The Clinton New Era, 1896-01-24, Page 9iin' r s ?'gyt'7,r. •7-1374.7 .7.. •-7,7-•.-"•,,•T-!y r ei MEW PITCHER SHOP. rinderafgrled deeiree to intimate to Ape ]people of Clinton and viioinity that he ilii!. ope>},e a butcher shop in the store of W, Cole, * urea Street. 8e hue had many sere' ilea a d feels at @� G Rn ee that a Oa give a h n �ia the h t f raft n bey 4 lsfaotfo Isle will sell . strictly for Cash, and at the lowest possible prioea.^ O»»Dalas REBBECTroLLY SOLIOITED L W. Wright, - Clinton. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & ],f7ttritir, T, (Successors to J. W. Langford) Having bought out the above bneineae, we intend to conduct it on the Dash principle, and will supply our onetomere with the best meats ett the lowest paying prime. Patrons may rely upon good service and prompt filling of all orders. FORTS & ` MURPHY Central Bntoher Shop, Clinton CITY BUTCHER SHOP I wish to inform the public that I will[not be undersold by any other person in the business. I am a practical butcher, and understand all the branches of the business. We keep the very beet meaty and a full stook always on hand, and will dell at the a Lowest Cash Priem Bring along your money and get the meat at the cosh price. We will give Credit but not at cash prides. Please pall and see what you can do for Cash at R: PITZSIMONS' CITY MEAT MARKET COUCH WILSON: Subscribers desire to notify the pnblio that he have bought -on the butoherin business r;? 15, Y N� �B ( , sp of nti Fresh meats o . in. p...tvJllbe :'ep eason. Bold at reasonable rates and delivered, anywhere in town. l ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON is rVERY AMIL.' $HHOU/. D , OW;.THAT r /:40Ak 111 t,`�� (VEGETABLE `PAIN p. t,V,/ re a very remarkable remedy, both for IN- TERNAL and CXT1lXNAL uas, and won- derful in its gnlok -.Anon to relleys distress. PAIN -KILLER b s tore can for More Throat. Coughs. 6111,, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Crump', adasteril, wd all Not .3?walts. i PAIN-KILLERoSTd: Sreknos ggook Headache, Para In the Hack or me. strieumatism and Neuralgia. PAN -KILLER rriEwi . EIrtig IA MADE. gs •nT tVD tAIDIARART RELIEF opraisesOita. SD4¢4w Sere ▪ orbs. eta PAID KILLER �1n�pJ' and Mechanic. Warmer, Planter., aeUur'43,�nd to racy an classes wanting 1 medicine el ya at hand, and earn To etre internally or externally with certainty otreliet. Beware of imitations. Take none but the genuine '• PEARY DAVIS." Sold worrwharo; .6c. LIQ bot Lo. Z/I�V'fi1.'1U111 Beggars traort1inary. Tolthe Editar of Clio Neta gra otD _ - . #t S1i,—•Now that tho el to us St?6i are a tiling or the past, and tba sed y hhaking of the candiidates, n their enquiries as to the health of the family In eneral; and to ab i h bparticular, nr9 O e seen and iaeard in the nd, perhaps it would not be amiss to direct pubic: at- tention to this pernicious, and wholly inexcusablecustom of soliciting votes. Civilizedople have their strange customs as well as the uncivilized, and not the least strange of their customs Is that of Candidates begging their way to offices. For several days preceding the election the candidate for mµnien- pal honors are the distinguishing fea- tures In the landscape. You cannot escape them. they are here, there and everywhere. They are standing on the street corners with their fingers hook- ed, ready to fasten into the buttonhole of the'electftrs as they Rase their way. They are careeringg np; and down the streets of the different wards in' the towns ; they are going at a breakneck speed up and down the concessions of the townships, calling at every bouse, like the veriest mendicante, button= holing and importuning the electors for their votes. Bustlrn - buetii#ig; hurrying, sic urryine nd'altherlwieedies playing such energy; •viglor;' ireportu- nity and cheek that if they were ordi- nary instead of extraordinary beggars their fortunes would be assured. One has not far to sear ch to discover the origin of thIe canvassing°custom. It originates precisely from the same source as ordieairy' begfiing ariginteM. - Beggars solicit alms because by age, disease, aceidgpt - or, of er , kigdre4 cause they are inCa}raeitt'ate from earn- ing their awn ving, Candidates beg for votes becau a'they oftnr1©t get them any other way ; their qualifications are not such as will induce the office to seek them, and so they must, perforce, seek the Alice. With beggars for arms w 'can "sym- pathize, it is a matter of necebi ity with them; not so with the beggar fpr votes, it is neithenlieceosarY te•himself or to the public lihat he should be elected, and if be l* .9y halt, 444lmaimed, isa d tfr blind, or in' otherwise hi qualiflca ions are of stuck a low standard that he is compelled to beg in order to sac y 'llh}s election, then it is better fors Visa caned that he stay at home anti evote' his time and attention to his own pri- vate business. Cheek and importunity are not the best qualifications for a public servant, arid yet theublic by,. countenancidg ' and encrintagaingl cdh= sassing are offering a premium upon this very thin. - Many candidates detest the business, _. but they are forced to do it because others do it. If you ask them concern- ing it they may give reasons for it, but • all are agreed that they do not like it. I was told by one that he felt very much the same as if he had a bag on his back and was begging like an ordi nary arienciica1lti but his excuse was' that as the others wer ib tnyas Ing if' he did not the ehancea Wave against him being elected. Ano her,on gave as his excuse that matt 'liked one be' asked for their votes, an felt slighted and. were actually offended unlece their votgisWas solieiMd. If there be, any truth in Chip, it Is, to say the least, not very creditable to the intelligence and common sense of the electors. The in- dividual who has no more sense than to take offence at the man who does not aak=him- for his votes should not have a vote. Such electors are danger- ous to the commonwealth ; they evi- dently do not understand or realize the sacredness of the ballot, and, conse- quently are liable to make -a bad use of it. I can readily understand how such an one could easily be persuaded to sell his vote for money. The individual who prizes the franchise as he ought would as soon think of selling his con- science, his liberty, or his wife, as he would his vote, But if there are such childish electore, which for the credit and honor of representative govern- ment, I trust there is not, it is no ex- cuse for canvassing, but rather a rea- son against it, for our goverment is certain to be all the better when such people have no voice in the making of it. Another candidate to whom I spoke conceruing this matter told me, appa- rently in sober earnestness, though I am inclined to imagine that he was just a little sarcastic, tbat rnany elect- ors evidently looked upon the "run- ning" of candidatee in the literal sense, and believed that the race ought to go to the one swiftest of foot. " Many times," said he, "have I asked an indi- vidual for his vote only to be told that I was altogether too slow ; i hat the other fellow had been there before me, and had secured the prize." He was a defeated candidate and inclined to find fault with things in general. He be- lieved there was nothing fair about the present mode of running ;some of the candidates sneaking out a week or two ahead of the others, and conse- quently those starting later being thus greatiy handicapped in the race. And e is quite right. If canvassing is to be allowed a time and place should be appointed, when and where, the can- didate should be made to score Por po sition and start at the word "go." They would then win on their merits as runners, and not on their Merits as schemers, as is the case under the pre- sent order of things. But, in my humble opinion, canvass- ing should not be tolerated under any condition of things. It is detrimental to the best interests of the country. Because of it, and kindred things such as for instance pltndei,ing to the differ- ent secret societies, the best men are prevented from entering the field. They will not stoop to do these things, and theywould stand very littlechdnce other wise. Moreover canvasser are a public nuisance. People, as a rule, do not want to be placed in the position of'having tq,rgi't}sp a begging request, and thus perhaps estrange the friend- ehlp, or perhapsle'ven make an enemy, of the one they are compelled to re- fuse. The franchise is, or ought to be, altogether too eacred a thing to be given as alms to a beggar, and it is high time the public should stamp canvassing out and consign it. to obliv- ion, where other customs hot mete strange have been buried hundreds of years ago. I am certain that none would rejoice mete at its burial than candidat s theinseiv. s. The have an opportu t On,nam ation have of airy ing,tlf •' $r. an .here and throug the, 1m ask, t1 tti ke, hfar t 1:513C."':°1:6° pVi''�gddC p?k CLINTON, est . iiltusage ,e: t N►`rway Pine 1, e combin 'tel a ,l orti,t properties of other pector • herbs and barks. A PERPEOT CURE POR COUGHS AND COLDS Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Croup and all THROAT. BRONCHIAL and UNG I S;F ASES. Q te. onghew ogee tly o O. Nes 000 ,. R 90'r7 j� ..o ay; .wu DI,,y�n.,aT-. i -q _ r to d lbs. for`- 5e. NO BEEF OR LIVER PUT IN. Pork Chops, Roasts, Cured Meats. Prices to suit hard times. Pure LARD by the pail or crock. We make fresh sausage every day; JAS. STEEP it CO. FLOUR AND FEED STORES. , Flour, Feed & Seed Store The undersigned deaire to intimate that be will keep on band the very beet FLOUR _ and FEE» of all kinds also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which win be Bold at close margins for cash. SALT also kept on hand. He wUl also keep a hoice variety of all kinds of TEAS which con- sumers will and to be excellent valve. Hale & JOYNER _ HURON ST., , CLINTON. COOK'S FIouriFeed Store . BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL OAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of; Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank. Ir}corpordted by Act of Parliament, 1855: CAPITAL, $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,875,000 HEAD 'OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. B. MOLBON.•.......Preeident, F. W. TEOMAS,....General Manager. Notes disooniited Collections made, Drafts le - sued, Sterling add American exobange bought and sold at lowest cur idnt ate. Interest al- FA It B. Money advanced to taxmen on their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re gutted as security H. C. BREWER, Manager. G CEO. D. MCTA(OART. ALBERT -ST, - CLINTON. ce>ltb tt . liilting' A Buainleba t1 ansacted 4 i DIsOO NTED Drllfte issued. Interest allowed on • 1'r4eg9*ltL & TISDALL•a BANKERS, ot4NTalv. (;rlickT tl• ,A:diatlnei t 4, t0 fanners ort their own 1rtdt+kr 1i1 leap tales of ilttetail*. 50, A gi▪ aktal 3341Wrii Ureal tOk trantiatted rsskiilii oil 4 ui o b er System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies, SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTt For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, Bleeplesenees, Palps- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitis Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid ney and 'Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danoe Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, BORERIM% OMT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. snd''Mdnufaotnrer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE;'and1YILL-ANAt`veu:ctr�. CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD'STAND, Next to Oommerelal Hotel. his establishment is in full o. eration and s,' rders ailed in the moat satiefacto y way Oems• ery and granite work a specialty. Prices as easonable as those of any establishment REALE A HOOVEB,Clinton. im For Twenty -Six Years DUN'K'S BAKING POWDE R THECOOK'SBEST1 RIEND LARGtrd1' BALE IM CANADA, Senmiller Nuz eery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND, The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by pur chasing here. Orders by Mailtaill be promptly attendtd to. Addreee, JOHN STEWART, BENMILLER J. C. STEVESON, -THL LEADINGI= UNDERTAKER EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT in STOCK ThebestEmbalming Flnidused Splendidilearse. .A.10,B.HRT6T.,�7 * Eoic,- 1l Blaine, u Ff 3azlu try 2' r i89G . is nob easy to othforce, tial we deviate from it in this instance in order thall the abominable system of canvassing may be diseussed. Itcloos not follow that we agree with all the writer has said; some of his illustrations are put ' the beet, but his main contention is perfectly sound and will be endorsed 0 _y ivory Utah in New RA.J CAN BE MADE NEWS Your Husband and Child- ren Will Rejoice and be Glad[ — Have you tried to renew- and reoreate your husband's and ohildren'e oast -off clothing? Why, this work ie done easily by thousands of women every day of the year. They are successful in the work, because they ase the wonderful, strong and never -fading Diamond Dyes. Old and fad:. sd dresses, gjaaltete, papee, costa, Vatlts and' vests otri'',11e .,Made to took tike li qy gPfi* mente, at a cost of 10 ciente. When you decide upon doing dyeing work, be partlou- larly careful to use only the Diamond Dyes. See that your dealer does not offer you substitute imations. If yea are un- fortunate enough to bedeceived, your work is invaiu, and your gagmente are ruined. NEWS NOTES A baby weighing exactly one pound wee born in San Francisco last Christmas day. A codfish weighing fifty-six lbs was brought into Portland, Me„ a few days ago the largest seen 'there in many ;dare• Ayer'e Hair Vigor i9._ceriainly a remark- able preparation and nothing like it has ever been produced. No matter how wiry ta»danp anagensble,the heir may be, under the influence of this incomparable dressing it becomes loft, silky, and pliable to the comb and brush. Mr and Mrs '.Durgin, living :in Portland[ hatiel�re 'thenges'of '102 and 99 ear{ redp et ly, and both rile hale, hearty and happy /.is believed tbat Mrs. ()larieeri-Spencer of Manchester, Conn., is the oldest Church u eml?er i the State. She hits been a mdnlber' ofpthe Congregational Church for a little more than eighty years, and a oon- att u • dant and aotive worker during i`th ` bd ieriod. She is now 96 years old. B p r 111i1bn'e Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry and Hypophoephiftees eor n bines the curative powers of Wild" oherity;' Hypohosphites of Lime and Soda, and pr;r o, a an Cod Liver Oil in perfectly petit t orin. It is the beet for coughs, colds and all lung troubles.. Price 50o. and 61,00 pet bottle. Some of the prisoners in the gaol et Olintwood, Va., one day last week knocked down the gaoler, MrKiser, when hebrought their food, and . made their esoape. It is remarked somewhat indignantly and re- proachfully in the local paper ohronioling the event, that some ether prisoners played the same trick on Mr. Kiser last fall. Ladies clean ybnr' kid gloves with Jos- ephiht l' Ginre(1eaner, for sale only by Hotifggiia'Brh4 Clinton, sole agente for the Perrin,' Fcs es ?'arid Alexander Kid Glove n all •the most desirable shades, dressed sal undressed, lane and button. Rev.,Dr,Hunter has resigned the pastor t "' of the Dominion Square Methodist Church Montreal, on account of ill -health. Rev. R. J. Mansell 'will succeed him. A young man named William Knight of Newport was shot and mortally wounded Mr: Iii li"/ May; bihose'ji'1`aoe he visited with a number of other young men on a ohari,ari frolio. You DON'T HAVE To SWEAR Orr says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture in an editorial abdnt No -To -Bao, the isms one tobaoso habit Cure. ';W@ know of many oases oared by No -To -Bac, one, a promi- nent St. Louis architect, smoked and chew- ed for twenty yeare; two boxes cured him so that even the' smell of tobacco makes him sick." No -To -Bac gold and guaran- teed no cure no pay. Book free. Sterling Remedy Co., 874 St. Paul St., Montreal. Sold by Allen et Wilson. The Poet very heartily approves of the good example set by the business men of Clinton on the matter of early closing on Saturday evenings. By Ian agreement entered into all stores and shops are ex- pected to be clotted on the ringing of the town bell at 9 o'clock, This is as it should be as no good reason can be advanced why business should be dragged out until 11 o - deck or later on the last day of the week. We should like to see the example of Clin- ton followed in Brussels and other villages and towns in the county, as we feel assured the advantages tD accrue by this plan will far outweigh the supposed profits realized by the late hours. Thin list and gel, lf, you vpant any Valencia Raisins oil stalk F.0.8., or Selected SetAlsolt Ilaisfne, 14lew Curre me thproughl deemed, Sultana Raisins, California Loose Illusoatel Raisins, London Layers or Olaok Basket. Good ell stall; Raiins, 6lbs for 2!i ,cent;, California Eva rated Apricots, Oalifcepiia Evaporated Peaolree, California Evepara ed Plume, Califer^rlia Canned Aprldots, Nectarines, YolloTr p'eaohelt, Canned PiutApple, whole, eliped or. pulped. Nuts of all 'kfndialCandies, Lemons, Oranges. k'IneetTihile riga in 10 and 20 pound bones„ ,Bright new Dates. CHINAWARE --Fine Dinner and Toilet Sets cheap Call and see our Fancy China, Glassware, and select your Xmas present. N. B --Do not forget that I have the finest quality of TEAS and COFFEES in town N. ROBSON, - Clinton The Loveliest Gifts Are something useful and durable, as well as beautiful. We have them. Carvers in lases, Sets Carvers,Plated Knives and Spoons Tea Trays, Silver Trays, Pocket and open Knives, Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers, Brass Lamps, Banquet LampsSkates, Children's Plated Sets ac Just received a car of the Diamond Water Whitefooal Oil at same price as common oil. Harland Bros, Clinton WHAT CAN BE NICER There is nothing more imitable for a Christmas present than a piece of furniture. This year we ere better prepared than ever to auit our many customers. Onr assortment is larger and oar prices lower than ever. That Polished Oak Rocker, Leather Seat, that we are offering at $3.25, Is a snap. • • The former prioe of this chair was $4.60. , • We have Chairs at all prioea, and with the assortment -we have you cannot help but be gaited. Come and see what wapIAve to offer you. Yon are welcome whether you buy or not. JOSEPH W. C H I DLEY FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. 189 GREETING 1896 -- Wa desire to return our thanks to our patrons of the past year, and kind- ly extend to them an invitation to continue to patronize us daring the year we are entering upon. We shall endeavor to serve you with [good goods at regular market valve. We have a large stook to choose from, and are constantly receiving new and seasonable Goode. We also invite the general public to give us a fair trial and you will be convinced that there ie no need to go away to other towns to make your pnroh les. We will be pleased to attend to all who may favor ne with a visit. We purpose doicg a Cash Business this year. Wishing all a happy and prosperous New Year ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. A DAMS; LONDESBORO t!� • 1 - FIT Shoe .� M VonMar ar am in'TT Ji Object—health, comfort. arm°. lay ' bb dgnment—dieappearanoe of corns, Cold clammy feet, tired feat, Water -proofed leather adoption — donventenas. improved appearance. longer wear, foot oomforts ,common sense See the new wet • proof oil- ;tireseed, tan Harvard calf, or black Aluminum loalf, footwear. Rubber outstare, Dolga felt inegleee light, springy, stylish. - Ask for the Slater Sllpless Shoe. Health and strength ;'carry ns through dangers- and make tta safe in 'the pree: encs of peril. - Dis- ease germs do„no herrn in a heathy. I ,C•u_ body. A germ is not a big thin, and it is only physical weak- news that makes it dangerous. A per - f e c t l y strong man with rich, pure blood, fres nothing to fear from gertne. He may breathe' in the bacilli of con- sumption withe int- pttnity. Nature is continually working ,�., , to throw off any im. purities that may come into the body but if there is i we a spot *here the gen may find an entrance to tt e tissue then the Foible be1ue. Disease Ams propagate with ightning -like ra idity. nee in the blood, they quickly fill the whole body The enlY way to get rid 41 th m. a to kill them. Tbis 1. what Dr, Pierce's Oglden Medical Diseovery i} for. It pu- rifies the load. That means that it kills the germs but that le only part of what it does,, It , sessiate in�h a di- gestion of food nd ptit� the' digestii a ori gas in a perfect condition. IIt etiniu ` tes Che secretion of digestive fluids, eo pros ot- ing assimilation and nutrition. It fill,,e blood full of healthy red corpuscles. aIt purifies and enriches every drop of bl in the whole • . dy and so euppl.iee tip , d they need. ilht i . t esti and puts e ise resisting state. a of ill huesiu allele ,stns c&t lie'--ttupttrity itgi d it sr vat wilt fOlgJs,7ai,, f lAi.i's :seals s For sale by WM. TAYLOR tt SONS, Clinton. Do Vo a FEEL SICK? TRADE Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DM TAKE PEPSIA or INDIGESTION. . . — 1f you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have TAKE LIVER COMPLAINT, . . . — 1f your COMPLEXION 18 SALLOW, or you TAKE SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, — For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR- TAKE DERS OF THE STOMACH. — Tema V. RI PANS -TABULES RI PANS TABULES RI PANS TABULES RLPANSTABULES , Ripens Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve fhe Health. 3 • Ripens Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cleanse the system effectually; cure dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offensive breath and headache. One 'TABULE taken at the first indication of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating or depression of spirits, will surety and quickly remove the whole difficulty. If given a fair trial Ripens 'Tabules are en infallible cure; they contain nothing injurious and are an economical remedy.. ASY TO am,. alit.TO ACT ,boles are ,hold Wit conte a box) i8 deet tt'y', 1400 IO' spruce ski