The Clinton New Era, 1896-01-24, Page 1•
' ; Cllkh'i
llk!a>F Pother.O the
p alazt`o�t
VW"' Overootyt Wtq
have hes hlld, anew
put on it, tbat.z ew pric is
• a llsa pria a ric* u
_means * os,t+t MOO
• for tht, wbu buy, T "arra a
=hilt nt}ar Of*. ilse teat hof
sOW lltiegrottly one 0410'- 8O aba•AgonOr.Volt orliu
t'h infer+$01,tnre of Offing
Can be bought now at a
price that would• pay any
person to buy even if they
did not .intend to tie it ►tn..
til ;Wort 'winter. If you're
thinning of buying a fur
coat don't do` it till you've
ROM those we have in
$tOel .. They're good coats,
the kind it pays to buy and
we will sell you one cheap.
Cash and One Price
odgens Bros.,
_ - East Wawanosh.
NoTss.—Qouuoihwetenn. Monday at Mar -
nook; : w ave 0 good . anoil thus year.
Lan etheesryy bp working with Johp A.
Rath 1 ie;wee>a- Alen, Npthery has most
of *shriek' for his •new house hauled,
sibmeoninpleted he will hate one of the
fbiesthonaed in Flbst Wriskanosh. ,George
Iteemetn:p, jr.,.fs home ,from Htuntingdon,
Quebep;;-onn'a.�ionth;e visit,. Lizpie ,Row
lap ,tire eire;iCorthy. to hear, ip down with
sonnet bier Int a hospital Guelph. Mrs
-David Soott,-jr., and Miss Bella were visit-
ing friends in Morris on Tuesday.
NoTns.—•Messrs McGregor and Bun-
ter shipped the last of their cargo of
lambs to Buffalo last week. Miss J.
McDougall is visiting at • the home of
'her aunt, Mrs Jas. Aikenhead. Miss
Ella Ross, of Clinton, is visiting at the
home of her sistet, Mrs W. Berry.
Mies Maria Kennard is fast passing
away.. with that fell disease, consump-
tion. Mr P, McGregor is preparing to
• build a . foundation under his barns
next•suinmer;'Wm. Hart has the con-
tract of hauling the brick from Credi-
ton. - The patrons of the joint stock
cheese factory held a meeting on Sat-
- urday to consider ways and _means of
conducting business next season. Mr
John Allen and wife, of Ox Bow, N.
W.T:, are virliting atthe home of their
mother -b.' Mrs Allen; of Tuckeremith;
it isxsome Tears' since they moved to
- thewest;;their old friends are glad to
bid them welcome home. Mr ,$rthn
Hainiitbro, Of 1 th, visited last week
. at that: give o, r Wm. Grabam, of
. Stam ..• W. Muir exchanged
ppn1144.:on 8 day last with Rev. Mr
Carrier,.of Grand. Bendy -Mr Carrier is
• one, othe ministers that the Pointe
Au Tremble school, Montreal, may
well be�pp"roud of; his earnest words of
exhi rttttion will long be remembered
b his hearers on Sabbath. A number
of ladies from this vicinity attended
the•'.M., Presbyterial held in Seaforth
on esday. Mr Malcolm Dowzer,
of ondon. was renewing acquain- last week. Mr D Stew-
' art,,Of Benefit), was the guest of Mr B.
R.Higgins on Sunday. Mies Turner,
';ot Seaforth, is visiting friends in this
Vicinity. Miss Fannie Fotheringham,
who has a situation as milliner at
";Manchester, during the past season,
• came horde on Monday night. Rev.
'1r ,Oaten, et, Bayfield, preached in the
•Methodic�,t church on Sub'fiay after-
•••lio on,. tact week Mrs John Gibson
:.,fe.ce9ivedd a present In the shape of a
• ilt hontaining 2,510 pieces from Mrs
r area, of West Lorne; Mrs Graves is
'It- lady: of 98 years of age, and hand
_: se'pq deveey;piece;•lit ie not often that
a ladyr of Suchen age is so active.
To deal with ins. Glance
over the fe?iloWirig price list
a.fl t -see, or come in and see.
fwooi Golc i unt sig Case, $10 to $20
Solid 14K olid Hiitit'#ntg bane, $17 to $30
L- adtee'' 1.4Z Fill , :gym $12 to $26
Ei silver Watch from $3 to $15
Irate -Tice ft'•om .. $11 to €25
stih4,,14litinid Watches from $16 to $65
dolts Silver *iteheS from ..$5 up
�' Niieil 1e, l teen, ninrd, Open Pace
t!Va tl h!ata up
L `;
%ciliacIIk11 Plate 01i44000"400 0"400 fo
Genie Holl Pieta: fit Itti $ier'S0ttr,tl9
Clods, Jewelera»�r 'n •
1 , i �o iilitdni[tlt
'4aawaai tic ?lift
erytidn mutts be sold icor
e. I IJ11I WEVONfgro
ROOT UoLo S# Er • +iter.JANUARY 24; .094
$J+ a y ,tin vitt logit $i..
+�br• .. r tla . Qo17 cls,,, ffit9?pplk� ll, �' o�><!►ctosboro Q (`-1
what wt4eAwesite and reUsble oorreepo d.nta turd rrattla4 of reoor.Qrarr to yn}'1:l ca b w+'ho ooNf7efJ .eloot.for thg .A opnw North• Star lodge L o, ox '" . oUr
taFr >igeb. k; Alin a ha►llc D ..e
Bay tle0ld, lillteDttr• Lid On O r>9ea;,1ltll,t a . p,lco l)a�c. e>vrr gemettta fora There are man' .
EF'wo.. Wn TanAGtOlter . mteotl , WAS STAR11 rzce. »Ti e`we re e.. rad with Prat and eeetr:'-bailing 'Wade. and: ;concert sons ti,pse dealt month. We ups AA the mar .„
held in the Mpthodiet chi u4ra- the townebip'elerk`tor 1895, 62'birtba, ' ared the (• declaratigns. of q aalld« a►lz' thew 5UCCe5 . , ..: them carries .Rte;
y evening, for the, purpose of,orgaln• marriages, 044 41. deaths, eationlp,>ad'.of once +erlterecl_,ttpon tiiefp Jog
11{RiE* 1 A 1<?pfAD, .On 1uondaT. evens
antes aef: ourBa1
Al "t ng t Liktl f the 12th OLelr viz:. 1d
back if th.doesn't do nae
her coo
lin' p'dt`0de of
1 �ti $ w4rtlal�ngtte `G .nnba. tion d eg.• - oaere� '9V;rts. �lltttt an(l�w , as °m
ziuu� � p iu �,� �e e, a ' c past.,
itl� the hlethgdle0 churns .pP slyy. eld. the 1$tb p, p 7GL�,� .1 G -Se 440teen wlkehoGa... f �r.i s' were: r0' appointed 'autiitorp ado �� 8e ern o! tof'ti village orae oi' his
There was quite An interest ttlk M, in ion on 812 pi 4 d to ill a vet G audit the boalcs a;tti aciaaunt$ •O! • he'- ad tiearratamead on Au e j a d, , e
the meeting,and a largo nuniber enrol
apl. nal condition. 8or eldest son, t ureWr far theriearrending Dea581s *beset had. shown lith si. Of being
1 The #o evils °Meer° weWelland, leitred, stn. Chesney was re.a1 06(13.: g
Lpeointed:-Pres, Mre slate/;1st vine, d • on Mei , (she has atthed iedi 'stead assessor at a ealary� .pf $4� p c , um �w'ne11 g' Meeting ofthe share -
se Tho�in athan d vice, Dr Sheppard;r- toagh, John Latta and Jaeob McGee, horde • q the Butter Cheese Mfg.
seoy.r JJonathan Peck; treas., H. W. ir- NEW $viLD a.TBonge of the Idol,
together with the reeve and Clerk, share -
Co, ;gill;be herd In Bell's hall, dere, on
wing lett farmers purpose making things were appointed nte Board of Health 11 e'Btlt of h'ebs,at2l:. m., for the pur-
hum next 9umineir, as the fi>llowingg said appointments being_ _g p �'
persons purpose to builds -+-Henry Ad= `amendment of '1865 to Dublin health l Pardoe p lugWhaetltoer dths directors
amps a lid rick: house W. Stewart, Act. Sealed tenders addressed to the shall be oeil'tinu)ed or wound asp.
brlut veneer; Thoe, pia raorviee, brick clerk will be received up till the date . Every shareholder should be resent.
cottage, to be. one • of the best in the of next meeting for the supply of six p
township; New barns and impprove- m. feet of first class Rock Elm 2f PERSONAL. --Dr. Hranepian, who
meats will be built for Hiram Fisher, inches thick and 16 feet long, to be bee been attending to Dr. Agnew's
delivered in one m feet lots es direct. eracti ue for Borne time, has takcen hie
A g , its, ed by couUCLL Accounts to the depparture for hls home in the. county
W. Willison, besides a lot of otherm- amount of. $43.50 were passed for pay,' oaf!)
f Wellinggtop. Dr. Agnew has taken
provements.. Tweet the houses be anent and $15 given as relief to parties u house;-keepfn being assisted by
erected and three of the barns will be in Harpurhey. A petition was laid his sister for a time until`" he find some
on cons. 8 and 9. before the Board from Wm. Dynes other body's sister to enter into par -
and six others praying the council to ternship.
close up and sell` a certain utilised Menge—Mrs Fraser'slittle daughter,
street in the village of Harpurbey, also Laura, has been very sick for the past
a counter petition from E. Gibbons week, but is somewhat better, and
and sixteen others praying the coon- hopes are now entertained for her re-
cil not to close the said street. Action covery. Mrs McVittie, of Attwood.
deferred. Next meeting will be held was called here last week to attend
at Kyle's hotel on Feb. 20th at 10 a.m. the funeral of her mother, Mrs Medd.
(From an eicoeaionai correspondent.) J. D. Ainsley returned to Comber on
Nome.—Miss AnnieQarter went to town Monday. Rey. week
Medd, who was
this week, where she will learn the drese. called here o week returned
t fun -
making. Mr and Mrs Clark, of town, et al of his mother returned to Ruth -
spent Sunday with friends in the neigh- tenon Mon y. Farmers are busy
borhocd. _ teaming logs to our saw mill; judging
from the amount of logs being taken
Feau Ser.E.—The Chas. Carter farm on in there must be considerable building
the Huron road,. consisting of 100 acres, going on next spring. Rev. Mr Baugh,
(less the railroad) has been sold to Mr of Auburn, and Rev. Mr Whaddel, of
Gillespie, of Sault Ste Marie, for a sum in • Ethel, preached missionary sermons
the neighborhood of $8000. Mr Gillespie here last Sunday, good success accom-
is a son-in-law of the deceased, and in- manied their lahors. Bond Lawrison
tends to ooanpy the farm himself. is looking out for a situation, as Dr-
PeaTrEs.—Parties are again the order of Agnew's brother is going to stay with
the day. Last Tuesday afternoon a nam- him during the winter, Mrs McKen-
ber of invited ladies gathered at the reef- zie and Elijah Walker are both under
dance of Mr H. Carter to engage in sewing the doctors care; they are not danger -
rage and also celebrate the birthday of coaly ill. Bible Society meeting in
Mies Annie. In the evening the young Burn's church this evening (Friday.)
men of the neighborhood also gathered, From another correspondent
and a very merry evening was spent in EPWOETH LEAGUE.—The topic on Monday
games and amusements of all kinds, in- evening "Whole hearted service," was tek-
oliding vocal and instrumental music; all en by Miss Johnston, and was excellent
leaving for home at a reasonable boar, indeed. , The League appears to he gaining
feeling that Mr Carter's was the place for in interest by the inoreased attendanoe.
a jolly time. Also on Friday evening a NOTES.—Mrs Grace of
large sleigh load of the same young people, y, Comber, and
including a few west enders, assembled at Mr A. Lawrence, of Welland, are here at
Mr Will Townsend's, Riverdale, where Present to attend the funeral of their mo -
they were warmly welcomed by Mr and tber, the late Mrs Lawrence, who was bur -
Mrs Townsend, and a most delightful eve- ted at 2 p.w.'Ihnreday. Mies Mary Town-
spent. send, who has been staying. with Rev. E.
Noa'ns.—The choir of Trinity church
had a social entertainment at the home
of Mr Meorehouse the other evening,
and spent a very enjoyable time in-
deed. A number of our citizen? went
o. the hall. at Porter's Hill on Wednes-
y of last week. Miss Emma Dunn ie
✓ icing Mra Wilson. Rev Mr McDon-
al , f the Front Road church, preach-
ed in Bayfield, last Sunday. Bev Mr
Graham taking hie work. Mr Thomp-
son, principal of the public School,oc-
cupied the Methodist pulpit last un -
day evening, and gave' an excellent.
discourse. The band serenaded a
couple of nights this week. Mies Mabel
Whiddon was appointed organist of St
Andrew'schurch...Miss Ada Bnrns bas
gone back to the. Bishop • Stracblan
Ladies' College... Toronto-.. The enter-
tainment in connection with the Meth-
odist church will be held pn Jan. 27th.
CovNou,:—x'he• council, ;met izr the
town hall on 20th Inst. There were
present Reeve 'Burns, and councillors
Bailey, Irwin, Fowlie . and Stanbury.
The statutory declarations bf office and
of qualification were subscribed to by
the member's respectfully, after which
the minutes of the previous meeting
were read and signed.: Moved and se*
conded that the following officers he
re -appointed for the year 1:,t
Erwin as clerk, John Ferguson as con-
stable, Ben. Higgins as assessor, John
Whiddon as treae., and Jas. Thompson
as auditor—and that a -by-law be draft.
ed to. that effect... Carried.. The Reeve
appointed John Pollock as hia.colleague
for auditor. Moved anile ,eeonded.'that
this council pay Jas. packmtnn $10
part payment for work stones on roads,
and Reeve grant order for same, Car-
ried. Moved and seconded 'at the
Reeve receive legal advice re road
known as Gairdner and King Road,
moved and seconded, that the time f;•r
collecting taxes be extended to Feb. 14
1896. Carried. Council adjourned,to
meet again on Feb 3rd at 7 p.m.
AasrvEasear--The anniversary service s
of St. AM4rew's will take place on Sunday,.
Jan. 26th, when the Bev J...3tuart, B.A.,
of London, will preach morning and even-
ing. On the following evening a tea -meet-
ing will be given in the basement, after
which a lecture by the Rev Henderson, of
Hensall, "Rambles through Wonderland,"
will be given, and also'addresses by others.
Conraecx LET.—The contract for the new
pnblio school here, whioh is to cost in the
neighborhood of $5,000, wee awarded on
Wednesday night. Quite a number, of ten-
ders were received, but that of Robt. How-
ard, jr., for the brickwork, and of Mr Hen-
ry Stevens, Clinton, for the woodwork, were
accepted. These were not the lowest ten-
derer*, but the school board believed that
their work would give good satisfaction,
and acted accordingly. -
NorEs.—Mra A.Motean, Mrs Curtis and
Mre Dcuglaes were delega tee to the' anneal
Presbyterian missionary meeting at See -
forth. The Misses Sperling, of Wingham,
are guests of Mies Young, at present. Mise
Borrett, who has been a guest at the home
of Dr Carder for a few weeks, left on Tues-
day tolvisit Seaforth friends. After a few
weeks' sojourn at his parents' here. Cap-
tain Buie returned to Buffalo on Wednes-
nay. Mr C. Kramer has been disposing of
his stook of general merchandise by, auction
during the past few days. The initial meet-
ing of the new council took glace on Mon-
day, T.W. Scott being appointed clerk for
the ensuing year. R. Knox, of Hallett, has
purchased the house lately owned oy 0. E.
Tanner, and has become a resident of our
town. Mies Levan, of Clinton, was the
guest of Mies Floody Leet week. The
Misses Carder entertained a large number
of friends pleasantly at their home on Fri-
day weaning. D.B. McKinnon did business
in the circular town on Friday. Mee Mo -
Gregor, of Walton, •s the guest of Mrs
Richmond this week. Rev Mr Moss, of
Bluevale, preached the anneal missionary
sermon in the Methodist church on San -
day. Mr and Mre Emigh were at home to
a number of friends on Monday evening,
the reception being in honor of their son
Arthur Emigh, and bride, of Buffalo. who
arrived on Saturday; an enjoyable time was
spent. Mrs R. 8. Mays, . of Seaforth, visit-
ed at her father's residence this week.
4fl burn.
rmuntNTeTretlt. Tlie members of the
Methodist Biblb'Olass met at the residence
of Mr D. E. Munro, last Friday evening
and, presented him with„ a handsome chair
and address upon bis retirement from the
positien of teaoher of the close, s position
whioh he WA laithtclly and efficiently oo•
onitied for the.piittfew years.
Cnaaon.---T1;ere are revival servkea in
-the Metltoalist church- tbis.week, oondgoted
by the pastor, Rev. W. Baugh. : Rev. R.
Henderson attended the Fresbyterp meet
W- Dunlo .. Ross, John Wells.
Laebam &Bell . Oolclou b A. Co
o Ols1TuaB r.—I, t is our duty this week
to chronicle the death of another old'
and respected resident of the town-
ship in the•person of Mrs• Jas. Cox, of
the 10th con., who passed away on
Monday, Nth inst.,. after an illness of
about ten week. Deceased was known
as a ;quiet and .inoffensive ,person a
kind and obliging neighbor, Du ng
bee illnese, ,which was an attar of
erysipelas, she sometimes suffered
severe pain, but bore it with great
patience and Christian fortitude, and
she passed away leaving behind her a
bright testimony that all was well and
that she was going home. On Wed,
nesday her remaine were conveyed to
Ball'schurch, followed by a large con-
course of friends, where a very int-
preseive sermon was preached by. Rev.
Mr Oliphant; be taking for his text
Bel). 9, 27, "It is appointed unto man
once to die, but after this the judg.
menta' .After which her remaine were
laid away to rest in the cemetery ad-
joining the church beside those of her
eldest daughter, and.deaves behind to
mourn her loss an aged Husband, one
son and one daughter, who have the
sympathy of the community in this
hour of sad bereavement.
Couscm.—The Council elect for Hullett,
via, A.T. Macdonald, reeve; John Brigham,
deputy reeve; John ',turbans, Jas.Suell,end
Alex. Leitch, councillors, met in Bell's Hall
Londesboro, and subscribed their respeotive
declarations, and commenced their duties.
Cironlare from the secretary of the Good
Roads Association and from the secretary
of Single Tax Association were read and
ordered to be laid over. By-laws were read
and passed fixing -the salaries and for ap-
pointing township officers as follows:—John
Wilson. auditor, by the Connoil• Geo. Step-
henson, do., by the Reeve; Robt. Smith, ea-
sterner; Thoe. Neelane, collector. Three
ratepayers were appointed as ,membere of
the Local Board of Health pendant to seo.2
S -S. 1 P.H. Aot 1896, Thos. Oarbnt, near
Clinton, for three years; Geo. Watt, Her
look, for two years. and John Sprang, of
Auburn, for 1 year; Dr Agnew, Londesbo-
ro. Medical Health Officer. The cam of
$400 wag granted for road and bridge im-
provement, $80 of whioh will be spent un-
der the direction of each councillor. Ten-
ders will be reoeived up tillJan. 15, at 2p. m.
for rook elm plank 16 ft. long, and 2} inch
thick, 1500 feet to be delivered at J. Brig-
ham'e, 2000 ft at J. Lasham'e, 2000 ft at J. -
Snell's, and 2000 ft at Alex. Leitch's. As the
Council have decided to build a new bridge
across the Maitland, on con. 4x5, opposite
lot 16, during the Bummer, and the Reeve
and Deputy -reeve were appointed to pro.
ogre plana, specifications and estimates of
constructing said bridge. Meetings of
Connoil will be held hereafter on the 15th
day of eaoh month at 10 a.m., except as
when otherwise ordered by the Reeve.—Jae
Campbell, Clerk. -
OBITUARY.—It is our painful duty
this week to chronicle the death of
Mrs Susan Medd, relict of the late week, but we suppose some of them were
Henry Medd, which occurred on the so delighted with their first wedding scene
15th. Her death was expected, about that the oream oasbmere so dazzled their
two weeks ago she contracted a cold eyes that they supposed it was satin, but
which turned to congestion of the of Course everycne knows "heviers" would
lunge, being only one day confined to not be able to judge dry goods.
her bed, she passed sweetly away with- [Correspondents will greatly oblige br omit -
Out a at uggle to that Golden City. to ting uncalled for and unpleasant personalities
be with Christ, which is far better, from their items, and if we can avoid it no cor-
The•deceaeed was born August 17th, roepondont in tho tuturo will bo allowed to at-
182ii in the townshipof Cavan near tack another, notes shoe do it over their own
+ . signature. An editor dose not know nor dove
Millbrook, being the third daughter of he waiit to, the little differences that exist and
the late Wm. Richardson, of that
ibis not usually in the public interest that (hese
place. In 1849 she was united in mar- matters are:discussed 1
mage to Henry Medd, who preceded Varna.
her to the spirit land six ears ago..
Her family consists of six, beingg four SoCIAL.—A social was held a Mr J.
sons and two daughters, Mrd McVittie, Parkes, Bayfleld Road, Thursday even-
ofttwood, and 1$/re Thomas Lyons„ing, under the auspices of St. John's
eat ullett'.one of her sone being vt church.
E. MMMedd, lir. B., of Ruthven; the a- FooTBAJ A. very interesting gams
Or three are farmers. To her fargilp was played between Varna and Bruce -
she Was a gge qd mother, tender, 14Mng field teams on Fridaylast. The game
end true, altvaysendeavoring to direct • Was very enthusiastithroughout, and
them ' in ;that straight" and marrow, - the referee claims that lie never refer -
path that leadeth to everlasting .li#es eed a nicer game of football, to the
and as gghbor she Wart jtealtensive,, credit of tbeteams: The result was 1
hind.heafteid an 'ever ;Mead to: help goal to 0, however; in favor of the Va*-
i �4
Medd, of Ruthven, bee returned home siok;.
ADVICE.—We desire to humble ourselves we hope fairifei speedy'reco'very. Mr W.
in giving a little advioe to the "hewers of L. Ouimette was on a business trip to
wood," by correcting their strange ideas. Toronto this week. • Rev. J. A. Hamilton
We would like to ask them, or the mitre- and Mr R. Scott, also Mrs G. Hamilton
epondent of last week, who they refer to and Miss B. Scott were in Seaforth on
and•what they mean when they say the Tuesday lest. Mrs E. Best :s in Toronto
scholars have returned to their studies, this week on bnsinesa. Miss Nellie Van -
everything has now gone back to the old Bridger left for Toronto ion Thursday
time swing and eto., and end up with, that morning. Mr E. Manning, of the llth
while they will not be able to furnish * non., was very unfortunate of late in the
ohoiee lot of reading they will give correct loss of no leas than nine head of stock,
ideas of passing events. Now we pre well being one horse, two oows, two pigs and
aware who they mean by the scholars. or font- sheep. Mr S. Jamison, who has been
eoholar, and call it nothing but a small visiting hie parents, has again returned to
and cowardly act to takeadvantage of any- his home m the township of King. The
one when they are not here to defend farmere in this vicinity are using economy
themselves, for they said the scholars were in feeding by nutting and crushing sll their
no longer present. We would aleo advise feed. Horse buyers are again on the road,
them to be not quite so rash in' Judging and a few have changed hande; prioes are
who has sent all those spicy notes and far- looking up. After the regular meeting of
reaching ideas, as they Dell them, to the the Home Circle, on Thursday night, the
press; as far as we know anyone is at lib- members all treated themselves to an eye -
arty to do so. Our correspondent, or cor- ter supper, end report having a good time.
respondents. meet be narrow minded if Our new school teacher seems to have got
they think this big township cannot afford on the right course, being a strong believer,
more than one or two correspondents. We no doubt, in the old precept, spare the rod
see by their last clause, while they will nit and spoil the child. A number of the
be able to furnish such a choice lot of read- League members attended the oonvention
ing they hope to be able to give correct in Clinton on Wednesday and Thursday.
ideas of passing events, they insinuate
that the notes of the peat' few weeks have Lee burn.
not been correct, now we have not seen an NOTES.—James tinklater is drawing
item that was not strictly true until last a supply of wood for next winter; he
says he will bave a coal stove after
this. Mr Archie and Miss Maggie Hor-
ton paid some friends in Holmesville a
visit last'week. A sleigh load of people
went up to Sheppardon one day last
week; the night was stormy, the roads
heavy, and the ride slow, and perhaps
a little behind the times, but the fun
wasn't, and a most enjoyable evening
was spent. at the home of j r and Mrs
Jas. Gordon. Miss Maggie Hor ton
goes title week too Goderich' 'to learn
dress-making.On account of Mr
Haoilrton's ilness Mr F. Blair conduct-
ed service' here on Sunday. The an -
mud 'business meeting 'of Leeburn
chtir'ch was held on Monday and saved
fait attendance. Prayer meeting,will
be held on Thursday instead of Wed-
nesday. . • Jas. Taylor has gone on a vis
it`ter Londesboro. Alex. and Dan Mc-
Leod are threshing peas With flails for
Mr Ta lor. Mr John McNevin has
been egging out pitch holes this week.
these in trie+ ` her fir wab at c na bayrs. ' Success to the "little fry",
iced°by► s (Angstlike +lits �'anion, being once more.
a woman of a. strong faith in hot Sa v- Pl sONAL.—Mies Mina Haxby, of
iour, which enabled her to keep her Seaforth, who has been visiting her
feet firm on the rock Christ' Testis. friends and relatives here, returned
We sayB
l the dead who h m last Wednesday, We are glad p�
die in the rd." Her burial took lace to know that Mr Bayes', who has been n they Nth ' inst. a follows g Gey we have to enronicle •t
on Fridey,J'•an.17th, and -was Bond�xet- serdonelylll, isreeoveritt . MlseGen a tiirs'IL. illai'e, babyr was bttrie atm lte• ;death of
e byRev. Mr Fair, takinggfarhie fire of Id nsal .Who has<:been visiting- l ,< :Goderich -beitt'gp�� Bve months an if e� ,ffenin-Pollitt d, ler of the
Jlirrl >: etx•
ing rtt Sst►fbr h on Tuesaq' _ re elide;-. h a favorite vie el file • ghee tiffs fie ds" an i nc aid d a old•'.bo hniavn the 13 tit' asst :ttf .,�.. r riveting from cancer of relle t'o} t
-�11a1a' Mid Mille Ards attended the &Mil o r r d aegis fetaee, returned y p y fov,sobie time; till death relteeeti him
at 0 arch that sme , time is Vresbyto y r , , e ev r a n,
They are:505 ., mttking� arrangeman$e for And hga .,.n d *oatlxoatelt'- el , el vexed n vers+ etoquetit rea3ai l
vice b riftj�i S 1 C7
the 04* cO lie aSkln is 'shish 'ie: • to he held . o : dit"' e . ,r r i r, , . t . tenrdedc litiuelr eyin t,h, 7 tit mn "16, , tied
c Jctlxitnil dole h croivde h ttaa tett S iud t The Anhalt nom'; Mies Mretty tlurrarr a urrocid
�' tt)a the Berea �
At tea b tt;nd9retbt of trictCtere Is
St Helen.
v '
Hetherington, of Souris,. Manito-
ha Je t'ielting friends in this vicinity.
Mise $splits Wfis_ on, f Charley, eye.
he I visited
the old home. W..S cCroe e
hail bee ' appointed townehiip,cicrk far
lft : a'ranoah. John Wood's in -
ed in Hun anion
Your cough or cold zi t ae-
-velope into Bronchi Ossa.t,191**,
gumption, b► t,don t o #001g,the
fact that suchis the ter, inns on
of very many `ne$lettt o j' -
Just such as yours xe.. Why
this risk whee inveete3;
Balsam .of hid ..Ohet'ry ':
Cure .TOC? • ' •
The Druggist*”.
became, —Mr Wm. Crooke Wag hitt
tendanoe at the annual meeting' 91Vile >
Sulo p Fire Insurance Co., heltl•-1,t fol
last Friday.
Norrs,-,••Mies Addie Stephenson`le .vipii{'G.
ing in Tuokeremith. .Mr rank Crabb .anti; b.
Mies Colwell, of Goderioh, spent part ofv%
Sunday at Will Elford's.
Storz --Mr Jas. MoDcnald, who heti bee
working for R. Baker, in Colborne, up to
coulee of menthe ego, when he moved,
the village„is very siok, having taken to,
his bed last Thursday. He is some better-
TEMrLAB.s. — On Monday evening Mr, ;
Sohwenz's aide gave their final program:
F. C. Elford's side will finish thefr's•.nexte;'
night. It was decided to introduce mock
parliament by way of program et the oloae,::i
of the present . contest. The delegates ap
pointed to the distriot . oounoil,:to . be held '
Kippen on the 28th, were' Mise Lixaie
Ford, Messrs S. L. Walter and B. W. An-
drews. They have deoided to get lip
grand entertainment, to be read;1 for Boma '
time in March.
STOLEN.—Last Thuraday morning when •
Mr Ramsay went out to the stable henries,
ed his fat porker from its pen, on invosti
gation it appeared that some person or
persons bad entered his pig -pen sometime
daring Wednesday night and in soigne WAY
had stolen the pig; it meet have been stun- _
ned as marks were seen that appeared as if.
it had been dragged out and . loaded hate a
sleigh and taken off; there could have been
no noise, as the stable iejnot mora -than
three rode sway from the, Boase; to think;
that any one would be so base has caused
oonsiderable indignation; it is something .
never heard of before ' in the annals q1
Holthesville history. T. 0.1'ietlfaaid al4ilt Wee,
had some ohop stolen from.a p�yot,t.
night, We meat have been Istftdok
other buffalo -robe gang. We be
guilty ones are caught they won
as their predecessors did.
Ctrution,—Quarterly meeting•to field.'
here one week from next Sunda Feb, ,
2nd. Oar new hymn board is, quite an.
improvement on the last one, at leset;,it ..
was a week . ago Sunday, but last: Sunday,,
well, give ns the old one; they say figave@s . ,
cannot lie, but some of them lied *Mina An/ '
all shapes Sunday night •Pre2priMeeting •
was held Tuesday eveztieg xbieedffeelt; Linn
order that more might , attend the. Winds).*
School and Epworth Leagtie benii:on
in Clinton. Wednesday. After tie:prayee
meeting the young people of the congrega-
tion held a meeting to deoide abbnt'their •
at home, hi view of the doming entertain-
ment under the auspices of the Tempters;
it was decided to do nothing definite at
present. Regular meeting of League next. -
Monday, when the anbject, •'The"wander-
ings of the children of feral," will be taken
by Miss Conrtioe: the new officers will 'deo
be present and plan their work for the
if the
West Wawanosh. •
No-Es.—Rev. Mr Pentland preached in
Ebenezer last Sunday. Jae. Medd', 'of
Dungannon, Sundayed at Mr 'Tsyiot's.
John Flnker is making preparations for
moving and raising his bare nett emptier.
Mr and Mrs Allen, of Dungannon, spent
Sunday at Mrs Jones'. Miss Taylor, of
Goderioh, was home for a few days last
week. Mines Jones and MoMenzae'were
around last week collection for the' Bible
Society, getting an advance of nearly $8 on
last year. Miss Lettie Whitney is the/-�
gnest of Mrs_ Roborton, of Ebenezer, f
theipast week. Mrs McMillen, of Luc
now, was visiting her paronts end OA
friends in this part last week. Watson
Emigh purchased several cattle and ho
in this vicinity lest week. Donald and::
the Misses McKenzie visited Londeabor'o .,
friends last Sunday. Miss A. bhurdh, of .
Goderioh, is visiting her aunt, Mrs Amen
Johnetoa. Miss Smith, ot'Riploy,'ie
iting her cousin, Mr W. Oliver, at present; , .
Mr and Mrs Wm. Plunkett visited fr'iendll' '
at Bloomington last Thursday. .
(Received too lite for last week) •
WEDDED.—We with pleasure refer
to an event which took place heist
liiclmesvillee on tate 8th inet, when,
Mr Jos. J. Washington and Miss Clara.
Jenkittbjoined hands in matrimoiii
bliss. The Nrsw•EaA. with a host
other friends wish them along lease -
of joy and prosperity..
DEATH.•-eIt is with deli t regret •
e .:l .tl. wttie weir hal e' etas lovernf slaty soul;' hie text *as home on Tuesday 1 ist� tory* frith s fit their bereaveibenitr, `
Meebin of %b• ,, >l Phill 1 .21 "got: to me to nye ie Obeid deltd'lt 11--•lt M Oaten, iealf� . . „
d cli+s i tti 8 ,. fi d d i.
blinkilrg: (rani the ori' behalf the fund tt>` a v” on. . Coker iraer ' refult�lied trdJrn: ,$11fb Yie off, u • �tqr tv arg+s lr .tr,�
o}r day- . isb Elciffttla.�in; '.Of LttcknOw 'lb ' t. $ oil hie :off ring ob the 5t h
funerr ;'�i+ itch tank Noe .•to ., lt. an+.
std set ale friend Mialg Glandis Te. ,
� � ti ,. '1 Teed wits. largely
here o 1' b;Tllth. . rx a e
e e 11 'ie:the diatri Most oT1t etb
g limn 161 bi" en. u h •
, rS: QVe. oc ...te oa t a6r
of b e lttrs -tat to .Ifni held to me�lre,
Goal it Ao t►t the ebb f the Mfse a $ tie or the
TOO at � �' ilitaless s' oti �'rlda Grit gi`isti bfr �n 'lla� 15glidayedptt►i h � d . a rt# ., � , ,_li
,ElfAilt tilt' 1Xd'a .r letxa tt'Elds e.aYer: .a�ht;idbt; ere wai9,n' %MAT iy+>nUhllfetl hid.trllcfE!r�Ct11C>w . ordoxf, 'VViyti. tike' 'phet 41yiN.. tl ti8t"rYt,�aa+tdt,
Vest sWitifolds.�inita nic�: tee ove. , q on>rer: neltrawntg hir:aoutro a n ,:' t tr1 r : e 1 41
.. ... , . ,.. e . -. .lain ta'V'eY1 tt aitil#t , lrstiisant rtlyd' n C, ot!oiit ° +e�i+i�litirJr': �'hu oaCl'anlitYettt. � G. ,b toil d#ti'iV�d6►$ra t'� asst r tse
e ,. , eli7� that tMeXYd s9eit {1tid�o't•`eei * M(d@9 tbltig ey'Es . � - i e �!' �' r r . .
>d alp tri r b e' . h i
a 108101107 r t it a`ist vr ek wh re alh ice':
Wo><lri ri a bon! t e e . ea _
�derri;drixif rat,
• lrtaro o e. rp ,
11t no *001180 int her 11.. behalf f t a beetn for'the st ear. _Mir Campbell,�rl�g.- M11e1!l gra", 01 Dl lt, wara'r
., _ ,. '1'hdto eco�` 1re)hamber iael alit , n. �,, r
time tiring Vebrrlitr4 xn tbir. viii a, ii att'l i el ti; lx R 'bi
p {� as
�` ee air
iro'Q'titnt'r is eaz alp " J". Wftawtsli 'riaM Me A >,
t p . .. .. , . , . .,, , . .._ ,, . � , tt e• . n att� tn�tlir' viei inar'� tali ttle� ., rrti. Inlet•
:. • . . in ttetldat>fycor anti . rrTile a drese '�G'h . byr is tb fi o,�. ., .0th - �,
ricin nn l �ni(tbtt ,. it e - � t ecfl having a nit. lits l t a4t v ilia nn rn b .
1t a es, b try ar lesailn role •, .at :I3'.
a $ .. aP .. . ..1>v ak 140104, ' li vitt o e� to ned � � ..'vti ' :aifi t�e re .. � VV'�in , M .1 sl h �
ea b a 1 �r e
of t c �, .
r c selee5 o a
m a n ear •
tl made
1w t tb ll4 + .,favo. e► 1, lit t . atru ro , We . it .. a lel. The a e s rra :ttie' ,%tied a syn r will bo,l4old int the x..Miira ha .eturnle'd to Blyrt ai'; t t a
$t ht; b 1>. still atiii 11>a p
T. us n i.. s
1 blit , !aloof A,radere11a1 +/�4► arts'= ttaeq'attn e o fi>r •: n o !ti-tirldr1� Parental'
> l'1►0 a rareea$r�iitltQralteiat' ►eetR 'lnbtbiiairrg.,..i t.. ..n ,ibisjr...•. younger, taytekioti.m..,oh t on ,tladt ' .fin wt' ale rt. t' the :.
'sea r l'41•41"4 wabk,'•; .-7,'"6 -1 4"4. 4"I" .. tby aiaht. tatnibere atftt %e a tope dean' rCt rialto deSMilice will held red'. ho- islet lilyrinin t o d
e pair �tnlraly ean�nr p y
tioitie'%hi3 pont ob eat tttt ri r 1* -0i; t it`'" later,
j present, . ebeid a wbialt;.".1r#0:in rt no �a. ' 'o at a glad tO. kilOW that it - Ilmrt art rida�iy b the Herr Folrbttirir, at lis as w M
r i vita it tl ' h tf ttbt ]tt'iblk ,�
or t off to fait ;, s ttte> w'a ntlt a f1 ,the
tsr�a. soil<ttf tuber took` irr the 'Convention 01 Dungannon. ev NV! '1�+. I'1tt11, of !Mt "" edneediy�r; A. r
new Wilt* 10 t le boretb of *tit fril Tilt ittr r ellthd. tb uIslt;,�y llp�vtpx dii�d ecu - .at;tliirit,rnr .�o>Yilt:h tile% we bellevea �e]tgrrtve, occupied "sbs pt otwly� ri:erinrt, was ape lit at Met lot
yr' rr t7 W.. <<, „ elntt ,r `^7 9 hta (119,'g
The' CxonrlliwlrwlittivY +� ' c • d scarcely be better •s • nt. �inYl-' bl►ttrlch lent Sunday, having itxcliiwitg : , as'yr when A. nugnbeer d ..
piMt�ty,otlfght to t K 13"brirnt the ,ci ihestt'bla3lrt' an 'rr d , • chool at 10 tam. Ch re h re With Pastor Whaley, We are glad . dropped In tonatslst
greenhouse • ere and 06100,11 'bob T'i�aa5 nosh rlelt uesrwvr di *for to, at , .'alt` p.m. League cc �[ �.;, ., .Murray,who . 'O$ attended
eft of ,... wlydliiim'Hirl$) • t 'te,<tis ;'-- e� ing, cat 7.10 pan. All ' ,c. 11111* u- sit the 1th