The Clinton New Era, 1896-01-17, Page 9• ss. rpewiat. .�a O 13'UTGillalt SHOPS TE' ?' annum $HOP« The oudereigned desire* to,' intireste viii! people of lintou end vioinily that ire' bee opeWel e. butcherrlliop' in the store ,o# ' . Core, Duran Street. lie has had =BOY sea0 eucp,end feels that he oeu eye, e bas of sstiuti obiou, He will 11e11 etrfetly for diel; and M the lowest poiiglbla pripee. Oejill.a,: B€ilVX0 71.1.T SoLiolTRD rA' rlIlt, - Cllntou. CENTRA, . J iJTCHER SHOP I URP . • ik.to " tri r,, ":(8uaessasore toil. Wt iLenBfera) Having bought dutithe'shove blisinees, we • i itelnd to coadnot 41Lon the cash principle, 'and will supply onr customers with the beet treats at tho!lowest paying prices. Patrons may rely upon good service and prompt filling of all orders. FORD & MURPHY Central Butcher, Shop, Olilaton CITY BUTCHER SHOP I wish .to inform the public that I wiliinot he undersold by any other person in the business., I am a practical butcher, and nnderatand,all the branches ofthebusineae. We keep the very beat meats and'a full stcpli always on hand, and will sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. Bring along your money and get the meat at the oaeh pride. We will give Credit but not at oaah prices. Please oall and see what yon can do for Cash at R. FITZ.SIMONS' Combo's Blocq Botcher Shop. COUCH desire to WILSON. notify the that he ve bought out the butoberina. business coedneted' by Mr Jas A.Forddi'and`win ooh - f`' the'8abtc:ptaYerthat):,Vers011eirenterfsfen. O if ?W�,liavb prompt Old care til attegt On, %wrests uretts of al limb will be kept in season. sold at reasonable rates and delivered ,anywhere in town. r ARTHUR COUCH,' CHAS. N. WILSON CLINTON, • treSh : sausage` i. 8, -lbs. for 25e. \ NO BEEF OR LIVER PUT IN. Pork Chops, Roasts, Cured Meats. Prices to suit hard times. Pure LARD by the pail c,r crock. We make fresh sausage every day. JAS. STEEP & CO. FLOUR AND FEED STORES. Flour, Feed & Seed Store The undersigned desire to intimate that ho will keep on hsid the very best ° FLOUR an�L FEED Of all kinds also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy 8s. Small Seeds Which will be sold at olose margins. forcash. SALT also kept on hand. He will' also eep a hoice variety of all kinds of TEAS which con- sumers will find to be excellent valve. :h I 1.& aJOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. COOK's FIo►urmFeed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel' of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Aot of Pariiament,1855j CAPITAL, -- $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,375,000 HEAD' OFFICE, MONTREAL. T. H. R. MOLSON President. F. W. THOMAS..•..General Manager. Notes aleoonnted Collections midi?, Drafts is- sued, Sterling and Areerloan exchange bought and .Old, at -IOWA current rates. Interest al- lotted on deposits. Money advanced to Partes en their own note with one or more endoreore. No mortgage re ... . quired as impurity_ • H. 0. BREWER, Manager. 0EO..I1.McTA6161A T. • BANKER ,�,L itT ST, - CLINTON. •. •se • A. Senegal' Banking Busineae • tit ansaoted NOTES DISCOUNTED d d d Diaftll itf+tnet#. Interest allowed on . , 46P9sitP'.. . . ty ,er•frt, r .I ld!!..a •ell..,. hi, rt.,. Bee rr: 4y The most prompt pleasgunt and per- iC feet cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoareeneas, 5+re Threat, Group, -Whooping Cougli. Qulauy, Pala in the 'Chest and all Throat, Bronchial araLung Diseases. The healing anti -consumptive virtues C of the Norway Pine are combined Or, 0+9 this medicine with Wild C/bprrX and other pectoral Herta; and Urn to epake a true apecifo for all forms of disease originating from colds. Price ass. and sec, u A.,0,c6,;(wokl Cook's Cotton Mad Command Manufactured by T he Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies earl depend in "the hour and lime of need." Every lady who reads Chia is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for and f p�culars, which we will send by return mail in plain. sealed t)p'e1epe. An old physician, ys years con- tinued practice, treating diseases of women, has charge of the office, end ,can be conaulte&,;: • by, letter:, oiG d i ,person. AddrDetiolu' main ofade THE COOk 6OMPANY Room 8—No. 268 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. far Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold b yy all responsible wholesale and`retail druggists in the Dominion ofCaeada and United States for One Dipllar per boa. Rill &'TISDALL >a , a�UrON. 611T McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPEtIFiC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Bicod Dyepepaia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danoe Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, OODERICH, ONT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. pOOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial Hotel. his eetabli.bment le In full or eration and al rders filled fn the most satisfacto y way, Oeme- ery and granite work a specialty. Prices as easonable as thine of any establishment SEALE & HOOVER,Olinton. lm Advatlasi 10004 >to farinin tbits` Ulil Oinstt ePIMM it IOW rkite af #titetWieti, A, gressill Uniting iksineaa '`ersteslOtsi i*i nsti atoned on deposlic If iYi1a Berea booth as:att E160414,1 4, For 'I welt y -Six Years DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. 33onmiller Nuz perp FRfJIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a speotalt5. LARGE• STOCK ON RAND, The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save Money by par chasing here. Orders by Mailwill be promptly atte,uled to, Addreea, JOHN STEWART, BENHILLER J. C. STEVENSON, —THE LEADING— UNDEBTASER —AND--- PliWaMER. el3'1TiiLrams) oP lealg:OPT it STOCK' Theban mbl►bmi fgT'luiduaed Splendid llearge. Il;lGBEliTST.4OL1l‘f"VON THE CLINTON NEW ERA Dropped Jou. the Street Thai Wm Vcrutx ir*vosso Wr. nifOWB BAS,Dnair a1f Utiteo., 4.04 Woo. liui. Bog Ili 1 eer.IN1t(Q HAWN. , • Wroml Mire Nets!, Union. a.0. A tittle;aver;a year two Om reporter o the News 'While etanding in freut of titg office, before its refuovll to Union, uotie11il four mod oarryilns Mr. J. P. Davie, the well known boriet and gardener onto the. Courtenay House, 1..he reporter, ever oro the alert for news item, at once went over to luvoetigete into rrmatter, and learuld that lith. Doyle had had a slight atrolte til paralyole. A note of the eirottmstanos' appeared in the News at the time and nothiug farther was Weird o1 it. Last spring Alii, Davis was observed to be fre- quently in Union bringing in flowers, and liter ve1otablee for tole, and> .the reporter meeting him one day, the following (lonvor- satiou took leose,-.r"Glad to gee you look- ing so well r D1vis," Maid the reporter, "the last time' Saw you you seemed pretty badly broken up." "Yes," said Mr. Davis, "I did Dave .e pretty toush time of it. I was troubled with wy 'heart, having frequent severe spasms, and shortness of breath on alight exertion. I had also a swelling of the nook which was said to be;goitre. Two years ego 1 came up from anaimo and took the Harvey ranob hoping a change would t FELL. DOM(' Ott Mi.- STRET.V ome good, 13, t in, this I wits gisap pointed and seemed to be tt'oadity. growing weaker. I had three doytore et, different times, hub they appeared not to understand my ease. It last I got sd lbw that one day I fell dews on the street, mind those who .picked me ap thought I was dying. After that I was urged to take D'r. • Williams Pink Pills, and almoat from'the outset they helped me and after the rise of about half a dozen boxes I was aro well as ever." ''Do you still take the Pink Pill.," asked the re- porter. "Well," wee the reply; "I still keep them about me and once in a while when I think I require a tonio I take a few, but as you can see I don't look like a man who requires to take medicine now." On this point the reporter quite agrees with Mr. Davis, as he looks aa vigorous. and robust a man as you wish to vee. After parting with Mr. Davis the reporter called at Pimbnry ds. Co.'e drug store, where he saw the manager Mr. Von Houton, who corroborated what Mr. Davis had said re- garding the nae of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and further stated that he believed that Pink Pills to be the 'finest tonin in ,the world, and gave the names of several who had found remarkable benefit from their use. a •.4; A depravedor watery oon.dit;on o 1 re blood or shattered nervds are the two fruit- ful aouroes of almost every disease that afflicts humanity, and to'all sufferers 1)r. Williams Pink Pills are offered with a con- fidence that they aro the only perfect and unfailing blood builders and nerve restorer, and that where given a fair Wel disease and suffering must banish. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers or will be sent by mail on receipt of 50 Dente a box or 52,50 for six boxes, by addressing the D. Williams' Hodioine Co., Brookville, Ont., or Schenec- tady, N. Y. Beware of imitations and always refuse trashy enbstitntea, alleged to be; 'just as good..' A 1111i)MAiN TIGEREITORIt. •'.: RnT gttdktTr+.NAttllour.whatOat. eZttleek timet. 1 : ,IOux y1N,t,F4 oozreapolldgnt ,Tffew: "% toot watt eons1dersbls aixt itement ere • rauuutly, Coke of the M ebarsjah a .**ors t ,loom! one rat sot re-,oapturpd for-. over iortyteight bens ',A,1..ow1ng tigers t: and otbe# wiitl animals to escape riot!. of eoui Bement Meenle a enroireon .vent itl, .MYeor . i)un1u4 the ;line of thy! tete. 5Iahartijah;, . oris . golf gut of hie sago in the utivagarlte slrld also during lois The ;dy.peptie stir' ales si eedfal Joel,• . vu Itis back, It.eet, s.}5 if be were reel!) matte ep of .two men Otte. of tbeuis..i ibJ. ,*ioup, biaiiiyy end eft• rt�Rtio4 the athel Mi ki 1fstleao, peevish, •aid without Tgrc'e; he week mos weighs the. ether out down, Tile. deapepp tie Mee be bee to r ty g rk no day, and e' neat day because`? soWe lit fathor'a reign, 011ie loafed all over viae ort'Ps .. ll4lb;d at, gtiirr }n and out tle•iaadiecretiott In eating, he maybe able is Pg0B:1Rti.R .housieM,:',but, strange to seY, htl' .00 nothintat all, is sSsn't capable of con primate er'oue s ort. Hie bodily dis comfort Mete hie mind. Rven I,vltou ht knows just weat.ie the :atter, he neglects the eimpleat ,precautions and the simpI tread7usut,that would euro him, most of dyspe Ilio!:fent'with conetipstion, and con. etiplit, on, can be oursd. Constipation is tht coat.nine:-tenths. of all bunion sick unlit&apo of its symptoms, are siek ani MIiow'betd.ehe, diirzieea Jour stomach lose of_ appetite, foul breathe wieldy belch Juga, kson tiro; pain and diretrts after eat ing. All these are indicative of derange meats of the liver, stomach and bowels, and all etre caused by constipation. oo Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the quickest easiest and most certain cure for this condi tion. They are quick, but not violent it their Action. There is nothing about then that will give the system tiny shock. Thea not only relieve immediately, but if taken according to directions, they will absolute!) cure. "You do not become a slave to then use." They are different and better than any other pill or preparation offered for the same purpose, Almost all druggists under stand this, arta are conscientious enough tc tell you so. The druggist who tries to eel: you a substitute is not a safe man Dom whom to buy medicine,f you will send your address, we will send you a sample package, containing from 4 to 7 doses and you can see exactly what the " Pellets' will do for you. "It you wiU send ai pnecent stamps to covet coot of customs and mailing wily, we will send ppresented to the os resented isal Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Iii cal Adviser, in Plain Lam guage ; a book of roo8 page., profusely illus. trated, the great expense of prepaying which has been covered b a sale of 68o,000 copies at the regular price, s.yo per copy. Address World's Dispensary. Medical Association, Bnfe,io, N. V. none of these occasions has any one been injured. The vigor In she present lu- atanoe IS one wbjoh is kept in his High- ness"„ dik4",1Io,keen away the 'evil eye' from the oatt1a. He was netted for Lord Lansdowne to shoot when hie Eacellenoy visited Mysore a few years ago, and !e a splendid brute. The dairy is a very large yard,With open sheds all round in whioh the cattle are tied, the tiger's Dago being dose to one end and a fountain neer the other. The tiger got out about 7 p.m, and calmly strolled around, the place being full of cattle and people at the `time, but, fortunately, he had no deals whatever to taste stall -fed beef or Hindu either, although ho passed within a few feet of the oowa and men, and, atter ex- amining them all quietly, lay down by the fountain "By nine o'olook a couple of elephants brought down new. and a cordon was run round the pilule, preventing the tiger escaping or getting at the cattle, when two rather amusing tnoldenta oc- curred. A cow managed so get Into the yard, and after skipping about for some time rushed into a part of the net close to the tigerand for some time struggled most frantically to get loose. Everyone fully expected the cow would have been killed Finally, however, a number • of men went out and hold the wretched animal down and removed the not. Hardly was this over when a splendid stud bull got over a part of the net which had fallen down, and, after careering about the yard just as the oow had dyne, rushed right up to the foun- taind ds. hh cin Aped is pose in the water. Evidently he had no idea the ti ger was them, or he would never have gone up in the style he did. However, atter drinking, he looked up, when the tiger, who oould not have been more than a few feet away, 'vvonghed' in his face. and the way that bull went away after tha1Y did one's heart good to see. Theca were two grand opportnnitioe for witnes- sing''how the tiger seises his prey,' par- ttonierly as there were several eportamon about, but nnfortnn..eely it was not to be. "Liter worrying the poor brute for two days and two nlghta, during which lime be got into the net onoe, ho quietly walked into Me cage and was abut np. The 000l and badifferegat way in which Mr. Baaeapali Urs' fossilised hunters, with their fearfully and wonderfully made bundooks, walked np and down past the tiger was most amusing. What they would have done in the event of the tiger making for one of them it Is hard to tell. The olaws have grown into the pada of the tiger, and the wretched animal coeurs to be suffering great pain. Had itnot been for this, there would doubtless have boon a very different tale to telt "—The Aslan A MERCHANT TESTIFIES.; GsNTI.IDIEN.—I write to tell you ',how good I have found Hagyard's Yellow Oil forsore, throat. In one family,-alone,the Yellow Oil cured several bad cases, and my customers now recognize its great valve, They seem to prefer it to all others. C. D. Comore, wholesale and retail grocer, Canaan Stebion, N. B. Mies Mamie Dickens, the eldest daughter of the great novelist, makes her home at Dunton rectory, in the town of Brentwood, in Essex. On Jan. 7 Samnel H. Shonyo, Mayor Two men in Mount, Pleasant,Florida of the Township of Melbourne and fought a duel, in which both were warden of the Township of Richmond, killed, for the love of a woman, who committed suicide by hanging himself was supremely indifferent to both. in his barn. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purife In a row at the Victoria Hotel, Sher- your blood, olear your complexion, regulat brooke, Eugene Belanger was thrown your Bowels and make your head clear as to the ground and suusequently died. a bell. 25e., 50o., and $1. Bold by J. H R. J. Rioux, who took part in the row, Combe. has been arrested for manslat ghter Lord Blackburn, a Lord of the Rioux's friends allege that Belanger English Court of Appeal, is dead. He was not injured in the fall, but in a was eighty-three vear9 of age. subsequent Eight. AYER'S Hair - VIGOR Restores natural oolor to the hair, and also prevents it telling out. Mrs. H. W. Fenwick, of Digby, N. S., say6: "A little more than t'wo years ago my hair began to turn gray and fall out. Af- ter the use of one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair was restored to its original color and ceased falling out. An occasional application has since kept the hair in good condition."—Mrs. II. F. FENwICS, Digby, N. 8. Growth of Hair. "Fight years ago, I had the vario- loid, and lost my hair, which previ- ously, was quite abundant. I tried. a variety of preparation but with - Out beneficial result, tial 'I began to fear I ahould be permanently bald. About six, months ago my husband bre ht home a bottle of Ayer's Hair or, and I began atroute0 to use it. In a short time, new hair began to appear, and there Is now every ej prospect of as thlok a�' growth hair . as before navy illness." — ns, A,, WEntit, Polyrunia St., Now eons; Lf1ie• XERS IIMR VIG lttl,lilfilkurog44144111,t SICK HEADACHE, Dyspepsia, tillioneneas, sour stomach, and constipation arise from wrong action of the stomach, liver and bowels. Burdock Blood Bitters cures all diseases of these organs. Queer Fleets About a Watch. Open your watch and look at the little wheels, springs and screws, each an In- dispensable part of the whole wonderful machine. Notice the busy little balance wheel, as it flies to and fro nnoeasingly, day and night, year in and year out. This wonderful little machine is the result of hundreds of years of study and experiment. The watob carried by the average man 1. composed of ninety-eight pleoes, and its manufacture embraoee more than 2,000 distinct and separate operations. Some of the amalleat eorews are so minute that the unaided eyas can- not distinguish them from steel filings or 'peeks of dirt. Under a powerful magnifying glass a perfect screw ia re- vealed. The slit in the head is two ono- thousandths of an inoh wide. It takes 808,000 of these sorows to weigh a pound, and a pound is worth $1,585. The hair- spring is a strip of the finest steel, about nine and one -halt inches long, one and one-hundredth of an inch wide, and twenty-seven ten -thousandths of an inoh thick. It is coiled np in spiral form, and finely tempered. ' The prooese of tempering these springs was long held as a secret by the few fortunate onea possessing it, and even no* it le not generally known. Their manufac- ture requires great skill• and oars. The strip to gauged to twenty one-tbousandths of en inoh, but no measuring instrument has yet toren devised capable of Sue enough gagging to determine before- hand by the wise of the strip What the strength of the finished spring will be. A tW.nty one -thousandth part elan inoh difference in the thiokn.as Of the strip Makes a difference in the running of a !watch of about six minutes an holm Th. • Yalnt of -tbse• springs When finished andplatedin watohea, 10 .norma olio iu praportiou illi. waterlal from Which they are tr►Ids., i. 6otittariion Will ;SO . it good idea: A ion of steel **de 1t) into Bair spring*, When' Wittd1Mai is` soorbb ]motto stunt twigs._ .._ M :fixity tiros she vaMMIM of tenet *sight ilii putt. gold, M' • �iItOINKNO ,,Tit t1i11:% 17. 1 s96 Weduwod11y 14J're.1lorry+ P. Hymns refs. iz :odt gii.9vi i.isrgainit tier l,U.bSad s,R tb'e Ari Iiivwit •uy:ce:•eAtj tliry lietur,r the `furotdo Folios Blogiqtratoroistive to tlw:lhszg4 of iv011e rjixey :. j[ roar Ole 1tyei 1`,it-",'til.Mi. ids. Iint'fft411, dleft~at l �tlR Illuntreat centre, has been arded• with Senatorship,. so h!# PODIA() have ,l P 1a P to pay him $1,000, a year whether they Want to or. not. 0110 ,Og the '.Serrate v'rretabcies hoe been open fern Ilse years, What a pity they could riot ill h. thrown open forever, When Baby woe etek, we grove her C I Eorla, When sho woo a Cbiid, she ere:deer Outer* . When the became }tics, she clung to Nett*.. • When she had GlhUdr.n, she gavethewCE410 i , i reak Up a Cold in Tit 9Y us1NG PYNY- PECTORAL The Quick Care for COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, BBOM. a]t3IITTIB, UOAi 81mNEBB, etc. Mat. JOSEPH Noawica, of 01I Sorauren Ave., Toronto, antes: pray Pootoral las never failed to core my children of croup atter a few daea It cured myself of a tong+Mand several other remake had failed. fa has r also roved an excellent couch fare Or my family I prefer It to any other medidue for coughs, croup or hoarseness.' H. O. BARBOUR, of Little Rocher, N,B., write.: "Asa erre for coughs pyny-Peetcsel al ' the beet selling medicine I nave, tar stub tomer* will have no other." Large Bottle, 55 Ute. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Liv. Proprietors. Mos wawa. 1uN:ovER This List and see if you want any Valencia Raisins off stalk F.O.S., or Seleoted Seedless•,.; Raisine, Now Currants thoroughly cleaned, Sultana Raisins, Oalifornio;o. Loose Muscatel Raisins, London Layers or Blaok Basket. Good off stalk`' Raisins, 8 lbs for 25 cents. California Evaporated Apricots, California% ' Evaporated Peaches, California Evaporated Plums, California Canned,'' Apricots, Nectarines, Yellow Peaches, Canned Pineapple, whole, elided or k' pulped. Nate of all kinds, Candies, Lemons, Oranges. Finest Elmo Figs in 10 and 20 pound boxee. Bright new Dates. CHINAWARE—Fine Dinner and Toilet Sets cheap. Call and see our Fancy China, Glassware, and select your Xmas, present. N. B—Do not forget that I have the finest quality of TEAS and COFFEES in town .' N. ROBSON, - Clinto Zhe Loveliest Guts Are something useful and durable, as well as beautifu 'We have them. Carvers in lases, Sets Carvers,Plated Knive and Spoi Tea Trays, Silver Trays, Pocket and open Knives, Go Medal Carpet Sweepers, Brass Lamps, Banquet Lam Skates, Children's Plated Sets &c Just received a car of the Diamond Water WhitelOoal Oil at same price as common oil. Harland Bros, Clinton. WHAT CAN BE NICER There is nothing more suitable for a Christmas present than a piece of furniture. This year we are better prepared than ever to snit our many customers. Our assortment is larger and oar prices lower than ever. That Polished Oak Rocker, Leather Seat, that we are • • offering at $3.25, is it snap. The former price of this chair was 84.50. . We have Chairs at all prices, and with the assortment_we have - you cannot help but be spited. Come and see what webiave to -a. offer you. You are welcome whether you buy or not. JOSEPH W. CHIDLEY FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTATtF.R• ... .. G . ..300.i '. 4 Y . . . i...... I Do You FEEL SICK.? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. TRADE 1i you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- TAKE PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . — it you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have TAKE LIVER COMPLAINT, . • . • — If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you TAKE BUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, — For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL D1SOR- TAKE DERS OF THE STOMACH. . • MAaa RI PANS TABULES RIPANS TABULE RIPANS TABULES' RIPANS TABULE, Ripens Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Heaftb, Ripens Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and inteetltfee t cleanse the system effectually 1 cure dyspepsia habitual constipation, offensive' breath and headache. One TABULE taken at the first indication of indiga;3tio biliousness, diaainess, distress after eating or depression of epi#its, wiitstlreiy,iri quickiy remove tine whole difficulty. If given a fair trial Ripens Tabgfe.e etre art infallible cure 1 they contain nothing injurious and are an economical remedy. ONETo AC owns RoLtElp EASY Ili TAKE' Itipittsoitsbnl4 so touts, de, ... fete or be the price tie brute a bex) le ee iota ikerneittly,, N0, 10 (Ips Vial, 1000131a. 5