The Clinton New Era, 1896-01-31, Page 3,L l• * Y rrte jilt "MMM I .I..`-•e-u'r --, 1 1 I F, '140 X Mid. it A . W AND WONDEIFUJI MOOR PUItIVIVR, AND AlEft'VE , "Coat ,itis iia hijul•iane Arils l i;ve'ry iiigu lentis 6 !:Isaiah .Cnlider. Certain and PO'rir1anent Relief' is guaranteed in cases of Oona ittip*tIgnr•P,ylijk1eia,. liervogeitaird, All Weitkiieettou, Blood and Skirl Diseesets; It it, batted ort Glycerine instead of Alcohol. 'For Pro- i iVing fie#t,"Clear Skin and Rrigbt Complexion and Relieving all file Peculiar, to 'Women it la Unsurpassed, stilt%A?t".,Terf.t 4 W11.SON'4.Drng Store, Clit►tou. Be certain to get "MAI IC'S." Take No other! You want Scott's lrnul• .3191. If you ask your drug- st for it and get it --you , an trust that man. But i£ eoffers you " something st as good," he will do the arae when your doctor `writes a prescription for .'which he wants to get a ;special effect —• play the game of life and death for' o sake of a penny or two txlare profit. You can', bast thc4 man. ' Get whet )rou • ask for, and pay for, whether it is Scott's Emul- sion or anything else. lkanr & Bonwa, Belleville, Oat amend fuse Capt. G. F. Williamson, a very high- ly respected resident of Princeton, Ont., died on Wednesday, aged 49. Mr Williamson was captain of No. 4 Company of the 22nd Battalion, Ox- ford Rifles, which position he had held ever since the Fenian raid. According to the stoi y of a Chicago detective who has been working for the defence, H. H. Holmes is a much maligned man. The detective says that he can, in every case of murder of which Holmes is accused. prove either an alibi, or produce, alive and well, those said to have been killed. Don't worry. Don't run in debt. Don't tittle with your health. Don't try ex- periments with medioints. Don't waste time and money on worthless compounds. Don't be persuaded to take a substitute for Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is the best of blood- pn• itiers. If the Queen lives thtough this year •—rind we hope that she will live for many a day yet—hers will become the longest reign of any sovereign ,who has ever sat on the Btitish throne. Hitherto, the longest reign has been i made by George III, who ascended the throne on Oct. 32, 1769, and reign- ed until Jan. 29, 1820, though for near- ly ten years of that time he only reigned in name, as he was a mental and physical wreck, and the country was under a regency. He thus reigned for59 years and 96 days. Queen Vic- toeis began to reign on June 20, 1837. her case 59 years and 98 days will xpire on Sept 24,. 1893. - TRl1E BENEFACTOR. !Thousands bless the Mem- " ory of Prof. Edward E. Phelps M.D., L. L.D. He Gave Humanity Paine's Celery Compound. Medical men say it is the { only Perfect Cure for Bright's Disease and Diabetes. l Dr 1pa' wonderful prescription, Ipajge'el elery Compound is a boon to suf- ferip liritpanity. This remarkable medi- tiine pas cured and saved more victims of kidney trouble than have all other combin- ed agencies in the world. It has rescued tbousaiidswho were thought to be hope- lessly lost—made them well after medical Iden had pronounced them incurable. Theease of Mr. C. F. Kevin, of Duns- ford, Ont.. ie on of the strongest proofs '.'ever put..•on record, that Paine's Celery Compound cares kidney disease, and all terrible evils that follow this dangeroue malady. Mr. Kevin has written for the 1benefit of other sufferers; he says:— "I wish to testify in favor of the wonder- ful curative powere of Paine's Celery Com- pound for two rcasone: first, in jastioe to thepreprietors; and secondly, for the ben - .`alit of ordering humanity. - "'` li or tho past; fiftpeen �y re I have been troubled with:.dieds�ed kidneys. I am `engaged in. the manufacture of cheese, and 9,mti obliged to work more otiose in a ato0p- iog posture. At times I found it almost tnpossiblo to work owing to severe paine 'area my, kidneye., Often after working in a stooping position for a time, I would find it very idiffioult to straighten up at once, find oonid only do so after repeated Wefts. • 0Of late years, while laboring )under tbeee'eevere attaoke, I became very nervous .10 1, ly but tired, Wert! 'Mit feel - 1n0, ;;Myy rest at'uight seemed to do me no tit and 1 slwaya felt tired out in the 'Morning. !' Iiad Wien taking various medioines,and Witt getting.,worse all the time. At duet I (lidded to give Paine's Celery Compound a trial,. Iproenred a bottle anillook it Sc. holding tui directions, and found its effect wonderful. Refers I had usod'the first ttle ibegan to improve; after I had used tiie neoend bottle 1 felt -'as Well as ever I did in, iiiy lido 41144 paniehed all aches and pilled, tkir netleiienesa Was ail goes, and the tired Oil Worn out•feelinga were banished. i op fd to bed eit4 and sleep well, arid > is in the ntorniiig iSetted and refreshed, :,1 hetet recommended Paine's Celery Compound t# »iy°frionda who Were Outer- iogg from the unto troubled AA. t Bade tved 1.'tll drove boost wittily h000efttted. girdling • *hittit but done, I elite `cheerf ally, soma td it to any pereoutufferittg frost kid - e AN UNFORTUNATE MODEL, irbe Minister Meant Well /tut was era. familiar With, the Ways or the Wortd. A story is told of a minister who le the prtnoipal of a private sohool for boys in one of the little villages up tho Sound. Since the good satin gave up active church work for the more lucrative business of preparing the sous of wealthy parents fox college he has booms more liberal in his views and prides himecif on being famil- iar with modern thought. It Is hie con- stant practice to take his boys oaten lit- tle trips to let them see for themselves bow the world to advauoing day by day. One of these recent .excursions was to a kindling -wood establishment. "You most excuse this intrusion, my 'tear sir," said the minister to the super- intendent, "but I take great interest in manual training schools and I have per- suaded a number of my scholars to ac- company o-company me to your faotory so that they oan sen for themselves just how the wood le prepared for use." "I"lvrill show you around with the greatest of pleasure, sir," replied the superintendent. "That young man you see bundling the wood Is the most expert worker I have. He is a genius in his way and I wouldn't part with him for the world. So valuable are his services to me, that in addition to his salary I give him a share of the profits," Here was auoh an opportunity for a lit- tle sermon that the minister turned to the scholars and said: "Yon have heard boys, what this gentleman has said. Let it be a lesson to yon. There is always room at the top of the ladder, and the surest way to get there is to study the interest of your em- ployers. Lot this young man be your model in life. May I ask, sir," be went on addressing the superintendent, "in what special way be is so invaluable to you?" "He's a dandy, and no mistake" re- plied tbs superintendent, with a great deal of pride. "I've had hundreds of j young men before him, but he beats them 011. There isn't a man in the business who can make up a bundle and use so few sticks of wood in it as that young follow." • Sometimes the most careful women are the most 'careless, Many a woman bun- dles herself up, to keep out sickness— when she is neglecting the very worst sickness that oan Dome to a woman. She allows a slight disorder to become worse, to slowly sap her vitality. The little pain and tha other slight indications of trouble seem to her unimportant. She 5oee on, with in- creasing suffering, until life itself becomes a drag. Nervonsness, "sinking spells" di- gestive disturbances, and fifty other corn - plicatione may arise from the derangement of the organa distinctly feminine. Over thirty years ago, the need for a reliable remedy for ed^oslled "female comgiaints" was recognized—by Di. R. V. Pierce, then, as now, chief oonsulting physician to the World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel, at Buffalo, N.Y. He prepared Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prescription, the most wonder- fully effective remedy that has ever been need for such maladies. Send 31 cents in one -cent stamps and receive Dr. Pierce's 1008 page "C1omit on Sense Medical Adviser," illustrated. FRIGHT ON HIGH PLACES. The Blind Impulse to Jump In Somethaee Beyond Coitrai. At a great height many persons would no more think of looking down upon the surface of the earth than they would of thrusting a hand into a blazing fire. An Irresistible impulse comes over them to jump, and this impulse is stronger when the feet are close to the edge of the reef of a high building. Dr. Edward Lanning, the American physician who practised his profession in Paris for ten or eleven years, says he has seen more oases of "elevation fright" in the Frenoh capital than he has in any other pity he has ever been in. "I do not know," said he, "that it le a peculiarity of the French character, but I have frequently been called in oases where death bag resulted in a leap from a tail building or a tower—not that I could do any good, but simply to see whether I could determine from previous family history whether or not the victim was insane or not. "A bout two years ago I was visited by a sailor,' an Alsatian, who told me he ea- perlenced the peculiar sensation of terror when at an elevation, and that he was unable to take a berth on any vessel whore his duites would require him to go aloft further than 12 or 15 feat from the deck. He consented to go with me to a tall building and go on the roof, so I could observe his condition when he look- ed over the edge into space. I took two assistants with me as a preoautfon. ,One of them brought a rope atthe sailor's re - guest. Pe said he would not dare ven- ture to the edge of the roof union he had one end of the rope around his waist and felt that the other end was securely held. I acceded to that and told him to go as close to the edge aa -be plealsed. "We were very high up --125 fest, 1 should say. The sailor waited osatloas- ly toward the eaves, and 1 walked along- side of him, He looked over and jumped baok, and then walked forward again. I observed that the pupil of his eye had be` come dilated, and in a few momefte tits perspiration ran down hie face In enema Ills pulse bounded and his =moles twitched. He stood quietly without tugs ging at the rope , but told me that if ha did not kpgw that he was being kohl be certainly oonld not have resisted do de - etre to leap put into space. "He got dovi`n on his hands and Paso and tried to become accustomed to look- ing over the roof's edge, but said he could not, He Wanted to draw himself for- werd and plunge over head first. I final- ly'took him down attars, when he reooier- ed his equanimity. Ile came to deb use a year afterward, and said that he had tried his beat to cure himself of what he oonstdered a weakness, Ont *as.unable to • do so. The man wag perfeetly"satie, and apparently • cool ; and gollented When oa ,terra,flrnia, hilt at seventy-five or a hurt. draad fettle beoaine.an abject onward '".Abouut° .three months age.r *OA lift ifilrprisod.when 1 received a letter frena one of m' oolitagnie ttilllnit me that the iellok had 4460lilmi ,1f froiptlM"•Jiallaon lit Whi,h Ilell•had, Iided �rlth,"iifl'iKrocOut P 'hl�t diiL14Y visit 't,iw ' iielt York Stiff _ a llatr..atr A. COMMISSIONER IN B. R. Geereittme.--Saving need Sagyeed's Pectoral Balsam in our family for years. I have no beeitation in saying that it beats everything ,else we ever tried for coughs and oolde in ohildren as well as grown up people. It believes that tight binding sen- sation in the chest, We would not be without it for anything, as we have a larce family. Witaatze ANDREW, Comenisefoner in B. R., Balmoral, Man. tb of Tobacco. The Prophet was tatting a stroll in the country when he saw a serpent stiff with cold, lying on the ground. hie oompas- sionately took it up and warmed it in bis bosom. When the serpent had reoovered, it said: "Divine Prophet, listen. I am now going to bite thee." "Why, pray?" inquired Mohammed "Because thy race pereeoutee mine and tries to stamp it out." "But does not thy race, too, make per- petual war against mine?" was the Proph- et's rejoinder. "Hew oanst thou, be- older, be so ungrateful, and so soon forget that I saved thy life?" "There, is no snob thing as gratitude upon this earth." replied the serpent; "and if I were now to spare thea, either thou or another of thy race would kill me. By Allah, I shall bite thee." "If thou beat sworn by Allah, I will not cause thee to break thy vow," said the Prophet, holding his hand to the serpent's month. The serpent bit him, but he sucked the wound with hie lige and spat the venom on the ground. And on that very spot there sprang up a plant which combines within itself the venom of the eerpent and the compassion of the Prophet. Men call this plant by the name of toba000.—An Arab Fable. A Repudiated Lord Mayor. It seems that even a London alderman. who for generations was supposed to be alive only, to bargains and green fat,has a sense of propriety which may on occasion be shooked. When the Common Connell of London refused the other day to pass a lots of thanks to Sir Joseph Renals, the retiring lord mayor, it violated a preced- ent of more than a oentury'a standing. But Sir Joseph was too flagrantly bad a lord mayor for even the easy-going councilmen. His attempted public din- ner to Barney Barnato disgusted them. and they found still graver cause of com- plaint in the appraranoe of his name es chairman of a company for insuring against loss of liquor licensee (licenses being granted by the lord mayor), and as a director in a tong list of wildcat companies, most of them now bank- rupt. So the motion to thank him was lost by a vote of 75 to 513, and by sending Sir Joseph out of office the worst rebuked lord mayor of the century the Common Gsuneil-hes•-elemonsirated that it-isv.otrso ahsci,twly ue' I ' n: has be r, beli,wo.: — • _\\\ ` ,••s\ A Afro. Me Jolmaois. Ayer's Phis " 1 would like to add my testimony to that of others who have used Ayer's Pills, and to say that I have taken them for 'many years, and always derived the best results from their use. For Stomach and liver troubles, and for the eure of headache caused by these derangements, Ayer's Pills cannot be equated When my friends ask me what 1s the best remedy for disorders of the stomach, Liver, or Bowels, my invariable answer is Ayer's Pill,, Taken 111 season they will break cold, prevent la grippe, check fever, and 'outdate the dl :restive organs. They are eAsy to take, and Are the best all-round family medicine I have ever known." --Mrs. MAY ,JOHNSON, 868 Rider Ave., Ncw York City. AVER'S PiLLS $tghest Awards of World's Fnir. Attar's Saraap(vraCce fur the blood-. Once more at it. Invigorated by a coup's of weeks rest. Gladdened by the eight of many now faces. Down to hard work for another year. Perhaps you thought of a course but Could not get hero on the opening day. Re- number we aro opal for the reception of stu- dents the year round. Came when you can. New etudehte will be Mitering ever week. In the meantime write us for free catalogue. It is no trouble to us to give information. Central Business College, Stratford, Ont. P. ItIcfNTOSI1, Principal. SHAW dC ErAr.ao T, Proprietore. •• +++.www, �f Wl� \,w-..+•. _Filar.,.„ 1td..L)tar++l a ern' WU. neate n wet es at - ifaiarra ei, listens( aa4 rot, .• a adrtww• soon, • sit Ld6lsids >M a �M w In the Doruihiou Moue of OOoi imous en Wednesday, Mr McShane deliver, • cd it speecli iia self-vintiicittlon, saying thtit any reilection cast zijann him was really east upon the eleptoxs of Centro w me had selected IMw h�him eiir caudi- dater and Quoted Bile as their repro. sentative. I1„9.RL'S CLOVER RO.OT will purife year clear mur ihd lerataur Bowels and ele your head s a bell. 250„ 600., and 1i1. Sold by J. 13 Combe. VVattie Gray, aged abrkat sixty years, was burned to death in his barn in the vicinity of Edgar on Saturday after - Dorn. It appears he was waiting on e, sick horse, and though the cause of fit e is uncertain, it is thought the unfortu- nate Iran was smoking and probably fell in a fit of asthma, to which he was subject, and was horned in this way, His charred remains were found after- wards. The building and contents, in- cluding the horse, were burned. He leaves a widow and family. the former being in Barrie at the time of the fire., He has two brothers living in the same neighborhood. WORE GREASED GLOVES SEVEN YEARS. John Siron, mason, Aultaville, Ont., bad Salt Rheum so severe that for coven years he ware greased gloves. He writes: " I used a quarter of a box of Chase's Ointment. It oared me. No traoe of 'Salt Rheum now." Chase' Ointment cures every irritant dis- ease of the skin, allays itching instantly, and is a sterling remedy far piles. Av+'id imitations. 60o'per box, Prince Henry of Batt+•nburg, whose death is announced, has never been regarded with those feelings of affec- tion that British subjects the world over entertain toward Queen Victoria's sons and daughters, yet all will sym- pathize with Princess Beatrice and ner four little ones in their loss of hus- band and father. The Prince died away from home,' having gone to Africa to make a career for himself— to be some thing more in the public eye than the husband of a Princess. He had no opportupity to distinguish himself in war, but he at least display- ed his courage and willingness to risk his life for the interests of his adopted count' y. SKIN DISEASES! :One Remedy Which has Plover Failed— Tried and Tested Ointment. Bottum other alleged remedies for piles, scrofula, eczesne,tie eruptions. scald head, chafing, black heads, salt rheum and skin diseases generally have proved useless, don't condemn Dr. Obase'e Ointment. It hats never been known to Lail. Fos. intense, Nelson Simmons, Meyersln rg, Ont., writes : " I used Dr. Chase's Ointment for Itching Pilee, and can recommend it highly. Since using it I have had Perfect freedom from the disease." Peter Vanallen, L'Axnable, Que., had the enema for three years. He tried three doctors, but received no benefit. One box of Dr• Chase's Ointment and tree • boxes of Dr. Chase's Pills cured Lllnl •completety- Large' eeales .covered- Ms legs sad body, bat the Ointment soon removed them. He will swear to these facts. Ohaee'e Ointment may be bad from any dealer or from the manufacturers Edmanson, Bates & Co., 46 Lombard street, Toronto. Price 80 cents. elot`har's greatest remedy for coughs, colds, bronekietal and Ming affections is 1Dr. Ohaee's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pentine. The medicinal tante is wholly, Ong. uteed making it pleasant to take. Lane bottle 25 Sento. le sure to attend those Success who make good use of their time while attending The Can . i a Business College ATHAM, ONT.'S :..� Last eek showed :the placing of five stu- dents . choice ositions; this week three. 130 a Mitohe planed as second stentgra- ph• with the an Anken Steam Specialty Co., o ° Chicago. The first stenographer, In the same office, Miss Anne Moffatt, is also a former ppupiL James Warren asetook-keeper and otHce as- sistant with Wm. Gray & Sons, Chatham. Fred Thompson changed from stenographer with Geo, B. Douglas to stenographer with Messrs Wilson, Renkln, McKeongh & Kerr, Barristers, Chatham. IT,PAYS TO ATTEND A GOOD SCHOOL College re -opens for the new year, Jan. 6th For catalogue of either department address 1). 11TcLACHLAN Chatham MoKlllop Mutual Fire insurance Co FARM do ISOLATED TO%N PROPERTY ONLY INSURED °mane. D. Roes Pr foldout, Clinton, Geo. Watt Vice Pres. Oarlock; W. J. Shannon, 8eoy-''real. Seaford); .n. Muraie, Inspector of Claims, Seaford,, DIRECTORS. Jae. Broadfoot 8eaforth ; Gabriel Elliot Clinton; J.B. McLean, Tuokeramlth • Thos. Car bet, Clinton ; 0. Gardiner, Leadbary; T. E Rays, Mc}131op AIJENTS. rhos Neilane Oarlock; Robt. MoMillan, Bea - forth; J. Cuminge, Egmon•lville. Geo. Murdie, auditor. Parties estrous to effect Insaraugee or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers au sed to their respooihe offices New Boot and Shoe Store The undersigned begs to aunounoe to the peo- ple of Londesboro and vicinity';that ho has open- ed a Boot and Shoe Store neat to the post office where will be found a complete assortment of FALL and WINTEct BOOT6 and SHOES. Our goods are fire. -class and our prices are right — Cnstom work and Repairing done in a workman. like manner, Butter and Eggs taken as cash. Como and see es before buying elsewhere. JAMES YOUNG, - Londesboro. Clinton Planing Mill •�-•ANll-r- DAV KILN t . • Theetibetrl1iei� '!teeleg ihevery lateit Ilii 'Odd , Iuacliieery' and rldsployyingtbetiiiiStekllt W+�ork Men hi able to 06 'onyx In:lits llhs in th Werk, setlwtactory mariner, tit reasonable rstet` ittd '', 0u'tie'ihhrtest notsoe, Atrial eolicitett• rA,OTORY Vital% (.'T'-R.,Rt' ,A'1'IOti, CLU Tdll. TBS salt> ztgl sTahua y a > • : $6 .•a yarn ;, ,r ,----,--.-e -ASTM ' 1A (Astoria is Doc. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Lit lgltlr and Children... It contains neither Opium, Morpidnelnp}r other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor 011. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee its thirty years' use 'by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms andante's feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd* cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. eastoria renewal teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulent%, Castoria assimilates the, food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Case toric is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Casten Is an excellent medicine fax chil- dren. Mothers have repeatedly told Me of its good a Leet upon their children." Da, G. O. Os000n, Lowell, Mase. "Oaetori& is the best remedy fax children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers willeonslder the real tntmrost of their children, and use Castoria in- stead of the various quack nostrumawhich eye destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby, seading them to premature graves." Da J. F. lemouxi.oa, (leeway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria is sowell adapted tooh Id11otM! I recommend it as superior toany pravedgdoR known to ma." $ A. Ascom, R lA . 111 So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians in the childron'd • depot* went have spoken highly o! their endo in their outside practice with Code L% and although we only have among our medical supplies what fa known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that trr' merits of Castoria hoe won ns to look with favor upon it." UNITED HoerrrAx. AND DrsrsndzL Boston, Mstn. Maxie C. Serra, Pres., The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, Neer York City. WhoDoes Not Know4- That Christmas will soon be here, and that in order to properly observe it you must have a good pudding, and that to have a good podding you must have good material to work with. Granted that you already know this much we wieh to inform (you that we have the material of the highest quality at a very reasonable price. We have also the in- ferior quality at a lower price, but mnoh prefer giving you the best, as it is cheapest in the eud. Everything you need in the way of Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spices, Figs, &c., As low as any, quality considered: We are in a position to sell as cheap as others, and will give as good value in any line of goods we handle as can be got in town. OUR TEAS are the best to be had for the money, try them. If yon have not tried "Salads" you should do so, as almost daily we are getting new ouetomera for it. The best 40 cent COFFEE in town; try that also. A shipment of Din- ner and Toilet Sets just in. Call and examine goods and prices. 4 Y CALT I�Rt Y & .. W I LTSEr NearPostOfiice—CENTRAL 3GROCERY—Telephone 40 Not Giving up Business! But continuing with full lines of seasonable goods. New Flannels. and Flannelettes New Cotton and Woollen Blankets New Tweeds, Trouserings, etc. New Ladies' Underclothing New Readymade Clothing New shirts and Drawers New Dress Goods ROBT. COATS & SON CLINTON :; HUB GROCERY :: Don't trust to luck, it may assist you, but more often leaves you in the lurch. Use good judgment and buy where you get a good article. New Raisins, New Currants, " Prunes, 44 Dates, Walnuts, Canned Salmon Tomatoes, 44 44 44 44 44 Filberts, Blueberries, Mackeral, Apples. Our stock of Crockery, Lamps and Fancy China for Christmas is worth your while to examine. (- iter SWAL1_4t- - Clinton New Figs Peels Peas Corn Herring. 44 64 The Finest PIIOTOGIIAP' �i are taken by