HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-02-07, Page 4lr'
I ebrmi 7, 1
eriEtM,- f'i't" !Olt
,., tier, ryhM' ' .`zni1
ifPak,,1± L 7,. 1g9.8,
Ofdw og, tt1111 .t a�ri
Ofii aid 1�reatly l�,�phe_
Tbie expea Tie when Baa gen •buy
berg ewsi Wase it.
yid wee ouraamplea beforepboing
p$i r order,
�'(lpo►t?tixte env sale of Cheep Music
o f bbturday.
. ilr 4t,overtiolutato
Ii.P Davie =
1f --,'R{riD•ltiirCo—
Wan ed--T,U.Ltuseett
Tweeds-.•Mni ngan & Co
New etore—A. J.Holloway
Notice to credltote—J.6cott
'Minstrels—San Francisco Co
VIollu ql Miss H Donagh
'We :bl w" e--W.L.Ouimette
Beetauthority-Apes & wflson
Butter bueinese—Hc¢ ns Bros
Between seasons—Jackson Bros
Anzietyover—Gilroy & Wiseman
Removed—Plumsteel & Gibbings
USE THE . . . .
Honey Orders
A.T.Cooper, Agent, Clinton
The Stratford Beacon is Kind enough
to say both the ;Goderich Signal and
the Clinton New Kra deserving of
iriix'eh credit for the admirable manner
in which they maintained the cause of
Liberalism during the content in West
Huron. ,
Sir Charles Tepper wad elected in Cape
Breton on Tuesday by a majority of 734.
Of coarse it will be claimed as a great vio-
tory, but it is simply ra Daae of " as you
.were." We never doubted his return in that
Conservative stronghold, and wondered at
the Liberals making such a strong fight as
they did. They probably expected tc pall
down the previons majority. His return to
political life is not a good omen for the
country, because hie -whole career has been
to plunge recklessly into debt, -and it is
likely that he will only remain a member
of the cabinet long enough to help the party
through the eleotione.
DEATHS.— A.t her' late residence; in
the township of Keppel, near Owen
Sound, on January 21st, Mrs Annie
Healy passed from this life to the rest
of''the $paradise of God. Born in Ire-
land in yeai 1816, the deceased
bad reached the age of 77 years,, Pos-
sessed o1 more than average strength
of intellect, she,retained the vigor of
rental facultibt3'to the end of life. By
her first husband, Nicholas Stout, she
had one daughter and two spne, of
sent in-
whom the youngest is the pr
cumbent of the parish of Ho
Rev. Win. Stout. By a second mar-
riage with Mr M. Dsaly, in 1848, she
leaves a family of six. All her child-
ren with her second husband survive
to mourn the loss of one whowas dear
in life and blessed in memory.
The death of Mr Fred F. Hartley,
Whieh.occurred at the residence of Mr
8. McCulloch, Huron road, Goderich
township, on Sunday, was a particu-
larly sad and unexpected event. On
the first of the year Mr Hartley took
charge of the school at Taylor's Cor-
ners; a few days since he was taken
with diphtheria, of a bad form, and in
spi to of the hest of care and attention,
he died on Sunday, being not quite 20
years of age. He was a son of ltev. A.
Y. Hartley, of Bluevale, who was with
him at the time of hie death, and who
has the sympathy of his many friend,
in this bereavement. He attended
Clinton Collegiate and also Clinton
Model, and was regarded as an unusu-
ally bright and clever young man, hav-
ing passed for his second before he was
19. The remains were interred in Clin-
ton cemetery, and the teachers and
pupils of the Collegiate showed their
affection and sympathy by attending
the funeral in a body on Monday.
FUNERAL.—The funeral of the late
Win. McGill, of Morris, took place
here on Saturday. His remains were
first taken to Trinity church, where
the burial service was conducted, af-
terwierele conveyed to . the Trinity
church cemetery, followed by a large
concourse, Including the Orange
NOTES. — Messrs Denstedt Bros.,
hardware, are moving their stock' into
the Wateon Block. the store recently
occupied by Mr C. Kramer. Mise Hab-
kirkie visiting friends at Fordyce thio
week. Mr Moffat le at present on a
busiriege trip to Cleveland. A pleasant
tips lues spent by the C. E. Society of
S Andrevi's church on Tnesday even-
ing. A. 8. Dickson was in Seaforth
on Monday. The last monthly fan
weer a great success. dont forget the
tett, which takes place on the llth.
Last week Mr and Mrs Allen removed
to Goderich, where they have purchas-
ed it business, Mr 0. Kramer closed era goo . 1 sections t e tine
bu'sibets here in the dry goods line last . h q dvlrablr tees _make arrangements for keeping the
lirsiek, and left for Owen Sound with to take up the system. The committee is , rohool olean. M.rag,y�,� rum paid therefor,
the retllainder. of his stock. The ma- et the opinion that tYs arehiteot war negli- $111 ; in 22 no thovision is Made. For the
�e'rial for the new school building is gent in allowtng work to 'ba done in the entrance 294 pupil, *rota,, wild Els paned;
being placed On the around ready for 'manner which has ben trend to exist. far P. 5. lesvfr"g 98 wrotr and 66 pkrrbd.
the a ring.oppeeningg. Mies Curtin took The committee had given a contrast to the There were 66 teachers 1n braining at bhs
pp v't in the•:S7hnral SocietyConcert in Dsnnir Wire Co<i of London for two era
(Ili >boh ou Thuruda ' evening last,. A pe , at a Dont of $1110. model rohools in 1895. The tlow Yti Ash-
arcs, s in bhn.inrzpvatorabe vrsri as fCllovis:�AsTt•
nurber Of the members of gthef Good 1d• 0r £. /14101e7011/Il 118V011T. tisld $'f415.IO; Cgqlborifs, $48a4.1S;, Glodert•
xa'int5lare liidjrb <rif t.tiis;'place ,; s ant
Ur Coats, inspeotor, reported as follows : fah thwndbip 85807.19; Ray $8678 86; 9iatt-
Mc nota, ev.nin with their brethren . No' malar fiof n. admitted tip b0 Dee, filet, le 6198.06; Sb+b britt $7488.42; Uibtoree
i sioncby e. tis C. h theltpn, et Ctrs h, . f.maler IC;, abraonded 1; di.- $1598$0.4s ; W�wprriitosh $4ili4tss; ,13 a+a»
,.• 0
HURON COUNTY MUNCH*, iitb •2Trubrf; �Ipto. I
lbuQoihtty(Quneit, in follow', tom, weintiahlel'uW;Wwautbw1driot
•bl44 Ilk 9049r404 ou, los h,', Jttu. r/11/1-'. Clinton 11 't;laefortle 1; Win8bani $1 Rrete
tailvlt a7
2; DraRrale 4; 1i11yt1�Il Baydald 8; Wx4�0
ter'l; rill of three laiivo residetli. sur Elle owl
t. At haat two sura, (.u, ofpt►ul rienl
destitution ,8; intemperance 7;, wcu1c rntel
T.1 H n - knt7; old`4'g„e.10,•inean t .. 8; etekiw ,'
Payold 4 l3 rias R ,e i10 ay 2; 'ueotdpnt 1 •i deaf And, tluaih 4,
I� pp
(413°4 ,., r D fanned, GJ9a er t b iulinesa 4; deserted by pat'euta 1; axing
Co11lorne.., *. Alk 'pang A: ou. �g patient 1. 1 O ntidi&tl 12 oh En liah
'-zetor ,W 13a.Wden L i3 Qtiritngr► i eot.9iv 14 ri sh. Amount ga ndtd for'
Grey T SttIO1I U Mob I1 atop e Rport. of inlnatui,° $444.43; I cirroge daily
•4 Tarnbulll scp�n per ;i mete, 21 Qunta:; - &livers e
Gaderivh TV John Coat TChurdixill wookl . oZ . nH u r tut etv 1.411, t
Goderich W Proudfott 1" Hsi}t* Pa
-Mullett.. ,• A. T Alec nald J 3righen3
Il[owiok A. Dulrelige'' A ti €itothergn
John Stewaret°
Hay ... .... . G MoEwen M Geiger
R Turnbull
MerrittII Mooney' G Kirkby
Mehi11op . - •. a Morrison* Arohibaid•
e .,. I w
Stanley . It Mo it Syne :::::.
Seaforth $ .13 Gunn ' son
Stephen la Eilber t
Ttiokerergith J Shepherd I R 1kloLealr'
Turnberry W 11IoPhereon Cruickshank-.
Usl;orne 3 Delbritlge• $eddy
W.Wewanorh R I,oelthart" R Medd*
E. Wewenooh 1?attereon D Robertson*
Winghem R Cl Sperling W Rolmee
Wroxeter ., T 13 Sanders
Those marked with a star are new mem-
bete this year.
Quite a number of reports, accounts and
communications were receiredand referred
to various committeee, and are disposed of
in these reports. ' 'The request for a grant
from the Good Roads Association was not
entertained. Rev. Dr. tire, Gloderioh; Dr.
Shaw, Clinton, and Ilr. Scott, Seafolbh,
were appointed Collegiate Institute trustees.
Messrs Baird, of Stanley, and Cheswick, of
Seaforth, were appointed' on the I3oerd of
Examiners for school teachers, and P.
Holt and W. Lane on the , board of Crimi-
nal Audit. Messrs Israel Ta tor, Clinton,
and J. 0. Morrison, of°MoKillop, ware ap-
pointed Connoit Auditors. The .House of
Refuge committee was instructed to have
the drainage and eanitary conditions of
that building thoroughly and effeot:vely
repaired al the weather will permit, ander
the supervieion of a oompistenb enigneer it
deemed neoesaary. ft weave decided to pro-
cure a quantity of stone and pub the per-
sons in the jail to the task of parrying
them from one part of the grounds to an-
other, so ae to ve them work. A motion
introduced by eputyReeve Cooper, and.
seconded by Reeye Kennedy, that the next
meeting of the oonncii be held at Clinton,
was lost. Council adjourned to meet
again Jane next.
The committee recommended e
the usual
grant of $20 to eaoh of the branch agricul-
tural societies, $15 to eaoh of the Mechanics'
Institutes, and 825 to the East and West
Huron Teacher's Association. The appli-'
nation of the Dominion Rifle aeeociation
for a grant of $10, was refnsed. Recom-
mended that Mr J. Elliott, of Tuokeremith,
be accepted as a pupil ab the Agrioultnral
College. Recommended that the County
printing be awarded to the Goderich Star.
That the sum of $8000 be granted for
boundary line appropriations. That the Turner's bridge, be accepted. Recommend
granting of 825 to eaoh of the Farmers' that the tender of John Forster, of $540,
Institutes to deferred until the June meet- for bridge on the Bauble, Hay, be accepted.
Ing. The committee recommended that Recommend that the oonnty commissioner
the name of Dr. Shaw be substituted for examine aoutments of Blyth bridge and
that of Dr. Campbell, ae medical euperin- have same repaired.
tendert of the Howse of Refuge. ill of EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE'S REPORT
which was adopted. , In reference to the formation of a joint
Jump's REPORT school section between Morrie and Turn.
Jailer Dickson reported tbab there were berry, the committee recommend the folt
20 prisoners in the bail -19 males and 1 fe- lowing ae arbitratore, Inspector Robb, F.
male, .the letter being inaane, and the Anderson, East Wawanoeb, and John
necessary steps ors. being taken to get her Menzie, Howiok The returns of receipts
into the asyli m . 'Of the reales, 1 ie ender and expenditure Goderich and"Bila-'
sentence for larceny; the remaining 18 are forth Collegiate of theatea are not as de -
vagrants, committed ander sentence of tailed or full ae the council oalled for; for
from 3 to 6 months; one is in poor health, iaetance Seaforth has "other expenses,
but the rest are all strong and fit for work; $978.87," and Goderich has "misoellaneone
they were ell committed by Police Magie- expeneee, 8222.86, which the committee
trate Seager, of Gloderioh. think should have been given more in de-
1tilAld .., tags Glrviti Wni Klokley
u V MoKen il3
e1 �
Brnsi,,,W l Kotr
Blyth J Witltordr
SII . aI AI 's s *los, chorine*, rnarohee the fair-.
tell donee, Mar '!, illitt iircln, ,of
• pain i&:i JJO ►ltYi , The *anitt , Toronto, the wonderful boyo rano* ..
., mieeting of. the ;Votlg Rate furtitutf;.'-. ii �t.ria tlu IlyIM4 ll, of (nth ii'h,
7 ).oard•was 1. wli '(kit 'Vt ellnetiday ettel3'c have "p I1 l.uvecal 1' t l , 'WfilPh::Trip
:ing,'tor q>:ganizatwn, . Mr, Jae. '8i utt• make ou of t'ha vet. a'ttr ti.ve 1?ro.',
wa*re.electod�cltairt l rte. Mr. W4.. bog. 9r&'raaa'thattbbi,ehuwrstb ,)aeyetgiven,
e ii, 4'0a;st1rerand,11.-Fosterr, secretary. • and tri
era WIll be nu . doubt.of it,lbein�> ..
Merman wag. reappointed caretaker ,e. big uluceeao. See WIN for full tsar til
of the sahoOl tit a, talar of $130. Tbo tlulars,
,following are tlto standing coniitilttee t A,t theethird Qual'tesly 1loa1'd tweet=
Ptoperty�---1)i' Shaw,. James Scott, flu of th Ontario St. church, the fol.
Poster„ Discipline -.V . H, Vlitiueteel,. lowing reaolntibu was carried un-
{,;alfV. Jackson;, A Forrester. Special, .anitu.onely: -''hat this board desires to
.'VV`. Irwin, W.. Plyinsteel, I. Scott. platf'e one record its appreciation of the
labors of Rev. W. J. Ford, L.L,B:, and
his estimable wife since corning among
us, the evidence of which Is seen in
the large congregations at both morn-
ing and evening service, in the in-
creasing attendance at the Sunday
School,ii the succese of the Senior and
Junor Leagues, and in the increased
attendance at, and spiritual interest in
the week night prayer meeting. All of
which bear testimony to the esteem in
which they are held, and the great
hold they have already secured.on the
love and confidence of our people. We
also take this opportunity of extend-
ing to thepa au earnest invitation to
retrain a second year in their present
relation to this church, and trust, that
God may bless their labors among ua
even more abundantly.
avere'e "dtto1udea irunning erieeneae.
the „ Haupo Alpo, The blowier til
Veoomuiended' erection of a wood end cool
House, with room for tumigating, and els
atorago of lee; (ileo that the basement 910s
mete he retrieved altogether er replaced by
°tiers, else that Cisterns be buiiii'l9Irre.
vide'a Supply of soft water. The queatioh :
-of `inoreased a000mwodetion for Males well;
Goole engage the attention of oounoil, and
the inapeotor recommended the use of the
present hospital ward for that purpose; allto
thse a 'imitable bill of fare be dratted and
submitted to the committee, and' that' the;
'rules governing the inmate$ bis. Tinted 'attd,
put up through the' house. 'Thu conmittee'
recommended that all there suggestions bo
carried out ae far as poeeitle.
Ri tonT or Pumice i'JouurnTE11.
A large number of accounts were ordered
paid. The coritmittee reooiia winded that
in future the announcement of the meetings
of oonnoil be not advertised ih the local pa-
pers as hitherto. The council refused
sheep* thie recommendation, and in future"
the county pa ere wilt still reoetve the mti••`
nifloent sum of $3 each for advertising three'
meetings of council. The committee re
commended, and the council' adopted it,
that the oueromary payment of $10 to earth
look -op keeper :n the ooanty, amounting to
814C In,all, be discontinued. The commit
tee ;is of opinion that the returns of the
registrar are.ino_omplete, and that the sun)
of $669 is still due the county, which are
recommend the treasurer to demand poad
recover, if possible, without reoonree to;'
law. We believe the council will only re-
quire to borrow $75,000 to redeem deben..-
tunes,. and recommend that the AO be e
worded that the nonoil may pay pridoipai,
and interest each year,. or pay enterer;
yearly and form a oinking fond. The tretz
surer to facilitate the passing of the sot,
and advertise the debentures for sale before
the June meeting, so that the oonnoil may
be in a position to know exactly how mach
money to pees their by-law for. The com-
mittee recommend that the House of Re-
fnge accounts be payable monthly, exeel,t
those for contracts and salaries, whips
should' be paid quarterly all accounts to
be certified ed by the inspector, and forward-
ed to the olerk, and the warden to issue hie
order for the same at once.
from the best authority that on Mon-
day evening last at the formation of
0 ' ;the young men's Conservative club,
the popular President, Mr John Rana -
ford, publically issued, a challenge to
'tight or eparr to a finish any Grit three
years younger, bald headed or grey
headed ed .nd to be governed by Marquis
of ueenbbuly rules. We ttre unable
to accept the challenge ourselves, but
there are no doubt a number of Grits
who will acept this challenge meta-
' LO.G.T.—In the quarter just closing
the lodge has made wonderul progress
new members being initiated nearly
every night, and we hope that before
another quarter is ended this will be
one of the best lodges in the country.
A couple of eleighloadsspent a very en-
joyable evening at Auburn lodge on
Monday evening, there being a large
number present from different lodges.
Open meeting this (Friday) night. All
are welcome. On Friday night last
the following officers were installed for
the corning quarter: Chief tem. W.
Moore; vice tem., Mise Wilson; P,I:I,T.,
Mr Stevenson; rec. sea, T. J. McNeil;
fin. sec., A.Uooper;Treas , Mrs Seward;
chap., Mrs Stevenson; mar. A. Ford;
guard, Mies Brown; Sen., A. Kitt; or-
ganist, Miss Tibbet.
TOWN OouNCIL.—The committee of
officers recommended the re -appoint-
ment of the old officers as followe:—
Clerk, W. Coats; bell tinge'. etc., R.
Welsh; constable, etc., Jos. Wheatley;
treasurer, N. Robson; assessor, H.Stev-
ens; cemetery superintendent, R. Rey-
nolds; poundkeeper, R. Mennel; engi-
neer, S. Pratt; assistant, Jos. Rider;
foreman, A. Seeley. A motion was
introduced to substitute the name of
H. Wiltse for thet of H. Steven., as
assessor, but was lost on a division.
A claim of Mies Bay, for $28, loss of
time and medical attendance owing to
a broken arm sustained by falling on
the ice, was referred to the Finance
Committee. In reference to the open-
ing up of Isaaac street, the Street com-
mittee were instructed to snake certain
inquiries and report, at next meeting.
The Fire and Water committee were
instructed to purchase a rubber coat
for the chief engineer and coat and
boots for the inspector. The follow-
ing accounts were ordered to be paid:—
W, Coats, salary, 856.25; W. Coats, to
pay firemen, $70; J. Wheatley, salary,
108.75; Meals for tramps, $2.10; Jos.
Rider, salary. etc., $10; S. Pratt, sal-
ary, 818.75; R. Reynolds, salary, $18;
A, McRae, $5; J. Walker, team at fire,
$4; F. McCartney, team at fire, $2;
firemen, filling tank, $7; A. Seeley;
salary, 87.50. The property committee
were authorized to purchase 25 cords
of wood at $2.80 per cord. It was de-
cided to ask the Ontario Government,
through our representative, Mr Gar -
row, to appoint Mr John McGarva
Police Magistrate for this town, he to
receive�th>siees as remuneration there-
for. 7
The committee recommend that the
county assume Whiakey bridge on the
boundary between Huron and Lambton.
In reference to assuming Finn's bridge,
Aebfleld, es a county bridge, reoommenel
that Mr Ainsley examine the bridge and
report at June meeting. Recommend that
the tender of Strome & AdaIr, of $900, for
In regard tp petition ;from county of
Carleton, asking that the Local Legislature
pay for polling booths of looal elections in -
steed of the municipalities, the committee
reported in favor of the same. Recomrpend
that the jurisdiction of Division Courts De
extended, as suggested by the County
Connell of Grey. In regard to the memor-
tail. Clinton Collegiate Institute has sen
in its report. The reports of Inspectors
Robb, and Tom are falk:of information re
gafding ihe dohoole s
teseeOTDR Base's %Pone
Mr Robb subpitted an elaborate report
covering 90:pagee;Qf-foolsoap, of -which *h
following is a very brief summary: -New
sal from Hent, concerning the killing of sohool houees were erected in Brussels, in
sheep bydoge, recommend that no action 1 No. 7, Grey; and No,6 Tpokeremith; No. 4
be taken. Recommended that the pileus- Gray was enlarged; l o. 11 Morris and No
went be petitioned against the iuiportatlgn 6 Hallett were mart imRroved, and others
epent from $30 to 890 in improvements
of pauper ohi1dren to this country. Be- The erection of two new school houses thi
commend that parliament be petitioned to year will leave the buildings in this inspeo
pass a law having all actions arising from triers in a satisfactory condition. At the
accidents on the streets and highways of Entrance and Public School Leaving ex.
municipalities fro to besettledthe e l n be of times 474 wrote and 819 passed; of the lar
arbitration from which there shall ed no ter only 60 obtained Entrance standing.
appeal; also that the law be amended eo The total school expenditure for the year
that all actions be tried in the county was $67,378—being 810,000 more than in
where the ease occurs. With reference to 1894; for teachers' salaries, $43,283; aver
the proposition that the Legislature be age salary $862, being slightly lower than
petitioned to amend the representation so any other year eines 1890; pupils enrolled
that reeves only shall form ,the county 7889,, with an average of 4412. 37 changes
council, recommend that no action be tak- of teaohere took place during the year, of
en. In reference to the proposed increase these the 3M clime certificate of 14 expired
of the Peddlers and Hawkere License from 15 voluntarily Left the profession; 8 on ao-
$25 to $100, the committee recommend count of health. But ten of the children
that no action be taken, as it is the opin-
ion of Mr Garrow that no discrimination
t ' Middleton, have lately remembered
him in a kindly way by a donation of
a load of oats and other gifts of value.
• Gn Friday evening, the loth inst.,
the annual meeting of the Bible Socie-
ty will be held in the Baptist church,
e to be addressed by some of the resi-
dent ministers and others.
A six months' plan of Sunday ser-
vices,foriithe House of Refuge has been
arranged. Service last' Sunday after-
noon was conducted by Rev, Mr Har-
ris; next Sunday the service will be
held by Rev. Mr Stewart.
Mise Sinclair, a missionary from In-
dia, addressed the ladies of Willis
- church on Friday evening last; her
subject was Mission life in India, and
being largely personal experience, was
very interesting.
- Six believers were baptized at the
Baptist church last Friday evening,
The special services will be continued
every night this week and Sunday.
"Prayer for God's servants" is the
subject at the Baptist church on Sun-
day morning, "The first thing to do"
is the evening topic.
In connectiou with Willis church
anniversary services, held on Sunday
last, a collection of 8250 had been asked
for, and the result was a gratifying
surplus of 88 over this sum. The ser-
mons, by.Rev. Dr. McKay, were mani-
festations of deep study and experi-
ence, and were profitably listened to
'by good audiences.
Church Chimes.
Mr Stout's parishioners of the
tion f St. James church,
in rural schools wear spectacles; all but two
man be meds between resident and non- of the schools in the inspectorate 'have
resident hawkers and reside. football clubs. About 71 per Dent of the
Co. TREASURER'S an sn's UTTER. pupils bring lunohons to school, showing
The treasurer's statement showed that that they live at considerable d'stanoe
the expenditure in almost all the county from the school. Of the 80 rural caretakere
accounts was somewhat less than the esti- in Thetaverage
oforate 43t have paidoices is hal
mates. The total debenture debt, .£54,000 size the school sites is half
differ -
sterling, is payable in London, England, on an acre. The total receipts in the the 1st of August next. At the present rate ant municipalities are as follows:—Grey,
510,215; Howiok, 88,988; Hallett, $6,472;
of exchange it would take 8284,000 to pur- McKillop, $6,886; Morris, 86,676; Tacker -
chase a draft for that amount; but exchange smith, $7,932; Tornberry, 84,882; Brussels,
rates fluctuate to such an extent that next $11,565, (new sohool;)Blyth, 81,877; Wroxe-
July the same draft might not cost more ter, $908; Clinton, $4,802; Seaforth, $4, -
than 3262,000. To meet these debentures
there wan et the close of the year 5203,-
000, which will be increased by $5,000 by
let Jnly next, leaving from 854,000 -o $57,-
000 to be provided. The H. of R. has coat
$17,886.14 ; the government grant of $4,000
has been applied for, and will no doubt be
granted, and the balanoe will have to be
raised by the ieene of debentures, and the
440; Wingham, $3,792. Total 877,808,
This report is also briefly summarized :
The total receipts in this inspectorate dur-
ing the year 1895 were 865,858.69 ; ezpen-
disnre, 354,822.24. No. of pupils enrollod,
7,624; average attendance, 4,481. There ars
98 'raral school !sections in this lnspeoto-
goverment will be aeiked to .grant power to rate, with 57 male and 62 female teachers',
the county to issue debentures to the ex-
whose overage age was 94} years. M. G.
tent of 8100,000 for 10 year° at four per Baird, Stanley, hat been 86 years oontinn-
cent. The Registrar's return of fees for onely in his present position. During my
the year 1896 is a little complicated; owl ten years term of office five teaching have
to sir death. The minty slat ,received died of long digest°. In addition to the
$9111.26, and Tame $800 hes alio belie paid teachers mentioned above, there are three
to she provincial treasury. • The treasurer male and nineteen female teachers he the
is of opinion that the latter sum, and also towns and villages. Average salary paid
about 1x875 more should be paid as the male teacher 5392 ; female, 81178 ; two of
county's share the rtatnter. the teachers hold firsts ; 49 seconds, and 80
Hover. OF underesacs (ioxirfTTU third elan cern/lades. No. 0 earinQ ipso -
The committee reported that �tbe sewer- 01 lh; 12 ; who take dinner to whom., 5784,
age ayrtetn of the House was oenrtraeted in Of bhr sohool homer 11 are exeelle,nt, 76
snail a manner that it was fo nd a d, 7 In 7 h
We sorr'y'to,lrrtrn 1'. indisposed at present, a a'Psd&lbobh nre►lar, l o.rdanii$4drAsbil.ld *StIbih; $6x21.45;'flIylisld $9t4.26;aikata'r
hCisil lrii�le► r 5 the, guest of Glinfar- 2; Co1beil 1; florlstisls torvis itip-1;. Gray $U$7 u etodarleh ;*6aa,10.„ Total, ose
'ro* We'ncli st prat7etlt,, •, �Ny, 4; ttltstt l'x'�tiirisk 11; 1[aerllbl ; gi>I.A11.
E. L. OF C. E. -The E.L. of C.E. of
this place held its monthly consecra-
tion meeting Monday evening last,
,conducted by the president. At the
Roll Call a goodly number responded
to their names, both Active and Asso-
ciate members. 'three new members
were received; one Active and two As-
sociate. All the officers were present.
The devotional topic, on Monday
night, of the Ontario Si. League, the
second clause of theledge, was takeh
by Miss T. Moore. In the literary part
of the program a garters of papers were
read on the 11 ve books of Moses, "Hear-
ing and doing" is the deovtional topic
for neat Monday nifght. The iccond
part of the meeting is a question box;
doubts and difficulties, which will be
answered by Rev. W. J. Ford.
Concerning an item In our issue of
last week, Mr Sutherland, , Hensel),
write as follows:—"The reason was
not given-ifar the cutting off of the
said names, I desire you to pirate state
that the reason.. the Session gave was
for "nontattsndance at Communion,"
and that the said Mra Suthet land and
Geo. Sutherlat d allege that they have
good and rufficieut reasons for not
partaking of the sacrament orromm1in-
ion,' and which form. part of their
8ivpterii, AND Co27on1,T.—.'her tidies
Aid Soel.t of St, Paul's church; Ohne,
ten, intend holding it big slipper rind
coneert in thea town hall on. Feb. 18th
and' ore making preparations that will
miptaoll tomer aiiair. f the kind
thei they are .ar rill itoiliot for givinif.
Bs.ld.i the 61$ array of IOW talent in
ell ton Y. P. Local Union
Topics at the several Young People's Society
meetings being held during the week:—
BaptistY,P.U, Monday evening at 8 p. m
The meeting will be conducted by the Pastor.
Rattenbury St. Methodist E. L. of C. E., Mon-
deyY eveningary, Feb.evening. 10th, at 8 p, m. Will be a
Rattenbury 81. Methodist Girl's Junior E.
L. of C, Hf Friday evening from 7 to 8. Topic
forFeb. 7th, Consecration service and collec-
tion. The versos will begin with the first let-
ter of your first name.
Rattenbury st, Methodist Boy's Junior E. L,
of C. E., Monday evening from 7 to 7.45. Topic
forFeb. loth, Bible study on Ruth. Fred 8te-
OntaYlo +Street Methodist E. L. of C. E., Mon-
day evening at 8 o'clock. Topic for Feb. 10th,
Hearing and doing. James 1 22-27; John 19:17.
Leader, Miss Ida Tebbnt. The Question box,
doubts and difficulties, will be answered by
Rev. W. J. Ford.
Ontario St. Methodist Junior E. L. of C. Pl.,
Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Topic for Feb.
ith, How this year may be made better than
the last was. Led by Mies Wilson.
Willie Presbyterian C. R. Society, Sunday
evening at 815. Feb. Oth, Christ Warnings,
Matt. 7, 21.27. Leader, Mise M. G. McEwen.
Londesborough Methodist E. L. of C.,E., Mon-
day evening at 8 o'clock. Topio for Feb. 10th,
What are you buildingl 1st Oor. 3, 10-13. Lead-
er, W. MUlson.
b'urner's Methodist E. L. of O. E., Sunday
evening at 8 o'olook. Topic for Feb. 9th, Hear-
ing and doing. Leader Miss E. Nott.
Holmesville Methodist E. L. of C. E., Monday
evening. Topic for Feb. 10th, What am 1 liv-
ing for and bow can I make the most of my
time; a. W. Andrews.
New Stand
New Stock
But the Same Old Man.
A. J. HOLLOWAY has opened out
a bran new' stock of Tailoring
goods in the store lately occupied
by Mr L Jackson, one door south
of Mr Geo. D. McTaggart's bank,
Albert St., Clinton, and will be
pleased to have ever y body call and
examine stock and select your
spring suit. We have all the
very latest novelties in the trade.
Having purchased for cash from '
one of the leading woollen houses
in Montreal you may depend on
getting the best value for your
I have also placed in stock a line of
Gents' Furnishings :
Hats and Caps
Shirts, Collars,
Cuffs, Underwear,
Which will be sold at close prices.
. A. J. Holloway,
Town Hall, Clinton,
The Cream of all Minstrel Companies. Cana -
dia.. tour tinder tbo management of Mr 8 8.
YOUNG, Proprietor of Crystal Theatre, Toronto
Prices 25 cents, 35 cent. and 50 cents. Reserved
Beate now on sale at JACKSON 51308,
See our Great Parade.
Of all kinds
and for
A complete
Repairs Satisfactory or
Your Money Back
The plan we pursue is
"not cheap watches
but Watches Cheap."
4e make a specialty
of reliable watches—
those that are a delight
to the wearer and a
credit to us.
W. G. Doherty,
Bagga '
•brunt) kora, and the Northw
0k tickets to all
hn. Dah
ckod through to destination.
liable information apply to
Day by day brings eis new
customers, and our Boot
and Shoe business is going
forward at a rate that is
very gratifying. We are
building up this business by
selling reliable goods at the
lowest Cash prices.
The Vow ShOo Firm,
', al ',./ _ 1:,,e•,