HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-02-07, Page 1r 1.4 0 • Depends just how your clothes are put together and finished oiiwhether they ate* going to look the same after you've worn them a time or two as they did when you first pu them on. If they're made rr t --they will, if they're not • ' `the won't, the"11 be allout of sha after being worn a few times. We know how to make clothes that fit and that'll stay tat way. Suppose yon try us? e Is the name of a Linen Collar we -are selling at two tor 25c. It's a new Collar, e. good shape, a good eel- larr'that'll wear. It'll'only cost a quarter to try a couple • ROBERT HOLMES, E'ditot"'a$hror • rlrro , What wide•aweke'and rrr.reliable gjortesperideatelied woe I e i" : CLiNiON, ONT., F B A: 7, 39f CtrateTICNINti,--The lhte0 of li r VV. R li= Piewes was the scene of 'rather nilk,- ,.udge very Fe 11, to comri�telice a p at'y tiara , rare, though pleasing,: event.on Tues-Londesboro' •:cbou' Will e -Assn rePerna,'et to cels to one, day evening, when ztey .kL J..air hn.olds the Methodist ' .Lh,, oh on ue Service en. enliven the plroceedipge: v - . 'g NOTga, Weare aarl•y to riser of the • ch d en all seemed to enjoy Opened with a e cited song service i1t ot,the Sabbath shoo see him around again Moon. Mr R•' c- Lomdhblboro • ' ,' r 1* gip? 'CO $1.5Q w n net so paid. . - Lg Boy, Walter j P M1U- oo a�,Li. agog, fcotbal1mateh y' at recordi ig ter pabllcatlen, snn wil 'Ire a 1.�otaro oil " rnn1r of tacit pRace on ridav ft r steka last ber SaySeld. the day.' the .�benezex"appaitititnetq ween ti#e fl �eeilei 'gears, and the .-- ted to on the Londeeboro uircult on Tuesday, Snail' of Varna, Which resulted in Feb. lit t7 pan. The a blot ' for theSinai' bythree i ,&G lr We cant est week's b t the bapti ed asses small ohtldri� � e day llveniugi, Jan: 288th. The meeting action Will be take up, or the bene•• illatve of E. A. Waukee, but hope to enl�r 's aerernony, felloveed b an able paper n " lie (`Nome: -Oa Saturday the members (7001 of. i arringtq;l, is at present viaMit- Nq�)• s -Miss Fanritiyy isl er+ 'oftown, home at Bethan ," bythe President, of the Orange Lodge attended the fun- lag relatives here, looking hale and spent Sunda��ywith Erie tis n hili nei ywas abyWm. McGill. hearty. i�orhoo�l. Mr J. W utters, of Q•Od�r`i, Mrs Oaten.' This follow ex- sial of their late brother, spint Bandagy with hie parents efe, excises in which many took pRart in of Morris. There is some prospect of a SooI.tL.-One of the most successful Mr and Mss R. White, of Walton, are ..prater and testimony, making this the Christian Endeavor Society being or- socials ever held here was' held at the visiting John White's. • mice Bertha first of a series of succi services n)os6 gp1a��n)ized in the Presbyterian church. residence of Mrs Geo.Beatty,on Friday Crich,f at Johnth, who has ee visit- interesting throughout. Be aureand Moxrdify eveningthe members of North evening last, nirder the auspices of St. rich'a� possess yourself of a copyy of the pro- Star Lodge I.0. of G.T. made a (rater- John's church, Varna. A very enjoyy- Tr rand rani pf`services which the League is cal visit to the lodgq •in Auburn, and able evening was. spent; proceeds $26. aeuing The topic for Sunday even- hada splendid time. Tuesday night in •�•il+`eb: 9 will be "Ohrlst as a the League pStid a vault to the League • AT Ho • ;-An At Home under the ing for the past week at F °' returned home. Mkr 0. Miss Turner, of Carberry, •, W119 g 11tE have been visiting rola :see. ',i ere for • the set couple of month .-left last teacher," led by Jas. Wallis. in Blyth; they had an enjoyable even- auspices f the Ep�worbh League was pp p Cnvnon. There was an extremely ing. We are sorry to say that Nelson held in the Temperance Hall on Wed - Week to visit friends at Woodstock. interesting service in the Methodist Pingle is under the doctor's care this pesday, evenin;k last, when a very en - Rev. Mr Shaw, of Belggrrave, will pc, a able evening cu thepulpit of Turner's church church on Sunday 'morning, the cera- 'week. - Mrs . EL Woodman continues S y was spent. A bounti- PY cion beta the Quarterly Religions very poorly. Mrs Bell, er., was .con- MI spread was. provided by the ladies. next Sab th. An unusually large After the inner mar; was satisfied, an services d the Ba old circuit; the fined to bed for a while, but, is now crowd was'pr`esent: at the League ser- pastor ,addressed the congregation in improving and is likely to be all right excellent. program was rendered, con - vice Sunday sassing and listened to aes usually practical manner, after shortly. A rare treat is in store for sieting of speeches, recitations, duets, most impreeaive and instructive ad- hi h fltabl Love feast was the public in a abort time the 'Good trios and obese ties by, the choir, in • a �e Best, Authority. In Canada on the eye, its errors and defects of vision and the pro- per correction ofthesaereors and defects byglasses is unquestion- ably Mr . Laurence, iof Montre- al. A practical course under his tutorship in the Montreal op- tical school has given our M Allen the knowledge necessary for the scientific testis of the eyes, and the proper fitting of spectacles. He has just returned from shier course with a first-class test case and stock ekSpectacles, and is therefore in a position to guarantee satisfaction to all with defective eyei'1ght. Call any time or any day at he store and he will teat your eyes free. If you don't requite glasses he will tell you. If you do require them be will fit you properly, at.a mod- erate price and gu ante you satisfaction or a rend o you money. See his object in going away now. ALLEN & WILSON , The Druggists. ' dress; we would be 'glad to we w a 'a very•pro e , ' conducted; a large number partook of Templars are to have a grand concert; which the ister, society of Clinton such a large crowd every League the sacrament of the Lord's Snppei'. it will be something extra, as there- took a very preeminent part. Proceeds • `� ��_ meeting. 6 he3t , gage g gr Hunan MArrgris.-•The Methodist amounted to ascii �alrs -''cut; a The official• neeting•of the circuit was nowned singer, Downs, has been en- y $1 . f hereon Mandl afternoon when a ed. Moses Brown ave e► and C Stanley finances yvere° four to be • Ina flour- partyy to his young friends at thehouse quarterly meeting,•held here lust Sab- -Mr William Graham ishan condition• this has been apron- of Ed Crawford, on the 10th con., on bath was lar "el , attended, d •8enertill PERSONAL. g �� left last Saturday for the Old Country y a an p' STATISTICS. -The following area serviceshaving been • held, et which CLINTON. g about.80 persons have professedcon- , few of the statistics of the toweship version; the pastor, Revl,F. 3.- Oaten, 'for 1895. . The total asaessme ntF' Was is to be congratulated upon the -result r4�•9 with a load of lambs. perous.ghuarter for'this field, 2 special Tuesday night.On Wednesday A. one of much Merest and `roes- Rev Noms•-Mr J. Large, of Listowel, is - East Wawanosh. • Nowne.'-W. Bennett is a proud man, he being_ now the head of a family. `MikeiJlarai7oultes has. returned home `after rlirtended visit at her uncle iiollets iii Calvin. Coasting is now $1,860,540, on this there war le Mid or of his abundant labors. County rates $3,487.61~ for township PRESENTATION• -The Methodist par - $2, .00, for general. school rata $1,- nonage, on Lorne Av., was besieged, 189.76 and for Special School ;''area on Thursday evening last, by alelgh $2,818.55; other pu Dees• $12125: Pre"- load after sleigh load from the neigh al amounts levied $� ,26. borhood of Cole's church Goderich lee ire the eo. ne ore - if it But .jot nd rd's 'the ng LONG AND 'FAIT i3iile i township. The pastor and his wife very popular in thesomeofi evenihgs with coir s otor Tom, in ,alis repart. perceiving the were out -numbered young (Dike, and of mature ears that/K' P g Y . act well. From newspaper reports we Dusty Council{ states r„ capitulated at once, so that in a few 'are; -ht • that both Cameron and mrd, teacher in No 1, 'Sterile :• minutes every corner of the parsonage ](Miller worshipped the P. P. A• been "35 years continuously in t ,has was occupied by the besieging party. pp position, and is to -day one, oof�,,tle . In the midst e, music and•aongg and atgreed a remedial to de their ost teachers in the Province.": e ' 9 and jolly chat Mr the A. Cooper Dicing i inionsthaths both men order; our i a unique record, and we clout' led this nun arehofs better � be eq�led in the Dominion the company to order tb give him• the Won to play witheach & society; for there are several features con • ted opportunity of reading the following a certaiinlly that he did neot sign a P. p, with Mr. Baird's services that • (' short but cordial addrean:- To Rev,. b'. d Amax Bs�rarn.—DELLE his A.. pledge at the place, time and date appear upon the surface. Du : 36 OsTHx• W the memibets of in' Dole's mp- a teacher would natural' OP - mentioned nfo h the Globe, for he was yearsut a great many pupils, but Mr bpd netng forth at Belgreve on Jan. llth, upils have not•been mediocre o and not in Goderich jMr Weie>oniller � 1 n dare: of deny that he d: al 1ue dor- as sent a oat urge V , unre t in question.] 'W. Y oil" -nen Particularly, coo to'. i rominent positions in the cam tlfalee1 -0f-�Bertlaa,-w•Mwn.,•_rs`arlaiting many o his ala friends in this liection after an absence of eleven years• his mother ac- cornpsnied him. Will Porterfield, son of our popular towaahip , clerk, who has- been employed in the grocery business in Brandon. Man.. called on Man of his old friends on the 12th con.iat week; he intends returning to Braddon soon; we will always be leased- to hear of his success. John er, Wingham's popular hunter, ,shot a`fbx near R. Mason's barn last 'Week, after a lively chase that lasted for.two hours. Ursa Sadie McDougall, who has been on the sick list for some titne, is slowly recovering. Mrs Wm. Anderson. of the lath con., is danger - oriel 'y i11 her many friends are anxious - 1y` aiivaitin_g her recovery.Mr and Mrs Jae. Elliott are in Clinton this week, visiting their "brother-indaw, Mr Wm. Harland. pe st Mea auos.-The Globe of Saturday - had the following concerning a very interesting event'-,Ballymoor, Bast Taro to, the residence of Dr. happy0.Moor, was the scene of a on W_ednesday evening hen event Sorin ,Balfour, of Regina, N. W. T., atidb,Miseaennie Meliie, daughter of Mr Rbibe'rb'Mellis, P. MA of Kippen, were united in matrimony. Rev. P. Straith wa a world; then again he has green them the best moral Impetus possible. A man of strong moral convictions a.good-living man, he has unpceased similar principles upon his echolel)s, and they have gone forth with good character formations that are of Ines- titnable value. Further than all this behaa'moulded Chareseterrarideitrength- ened convictions in the community where he has so long resided. so that his influence for good bas been immeas- urable, and deserves every word of commendation given him. Leeburn. WILD OAT. A resident of the Canal Road wits quite surprised one morning to see what he believes to be a wild cat. At first he thought it was a dog, but looking again, and examining the tracks where it rain acroes the road in - convinced it to Young's agw wild -cat. Thhe is is quite an unusual sight in these parts. Y.P.S. E. -The society held their monthly Ieusinesa meeting in the hall on Friday evening, and after a good deal of bus nese was discussed an dis- posed of, a short literary program was given by the members. This is only the beginning of the,monthly meetings and we expect that as we continue, in- terest will increase, and as members M. A., of Innerkip, uncle of the groom, take part in the ps1 performed the ceremony, in the pre- talent may be devil settee of a few of the immediate relit- LOST Cow. -Qui twee. The groom was euppported by paned to a cow belonging to Dan Dec- them success. Cadet McCitetr'ILmdue r'. e: brother. Mr D. M. Balfour, of Lead, which was being wintered at G. Sundercoe! , E .-t�errinaea; ,t. r+prung. ountForest and hie cousin Mr Mel- Fulford's barn. She was missed on come me to Help Oapt rt Se ondYidte a 3, 1 eJJ02A�ONl SAH a�stitt}is8irmrbq ,+ -. • . J1i19BfAetdrisOlprr ram, good literary ped• an adventure ha Walken, daughter and son made a Henry A. NeStrapmbe •of Clinton, was Wending a tew days with his bcoiexs' visit, to the village after an absence of the preacher, and delivered a very in-law,, R. Ooad. ' Mr Johnetou, eight months; they looked quite na- encouraging and" :practical discourse teacher at.glx4mith, occupied the pul- tural '`:and appeared as though the and:gave an interesting address to the RR in ,$eneall Methodist church on world used them very well. Mr M. Sabbath School in the evening. The Sunday evening last. We are pleased Mains paid a, visit to Wingbam on Quarterly Board, on Monday, was well to state that Rev. J. Walker's family, Tuesday. Miss Moorehouse spent represented, the finances ofthecircuit who. have been sick for the past week, Sabbath with Miss Etlin , andleft for are not as well forward as they ought is imps oving. Mr . Jas. Bonthron is Lucknow on Monday. Mr Riley has to be, but the hope is entertained that egcin in the bank, relieving Mr M. received a car load of shingles this they will be brought up at the close of walker, who is sick.. Mr J. Zufie has week. The Graugers spent a social the year. It was resolved that as Mr taken Mr E. M. Robinson as .partner time together Monday evening in the -.S. J. Pollock, who has been a member in the boot and shoe business. Mr A. Foresters' hall. Mr Melville has re- of this board for several years, has Murdock, of Thamesville, who has signed his position as teacher in the moved from the circuit since our last Purchased the boot and shoe business Presbyterian Sabbath School, owing meeting, we desire to express our re- of Mr A. Weselob, arrived in town on to his absence from home. Mrs T. gret mewl; removal, and our high ap- Wednesday evening;he will ]lye in Mr Riddel and Miss Agnes Riddel return- nreclation of 'hie consistent christian R. Cudmore's new house. Special re- ed from St. Marys on Wednesday. life and his zeal and usefullness as a vival services were begun in the Meth- . chestier' worker, and also our sincere odist church here the beginning of 'this Hallett wishes for the future well being and week by the pastors, and are being _ =these of himself, his wife and well attended. ointments ave Assembled this evening for IMPROVEMENTS. -- Mr Sanderson' y'• - CHURoa.-The quarterly sacrament - tee puriioae of unwiring you that we appreelste who bought Mr Braithwaite's farm, on al services in connection with the your services, and to offron this small pres- the 14th, as malting extensive improve- Porter's Hill. Hensall circuit was conducted in the ants a load of oats (35 bushels.) Yon have done • meats to hid tiara: He is also getting all an7 one oonrd do hi the pulpit mud out of it irraterial on the groyne for a new lD$4saH,-Rev. F. J. Oaten will Hensel' lker, ofu iii o n circus preached to benefit nitepiri and wq wish you ■o Understand that we highly value the same- house, which is likely to be occupied preach at 7 o creek in the Methodistp our prayer b that you may be long spared to by a junior member of the family. church on Sunday evening. very acceptably to a large con$re a- preaoh the gospel of Christ and that you mar tion;. after which the sacrament; of the continue to be successful in winning souls for BUILDINGS.—Mr M. Mains has con- I.O.G.T.-The I.O.G.T. met on Tues-` Lord's Supper was dispensed by the the Master. Signed oa baa of the members tracts for the following work this day evening, and after the business of pastor, Rev. Mr Swann, assisted by of Cole's 3rethodist eb year: -bank barn for John Direr. East the evening was transacted a very in- v J. Walker. On ,Monde the BO. A, Qooras. W tereati program was rendered, con-eL r a arsaos awanosh; bank barn for Geo, Watt, nngg p gquarterly official board of -theHensel" Mr Oaten replied in a few well rhos- Harlock; bank barn for Wm. Sander- slatingofrecitations, solos, instrument- circuit met in the church, the financial eon, 14th con.; bank barn for John Mc- al music, etc. Without casting any returns were satisfactory. The Board bn words. Severpl short speeches fol- Ilio ,Morrie; bank barn for M. Can- reflection on others who took art into lowed expressive' of the esteem in sin sham, Morris; bank barn for Jas. the program, the soja byMiss �. Cox gave an invitation be Rev. W.S. aniKerr, which Mr and Mrs Oaten were helot by gg g of Wroxeter, to become the senior the members of that congregation, Nethery, 'Morris, Hand other minor and the recitation by Miss L. Waggle pastor after the present Conference after which the ladipe served temptingwork' were not only choice selections, but year, when the present plwwtor will refreshments, and the compactMs left NoTns.-r John Jenkins, who has were rendered in such away as to re have completed his full term. Rev. for home with pleasant thoughts of been visiting friends in Wingham for fleet credit upon the givers. Onen the of Mr Kerr accepted the invitation, sub - the evening at the parsonage. the past week, has returned home ac- tram forinent xt Tu da •features n o ht will bpro- 'jest to the action of the Stationing OoUNaXL.-Council met on Feb. 3rd. companied by Miss Lillie Jurrie. Mie spelling match. y g committee. Moved and seconed that B. R. Swarts Wm. Knox entertained a few friends and Sam. Blair be pound keeper for the very pleasantly on Monday evening. WEDDING BIDLLB.-Last week we Bruce$eld Village for 1896 -carried. The follow- Mr John Best is on the sick list. Mrs had to note the marriage of one of our • PAwri.-A number of friendsggath- were apppointed a Board of Health Geo. Beat intends leaving for Manito- most estimable youngladies, in the ered at the residence of Mr W G. for 1898 -John Falconer, Thos. Clam- ba in a couple of weeks; we are sorry person of Miss Susan ox, whose pre- Scott, one evening last week, and had eron, with Reeve.Ulerk and Constable; to lose her in this vicinity, as she had stance and help in church and Sunday a very enjoyable time. John Biggart, Health Inspector; Dr. won the highest esteem of all who School work will be greatly missed, ANOTSEa PIONEER Goten•-Still an Sheppard, Medical Health Officer.- knew her. Miss Emma Pollard. our but the loss thus sustained by this other break has been made in the Moved and seconded that the account popular music teacher,was around lay- neighborhood, we trust, will be a gain ranks of Huron's band of pioneers. - of Dr. Sheppard for $2.85 be paid,Reeve mg wood -bye to her pupils, as she in- to some other. This week we have Mra Duncan moDonam, wife of Mr rant order for the same -carried.- tends taking a trip to Dakota. the pleasure of announcing another DuncaRoad pn McDonald, of the London Council Monday, March 2nd, ourned t 7.80 n m. again on a y, S. 1896:-Lessons-Jr.2nd-Honor Roll ! C. r Sun- Conu- happy , of the 8th coon. union in the and Miss Maoes of Mr w day of last weassed peacefully k, at yawn on Frif- Noms.-On Friday evening last a dercock, J. Sprung, M. Oollinson, M. Pickard, of the ant line. This Dun number of our youngpeople drove Elliott. Sr, 2nd -G. Lear, B. Sander- couple are both prominent figures in 5Ct�tH1° soeiet and we wish them evarsherri '•l? ';;1`;o .711%0. :: sa. , skip this coun over to Varna to attend a social under son N. Bowes. Jr. 8rd-G. Rose, A. y' pr the auspices of the English church; Bedford, A. 1du h tar. 3rd -M. cans in their weddeddiif.vd'Ma role * they report having a good time. The Lear, R. };owes, E.Bedford. Jr. 4th- bto ehind flowers beatibd tlie&�artli tri Socia committee of the Christian En- Melville Beggs. Sr. 4th -M. Morris, life, and mays Qheeregen nldfiLsftHfl'' deavor of the Presbyterian church g behind the•rrlilwcus irNi a nal d : Atha y H. Little, G. Collinson M. Murphy, A. dashiutf �us bv,band no soca(.,,d a; efts held a meeting, Monday evening, at Brigham. Behavior -M. Murphy. R. re b �Y r� r' Dr. Stanb : no dont some social Bowes, N Brigham, A. M I sty:_ • _.tj.. cit.•:. !! evenings will be the resulthoze wish Morrie. E. Sanrheg¢�r�„n .1, Spk;i>r4• elite Neaten, of Exeter. Mn Caenp- Thursday afternoon last, and no trace 'bell, of Ltralknow, and Miss M na Hut- or tidings could be found of her until rlt of repast and Miss Georgia Fitz- Tuesday morning, when it was found e a o ► 6 t into a t ood work of.l,hea alelatdouenil. calls itneil I ld of rbnto cousins of a bride that she had by some mqq►►��s�g� tOdieseadegavale were the tedetneide. The 'nide was swill pig lien underhtSaVlb■fhb straw ,¢1 em� R 1p`tfideo ay attired in white cordonnet stack. She wag.: gen out but is un. anq 4111cP lar gy re n t a.,( etir e , • gilt) AiR,.lehldte.. eat. mea t}e, • • ,, ' ; eNeei eeerli iiaa Ail vl ng CPTIVillY� LI 4' 1 4i4A tR , �PA8it8� ° ', ° "d da�eiliet low.9.FiLegartigg�ta ci e Yliik, tr tamed with chiffon and pearls, a , . • . ui a , ■ jpfa- tur tarried a boquet of bridal roses.- `t.. •{m' • olAt$a i ®i ei ilmrri b 'd there, end Wr o�+� IFS �:.� •: i rd mt that -she ere, gq� I�'a pt,s(;rt R Miss nc U P�ted hero will ane k A. t .finking of a daint w hr ti the happy ifctidW-�'d'o fo . sir , t d and'ureirs g t6b1_�t West 'aim r '. n 'Ydi hoe• • - d■ lot ,etio no em scall! td r �� i �# lri �alact da■o b , �e,� • • . a et �taaiaa.o '.ti .ct fi • ; t caste larch Stree �i 1' 2:' . gin, ari war . • east astir - #kU'> er�' en�ratAitiv teas th an amount of tereeti �g a ng s , d churolynfne�rlgeetter' �i; oeetingl �y riHdii6Fe1'a spec satld� the Idrbpliftt-� y,�.,y.:�g ostersv Uoti!y9u ipec t nisi 4ieptideer very intereetin jj, Ot #k .. r • �fi�Mi� A(M�if►�frLT�t. sfoit�ii risnitsieseantiditait oatainoasAeb-. Itaaahnolk r811rearisttail wesWiead bm4 tSeeles)dna em6beotate; at rroewsbrri 00V! iteinin dlbsati7id�eteedtscldtttrlsfn it �" toneadetinlirbliitaierve*I iabrde(itttrrtb..; ate - rr � rberSesette latildilthletraq 1111hOtt wakghribla tederWs ogn.8b'to, igdticUl s me oin belie ing Orel • ••.tarn•i b+y '"^ �-E(� i. Th. °•f �r ' of •r, ttho livetsn 'electives thie. .;40tivlciiyii ci r."K.V► . r. 444 aeerrdeeke death cvalieoai ikb in curtail, el�ra dg0 eMesienik i t tenni tlekeitSd:40E I stile ell -ed Jl iiiala nitdd1 ar la;d[ eliatrlieaitr401416: y • rostedssai rerlerichriki y one day hist V dict ten •: staying for sonde Iillireicbrt(sD1tuD iyrotelieitaarte eMs ries e,eifz<y abk 9htm7lot8 aiaOdd, elm i� bot ate( o bad latieWP Keane, sojanelIt riikAtkr idiaanall'atioi Hili "idrbvibha#tusQonelltlong obrrth® h`tiois� this s •spell ! iliotri s esti fk�tJrnwila9ih anbiAta Mti sows slims stn� tt amiudldile!rat btvita aii,riheughl ntutaaaxblar illd'aut'tttttl bointe#�d iaad 8 910 000 briltertt r o 1J o tdgin odiMno Liam o 17yd •rye ,TJ a •a,.r, nrr•° reek eebesob � W 9•ia'vd JIB] ,, , j;,�Wf,{ clivi" (noun so cu; br �b rt• p.wi ' r3nq>yd 0.1 uburn: of a; v. . • .13 rut •tom G. Youn .,� eit91 bh"efl ��E *ORM drib! e . : iiir irj', `ANCii •man friends who came to poseI a becetels stadvil ntobene ie eiillr�iMit tm'et Shw inc a e•••• , ofi thu atel�ioit B&W badrehi 1daidug,ihee Edi . tri mierssb • • • moi» James, she ' ' erdilrierualifd itmee h`. „!AI rq •y ,,' Flit,• I:, i'f :' 4e9 • `•i l ',14•t' %'euoie Kai e1114rsEdl-e �}i sdoliliss 9Sfrauttlibsi,totft �r(,t a rbGIbeta9>t • uifiiibltomru Davis, o Exeter, is visitltgrailritui%lpbq ®�l o6 iih5. with S er had fit f_ o-s.r Tit 1112 : eco • n • I *rt.,: coon y,'Wi ;inof the e 1 •d r! i t ?T I. .o w Aire" .1 - rr . _eirenfifrt tre • ' — -44" $,,ilr)+l ti4 y nets/ id ts*I0iit" . AA".. yiY rrt� tt t heath tar morin 'ter*. I H : P u51 P .on Varna grounds, t tin! iii nesatuerr s1 ffir. nabtOgi gttiesoiioi arf x ' donor nl l ., tri bsgng` DM elikindBelbq �ed 4a ' 'rsfrrr 1t hiStheiragergednillWeenis ome, *ma* t i5iI tO Viindotiltio14404/100tnik !hi 1o41001'rt1 blbid g,niteot r oixif xlb%zoridia: ebO4 3 - b : • _ lti0o,iebhasd401rfga tYt 0dit litteleirbf es9lbfJn llf91 t t jitidiitft • „-.7, �irecotucl wit"hiae4 • 4111.1610,611•• diff Wanz 044 • `1'lwr t tt that the kiwi iirtiIK!Oii ' W 1 .