HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-02-07, Page 8mtwOmoririlr
Ithion tw
aud every cue fatereetec
Wetic must+
leiAne4 !!,,
o VESPil —Oin right rattly
.ill towt#:.n4,o� W h +� lin ae dais^
,1GACl j 0Tx0 s b•
1E 4.`l r I' { l80G
. ltid '
a)ect aside); he triejd't iy over h{t� �'wF i
�>at� l�tete #luabaxt w+� *wakened er Scree 11 hep
ed. , .
)3114' 00 o >a g LOP) ft 'May interest iOu 1 a Wow that
sty,74-1,4,1,t4,0,4,4444 Rads b
nuf tlnllvA nn,n to
_�_.__Pe. �'...• .. . '..J•.o:. to .� i' n • .
nt r
: r o. llrackartd Obtoken lie hi rrie` g4eir a Aceto �i#o �' o
�etn 'e tal•t[turattawre at d, O. on lam• alrr�val that' the I b sic
8 F'uxnttttr +e1
dated her jaw by yawning he itis*
tie vl,whooar illafordlthe, lose band wickedly re*narked that for ou e
ecavo. oordandballaattaoh, be w glad beta la* wan not is work -
when, we ltd . ed up: lauoary solos t .ey `wore 04400. oT rauuex
last, year. B3uueiness 'dcln t ow.the le. times :'wit oat r
' the right goods, at the right, bene, gram 'right; prises,, can'
helpbut, draw, trade. r . ,
�'�+� more t ado�ttl i�alxhesi► our w a
• the lower rices wa eau ;afford to alk !oat ' whoe ' r' eeli' . the.
largest quantities f course buys' .the largest IOW e -
� � Qtsr Vitt the
as aa.. Mateo;"Monday' ig a.3'der, .;
r�, poetise lea�e . t bbiaNsgirs.
�utai a 1100 ins a' .N dQ w11.sl'J'$Druz Friday last a ileacs of board town
e saw, s uc t eb
�medr. The annoetecomeut appears to but not'sairiously, though he threw of
e air's Christian. Assocaitionof . `Mr W. Muir, of the J'onipdr , ,gnet
Ontarvp„�.St. church will hold en At Home with a bad accident one days last week,
er the egernng of Feb. 11th, at the6 rest- Whereby he loses' three fingers. While
clenoeoof Mr Johne Gibbing,. engaged at the 'buzz.pla,ner his hand
Milnsttrels.--T1s Ilan Franoieoe Min- go caught,• bmerating it so badly that
etrole;aip..pear in tho'Iigv, Hall nex Mon• t wasfound 'necessary to am mate
d fib e)bow three of the fingers.
rys a , was Frans. a de arveat comes .
even ugf., do
e Mt' utcllia¢�on w,� i;orking
Tbe,<s a button Rt X1 ods Kidney J,?llls at,J>tialaw'in, t e . oheart ` 7!'ilCttt o
Stora p ATI A Feb, `18Gb we. can the ' t1l' k hint i �'1} its of
a'tte4.t+ Oke f a rura to ithlg a corona agog
b. th ,
obi 1 th`+opath o he proprietors or this remark- t e stowach injuring lit internally"
anO pgl'aa.: blood fora time.'
a v.ot etethe elle cava: "The bean
pt,*endered atter 'the San Francisco
Inetrele bad devoted' nearly two hours to
oetltertajnment. It ie donbttol if a mere
a.orough, enloyable.portormanoe�vaa ever
sten at:• a
Capital than this one. The
cites a ;tor the most part new and fanny,
Pe specialties are up to date, there is no
'horse-plsy+ and the singing, some of it, is
x t history ot" the ', stet," theTR" Th i h
largest discounts and can afford to make the. lowest ,ttt"li"Gss ;
We don't want 1' ebruary to ' be the dull month • it usually is
it want; be if geod values will make tit better. lor'tunate.
buying enables us to quote prices fol needed' New Goods
'that are low enough to make it worth your while buying here
and buying now.
Here are values you'll not find anywhere else. Remember
i the goods are all new and the prices are all special,
Cambric, Embroidery, inch wide
good edge 2c
Cambric Embroidery li inches wide,
Good Cambric Embroidery If inches
wide, work in. deep eve
Fine Oaritbria Embroidery, 24 inches
wide, nice open pattern ., r.60
Fine Cambric Embroidery 21 inches.
wide, newt pattern },�jpP. deep ....7o
Fide Cambric Enibrtlidery, 8} inches
wide, work 1,i in. deep, very pretty
pattern t.., .. loo
Extrafns Ottrnbric Embroidery, 4 in
wide, vetry; new patters 2 ip,deep 11
Fine Lawn Embroidery, l} in wide 4o
Fine Lanni Embroidery, 2& in. wide,
peat pattern 60
People who have hada peep at our em-
broideries day that they're the pret-
tiest, daintiest patterne ever shown in
town, and that they're very cheap.
Heavy 18. inch Irish Linen Crash
Toweling ..., 90
30 inch fine white Cotton 71c
4 very flneOgi,ton, close,even thread
83 inch 90
Linen Crepe Towels, 21x42 in., plain
or colored border 124c
Linen Huck, Towels, 18x30 inches,
colored borders 121c
54 inch 'Damask Table Linen, 3 pat-
terns 23o
60 inch fine Damask Table Linen,
special at 37tc
own loans,
? itprla pira►[�—
couple of . young men
} 1�14u from Clinton had the misfortune to
r#4J. lose their horse and cutter one even -
.ti i ,a thio. week, owing to au upset, their
hams leaving them on the road.
PERaorten.—Mr' A. O. Sotheran, de-
uty rea've of Howick, was a caller at
arse •1N`nwU Ea' ,office ast. eek; Mr Au,Sotheran showed his good _judgment
g a former
alilnctonian n the personyof Mina Edith
Strathyr and it' is only natural he
? a should take an interest in Clinton.
ATTgRs At a meeting
„o f the cr ditoni ' of v. Rs Counter, of
r¢r Seaforth,in`the'officedf Henry Barber'
;14o , itwaas decided 'to Wind up the
estate, and ' thb toort'. Will' be sold by
tenderrvaiii A:' ' , meeting nethe creditors of
v i `.P • iik` Ooi, groce Brussels►, was
rr `'held, in the office of E. R. O. Clarkson.
ti • A statement was presented showing
+ : tiabilitiiea of $2,400, and assets of $2,700.
The meeting was adjourned without
.. coming to any decision as to the dis-
fz oral of the estate, but it is expected
that an offer of settlement will be
spade. The creditors of A. E. Pente-
ff ' cost, dry goods merchant. Seaforth.
met, on Monday, in the office of Ely.
"Barber, anti_ ee, when the assignee
_Mils Justine . rta;,to the dieposal ot the
estate. A. I e • wan and Company.
�' 4 `° <i` • " general 'Storekeepers, of els, are
r - offering compromise romise at 50c. on the
• Pouch MaTrz�m
araTa We think the
council acted prudently in recommend-
ing the apppoointment of a Police Magi-
strate for this town, and we venture
' the rinderticiti that the mayor of near
. ly every small town in Canada would
be gladto see a similar appointment
t�ode.Our cetera takes exception of
the' recommendation, and we think
does so without a knowledge of all the
cis , um_ stai idea., . At Abe e., present , Ulm
Mr McGarve in 'company'Iwith Mr.
Steep, as magistrates,' dispose of all
cases of a certain kind, and Mr Mr Mc-
earva •from' years of experience is ex-
ceptionally well qualified, for the posi-
tion; all that a magistrate gets for his
services is the fees allowed by law,
paid by litigants, and that is all Mr.
McGarva will still get, if he is appoint-
ed; there is no loss nor is there any ex-
pense to the town. The power of a
Police Magistrate are larger than
those of an ordinary magistrate; Mr
McGarva has more time at his disposal
than either the present mayor, or any
future, occtma'nt of that office is likely
to have; Many persons residing in the
covin who have no claim on the ser-
vices o a town magistrate bring mat -
ere - them, "Which should get be-'
fore their own reeves. A Police Mag-
&trate can •dispose of these whe -e a
P. or the mayor of a town cannot.
Taking all things into consideration,
we think the recommendation an
eacllent one, and hope it will be acted
`' CONN.—The Choral Society, we
think, can justly claim the credit of
.gitdng•Without doubt the finest con -
next. The NEW Erre is a newspaper;
do you take itf Febrdery made its
advent last" Saturday, and entered
quite moist. Have ydu paid your sub-
scription for 1896.
NyTus.—Miss Olarke, •of Woodstock,
who has been aeat of ,Mr E. M.
McLean, hat're retinal -6d home:. `Mr.Vin-
is, late of Listowel has taken a posi-
tion with Pluweteei & Gtbbinge. The
Mayor is 'this week attending the an-
nual meeting of the. Canadian Prete
Assoeiati n' at T�oroeto. The friends
of Mies Lillie Miller are pleased to see
ber out afteree long - and serious an
illness. Mrs 'Cordell, of Hamilton,
against whom certain charges were
alleged, came up before the Hamilton
Police > Magistrate. ,last Thuredav and
was honorably acquitted. Frank
Broth, late of the Wingham Journal.
e.. endih .some Aisne at honmeet"here.
Miss Anna; Holmes, whp h,a�ss been:re-
cruiting for three months it St.
Catharines, returns to town this week.
John Joy, jr., threw up a ggood position
with the Brantford Expositor re order
to accompany his pareu to Ontario
Cal., for which place they leave next
week. Will McLean, of the Seaforth
Expositor, spent Sunday in town. A
break in the matehinery of the Electric
Light plant compelled the townspeo-
ple to resort to lamps one night last
week. . Miss Huldah Whitely has tak-
en a position -in the Post Office. At
the close of the council meeting, on
Monday evening, Messrs Wheatley and,
Welsh, two of, the town officere, en-
tertained•the members of the council
"to an oyster supper at Ouninghame'e.
Burnt anniversary was celebrated in
Chicago by a monster' demonstration
in the. Auditorium, a prominent fea-
ture being a tableau, "The world at
his feet"—and the Canadian American
publishes portraits of some of those
taking g the g Mrs
part,amori m `beiri s
Minerva Smith, of LaGrange; rand.
daughter. of Mr Henry Smith, who re-
presented Canada: The House Re-
fuge comnrittee will meet bereetto-day.
Miss Hoare, of Strathroy, and Was
McKenzie, (daughter 'of Judge Mc-
Kenzie, of arrua) are guests of Mrs
Tiedall. Miss Hay, Woodstock, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs A. W, Hartt.
A diaper up north thus speaks of a
well-known Huronian: — i'Pricipal
Doig; of the Harriston P. S.. won
(ante if not fortune, as a stump orator
in the West Wellington election con-
testt" was be talking Patron or Liber -
:al:, • Miss Fanny Horn, Mitchell, is
witting friends in town. Will Powell
haaw aken charge of a bakery and con-
fectionery business in Blyth; there are
selene who believe that Blyth has some
°special attraction for Will. and that
running a business will be a sort of
picnic for him. Mr Scruton has, we
believe, disposed of his house to Mr
Joshua Hill, of the base line, and has
rented it to Mr W. Downs, who is re-
turning to town. Dr. Gunn has been
absent in Detroit for a few days. On
Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs A.O. Pat-
tie9n celebrated the 23rd anniversary
of their wedding, and we aresure the
merry friends Wish them at least that
many more. Last Thureday a Littre
girl, adopted daughter of Mr Oroll in
hanging on a sleigh, caught her foot
between the bob and the load, having
a narrow escape from a bad accldeat; '
it was at first thought that she was
badly hurt but she was aroundaa li`ne-
ly as a cricket shortly after; if children
will hang on to sleighs they must take
cert ever given in Clinton, financially, their own risks. for we don't believe
socially' and frpQm�q� an artistic stand- all the laws that could be made would
point; over. -75 talented people on the break up the practice. The local Con-
e tage throughout,, joined in the finest servatives are said to be "taking time
heevieet oihoruses vve have had 1 by the forelock," as the are organi-
the pleasure of hearing. The Goderich
oliy, r'chestre of 15 inatru
`melts Own a delightful surprise to the
audience, and wag a big assistance to
the Ohoirat. blooiety;, they gave four
numbers very claestieal and in a very
eft ective manner. Phis ;o anization 'photograher, is frequently called°Up-
is a�qewoue,, and the le of Gode- on to take families, and does ome..ex-
rich bane just reason. give the en- cellent work !II this direction-, last
cogragemeut they deserve, Theygavo Friday he took the Orawford family, of
their Cervices for rzpenoes, and th'e 00- _ 8ullett, Which consisted of mother,
cirity were .pleased to rueet Mich a tai five acne and two dauightere. Miss M.
eared nd ioocial lot of'rnuslciane from McKenzie is confined to ber room
mit' nel hhoring town. Mies l (hii+- ti..... ah illness., Mira Perrin. vvho;l...a
tiara,; af$�y�h,,.aa4 a eloeatlrni'st, .eve 'been corifiued to the lichee, is bl w
enti entire- confines) to the honeewith .air ahbeees
It , 3elle' Were npleudid selections amid' - on tris 1 Mr Thos. McKenzie .is ref.
fly pleased fife audience. Mies --pairing r.lklgiier'ar Ii6tise, damaged by
i*'irr at w popular here. The re, Messrif Tyndall Bros purc� ed
itfl, M•r i' all and Mrs Banelord; a n , ahol't horn bull from r A, Carl.
ei a pa�td�ed than times in our best of. F. W�wgi�bafi: ter Vila )licit that* paic�-
1t ., are wit _ + but a gdet'd;,$ a er at# 1� ohn Joy`
W 'oe i, d splayed aw vnic Pateese er'' Agelpt anti 5 t7oore,
Knowingly we won't sell trash or poor goods, but if at any
time a thing does not turn out as represented let us know
and We will make it right with you.
ng for the general elections. Not
only lathe price of the county print-.
ing so loW that the NEW line declined
to tender foe it, but the price of some
of the township printin le also so low
that there is: nothing in it, lir E oeter.
tivn num Ther terrible peedica- be around attain, but Mr Perri is it ill
tin' k 'wain; end " eta '
try nets Sia lg 71001 ter' � hist knd f tri,� cortin cited ant a ngewenta
raday' e p,' aKlli, with W. F. Docks))). C1.P,R. r veiling
*hand even, which ahpws great cu the O. ,L;, Iola aagen ..'ford air• ticket l
va►trl►tl� : ' r>p',h .misford'sendore, o, a to Onfsi'iei; i(hil.; they` eeiver on onday 1.
e tea�at .e eve otold," jot suited -"aftsrnigni'tieit. Mini mI'attie neigh, •
lee and *ll `'can with et--•vlolinfst acid tt� �"cchert, of iOpoderiel , one
Mull Meridnan lard. Bpi. • of the' Ott' violinist . of tbei�' Har'dnony
- t for the Bret ti� Orebeati k..b s been fireb&iiled loon to
thashowi inteellent yokes 'il tetirlrt ascleas hero o �'ceotud Anitast, '
t1 acultiv tion wil make good, sing. number have itlgtai n their intention
M it Do wiarrtait rtlwaye popular o ng erron' i -froth this- talented -'
r '-' i edloi (e' tlgtl `i�'1Ei orow+vel .Y�,cabltadap tris in txn hdr'co iotrth
dt $ eats � t T. ,7ac4teon, ; t rh . ,itll,ptl cl r�9e. t .
_ ,' t mon tr the f il#it' ''' lap . htiyt. son •' J fr ole of lite . advla ry` ..
h.:llt�ri"es ,;or itiO4:14n On:., �;ott+'t�,s.�,,�t_ea e. , �' .'. t a
,,, #, lib Yii�Q xl i1.i:a. .,
1 ed• dor t X' vl;iltd t :i 1*hue, ;+tntlurrr .i eetln :tot a'rn n.
� ��l <<h
ilk �� 1t ftei it d e el
�i�4 i kt r1tiM , inol'gf itpu
C� rr
tho' baton,, )hare thi contract of .a two'sta
:tuition.anti 14 00 a hili' = house f r, ?Wtni < • ate et - Hnlleltt
• t#, -' thine got**, ;.'.O4 thea . .bin,
'i�g.'�F,'�.. f .IrOa.
.']rill e " ..
• ':Wh. 't�ttlipX tet%,.s l�ty~ ,T.,�,
''T1.dall.entertaltted a e.hutnm'....,
oigIs BOZO
: g ar t + between Levo perms is its ht
The; aidlurtetta; Oateeti; ansa, set `'a d . fiib ercfpi'er Sadao odtM 1e
' way ot fttbdi ig a ilgor• mai, biookad`a • '
sow tit* vinge1, yt ie stieQngl'f Malde Q Wool,, ie amity attached
andweee :i
11 it's two colors at10 cents a. yard, d'cQvpte`ga*d�a
wilt make ends for the largest sized mat, or if you wish teidish
. it more completely, five yards will go all around" it. ,
You can't make it as well, or for the price it will coat you to buy
it here. Ws less price for the. same or better value—or better
C6. value for the same or less price. it's a saving either way you
look at it.
The W. D. FAIR CO,
Agents for Parker's Dye Works.
We take stock on the 1st day of February,
From now till February we will give
in all kinds of
Come and see for yourself.
THE ORE PRIOR GASH STORE. Butter and Eggs taken at Cash prioea
SATURDAY,-Fcb, 1st
35 yds Eiderdown Flannel, 60 cent
goods for 35 cents. -
Means selling all claseet of goods with-
out profit, in many cases lees than cost,
and many shrewd people'take advan-
tage' of brie and save money. We have
finished etoe$ktaiting, and In a few
weeks we will be talking SprinkEtoode,
in the mean time take 'advantage of
the many winter lines of goods that
weAvoutd°rather "sae go atelniall prices
than carry mei,.
Clothiers, Furnishers, &e.,
9 Babies' and Children's Eiderdown
Coats 30 to 50 per cent off
regular prices.
! -•
1 lot Children's Fur Boas, were t'ge. for 18e.
1 lot [Children's Fur Boas, were 33e. for 25c.
1 lot ;Children's Fur Boas, !were Sec. for 38e.
1 lot Wool Towles, 3h cents off regula r . Pried ;
l tion; rats ' to aryl, ttlsttr a lens►
that babe. *time ad great', ' aid,',10, the
interest of panda: 1n Olintout fort #'he,.
t ill and axil cone wrtithe ,neat
pax ,a.big, uceeiot,
er Wendt "OW 'VVG'lerl�lity
r.; .. 7,, .s. J�'i."f0.Irtk
15ue7�taar ii1110 t
' ' dried s
.t.,Wret, i1 forged
• Osla to .iketelle%
w.."rolgaros Cetif1 Abed
eueieeertdirfrree a'1011015t bad
- Vied* 'e'Is'4t, dodd evetleif twat
&lid Amor .11 .Wu-".ost'.'' trr'•bev e
Awl .setroa s.ov&
6 t.
��iii' ,,yy, �`fiiii
A9W k
1 lot Ladies' Wool, Shaio liifgt iA
were $1.25 ior 2,50,0Iat0iie91R A
fieitaoJleflts tri
1 lot Ladies'
s9itu13,3 dub Sao he`taoliai 3r sI ata) s:a
. ,,cseas imicej,
4bb +ori. . i� li inogeb
, 101 1�ercol agietsvoa 'ierIJ esu
„..01111 eeltggns tea eotik saition stool ranee • Ik L I i at iI� JII '1
i 'mit vaeJ;do7rrq veva eocclaaoo et tank e � + �• AORIT
tlittt otseto .lads deli 91 lotim,d,eteT adi.sl it
i l• _ ii.' , ' �eaa . I '•:..1.0 1 i all chs ll : ►xlof r . bath 14'
tit lsirlm h11 �, ..er :ie i:r.,'.. ed. z a ;..v.:
es enae , 3"i`' 11,
'� �''i' i +"Y, a of f
� r~ c ,:. ems;; t ern all a
. g .
lei ,
MaoY .1
Q !I.
/9 . tri
x�sis hart. n tit ri l tvKact ii a ; oitt tit
. ,u�:a 'x'kiJ'nrzt eke uf'.
�. i
tic. ren as
, �►riib>� trite fwo''ie) �iri�c�Q� � uel ���
.ir rtaa1 to gi _ ,sadly' "e , t�"raes; :. , o tsitttf a eaieg'+
, r ., :.I �; 64),, s e t i 3ititart mie alt
• ,afrisogel'ore he, ttllit#&ext!
igiftti r 140rr,i4 siren
Pt 1
.al..r ...rail .1. t A t]'la'i.or L. I.