The Clinton New Era, 1896-01-31, Page 7')'over .oae a liniment' ler rbeum tillpnl Oen fi It bigb apctilgal Itnthority. , Don't rob 1jn-drivti it•otlt, Wako sore.etbiug that will improve )our.dlecstiion, end -'build up. the body to t..o perforation of robust health. Teat 'something" is ldcutt's Sarsaparilla, a remedy that plailna the best results iu the euorteet time. IA, of all. druggists. The Thinks Needed. "Nowntiin is a voting novice, isn't hel" asked Brown. "Novice? I should env lie was i He doesn't know a egrocket from a handle- bar, " said Watkins. " Why, the .ocher day we were pinuning a ride for Saturday and told film to ho sure and bring hie repair outfit along. On Saturday, when he came around to theliouee, I asked him if be had remembered the repair kit. 'Bove I?' he exclaimed, 'of course I have,' and with ttese words he brought out a big leather pocket -book containlug a box of salvo, a emelt bottle of arnica, a roll of bandages and about a square yard of court -plaster l'-Harper's Bazar. • QOblET1MI1S the mos careful women are the most careless. Many a woman bundles herself up, puts or heavy clothing and wraps and furs tt keep out the cold - to keep out sickness -when she is neg letting the veil worst sickness tha can come to a wo man. She is allow ing a slight disorde to grow, to becomt worse, to slowly and surely sap her vital ity. The little pair and the other eligh indications of trouble seem to he unimportant. Sht pays no attention t them. By and b, they grow a IIttL worse, but she 17 used to them thee and t:•kee them as t matter of course. By and by, they havt grown into dragging pains that occasion ally keep her in the house_. that occasionally put her to bed. Then she knows what it the matter, but she won't eo to a doctor be cause she knows he will insist on " exam inations " and " local treatment." Sht roes on, with increasing suffering, unti: ife itself becomes a drag. Nervousness sinking spells," digestive disturbances, and fifty other complications may arise from the same cause. Frequently such symptoms are treated as digestive dis- eases when the root of the whole matter ie the derangement of the organs distinctly feminine. Over thirty years ago the need for a reliable remedy for so-called " female complaints," was recognized by. Dr. R. V, Pierce, then, as now, chief consulting phy. sician to the World's Dispensary and Inva- lids' Hotel, at Buffalo, N. Y. He prepared Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the most wonderfully effective remedy that has eves been used for such maladies. Its sale noes exceeds the combined sales of all other medicines for women. Its effect is perceis table almost immediately. It relieves pain, allays inflammation, checks debilitating drains, and quickly subdues other distress, ing symptom. It makes the organs and their surrounding tissues " strong an haalthy, th shy correcting displacement/ and invigo,:,ting the whole body. 4 1 1 0111140, , AN IMPORTANT CASE. Ia, VICTORIA, ,COUNTY (ONT.,) PED- TsF1t B1.0'Vi ,tri THE COURTS. 1 Milia r0 tN 1SnI.LIZIO 4 PUNIC COLORED PILL% Vinic[[ lou 1taeltOSEg Tan To BB Dn. WILT.- ' Wen VOiX Pi t ---TnD Coni r GnaNTs A 1.'akrgrv4L INJUNCTION REarAaxNINo Slew Fite* QF$IIRINO AN IMITATION Cir Tura ' thence Mem:ne 7 ---Sones Facie TUB PUB, isle WILL. Do WILL To BBAB IN 11IINn. 1n the• High Court of Justioe yesterday %ttornitg, Were Mr Justice Meredith, the Asa. of Fulford v 14IoGahey was heard. It Ceneihted of a motion for an injunction to xestlaitt Fred MoGahey from selling a pill yvhieh he claimed to be Dr WilliamsPink PXjig ler Pale People. Mr Douglas E. 'iMs:tar appeared for the plaintiffs and •''attwted that the defendant bad been ped- :liti.� these ,goode about Viotoria County, • 'clothing them to be Dr. Williams' genuine kink Pills. It was impossible, however, on Abe lege, of it, that they could be genuine, au he sold them greatly below what they goat at wholesale pride. The defendant had given consent, Mr Armour said, that the motion should be changed to one 'for ,jndgment against him. No defence was • Offered, and his Lordship gave an order for judgment restraining McGahey from con- ; tinning to vend the artiole as Dr. Wil- liame' Pink Pills for Pale People. The above paragraph taken from the leg- al oolumne of the Toronto Globe of the 16th inst., contains a warning which every person in Canada in. need of a medicine will do well to heed, and showe the Dare - and pains that the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. takes to protect the pnblio from impoei- tion, and to preserve the reputation of their famous Pink Pills. It is only a medicine that possesses more 'Shan usual merit that is worth imitation. Ordinary medicines are not subject to that kind of treatment; as there is not sufficient demand for such medioinee worth while. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People have achieved a reputation for eterling merit unparalleled in the history of medi. •:cal science. In every part of the Dominion the remarkable cures wrought by the use of this great medioine have given it a name and fame whioh has made the sale of Pink Pills simply wonderful. It is because of this great merit, and the aopsegnent enormous demand for the medi- eine, that it is being imitated by unsorupa- lons persons in various parts of the country. • The imitation is oheap, usually worthless, and is only pushed because the imitator can make mach more money by its sale than he oan by the sale of the genuine Pink "Ar+ Pills. Hence the pains he takes to sell the imitation. the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. annu- ally spends thousands of dollars endeavor- ing to press cpon the pnblio that the genuine Pink Pills oan only be purchased in one form -namely, in packages enoloeed in a wrapper (or label) which bears the full trade mark -"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People " No one can buy them in any other form, not even if they offered many times their weight in gold for them.And yet in the face of these continuous warnings there are people credulous enough toper - mit some ,unsorupulous dealer to convince them that he can sal ply (them with the genuine Pink „Ville in loose form by the dozen or h i':: ed, or 'ounce, or in some other kind of a box. Anyone who pretends to be able to do this is telling an untruth. "Bear this in mind and refuse all pills that do not bear the full trade mark, no matter if they are colored pink, and no matter what the der ter says. Please bear in mind also that the form- . ala from whioh Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is compounded is a secret known only to the company, and anyone who claims be can supply you with some other pill "just as good," is guilty of misrepresentation, for he does not know the ingredients of the genuine Pink Pills and is only trying to sell yon some other pill, because he makes more money on its sale. . The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. is de- .termined to spare no expense iu protecting , both the pnblio-and themselves :against these unscrupulous imitators, and will al- ways be thankful to receive information concerning anyone who often to sell an im- itation Pink Pill purporting to be Dr. Will- inine' Pink Pills or "the same as" the gen- uine Pink Pills, Such oases will be investi- gated by the Company's deteotive and the name of the person giving the information will not be made pnblio, while any expense entailed in sending tie the information will be promptly refunded. Ask for Dr Williams' Pink Piffle for Pale People and take nothing else. They oure when all other medicines fail. VIGOR OF• MEN ! , (Illicitly, Permanently Restores& Weakness Nerv- ousness, Debility, and all the train of evils from early ermn or later excesses, tha is of overwork, sickness, worry, etc. Fall strengthevelop- ment and tons given to of�organ portion s body. Simple, natural nuthod .. Im• mediate Improvement seen. Felton, imposd- bis. 2,0001teferancci. Booty explanation and b mallet (sealed) ERIE MEDICAL CO., Bbal1, ILL ' Just spend bis Four Quarters for a bottle of •Burdock(Blood Bitters 4� its ell sensible people do; be- �� C tiisiv It etit'es Dyspepsia, Con, .14, - StitsAtlt)It;.. BIt1oosness, S i c k TTeadaclie, Bad Blond, and all.- Tligeesta ifl'. the Storageli,-X.irer, idneys, llowel5 and Blood &$ill.. g ennunon Pliable to-the.tV;ilra - Scrofulous, Sore. POMO 1401ute1s. IndiolltianQ aro that he plok ageiu t MagkonAie Bewail Will evidently deist) him cab of office, buil he will go ant with Sag flying and honor untainted, while other may stay far at`titne, blit it will be without the respect of the people,-Torontp Star, Conservative. Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry anti Hypopilospbites oem- bines the curative powers of Wild cherry, Hypophoepbites of Lime and Soda, and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil in perfectly palatable form. It is the b :et for coughs, Colds and all lung troubles. Price 500. and $1,00 per bottle. In 1878 the debt of Canada was $140,- 000,00Q; Tapper pledged his word ,that in 10 years it would be greatly reduced. To- day the net debt is away over $250,000,000. How much richer is the average Canadian? Yet we have to pay between ten and eleven millions a year insereet on this debt. But then, haven't the Tuppers amassed a large fortune? "Five years ago," says Anga !i. Lewis, Rioherd, N. Y„ "I had a constant Dough, night sweats, was greatly reduced in flesh and had been given up by my physicians. I began to take Ayer's Cherry, Pectoral, and after using two bottle. was completely oared." It is now generally conceded that the life of Parliament expires on April 25, though a flew high tax advocates oontend that it oan legally run along until June. The highest constitutional authorities, however, are opposed to the latter contention, and friends of the men in power now say rather than that there should be doubt as to the validity of any legislation passed by Parliament, the April contention wiil hold good. How could Parliament legally sit beyond April 29, the date on whioh the present Parlia- ment began its sitting five years ago? Par- liament can last five years and no longer. When Baby w.saiok, we gave her Ceetorla. When she wee a Child, she cried for Caetorla. When she fa,eaai. Wm, she dung to Casterk4 Wham she had Clhlldr.n, aha gavethem Caked% The Orange Sentinel says: -There were ties, we frankly admit, which led to many men only taking a half-hearted in• terest iu opposing the Government whilst Hon. N. Clarke V' allaoe held office and Sir Mackenzie Bowell was Premier. These ties no longer exist. The aged Premier has been praotically frozen out, and Mr Wallace resigned rather than be a party to a coeroionist policy. We warn Sir Charles Tupper as we warned Sir Mackenzie Bow - ell that to attempt in any way whatever to interfere in Manitoba will end in a worse and more oru.hing defeat for Sir Charles Tupper than even that which has overtak- en Sir Mackenzie. To try and hoodwink the people by delaying the coercion bill until after the elections will make' the dis- aster more complete. No member dare face the electors without declaring his pos- ition onlithe school question, and outside of Quebec there will not be 10 men returned who will not be pledged to the hilt to op- pose any interference with Manitoba. The fight is only beginning. -- • - You D `\'T HAVE To SWLAs OFF says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture in an editorial about No -To -Bac, the fam- ous; tobacco habit onre. "We know of many oases cured by No -To -Bac, one, a promi- nent St. Louis architect, smoked and chew. ed for twenty years; two boles cured him so that even the smell of tobacco makes him sick." No -To -Bao sold and guaran- teed no care no pay. Book free. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. Sold by Allen & Wilson.. Great Scott! Just as we have finished writing the above observations comes the news that all the bolters are bank, with the exception of Sir Hibbert Tupper, who,,how- ever, sent a family subetitete in the.person of bis esteemed father. Now did yon ever? The etrike was mean and contemptible as it cbuld well be, but it had pleasant fea- tures, one being the prospect that we were well rid of the -strikers. The return of the strikers robs the strike of the only element of goodness it ever possessed. Do you won- der that weare oast down? The gentlemen who effected the reconciliation -Sir John Carling and Sir Frank Smith -have not our thanks. They doubtless acted from patriotio- or rather partiotic-motives, hat have not these gentlemen learned ths,t the more you try to keep bar -room brawlers from fighting, the more liable the distur• bance is to break out in a fresh spot? You may, however, reform a brawler, bat never a traitor. Sir Mackenzie Bowell has brought them to time but his revenge can never be so sweet as if he had kept the bolters oat altogether. Can the Old Man feel safe and comfortable surrounded as lie is now by the half dozen rib-stabbers? Can old man Tupper feel sure when be becomes premier that the plotters will not be plot• ting his downfall too? Bowell and Foster; Braggart and Onimet; Montague and Caron -Great Hevinget is that the government that the Conservative party is now call( d upon to support.-Kinoardine Review Cno- servative. Gould not get Insured. Rejected by Straight Lina and Mutual Companies. But new Insured In both. " Should I die while 1 am in a position to pay my inflhrance premiums; my family will ewe their support to Scott s Sariaparilia. Two years ago I applied to two compauies for, insurance, $1000 In each.;;M face was a matin of pimply blotches arid my urinb did not stand the teat. (rue doctt* In examining me said I could . not pas,,. but. ,that . my trouble was curable. tte advised an alterative medicine and I comthenced taking Scott's Sarsaparilla, Both companies, re"ected me, but four months Instil`; after I had taken five bottles of your remedy I all} than] tnl,,fiQ say both accepted me as a risk -one being a etpck ebrilpanyt the other a ninttia•l. The dxsti`ninet"Whe previously a*Atiiitled' me, retntirked " I Haver saw such a change itt any roan." This.is indorsed by Mr. J. Todd; the popular .druggist, corner Queen and rawfbrd Streets, Toronto. Scott's Sarsaparilla builds up debili- tated constitutions, impart , strength, vigor and vitality, iters and p itifie8 the blood: It clues skin diseases rheu- matism, gout, indigestion And all com- plaints arising from poor or ppol5cned blood. 01 all•.druggists, at per' bottle. ,rt Children Orir%r y R= i.1i tl'ON S. • 011F,OMRVIIII 'WW1 'I'll O*P,N +miss llliosektonutry. James Montgomery was born in 1771 at Irvine, in ,.yrshiro, ;Scotland, near the birthplace of the infittttely more honored, hulmuck less worthy man, Robert Barns, $i fathers Johu'Montgoniery, came from the Moravian Settlement of Grace Hill to the Northof Ireland to take the pastoral charge of a small Moravian congregation in the little•seaport town of Irvine. Iu a few years his parents devoted themselyes to the work of foreign missious; and, leav- ing children, home and lands for Millet's sake, sailed for the Wese Indies, to labor in a community of slaves and slave -own- ers. Both died on thole loved field of Tabor. James was sent by his father to the Moravian Seminary at Fulneok at the ago of seven years to be educated. Here he remained ten years only, distinguishing himself for indolence, melauoholy and stupidity, adorned with poetry. At ten years of age he had a book filled with poems, and at the age of fourteen lie com- posed the poem that brought him into notice. A failure in scholastic work he wets ap- prenticed to a grocer. At this time •he says of bimeelf: "You might obtain a passing glimpse of a slim, carroty -haired lad of sixteen rots -spending his time in the composition of music, and blowing his brains out with a haut-boy." Poor, melancholy James soon betaine sorely discontented, and one fine itis[-s„in- mer Sunday afternoon, while his master was at church, he coolly walked off into the wide, wide world, with only a single change of linen in his hands, and three shillings and sixpence in his pocket, leav- ing behind him a new suit of clothes that was given him the day before, because, as he Bald, "he had not earned them.” From schoolboy to grocer, from that to editor's clerk, and thou editor of the Sheffield Iris. Printing his rhymes in the spirit of a partisan he encountered the authorities, and was fined twenty pounds, and for a second offence of the same kind thirty pounds and six months imprisonment. His melancholy tarn fostered unbelief, against which he strove with all the energies of bis nature. He denied the atonement. He sought for counsel from the Unitarians, and from these he turned to the Methodists. It wee a happy day for him when the Rev. John Everett was ap- pointed to the Sheffield circuit. He paid five shillings to get his first sight of the poet, but afterwards became his fast friend and adviser. As old age advanced his hours of de-' spondency became more and mere unbear- able. All his early associations led hirn hack to Fulneck, which he was accustom- ed to visit, and where be was always welcomed as the returned dove to the ark. The following verse of a hymn seems to mark his great change, and the high de• light he found in the communion of saints : "People of the living God I have sought the world around, Paths of siu and sorrow trod, Peace and comfort nos sere fo,uid. Now to you my spirit turns, Tarns a fugitive unblest. Brethren, where your altar burns 0 receive me into rest." He finally settled down beside a small Episcopal church and often engaged with the congregation in singing his own hymns. Out of one of his melancholy fita he was suddenly transported int° an ecstasy of blissful hope, and floating on Ste radiant pinions into the sunbeams of a new day he wrote his grandest hymn. Oa the fol. lowing Sabbath he heard it sung at the morning service. After dinner, as was his custom, he lay down to rest, and be- fore night be pitched his tent for the last time, and had entered the joys of which he had only dreamed, as he sang "Forever with the Lord." "OH, HAPPY DAY." Rev. Philip Doddridge, D.D. Philip Doddridge was born in London in the year 1702, and died in 175L His mother, to whom he owed much, and from whom he learned the well -stored teachings of the Dutch tiles which formed the sides of the fireplace, was the daughter of John Baumann, who had to Lee from Bohemia on account of his religion. Doddridge had the misfortune to loss both of his parents in his childhood. He was a star of the first magnitude in the firmament of the church. Hymns were very scarce in his day, and it was with difficulty the preacher could find hymns suitable to his theme. Like the monarch minstrel and sweet singer of former days he wrote his own hyena. It has been said that great men are, in the main, members of large families. If this be true, Doddridge might reasonably hos., he being the youngest of a family of twenty. , A good lady, the Duchess of Bedford, promised to educate him on condition of his becoming a member of the Established Church. He recused to comply with the condition. At the age of thirteen, with a complete consecration to God and to his studies, he went to school at St. Albans, and for recreation he visited the cottagers and read the Bible to them. It was in lonely hours of orphanage, when eighteen of his brothers and staters had gone to the tomb, when father and mother had been laid to rest, that the lad, twelve years of age, took Christ as a brother, God as a father and the church as a mother. Whet& thirty years later, consumption marked him as its victim, he thought of his early home at Kllworth, his conversion, the holy bonds that bound him, the melodious whispers of the voice divine that charmed him, the cheerful anthems of the holy Sabbath morning, and his mother's early lessons around the hearthstone ; the rest of soul, the holy resolutions and holier hopes formed around the fireside home so long ago. We wonder not, that under such circumstances, his poetic soul should lay them all aside in the ark of an ever- lasting covenant. How often has the poet, long ago dead, spoken and sung as the triumphant hosts have joined witlian- other net+ born soul in chanting the Red Sea song of deliverance in the words of Doddridge's hymn --"Oh, Happy Day." • Quits, I An old ScothmaSn, not fooling well, called upon a doctor, Tho doctor gave hien home verbal -instructions as to how to regillato his dict,advising hfm, : 'moue other things, to drink no spirits • for ar tinier The old Scotoohmlyn• rose til leave,, *lulu 'tile' dCoror said: "1 sin hi the .way Of °berging for nty: adttiok t will trouble y'ott for half as orowne, i "Oh, maybe," mid the patients. "but I'm no* 44+un to Nile $0, adYioa 1" t Break. Up a Cold in Time. • BY USING PYNY- PECTORAL The Quick Cure for COUGHS, COLDS, CRO17P, BRON- CHITIS, HOARSENESS, elm. • MRs. JOSEPH NORWICR, of 68 Sorauren Ave., Toronto, writes: i'yny Pectoral lag never tailed to ours my children of croup after a taw doses It cured myself of a tong-taadfng cough after several other remedies tad failed. It has also proved an excellent cough cure for MY Emily. I prefer It to any other medicine for coughs, croup or hoarseness.' H. O. BARBOUR, of Little Rocher, N.B., writes : "As ► cure for coughs PynyTectoral Is the best selling medicine I have; my cus- tomers will have no other.' Large Bottle, 25 Ota. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lro. Proprietors. MONTREAL Cook's Cotton Root Compound Manufactured by T h e Cook Co., Windeor, Ont., end Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in "Me /:our and lime of need." Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for "lee and fu 1 particulars, which we will send by return mail in plain. sealed envelope. An old physician, 3s years con- tinued practice treating dtaeasee of women, has charge of the office. and can be consulted by letter or in person. Address our main office THE COOK COMPANY, Boom 3 -No. 263 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. fly" Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold by all responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States for One Dollar per box_ YPRI D1 18 Wbo VIAE to loos nice, feel ,'.go d Nirxf n"take tats itAtiat themselyes d nis 4n emelnnt help, for make article. 'that Make `li dies beautiful of Mee and roma, and Dealtby in body. Wltat.I de for others eau be d000 tor you, We Can't tell, all abolatt it in this adveithemeent, AQk. .ALLEN w WILSON, Ul ntou, Out,,»ruggists for nay book. These atrtioles are specially good for $atn- V FACE BLEACH $1 per bottle. Clears the complex- mer omplexneer use, Ion. You must have itiif you want to get rld of freckles, moth patches, &o. FACE POWDER -White, Flesh and Brunette, 50 cents a box. Perfection for powder users. VOLA MONTEZ CREME 75e. in opal jars -creates and improves face beauty for maid, wife er widow. Foe to wrinkles. Mrs Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor, 40 and 42 Geary St.. San Francisco, Cal. Eastern Office, 56VVashington Ave., Detroit, Michigan. A SWEEPING ➢IAJORITY THE MAJORITY OF SWEEPERS USE COOPER'S XX BROOMS, FOR SALE BY US. THE CASH GROCERY SOLE COOPER & CO, Farm produce taken as cash.-Teephone No. 23. J. w. IRWIN Keeps the largest assortment of newest goods. Quality fine and prices low in• Groceries, Crockery, Glassware TEAS -Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from as instead of Tea peddlers. Com) pare quality and prides. SUGARS -We are headquarters, we buy direct from Montreal refiners. Keep best quality and sell at close prices. NEW FRUITS and PEELS -We have already disposed of during the holiday season, over four tone, and still have a large steels on hand. Different brands -selling cheap as to quality. Crockery, China, Glassware and Lamps -We have to make room for our Imported Goods, and have reduced our prices on Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Berry Sets, Water Sete, Bread and Batter Platee, Cups and Saucers and Lampe of all kinds. Call and see our goods and get prices. No trouble to show goods. A_a-Little Knowledge Is notdangerous thing when it tlireots your attended' tt3 the fab$ that the P Forest City Business and Shorthand College, • London, Ont. Is doing the most practical and business -like course in Canada. Everything strictly high grade Write for Catalogue and College Journal. School re -opens, Jan. 1896. IJf . W. •�,yPi, ,S- ,FIH X . r kat, r,:,Pline'AI►O!. butters i - Cutters i A sew first-class well -made and well - finished utters, Cheap, at F. RUMBALL, - - CLINTON ...rue . `oil 4 The President's Shoes -ere mizde of the same kind of loather as the $later Shoes -best American calfskin. Money can't buy better leather, or better work- manehip, than is put in these Cana- dian shoes. They are made on the finest and most foot -fitting Ameri- can lasts, by the famous Goodyear - ., L!/ Welt process - superior to hand made. Made, too, in the cheapest labor market on the contf"vnt-Montreal-whioh means that there is more shoe . slue ibr the money in them than can be had in any American made shoe -black or tan. Ask for World's Fair Prize Winners, The moat prompt pleasant and per feet cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, ifoartieness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Quinsy, ala in the Chest end aU Throat, Bronchial and Lting Disett,as. Tho healing anti•consutnptive airtttos, a the Norway Pine ttc'e derubined in this medicine with Wild, Chetey and ;motor peetordl Sherbet lief[ Sellouts t0, tniikb,a tree eisecife for all fo*,tnd of dldtl'are Originating fiord '6o1dt, Nice'u.sr', And 804. DR. - S ..N' NEY, & co. ,,T1,, Old Rslllibl• 8p.olallsts. eid ' '.atrslt lit eri•nose la the << ' f the Threat and Law Tsoa Armament rh, Alamo, Brawekidia Nstemie, Chronicand 'Special Des- *ce.s of men and women. ' Lost Mislead restor.d- K1dn.7 acyl Blad- ''' IIYG oar troa►l.. cured-Gl.et, Gonorr Vasie .y •. • ` atrichai cared withoutt Noonan' withoouut merlad allcury. Dleteaa.. VaLw Yw SU>t, nr;I.e� from Us. yoethfuffolila or ladlsuctioas or eaairsabisd with Weeklies/el, N DAiedalea to Sud sbelty, Loss of ety' . Deepoord s any [tineass of the Vrrt inaq Or r 6 a Male, lien hetYt.Brtd safe last tl,e.iy e`\Margot rusolu de &specially to th poor. DUKES GUARANTEED. •� ``\`� ��• 1 t ?1 dy, ■I' h.reare.eanytron � u with too frequence tions of the badder, often iteeompitaled infant* smarting' or bnrnintC setaation, -• weakening of the systerii to k reamer the po lies isomer Monet fee. These e e .melt who die tlf this difficulty, i ntoi the eau'tts. Thea deetot will Guarantee a feet cute In all aitche,lies, and healthy teitprntlaa of* rtrito•Winary orate,- 'filiation rattm4'filitition flee', ■These usable tis WI; tea Wtlte tauIof their do e MA h4 emotes* with $•11Oils n *thing, eah*e. omS Sod**, 111. DR"; �rtoYt4Ygnut, / 1 Pi '4' :P. }