The Clinton New Era, 1896-01-31, Page 1r•
v v4
We make a change il?l
the maliagument of our
Tailoring department.
After that elate it will
be under the manage,
metnt of Mr H. F.Mer-
On at practical and ex-
rieticed -tailor and
cutter, Mr Morgan has;
Reveral years held a
filar position in one
the leading merchant
'Hering establishments
n'Guelph. He comes
to hs, with the best of
references as to his abi-
lity as a cutter. We
have no doubt but that
all orders entrusted to
him will turn out satis-
torily and bespeak for
this department under
his management 'a con-
tinuance of the liberal
patronage bestowed on
it in the past. This we
will endeavor to merit
by turning out perfect
fitting, properly finish-
ed garments, and by
having always an up-to-
date stock, the newest
goods,.goods that wear
and by selling them at
the right kind of prices
Our guarantee that the clothes fit and
are satisfactory in every respect,
geeswith every sale.
HodgCLINTOe°s NBr os.,
Porter's •Hill.
NOTES, -Reeve Cox > e attending
County Council in Goderithie week.
C. McPhail is on the sick ilei;. One of
our esteemed young ladies, in the per-
erson of Miss Annie Cog, was joined in
happy wedlock, on Wednesday, to Mr
Bradley, of Kincardine; dame rumor
says anotherr like event will take place
shortly in our neighborhood. There
will be no preaching at Bethel church
next Sabbath, owing.'" . Quarterly ser -
¢.i mire being held am�atBa •'ad. The Sun -
School wit ' at the usual
'ting in the hall
" •r•heitir, 2.30. Prays
fuer •a17 o'clock on Supday evening.
RESIGNED. -Our highly esteemed
and respected citizen, Capt. Mcdonald,
el .; 7`t ie „alai av distinction
an o + + +ir agog -leas
decided to retire from active connec-
tion with the militia, and on Monday
he went to Seaforth and tendered his
resignation to Lieut. Coi: WiTeon, as
captain of No, 7 company. There are
a not many men who hate rendered
tom+ ` more faitlifuraervice to their count y
than he has, and his fi lends of the 3
and elsewhere will regret that his in-
creasing years is the only reason for his
• withdrawal ; he's as physically active
and mentally as he ever was during the
' last thirty years, and could wear out
many a younger man, but age alone
convinces him that he should " shoul-
der arms" no more. -
TEMPLARS.-I.O.G.T. lodge met on
Tuesday evening, Grand Chief Temp-
lar, Mr Brockenshire, of Wingham,
occupied the chair. The,followrng of-
ficers were elected and dilly installed:
W.O.T. Peter McDougall; W.V.T.,
Nellie McDonald; R.S., Jas. Sterling;
A.S., Maggie McPhail; Chap., Thomas
McDonald, F.S., J. W. McDonald; T.,
Kate, McDougall; M., Wm. Lindsay;
D.M ,, °Louie 'Naggle; Guard, Annie
Sterling; S:, FredMYlorgan. After the
officers were installed the Grand Chief
Templar gave a shor t sketch of his ex-
perience in temperance work, con-
gratulating Porter's Hill lodge on its
present healthy and vigorous condi-
tion and •gave some good advice to
temperance workers. A short pro-
gram was rendered, consisting of in-
ettumen tal music by Jas. Sterling;
reading, Annie Sterling; duet, Edith
Cog and Louie Naggle; stings by 0, W.
Potter and Jas. Sterling. The meet-
ing el osed, all feeling that a pleasant
and profitable time had been spent.
I ,,. 'ays
To deal with me. Glance
• over the following price fist
and see, or come in and see.
Solid•lOii Gold Hunting Case, $10 to $20
Solid 14E Gold Hunting Case, $17 to $30
Ladies' 14E Filled from $12 to $25
Ladies' Silver Watch from $3 to $15
Gold Filled Watches from $11 to $25
Solid 14n Gold Watches from $45 to $85
!Join Silver Watches from $5 up
Nioklef,Stem Wind, Open Face
Watches from $2.25 up
.,Ladiea''Roll Plate Chain% from 50c to $5
Ciente Roll Plate Chains from $1.50 to $9
Clocks, • Jewelery and
Silverware at
Wholesale Prices
s I ani retitft from business
lt3ecau 'e 1C
and everything tnu*i be sold, for cash
ROBERT HOLMES, Edater. ear Prt2ptletior.
CI l,`4 TON t Mt*
AN'tfATiy Tko
114 a; ;Rear, In advanee 040 wbj 1646, 60 ;laidi:.
000)0, a iQquelt
AROtTND THE . �.1 : 3,• Ci l ,=-17xr .Saturday last t#� a fun-
W'het wide-awake and tellable correspondents find worthy of recor�lin{I for kttblication. Q ca,- ,Quarterly 'Pervicee were sial ol`MrHu d Jld d til h
ERROR. --In our council minutes lust
week it was stated that tenders would
-be received for plank, etc., up to "Jan.!'
15; thie was eo manifeetiy an error that
it is scarcely necessary for us to eay
.February was intended.
A NEw Banat:M.-The council have
wisely decided to place a bridge across
the Maitland, op con. 4-5. It le not
only needed, but will supply a "long -
felt want" and be a great convenience
to people of that particular point.
PARTY. -On Fridy eyening last Mr
and Mre Jas. Snell entertained a num-
ber of invited guests at their residence,
Hayen-Barton farm. We are voicing
the sentiments of all present when we
say that mine host and hostess were
all that could be desired to make guest]
feel happy. The evening was epent in
music, games, &c., also in attendance
upon the festive board, which held an
ample supply of those delicious viands
for which the inner man craves. -
At an early hour of the morning all
dispersed to their homes, well satisfied
with� the excellent entertainment af-
forded them.
years ago a young man was plowing on
a Yorkshire farm; his wedding would
occur in a week ; straight; ahead of
him, as he was plowing, he caw. the
County Poor House; and this thought
struck him like a flash of lightning -
"If I get married and. stay here I won't
be long until I reach that House." He
resolved that he would get married
and emigrate. He did so, and when he
and bis,wife landed in Canada they
were nearly stranded. But they had
lots of pluck and they ,pushed their
way into Huron. They now reside in
Hullett, where they own two or three
excellent farms; have raised a large
family and are among the most highly
respected residents of the township.
We with -hold the name, but it would
not be hard to guess who it is.
• A PIONEER'S DEATH. - It was not
only men who braved all the hardships
of pioneerlife in this section, but wo-
men as well, and we this week have to
record the death of one of these noble
worthies who bravely faced the dan-
gers incident to the early settlement of
this country, and leaves bebind her a
record of sterling worth and faithful-
ness. Mrs Lawrence, who died on the
21st, at the age of 73 years, was the
widow of the late Henry Lawrence,
who died some nine months ago. Born
in Yorkshire in 1823, she came td this
country in 1853 with her late husband,
Jid most mme,4liatelereat tefe?egt, ke
Settled -kin rat'; 4th cart.; "uses- 'e
has continued to reside ever einee. tip
to a year ago She enjoyedjgood health.
but since •then slse as been more or
lees failing, until She sustained' a etroke-
of parelyeia a few days since, which
was the direct cause of her death. For
many years she was a member of the
Methodist church, and was always in
ber place while she was able to attend.
She leaves two sons -Alfred. a resident
of Welland, and Isaac, on the farm -
two daughters -Mrs Donald Patterson,
of East Wawanosh, and Mrs Gracey,
of Comber. The remains were interred
in Taylor's cemetery on Thursday.
A FINE Serowe -No. -The' Ludington,
Mich.,) Appeal thus refers to a son of
Mr Stephen Gray, of this township:-
"ProsecutingAttorney Gray has just
completed his semi-annual report and
forwarded it to the Attorney General,
as the law requires. The period cov-
ered by the report is the els 'months
intervening between July 1 and Dec.
31, 1895. The report showed 97 war-
rants issued; 4 were settled and 93 pro-
secuted, resulting in 92 convictions and
1 acquittal. The cases tried in the
circuit court resulted in one being sent
to Ionia for six years, one for five
years; one for two and one for one
year; one was sent to the Detroit
House of Correction for one year, one
for ninety days; one was fined 8100,
one $79; two $50 each and three $40
each. Three boys were sent to the
Industrial school at Lansinguntil 17
years of age. Prosecutor Gray is cer-
tainly showing remarkable aptitude
for the position he has been chosen to
fill. The record of 92 convictions out
of 93 prosecutions cannot be excelled,
we think, by any prosecuting attorney
in the state during a like period. It
denotes that our prosecutor looks
closely into all the facts before launch-
ing out and running up a hill of ex-
pense for taxpayers to settle. If there
are no good grounds for commencing
a case, better abandon it before incur-
ring cost. We are glad Mr Gray sees
it in this light and acts from this prin-
ciple -first knows he is right and then
blazes away. Such a eourse is dollars
in the people's pockets, and the prose-
cutor becomes a terror to evil doers,
as they realize that when he gets after
them conviction is sure to follow.
East Wawanosh.
SIIDDaN Dr..ATn-It is with deep regret
that we announce this week the death of
Mrs Catherine Stewart, relict of the late
Andrew Stewart, which sad event occurred
at her residence, in East Wawanosh, on
Saturday evening. Mrs Stewart bad been
suffering fOr some time from a severe cold
but of late had been' feeling mnoh better,
and it was thought by her friends that she
aonld soon be herself again. On Saturday
ovenig Miss Stewart went over to Mr Robt.
Marehall's, leaving her mother in the house
alone and upopn,hee return toned her'moth-
er dying. Medical aid was at onoe sent for
bet when the doctor strived Mrs Stewart
was beyond all human skill. The cause of
her death was heart failure. Mrd Stewart
was the mother of 7 children -6 eons and
1 daughter -all of whom are living. Four
sons are living in Manitobit and the North,
west, one in the united Statex and one eon
and daughter are on the hoeneatped. Mrr
Stewart was a good Christian women, a
n a iet nt member o
ih con a f
lovingmother,' a
h r h in B the
thea an d u o l Her
r taxi
funerei tooyk' lace on Tneada afternoon,
>?' Y
and was attended bar a large concourse of
sorrowing fiielids.
Dispenuer• Allen, who olaitua
aimays,,, urs lllondl 140fOing..qquiexl • *Oft
et n, ro4te for• fixorouto ra thi oa
the Evangeliciil church on Sun. g c ayilasse ; i,ougg !r hta
GloderichTownelif fs, clay last, conducted by rev. Mr Gra ; our vitlage to 13aird's cgmete , Mr. i 013:48
e a fallsoicus ops, #orel"
ihexe aro raott
ILr.,--Mies Anna Jenllinwi daq titer fussier ng elder, Strattfoerdd es o :Tye, j � McKay was sick but a few ehprt days', w various lrlepdt ut .tor to see Ina o
of MrThoe, Jenkins, •Sae been s uite . in'g i specie when death called hint to his rewar . objeot�- le" ,rte Jan. &b
VD -
111. with inflammation of the lupge but
a l't'iceo in tiffs church here, NOTES -\V. Dixon left on Saturday
+ with a stir load of horses for Liver vol f t
le noiv on the mend. SEE THF! OIf*JECT,"
That is just what he has
gone to Toronto for. You
• To'ris.--Wes, Fisher now s ports a rnarkeb Miss $> .' 'f..rra, ie.v sit -
is the +�u"�y new cutter, and a� �iigds• ing at the auls, of Mr $+lit'! e� The
Beacom, 138; John Cos, 7,58, d 1eAuty y+ held in Union churc , on Wednesday
Reeve ---Thos. Churchill, 270; samuo out The dry wood
dila rut all heeded
evening; s nuteber of eppeakersere ex-
Sturd 110. Councillors --Jas, tun=g ectsd.• Mr and Mrs it a urn rr
at.Jaruea i
ELRoTION.-The followingy
dt of the election:-sFor Reeve --Toho night had for t� .com anion a tahite agt;u&! Bible >ociet egtin will be
pge young lad Claude will have to lock ,. °1 g
y, gg P i , Turnberry will see the tubi et -and see
Sar, en a ad to work f r lkir Blak is tt„
holly, 287, Jas, Johnston, 168, J. G. g h o e r are fifth
Steep, 146. J. Trewartha, 127; O. W. a years ate a good workman, and Sop
Williams, 232. ma .,!;etre another elig gement on his • piety o
has before the yeiu le out. Mr
dement -Connell met on the 7$lt nv .• Snyder and sister .bave!'retur ed get
the necessary qualifications and, dealers- thy m¢nth's vielttto Waterlot,
tions of office were made, minutes of tact. iia;'' .;.,�w!w•-M ---
meeting read pad passed. The 'Lowder ° t ,, -.,.
health,00naists of No. 1, Jae.. Johnston for , (7 n
one year; No. 1, Nixon Sturdy; No. 4, John
00x4 No. 4 and 6, Thos. Churebill for 13
yeses; l�Co. 5, C.W. V. Mims for Imo yssrs;
Medioa Health officer, Dr. J. B. Wbilely.
The salaries of the township officers are as
follows: -Clerk, 0105; Tresenrer, 870; As-
sessor, 560; Collector, 970; Attdflork, HQ,
and noembers of the council board raodes
02 for each day's sitting; councillor' soling
as road commissionere will be pp�t1�t�d' $
each for their services with 56 pdditiotlel
for the reeve for expending boundaryline
money. T. C. Pickard received 850 for
use of hall by council. The clerk watt in-
atruoted to ask for tenders from local
papers for the printing. The following
sbooant% were paid: -Collector, legal ad-
vioe, postage and stationery, $9.50; S. Mer-
rill, posting treasnrer'a report, 01.60; W.
Campbell, rent for poet office box, eleotion
expenses, $57.86; Star, printing, 02; 11.,
Dyke, gravel, 06; treasurer. for making out
report for Beaurer of Induetriee, postage
and stationery, flnanoiel statement and
forwarding the same, 86; Harrison's Muni-
cipal Manual, 85; Municipal World, lits.
Fletcher McCartney was appointed asses
sor; L. A. Anderson, collector; T. W. Ginn, portalif'than foreign missions. This is day evening, Feb: 8. A gaytime is expeot-
auditor, and J. R. Holmes as second an- a very broad subject and one worthy ed. Mies B. Wilaon, whois%Maraiug the
ditor for 1896. The following Fences of a great deal of study and thought; Collegiate Institute, Clinton, spent Sundayy'
Viewers were appointed: -I. Salkeld, John' but the affirmative argued so logically under the parental roof. The local I, O. G
Porter, sr., W. MoMath, J. Sturdy, Win. and advanced such forceful ids s in fa- T. paid the Blyth lodge a flying visit one
Clark, T. Ginn, A. Hearn,- W. 'Bell, H. vor of domestic missions that, we night last week and report listing a good
Routledge, J. Middleton, J. O. Elliott, R. think, a majority was convinced that time. The pastor of the Methodist ohuroh
Acheson, J. Stephens, H. Murphy, J. Proo- the latter came off victorious.' For the has the revival meeting in full swing, and
tor. The following pound keepers were Sp- aglr native -Miss S. Lynn, (cepa) W. no doubt mnoh good will be done by the en -
pointed: -W. Ramsey, G. 0. Sturdy, A. Millson, and Jas. Young Negative- ergetio pastor.
McGuire, G. A. Cooper, I. Salkeld, John Miss Webb (rapt.), Rev. H. J. Fair and
a v rna
w'are the t masters:
Weir.The following h
gMica Johnston. A collection was taken
-E. Davidson, G. Young, D. Clark, C. fn aid of missions and $1.65 realized. Nents.-The Methodists will bold an At
Cook, W. Bell, C. Johnston, H. Routledge, The attendance was large. -Con. SEC. Home on Wednesday evening next in tho
G. Hastings, G. Falkner, G. H. Cox, J. Temperance Hall. The program will be
Torrance, C. McGregor, G. 0. Sturdy, J. lively and interesting. Foreign talent may
Sturdy, J. Elliott, G. Burnett, F. Ford.G. be expected to take part. The wife of Mr
Henley, W. Cole, G. Rieke, 0. G. Middle- Dan Campbell presented him with a bright
ton, H.iCnrwen W. F. Hicks, S. Sturdy, boy on Tuesday. Mrs Parsons, who resides
H. Elford, J. Lindsay, T. Ginn, P. Evans, on the Babylon Line, Stapley, died on
J. Laithwaite, J. Cornish, W. Hardy, G. t, d' Sri 1 Tuesday last, leaving a baby one defy old.
Her remains were • interrect at Lakeside,
tiiir t h�
H fan atie�eh, ".
doci it b holg}e Of,
• y `.
!ton* ' 'IIs* , ley, few'. rify? bh
wa l b to
pr :..- •rllt#XI 1r �iitt�Y to,
1j�- It' v OO Qt f rLent1S
.., ,..y,. 14t4r 4ehy°. iO4,a.
-A' Matt 'Of t'he 0iO. , picot + 3 -t ' ...:,r ,�'' '' n' , he.r kind
went over to Blyth, on 't'Veatiesda .tisk 'hlnl t:' Ct< . `:a -i ha, �,• 'IC #Or;
visjL'Cqurt Morning Star and tie heir herkeluc ncss,;-Th4t'.01 , h 1. awitl>
Bre.-pfentleman talk on the benefite.ot y ! : ,and I gayer anct au left feeling
the` rder, and were much leased with t*A'4� bad', nt a; pleseant even-
t era iven. end willrno •dctllt `ib 111B:kintriends.
be ,b'y the same, and we %uta,en. WED»INO.--Oil Wednesday evening
do N .,z7kliit,�►otds when he,sa a thl�Irti►p c�kt#slstt''w!eDa pl t: ceremon was
be to au institution winch we a
MOW Pear C% ii
N • .-r11I A. Colliso„ �Q .w•as "of.T}xekeriiw tli. pal friends
foal last pix or eevety,,,:niouthe in orty
�eewecelpier3dxii. he bride
N. • ' '.:Dakota and Minneaots,.edple
ka0 l;e ul1. ,.attar , in myrtle green
b:-• laSt,Tuesday; be: reports:,thfn l r
qqu .:a id;du l in tho weet...Mra 11l • ',L', _ r X, Mi! MOM.; in his usual gen
Rf la. visitin „in St,', ,Maz y's this _ rgatit► r, ` of$aiated: The ha py
con, !e`leii: for thea home in Tucker-
we+s t, Allies/Hodginece r who was so ill. dmf ;where the best wishes of a host
hsti'� her home to Lucknow for. a law : of fr ends follow them.
wr,,�jt to gain, strength.,; The saw, mill
is itn in active operation, and arge Auburn.
Stip tltitfgp gf:lggq are ilpixlpl brought in NoTse.-Mise Maggie Helwig spent Ben -
as • . roads are good weather line, day at Auburn. Miss L. D. Wilson paid a
E. L. or C. E. No'rie.-The E. L. of flying visit to friends et St. Helens one day
C. E. of this place meet as usual Mon- last week. D. Bower and Mise M. Or -
day Ovening, and according to an- chard; of Paisley; are visiting at D. Wil-
t�dunt'ement held a debate; Resolved, son's at prompt. Six I, O. (1. T. lodges
that domestic missions are more im- are to be represented at Auburn on Mon -
p�f►icr eo-
it plainly tcd after he
conies back, ff you,dou't,
it Wot t be hili l ift: sok.
4.101,i01 st
The DltruwwItitj ,
Iu,tlie" t eantime, don't forget that
that iheir 'Dock's. Baletuu of
Wild Cherry ouree, and cures
y+ quickly conghe and colds -95o.
beldat(sths h e;9i JOiin.MeQueen,
no : ashamed to recommend. n .Y a bel the marriage
gf, tae,; fls, ,10 Mr James
PamONs.-The Halmesviile Patrons
of Industry will meet ort regular meet-
ing tight, Feb. 6th at 7.90, ntertain-
in-en generaldiscussion on a cu -
triTe. 1 are expected to take part.
Hill, I. Rapson, J. Sheppard, J., Proctor,
a' '���,tJenkins.h
Sone `E W. AroArcher, J. 'McGee, J. Elliott,
G. Middleton, J. Woon, W. Craig, Wm.
Jarvis, J. Jenkira, L. Trick, R. Romp, S.
' TY 01,ASNOaree,Mr ;S. ldertiU . county of Oxford, on. Wednesday. Mr Char.
hr regale -is, haves6iti,3taihteJ408tits+;JoiltlCti'tctt.terQisiksea'0 I be0gkd a Wb
Mulholland, sr., and gives possession hopells-extrerleitaleintatiittifteerityleeill
the lst of April. The price was some- enzyme in pleasure hie drive to the depot.
_Bibbert.PeaThoniTaon. Council adjourn- thing over $200. Mr Merrill has not a large number from 'here attended the
second ed to meet on the ll1dOi iy iii -F011 ----yet` deoTd"ed w ' "'-rine'-wiIredo, ntit-is District Convention •held --fn -Nee ,.
anxious to b farm. Tuesday last. All were delighted with the
4 IN LUCK.. he London papers of a provision made for visiting members and
recent date ontained an item to the deleggates. The friends who made it so en -
effect the a George Gibson, of Austra joys, le for our number will not soon be
g for otten. A concert was held in the even -
lift, had raece tly died leavingWese a large in gat which some of our council assisted.
fortune to relatives in Western Onta-
rio. The fortune is estimated to be Bayfield.
somewhere in the neighborhood of Preexist -Rev. 3. G. Stuart, B. A., of
£175,000. The many friends of Mr H. Knox cherish, London, was visiting hie eis-
B. Evans, of Holmesville, will be glad ter, Biro (Dr.) Stanbnry, for a few days last
to learn that he is one df the relatives, week. Mr Ed. Routledge, of St. Thomas,
and'while we do not know what por- spent Sunday with hie friends here. Mr
tion or share he may receive, we cer- ,las- Stonehonee, an old resident of this
tainly hope that it may be a liberal neighborhood and one of the Goderich
one. • township -pioneers, died on Tuesday morn-
131yth ing; he was buried in Maitland cemetery
on Thursday. Mies Annie Beattie was in
SOME BRICK.. - Messrs Wilford & town on Sunday. The many friends of
Wiattlauffer have already sold the John Lindsay will be glad to hear of hie
with his son, G. M., here. . ;'brick for eight houses, in addition to recovery.
(Received too lata for last week] {the 125,000 wanted for the new school. Coirrso IIr.-The Toronto papers contain
CHEESE FACTORY. -The movement 1 NOT LEGAL. -A large and enthusias- a report of the debate between McGill Oni-
in the direction of cheese -making, tic meeting of citizens took place in vereity; Montreal, and Toronto 17niaeosity.
timated in these columna some time Industry Hall on Friday evenin with It came off before a large anaience in Aeeo-
ago, is still on the progressive scale a view to discussing the advisability of njeo notice ation Halthat l on .G. Fria nbnri had belast.
and is likely to be successful. As has el -
granting a bonus of one thousand dol -
and bythe students, with anther ender -
been said before, during the past fall era to Livingstone, Belgrave, for graduate, to represent Toronto ursit
cheese Factory was erected by Mr J. j the removal of his manufacturing plant g P y,
W. Hill, who is convinced that this . to this place. A favorable impression and, although they had the worst aide of
Manch of agricultural industry can be was created by a number of citizens the ossa, were successful in winning the de-
ruary. N. STvnDv, Clerk. `
NOTES. -On Tuesday of last week a
meeting of Hullett District L.O.L. was
held here, and after the business was
dispensed with the visiting brethren
were treated to an oyster supper by
lodge No. 928 of this place; the supper
was served at the residence of .Mr 0.
Beacom. Mr G. M. Kitty occupied the
pulpit here on Sunday morning, Mr
Stout being absent, -on account of his
mother's death. Miss Dey, of Auburn,
is visiting in this vicinity. Mr J. Har-
ris, of Mitchell, was in thisvicinity last
week. Miss Libble Gauley, of Clinton,
spent Sunday here. Mr John Kitty,
sr., of Hullett, is spending a few days•
made very profltable if taken hold of
in the proper manner. It now remains
for all who desire to have the largest
amount of profit at a minimum cost of
labor, to become patrons of this con-
cern. Let all who desire the above
inquire as regards the workings of the
fadtory, and once understanding it we
have no doubt a large number will
patronize. Already a large number
have signified their intention of gei n g
so. On Saturday last a meeting of
those interested was held in the ball
here, when Mr Hill explained his in-
tentions in connection with carrying
on the factory. There were also pre -
tient ,Messrs Connolly, Forster and
Laurence, officers of the Holmes/7111e
factory, who also aided in the explana-
tion. The patrons proceeded to organ,
ize for the management of their part
of the business as follows: -Pres., Ben
Churchill; Board of Directors, Ben
Churchill, Win. Wallace, D. Lansing,
J. 3. McLaughlin and Thos. Churchill;
Sec., J. H. Lowery. The following are
the main points in the agreement be-
tween Mr Hill and the patrons: -Mr
Hill agrees with them to manufacture
the cheese for 01.25 per 100 lbs; and
that if there be any unmerchantable
cheese he is to make it "good" to them,
that is make up for any rose so sustain-
ed. Let all pitch in and make the fac-
tory a grand success. Give it a trial,
NOTES. -Misses t`1arr, of Wingham, town on Wednesday. The funeral of future pleasure for Bayfield audienoes.
and Beacom, of Clinton, are the guests the late Mrs A. Stewart, Wawanosh, The tableau with song and ohorna by a
of Miss Flora Miller at present. Mrs who died so suddenly on Saturday ev- oorps of volunteers is worthy of mention.
Nelson Bingham has returned to her ,ening, passed through town on its way Without discounting the rest of the pro -
home here, after vending a few weeks to the Union cemetery on Tuesday, gram it is safe to say that the Hoop Drill
with her Parents inMicitigaln. Miss largely attended. Mr W. N. McBride, and Faney March, by sixteen young ladies,
Campbell has returned ° to her home Wingham, was in town on Wednes- Savo the audience the greatest pleaanre,and-
near Witt ham, after spending about 'day. • Holy communion will be ad- made nil think that fairy land had become
six weeks in this vicinity. Miss Sarah ;ministered in Trinity_church next the somal. Space alone prevents further
Nesbitt leaves thts week on a visit to Sunday morning, Miss Egan, of St. detail, though at is tempting *O'rppeeak of
her aster', Mrs.Kerr; near C•bllinggwood. Marys, -is the guest of her sister, Mrs the other bolos trios, quartettee, recitations
Mr G. M. Kitty was on the sick list a F. J. McCaughey'. etc. •Tho Methodist Snnday IJohore isle be
iron, la of daye last week,also Mr Jas. congratulated o : the unqualified success of
Miller.Thefafni 1 ofMrsT: WallaceWa, lace he even u , e no
1 t � doubt con rstnl
y'William dMtftpbe'll; who• ietrayed ataxy On g � y, • ate
gave art o ` rideeveningto ai e that a h F lab lea ` h dole a 87,50 were folded/ .P y'. y s led island 'About a b!}on#h I►gO was found t d w t to their
a latge number of their friends, and all on the island on Wecleestisv *Ming against tresaanr:y. Already two invitations to re-
were delighted at the, pleasant 'fide it tree with x bullet -We. in his twee He peat have been received by the management
spent.• `• < 'became insane through jowl of ptoperty." - ofrhlmitteb from outWide points.
airing their views in the matter, and a eleron of Rev E. A. w1
vote was taken as to the submitting of Prof sot Trio enbtinive
by-laws to be voted on, which carried, j sea
but it was afterwards found out that the jury system shone& be
it would be illegal to grant a bonus. ,had the aflirmati'e In th
ion at Vargit
ANNIVERSARY. - The anniversary cal Government is supposed to be in power.
services in connection with St. An- MrBtenbnry has been given a portfolio in
drew'o church, on Sunday last, were a the Cabinet ae Minister of Militia and De -
decided success. Rev. Mr Stuart, Lori- fence.
don, preached able sermons both morn- ENTEIITAINMSNT.-0nr town hall was tax-
ing and eveningto largecongregations. ed to its utmost capacity on Monday ev-
On Monday evening a tea meeting, ening in accommodating the crowd from
which reflects credit on the manage- the town and surrounding country, who
went, was held in the basement, after came to enjoy what they expected would
which addresses and _meltable music, be the entertainment of the season. Their
which was all very interesting, were expectations were mure than fully realized.
.given in the body of the church Pro- All who took part eecmed to beln the beet
coeds amounted to about 0140, includ- fortis and sustained their parte with oredit
ing Sunday collections. to themselves and pleasure for the audi-
' NOTES. -Messrs H. T. Rance, J, S. ence. It was apeoially noticeable that each
McKinnon and A. E. Bradwin where number of the program was such that the
among those who attended the funeral moat fastidious admitted its elevating char -
of the late Mrs MoMurchie in Clinton actor. Great este had been taken with the
on Friday last. Miss Flora Watson is costumes of the pertormera,whioh, together
• the guest of Clinton friends thia week. with the dainty stage decorations, added
Messrs Powell & Jackman, who re- much to the general pleesnre of the even-
centlypurchased the baking and res- ing. The ohorue alleging of the school was
taurant business of A. B. Allen, took good. The fraternal grestinga from the
possession on Monday. Mr P, Potts sister churches conveyed by the resident
removed his family to Clinton on Mon- ministers were most cordial and pleasant.
day. The Misses Habkirk are visiting The monument of Truth erected by Mrs
Attwood friends at present. W. W. Oaten and her plass of eight young ladies,
Sloan paid a visit to the Queen city on was a numberto lift any program above
Tuesday. Reeve Wilfred is attending the oommoiiplaoe. The talents displayed
County Council at Goderich this week. by Lena Erwin, Clara Erwin arid mma
A. S. Dickson visited the circular Peek, in their eoloa, give promise of much
Tuckers math.
Norris. -Mr' and • Mrs Thompson, of-
Detroit, s nt 8pndtty with relatives
here. G. Crich, of Seaforth, is "%
' visiting relatives here.
QVAntsauY MEETING. -The third
regular Quarterly meeting service of
the Londesboro Circuit will beheld et
Turner's church on Sunday next. The
preaching service will begin at 40.30
to be followed by the usual love feast
and sacrament. The official board
will met on Monday at 2 p.m. at the
same place.
DEATH. -On Thursday of last week
Miss Maggie Sinclair passed peacefully
away after a lingering illn a of `con• .
sumption. She waited patently for
the suiinrpons to go home, not afraid
to go to the mansion prepared for her.
She was buried on Saturday in the Eg-
mondville cemetery. Rev. Mr Atche-
son officiated at the funeral.
of , r correspondent:
ADvie ' eterring'to the serlbe o •{
abuse the oo correspondent of lash I
week, wrote entirely from Imagination, "and -
made use of very abusive language. which wo
are sure they would not Savo done. had they
bbeeeen better posted. It fei,not a diffi t task to
criticise the work of others, especial; 'if thoy
are not under their tinger, or ettq. trllierne
upside down and apply the ' mew yet.
,. Wr• w
to whish they are written. pp
to Y
y rt�dt
notes which hurt the feelings o some? Of, tir,
citizens, the writer wished to draw attention' tot
the foot that the old correspondent had ,hot
been writingS a w n,
toweeks' and thabaethi-
cated perso e, been doing so; and tblknrf'the
students w e now etedying thole would,. ot;
now take tie to write, therefore a "ho or Of wood" had again entered the field. Io rid!
to the "hewers of wood," we wish , to etata?'we c
do hot despise the work of�opr Saida in r -s
we have been ace ed of intinnating . thatt e ,
crit' wrote whlah-i'ljp Roo '
�oe , e,.
fiirnenereliableta0x. oehaea 'eiiibboo r
show a person that, bo as careful as you ma
mistakes will occur, as correspondents a
rule.• ery.littla:that••-Domes--aeee- eie,--
own observation, and very often find odr after.
an article has been written that there 8 very
little truth 1n it. with that tact In view the
writer wrote that article, but there must surely,
have been some ground for suspicion. or they
never would have thought of such a thing. We
hope that such will not occur again, and that
people "will cease to imagine mischief;" nor do
we want to be abused unjustly by persons who
are unacquainted with matters which they
would like to dismiss. -
NOTES. -Mr ;Thomas Gilmour, of
Turnberry, is visitingfriends in Stan-
ley this week. MColin Fraser, of
Manitoba, is on a visit to his mother;
he is a brother of Mr Thos. Fraser,.
Mr and Mrs Jas. Wylie, of Turnberry,
are spending some time among friends
on the second of Stanley. Mr Hugh
McDougall and sister have gone to
Turnberry to visit relatives. Mr Wm.
Graham leaves shortly on a trip to the
old country. A social, under the au-
spices of St. John's Episcopal church, `
Varna, will be held at the residence of
Mrs Beattie, •Varna, on Jan. 31st. We
are glad to hear of the recovery of Mr
R. Reid, sr., from bis recent serious
illness. Mrs J. Reid who has been
visiting friends !near Toronto fora
few weeks, hes returned, Miss R.'C.
Richardson, who has been visiting in
Seafor th, has returned home- Mr tV.
Gemmell and wife, from Turnberry,
They have been visiting on the second of
Jaime yt Stanley this week. Mr John Aiken -
h a en head, Miss Isabella Aikenheail and
Miss Tena McEwen have gone to
Turnberry to visit friends.
A Goon MEDIUM. - A couple of
weeks ago Mr Walter McBeth, of Stan-
ley,'put a small advertisement in the tee
NEW ERA, offering to feed cattle dur-
ing the winter. He at once received
from several readers of this paper ap-
plications to feed their stock, and
found that the NEW DRA was an ex-
advertising medium. A prom-
inent business man, who is an exten-
sive advertiser, remarked the other
day, "I find that the NEW ERA brings
us excellent returns and covers the -
ground well."
A11 OLD CLINTONIAN.-The Spokane,
W.T. Tribune of a recent date thus re-
fers to the eldest eon of Mr H. Steep of
town: -"Among the pioneers of our
city none are better known than the
genial Peter Steep. IC is over twelve
years since Mr Steep severed his ties
With Grand Forks, N.D., and resolved
to seek his fortunes in the west. He!.
selected Spokane, then little better
than a village, as his sphere of action.
Mr Steep's first venture was in the gen-
eral grocery business, in which he con-
tinued for some years, He did not eon -
fine his energies to thisbusiness alone,
for during that period we find him er-
ecting eight handsomedwelling houses.
Mr Steepeventually went into the
real estae business on a large scale,
and in boom days here there -Were fcw
speculators in reality more widely
known -than he. Like the majority of
early investors here Mr Steep has had
his reverses; but it is safe tosay that
he has a handsome account on the
credit side of the lettgeVyet. MriStecp,
still owns a vast amount, ofcity
erty,and pays Otter eight hundred del-
annually as taxes. He has a educe
fortable home on the hill, and isthe
proud possesOor of a<,,flne family,
What else doe§ > man need?"