HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-02-14, Page 5'rt ti )11 '0 tell My create re:wllo lave helped to reeks this Oh,rietmae trade the woo in on h1,n ory Qt °ilii WAWA—e, and exceeded by far our eapeotetiene- WAIIRORP.1994111 hippy and prosperous New Year. Watch this pig next week for prigee. P. tzle eeVire are betty bo, *toy, and it we welrrent te watch we wilt be hake to WV: our prorates, We are nQ$ goiag oat of bueinecke. IMPAIRS by a skilled workman and a first-class engraver. We charge you for nothing in our repair department until we know a watch is running right. J. 13. RU M BALL Watchmaker, Jeweler, &c., Telephone change h #>e PYie Expectorant Wewecommend it above all others for coughs and colds. - It hasiven the best satisfaction of any cough mixture we handle, and, we have them all. The beetttest is the quantity sold. We have sold more of ib than of all the others combined. If you have a cold try it. You will like it as good if not better than we re, resent. Price 26 cents. Oor selection of Imported and Domestic$igars is one of the best. J. E. HO.V , x. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. HoveltyBakery and Restaurant. Don't forget that we have the finest assortment of Fruits and Confectionery in town Candies from 5c to 50c a lb Seasonable FRUITS at low prices - Pipes, Tobaccos, &c. In fact everything at the very lowest prioee. OPPOSITE+ THB MASEET, OLINTO James McClacherty Florida Water 5c a Bottle Perfume makes a most acceptable holiday gift. Our ;stock embraces all the leading makes ,of FRENCH, ENGLISH and AMERICAN PERFUMES. We want your trade and make a bid for it.,The question of relia- bility, of standard sterling goods and long xperience should tip the beam in our favor. Add to this our moderate prices. We can give you something handsome for 50c, $1 and $1.25. JAMES H. COlVfBE'S ckinnon & Co, Blyth TRUTHTRUTH. Is one of the fundamental principles of - this business. Whatever you read in bite" "ad" you may depend it's so. If we advertise ;an article at a certain price, we have it, and we have it at the price stated., We never advertise an article unless we have a good quantity of it, but kindly remember thatif you do not come for it until three weeks after you see the notice, we certainly cannot guarantee you will secure it. The moral is "act quick- ly. A few pebbles from the sea shore of bargains: Shirting, good width,� pyerfectly last oolore The amount of Factory Cotton We're sell - and new ettsrne, they axe really worth ins ie wonderful, bub it's no more Pan- ng on- Ont t$ey are going at 8c dezfnl than the price we aro gelling it ab, 5c. Cotton worth 8o going at Shirting, we guarantee the colors, this sea- son's patterns, just the thing for ,Boys' 10c Good Fresh Groceries Shirts, worth 121o,for We received a let of Mon', heavy grayWool Seeks, they were bought to sell at 200 a pair; we have too many and have them 25c reduced to two palm for A special lino of Men's heavy �rlbbcd home- made Socks; they're worth96o a pair, for 25s the next week they'll bo solid at Carpet Warp, quality the beet, colors—white, Orange, Green, Bine, Brown and Red. 5 pounds New Ourrante for It'd worth your while to note the Raisin 2.mc we are veiling. Good clear Raisins, Ms 25c The beet Tapioca in the market 18 sold at 25c 6 pounds for When fruit is scarce an excellent ecbeti- AMU, is Dried Peaches, 3 ibe for We will be pieaaed to show you our goods, and will not ask you to buy a cents worth. We show the goods, you do the rest. Cash and One Price. Batter and Eggs taken as Cash. Moon fit. Co., . Blyth NEW STORE We purpose handling Ready Made Clothing largely, and In order to get our stock in shape before the new spring goods arrive, we will hold • for one week a special sale bf Clothing. We will give you prices that ought to be an inducement to buy. Do you want an Overcoat at your own price ? Do you want a good Suit of Clothes for $3.99 2 Do you want a pair of good Tweed Pants tor90c4 Simply stated, do you want Bargains? 11 so, come and see us, We have them, make no mistake and get into some other store and Pay more for yotir goods, but come directly to the new store of 8a G Albeit 'Strie'(iU its Verieg the pwlrk year 4,4010000a woo arrived in Q4}1adMr Mr. Jdnte4 Wileon, au old *AU* W of Ipgera011,, la ,decd, The Board of Directors of GrAWITY, rIr hove decided to keep the p*Rir oP444 on 110* days. • The Ottawa correspondent of the Lon - den Adverrtieer says: --•Mr Weismiller the defeetied candidate in Woet Eurcln, is belie again, haunting the eorridore. I hear he' le atter au oMce, Dr. Wade, of Dunobureb, who ivae to he the Independent rloeservativecandidate Parry Bound district, died last week. Bev `feral months ago R. 13. Hill, the Patron of Industry nominee, in the same district, died. Richard Rowland, a farmer living about half a mile out. of Hanover, Ont., com- Witted° suicide Monday by banging bim- selM, He had almost lost hie reason frett- ing about the edarolty of food for his cattle. A colored convict from Woodetoek attacked Guard Kerrigan at the Kingaion Penitentiary and a general revolt wee fear- ed. Twenty-five oonviota tare under going punishment for taking part in the dis- turbance. A Conservative M.P. says: Although Sir Charles Topper's 'enemas in Cape Breton is regarded as satietaotory,it does notallay the apprehension felt here amongst the knowing ones as to the future. There Is a deep-aeated belief that Pir Mackenzie Row- ell has no iuteniion of relinquishing the leadership. CHEM AND BUTTER -MEM CONVENTION. —The Western Dairymen's Association in conjunction with the staff of'theProvinoial Dairy School, will hold a convention of oheese and ; butter -maker eb the Dairy School, G `eiph, on Friday, March 6th, 1896. This meeting is being arranged specially for the benefit of makere, who are urgently requested to attend. A program oonsisting of short, praotieal addresses bearing upon the various phases of cheese and butter -making will be given by mem- bers of the Dairy School staff and other competent men. Considerable time will given for discussion. Concerning the Remedial Bill, the Tor- onto Star, Conservative, says:—It pleases nobody. The tendency in the House of Commons to laugh at it indicated a pretty general belief that it was nothing but a i,olitioal trick. Unfortunately, it is a pol- itloal trick that is pertain to have most serious consequences. The Government has discovered the futility of trying to do half it threatened to do, but in the mad egotism of those who are leading the Con- servative party to destruction, a bill has, been framed that will do a hundred -fold more damage than any of them seem able to comprehend. If they had been plotting the ruin of Canada as a nation they could not have been more oompletely successful in framing a measure entirely valueless to anybody, yet in every line disturbing and disgraceful from a citizen's 'mint of view." Strongly Worded Resolution. At the anneal meeting of the Loyal Or- ani,e Lodge of the District of Hullett, held in Summerhill, the following resolution was passed: "While we strongly deprecate the condition of matters in the Liberal - Conservative Government ofthie Dominion for several years past, we have as little if not lees confidence in the uncandid, waver- ing, and if possible more insincere attitude and utterly obsequious obedience to Romieh dictation of her Majesty's Opposition in the Parliament of this Dominion, and therefore we feel and realize the absolute necessity for the formation of a thoroughly protestant and patriotio party in every Legislature, Local and Federal, in this important dependency of the British Em- pire, a party whioh will esteem the prin- ciples aad blessings of the glorious Refor- mation and the Protestant settlement of oar constitution, and British connection, as a neoeseary adjunct of more moment than the emoluments of legislative aloe and powers by means of Romieh suffrage, and we are of the opinion the stand which Bro. N.C.Wallaoe bad taken in thio behalf may well be imitated by every loyal Orange- man of this Dominion, and form the initial stage of a new and better era in the political history of our beloved Dominion as an ever integral part of the glorious Empire shadow- ed by our beloved flag. e 6. Dew ,dvertionnento. OUR WANT COLUMN. Many persons have articles they want to .ell; others sr tidos they want to buy. For their oonvenienee we have started a want column. Advertisements ander this head, three Imes or ander will be inserted at 25e for one insertion and 10o each inbeegnentinsertion, Gash $3,200 wanted on farm seoarity. W . BRYDONE, Barrister, Clinton. Boarding — Parties desiring comfortable Boarding can be accommodated at the residence latelyoconpied by Dr Appleton, opposite Eng- lish hurch. Furnished rooms without board can be had. Apply to MRS WALTER COATS Choice Thoro-bred Durham Bull Calf for Sale. Subscriber has for sale a very choice ten - months -old bull; is low set, dark red, land from the celebrated Oruioltebank stook. Will be sold on reasonable tefine.—APPLETON ELCOAT, Brnoefield, P. O. pd ROUGE TO LET. The nnderefgned offers to rent the house on Maple street, at present occupied by Mr F. Hall. The house contains 4 Bedrooms Parlor, Dining - room, Kitchen, Hard and Soft Vater good atone Cellar; rent moderate.—MRS T. COOPER. A Goods For the People Yobruary14, 4693 i s 'carpets F ` **jug Vi tains ►c to 38 per pair irti• 4; cw Dress Rocs in 'Zif07 Light B1u.e Spot & Stripe New' Shfrtkigs. ' ij— Both Stripe and check, all fast colors 1 The loveliest Prints yet seen anywhere are here, but it is it Fine Dress Goods tbat we expect to excel this spring, for real elegance,: style and genuine new- ness. We believe nothing has been here- tofore seen in this place to equal the va- riety of lovely stuffs which will be to hand in a few days. Our store is already becoming filled up, and a great deal to follow yet. When selecting corsets ask for and be satisfied with getting only those with the new patent Perfection fastening. CILROT ce4 WISEM4 PN. Clinton CLINTON MARKETS corrected' every Thursday afternoon Thursday, Feb. 13, 1896. Wheat, spring 0 803a 0 82 Wheat, fall 0 80 a 0 82 Oats, 022 a 024 Barley 0 80 a 0 40 Peas 0 48 a 0 50 Flour per owt 2 20 a 2 35 Pork 4 60 a 4 60 Butter 0 14 a 0 15 ggeper doz 0 15 a 0 15 Potatoes 0 20 a 0 26 Hay, New and Old 12 00 a14 00 Sheeepskine 0 25 a 0 25 No. 1 Trimmed Hidoe 4 00 e 4 25 Valuable PROPERTIES For Sale . or to Rent. COMMERCIAL Hotel, Clinton. A splendid stand, where good business is done. The house has excellent acoom- modatien for travellers and public generally. Terms made known on application to JNO. BOSSIER, Benmiller. Also HOTEL at Exeter North With Dwelling Hones and good Store ad- joining, djoining, with good outbuildings. For par- ticulars apply to 3. T. WEBTOOTT Exeter, or JOHN BOSSIER, Bentniller. Also, ii'ARM of 200 ACItES— In West Nissouri. 140 sores oleared, the rest being a good bnsh of hard wood; no buildings wbrth speaking of., The land ie first rate; a good price is expected, but not more than the land ie worth. Also FAItrbi of 50 ACRES -,-- Within one mile of the former, being part of the Wigmore Farm, being composed of Batt .helf of Lot No. 4, 2nd Con. of Weat Maori; the land '58 fleet rate, end. with very little cultivation will make a farm iteoomia to none of its 886. Any of the above ire good investments and all particulars can he obtained on application to mo. nest 1t OStirniller MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS There were about 400 head of butchers' cat- tle 85, she° and a few small calves offered for e eat the East End Abattoir, Monday. The bdtehers were rather slow in corning out, and sales were few during the early part of the day, but the prices were a little higher than they were last week. There were also larger num- bers of pretty good cattle than usual. The best cattle sold at from 3110 to 3}o per lb and some were held at higher figures. Pretty good stock sold at from 30 to nearlyper lb; common dry cows and rough steers from 21c to 210 and the leaner beasts about 20 per lb. Mr Temple- man bought 21 primo steers, averaging 1 4241bs at Sic per lb, plus $10 on the lot. Mixed lots of sheep and lambs sold e,t Lem 310 to 3:o per lb. prime lambs would bring from 4o to 4 to per Ib. Fat hogs are scarce: and fed hogs sel at about 4}o per lb. BALE REGISTER. Lot No. 31 2nd con., of Tuokeremith, L. R S.! containing 100 acres, at the Rattenbnry hone°, Clinton, on Saturday, Feb. 18.—T. M. Carling, Aust ''r BORN TROYER—In Kansan, on the let Inst, the wife of Mr James E. Troyer, of a daughter. HOLMES—In Ooderieh township, on the 7th inst, the wife of Mr John Holmes, of a eon. DEEVES—In.Bnmmerhill, on the 6th rout., the wife of Mr J. Deeves, of a eon. CLEW—In 15tap1eton, on the 7th inst, the wife of Mr Matt. blew, of a son. SMITH—In Clinton, on the 8th hush, the wife of Robt. J. Bnlith, of a son. PIC]I;ARD—In Hohnesville, on the 12th lust, the wife of MrlEzra Pickard, of a daughter. HARPER—In Clinton on the 12th Mat the wife of Mr N. Harper, of a daughter. BROWN—In Hnllett, "on the 6th inet, the wife of Mr Ephraim Brown, of a daughter. JOHNBTON.—At Sault Ste Marie, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Fred W. Johnston, Judge Of Algoma, of a eon. MARRIED HOLMES--OIBBINGS--At the residence of the bride's mother, on the 6th inert by the Rev. Mr Parke, Mise Maggie 8. Holmes, to Mr W. Gibbings, Tuokersmlth. MARQUIS—ENGLER—At lthe, residence of the bride's parents on the 6th Inst, by Rey. W. J. Waddell, Mr John W. Marquis, of Gaderich township, to Mise Martha Clara OEngler, %of Grey township. COX—PICKARD—In Goderieh township on the 6th Inst., by' Rev. F. W. Oaten, Mr Robed Cox, to Mary, daughter lof Mr John Piokard, all of Goderloh township. JOHNSTON—MoNAUGHTON—At 'the resi- dence of the bride's mother,Clinton on the 12th inst, by Rev. J.,F. Parke, assistedRev. Mr Hodgena, Mr James Johnston, of y Goderioh Township, to Miss Maggio J., youngest daugh- ter of Mrs MoNanghton. MATHERS—MAGEE—At Beaver Creek, Al- berta, N. W. T. on Jan. 9, 1896, at the residence of Mr Thomae Magee, the bride's father, by the Rev. A. Whiteside, Mr Charles W. Mothers, of Edmonton, Alto., formerly of Clinton, to Miss Minnie J. McGee, formerly of Parry Sound District. BLACK—ROBERTSON—In Morris, on the 6th Met, at the residence of the bride's parents by the Rev. D. Perris Mr Robert Blank, of Tnrnberry, to Mies Elizabeth, daughter of Mr John Robertson. OLIVER—IRELAND—At the reeidonoo of the bride's father, on the 4th inst by Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A.. Mr John Oliver, of Grey, to Mise Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Mr James Ireland, of Morris. DIED. GARDNER.—In the Rouse of Refuge, Clin- ton, on the 8th lost, Robert Gardner, of Ste- phen, aged 102 years. COCKERLINE—In Lo desboro, on Feb. Oth Elizabeth, wife of Mr Geb: Cookerline, aged 71 years and 4 months. TURNER—In Clinton, on the Oth hist, Ed- ward Turner, aged GO years and 10 menthe. TEDFORD—In Clinton, on the 7th tint, Wil- liam eon of John Tedford, aged 23 years and 3 months. LOBE.—In Sunshine, on the lith inst., Mar- ggaretaged tB f the yearlate Wm. Lobb, of Holmes- eIn the Dominion House on Friday, Mr, Davies brieay denounced as a slander the statement sent out from Ottawa. high tax eounoils that the Liberals had sant $26,000 to be spent in Cape Ireton. Of ootiree, no one seriously believed. 'that the Liberate sent day money into the constitnenoy, but it is just as well to put the denial on record The politioans who eireuleted the story had not a word to say in the tonne when 1 confronted with ihb statement that they were slenderere, At k Liberal .cot>Sventi&n flab iii Anelp. tllis,`5!T.l�., Attorlie tieriorrl.'Lengley Was tendered ih+e notntnattoit fOr. iliii Z ominioifi Pi►rli mane, Ydd ittespt4d lir. . Ot r Remedial Bill Is kot for Manitoba but for the people in the County of Huron, and pro-. vid s. for those good goods for a small price. We have left of winter stock amongst other things, one only, extra good large Coon Skin Coat. two large size Goat Robes, one Fur Cap, one Muff and Collar. Welhays several first-class Overcoats and Suite. Blankets for beds and Blankets forlHorees. Heavy Quilts, and a quantity of home-made Flannel Sheeting All these Goods at Reduced Prices. 1t would interest you to sea our patent Lamp Burners, handsome Lamp s and Glasses. Our new Bedroom Sets, 10 pieces at '$2.60. 4 10c plugs of Tobacco, Gold Nugget, for 25c. 8 pounds of Sulphur for 25c. 1 pound of superior Black Tea for 26c. A trial respectfully solicited. TERMS CASH, or Produce at highest rates: ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LQNDESBORO Mrs. Hattie Nolan is in jail at Sandwich on a charge of poisoning her bneband, George Nolan, in whose stomach something resembling "rough on rats" has been found. The report of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries shows a falling off in the ton- nage of Canada of 42,915 tone in 1894 oompared with 1893. The tonnage for 1895 does not spear. STRAY CATTLE. Came into anbeoriber's premises, lot 18, eon. 10 Hullett, about two months ago, two Heifers rte ing two years old. One Black and White, the other Rod. Owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay chargee and take them awayy. GEORGE MOGN. You Want a Plough. medal aro: the Fleury Plow. It took the m at the World's Fair. Those who have used it notonly like 1t, but say they don't want any other. It won't Dont anything to look at it, and If I can sell yon one you'll never regret it. — ALBERT SEELEY, General Blacksmith, Clinton. R. ADAMS Miss Hattie Donagh, Goderich, Teacher en the Violin, begs to announce to the Musioal people of Clinton, that she intends starting a olaee immediately If eufiloient num- ber of pupils can be obtained. For further in- formation please apply to MR T. JACKSON, JR WANTED Farmers' sons or other industrial persons of fair ednoation to whom 575.00 a month would be an inducement. Write me with referenees. Could also engage ladies at their own homes. T. H. LINBCOTT, 156 Bay Street, Toronto. W ANTED Good Hard Green Wood in ezohangge for Robes and Blankets, at JAS. TWITCBBLL'S, Victoria Block, Clinton. VOICE CULTI?RE MR8 WALL, late pupil of Professor Bischoff and Mies Leavitt of Washington, ID, C., oleo of Walter Damroeeh, of New York, le prepared to give lessons to a limited number la Voice Oultnre. Single lessons, two months, or by the quarter. We Hew dose to the line In our Bargain Announcements. Facts you demand of us—facts we shall give you -i -money saving facts —most of them —that's what makes them inter- esting. If you could always have your wants supplied at as little expense as you can just now, you would soon afford to wear diamonds. FURS 5 only Beaver Caps, $4.50 to $6, less 30 per cent. 1 only Greenland Seal Oape, regular $14.50, sale price $1.0 Meltons, 40 inch, all leading shades, worth 25c, sale price 18o Feather Ticking, fisrey stripe, worth 25c, sale price 170 36 inch Gray Union Sheeting, worth 1 Robe, regular ;;:.50, sale pi ice $6.30 , sale price 4.... 22c 2 Coney Setts, Collar and Muff, vasgo- 72 inch T ell Cotton Sheeting, worth lar ey sele price $G.50 25c, sale rice 200 All shades Finger Yarn, 5c skein Muffs 78, $1, 1.80, $2 Small Brass Pins, 6 packages for ..50 Men's Sealette Cape, good quality, Tweeds, regular $1. sale price 70c all sizes 60c Tweeds, regular 75c, sale price.... rifle 3 dozen Men's Cloth Caps, worth 40c. Tweeds, regular hoc, sale price ....35e each, sale price 25o Child's Suits,regular $2.76 to t$960..$5)C 'BOOTS AND SHOE Men''Cae d Boys' Suite, } off regular We h'a've still a range of sizes in this pe $2.60 Long Boot,;eale price .. $1.95 We sell our all wool Tweed Suite, man e` size . Long Felt Boots, sizes 6 and 7.. $1.50 Overcoats in same lines half price. Men's 4 buckle grain felt $2 No need of waiting till spring to buy your Clothing; your own good sense Women's Manitoba Overshoes, high will tell you to buy when your money cut, heavily lined fill, will go the furthest, and that time riff We are doing a great trade in Dress Goods, and no wonder—the values are simply irresistable. You must see the goods to get an idea of the grand quali- ty you can get for little money. Our 48 inch Henrietta, all wool, ell leading shades, is a world beater at 88c a yard; you cannot buy better at 60c. now. You can save 20 to l0 per cent now on Underclothing. Dont you think ib would pay you to lay in a supply for future wants. We are determined to sell-ys owe one. will take advantage of th to low pricetra Will you secure some of the bargaintt as they'are going. The i*sh . Deithori 'latlidet '4