $126. = ed with the previous year, shows a de - The panic in the horse trade hoe, crease of 1,749. e EE!! Xa: xlotfop Manitoba. b t fort' • -vides x�; a :_ � 9 ,l+o,pPol?Iointlae (,7o'untya!f''�i'tirOt#; ap�ll>tnK': lb, tit se hood goods;foz• a sinail,, pri e. W(� have left of : winter' ttrek aiaonget; oUwr t iiggN.. *be .oril , extragoed. lar,ga Coon Skin Coati wo la e size GGoat-Robes, TS:Fur tap, cue, Mull' and. Collar. • We have . advent rsts-class Overco ire 'd 'CS . Bhtukets fo beds oda line Dl still s to %Tgltiaek; • Reav),r guilt!!! ,and a quantity of home-made Flannel Sheeting e All these (Qo'dq at Reduce•d Prlkes the ' Lin n f: a L aid iterest' oh. t se. o r ate 3► lr„ patient I,atii Bd n rs n , p 11 p r e, a deome lags of and (Basses, 'Our new Ord coni Sets, 10 pieces at $2. 4 10c plugs of Tobacco old Nugget, for 25c. 8 paitnde of Sulphur for 25e. 1 pound of superior Bieck Tea for 25c. A trial respectfully solicited. TERMS CASH, or,P,reduce at highest rates; ADAMS' EMPORIUM, - •LONDESBORO Van ' 1,, 14294 been caused lhrgely byover-prgduption. From 1885 0111892 was a period of ex- pansion in the hor se work. Breeding, both in Canada and the United States, was puehed beyond • the requirements of the market. Prices were good,;and that stimulated many to rush into horse -breeding. Ranches were started'' in the West, andthousand of mares nut into breeding. The' nereaae of horses h the United) States for some of these years, as shown by the gov- crnmenll returns, exceed 2,000;000 per year. ere was ,no ,such, decreased demand the market was glutted, and the resu t we know', : • The gl tie practieat11' ver,• as far, as heavy raft horses are frinceeneils There a nil& now enough offered to till the d m Aid, and prices are advanc- ing for es sable animals. But t must be he `cry to bring good pti weighin it to 1,80U Ibe or Otte . Tbese ca i only be had from big, roomy mares, a d the right kind of well-bred stallions dnd thaylmufit have quali4 ty. Siz an quality? •te-day,, der. mended. the t e thet'wet'appet these a m e old ttuetrgh etoi rpµitr On' the ma et'( there gill bs plenty of money pled fol• 'them.''Present prospect a that the dounndr wiilibe far beyond ' e supply. Already good mares, ellnade and well bred, lit' ad breed th se horses from, are in greatly i n crease de#n nd... ,.The -.knows nes ones are picki p young mares and get- ting re •-to-meet'-•-the•-"demand. Some of t a shrewdest horsemen in the country are getting toge:.her a few good mares. Now is the time to secure yopn }weeding mares,, High -glass farm horses . are always needed.' We want to 'weed', out the' scrub and- hrded only from., the beet m mai es, , In e,rwork the hvy draft yoiingstet i Aiibte'to I help ' While sr.ill very young, if given light work in the busy days of the spring seeding. He can be early accustomed to work, and by his size and strength can do light work, but he should not be overwork, ed or over -treated, After he is twat years old he may almost,pay. by his work, for his keep, and, 11 malt Mem/ iehes come to him,' they do pot detract, so much from the value lief, the draft gelding as in other classes of horses. They are the animals which promise, at p,> esent, the best return to the far- mer:' , Y; • • Next in demand are the high -step- pers and good, big coacbers. Good quality in this line are always in de- mand, but very hard to get. They bring big prices to the dealers, but .need a -great deal, 'nf'careful''eehooting ,before they are worth a lot of money. No ordinary farmer can give them the rare and training necessary. They can be sold untrained for prices which will pay the breeder. and are good, useful horses if kept for the farmer's own use. Standard -bred mares of good size make fine mothers and good - breeders. For the sire, the Hackney, or high-stepping coacher, is the most popular. There is money in breeding the right kind of these. THREE POPUL .It BLACKS e They Belong to the Dia- mond Family. Three popular Blanks, well-known in every oity, town and village of Canada. - They are known as Fast Black Diamond Dye for Wool, Fast Black Diamond Dye for Silk and Feathers, and Fast Black Dia- mond Dye for cotton end mixed goods. - The Sleeks made by these dyes are fast to sun, soap and washing; they never oraok, fide or run; they stand fast forever, If yod desire to have doh sed,;beautiful Blacks, dye only with 'Diamond Dae Blanks. Beware of imitations Bold in so many places, as they always spoil your materials. There is still some talk as to the per- iod when the life of the present Parties went will expire. The gener•ail ac- cepted impression is that the 26th of April will be the last day' • Syme;: authorities contend that It ;ti ny' irun s - along until June, and in order to set- tle the matter authoritatively, it is re- ported to -night that, a 'reference to the Supreme Court maybe made by the Government. ' HOW WE ARE GOVERNED. (Rev. Principal Grant.) We allow a few gentlemen in Ottawa, who would not be trusted with the manage. ment of any one of our great industrial establishments, to arrange and disar- range the whole business of live millions' of intelligent, enterprisingpeople. Thfe*Mnld be incredible were it noise, 'thee These' gentlemen are entrusted with the power of binding and loosing on earth to an extent which Hildebrand never dreamed of. They oan make favored individaale;'oonipstlies or tinge wealthy by inserting a elanse, and impoverished them by striking it out. and this is aotnally boasted of as a patent for making everybody rioh. Ies MAo1Anue.---Ian Maolaren's Waits have been having a wonderful sale in Cans ads.. Already 16,000 copies of "Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush" have been sold. This author's new atory', "Kate Carnegie," be - Ons in the February Canadian Magazine., It will be an illustrated T)rumtsehty love story, and should inereaoo the subscription lint of our national Magazine by several thousands of mines. Such enterprise ort the part of a Onadirl,tt •publication .heat terror before beet; notfoed., They have se- emed the exclusive rights for Canada' and the story relit rats 'tb1ailgh about nfire Dotes. m • The revenue from timber, mineral ' and grazing lands, was $78,620. The revenue, for the corresponding ten months of the previous -year was$00,584 -a decrease of $16,964. There' 'Was a decrease, according to the report, of $40,00 in the sale of Do- minion lands daring the year. It might be incidentally mentioned in tibia Connectiob that there is a gene- ral deficit In the books of the Govern- nerit for the past year salounting to considerably over four million dollars; that is to say,. we have spent that amount more than we have been able to,tax .ouveelves for. What do you thinlke,ef this statement .as •far as the Gcreetnluent has gone? ' ' We are getting fewer people to settle Angst us than in prey our years. AS7e are selling less D tui tion lands. With the best bookkeepi" ft that we can hire we are over for r Trillion dol- cs ehortiof meeting ex en es. We; have a, national 'debt hat would knock an ordinary accoutitait cold, yet wd aro piling Wisp by milli ns. Wetheerebeciarht from England the', great hlufier. who has been drawing an A rfxidus salary and who simplybegs to say in bis report that he is a filure, that his department ie distinctly a •sink. -hole. is worth while :for,,;0 nadians to ask•.themseives the- quest idn why for- eigners refuse to come hero to settle amongst us. We might also make a passing en- c4uiry as to why our publre lands are unsaleable: while the settlers are camp- ing around lands which are being open- ed in adjacent coma tries,andiwaitirigto rush in and fight for a right of preemp- tion. Nobody is offering a remedy; we are simply going into the hole deeper and deeper. This is pcoved by the repclts issued by the Ministers in charge, and we can be sure' that they are telling the very best story they know how, a story which,perhaps. may not be veri- fied 1wh'en the figures are tested, for unferti ately it bas become a habit of our txovernment to lie to the people. , Can any business man accept this statement and refrain from demanding ii • change of management. We have got eo deeply in the rut of misman- agement that bankruptcy Is in sight if we donot alter it in some way. Toron- to Star, Conservative. Dur. H. B. Merrill. Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE. AY ID'S Sfll S: A MD1CiNE WITIOUT AN EQUAL. Statement of a Well Known Doctor "Ater's Carsapaiille is without an equal as a blood -purifier and Spring medicine, and cannot have praise enough. I have watohe, its effects in chronic cases, whore other treatment was of no avail, and baro beer, astonished at the results. No other blood medicine that I have ever used, and I have tried them all, Is so thorough in its action, and effects so many permanent cures as Ayeea,,SarbaparUIa." *-Dr. 1T, F. MERaILL, Atlgnsta,Me. Aer's Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Fair. ' Amato. Pills for liver and bowel*. or.'>iA FP$ 4$11IIMA E E QUR ES IA*1OVA w�pfhr btsayth�ljorifiltNr' ofpdditesrenboawem teateet�tie � fi"PR, TAFr gds.•1"� 1104.ATO BTMA. ONT. Pots. '1 went.ySix `Years POW.DR�'�+ �,IrW• 1 E0"SEST rRIEND It �fili` 3Al,ilt I$ CANADA. R. ADAMS WHAT CAN BE NICER There is nothing more suitable for a Christmas present than a piece of furniture. This year we ere better prepared than ever to snit our many customers. Our assortment is larger end,Joar prices lower than ever. That Polished Oak Rocker, Leather Seat, that we are • • offering at $3.25, is a snap. We have Chairs at all prices, and with the assortment we have you cannot help but be mated. Come and see what we have to offer you. Yon are welcome whether you buy or not. The former prioe of this chair was 64.50. . JOSEPH W. CHIDLEY FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. r�, t This list and eee if you want any Valenoia Raisins off stalk F.O.B., or Selected 8eedlesg Raisins New Currants thoroughly cleaned, Sultana Raisins, Oalifornia Loose Muscatel Raisine,- London' Layers orBlack Basket. Good off stalk Raieins, 6 lbs for 26 eettts.' Califernia ,vaporated Apricots, California Evaporated Peaches, 'California Bveperated Plume, California Canned Apricots, Nectarines, Yellow Peaohee, Canned Pineapple, whole, sliced or pulped. Nuts of all ktnde, Candies, Lemons, Oranges. Finest Elmo Figs in 10 and 20 pound boxes. Bright new Dates. CHINAWARE—Fine Dinner and Toilet Sets cheap. Call and see our Fancy China, Glassware, and select your Xmas present. N. B -Do not forget that I have the finest quality of TEAS+iand COFFEES in town N. ROBSON, - Clinton The Loveliest Gifts Are something useful and durable, as well as beautiful We have 'them' Carvers in Cases, Sets Carverss,Plated Knives and Spoons Tea Trays, Silver Trays, Pocket and open Knives Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers, Brass Lamps, Banquet Lamps Skates, Children's Plated Sets ttc Just received a car of the DiamondlWater Whitey:Joel Oil at same price as common oil. Harland Bros, Clinton Wood'8 P1IOspliodlne.--me Great English Remedy. Is the result of over eb years treating thousands of cases with all known drugs,until at last we have discovered the true remedy and treathient-e combination that will effect a prompt and permanent cure to all' stares of Sexual Debility, Abuse or J:c sses, Nerves) Weakups, Enussfone. Afoot Worry, Excessive Use of ()pion,, Tobacco, or Alcakolk Stle,rdaull, 41 of hich soon lead to Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Weedy Before Taking. .Phosphodine has been used successfully by hundreds of cases thatseen»d almost hopeless -eases that bad been treated by the most talented phyet- cians-•cases that were on tho verge of despairand insanity -cases that were tottering over the gravo-but with the continued and persevering use of Wood's Phosphodlne, these caves that had been given up to die, were restored to manly vigor and health -Reader you need not despair -no mat- ter who has given you Up as incurable -the remedy to now within your reach, by ire use you can be restored to a life of usefulness and happiness. Price, one package, $1; sir packages, $5; by mall free of postage. One wallillrase, eta guaranteed to cure. Pamphlet free to any address. The' Wood Company, Wllidsor, Ont -, Canada. After Wood's Pboopbodlne is sold by eesponslble wholesale and retail druggists In tea bahlnIoe. a ■ • r rT•Te47'." •.T. ■ R . • e . ,r, r.Tir,T, 1f Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. you BUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- PEPSIA orTNDiOESTION, • Ii you Ire BILIOUS; CONSTIPATED. or have LIVER COMPLAINT. 11 your COMPLEXION 18 SALLOW, or you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING. For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR- DERS OF 7i1E STOMACH, . . • TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE RI PANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANSTABULE$ ;• Ripans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. 'Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly neon the liver, stomach and intestines ; cleanse the system effectuallfy; cure dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offensive breath and headache. One TABULE taken at the first indication of indigestion, • biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will surely and srelieklyy'remove the whole difficulty. If given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an • infallible cure; they Contain nothing injurious and are an economical remedy. µ"" EASY TO TAKEONE y awns ......—__QUICK TO Act" Itipatls Ttfbtules are sold by druggists, or by tunif ff Iii 4 s• �, � l�I-,YEp trio price(GO'�eonts a baa) Is sunt tib � e Rim= Clhetn zi> rest Company, No. 10 Spruce St., New 'York:.lib,rdl)lo 4+414+44, 'v1a1,1QMAO. s. •.1F.