The Clinton New Era, 1896-01-24, Page 7K. Te ell ray euatemers:who have helped to make this Ohristreas trade the largest Ix the hietory of our business, end exceeded by far our expectations. `9 shins you all a beppy and prosperous New Year. Watoh this space next week for prices. I', 1.-•-'09Q are here to etoy, and if we warrant a watch we will be here to fulfill our promise. We are not going out of business. IMPAIRS by a skilled workman and a first-class engraver. We charge yon for nothing in our repair department until we know a watch is running right. J. B. RU M BALL Watchmaker. Jeweler, &c., TelephoneExchau'g e White Pine Expectorant We recommend it above all others for coughs and colds. It has given the best satisfaction of any cough mixture we handle, and'we have them all. The bestltest is the quantity sold. We have sold more of it than of all the others combined. If you have a cold try it. You will like it as good if not better than we represent. Price 25 cents. Our selection of Imported and Domesticteigars is one of the best. J. E. HOv.Y. Dispensing Chemist, • Clinton. War I War Not with cannon against our fellows, but war against high prices 'for goods. We desire to call special attention to our stock of OVERCOATS and SUITS As being just what is needed as regards to quality and make, and the prices will be found as low as is consistent with honest dealing. We have also a large stock of IMPORTED and CANADIAN TWEEDS Which we offer at very close prices, either by the yard or ode into clothes to fit the customer. As regards BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS We are prepared to make the prices of these so low that any one can afford to purchase. We could exchange for about 20 bushels of good Potatoes and any quantity of Fresh Eggs and Good Roll Butter. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. ADAMS LONDESBORO Terms—Cash or Produce. Florida Water 5c a Bottle Perfume makes a most acceptable holiday gift. Our ;stock embraces all the leading makes:of FRENCH, :ENGLISH and AMERICAN PERFUMES. We want your trade and make a bid for it. The question of relia- bility, of standard sterling goods and long experience should tip the beam in our favor. Add to this our moderate prices. We can give you something handsome for 50c, $1 and $1.25. JAMES H. COMBE'S Moving Sale • Big Bargains will be offered the balance of this week. Next week, if nothing hap- pens, we will be moving into our New Store, with new goods and new prices. We are getting into position so we can offer better induce- ments to our customers. The less it takes to run a business, the cheaper we can afford to sell, and we are de- termined to take the lead with good goods and low prices • Plum -steel & Gibbings. CLINTON. 1\11,11"4 :kits f - xi M.nr.ax.„. nRhT'u-s 1v"*. IJOR 4PTiiTiD. alt► sartlitlatoti anlln IGtfi trio Wife of Mr A. Wefr.lfori zarly Mhas 4Ckahauk;) 4f alien, IIO 1341.1 IJV ,,-It Ata buxU,. flu the 18tb Oho sb, tie wife ofglr 11i01ts11auoy, 4t ti sou, wife of Air Hal Monro not d (laugh*, Wet, the uRl *: LAMMIkI:--In Tnokersmitb, On the 8th tpati, the QQwife of Mr Wm, 1,atnmie, of a deugbtac,. thelwife of Mr J jetties !McDTuokeremonald, of t4 tb, on the om m SP.lNDLER.—In Asb11eld, on December 3Lst, the wife of 36fr If. Spindler, formerly of Dhlnth. of a daughter. MARRIED RENOLD- ,SAYDR.—$t the residence of Mr Harry 1lenolda, Aurora on December 81st, Mr Mr Robert Renolds, Principal of St. Catharines College, to Mies Emma Eayors, of Toronto, (for- merly of Hullett.) JOHNSTON—BEEPERS.—.At the residence of the bride's parents Goderich township' on the 1st inst., by Rev. parents, J. Harris, B. A. Mr J. A. Johnston, of Goderich, To Miss Mary Bees,. ore, et Goderioh township. MOMATH—ORABB—At the residence of the bride's mother, Elgin Ave., on the let inst„ by Rev. J. A. Anderson, Mr James A. MoMath, to Janet Elisabeth, daughter of the late Crtetoph. er Crabb. DIED. MOIi1UROHIE.—In Clinton, on Jan. 22n1, Agnes MoMurohle, relict of the late A. McMur- ohie, aged 61 years and 1 month. [Funeral this Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. WILSON.—At Charles Oity, Iowa, on Jan. 4th, Annie, daughter o1 Mr S. Wilson. formerly of Clinton, and grand -daughter of Mr P. Straith, aged 9 years, 6 months and 11 days. REID,—In Manitoulin Island, on December 31st. Mrs Elizabeth A. Reid, (formerly of Stan- ley,) aged 49 years. COX.—In Mullett, on the Lath inst,Elizabebh, wife of Mr James Cox, aged 70 years. MEDD,—In Hallett, on the 15th inst. Mrs Susan Medd, (rellot of the late Benry inst., aged 70 years. FORSYTH.—In Tuokersmith, on the 8th lost, Robert 11., only son o1 Mr Henry b'orsyth, aged 2 years and 4 months. FORSYTH.—In Tuckeremlth,_ on the 13th in - et., Grace, onlydhnghter of Mr Henry Forsyth, aged 4 years and 21 days. BOWERS,—In Clinton, on the I9th inst., Harriet Emily Bowers, (daughter of the late M. Bowers,) aged 20 years and 2 months, Mooers. -In Detroit, on Jan. 22, Mary Isabell' daughter of the late Hugh Moore, aged 17 years Funeral on Friday, Jan. 24, on arrival of 10.10 a.m. train. Foster is not doing mach boasting about 'the N. P. nowadays. There are now 12 soap kitchens in Montreal alone. L4 .It rl,s M%l'y,CIWJ Heavy shipments of New Spring Goods have been received at this store, and, have been marked oft and piled away till after we get through taking stock. In the meantime, while stocktaking is going on, prices are cut to the bone. 24. GILROT ' 'WISEMAN, Clinton Iff HovoltyBakery and Restaurant. Meltill11011 & Go, Blyto Don't forget that we have the finest assortment of Fruits and Confectionery Our great January Sale is now in lull blast. Below we quote a few prices to give you an idea of what we are doing: Henriet` . 45 in wide in 5 colors worth 50c, going at 39c Serge Dress Goods in black and navy worth 45c, going at 35c Black and Navv Esternam, 42 in wide, worth 42c going at 29c Ladies Cloth 42 in wide in three colcrs, worth 25c going at..., 17c Women's Heavy Laced Boots worth $1.25 for Black Cashmere Gloves reg price 25c going at Heavf Grey Cotton worth 7c go- ing at Ginghams, fast colors, reg price Sc going at Boys Overcoat, Tweed Lining, reg price $4.50 going at $2.95 Wool Tweeds in plain and fancy checks worth 40c going at.... 30e 30 lbs Sugar for $1.00 6 lbs Tapioca for 25e 71bs Raisins for - 25c 3 lbs Dried peaches for 25c 5 lbs Japan Tea for 50e 5 lbs Japan Tea for $1.00 6 lbs Dates for 25c Ladle's Fine Boots, in 90c • worth $1.75 for all sizes, $1.25 Plain and Checked Heavy Dress 15c Goods, double fold, reg price 15c going at 5e 5c We import our teas direct from Japan, and we offer a special line worth35c for We have a few Ladies' German Jackets left which are up-to- date in every respect which we are offering at off. 100 in town Candies from 5c to 50c a Ib Seasonable FRU ITS at low prices Pipes, Tobaccos, etc. In fact everything at the very lowest prices. James McClacherty,Opro6ITE THE MARKET, LINTON Dr. G. L. Mackay, the Presbyterian missionary, and family, have arrived in Formosa. The party was met on their arrival by a large number of students together with Mr. and Mrs. Gould, the missionaries. All Europeans on the island, according to the doctor, are being protected by Japanese soldiers. - - CLINTON MARKETS 25e Oorrected every Thursday afternoon Thursday, Jan. 23, 1896. Wheat, spring 0 68 a 0 69 Wheat, fall 0 68 a 0 69 Oats, 0 22 a 0 23 Barley 0 80 a 0 40 Peas 0 48 a 0 50 Flour per cwt... 2 15 a 2 15 Pork 4 60 a 4 50 Batter 0 14 a 0 16 016 a 015 O 20 a 025 Hay, New and Old 12 00 .14 00 Sbeeepskine 0 25 a 0 30 h No. 1 Trimmed Hides Chickens 4 00 a 4 25 O 25 a 0 30 Ducks 0 45 a 0 50 Turkeys, per pound 0 06 a 0 5,} Geese ler pcnnd 0 05 a 0 OE Von can save money by attending this great sale, we always carry out what we advertise. McKinnon at Co., - B1 BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. NEWS NOTES. John Bryson, M. P. for Pontiac County, is dead. Nova Scotia Provincial Government has e surplus of $4,225. Rev E. J. Feesenden, rentor of Ancestor, died suddenly on Saturday morning. Jas. McDonald, convicted of theft at Ot- tawa, hanged himself in the jail with a towel, John Mair, of Burford, was shot dead in Manitoba, by Mr Bell, who mistook him for a deer. A patient at Rockwood Ayelnm who re- cently died was found to have needles in her heart and lenge. Mr. George H. Murray was nominated by the Liberals of Cape Breton to oppose Sir Charles Tupper. Rev Wm. Reid, D.D., for many years agent of the Presbyterian church in Cana• da, died the other day, aged 80. A large portion of the main street of Newcastle was burned Tuesday morning. The loss $50,000, with lees than $25,000 insurance. George J. Robb, Treasurer of Moncton, has been arrested for embezzlement. He confesses to appropriating the proceeds of a check for $9,100. Dr, K. N. Fenwick of Kingston, one of the leading phyeioiane of Ontario, died last night from blood -poisoning oontraoted during an operation. Hon. David Mills discussed the Shortie oommntation ossa in Parliament, and aoonned the Government of shirking their plain duty in the premises, Secretary Olney of the United States is confident that the Venezuela dispute with England will be settled at an early date in a manner honorable to both nations. Thos. 27oodan, a former C. P. R. em• ployee„ whose dismissal So depressed him that he became insane, committed suicide at the Hospital for`Ihe Insane at Brookville on Tuesday. A young man named Frank Tyner, of Ballawhaok, was, given a glass of whiskey containing horse medicine, as et jokeby eomn companions. The mixture killed Mr J. G. Humphries, one of the oldest residents of Asphodel, Ont., stumbled down stairs in hie aon'a house on Saturday, and received injuries which in a short time proved fatal. He aras aged 17. As Thee. Oowan, of Paris, Ont., was cut- ting wood on Friday night, his 10 year old stirs slipped and fell tinder the , descending exei Much struck him on the head, mak- ing ii det> "tonna, cutting through the Oka and injuring the membrane of ilia brilih. The fliedmay possibly.r'sooVer. iSggeper doz Potatoes NEWS NOTES M. C. Cameron is still a war. horse.— Kingston Whig. The country continues to hint that it means to go Grit next time,—Hamilton Herald. Mr Hagh J. Maodonald, of Winnipeg, says there is no truth in the report that he was going into the Dominion Cabinet. Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, speak• ing at a banquet given by natives of Queen - land residing or living in London, said the enemies of Britain had done a good service for the nation, as tney had enabled it to show its face to the world. The Rev. Dr. Warden bas form ac- cepted the office of agen t of the Presbyter- ian Church of Canada, to whish be was appointed by the last General Assembly, and, in consequence of the death of the Rev. Dr. Reid, entero on the dntiee of his office at once. Mr Daniel G eddis, er., of Levant Station, Ont., threw down a fork from a loft, and then went down a ladder,elipped off, jumped and alighted on the handle of thefork which penetrated hie body near the thigh, and ran up into his body, causing a frightful wound There is little hope of his recovery. In the coarse of hie remarks on Mond ay night at Porth Sydney, C. B., Attorney - General Longley, of Nova Scotia, referring to the Venezuela dispute, said that in the event of armed strife the Dominion of Canada would be foremost in the field, se she was also foremost in loyality, of any of the British colonies. Premier Greenway, who has returned to Winnipeg from his farm, said that: the new Leigislattlre of Manitoba would prob- ably be called for despatch of business on Thursday, February 6. The Premier ex- pressed great satisfaction at the result of the elections. He said it would be the ear- nest endeavor ot his Government during the next four years of office to promote in every way possible measures and means conducive to the best interests of Mani- toba as an agrioultnrel country. Mr. Bryson, Conservative M.P. for Pon- tiac. Que., died on Saturday. Thus another vacancy has been danced in the House of Commons. l'he other seats vacant are Charlevoix, Que., Northumberland, N.B. Sonlanges, Que Miseisgaoi, Que., and Cape Breton, N. g, Thus another ails spats, all hold by Cainteriiitives prior to ibeirtbding vacated, ars now empty. The .holding of a sixth seralon iy'f Parliatizefit prom1eep to • he one of tlib ontt1iest atldertslzinge *hat the Doininion t&xp tysr-has;had to 'boulder for, nnleUU a dissolatiotx taker ppitob within the n rt Montli,ihrale Mug* bel' bye-eldet1oiiI' in all f ilieee ownstittienoieis. +':• t. ' • ''- TO EXCHAN4E. . ' • Pair of new bob -sleighs, never used, will be exchanged for wood. Apply to HENRY STE- VENB, Clinton. Huron County Council ThaCoaneil.ef-the oorparation oLShe-County-.-- of Huron will meet in the Court Room lin the Town of Goderioh, on Tuesday,lthe 28th day of , the present month, at 3 o'clock, p.m. W.LANE, Dated Jan 13, 1896 Werk Choice Farm to Rent A splendid farm of 160 acres. close to Otinton,is offered to rent on very reasonable terms. Ow- ner has other lntereets that take up his time. Nearly all cleared and in spienafd condition. First-oiaee buildings, plenty of water, Bac. This 1. a rare opportunity for a man to secure an ex- oelient:arm, Apply to NEW HRA Office. Improved Yorkshire Boar. The undersigned keeps for service at their premises, 16 non., Goderieb township, an im- proved (registered) Yorkshire boar, No. 1292, of Canada Improved Yorkshire Swine record. Shippers consider this breed the best for ship- ping, packing and profit, and brings the highest price in the English market. Terme 81 at time ot service with privilege of returning if neces- sary. Also 8 good mulch cows for sale; simpl overstocked. -LINDSAY BROS. pd We Make Business Brisk During the dull months because we make prices brisk. We state facts without any extravagant assertions, and people find everything just as represented. The response to our announcement of reduced prices has been prompt and satisfactory. Seldom have we seen such brisk selling in the month of January as we have witnessed this week. Every cus- tomer is pleased and assists in spreading thelnews of our bargain giving sale. Stocks of Clothing ; and : Overcoats Are shrinking rapidly, prices are clearing the tables. Just think of our $10 Suit being sold at $7.60 and you will understand why shrewd people are buying now. We have always sold clothing at close prices, and we are now giving a quarter off. Our $6 Suit is all wool, good color, well made, well trimmed, a quarter off brings it to • —$4.50 $4.50 Frieze Ulster, regular $8, and none to beat it in the county, now $6. Our $6.50 Ulster for . , $4.88 Think of 36 inch Union Sheeting, white or gray, regular 30c for 22c a yard Think of Dress Meltons,all leading shades, regular 25c,for 18c Think of heavy all wool factory Flannels at 20 cents a yard Think of fine Henriettas, 46 in. wide, all the popular shades, good value at 50c, sale price 38' cents Think of Blankets, "the all wool sort" at $2 a pair Think of beautiful skirt CIoths, regular 18c goods for 130 Think of fine wool Shirts and Drawers, good value at 75 cts being sold for 52 cents. Think of 5Cen's Long Boots worth $2.50 for $1.95 Make no mistake --turn neither to the right nor left, come direct to this store. While this clearing gale continues you can buy for $20 what would cost you at least $25 in any other store in the county. Yours for business. _ Lotu eRboX'o.