The Clinton New Era, 1896-01-24, Page 3?f. • a J • ii r: an ,'aro a, rF TtIONregafaA BLOOD. 1,13**c •+ D 1wEJI TONIC. ofrhri 1 .1nRredirleI is a Health •Builder, nd 'ek»aalasnt•1te1i.f. * guaican , 'lit 01,0414 + ot O >Ili ati k eakutlepw I3! iso slid ski* illewaus . 14 is bMrsd:frla tl orlrii . weteae qi iobhtil. ab . x t. flornp ext. n and mellsvi+44g j +uliar ► e r tt is U naarpa eta, Hfdd + ?! ['tDrug8 t(ill•0 Cl l zrttil , I4 # 91 ;ti# ,[t A.1v14 'tA."' ' 'a gib ftN a• ROwfolero ii the coaoty gaol at Holt, Mo:, Inneh i polo witha stocking tied to it ,#llrllugkh the, bre Christmas eve, and left it there all day Christmas day. A con- giderable<qunntity of small coin was dropp- ed into the etuoking by people passing the gaol, A COMMISSIONER IN B. R. GaxTlatuna—Saving need Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam in our family for years, I have no heaitation in eaying that it beats everything else we ever tried for odaghs and colds in ohildren as well as grown up people.. It believes that tight binding sen- elationin the chest. We would not be "without it for anything, as we have a large family. WILLIAM ANDREW, Commissioner `in Ba R., Balmoral, Man. BUT KEEP YOUR GOOD MONEY. If recent reporta from Holland be true, gays the Buffalo Express, the deecendante of . that eooentric young Dutch woman, Au- neke Jane, will soon be in receipt of a por- tion of the vaat fortune left by her. The struggle between the heirs of Anneke Jana on the one side, and Trinity church on the other, has been going on for years. Tho property involved is variously estimated at from one-half to three quarters of a billion dollars, of which $80,000,000 in actual cash is held by the Bank of Holland. The Trinity corporation here has saooessfally fought 'every oleiteant, though admitting that they themselves held no psrfeot title to the pro- perty. During the last two years a u mbar of neva suits have been commenced against the Trinity holders, but in none of the oases hue a decision favorable to the con- testants or otherwise been rendered. The local Anneke Jane Association expect an opinion any day now and are confident that it will be favorable. It ie also said that the Bank of Holland will send a Commis- sion to America tolexamine into the valid- ity of each claim, and that ae coon as this work is finished, the money will be distrib- uted. It is estimated that there are 500 direct descendants of Anneke Jane in Ame- rica. Thin would give each heir, supposing ing the relationship can be legally traced, about $140.000. The New York property embraces Trinity Charah, St John's ceme- tery, 192 aoree in the heart of the city, and what ie now known as the Bowery. Owing to the uncertain condition of affairs the Trinity Church Corporation has been una- ble to collect rents since 1889, at which time the 99 -year lease expired. s ILL MGH UNTO DEATH. THE EXPERIENCE OFA LADY WELL KNOWN IN COATICOOK. STRICKEN WITH LAGRIPPE, FOLLOWED BY PNs oMONLr, SHE LANGUISHED FOR MORE THAN A YEAR—DR WILLIAMS' PIAL( PILLS SAVED HER WHEN OTHER MEDICINES FAIL- ED. From L'Etoile de l'Est, Coaticook, Que. The town of Averill, Vt., is situated about eight miles from Coaticook, Qne.,and - is the home•of Mrs Ada Hartwell, who has numerous friends and relatives in the lat- ter place. Mrs Hartwell has paasedthrough an experience which L'Etoile de l'Est thinks worthy of giving the widest publici- ty as many others may derive mach benefit therefrom. Mrs Hartwell has ever been considered a woman enjoying a healthy constitution, until about two years ago, • when she was, like hundreds of others in this vioinity, stricken with influenza, or, as it is more generally termed, la grippe, a dis- ease which carried off many people in this town and vicinity, and in the case of nume- rous others, left behind wrecked constita- tione. As often happens, pneumonia fol- lowed the first symptoms of la grippe, and Mrs H artwell was sick nigh unto death Ableito'ride w'thout fatigue, The:beat of medical aid was summoned, and Mra Hartwell was saved from what seemed to her friends imminent death, but when convalescense came, she remained de- prived of her appetite, extremely weak, and in constant danger of a relapse, and all her physicians could do could not bring about her £Ormer condition of health. Numerous medicines were tried, bnt to no avail; she was weak, dispirited, and despaired of again enjoying her former vigor and health For a whole year after her etta&k of pneu- monia ' ebb Continued to languish in this etato. At last 'one day her husband pur- chased a few boxes of Dr Williams' Pink Iiille. Re had read of the many auras wr0nght by this wonderful medicine, but procured them, he Bays, for his wife, in or- der to be able to say, "we have tried all,” rather than from strong faith in them. To please her husband Mrs Hartwell willingly consented to take tbo Pink Pi11h, and great was her sarpriee and that of her husband, when, after taking three boxes, she was able ter take a short ride without feeling any fatigue. Sho wisely resolved to continae ,tte treatment, and before long found that bila-had., 'eggalned her old-time strength, and t'iadlaret1 that aho owes het recovery entire- ly to- Di/ Williams' Pink Pills. Last win ter tr+Hartwell felt a alight recurrence of her fernier weakneeef and again resorted to Plait Rills, since which time she has not had 1t`ay'ihiitnees. tli*illiams' Pink Pills have a more po- tent ifinonoe on the blood and nervoe than tiny Other known meditator), and speod'iy r'eetor'ethebloom of Health to pbiltd cheeks. Irony Piing dh'ra. when ` all other medicines faller Sold by ail deep* er sent by 1116il St 50 r Akt k Hoak, ar circ boateg for $3.b0, by dreitailg the Dr vylllfelnit' Mediu Go., kvillo, Out., Or Soheneotsdys,1` .Y. Be - alt subititnted .allegild to be "jnet its neo-, Fite o w Y.,. .. ..._ r . -r+ • „1•••01, A L Re.. A . rT.:•'.' ! ..•f•+e;ft•,, 1'71 . j • - I • .... 7lowelrr, ]Light, 1lrna '.l'EKEE METHODIST LIAADEIW (hest 13'04; .Mont,, le -run by eleetri. _ city. Not only are its street pries penpal• HAvii Air, reanDB. ,A R 'e .Ciaratiariu, Pow - led and lighted by eleotrk I$7, but nor . pia n Diceem STIenellet IN ITS Pie are heated by electric radiators placed In vott>I each Bala Elevators, printing Mom. Tina clergy of Canada, of all deuowina- craned, anal all kinds or maoainery, sire Clone, seldppi hesitate to speck franklyin operated by oleotrfoai roma Theses on the interests of a good eanae, or on behaf of automatic* eleotrio w oa/alor%, electric some merltorioue article. Force is gLYen io ptrmpe and eheotrte rock-oruihere. lit is utterances of this 4baracter when the men not unusual to see an eta a$r.sis 0 Inca"s can speak trona individualexperienee. Thin inf=er attached to au elected* wise lean - is the oboe with the Rev A. B. Chambers, • ing down from a pole. Ttarrl i rtausoriltI L,L,B,, Rev Wm. Galbraith L,L.B., and Rev W,H.Withrow, D.A., than whom few minietere of the Methodist oharoh are bet ter known in Toronto or eleewherethrough out the Dominion. As with many others these brethren have been troubled with col in the head and its invariable enooessor, ea tarrh. A remedy, however, was within their reach. They used Dr Agnew's Oa tarrhal powder, and found as every one els finds, that relief was epeady and effective and desiring to benefit others, they make thia'atatement to the world over their own signatures. One abort puff of the breath through th blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr Ag new's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses thie pow der over the surface of the nasal passages Painless and delightful to use, it relieves in 10 minutes, and permanently cures catarrh hay fever, colds, headache, sore throat,ton colitis, and deafness. 60 ornate. Sample with blower, sent for 10 cents in silver or stamps. 8.G.Detohon,44 Church 8t., Toronto. Sold by Watts & Co, 1>an.'ing has been deeoribed as the %1Ftry of motion, and perhaps it ems ; the time the deeoription was pen- ned, but that was some time ago. To- ady the poetry of motion 1s round In driving in a rubber -tired hansom cab e.e ere a ood-paved London street. 11'or ranee sou glide along; scarcely oon- Nctoua that you are mowing. anti! your course in arrested by a blocking of tease near Hyde Past[ oorner. No con- versation is ever interrupted by a drive in London. Indeed, if you want a yew quiet words atone with a friend, the t:ret way to get there Is to take a cab. I don't know bow many hansom calla there are in London, bat I know there are at least 15.1145, for I saw that num- ber on the book of one. Ido that you are never at a lode for them. London cabbies. as a rule, are very amiably dfapoeed toward their "fare)." They may som dunce overcharge you, but they do ft with a deprecatory air that makes it Impoestble for pa, to re- fuse their demand. A London cabbie, whom I asked to take nee a flee -mile distance one day, and suggested that I engage him by the hoer, expeotute to d with me eo 000vitsdngty that I at once yielded to hie superior wisdom. "'You won't gain nothing by engag- ing ue by the hour,- said be. "When we bas our fares we lout's, but If you take ne by the mile we don't waste n, time gettin' triers." I liked hie candor, and there wa:; sc a:wthing about the editorial "wr•'. that divided the responefbiltty of what otherwise might have been regarded as a personal peoultarity, witch was re- aseuring. Cook by electricity, the butcher employe it to -chop his saneagee, the grocer to grind his coffee. Eleotriotty is looked upon, me a weloome blessing in every home; the housewives ran their SWIM' machines and beat their Set -fond by eleotrtolby; they bake their settee in wooden electric ()eke ovens that ' can be set away on the shelf like paetebowd boast. They havo electric boilers, broil - ere, and tea -kettles. The hydraulic works and power houses are oreoted about three miles from the city on the banks of the Mieso urL —Montreal Star. Health and strength carry ns through dangers, and make ne safe in the presence of peril. A perfectly strong man with rich pure bit pd,has nothing to fearfrom germs. He may breathe in the baohili of consump- tion with impunity. If there is a weak spot where the germs may find entrance to the tissues, then the trouble begins. Di- sease germs propagate with Lightning -like rapidity. Once in the blood, the only ways to get rid of thele is to kill them. This, is what Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is for. It purines the blood. That means that it kills the germe, but that is only part of what it does. It assists the digeation by stimulating the secretion of digestive guide, so promoting assimilation and nutrition; purifies and enriches the blood and eo enp- plies the tisanes with the food they need It builds up strong, healthy flesh, and puts the whole body into a disease -resisting state. Send 81 one -cent stamps to cost of mail- ing only, and get his great book, The Peo- ple's Common Sense MedicalA.dviser, abeo- Intely free. Address, World's Diepeneary Medical Association, 668,Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. IRRIGATION IN DAKOTA Isaaaeing that mnoh maligned section of the Western country to blossom like the rose. Quoting from a published article on the subject, it is stated that " Men who are accustomed to farming in non-irri-gated districts are slow to believe the reports of enormous yields of all kinds of farm pro- ducts in those sections of the country where irrigation is practiced. An irrigated 40 acre farm produces greater and better results than a 640 acre farm cultivated in he ordinary way. In a few weeks we hope to be able to publish various items from different individuals giving their personal experience in irrigation farming. In the meantime send for a free copy of an illustrated pamphlet in reference to Ir- rigation in Dakota, published by the Chic- ago Milwaukee & 8t. Paul R'Y Co. Address A. J. Taylor, Canadian Pass. Agent, To- ronto, Ont. A MALE REBELLION. Chicago's Society Men Have Formed a Union Against Tea and Wafers. Some of the society young men In Chicago have organized themselves into e sort of self -protective anion. The ob- jects of this immolation are "mutual eym. patty and counsel, and a united effort to- ward the higher civilisation of society in providing substantial edibles." In plain words, these young men of (more or Ieasl official popularity have rebelled against the "tea and wafer" style of entertain- ment. They refuse to be oomforted with bonbon. or etayed with a bread and bat- ter eandwioh. Frappe is to them a weak abomination and they are hick of oh000- late, Salted almonds and lee cream will not make amands for the look of more substantial things. Unless there is "something to eat" at a sooial affair the hostess will go sorrowing for $be fhb young men who are not. Their rreeolve oomee after many seasons ot gilded famine They have grown weary of teas (for occasionally there are men who go to even teats 1) at homes, and afternoon recep- tions, where they fasted bat did not pray. The Electric Lamp in aNew Light. Attention has lately been drawn to the sanitary results of thelnstallation of elee- trlclty in the olty of London by Dr. Saunders, the medical officer of the pub- lie health. He says the change in the physical condition of the employee of lire oominercial establishments tae been remarkable since electric illumination took the place of gag, and the pale faces and the flabby muscles engendered by ill ventilated gas heated basements will soon cease to bon reproach. For the thousands condemned tclong hours of work thio relief to the respiratory and vlen& organs brings ire attendant lm- - provement of the moral condition. The toll and grind of existence then lose soma .f their despair, while hope and cheartullagial mast take the plaoe of the dell eta that besets London's working'olaeaea. It to known that ortme sknike away from the light of day and that the illum- ination of the streets by night is a pnpl#p safeguard. Dr. Bounden olaime that abet trioity is a great moral power; that it proteote humanity better than the }pilaus thropiete, and by purifying the workshops and the factories the sanitary laws Was carried out with mnoh less friction. Ab the present time London has In its prin- cipal streets 488 electric lamps that have replaced 1,338 gas lamps that havo been removed. There aro also in the city up-' ward of 180,000 incandescent lights used by some 8,000 private commuters of else - triol ty. This to a large showing for so con- s6rvative a people, but telling results are already to be noted, nor will Dr.Sannders be the last to approve this moral aspect of the pore illuminating power.—Boston Jerald. THE ELECTRIC LIGHT is a . natter !of emelt importance compar- Dec ` improvement. ed;,with other applications of electricitya ily this a enc Po[sOfi'a Nerviline is made -T4,4 8tJN J .Y suliooI( I.+113R,AR 111 Myl[t1; Orient) • Cho, general maks 11p or our pranA OTWAY 0c4001 IiI4rory we: coin io tow* Britt a oris ay row }ha triad gaaliLy.. arhapwp gat tba o#d, we 145144rdd ¢on« riderable ot Oat "which wue Vet flulte4 to thA noun , tlind, but l think wd hetet OW tothe ot.berextkerno now, ip etrilii 0$4,gel: .tinct winch will entertain as well ad in. straat, We are becoming more and more a reading people. It is a,okuoivledged t0 be the Moat popularnmueelnetlta.ae well ee one pf the easiest ways of gathering intor, motion. NOW though I as pone coninder- able dere ie exercised in the seleotion"of libraries, yet our children bring home anal Welts ars Minot fit for thorn to read not to apes of being in a Sunday Scheel library, and if you take notice, these are the once that are nearly worm out, while others are on the shelves scarcely eoiled. Annie Swann's hooka appear to be very popular, and in order to find out for myself what was in her hooka I read several, and. while I will admit that they may be somewhat lasoineting, they are not the book for San- . day reading; indeed one might read a baehel of euoh books and be none the bet- ter chrietian for it. I have thought for ti some time that our Sunday Sohoole would be better for fewer books and more of the best magazines and papers; what hooks we have let them be of the very• beet. Those e who select our libraries eeem to have the idea that they must get as many books as poasible for the money, while a bright'e er and high sounding title go a long way; many of as cannot afford to take the best e magazines or papere,'would it not be pod- - Bible to get them through the Sunday Sohool library; we help support it. I think I oould much more profitably read the "Review of Reviews" on e. Sunday after- noon than the average Sunday School • book. It treats of current mattere, things which are of much more importance than the reading of a love story with very little else in it; or why not have some of the best works of poetry. Some will say these are not Sunday reading, and perhaps, strictly speaking, they are not. yet how mnoh worse than worthless trash is read and read on Sunday simply became it cones through the Sunday School, • Oortd ea a road Preserver. In the polar reg'i'ons mei oil is buried in the ground in bags of skin. Mee.; Is heaped upon platforms built among trees, which are peeled of bark in ce • der to keep bears from climbing un them. Little sticks with sharp points upward are hurled in the ice to (.11 - tract the attention of the beard iron- the rom the provisions overhead. Another kind of storehouse Is In the ebape or strong pen, the main supports of which are standing trees, with brush and to}. s piled on top to keep out wild animals. During the salmon -catching seapoe In Arctic Alaska the heads of the tlsh are out off and put into a hole in the ground. When they are 'half putrefies they are dug up and eaten, being es- teemed a great delicacy,—Pearson's Weekly. Janssr IE. Nioheieon,. Almost - Passes Belief Mr. Jae. E. Nicholson, A'IorencevilIe, N. B., Struggles for Seven Long Years with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND I8 OUBED BY AYI3RS Sarsa- parilla Mr. Nicholson says: "I consulted doe - tots who prescribed for Inc; but to no purpose; the gpuecr began to Eat iota the Flesh, spread to fay ebbs, and I antlered in agony for 5ctvee long years, Finally I n We fk tatting I noticed sarsaparilla- n y • Eneourilged by thin result, ,1' pereo- t0 penetrate to the most rmriote eervea Med, au -MU m mbiit1 Or so thetaore 1rioYitlia ray lite begali 1'al arid' ler rising't o mars aril f 't fa nibnt every bone, muscle and ligament is media •,; - under B ray 1 ti beglMn ttr llgat in three to neon its boohoo* . o , Tei'viline teal. power. tilekuihtritcoof•t4eCft'4Cedtea aregdt Vitik tans to take, draft by the yogngeal: ohil Dee that 't oat lagonizI i ' Internal tie • r ylblllfi p llolt►gi and, Nervltina ird7%yea silt Y'► 'Ot' #&e'-M'trd8d y dt 0 fully .fate ratitbhing irl fie irtort i 'A ' es The +i a arsapa ia. HAD INDIGESTION 1 IPoe e . Mistier of Some Forty Teat'. ed M ore. losepb Gardner, stow healer, of HIM Curb, 1. a great believer in Dr. 's Kidney -Livor Pills for indiges- tion, constipation, dyspepsia, Britlrt's Q{yq.er rrheninatiaw, and kidney. lives and .teimaeh troubles generally. "1 was troubled for over forty with indigestion and constipyation, its Mitac At intervals 1 antlered from semis beadaohe. • I spent dollar, and dollars withoort semi t until Mr. Ilalb tae drv glet, advised me to try Chases $iAnayy--Liver Pills. 1 did so, and meet May t'sst they are the only remedy Clivi gave me relief. I would not be witba bat them for anything." latuspeople stiffer front r'heumaQiei . blood and diseased kidneys hrinti it m. Ur. Chase's Ifidnoy-Liver Pills w1U remedy all this and once rheemsM ilKtma s.iatioa and all kindred eommplaintit Sq^ski. a sample ease : boy wee all crippled ap are M tared awfully with rheumatism's writes Mie. R. Wills, of Cheeley, Ont Ss also had a touch of diabetes. The 400tors could do him no good. bat Dr. Chase's Kidney-Llrer Pills conmpleteI$ bayed him.e Sold by all &miere and Aon, Bates et Co., Toronto. 25a WIllsn an other remediee fail DP. 01110a'I linseed mind 'turpentine will core feet want dbircolc sold. 2S cents. MAKS DYSPEPSIA, BAD BLOOD, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY TROUBLES, HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS. all impurities from the system from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous tore. H U H DOCK PILLS act gently yet thoroughly on the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. MaKlllop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM et ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFF/01 ids. D. Roes Prseldent, 011nton; Geo. Watt vice Pros, Harlook; W. J. Shannon, Seoy-!rear. Seatorth; el. Murdie, Inspector of Claims, Seaforth. DIREOTOR5, Jas. Broadtoot Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliot Clinton; J.B. Mo)'.esn, Tuokeremith ' Thoo. Oar bet, (Hinton ; 0, Gardiner, Leadbury ; T. E Hays, McKillop. AOENT5. Tho, Neilana Harlook; Robt. McMillan, Sea. forth; J. Cuminge, Egmondvllle. Geo. Murdie, auditor. Parties estrous to effete Ineuranoes or tran- sect other business will be promptly attended to on a ii atien to anyof the above ofileere so •reed to their reepootve offices New Boot and Shoe Store The undersigned begs to announce to the pec. plc of Londeeboro and vioinity;thatbe hare oppepn- ed a Boot and Shoe Store neat to the post otMce • whore will be found a complete assortment of FALL and WINTEri BOOTS and SHOES. Our goods aro flrsr:elass and our prions are right,— Custom work and flepairing done In a workman• like manner, Butter and Eggs taken as clash. Como and see us before buying eleowhere, JAMES YOUNG, - Landesboro. a+ttlYalgi iia at 7, t ' e ii`Y nsi'w. paine of ttv ii ftp'. liati no.cia 1. Isold y : Ad tinita d -aa the o1ri11oi Pair on'it .._ r w±+rwr• ser Clinton Planing MW --•.-ANb-- DRY Z ILN tikI,1 nbraribaY hitVing th'e e''ly' cateai f'f o sd mabli Arl etfieethplbypfng ef(4o0'llttkiil . men; ablue toad work in hit linin hiti1 a Iden fit asiory"1lletiflSr,' It rsiellat abt6 thisif'7 ►nd' do the shortest no#oa A trial reunite d' lFfi;Cklkiiiir !Mid 0,;Ito, l{'1[,410ll', il'ie ' n'}i0s ,111 itt i MIN ERS, Doi You Kat( r Party liaAanen' Myope, Oardial, messy aceth , • re t rtvne(11ree tar children are mewed of enema sod niCepldu!e1 Do Yeo. Flaw that op lam and morprine are stapeOhig na.00tin pot asp ,r TIo +y{Jn Know that 1n masa oxmtaies dlvggIsto are 00* pe i te4 to' erE parcQr..,:, without labeling deem polsooe Do Yon MUM' that you abound nee palms any Dwane:b to be K1Rt1t year Fla nice. you've' your physician Itnow of what u m ooropoeed t Do Ton Snow that oastarm is, a purely preparation, and f3 a Ust of Ste Ingredients fa published with every bottle t Do Yon Snow that Oaeboaie to the , . -: _. • ol, the famous Dr. 8amasl P1td rri That it bas been in use for nearly thirty years, and that roue Oeatoria is now solo than of another remedies tor children combined? Do Ton Know that the —.moans Office Department of the United States, and of other oonntaien, have lamed endue::he right to Dr. Pitcher ami his aepig to use the word a' ootor'la" and rte Carminic, and that eo Imitate then is a state prison °Mensa t Do Yon Snow that one of the reasons for grammg this , , : _ :y. protecttonwef become Oeeborie had been proven to be absolutely harmless? - - Do Yon Snow Wei 35 s veaarpe doses of tsiorta are furnished for $a emits, or one oaut a dodo t - t De You Know data when possessed of tem petites prepare* pour children nasi tto kept well, and that yea may have !Wooten treat t . Well, these thine are tour& knowing.They are feet,. The Thou -smile edgnatare of Is on every It -rapper. phlldren Cry for f cher'e Castorla. WhoDoes Not Know? That Chriatmaa will soon be here, and that in order to properly observe it yon most have a good pudding, and that to have a good pudding you meet have good material to work with. Granted that you already know this much we wish to inform Lyon that we have the material of the highest quality at a very reasonable price. We have oleo the in- ferior quality at a lower price, but much prefer giving you the best,;as it is cheapest in the end. Everything yon need in the way of Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spices, Figs, ttc., As low as any, quality conal eyed. We are in a position to Bell as oheap as others, and will give as good valve in any line of goods we handle as can be got in town. OUR TEAS are the best to be had for the money, try them. If you have not tried "Salads" you Should do so, as almost daily we are getting new customers for it. The beet 40 cent COFFEE in town; try that also. A shipment of Din- ner and Toilet Sets just in. Call and examine goods and prices. McMUIIRAY & WILTSE, NearPostO$ice—C TRAL GROCERY—Telephone 40 Not Giving up Business But continuing with full lines of seasonable goods. OWN New Flannels. and Flannelettes New Cotton and Woollen Blankets New Tweeds, Trouserings, etc. New Ladies' Underclothing New Readymade Clothing New shirts and Drawers New Dress Goods ROBT. COATS & SON CLINTON :; HUB GROCERY :: Don't trust to luck, it may assist you, but more often leaves you in the lurch. Use good judgment and buy where you get a good article. New Raisins, Prunes, Walnuts, Canned Salmon Tomatoes, cc Si44 New Currants, " Dates, Filberts, Blueberries, Mackeral, Apples. Our stock of Crockery, Lampe and Fancy China for Christmas is worth your while to examine. cc Gi New Figs - " Peels " Peas Corn Herrin 4i (-FO SWALL ) W, Cl.ii ton The Finest Lcru PHOTOGNAP are' take t? _r ,b,