The Clinton New Era, 1896-01-17, Page 8HEN TEA.P� . . Flataitlf8 £X'11 N81)14,Y IN Tile • WI ITiNU8' `pail 'I OR •.' . • tl l*j' i i baetlo 'iPv. A Cel' In. BO "147 fOu ms y .. r nco s a 1 U iia I- tarer.lt,aa:l�illl;tltq>vi �o I;a �► nI flaw�atMir'a"'ltcr1i14R,Of *mole k'ow,il.-Jlre. DIfruiant.%1Tays In WIloh a Nan send w Wleenep .( b uiv tr Ilene • Benjalelle 11. Teyler onee wrote AU .1n- * reetilir •artleto,ou "Nene," from whish 1 ggtuutp:ao ne Ppint:s, He says; "A hen i l fe fooxleh thing—has not a grain of MDI ee, toff Ahali is p grain not fouyid in '00404 :ger heed is too small for any Fa1t1 01 eonge to ledge therein. Her eyes helot. ' expellent optical instruments, 11PI" thongb, they have only the °spree- ou .of a brace of braes buttons at a sbil- tar;g a erkisle they can discover a bawk • till ?a ittnat, distance off. There is not 1}pob .,pbotry ,about hens, nor much 1ro14) 11+1#10111 *indent, Hens are speokled, ir#ltlsle# e►nd gray; whits, oopper-oolored ilt!}!1 bin6; there are the old-faspioned hens ,bd qo bantams, the celestial hens, the eilia tills and Cochin . Chinas, bens with e no talis, short tails, -and pretty t 'l%tugi# l tails; hens in feathered pante- 1loonA;'lures in oamwood colored panta- # ippee ,¢Dips with hussar cops; hens with hugo blaoltooinbs,like'ourgrandmothers ; b,.ene,with oyer delicate side combs, like « tllx eweetbilearts. Strong minded hens ,ere are who quarrel and prow and aot tr ,i iuear as possible like veritable ohanti- *leere; and I shouldn't be surprised any day •'to see a bantam out in bloomers. Sotrte of them wear spurs already. Hens � like some folk; fussy little bodies w:Wbo Mind everybody's business but their ?z• Own. It a favored sister hen leads off a Eire blood of ohiokens, the meddling hen eee' reads her tail Senthers, puts on an ?. ;bill and lays claim to half the bbiokens.' The hen is quite a Malts Brun en her way, for she knows all about the geography of cornfields, cherry trees and melon patches." The politeness of Sir Chanticleer to the '.f'elnales of his harem is as marked as 'Weald), he were the pupil -of Lord Ches. .terfl [u. When occasion requires he be- �toointeh tbolr defender, dropping the role r";rofngteeftple dangler. The hen has ever 'abeen noted for her domestic qualities. she is diligent in laying her eggs, patt- :ent'in hatching them, industrious in ':. fie'ding her chickens, courageous in de- felpiding them. What various dangers tbhenhen meets and Wee to avoid; what :Verne from olnbe and stones; what ,;troublteeeifrom hungry hawks ; what 'escapes Loom fowls and from four -footed beasts like the civet and the fox! What ' motherliness she displays in brooding ,leer chickens, in leading them to green pastures, and in inciting them to wallow in the newly upturned soil of the garden 1 *•-yf'gtli'er. in his "My Summer in a tirarden, does, act speak encoura ingly 'thinks hens in snoh an inolosure. He even +chinks they are an annoyance, for "if r;, they do not scratch up the Dorn, peck !the 'strawberries, and eat the tomatoes, "It Is not pleasant to see them straddling "about in their jerky, high-stepping, Speculative manner, pioking inquisitively here and there. Your neighbor heeds Ton not if yon tell him that bis hens eat ;your tomatoes They are not Ms toma- tees. The only lug for you to do is to •s li •--.'tr ;!;r : s 'chickens are well - like spring chickens 111t Is right pleasant, r neighbor's chickens our garden, gossiping tuber sun, pinking up t might be left. the "House of the lis of a brood of hens °mortal heir loom in fi""i m y. Ho ;tells of their A up'their heads and smaoking 'their bills in taking a drink of water, with the air of winebibbers round a pro- ationary cask. Then of thelrbrisk, and 4 a '00 trl►rlt, alw not fa . lI n Ski ri.bregiting anti rouaekllfg what they *re going tett rlo,Veforelwnd. Where're few .. Wog* t n*POW o9Rt�R n• a 111 art.mioofdie If eittart h *It days of phalli• tnivaoelioe, but :after they gib oldan;. k7ral+ .',$lwy itonietal °'a bablt :tat salt»it Tile,ehildren of bens, counxupnly'oMlsd obiolrece ere'ettten mentioned..14.4**" ttlrr9.. Silakesnparq speaks h RI'Ubsy" ohiolkons and tboir rlaln; Butler 'Mile et Ta 0.1`41,11-()N: NE•W Th, dy spbptia gararies a dxdad f ul load on . bit ilwok. It ...Sao as it ite� 'wars raar111y made Op two'paeu. Que of then+lauabll• lane, brain Acid -euermetio; the othex aliblii' listW .u, pietist "aid. `trritbtaut ,;oral', The weak:man wk {.b'. tl>e albernne .dowfl. to lY be. moble to da ptexliy ; 4t?it. work one - dieetealadetttee.ijc tt dry l eoauso of eget .tie ifclleeretiOn..14 rating, ries now be aids .. '0.40 roibixitT at ati'ikt. Wet osaaa of dyt fief . ilie•ttert with. 1iunstipation,,; whish sauce of utuo4oui heti 8:e111 •llll.,41101 s%1neette geoids ' who swallow "kw" aro e4axte of its liympto;a`<$ Ili@ 14014 and lhlllana r i'au utiun .of the: Viiiieztie!at 4.001, .tion. vt ll ala ahcwld tief tlwll .. r'ti. would; lie for ureat Britain to'otterr.to' &,rittate With the 1'nitcd,Stntl :ort eotliditian. that U�dited States ?halt, tune,reopoppihllitp encef tlx Veuezuela'a foreign - policy, n f'land �•e w1e cannot 1' � o a wra sailb t; tlI Bt?a y rpt. a Vo de= '�t9itod ._ Gat.. a cis >t i4 t :�Sl ltQ zt l ire n .w while Venezuela an zoola q tytil2 ., b ;♦ d. ,every other revolutionur State hi ha rwlo .1c free t: c uti isle %l. t! a epdaiva o p k l' 'can nt o B 'r i `State h �, x t whit t as >� l�t tui s R t ey'to oatohed, 404.0ount their o1lt+Alrea k aittl?q,'dizxiuo,SQ, sour stomoob, lass of to -espouse. right far �vrnrlRe But Ing- , , aro they're hatched se?rvall.te0 b t appetite, foul breath, win beloblo s, land, and' oseibi the other ggreat same idea when be says: " 1ManY' 1DSY It..' bar tburn, pain end,dlstrepa eftpx eating. ewers of PJiirove, would gladly Sewall their ebiokens before they aril` hatoball, ATI those are indioatire of .derangements of Spanish America dying. the United and where they expect bacon moot w10- the liver, otomeon and bowels, and all are • Static's fir , as Venezels said to be broken bones" Swift toga of is W0404 " =sea by constipation. Dr'Pieroe'a Plea • doingto aaqand', nd the United States. "who was 7p4 ohloken, being eta the sant Pellets are the uiclmat the and madresponsible for their acts to - wrong side of thirty, it she be a day. most pertain pure for this condition, They wards foreigners, such ars firingon Lady Wortie°y Montagu wrote; "Qttd we axe not violent in aobion, British vessels, plundering British ub- moot with ohampttgne and a obtiokna 4A• Send 31.cents in one -Dent stamps to • jects, and what not. Su Complete a last" Bulwer Lytton quotes t;Tp7gl an World's Dispeneary Medioal Association, fulfilment of the Mohroe doctrine Arab proverb: "Curses, pre like young Buffalo, N.Y,, and reactive Dr Pierce's 1008 , should greatly please the people of the obickene and still some home to roost. page Common Sense Medical Adviser, illus- United States, and particularly the Lowell 1n the Biglow Papers speaks 01 -tratad. small potatoes and few In the hill being jingoes. Judging from the popularity scratched up by the bens: An' you may see the taters grow in one poor feller's patch So small, no self-respeottn' ben that valued me would soratoh. Hood's "Morning Meditations" speaks of the "early rising hen." Claudius, a German writer, writes oQa famous ben wh oh —was never known to tire Of layinefeggs, but then she'd soreaen So loud o'er every egg 't would seem The house must be on Lire. The turkey reproved her for making such a noise about the laying of an egg; but the hen replied that he was an un- educated fowl who knew nothing of The noble privilege and praise Of authorship in modern days— I'll tell you why Ido it; First, you perceive, I lay the egg, And then—review it Every one remembers the bousebo$Q lyric set to "Auld Lang Syne," and which rune: Somebody killed old Grimes's hen; They'd better let her be, For every day she laid two eggs, And Sundays she laid three. And everybody knows Mother Goose's classic rhymes: One, two, buokle my shoe` And 90 on down to Nine, ten, a good fat hen, to say nothing of the fable of La Fon- taine In which it is told that a hen Laid golden eggs, each egg a treasure; Its owner -stupidest of men— Was miserly beyond all ?measure. He thought a mine of wealth to find Within the hen and so he slew it. He found a bird of common kind And lost a pretty fortune tbrough 1t. Wo often hear people speak of the foolishness of those that kill the hen or goose tbat laid the golden egg. In weep- ing over Jeruaslem, our Saviour used the beautiful metaphor, "0 Jerusalem, Jerusalem. how often would I have gathered you as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and yo would not." A Greek epigram taken from the Antbologia is said to afford a tine illus- tration of this text. T. Green has given us a translation of this epigram, which reads: Beneath her fostering wing the hen de- fends Her darling offspring, while the snow descends 1 Throughout the winter's day unmoved defies The chilling fleeces and inclement skies, Till vanqulbhed by the cold and piercing blast. True to her charge, she perishes at last f n Fame I to Loll this fowl's affection bear; Tell It to Proirae and Medea there. To mothers such as those, the tale un- fold! And let the:ii blush to hear the story nstantly diversified talk to one another I told. of one in soliloquy, as they scratched ='worm.; this talk, which has such a LADIES, BE GUARDED ! mastic tone that it was almost a tender why you could not establish a gular interohange ot ideas about house- hold,matters, human and gallinaceous These: bens were well woth studying for the "piquancy and rich variety of their ancestors through an unbroken suoces- Pion of eggs. Clifford had one little 'shioken, small enough to be still in the ;.`egg, but old, withered and wizened. Its mother evidently regarded tt (as most mothers do their favorite child) as the ono chicken of the world necessary, in h fact, to,_ the world's continuance and to the equilibrium of the present system ot affairs, whetlior in church orf state. She watched over its safety, ••• filuoleing nervously when it was ant 61 sight; croaking with satisfaction when it was under her wing; or utter- • tog a note of defiance when she saw a • neighbor's oat on the top of a high fence. This wizened chicken was a feathered diddle, a mystery hatched out of an egg. One day the mother hen by her self- iniportant gait, the sideway turn of her r --,head, aid the cook of her eye made evi- " dent to the world that she carried eome- „thing ' bbout her person the worth of wb1 1j rw'as not to be estimated either in .)gofd'ort.yiieotous atones. :`"momia-one tea -told of the way in whish -people drive a hen. "A woman . when .ehil ita,.a hep to drive into a coop takes her skirts with both hands, tem quietly at her and says, erel" The hen takes one look an and stalks into the coop. e not do it that way. Ilo A and says: "It is singular lye a ben but me,' and tick of wood be burls It at 'rr''1TnR says, 'Get in there, you ..:44.i -yard: s ne hen dashes to the other end yard,- The man dashes after her. • e COMM' bask with her head down, Whigs 'spread, followed by stove wood, ?tidi,'oalte. and clinkers, and a very mad rlialifl in the rear. Then she skims soder tbebtlrii and over a fence or two and dratxn►l the boas:, talking as only an ex - 'Cited lien earl talk tie the other hens come Atilt- to mkt a hand• in the debate and 1ielll° d+'pdge tthe missiles, till at last the #nliy tvbidne Coat is on the sawbuok and ,hie lith 'CM 'the vaned, declares that OJOPSS,' he rcm the place shall be ' sold in 't tltb'net/oiling 'and goes off down street, tiiliring his• *he to keep up the hon fig.hti, /Int' 4n IWO minutes she has them loll tie iu sd and .ho"iised without trouble." d t1hr0illings thinks that "hens are a otYokceslt, There is a grate deal of origin- allt�! tbptxt. the hes. SOLn say Knower "bird hens' with 111`44 iii tbo: ark and ,Stan may hot " 23,111tngs karts .iho`ott-maotad gntstloit� lvlliob .te`Ail'borll flrtltr the lieu at the egg'« 110 %hit►lkt n heir lb "stet* p 1, for site swill Ilett j'ttdt aklang Orr a n4t full of *hones St afid,Wt»'. bit. a: > scut, full of taint There is one thing abbli r' a bon that shore Wiltdtnn; ahs tit>Gil not . seitaarle rnnob until a for Ythe lnl+lt +ill, 0 g, �My The Rev. Francis W. Bates, a South of the protective American flag in Venezuela this upshot should also African missionary` at present in Bos- please the people of that country. ton, eaye that England is the great a civilizing influence in South Africa, and the world would he better for it 1f O real Britain owned all Africa. Portugal, it is announced, will re- main neutral in the dispute between Great Britain and Germany regarding the Transvaal, and will not pet hitt the Germans or the English to land troops at Delagoa Bay, or to traverse the Portuguese territory iu South Africa. Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites com- bines the curative powers of Wild cherry, Hypophosphitee of Lime and Soda, and pure /Norwegian Cod Liver Oil in perfeotly palatable form. It is the best for soughs, colds and all lung troubles. Pride 500. and $1.00 per bottle. Senator Kaulbach, of Nova Scotia, dropped dead in the corridor of the Rouse. John Carroll, a ' lad of seventeen years, living at 124 Wright avenue, Parkdale, fell into a vat of boiling water at Lozier's Bicycle i Works, Toronto Junction, Wednesday even- ing, and died from his frightful injuries four hours later. A COMMISSIONER Irl B. R. GENTLEMEN.—Having need Hagyard'e Pectoral Balsam in our family for years, I have no hesitation in saying that it beats I everything else we ever tried for coughs I and colds in ohildren as well as grown up people. It believes that tight binding sen- sation in the chest. We would not be without it for anything, as we have a large family. WILLIAM ANDREW, Commissioner in B. R , Balmoral, Man. The bridge across the Tinker's Creek a few miles from Cleveland, on the Akron, Bedford and Cleveland i electri,, road, gave way beneath a hig electric motor early Jan. 9, and the car with its passengers, was precipitat-' ed to the bottom, 150 feet or more to the water below. It is known that i at least two persons were killed out- right and a number seriously injured. The theory is that the car jumped the track and that the jar caused the iron girders of the bridge to snap. Later reports show that there were no pas- sengers on the motor and that only the crew of three men went down in the wreck. CONSTIPATION CURED. GENTS.—I was in very poor health for over four years, the doctor said it was con- stipation. Not wanting to spend too much cash I got three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters and took it regularly. I can certify that I am now in the very beet of health and feel very grateful to B. B. B. ALFRED TERoux, Montreal; Que. Two severe earthquakes causing the loss of 1,100 lives, have occurred in the Khalkhal district in Teheran. They completely distloyed A Little Attention on hour two villages. Part will Save You An- noyance and Trouble. The ladies should remember that Dia- mond Dyes are always twice the strength of all inferior and imitation. dyes. Dia- mond Dyes will always give you your money's worth of pure and never fading dyestuff that is simrle to use, and that will.do just as represented. Do not be de. ceived by big packages that imitators put up. Their dyes are mixed with salt, aluni, and other worthless adulterations. In a word, beware of the dealer who tries to sell you something that he represents to be just as good as Diamond Dyes. Experts say, Diamond Dyes are the best in the word. In running a steamboat from Rainy, Lake river to Rainy Lake, in Minne- sota, the craft was compelled to plunge over "falls ten feet high. With the force of the current and the full head of steam the steamboat shot out of the water full length, exposing the whole boat, bottom, keel, wheel and rudder, and then dropped into the boiling, swirling water below the falls. VERY HARDINDEED. There are so many things that appear unnecessary and which for the life of ns we can see neither purpose nor end. It may be corns are just one of those thorns in the flesh the why and the wherefore of whish we cannot see. Nevertheless they are of the kind that are easily removed. Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor makes abort work of them. Try it and see how nicely it coaxes them out. Use none other than Putnam's Corn Extraotor. Sold by druggists. A wreck on the Baltimore and Ohio South-western railway was averted on Wednesday night by Mary Och,a nine- year old girl, of Portsmouth, Ohio, who finding an obstruction on the track, crawled across a high trestle bridge and built a fire on the track, which warned the train hands, who stopped the train. which was crowded with passengers, in time to prevent a disaster. The sugar-coating, whyih makes Ayer's Pills so easy to take, disodlves immediately on reaching theomac'li, and so permits the full strength aefit of the medioine to be properly come:kntouted. Ask yonr druggist for Ayer's Almanac, just out. Mr. Livingstone (Dem. Ga.) on Wednesday introduced in the House of Representatives a resolution calling upon the President to investigate the report. that Great Britain had ad- vanced her outposts on the Venezuel- an frontier, and if it he true to demand their vithdrawal to the lines occupied on Dec. 17, 1895. A G'RADUATE OF TORONTO UNI- VERSITY SAYS: "My children have been treated wil Soott'e Emuleion from their earliestyeart•• , Our physician .first reoomuaonded it arta now whenever a child taken a sold ' ittwooaiattlY.resdtte.tothis reinddyi.;witit b1W♦tiyg efi+leta *quo." . r .,• ()hi tdrort : Crif l 1896 CURE i'HAT C ° u H WITH 96 ate„ e. - Fact rete. and Loo Softie, Loo Dente dope. TAKE .THIS REST Itis sold on a gueraatee by all it sires Insipient Consumppon and is the best Cough suet Croup Cure. Sold by J. 11. 7OMBE. PAIN KILLER THE GREAT Family Medicine of the Age. Taken Internally, It Cures Diarrhoea, Cramp, and Pain In the Stomach, Sore Throat, Budden Colds, Coughs, etc., etc. Used Externally, It Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Bea/ds, Sprains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Fronted Feet. No article ever attained to such unbounded popular. Sty.—Satan Ob.V<rr: r. We man bear testimony to the efficacy br the Pain. xnler. Wo have seen its magic effects in soothing the severest pain, and know It to be a good article nag Dispatch. Nothing has yet surpassed the Pain -Hiner, which is the most minable family medicine now in nee.—Tenneuee Organ. It has real merit ; as a means of removing pain. no medicine has acquired a reputation equal to Perry Davis' Pain•Killer.—Newport Neme. Beware of Imitations. Buy only the genuine "Pana` DA VIS.' gold everywhere; large bottles, Ytc. s dYe , 5,t 43' Al 4 �p {i ti 1:L /- !.- Just - Just spend. l.!i.; Quarters fug. a Burdock . as • all sensible canse it cures I . . "s stlpatio;i, Billt •... s, S Headache, o5, Diseases of the Eteenee.:•, ' -. Kidneys, Bowels and Y; ,rid 11 .• :: , w� a common P: -.".-4 .1c to the v. -ors: , • '3r R E E T I N G 1896 We desire to return our thanks to our patrons of the past year, end kind- ly extend to them an invitation to continue to patronize us during the year we are entering upon. We shall endeavor to Serve you with !good goods at regular market value. We have a large stook to ohcose from, and are eohetantly receiving new and seasonable goods. We also invite the general public to give us a fair trial and you will be convinced that there is no need to go away to other towns to make your purohaies. We will be pleased to attend to all who may favor ns with a visit. We purpose doing a Cash Business this year. Wishing all a happy and prosperous New Year ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO R. ADAMS Sade • Your Feet ! 'Save your eyes! 'Discard rubbers! 'Ask ec-. doctor! Wear the new wet -proof, snow proof. meatless leather footwear. Light -weight, orsy, warn, stylish, economical Made with trio ,Famous' Goodyear Welt. $5.00 t °r p7.''• ink 15thd ' later RubberlesS Shoe. Or 'Sita i y WM. TAYLOR & SON%t in • , MANY A O- rf'j¢,..1'e ,Z'.... t�'1`a t!. ,��R•7',. ' :•• � •«' x,114. z, Ir e o Ii e► • a 1aM!, 1K;AMiti „d n ; i ^ ii'heru�aive�. . u� tt`flA, Help gfpale tt Marl tritll' � Italit�',R tint ala `tis* make i, i a ' ' ul . f :. a4 tin i ti >>' � � i•. k�eautit ttw«R � �a►,w y in body, What do tpr.athO s nwx bat thole fir oL We .00,4 .. te,11 all iiboutl #14,1610, ttd4 /.4, ll voN4 1. ,: k4,4410 4AV11440‘;14iiiiii.141hityipni#0104:• ' for Daly book. , Thee* articles are specially' tion *pt' uialtlt+' trier use, FARE BILRACIIR 81 par bottle. f.'�,eitre ii9ita•cam iex- , ;on. Yon most have it if you :wain to gat rid," of frecglegt moth patches, &a. FACE POWDER. --White, Flesh and Brunette, 50 cente a box. Perfection, , for powder users. VQLA MONTEZ CRANE 75c. in opal jars—creates and improves face . beauty for maid, wife or widow. Foe to wrinkles. " lhAter Mrs Nettie Harrison, Ainnerica's Beauty Doctor, 40 and 42 Geary— St.. San Francisco, Cal. Eastern O71Hoe, 56Washington Ave., Detroit, Michigan. A SWEEPING MAJORITY �ri.6 MAJORITY OF SWEEPERS USE COOPER'S XX BROOMS, FOR SALE BY US. THE CASH GROCERY OGLE COOPER & CO, Farm Produce taken as cash.—Teephone No. 28. J. W. IRWIN Keeps the largest assortment of newest goods. Quality fine and prioee low in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware TEAS—Blaok, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will cave from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from ne inetead of Tea peddlers. Com) pare quality and prices. SUGARS—We are headquarters, we buy direst from Montreal refiners. Keep beet quality and sell at close prices. NEW FRUITS and PEELS—We have already disposed ot during the holiday season, over four tone, and still have a large stook on hand. Different brands selling cheap as to quality. Crockery, China, Glassware and Lamps—We have to make room for our Imported Goode, and have reduced our prises on Dinner Sete, Tea Sete, Toilet Sete, Berry Sets, Water Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups and Saucers and Lampe of all kinds. Call and see our goods and get prioee. No trouble to show goods. Buy Your Xmas Presents AT J. C. STEVENSON'S FURNITURE EMPORIUM. Beautiful Pictures Framed—prices right. New and novel line ct Fancy Reed Chairs. Oak Hall Racks, full line of Mattresses. Bedroom Suites in latest styles. Parlor Suites ' in Carved Oak and Walnut—fine coverings. Easy Chairs. • SIDEBOARDS from $6.50 to higher prices in Oak. Bamboo Tables, 25c, 85c and 40c. Easels, Music Stands, Extension Tables] in Oak and hardwoods. Gale's Spring Beds. Lots of Picture Moulding, Pictures Framed. Looking Glass. • Lots of goods just in. Prices to suit you. PHOTO FRAMES very cheap. See our *1 ROCKER A Little Knowledge Is not a dangerous thing when it directs your attention to the fact that the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. Is doingthe most practical and business -like course in Canada. Everything strictly high grads Write fr Catalogue and College Journal. School re -opens, Jan. 2, 1898. J. W . WESTERVELT, Principal. Cutters! - Cutters! A few:first-class well -made and well - finished ;;utters, Cheap, at F. RUMBALL, - - CLINTON DR. SPIN EY & CO. The. Old Reliable 8peelailsts. - 88 'Years Experianaoet llo tie treatment of the Throat and Law 'Trophies, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Nervous, Chronic and Special Dis- eases of man and women. Lost Manhood der otroubles pendently eared --Gleet, Gonorrhoea Varicocaleand stricture cured without pain. No cuttings Syphilis and all Blood Diseased eared without mercury. Young /Hell yonSul stun follies tl ttndrissareett at or any trebled with Weakeeb8„Nei. Debility, Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Kidney duh1.s Sri` any disease of the Genital daisy br sale ranter. find safe acid speedy erns. po or. r. CURES UlAI1A UtiD. the TheregtdifAdy�iro oott,; Yiuuurn eu uuwith tooxr�equant,etiicu. tions of the bled • sr. often eccotnpsnied by a slight smarting PA ruing I osatldlr, E4.& weakenin of the system tri a manner the patient cannot account for, .Vivre atii latia7 men who divot this difficulty, i�gnyorantof the cause, The doctor will gdafsntati fectcuroinallsuchdars,a dheatthyresterationofthe titito: n y,ot set. Cob*' sultitiqn,frte. , 'Thole Ugabjje total, caw wxlte' foil pe4.ticaINht X01 their outvote 'OM* "tun iclae trut_h�_� ex rear with fon lnttrnttlonb: for ase. Written 'this plc *hon *thing. office Muria rrom 0 a. rat. to 0 p. to, Sunda% Mi Ise it' Lau • 1:09011,10:000101717 •AVfl( i*, Dir. U[ war 1 al U r 80. tatrI'1513 ZnisitoiUa MIS.) .s 4se