HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-02-21, Page 3461 _t. 2#r"r, vIRQl 044' *IOU; 71i. IO.AND WDNDF FIJLr nooD-tuOzin, Ell • ' MORO YoiVI' R C.takovuo > lljrf itisor,go l Every ingredient ice, Health Bander. Qartinr, atok , oxmtzuept.Beiief iii g4eXito$ iu 01400 01 f70p- A,_a,141.0 bineteee,. All Wettklieeeeti, Blood and Elkin Diseewee. , It se ed art +i_l_l�.pantile aui$tettl Ut 4i.OQhol,. FQr rt9"' S94, Qleetr Shin and, Brig t. Conitlexion and Believing OA lite Peouiitir to vYiRt n h is UnOlOPii sed. Q1c1 • ai 14nil Wf41 pj'ri Jrlllp, $tore, Qiliuttuu. I3o pet t; Ift to get ,ef Ai,N `xti.;' . Tek No obi,± rl , anaraimaa ILY THAT tri vaST > iubine remedy, 'both roe ue. 'nihil nun linfAL use, and wen- derinintlte Weise:mon to relieve distress, PA1INKILLER- Ie. a RNA a)QvnAsmelltig cor ser'. ""'" PAIN -FILLER 111eery $sil.r en: is ekneea. les Headache. 1t in' Lie SacY o; Buie, Rhenfnatism wd eurallata, U TrittItttarrtnsasur the BEST LINT ENT EXARE. It bridge. eeLEDr a RMANINS BELLE, IA all meg masses. Cate, iDratne, Severe inurP.I+,TA.ILLEiR tr the £wr,It tried and Sfeehanla garner, Planter, Sailor, a ,d In Mt all caner wanting a medicine shwa at hand. and were nae Internally or externally with oartainty orrellot Beware of imitatIona Take none but the genuine. "PIGMY DAM • Bold everywhere ; rbc. big bottle. PAIN -KILLER WOMEN WHO SMOKE. . IIs s They Are Very Numerous to Itnaala and Nut liar,- In England. Not so long ago it was considered a risky and frisky thing for it woman to smoke a cigarette In the seclusion Of the family circle, but to -day- wcll- n-ought-0p married ladies, without the least approach to fastness in behavior, est oke their three or four cigarettes 8 day, with the approval of their hus- --bands, and in the presence of their SZ anis. The ladies in Russian co- clety, c.ne and ail. smoke cigarettes as a matter of course, In private and in public. At an afternoon call in St. Peter - burg, •at 8 o'clock •.in the day, a Rus- • ;Stan lady offers a cigarette case, and a matchbox in the most natural man- ner to her viaitoitt, and without any demur cigarettes are accepted and smoked. In the principal Russian ho- tels the ladies smoke their cigarettes after dinner in. the presence of the as- sembled company, even to a burning "end on the point of a penknife. In London such a custom would not he allowed, and a fair smoker' would at once be requested not to smoke. American ladies appear, from all that is said, to be going side by side with their English sisters—some smok- ing oonamore, others for the fun of -the thing. Still, it is apparent to all •in society that smelting Rinsing Aldige_ is immensely on the increase. Hus- bande, men friends, and even brothers, say nothing against the practice, and, oftener than not, encourage it, unless extravagant 4ndalgence is the result; then they put a limit to the number of cigai'ettna to be 'smoked by the wife during.the day, If she has not sufficient edratert a of ipind to do so for herself; Diad, indeed, most lady smokers make di i?atlgt,i Of limiting themselves to three cigarettes a day on an average. Ladle; in these days are nurtured In . an atmosphere of tobacco smoke; how '.cart t" be otherviree that' that they Moult* acquire a taste for it? In a milder ;torn, It la / true, than that of the pipe or cigar, which their male relatives so' keenly enjoy, but in that of the dainty cigarette. The days have gone by when the smell of tobacco smoke 'made a woman faint. Among a few married ladies an antipathy to it does still exist, and these ladies, it must be confessed, make their bus - bands rather uncomfortable, with their restrictions against smoking here or smoking there, and render them a lit- tle envious of the freedotn enjoyed by other men in this respect, whose wives are not so sensitive to this pungent scent.—London Queen. NO MORE OPPRESSIONS ^TH E OPPRESSOR BANISHED. Paine's ' Celery " Compound putslRheumatism to Right atter the Doctors Failed. 46 -It is note an established fact, that Paine'e Celery Compound cures ninety-nine ont of every one hnndredoases of rheumatism pro- nounced incurable by the doctors. Day af- ter day reporter are received, giving partion- lars of cures effected by the gfeat Com- pound. Thema buret are astonishing the medical profeeaion, and compel the dootors to aoknbwledge the claim so often made. that no Other medicine In the world poeses- eel like battling virtues The following let- . ter frore Mre P. McMann, of Thorold, Ont. should lead every rheumatic sufferer to ase• the medloine ale/tanglyreoommended: M"I think it my duty to lot you know what Pubis's Celery Coi nponnd bas done lar tinyhnsbend. For two years he anger- ed very iteloh With rheumatism in the beak and become no bead that he could nob stoop, bend, or sit in a (Omit at a table. • 1 was obliged to We him his reale in bed. 13e Wag treated by various phyeioiane, but re- ceived no benefit until ha timed Paine's Cel- • er fyomponnd. The first bottle gave him relief, and after he had need tin bottles he wars q'uiiite freefreta the rhottmatism. $e was troubled With piles forourteen years, a got great relief from the .Componhd. ,'ll 'salt he feels like 11 finu''lliktl: j1ileq flow. W thinik Ibero fw no medicine like Paine's •Qe1et '1011mp'oillnd.» ... I,tttle Tb es% Little thl744 are often the hardest things. It is aomparatively easy to do a momentary deed of daring that will startle everybody; 11 is not so eBay to do little death; of quiet oourage from day to day, unheeded by au, and uubeediug all. Perhaps you are not called to do the great deed, But you are palled every day to do fjp8s ,'►,itis deeds, which more surely wear oUt Ufe and strength in the long run. Be isOtt ►abet yes are Ailed to tints, for thie. the%horder task, and he who is faithful here will not be unfaithful in the easier whet things. 'n" ."Unsurpassed in One Respect. First little girl—How many teeth bas yo'lnFbaby got? Second little girl—Four. First little girl—Ours bas seven. • Second little girl—Well, your baby basn't bad the ammonia, anyway, and ours had it when she was only two months old. —Somerville Journal. Work of the Tiny Ant. The largest structure on the earth, when compared with the else of the builders, Is the ant hill of Africa Some of these mounds have been observed fifteen Leet high and nine feet in diam- eter. If a human habitation were oon- struoted on the same scale It would be more than seven mites Mob. A HEAVY MORTOACL Now a prominent farmer quickly lifted It. A mortgage has beth described as as incentive to industry, a heavy mortgage, as a sure sign of ruin. The Last is particu- larly true, for if a mortgage is allowed to ran it will eat up the term. la this con- nection Mr. Henry FOwier, of Huron writes ' " From my boyhood scrofula had marked me for a victim and it eoemed as if it had a life mortgage on ray blood. I suffered fearfully with sores, and know- ing my condition I have remained a single man. Doctor after doctor prescribed for me, and finally a Torontespecialist told nue bluntly that my complaint was a deep-seated, incurable, blood disease. ileerrsaparilla I knew was a good blood medicine, and I sent for a bottle of the best. Mr. Todd, the druggist, sent me Seed's Sarsaparilla, and 1 have stuck to it. It has lifted my mortgage, for to -day 1 am free from those horrible sores, my eyesight is not blurred, my tongue is not furry, and I have no irritation. I look upon Scott's Sarsaparilla as a marvellous medicine when it will cure a life long disease in so short a time." Sdtofully pimples, running sere:, rhea. malltre and all diseases generated by poisonous humors in the blood are cured Scott's Sarsaparilla. The kind that cures. Sold only in concentrated form at III ppaLbottle by your druggist. Dose from trait til oae teaspoonful. NEWS NOTES The Government bought 57,748 po- unds of butter at 20 cents and sold it at 14 cent►,. The loss went to swell the deficit. PLEASE Do Tale. --when making purchases of merchante"who advertise with us, you will confer a favor on this paper by mentioning that you saw the advertisement. in the CLINTON NEw ERA. In one ohnroh in New York the pastorate is a doable -headed concern consisting of husband and wife, both ordained ministers, both engaged and paid. This is an im- provement on the ordinary plan of hiring the preaoher and expecting his wife to work .for nothing, WITH INVALIDS Yes! with invalids the appetite is capric- ious, and needs coaxing, and that is jnst the reason why they improve so rapidly tinder Soott'e Emulsion, which is as palat- able es cream. The fax mill at Shakespeare togeth- er with all its contents was destroyed Tuesday night by fire. The blaze was detected about 9 o'clock, and despite the efforts of the villagers the struc- ture was soon a masa of flame and in a little more than an hour was•complete- ly destroyed, together with all the machinery and stock. The total loss will be about 82,500, on which there was no insurance whatever. EARL'S CLOVER ROOT, the great blood °pnrifier, gives freshness and clear- ness to the complexion and mires Consti- Cation, 25 ots., 50 ots., $1. Sold by J. H. ombe, Clinton. The Orange Sentinel says:—"When we publisb,as we propose to do, the story of the pledges and promises of Ontario members on the school ques- tion, there will be great need for ex- planations and for excuses among a number of politicians." The story told by little Oneita Short in the police court at Ottawa, on Feb. 12Lh, on the charges egainsther rand - mother, Mrs Bell, of cruelty and inhu- man treatment, stands probably with- outa parallel. The youngster, baldly three feet high, stood upon a chair in the witness box and gave her evi, dencein a most remarkable manner. The brightness and cleverness of the child' was phenomenal. The crown was unable to proceed with the pre- liminary examination on the charges of ill-treatment to the boy Percy Short, as he was unable to leave the hospital, and counsel who appeared on behalf of the Children's Aid Society said it would be a cou le' of weeks be- fore the boy could 'ap tear. Mrs Bell was remanded, as the magistrate would not commit her until the boy's evidence was taken. The girl testified to having been placed hefore an open window, in Ivveet dress, for four hours; to having hertongue tied by her grand- mother; to having had ground stone placed in her mouth oo that she could not speak; of eating turpentine with bread , eta. Similar cruelties, she said, were pf'aoticed against her brother. Muoh of life's misery to due to indigestion for who can be Happy with a . pain, in his stomaoh7 • Asa correlative and strengthen- er ottim alimentary orgafri, .Ayel,'s 1?iiia are fn. iniibla, being 111wlliyll alitended with a rurkii ibflt, e° .1 DOES YOUR CHILD EAT GIRT?, , Cantos* MOO Match Frtevafls Among the Very Vougg. Dirt-eating is a wore common babe; among ohildren than -most people would ilnaglue. " A very interesting paper on dale ohrtone habit is contributed by Dr. Jae Thomson toa recent number o;•the Edipbureh Uoepltal Reports After iflv- ing some. account otithe habit as observed by traveliere In difflefteut parts of the world and by agriculturists among un- healthy young animals, he snits' that the dire has a well defined hygienic value, and is eaten by ohiidreta for medical pur- poses. The physiotil ailing which brings on the appetite for dirt id in most oases MUMS la, or"bloodleesuess," whiolr simply mimeo a running down of the sl+tem. In these eagles, Dr. Thomson thinks,the habit might be formed from an instinctive craving for esrtby salts. snob asiron and lime, Net as a oat or dog, when needing a little "physio," will eat a blade or so of grass. In romo teats made by the doctor to prove the soundness of his theory, he placed a number of ohildren in a room containing loose wall plaster and Minders. These substances contain lime and iron salts. The ohildren, who Were oboes three yearsof age, were observed from time to time munching on a lump of the stuff picked up from the floor. One child varied the pastime by pushing bbe hearth brush into the ashes and then ltoking the dust off 11 els a great delicacy. This habit is common enough among idiots and im- beciles, but none of Dr. Thomson's eases was suffering from mental disorder. As a cure the children were placed for a time in the hospital, where they under- went no treatment beyond a forced absten- tion from their peculiar • diet. Atter a few days they had apparently Met all appetite for dirt. Dr. Thomson does nob think that small amounts of "dirt" eaten by children will do any harm of itself, but the great danger is that they will get hold of something poisonous or of some parasite which, once entering the stomach, Will reverse the operation by feeding Off ails host. A Drop of Water. Water that le now in the ocean end in the river has been many times in the sky. The history- of a single drop taken oat of a glass of water is really a remand() ons, says a writer in the "Museum." No traveler has ever a000mplfshed such die• tanoos in his life. That particle may have reflected the palm trees of coral islands and have caught the sun's ray in the arch that spans a cloud clearing away from the valleys of Cumberland or California. I1 may have been carried by the Gulf Stream from the shores of Florida, or of Cuba, to be turned into a crystal of toe beside the precipices of Spitzbergen. It may have hovered over the .treats of Lon- don and have formed a part of ,musky fog and have glistened on the young grass blade of April in Irish elds. It has been lifted ■ to heaven and silted_ in great "wool -packed eioiidi across the sky, form- ing part of a aloud mountain echoing with thunder. It was hung 1n a tlesoy veil many miles above the earth at the close of long seasons of .till weathsa. It has deeoended many times over in sow- ers to refresh the earth and has sparkled and bobbled in mosey fountains In every country In Europe. And it has returned to its native skies, having a000mpltshed Its purpose, to be stored once again with electricity to give it new life-prodaotng qualities and equip it as heaven's riues- ssnger to earth once more. Even all the lies that could be made to do duty for a few minutes, this as- tounding confession of failure is forced upon them. Result of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED LUNGS Which Doctors Palled to Help, CURED BY TAKING AYL3'S' PCherectry oral. "I contracted a tievere cold, which settled on my Lungs, and I dM what Is often don 1•1 such cases, neglected It thinking it would away as It came; but I found, after a little while, that the slightest exertion pained me. I then Consulted a Doctor tvlie found, on exandning Int lungs, that the 1 e gave mefsome C One of was whtach 1 tookoads directed but it did not seem to do any good. • Fortuna I I hap erred to read in Ayer's Alma of the e�eob that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral had on et era and T det.eriu ed to give It a trial. ,After taking a few doses my trouble was relieves and before I had fin- ished the bottle T wad tiered."': -A. Lrrr.axt, watchmaker, Orangeville, Ont. Ayor's Cherry -Pectoral ''light ed AWarild at Worb rrt Fair A ee 's „Pser.t Wit@ .. glsarit otse ori, --n-• tAtia:t14i.trit; ri lattetiftti ill INTION Lndga io •verytaeletet; tit 04.faotle pontl@tl ,palnts.loiat to t ie k ord o Woz1,d! tbot triittin raquir�f $ ioTwert tlbeut i.Gfi,Q00,Q00 "tiusheht of wheat, or this, stensq4t1yy'gout 60,000,000;f'rOin 1pol.(a,, lead, frotal,f,Q011',000:to 0,0%000 from: lOiiatia, while itniatrtll limo, 11A ilgi spun$ i, tbiukq•it flat Sons lith¢ betok�a49.1.3"'"1_irit- MO gill 04:1041/0/.61401400 to 1,48,9 0Q,OQQ buabe e , - el�49t1i111i;'idegfilit?4. k l4'iF CUi �ryeaRpu eryi r k' tlbe 6l.rytnlG�R4fr P": Qba4 90 TuPpete. Wide 1L,j bar141 • pi li P41, MOO. lin oQ 0e t11000Sugio4 every* Of itis am, ` p+Toltb ug' le ys.ung'or mitt die*aged about b jlgrl ' 'botvele4, that; rings true and resenaut, ' But ice own- • et' teas .gist rheumy. eye, the. laowed sisoulderet, the 'uneortoin step of the man chase nlgghtisnot.far off, Beside MO) lliaeli:enzie Rowell would appear not four, but ten or fifteen peeve youtnger. Ladies.alean your kid gloves with Joa- epbine Glove Cleaner, for solo only by Redeems Bros., Qlinton, sole agents for the Perrin, Freres and Alexander Kid (dovn n all the lost desirable shades,dressed and undressed, lace and button. WESTERNDemytraN anlhnrt—The Executive Committee of the Western Dairymen's As- soolatioq muton Monday, Feb. 10th, in the 8eoretaryls •.-office,• London., ¶here were present'PresidentA. F. MaDerenend B.M Ballantyne, Stratford; end Jim, 86 Pearce. London, . T. Mil r, , Gnelph,..aod H, W bite, Hawkeevillertvere,ilsopreeent. Ar. rangemente were nbm feted for the Dis— trict Conventions to be held al Dnuhnville, Feb. 25th; Forest, Febc:26tbiListowei,. Feb. 27th; and Elmira, Feb.: 28th. The Wind- sor Salt Works will give' .thron h.tho Aueo- oiation two gold medale, valued at not less than 150 each, to be awarded in the Cheese Departments of the Industrial and West- ern `Fairs next fall. Arrangotnents will be made for a meeting of the Directors of the cheese taotories in the •Listowel district to be held at Listowel on Feb. 37th, at 1OA.M. to organize a syndicate of factories in that section for the purpose of more uniform in- struction and inspection, efforts will alto be made to organize elsewhere. T, 13. Millar, who has so efficiently tilled the position of inspector during the hast five years was re- engaged for the coming season. Partiou- lare concerning his work and other depart- ments of the Association"e work will be giv- en in the anuual prospectus -to be issued by the Secretary shortly. conditions In some conditions the gain from the use of Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil is rapid. For this reason we put up a 5oc. size, which is enough for an ordinary cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and children. In other conditions gain must be slow, sometimes almost imperceptible,healtI4 can't be built up in a day. For this Scott's Emulsion must be taken as nourish- ment, food rather than medicine, food prepared for tired and weak digestions. loom& Bann, Chemists, foe- anbgew f • CURE t FITS! valuable treaties and bottle of m.dielpe sent Pros baay Suffern. 01,e rvpros and Pat Orae address U. __ 11.0•• �St M.i' AkWde re. �t, IT PAYS TO Success w ie ho meuro to ake attend those good time while attending their The Canada Business College CITATAIAM, ONT. Last week showed:the placing of five stn - dents le choice positions; this week three. Bella Mitchell, placed as second sten gra- pher with the Van Anken Steam Specialty Co., of Chicago. The first stenographer, in the same office, Miss Anne Moffatt, is alsoa former pnpil. Jameg Warren es stook -keeper and office as- sistant with Wm. Gray dt Sons, Chatham. Fred Thompson changed from stenographer with Geo. 13. Douglas to stenographer with. Messrs Wilson, Renkin, McKeough & Kerr, Barristers, Chatham. ITYAYS TO ATTEND A GOOD SCHOOL College reopens for the new year, Jan. Oth For catalogue of either department address I). MCLACHLAN Chatham MoKIllop Mutual Fire Insuranoe Co FARM et ISOLATED TOW N PROPERTY ONLY INSURED Ormtamas. D. Rose President, Clinton; Geo. Watt Vies Pres. Harlook; W. J. Shannon, Secy -('roes. 8eatorth; M. Mordie, inspector of Claims, Seaforth. ninitOTons. Jae. Broadfoot'8eaforth ; Gabriel Elliot Clinton; J.B. MoIIean, Tnokersmith • Thos. Car bet, Clinton ; C. Gerdinor, Leadi my ; T. E Hays, Menlllop, AGENTS. Thee. Nellane Oarlock; Robt, McMillan, Sea - forth; J. °timings, Egmondville. Geo. Mnrdie, auditor. Parties estrous to effect Insurances or trod - snot other business. will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers ad, reed to their respeoftve ofiloes New Boot and Shoe Store The undersigned begs to annonnoe to the peo- ple of Londeeboto and vioinity;that ne has open- ed a Boot and Shoe Store neat to the poet olloe where will be found a complete assortment of FALL and WINTEa BOOTS and SHOES. Our geode are drat -slaw and our prices are right — Ohetom work and Repairing done in a workman- like manner, Butter and,gs taken as oaeh. Come and see g♦ before buying elsewhere, JAMES ]t'Ol7NO, . Loudesboro. • Clinton Planing XIII ....ANe.W-.. Dui. KILN! naaohitieiienlpletllgthenoltkedtv rThe tubscrlber havghe Orr aebt mita men le sbledo w .1n bfllitat 10 the Mei Iatitfaotoky inkniair t SM*ofnIb e flteeteits lititi tiaorteetnoaoe...trISl/d "..""'w°p F.ttfOcli1!' illiIAh tl.P' fl. ITA1.'tint , broil 21.. have *Dr, $aIuuel � eherts prescription tar r ' 4 Vhtldi ems: It contaiils,notther Opituni Isiorpb ue cruor other I14reotie eigPstance, Itis O harmless oubotl for Paregoric; Drops, soot tis Syrup„ and Carp. >it ' Pleasant. Ito snaranteo Is thirty yeezeL 4410:1, Millions otMothers. C8toria destroys Worms aminibilli feverishness. Oratorio tirevent s vomiting Sour Onird. cures Diarrhoea and Wind Collo. Oratorio rely teething troubles,, cares constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, Calls torte is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend. Castoria,. "Qerbests Is ane excellent Medicine for chil- dren. Mothers have repeatedly told moa its pod►Rican upon thele oblldten." 'Dn. G. 9. Ot000n, Lowell, Hare, •()setons is the best remedy for children of which 1 em acquainted. I hope the day is not tar distant *hen mothers will oonaider the real inhere to( their cbildren, and nee Caxtorla in- stead of thaverious quack nastramswhich are 4estroy1ogRicer loved once, byfaroingopfma, morphine; soothing eyrnpitnd other hurtful agents dowii their throats, thereby eendlug them to premature grates." Ds. J. F. Kuransina, Ooeway, Ark. Castoria. NO tortaiseowelladaptedtooblldren** I recommend it assoperiortoauyprwpdigog known to ma." c e. A. Aateste, I 1Di, 111 So. Orford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "Our physicians in the children's dipole meat have spoken highly of their sxpetb enoe fa their outside practice with and' although we only have among oar medical supplies what la kaown es eviler product.; yet we are free to oonfeao that t . merits of Csrtoris has won us to lOdk with favor upon It," UmTsn HcerzrAz. ern Duesseu ir. Basta, Mets.' AIL= O. Sutras, Asea., The Denton Company, TI Murray Street, New Turk O1tt. •. �: 1 1Alll ;1 .. •,. Who Does Not Know That Christmai•will soon be here, and that in order to properly observe it you must have a good padding, and that to have a good pudding yon most have good material to work With. Granted that yon already know this much we wish to inform (you that we have the material of the highest quality at a very reasonable pride. We have also the in- terior quality at a lower pride, bnt much prefer giving you the beat,.as it is cheapest in the end. Everything yon need in the way of Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spices, Figs, &c., As low as any, quality consiered. We are in a position to sell as cheap as others, and will give as good value in any line of goods we handle as can be got in town. OUR TEAS are the best to be had for the money, try them. If you have not. tried "Salads" you should do so, me almost daily we are getting new customers • for it. The best 40 oent COFFEE in town; try that also. A shipment of Din- ner and Toilet Sete just in. Cali and examine goods and prices. Mel1IURRAY & WILTSE, NearPostOffice--C I` TRAL GROCERY—Telephone 40 Not Giving up Business But continuing with full lines of seasonable goods. New Flannels. and Flannelettes New Cotton and Woollen Blankets New Tweeds, Trouserings, etc. New Ladies' Underclothing New Readymade Clothing New shirts and Drawers New Dress Goods ROBT. COATS &r' SO CLINTON :; HUB GROCERY :: Don't trust to luck it may assist you, but more often leaves you in the lurch. Use good judgment and buy where you get a good article. New Raisins, New Currants, " Prunes, " Dates, Walnuts, " Filberts, Canned Salmon " Blueberries, ifTomatoes, 46Mackeral, Apples. Our stock of Crockery, Lamps and Fancy China is worth your while to examine. 64 (31-11:0 fl4WALLA> W 1-7 New Figs " Peels Peas Corn Herring of for Christmas Cci nton The Finest PilOTOG�1� are taken •