HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-02-14, Page 8THE Cir il'.1 O .NW-
LOO4 a tromps,
logger and vraWW”CiAlTriii.ON Bags
est/Attie°:k tpahertaken oraviaor°t s
fiTEVlJNSOfl'S Furniture Stove.
The Ilanktrunt iitgok is doing a rushing
business, bundred§ have called and eeouro
Aoine of the.bar•gains, but we want thousands
mora to gall., R�emmpembor we Will only bo in
Oiiutoir 6 week° xrom FaturdaY, FRO. 36th, when
she cheapest °fere. in the oount wrll be removved
'finery,amready' ado clotb1ug.bootenand'shoos
for iosamonoy than may merchant in Canada
eau bey chem wholesalo, More 'Rankrupt
goods will arrive Thursday or Friday from
or greater bargains
nover oqn Lookout f turda ext. Store in rick
'Nook opposite ttiasen Rouse, Clinton,
CON4EST—The Ladles Aid Society of St.
Panl'e obuureh,'aro gluingg an unusual good pro -
eam at their supper and concert, on the 1 th
t, There will no doubt bo a packed house.
addition to the splendid array of talent that
hale been advortieed, Mr J, R. Stewart, of Lia -
towel, said to have one of the finest baritone
voioo° West of Toronto, will also take part. Tho'
Kneen and the fairies will interest everybody,
and after the big supper nobody will go home
with indigestion vwhgn they eat; the Dake walk
and Bob Down ,you will also shake with laugh-
ter at many other funny things. Master Willie
Wilson. of Toronto the boy singer, alone
should be worth the low price of admission.
ICE.—The use of ice in summer is
becoming greater every year, and con-
sequently more ,ersons are becoming
interested in %tering it. All the
butchers are putting in e. supply; near-
ly all the hotels are storing for them-
,eelyes. Jas. Steep is cutting a large
amountfor his own business; he and
Mr Allansot3 are also storing for gen-
eral consumption. The supply is being
taken froth anEgmond's, from Steep'e
.pond,and also from the river.
WEDDED.—A quiet wedding took
place at the home of Mrs S. Holmes,
qn Thi}reday evening of last week,
whenaher dau titer, Mies Maggie, was
married tp Mr William Gibbings, of
the Huron road, Tuckeremith. •,,Bridea-
maids were dispersed with, ;this bride
being given away by het brother,
while Rev. Mr Parke performed the
ceremony. After a. wedding supper,
they at onto' repaired to' their home,
.carrying 'the esteem and good wishes
of many friends.
rare requested to acknowledge receipt
•;•of a lot of books and other choice lit-
erature kindly sent to the House by
Mr F. Holmstead, of Seaforth; similar
!deflations will be very acceptable. It
has been' necessary on a couple of oc-
v easions to use the lick -up for some re-
fractory inmates, but on the whole all
are orderly and well-behaved. One of
;.the moat interesting inmates is
an orphan girl of thirteen, pretty
and very tidy; it was never contem-
'plated. to take inmates of this nature,
'but until a home can be provided for
her, she is likely to remain, as she is a
general favorite.
PERSONAL.—Mr Ed. Daly, of Sea-
forth,has been visiting friends here.—
/ Mr Green, of Goderich, makes regular
Visits to town; it is rumored that Alex
and er will ere lobe; calLin'the services
of a clergyman. ' Mr. Watt, 'barrister,
Crookstown, Mldn., brother of Mrs
Boles,_is here On a.visit. Misses Mag-
gie and Nellie Dowzer, of town, have
-been visiting old friends at Brucefield.
Ml$ Lucyy Stevens, who has a school
near Osrlow, was unable. to take her
sties yp •
this week, a heavtold confln-
'1ng; ler to the hqude. Mr =Thrower,
• TerrOnto,,isviiaitjng friends here. Miss
.'L aO r``pplia•Millet* is home on a visit. Mise
• Boleiniron, Stratford, is the guest of
Miss Flossie Pattison.
RAMS, e, There was it fair cruwd,at.
the races held cn Cliotoo,, Hm % last
Thursday evening, the inspiringg Iuueie
of the, hand -adding to the pleasure of
the o rasion, %V. McIver, I odorieh.
WOO the 0 mile race. E. 00ok took 1.�t
place in the 3-rnile race, and Pete
Matheson second, 2 -anile, P. Mathe-
son,. Boys' race, i, Haile, W,Steyenaoln,
Jae,Doherty. �^
STORM BOUND.—Tome Darling was to
have conducted a sale of bush land in
Stanley, on Tuesday, but the storm
was too much for him, as be made an
effort to get out, and finding this im-
possible, was compelled to return.
We understand that Mr Hamden, who
was in Bayfield, trade a few sales of
sinall lots, privately.
T4"hrl'ERANoE.—The I. O. G. T. open
meeting last Friday night was a grand
success, quite a number being� present,
and all went home well satisfied, hav-
ing spent a very enjoyable evening.
The program was as follows: Quar-
tette by Misses Kinsman, Goodwin,
Messrs Holmes and Holloway; reading
by Miss L, White; instrumental, six
mouth organs, two guitars, one auto
harp; reading, Mr Houston; duet, Miss-
es Kinsman and Pattison; recitation,
The Fireman's Wedding, Miss Wilson;
organ inst., Mr Yellowlees; shadow
ppantonine, The Dentiet's0ffice; recita-
tiQn, Miss H. White; duet, Misses
Rumbell and Stevenson; dialogue, T.
Munro, Miss Tibbett, Mr Stevenson,
and W. Stevenson; recitation Miss M.
. NOTES.—Mrs Hall and Miss Lulu
Hall, of Orangeville, are here visiting
and expect to remain until spring; Mrs
Hall is a sister of Mrs George Doherty
and firs W. S. Beesley. At . the an-
nual meeting of. the Canadian Press
Association, held in Toronto lastweek,
Robert Holmes was elected. 2nd vice
president; D. 'McGiliiciidy;, of Gode-
rich, was elected a member of the Ex-
ecutive, and John A. Cooper was re-
elected Secretary; thus, three apron -
lane are officers in the Associa-
tion. Dr. Asa Mair, who has for
some time been located in Quebec pro-
vince, has commenced •to °.practice in
Cobden, Renfrew Co. Pave Stewart,
of town, is laid up at his father's resi-
dence, Seaforth, with typhoid fever,
contracted by waiting on his brother
who died here; he is under the care of
Mr and Mrs Geo.Stewart, of town. On
Saturday, while Nelson Churchill was
working at a whip -saw in the Doherty
Factory, he got his left hand cut sev-
erely. Mr and Mrs Ed. Carter are vis-
iting around Ripley. It is John Day-
ment who is repairing Mr Jas. Miller's
house, not Thos. McKenzie, as stated
last week. Constable Wheatley was
confined to the house for a couple of
days last week, by a heavy cold, but is ,
now better. Four -foot green wood is
being supplied to the town at $2.70 per
cord; this is the lowest price it has
been supplied at for a good while. Mr
John Joy, who left last week for Cali-
fornia, was in the employ of the G. T.
R. for about 20 years, and in all that
time be only lost about one week's
time. Judging by the large aniount
of cordwood he is putting,in, Thomas
East expects to db a big business in
brick and tile making this season.
Hiram Hill has taken the contract of
building a bank barn forJas. (Cornish,
Mullett, this year, and also one for W.
Beacom, Goderich .tgwnship.. Mr
Johnston, of Zurich woollen mill's, has
been visiting his brother Oliver John-
ston, for several days. Dr. Gunn, who
has been attending some American
hospitals for a few days, has returned
to,; town and resumed his practice.
The G.T.R. found it necessary to send
a snow plow up the line on Tuesday.
The regular, meeting of the public
school board was held on Monday ev-
WEDDIN(i. —Another interesting ening, the Principal's report for Janu-
event took place at the home of tin cry showed the average attendance to
be 381. Mrs Brooks, Mitchell, spent
McNaughton on Wednesday evening, a couple of days last week at the home
when her daughter, Miss Maggie J +, of her father, Mr W. Oantelon. On
was married, to Mr Johnston, a pros,, Wednesday evening a large crowd of
ggeerous'far'mer of Goderich townshi . Independent Foresters went over to
Mies K•ate,.MeNaughton, sister of Inc Bayfield to participate in lodge exer-
bridee�, as bridesmaid, while Miss cissa with the brethren of .that.place.
'Mabel:nston, of Chatham, , the The Stratford 'Beacon publishes a ru-
bride'aneice, was maid of honor. Mr mor
to the effect that Mr Robins of
os..JTohnston, brother of the groom, St. Marys, who a couple of weeks ago
rformed the duties of groomsman, was negotiating for the purchase ' of
e Rev. Mr Parke performed the the News -Record, had bought out the
Ceremony. The bride lea justly pops• Mitchell Recprder. A large number
lar young lady, who, during 'her short attended thelaale of the household ef-
:residence in town,` .has gained mann* fecte of John Set uton; ' on Saturday,
warm friends, who join in wishing her conducted by D. Dickinson. The
t1111 the happiness possible. After a Electric Light suddenly went out on
sumptuous wedding supper the couple Monday night, owing to a breaking
roceeded at once to their home , in belt; some of those who were in the
Goderich township. town hallwhen it happened, jocularly
SHopLn BUY oNE.—The NEw ERA remarked that it would have done no
advocates the purchase of a Stone- harm had the lights gone out earlier..
Maher for the county, and thought The Oddfellowe propose to put the
the matter might possibly be brought Electric light into their hall; this
up at the lest meshing 'dt the County lodge is progressing very favorably,
Council, but this was not done. Of initiations or the conferring of degrees
courie,we chbnot compel the Council taking place at every meeting, and
to purchaseamachine of this nature, much 'interest generally being�mani-
but we ailltry to convince the neem- fested in the proceedings. Mr John
bora of the advisability' of- so doing. A Mennel leaves next week for Sund-
portsble stone crusher can be bought ridge, Muskoka. Harvey Callander
for about $400,, and will do an immense, started on Monday on a lli0 mile drive
amount of wet.* This is more than to Niagara Falls, taking in several
any single municipality feels justified places not in. the direct line of his trip.
" in expending. It the county bought The wind stat ruMonday night, broke
One, the difrgrent municipalities could the awning of W. G. Doherty's store,
secure its ;Use on rental. and it would and sent one end of it through the
soon par for itself. besides preparing window; the storm also broke a win-
' the tasty_ hest of material for good `'dow in the bankrupt stock store. J.
Wide. 'Marren has many good roads C. McTavish, of the 2nd of Stanley,
`Jove. but they could be made better, who is the teaeber of penmanship in
.not. by continually putting sand and Stratford Business College; hes issued
bnegravel on them, but' by the use of a neat pamphlet entitled "Learn to
roken metal. Members, of -the Donn- "Write." . Regular meeting of the Home
h(�ouncil, should give` this matter ''Circle on Tuesday evening; Feb, 18th.
eir heirless, con,ldera�. {on. It is Ira- Jas. Watters, at present omployed in
per ntto' every Manicipallty, and at Goderich, intends to return and take a
he June meeting of the council some -.ppoosyition, again' with Cooper Bros... In
sjtion should betaken. ite,rep�,00rt of the .County Council pro-
' -''cee?dlilg6 last week, the Expositor
• ' PR3ieazrd.Ls trnoat OUR CoTNTY Ex- uia es the -name , of Reeve Gunn,': of
CHalinte,--Miss Bertha Hodgins and Seaforth, appear as "Green" all the
Clinton on . Mc�n• Heneali .vidited�;,rtray through; ante was,"gather aludi-
hureda . MUlir
ise a Day WOOS blunder fora name so near home.
1 *Slit "him retiii'ned'` o 'tier hot a ia` The friends of Mr and Mrs George
t. lititar'tl, aftera notith's visit with
Swans, o!'�altford, Will regretto lear
Ifr1endien tho2nd.,conoe uton of Morrie. that both are somewhat indisposed.
Ifoliar<d Coulters -of 'Omit We' The assessor will start on his retinae
osh;,'is' visiting in Ulinton. . Miss next week. Mr Jos. Copp, has been
alp urrayr of Clinton, ie the guts f . given the contract of making Borne
M Nellte 13e11, of Wirishatn.,; Ml s _. itnproyemente and repairs to the town
Ber'ry, w o bas been nursing in Clinton hall, Mr Frank Hall hiss bought the
for a ear and a half, has been offered. ' house formerly owned by` Mr's' May, on
a. tiloeition in Hibing Hospital, near maple St A large numbet a ggu��estll
Duluth,• a l princ_ peal W,m+, at :r, salary .attended a party ven ,b r Mies -Maud
Of $21: ea Week. Mrs. Spieling, of poadwin . last ' edpesday' , evening.
0110ton,'hal returned home ' after a Miss- McBean, o Platteville, is the
3Ileraeant visit to friends, in , lchillop. treat of Mies Prowler,. Ontario street,
oXenMcfonald of 13rudefield leVisitinp� Mr Jos. Cowan, who bas 0004 resiting
in plintnn Mr. Georg Pretty and ,relatives here during ter; pant ;week,
hid daughterAlicil;.aiid Mho raygdale `retturned home thie'week.' Mr T. C1ot-
lall of Hofiiall,wcre linCiit+tnnort7hatirs . tie is pushing forward- his building.for
dos. ' Feed SmaileotnbE' of Menta li ons • the %pedal cultivation: of roses, as ,pit
In Clinton on Pride. erstlin . ' hos. anon,o hie greenhouse. Mr T. ,Mc-
Auld, har returned 'f ntn 'Ol ntoi tafid iso zio Aoki his calrt :hoose at to and
ivi1l o into bllsinese agaltr lit thee��pting figarre for export to England.. ans'de
iin' 1Vingham sir elee.where. Mr..,N�..A. ' _I��ipBred . it, i'n Goderioh '�n Monday.
Downs of Clinton. teak Hart in foe ' 347 -
ins ldeell, of Walkerton. la tlieguest
ritrrrtainlment at S; S, f`Ttv'�, 40, 00 h ,.Of her, cousin, Mrs Whlteh
shoot bottle *MO evening , ,
0.1 tel 1 Mli 1' 1 lI, iFl,lU.!q !i�w
11,4 I kto 111.111.
*Watching, Working, trying to make this '14, better store,
to get you better goods and, make, it a place where
you'll like to do your shopping,
This Month
Shows new things arriving almost , every day, They're
all good goods. We always watch that the qualities are
right; if we know it we won't sell what won't give you
satisfaction. Selling for Cash enables us to da with
smaller profits than if we didn't, Good things don't cost
much extra money, often not any more, but if they do
they're much more satisfactory.
The great point of special hitereijt
In the store these days are the new Prints and Embroi-
deries. Till Millinery time comes you'll find them right
above the steps, where the millinery usually is.
The Brightest
Designers in Britain
conceived the designs.
The Best Printers
Wrought out the ideas.
The Best Mill
In „England made the'
cloth to which the product
of their brains and labor
was applied. ,
The Best Dyes
only were used in the printing
What people tell us are the best and
prettiest Prints ever shown in Clinton.
If we we to say here half the good things people say in the
store about the Embroideries, how good they are, how pretty
and how cheap, you would think we were exagerating, so we'll
just ask you to come and see them any time you are up town.
You need feel under no obligation to buy.
Is more famoes no doubt than ours, but charming las it
who shall say it is more beautifully praotiCel in its way than,
our east window this week. We have fine pictures framed
and unframed, that will make those barren spaces on the
walla replete with life and beauty
We Frame Pioturee and have a web assorted stook of mold-
ings to select from. .
See the photo of our local medical men, with new platinum
finish, taken by our Mr Foster and framed by us. .
The W. D. FAIR CO,
Have you read the celebrated "Besibe the Bonnie Brier Bush"?
We now have it in serviceable board binding for 30c. Previous
editions were not less than $1.25.
Than coarse; ;harsh, goatlike Under-
wear ! One that's full of burs, slivers,
&c. There* ups' Wearing ' since til'
clothes, even-if,you can't afford to pay
much. The inventory reveals thefactA. a
that we are overstocked with Men's
Winter Underwear. Result— ,,
Slice from.
Former Prices
Fine soft garments, full size, double
breasted, as low as 85c each. • The bet-
ter grades-at'Sbc,• IIGo ° and 75e. You
are safe in buying them. Our 'prices
make them a necessity
d ACKSQ1V L7.[1 QS
of NTON.
Genuine Bargains in
all lines of Footwear
for the next two weeks
AYLOR & 80!
Come and see for yourself.";
Don't. Grasp
at Straws.
Ladies' and Children's
Batter and Eggs taken at Cash prices
But buy goods
that give satisfaction.
You get that sort
• if you deal here.
Ladies' $1 Vests for - - 50c
Ladies' all wool Vests • 40c
Big values in Children's; all sizes.
Men and Boys'
Biggest value yet,
during this week.
Some bargains for you yet; don't take
our word for it but come and see, and
judge for yourselves. '
Our new Embroideries and what we had
in stock, we offer you away below regu-
lar prices. The beat value in the trade
is what our customers tell us.
We bought a lot, of 121c Gingham at a
bargain; :you can have the benefit at
8 cents a yard.
These goods will be sold for Cash or
good credit for short date.
e Lad1 ' '*vorite Estibllsbutel uto r‘