The Clinton New Era, 1896-01-31, Page 9J041,100 '3L 'POO'
rAtQA11`, J' N. 01, It sat:
Mrs A. W.Ilarrtt`will receive ..wait«
Wednesday, Thursday and 1?ridey of
oat week, At: the residence of Mr A, Gook.
BC, north.
Ari "it iflonio"" under ilio auspices
Of ,the Woro:an's Mission £tuxiiiary of Bat,
f nbpry"Si. Methodist ohureh, will be held
at #hp Parsonage, Huron 13t., this Friday
evgningf Jatr. ,lot. An ;excellent program
nail -Chen arranged, conaieting of choice
Mniipal gielectione, Beadings and Reoita-
ions. A. most enjoyable evening may be
anticipated. .'A. cordial welcome is extend -
x edtto all. Program {will commence at 8,—
Admiseion 10 conte.
BRtter and Eggs wanted-•CANTELON Biwa
E'lanlr eacchanged fpr wheat, Rolled oats for
Otte at O.OLSON'S, Clinton.
FB,¢TItI1RS.--Good Goo0a, Duck and Chicken
feathers taken in exchange for furniture at J. 0.
STEVENSON'S Furniture Store.
T�bere.muY be better to cent Cigars than the
htelrote. ;t,11.1 a are not better 10 gent Cigars for
cents, and you will agree with us it you will
but try them. There may also be better to.
baocos than Triumph cut Tobacco,t& lb tine,
but just the same it is good enongu or some
of the beet judges of Tobacco In Town. If it
isn't good enough toryou we have others. Old
Chum, Mastiff and T. & B. at 10o.—ALLEN &
Yffio*vn iffiop;c$.
PATRONS. --The annual meeting of
the county Patrons association will be
held in the town hall, Clinton, on
Tuesday next, Feb. 4th. All Patrons
are welcome, but of course only dele-
gates will be allowed to vote.
Fr is N. G.—We notice that several
of our exchanges are advertising the
"Royal Scalp Good," Windsor. We
hoe they will l e more fortunate in
getting;La{d . for their work than we
were. • To three dunning letters we
received no reply. But we • are not
clone with the `Prof." yet.—Mitchell
Advocate. [The NEw ERA is also
among the victims, and what makes
the matter more aggravating, ie the
fact, so it is stated, that the advertis-
ingg_was put out by a former publisher
of Huron county.]
A ORANGE.—Mr A. J. Holloway has
decided to go into business for himself,
and will open out a clothing store in
the premises formerly occupied by Mr
1. Jackson. He has had considerable
experience, is well and favorably known
here, and will make aush for a
share of the trade. Mr Hp J. Morgan
will succeed him as manager of the
ordered clothing branch of the Dry
cGoode Palace. Mr Morgan comes
from one of the best houses in Guelph,
and will doubtless sustain the repute -
,tion the Palace has already built up.
hitherto conducted by Mr S. S. Cooper
ie now being managed under the flrm
-name of Cooper Bros., Mr Alex. Coop-
�er"having been admitted as a partner.
The new firm has the following con-
tractson hand for completion this
season: -.-Reeve Burns' new house at
Bayfield: new brick house for John F.
'Dane, Hallett; frame house for George
Watts, Mullett; .addition and over-
hauling the . hoagie of C. F. Dale, Mul-
lett, vanth a number of other smaller
jobs. The bpilding prospects—partic-
ularly in the country--epem to be good
this season.
NEARLY A BLAzx — The town hall
• narrowly escaped destruction by fire on
Wednesday afternoon: MrWelsh had
int : a fire in the furnace in order to
beat the building for a concert practice,
' shutting off properly the hot air regis-
ter in front of the lock-up. The hot
air pipe here got unduly heated, setting
fire to the cellar joist, and the wonder
is that it had not happened before, as
Joints are too near the pipe for safety.
A well -directed •stream of water soon
glut the fire out. It was fortunate that
it did not break out in the night, for
once fairly started, the building could
not. have been saved. The place has
since .::n made perfectly secure.
Ta ".hRDENsHiP.—At the meeting
of the County Council, on Tuesday,
Me, ' , os. Strachan, reeve of Gray, was
ele-r:, warden by a majority of one
over Mr 11. Eilber., reeve of Stephen.
The former • is a Liberal, the latter a
Conservative. Mr Strachan is one of
• the oldest reeves in the councils (al-
•' / though out for a short time) and will
creditably fill the Warden's chair.
e same can very truly be said of Mr
;Silber, who is one of the ablest men in
the bounty council. This position
ostially goes by party favor, but as
the Liberals claitn a majority of five in
the countil, they could not all have
supported Mr Strachan.
Fv1 nnAL DELAY.—The funeral of
fes• ° Miss Moore, announced by circular for
• 10.10 last Friday morning, did not take
place until Saturday afternoon, owing
to a numberof unforeseen and very un-
, pleasant contingencies. As the body
WAS being brought aoross the Detroit
river, an officious Canadian officer, so
it is alleged, refile d to allow it to be
' landed, although accompanied by the
ostial medical certificate, signed by the
doctor who bad attended deceased.
When the friends got to the station
• ' here op Friday and found neither body
on the train or received any explana-
tion as to its delay, they were aston-
,dshed, but a telegram had nevertheless
• been forwarded. from Windsor, an-
, bouncing the delay, but by some unite-
. countable reason it did not reach here
until after 12, o'clock. However, the
'body' came along on the evening train,
accompanied by friends, and was in-
terred from the home of Mrs Crich, an
'aunt of deceased, on Saturday after-
noon. , .
` FIRE,—At about 7.30 last Friday ev-
• eningthe house of Mr Jas. Milder. Al-
bert St., wee found to be on fire in an
`upper bedroom; ef7ecte below were
hurriedly reanav and nothing could
lie done tv se pert' a building until the
arrival of_the: engine. Owing to
• the eat eondition of the roads it was
Borne time before it could be hauled
a'tip the hill. The house --brick,' with a
frame fading, fortunately burned.very
• Slowly, and the tipper part wades pretty
Weil gutted, The fire did' t read.
to any other proper, r Mr
Howeon's house was . 1 F. �� +t+ 0 We
'Understand there was , p inns ' i °ce of
1000 on "tilt • contents end $; on that
`building The Ayala sitftjrohed to have
originated from a •defeetrve chimney.
Although there ,wawa big crowd on
the Street* at the tline, nearly every
man kept his .bander in hui pockets and
• ,declined to help eitherlthe horses with
the engine, or the Men with ' the base
Cart. Alt credit, to the. few who did
17Nrairrorta,ra d .young Wan of
town who some trrnoago returned from
the States, itwai, supposed, for ,the par.
pass of getting married, reeeivod wora.
one day laebw-.=k from Milwaukee that
his turziiture, valued at about jisal0,
was destroyed by fire, together with
the wareboute in 'which it W014114,
There was no insurance On the! fur-
nitQre. •
To mt E ngg1p -.So great i4,
demand for tete Doherty Organ hat;
the preieut large buildings are found.
altogether . inadequate for the ,busi•
nese, and Mr ,Doherty -contemplates
adding a story to the centre building
and also filling in the intervening
space; this would give considerable
amore room, and it is expected these
changes will be made in the 4pring.
TRIFLES.—Saturday was like a fair
day in town. The pitch holes are very
bad through the country. Mrs Sten -
eon, late of Manchester, who has been
visiting for a few days, einigrated to
Exeter. The House of Refuge receiv-
ed two more inmates last week, mak*
big 60 now in the building. The month
of January has passed without much
severe weather. Regular meeting of
council next Monday night,
Nom So—For some time it has_been
rumored about town that each of the
milkmen had been find for watering
his milk. No attention was at first
paid to the slanderous story, as being.,
entirely without foundation, it was
supposed no one would believe it. But
it has become so general, that in justice
to the parties concerned, it should be
denied. The story has not au atom of
foundation as regards any of the per-
sons concerned; and those who, repeat
it do so at the risk of a suit for damages
DEATRS.—A recent lease of the
Christian Guardian contains an obitu-
ary notice of the death of Mrs Graham,
wife of Dr. Graham, formerly of Wing -
ham, which occurred at Frenso, Cal.
Deceased was a sister of Messrs Fred
and Eby Rumball, and was born in
Goderich township in the year 1839.
At Hamilton, on the 18th.Mrs Keef-
er, mother of Rev. B. 13. eefer, and
Edwin Keefer, late of Clinton, died in
her Nth year.
The first death among the inmates
of the House of Refuge occurred on
Wednesday morning, on the demise
of John Sadler, of Wingham, at the
age of 60 years. He has a brother also
an inmate. The brothers were at one
time well-to-do citizens of Wingham,
but lost their property, it is said,
through being their own worst enemies.
His body was taken to Wingham for
The other day Mrs Cooper, Albert
St., received word of the death at Vir-
den, Man., of Mrs Joslin, wife of Mr
John Joalin, for many years a resident
of town. Deceased was a sister of the
late Thos. Cooper, and leaves a grown
up family, only one of which, if we
mistake not, is now a resident of
Mrs. Wanless, wife of Mr. John Wanless
jr., the jeweller, died at the residence, 740
Spadina avenue, Toronto on Monday
last. Deceased had been i11 only since
Thursday last, peritonitis being the cause
of death. She was a daughter of Rev. .Dr.
Gregg, of Knox College, and sister of
Mrs. A.Stewart,of Clinton. Widely known
and respeoted—a prominent worker in
Bloor street preebyterian ohuroh—her loss
will be keenly felt.
NOTES. — Some interesting local
matter will be found on ofir 2nd page.
Miss McKinley, of Seafortb, has been
the guest of Mrs W. S. Harland for
several days. All the hearses in Sea -
forth were engaged on Saturday, and
it was necessary to also borrow one
from het e. Mr J. Robertson, of Ash-
field, was here last week on a visit to
his father-in-law Mr McAllister. Mr
Bradwin, of the Blyth Standard, and
Mr John S. McKinnon were
in town on Friday last, attending the
funeral of Mrs McMurchie. Miss Car-
ter, of Tuckersmith, daughter of Mr
Henry Carter, is learning the dress-
making with Mise Shipley. The wife
of Reeve Bawden, of Exeter, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs T. Shipley.
The Fire Company will supper at the
Waverly House on the evening of Fri-
day, Feb. 7th. Mies Lillie Tebbutt is
spending her holidays in Stratford
and Milverton. Geo. Cooper, who has
been off work for several months, has
returned to his position with Mr John
Emmerton. Messrs Plumsteel & Gib -
binge have moved into their own
building, Brick Block. D. Cantelon
shipped a load of hogs yesterday.
Reeve Kennedy and Deputy -Reeve
Cooper are attending the County Coun-
cil meeting. The wife of Mr Charles
Robb, of Dakota, is the guest of her
father-in-law, Mr W. Robb. Mr John
Joy has Bold Iris house and lot on North
St. to Mr Chas. H. Carter; it is said
that the family will leave shortly for
Ontario, California. Mr W. Young.
who has reeided here for nearly 20
years, expects to remove to Goderich
in a few days, where he has taken
stock in the proposed furniture fac-
toryy. Mr L Taylor has been appoint-
edU the .county auditorehip, and will
make an excellent officer, being an ex-
pert in figure work. Races take place
at the rink to -night. A meeting of the
Horticultural Society was held last
'(Thursday) night. Quite a number of
horses have en bought here lately
for the English market; they will be
shipped from Wingham. Mrs Sturge-
on, of San Francisco, (sister of Mrs
Oakes, sr.) is this week visiting her
niece, Mrs A. H. Goodwin. There'
have been four people married out of
the Hotel Clarendon in one month and
four days, the parties being Mr and
Mrs E. M. McLean, Mr A. Hartt and
Mr J. Emmerton. Harvey Callander
has bought front Mr. McClacherty his
splendid team of matched,driver's. A
eon of Conductor Schwab, of the L.,H,
& B„ while handling a revolver, acei-
dentally shot himself in the rigght hand.
Gordon Henderson. of Goderfch, form-
erly of Clinton, has been appointed tic-
ket agent at Stratford, and the Herald
of that place eaye:-+•"It may be unkind
to spring a compliment so 500ft upon
an esteemed young resident, but Mr
Henderson is one of the best -looking
young ineB in town. Mies Mei{ardy
has gone on a•.ttvo week's visit to Tor-
onto;; .Mise Combe will perform her du-
ties asor+ anistintheMeantime. Alex.
ngles, who is employed with W :Weir;
the misfortune to slip down lately
and break. his legg. Mr Twitchell, sr.,
who has been restdinie`boson* timeat -
Weikerton, is again living with his son
Mr James Twitchell, Miss Annie Vitt.
simmbrns ::Is visiting ..friends ,around
foderkob and Dungannon,, Concert in.
°town hall fait night, Thursday. We
re lorry to.learn that Mt* Fames, of
t3latrdeboye,,; forme ly Mies . ?MUMS
Grundy, a. teacher c tooth, lies at the
point of death S, the, atzlounl: of
home new .the Nit RRA gives this,
week, then com it with othhei.W-
$ailirday, Feb,, —marks—the—end' of die great $amson.Eon-
nedy sale, It has been. an unqualified success from
414' outset. The end of stocktaku g Ando us with many
,i data and 0114$ Of; goods we'd rathernot have. To
Blear theme out entirl j' this season, the early days of
February, will see many money saving chances all over
the store. Every end short enough to *be called a
remnant bas been measured up and a price put on it
that means money saved for the buyer.
Months Ago
We were making preparations • for the coining season's trade.
• Samples by the, hundred were gone over and orders
placed in order to "secure early delivery of those lines
needed by people who _like to take time by the fore-
lock and do their spring sewing early. Already the
advance guard of the purchases bas arrived, and on
Monday next will,keready with
English Prints,
Canadian Prints,
The prices on the staple goods are right. Just! a word about
the Prints and Embroideries. The prints are the kind
- that are soft, that Fear and keep their color, while the
Embroideries were imported direct from, Switzerland.
and are the neatest, the daintiest, thikprettieSA tterns
and best values that have ever been insido four
walls of this store. More about them nkct week.
They're here now, -ready for your inspect{on, and you're
welcome to look at them any time whether, y ou care to
buy or not.
Oin gauss
Is over and the many people who got our
great bargains will be more than satisfied.
We had a big day, and the people' who
were fortunate enough to strike the `lanth
sales, expressed the greatest pleasure
when they got their money returned.
We are now stocktaking and getting
ready for spring, and we will have a good
many surprises for shrewd Clothing
buyers before many weeks go over.
(And wowsn are in sense included.) If you want to real**
remainder of the above quotation, rind have trio*already't5,tEttarl.,
their qualities examine°our stook of Hand Baskets, for wider; ws
have been olairuing many and superior advantages in qualify,
and price. We must dispose of them.
a Thing
that is advertised greatly is good, it goes and goes permanently,
When it is bad it only goes for a while. The public find it ont.
Time testy the merit of all .things, and stamps its approval or
dieapproval. The stamp of approval bas been given to o'er
Baskets. You never saw superior values.
The W. D. FAIR CO.,
Agents for Parker's Dye Works.
We take stock on the 1st day of Februar/
From now till February we will givia; y.
in all kinds of
BOO 'lam. @z` ndAH
Come and see fo "°`' self. -
rHE ONE PRICE CASH STORE. B der and Eggs taken at Cash pri
s Eiderdown Flannel, 6i
A, r.sods for 36.�pents.
9 Babies' and Children's Eiderdolgn
Coats 30 to 50 per cent T.'
regular prices.
1 lotr'iildren's
1 lot [kJhildren's
1 lot ;Children's
Fid r `4Boas, were 25e f" I'or 18c
Fur Boas, were ,g5c.�
Fur Boas, were et ,� • 3c.
1 lot Wool Toques, 30 cents off regular prig.
1 lot Ladies' Wool Shawls,
were 51.25 for 75c.
1 lot Ladies' Wool Veli
were $1 for 65c.
MILLINERY --We have some choice goods ie ,
Trimmed and Untrimmed. The former prideEt W rhot
440111 be considered. We clear them all at bat'gai>i prices
rather than carry them over. q
L041&114011WItivorlie bi%