HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-02-14, Page 3"tollirigfrnissirk7 • 1T' .14, .i▪ t'.l:.a':,.i CLINTON *064.. 'B i '+iU`#, acid NEW AND IVOIVDEIREVI BLOOD : R FI O Oa/Segue roe tlalurippiaa Dilater Every ingredient is a IIertlth ufl'lor, ;i meteitiMed i3erra*iw t+Rehief ieuar,ru eed 3 loci Of ptit?eition, Dyepepeia, 1`teryeitsnees, All Weishilesees. liiuoci It,ol1 skin l)ieenkit ; ,1p in.bds on:G�� •y ceriesiheetead of Alcohol, ger rp ‘ dt o,ng sort, Clear Jima 404 Bright Comlazier. mull Relieving el'oouliot to. vromon itie•:U#texrimoged Saki' 04 .4.114 'EN & WILSo t'E Ural Stn. re, Ullutun, He certain t0 get 11'if 1RiT.IPIKr`IS,eJ : ,rolgea` 0 oUtii r: ^ SHORT STORIES RETOLD. Two young girls, art students, wer Along about some sister.etudents th ether, day; particularly of one young iv t ill, whose relatives 1 in he city are of y e ultra-i?aehionabie set, "Is she really do wen 'u In, things ?"asked the firs one. "Up in things!" echoed the sec end; "well, I should say so. Why, the other day we were in a silver shop and she knew what all the different spoons eytlet #ori" In one of the earliest trials before a Colored jury in Texas, the twelve gen- tleme .Were,,t014, by the Pudge to "re- tire ai dlllnd the verdict. They went a into the jury -room, whence the open- ing and shutting • of doore and other sounds of unusual commotion were presently heard. At last theury came back into court when the jury .announced : " We hab looked everywbar, judge for dat verdict—in de drawers and behind de doahs, but it ain't nowar in dat blessed room." and, turning to his left boot again, ex tracted the volume therefrom. e After the earthquake at reebia they e disinterred an old woman, unheeme "God bless you!" she cried, as the helped her out, "but for pity's sake she added impetuously, "dig a htti t deeper, geed rave my ---"'What - Ie there any one else alive here?" the , enquired anxiously, "My hen!" con Untied the old dame. Some years ago Max Muller visite the University at Oxford. He was shown through the colleges, met th celebrities, and was introduced t some of the ardent theologians. H was soon engaged in a religious con troversy, and• speedily became in volved in a point of doctrine, "Hu you will find it all in St. John!'tsaid,the excited Professor. "St. John! St John!" said Max Muller reflectively "Oh, yes! I have read hie book, but I do not agree with hire." AN EXTENDE U EXPERIENCE Writes a well-known ohewiet, permit me to say that Pntuam'e Painless Cqrn Ex- tractor never fails. It makes nit ogre open in the flesh, consequently is . it pqudeae, Don't you forget to get Putnam'q Corn Ex- tractor, now for sale by medicine dealers everywhere. Substitutes are everywhere offered as just as good. Take "Putnam's" only Ellen. Dr. Montague, Minister of Agri- culture, is in very poor health; and intends going to New York to oonselt .a apeoialist - i3,4DY'S PU(I't7LIl 'i NAME. tI The ba py parents Of a new baby • who livod m Southern Indiana t iok their infantto church to be baptized. e The baby 'was , being raised by band rand where it went its bottle went also. After the arrival of the christening party at church ati Accident happened. The nozzle of the milk -bottle Came off, and the baby's nice new dresa was d soaked all down its long front. This annoyed the parents, but nothing e could be done, as the time for the or- e dinance had arrived. e Wheil the parents stood before the - clergyman, the baby in the mother's - arms, helooked at the Clamp drese with t aoodde`bl of mfsapprehelnsion, and to satisfy his curiosity his mother whis. • pored : "Nozzle came off," • The minister did not seem to under- stand, and turned inquiringly to the Lather, who says, a little more loudly: " Noxzle came off." The good, man uudet tool this time, or at least he thought be did. He took the baby in his arms, sprinkled its forehead -with baptismal water, and solemnly said, before anybody could correct him: " N zzlecameoff Snyder, , I baptize thee," etc. When Baby wasp Oct, we gave her Castor*. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became bibs, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Calderas • In Germany the telegraphs are h property of the government. The pro- prietors of a large number of daily newspapers, believing that they were required to pay too high a charge for - their telegraphic messages, petitioned the government for a decrease of the press rates. The petition was referred to the Emperor William. He consid- ered it a few minutes. and then wrote upon the margin, "The present rate is not too high. The useless despatches that the newspapers publish every day prove this superabundantly." • Ladies Olean your kid gloves with Jos- ephine Glove Cleaner, for sale only by Hodgene Bros., Clinton, sole agents for the Perin, Freres and Alexander Kid Glove n all the most desirable shades, dressed and nndreesed, lace and button. Faring the Chilean War, Americans were very badly tr ated, and "Fight- ing Bob' Evans did not like it.. All classes down there use tremendous quantities of garlic, and the result is unpleasant, for your nose is offended constantly, even in the street. One night a boat was seat ashore frim Capt. Evans' ship, and, believing it safe, the sailors who had acted as oars- man left it upon the beach for a few minutes, while they went- to slake their thirst.. Upon their return they discovered that a party of Chileans had loaded it with stones. "Fighting Bob" was mad when he heard of it the next day, and was asked what he was going to do about it. "Do about it?" returned the sailor, "why, I'm goingto turn my peen into travelling arsenals, andif the thing ever happens again, or if our flag is again insulted, I'll make 'hell of garifc1" , : ' ' • - f3 4a,ls OU E,,,;rlle.gr'eet Dough and 'Metre • onreo ra' -h2 *eat deihind. Pooket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25o Children love it. Sold by J. H. Combe. rA'Riissian joutniilist Of -prominence w et� ti g�lsse v cation at Bache- reel-6112,1877e ucha- ree = n 8i7e vvIrensinfiliday Stamboloff, then a patriot "on the make," called on hire,, and introduced himself as a "con- frere," The visitor produced, as cre- dentials, a copy of Itis own paper, The Young Bulger. What struck the the other as singular was that Stam- boloff produeed this Young Bulger from Ins left boot. And the singular- ity was enhanced when, the conversa- tion having turned on Bulgarian pat- riots, Stam1 oloff, produced one after another. their liiotographio presenti- ments from the right boot. Finally, upon taking bis leave,••tbe editor and proprietor of The Young Bulger asked to be allowed to present his "confrere" with a copy of his Poems and Ballade, u;d The full intensity of living is reached sly b the pperfpectly Sickness ty for en 'eremite t e capac. llllloytntnt. W h e -n a lane is badly out of Cune, the noises that come from it are certainly not musical- They are not beau z it is only a`le' bit Out of tads, you can play some few things on it. You can create "" a semblance of "' sr music, but on caq- Cot Mate really heautifel, nabs ng, soul- , etirring niul;ir,•tlfrleea every et ng Is tense Iaid firm, unless. every piece of the wl9ole nstrument is in perfect tune, inperfect condition, in perfect harmony wevery Other piece. It is the same wit* a human being. If his body is all out Of order and rim -down, die will not be able to ,enjoy enything, no platter bora full of enjoyment it may be for ,tither people. If he is fast a little bit out of order, if he "is not sick, but doesn't feel ;just ht" he ,will only be nblete.en things in a half-hearted sort of way. The ,nearer lie is to being perfect# well, t e eater will his ca acity,for enjoyment be erfeet. To really live, and to take his art in the Work and pleasure of the orld, his body must be in perfect con- idition, If this condition doesn't exist. lioinething ie wrong and something ought be done... • That sornethigg •nine cartes in en meats the nee of Dr. Pie'rce's Golden tdical,Discovety.d It wart directly;oti he.digeetive agate:,d en a blood and 'iroiiglirit lesc:on ev ry:tisg e.of the whole Jody. Wakes . the appetite good the 1igei}tion•«,perfect nutrition ,rapid and i' r aqy, 11 a�u��ppplie$ , red bleed to all the leen ii and,=biuilda up:echid; lbcaltbRrl flesh, •t bthig6 perfeet health and 'restores v1ig- xaaa a 'y vitality. It vifalrea, eve fncti istr in life *Saltine instead O a It ati ut bine utc� t 6 '!tlttt Inn r' tie; t - it et thy urns, btet'a I to oW ##sore about its _., _..: Thursday evening a passenger train on the New England Road had a nar- row escape from wreck on thebridge between Bristol and Forestville. The bridge began to sink but the train pulled across. A wrecking party was then sent out and began to build a new bridge. About nine o' clock to -night when the men were at work, the bridge wee, carried away. Between thirty and forty workmen went down into the Pequatuck giver and were drown- ed. A wrecking train left here at 10.80 for the scene of the disaster. , A. MERCHANT TESTIFIES. GENmIuiaN.—I write to tell you how good I have found Hagyard's Yellow Oil for sore throat. In oqe family alone the Yellow Oil cured several bad oases, and my ouatomere now recognize its great value. They seem to prefer it to all. Others. C. D. Comma, wholesale and retail grooer, Canaan Station, N. B. One of the oldest pioneers of Water- loo county, Mr Jas.Dickeon, died at the residence of his grandson, Mr- Geo. 'Elvin, of North Dumfries, on Wednes- day. He was in his 95th year, and was born at Pentland Edinburgh, Scotland. The surviving sons and daughters are: M. C. Dickson, district passenger agent, G. T. R. Toronto; William, C1, T, R. station master, Rayner; Robert, of the G. T. R., Buffalo; John, who re- sides at Burlington; and of North Dumfries. FINANCE AND FINESSE. A Member of Parliament Neatly Vaught for a Sovereign. Hire 113 a story about a member of the English Parll,unwee .well known for bis knowledge about all gnestionaof finance. This wise statesnpgn was approached by a reputable -leaking man, who said, with a deferential but not servile manner,'! Re- cluse me, sir, are you not Mr. Blank?" "I am," said the 3 P., with affable dignity. "I believe you are well informed upon all Beanotal questions?" "My friends and the press are. kind enough to say so." en .cave given mach attention to the subject I think?" "More than to anything else." "And no doubt you could give a satls- factory answer to almost any question I might ask ?" The member saw that he wars being "interviewed," and wished to say some- thing that would look well in print. "Perhaps I could, if it were in the power of any man," he answered. "Nell, I have a question. in finance) that I should be greatly pleased if you would answer to my satisfaction." "Very good. What is it P" "Will you lend me a sovereign fon a day or two?" The M. produced the sovereign-. "By George I" he said afterwards, "be could have caught me for five just as well, if he had only known it." Triumphs of Mechanism. "Scales are now made of snob a dies ad- justment," says the Hallway Review, "that they will weigh anything, to the smallest hair plucked from the eyebrow. They are triumphs of meohanlsm,and are inclosed in glass oases, as the slightest breath of air would Impair their records. The glass eases have a eliding doorand i as soon as the weight is planed n the balances the doors slide down. Two pieces of paper of equal weight can be placed in the scales and an autograph written In pencil on either piece will came the other side to ascend, and the needle whioh Indicates the division of weight oven to the ten -millionth part of a pound and less will move from Its perpendicular. A signature 000talning nine letters has been weighed and proved to'be two milligram- mee, or the fifteen thousand five `Bund- tedth part of an ounce, troy. f1 costly Hug. Secretary Morton Was showing a re- porter through the entomological bureau. the other day, and this is a part of what the reporter says he said: "I've got a bug in there that -cote the Government $20.- 000; he does not look it, but he did. It's 'a ,foot. One day an outfit of seientiste eterted in pursuit of thio bug. They ranged all over the homlephero and steak to his trail like bloodhounds; they ran - seated North America all the way from the-Tathitiue to Alaska. After thti most remarkable adventures by flood and field they treed their bug and took Alin prisonl er. lie WAS tiaen brought captiee to Wishingtdn, and he'd right there now La that brlok house, the highest priced btlg Oft earth A rounrl.0 ! of the 'Cosi eft beer of ih bne bug Bait, came lit' ov"020;00k,lin ',w,Cgot *el*g'. tt� A CHILD CAN USKTHEM. ,r 3�-7 DIRECTIONS ARE SIMPLE. Some ladies think that it is a diffioult matter to do their own dyeing. It oertair ly is when orade and imitation dyes are used, but when the long -tented Diamond Dyes are need, it takes but little more trouble to get a fast end beautiful color than it would be to wash and rinse the goods. With imitation dyes your goods are ruined; coloring with Diamond Dyes means success and lovely colors, A STORY WITH A MORAL "No, I won't drink with you to -day. boyo," said a drummer to several com- panions as they settled down in a smoking car, and passed the bottle. "The fact is, boys, I have quit drink- ing. I've sworn off." "What's the matter with you, old boy?" sang put one; "if you've quit drinking some- thing's up. What is it?",,- "Well, boys, 1 will tell ell. Yester- day I was in Chicago. Down in South Clark Street a customer of mine keeps a pawnshop in connection with his other business. I called on him, and while I was there a young man of not more than twenty-five wearing thread- bare clothes and looking as hard as if he hadn't seen a sober day for amon th, came in with a little package in his hand. He unwrapped it and handed the article to the pawnbroker, saying, ' Give me ten cents.' 'And, boys, what do you think it was?'— A pair of baby shoes ; little thins with the bottoms only a trifle soiled, as if they had been worn only once or twice. 'Where did you get these ?' asked the pawnbroker, Got 'em at home ' replied the man, who had ah intelligent face and the ntl manner of a eendan, des ire biased condition. 'My wife bought/ them for our baby. Give me ten c etslor'em— I w'uit a drink,' ' You hl�' better take the shoes back to your wife ; the baby Will'need them,' said the pawn raker, 'No, she won't, because she's 'dead.— She's lying at'pbnie now a-- died last night.' As he said thio the roots fellow broke down, bolded his head on the showcase and cfiied like a child. Boys," I said the drtimnier, " you tatty laugh if you please ; but I—I have a baby xt home; and I swear I'll never drink an- other drop." REMARKABLE CASE`? Odtpnto Invalids Bateed from '[heir Wok Beds atter Giving Up Hope. London. Ont.—Henry R. Nicholls, 1713 *eotory street, catarrh ; recovered. Dr. Qtlaee's catarrh aura. 25c. Markdale-• 4eo. Crowe's child, itching eczema ; cured. Chase's Ointment, Truro, N.S.—H. H. Sutherland, travel- ler, piles—very bad case ; eared ; Chase's Ointment, 60e. Lucan—Wm. Branton, gardener, pin worms ; all gone. Chase's Pills. L'Amable—Peter Van Allan, eczema for three years, Cured. Chase's Ointment. Gower Point—Robano Bartard, dread- ful itching piles, 89 years. Well again ; Chase's Ointment, 60e. Meyereburg—Nelson Simmons, itching Piles • cured. Chase's Ointment. Malone—Geo, Richardson, kidney and liver sufferer ; better, One box Chase's Pills. 25o. Chesley—H. Will's son, crippled with rheumatism and suffering from ddjabetae, completely recovered. Chase's Pills. Matchard Township—Peter Taylor, kid- ney trouble, 80 years ; cured. Chase's Pell. 25e. Toronto -1)6150 Hattie Delaney, 174 Orawcford street, subject of porpetuaa+ colds. Cured by Chase's Syrup of Lim - seed and Turpentine. 25 cents. Dr. chase's remedies are sold by all dealers: Edmanson, Bates & Co., manu- facturers, Toronto Break Up a Cold in Time BY US1Na PYNY+ PECTORAL !the Qidckr Cnre for COUGHS. COMA, C1IOt7P, 1iR011r- crti '7B, SOA N 1 S, orb. Mab,' f Oaten N OE, o£ 6611 Sorauren Ave„ Toronto, writett i'eltorat bail barer failed'o`dtiie es. hit dna dfnronyaftersterd,16 eared olfofaldep¢tidadlnfcdngh8ftC oeroral other renames Ind toile& I6 hen '' pinnate eneell,nt mug; dare for rn7 • i prefer °,t.td, eny, cabs fge intnw Ser maps amity or hQIn,nrlc alt #Ctrl Roabsr, N.11L ,, woken i the1 .S for , Lrte m 6wb+rrti to mad, DAVIS & L.11WRZNidZ C 141.frir; 14*, I7litt'THE 3 ]'roiu Uai;pert IoiirA4 Table. in was et ligg ht-akinned :darky of ddie :age, with an ever bright and readphrep y fee, ###. ' e;W88 eilaplO re 1n the street de rtmeet of ,Its towYn• of »•--.. One day eutlewan Analog, hits at-work',tee.riug up some c� rble. stones ft.** the.strett; a d desivnigr tro bear' one • of hie witty re hies. °, Jrsil.. 4�u 4, i89 . ,....n. .... s,. J.dm what lie was dping.;, at ; repI7ed,;°I "Wh sah, •T's et' -pulling ,up the s�; street ; tl ,and•b I's goin' to tlil up : the ribur ' . . "Pull up the river! 1�Vhy, Sate, thtit'e ..,t r'.; a gigantic/ job. You'll have to pump ' A, , +'7 M: . and haul;n any° a 'i year before you can ilii id lir thesePere aoctirapfish that. " If vouse want ter see me do it, I's' \ mom Soothing Syrups allin'. tor' children are ooznpc d of or morphine/ Balis n e\ii Brute, Gosifie 'a '00$4411, ►aapy. w '• Well Sara, I would like tV Ssee how '; 'a, Do. Ton m Xstww Met and morpbhle ares nano*, nao*, whom t You would go aboutit I and if you can m prove to e,tbat you can finish such a Joh even within a year, I will treat you , to a suit of Sunday clothes," " Yah, yah, yah I" lau hed `Sant. �''ifou Knoerthat In most oouti tic° druggists are not pedulitt:d to incl# wires - .., without labeling them polemist J g Von Knot? that yen em4aid not perm any medicine to be gate ypg chile'. "Come 'long, eah, 1'a 'll prove dot, anima shush !" 4 J you or your physician know of what is la composed t And= off he started for the river with r�tfQ? ow tbet bestorla to a paseiy vegetable Veneration. and MO* We e ingredients fs`fiublfehed with every bottle t the gentleman and several other peo- ple who hadathered around during the couversatlpn, Reaching the. river, Saw piloted the gentleman and the crowd to, an old .,skiff. Jumping into i•t, be seized the oars and started row - log, shouting as he did so, "Dere, eah! I'e er-pullin' up de fiber now!" The gentleman gave in, and Sam got his clothes. A young man in Lowell, Mass., troubled for years with a constant succession of boils on his nedk, wits completely oared by taking only three bottles of Ayer's Saraapp. arias. Another • result of the treatment was greatly improved digestion, with in- creased avoirdupois. Scott Jackson, accused of the murd- er of Pearl Bryan, of Greencastle, has confessed to a personal knowledge of the murder of the girl last Friday night. Walling tries to lay the, whole blame on Jackson. The latter, on the contrary, while he admits his oven guilt, takes pains to implicate Walling. If? DO Yon Know that Casts/ha is the 'prescription of the famous Dr Eintutat Pttdrr, That 1t has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Oastorls is now add thin clan Ott;* remedies for CAfldln cit i►bined Do Yon Know that the Patent Office Deportment of the United Suter#, and el Oiler countries, have lisped' eoochrelve right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to nae the Ward •Castor*"and lta tomato. and that to imitate them is a state prison offense? Di' You Knearthat we of the it aeons kr granting tate government preteetlonw+y :ecadPa Ceded* tad beau imam to be gbaolu*ely harmless? iron Know that 85 Mvefsp doses of Criteria are tarnished for 8* lagtbqW.900eent4.c}oeer Tett Kinn' that lien ooiseeeeed of this perfect provers*" your charm my llM WeirWeicead ssitrasy have rnbroken rest i win.400#.114000tweircelli knowing. 'They aro testa Ila on rir wrapper. • �.. - ,bar � u: e I 1 , cf Ch i7stW it Pitcher!. Castorla. If you want to preserve apples, don't cause a break In the skin. The germs of decay thrive rapidly there. So the germs of consump- tion find good soil for work when the lining of the throat and lungs is bruised made raw, or injured by colds and coughs. tt's Emulsion. with hypophosphites, will heal inflamed mucus mem— branes. The time to take it is before serious damage has been done. A 5o -cent bottle is enough for an or- dinary" cold. 50 cents and $1.00 Scorn & Bovnai, Chaska. WWII,. Ont. 1. CURE'Fil!S! aadeur.o y'vriib0►nd ¢ran :coma.. S. ROOT, Wei 186 MO': Adelaide 911 Te to, Ont IT PAYS TO is sure to attend those Success who make good use of their time while attending The Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONT. Last week showed :the placing of five stu- dents in choice positions; thin week three, Bella Mitchell, placed as sewed sten gra of Chic�atgho. The firVan st steenSteartinographer, specialty Co., office, Miss Anne Moffatt, is also a former pupil. James Warren as stook -keeper and oice as- sistant with Wm, Gray & Sons, Chatham. ' Fred Thompson changed from stenographer with Geo. B. Douglas to stenographer with Messrs Wilson, Renkln, McReongh & Kerr, Barristers, Chatham. ITPAYS TO ATTEND A GOOD SCHOOL College re -opens for the new year, Jan. 6th For catalogue of either department address t>. Me.LA.CHLAN Chatham MoKI lop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM & ISOLATED TOGO N PROPERTY ONLY INSURED orsloane. D. Rose President 011nton; Geo. Watt Vies Pres. Hemlock; W. f. Shannon, Secy-lreae. Boaforth; M. Mardle, Inspector of Claims, Seatorth. DIRECTORS, Jae. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Ellliot Clinton; J.B. McLean, Tnckeremith • Thos. Cat bet. Clinton ; 0, Gardiner, Leadf ury ; T. 11 Bays, Molilllop, AGENTS. Thom . Neilano Harlook; Robt. McMillan, Sea. forth; J. Cumings, Egmon•iville. Goo. Murdfe, auditor. Parties ooinus to effect Insnranoee or tran- eadt other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers o .lied to their reepeoitve offices New Boot and Shoe Store The undersigned begs td annonnoe to the peo- ple of Lendesboro and viotnity;thathe has ol.en- ed a Boot and Shoe Store next to the poet aloe where will be found a complete aoeortment 61 FALL and WINTER BOUTS and SHOES. Our goods aro first-class (and our prices ate right — cuetom work and h afring%dbno in a workmate a . hke manner, Wire*' Butter and Eggs taken al each. Come and sea us before buying eioemhere, JAMES ICOVNG, rr Loutlesboro, 111 Who Does Not Kow' • That Christmas will soon be herb, and that in order to properly observe it you must have a good pudding, and that to have a good pud4hi} g you must have good material to work with, Granted that you already know this much we wish to inform Cyon that we have the material Of the highest quality at a very rea'eonablpp price. ' We have also the in -t ferior quality at a lower price, bit much prefer giving yon the best ;aa it is cheapest in the end. Everything yon need in the way of Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spices, Figs, tic., As low as any, quality oonef Bred. We are in a position to sell as cheap as others, and will give as good yalne in any line of goods we handle as can be got in town. OU$ TEAS are the best to be had for the money, try them. If you have not tried "Saluda" yon should do so, as almost daily we are getting new customers for it. The best 40 cent COFFEE in town; try that also. A shipment of Din- ner and Toilet Sets just in. Call and examine goods and prices. IlIelIURR4.Y WILTSE, NearPostOfce—CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephone 40 Not Giving up Business 1 But continuing with fall lines of seasonable goods. New Flannels. and Flannelettes New Cotton and Woollen Blankets New Tweeds, Trouserings, etc. New Ladies' Underclothing New Readym,ade Clothing New shirts and Drawers New Dress Goods ROBT. COATS & SON CLINTON :; HUB GROCERY :: Don't trust to luck it may assist you, but more often leaves you in the lurch. Use good judgment and buy where you get a good article. New Raisins, " Prunes, Walnuts, Canned Salmon Tomatoes, ff ff if New Currants, " Dates, Filberts, Blueberries, Macckeral, Apples. ff fi ff New Figs " Peels Peas Corn ' Herring 6 ii f{ Our stock, of Crockery, Lamps and Fancy China for Christmas is worth your while to examine. V-.10 rig `" r.A►-L LaO W , - CLl n'ko► a1 it kV t rtr :rnbaet,ber, Haling gin v.ry iaf.st: inn .,,Writ' • kuaobfnery, 16564e iplo ingtheMOlt kIlled+Meik. : Mettle, toryablate dal Berlin Dna' in i age ` d010'tlt 0 nae 1rotA I of the chert it re. ,4 t l AOTO8Y taut tl, 7k.1(Mk',ir!il itPtraVatiaa, The Finest