HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-01-10, Page 5• VI I To t►11 Iwy ouitom.rs who hwyR LNlpvd to make thio obkifitworti;tr 4 ihe'• ,lltit ri to 1414144004.7 of our buaiueiu, ud sxce decd b7. fax our $4400000. Wbibwg y 1U... Spy *44 tlroir ekaaI Nov XuAr. WMab tl4e spiou., 1'..S.* -.W@ wine hasur pre 1, dent R i ,p •it wc' wart i nt a wi tob We Willi bO°fatero to 'MP* s • .' e, are not going onnt of business. ,1t ,I by s skilled workman "e ua a first-class engraver. We charge yon fpr nothing in our repair departmeghtnt until we know *watch isrunning Thtr ril<diett 14A, of St Paul's ohureb, inten. giving a Suter 00d, Coneetta in the Towns aia►. ou or *bout the 4th at 1 obrutrry. g .The stew•of Butte ib zy St. • et# int (hureh wi 4014 xi: octan Hrne o:at the r41shi use• Uf lir • ilalrJaud, Bat nj>]l-.' . bury$' on the evenlini;g of Th , ns- diay' Jauuaxy f.. 4 ver loans , nut evoni0g . entertainmentinn, ' - be expected, Avid all are we leoiue J. B, HUMBALL Watchmaker. Jeweler, &c., TelephoneExchange • Do not fail to see our magnificent stook of .FASEIONABLE PERFUMES For the Christmas Trader. . . . . . 'Our selection. of Celluloid and Plush:Goode is very oamplete consisting of Drowsing. Oases, 1Yfanioure Sete, Odor Cases, Glove and Handkeroheef Boxes, Jewel Cabinets, Work Boxes, Photo Cases, Shaving Setif; &o. Buy early. Yon will have more time and a better selection. The prices at the present time are at the lowest point. J. E. HOVE. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. Florida Water 5c a Bottle Perfume makes a most acceptable holiday gift. Our „stock embraces all the leading makes:of FRENCH, ENGLISH ana° AMERICAN PERFUMES. We want your trade and make a bid for it. The question of relia- bility, of standard sterling goods and long experience should tip the beam in our favor. Add to thiii our moderate prices. We can give you something handsome for 50c, $1 and $1.25. JAMES H. COMBE'S i rveltyBatery and Restaurant. Don't forgot that we have the finest assortment of t , '99,4il 1 Fruits and Confectionery in town Dandies from 5c to 50c a lb Seasonable FRUITS at low prices , Pipes, Tobaccos, .1c. In fact everything at the very lowest prices. James McClacherty, OPPOSITI! TSH MAI{xET, , CLINTON Explanation Owing to the quiet state of business we haye not been able to clear out our large stock of goods as we expected to do by the end of 1895. So we are necessitated moving to another store to clear out the balance or continue in business, (which we have not yet decided) but before moving we have Many.lines of goods in the different departments,odds and ends that we are particularly anxious to, dispose c f ~as we do not wish to move them, d in order to clear them out at 417e'~,-Wi11 put prices on them that Ought to, rsell them at sight. e and bee what we can give, it will pay you. , TEEL & GI ciasToN. f m iaaistum i JitItAIL,BEHTS evert TharsdM afternoon IThuradity, up. 9, 11896. 0■AA ....ar. i{.{•. 0 0 •. 661 0/{ fl ..... ....,...,s ... 61 a' V' 63 (1 x222 11,0y 98 nilao -',,. r {.. •. It 40 ,t.,. {0{' 48 Si'''y2 0 go. 444 { 1 RI si' ,96. ................. iJ At fl 14'114 E 3b.AHi)Ellll1 3l quitl116'bf ;'y ouna 1 ht at'bles oolriraodst 41 withiniira mjnirw, aer'a'te. Apply itt 'ABTA t9Eeb• 01111 r Creed ettobO tint «iii... Good wares. Apply *Okla of "Agnes. T-170101)14 PDX:', WOOD WARTED Wanted; a gantity of good Hardwood, about Rinoh tireoll and Pry. rot Rattonbury Street s ethedert Ohuroh, Apply to ISRAEL TAYLOR, of Taylor & Sons, Clinton CHEESE d public meeting will by held kr the hall at Summerhill en Jan. 18th, conambncing at 1.80 p.m fertile purpose of eleotingomoerstn oon- nootign with the oheesofaotoryhere. Speak• era in the interest of cheesemakieg are expeot- lad. All parties interested or likely to be inter- ested nterested next year are requested to he present. "'+ .,OSHUA W. HILL. To the Electors of Clinton, • LADIES AND GENTLEMAN -Most sincerely de I thank you for having elected me to the office of Deputy -Reeve. My majority is not large, bat I think it is sufficient is ensure me taking my seat. I will endeavor to look after the in- terests of Clinton first, last and always. Your humble servant, S. S. COOPER To the Electors of St. George's Ward LADIES AND GENTLEMAN—I return you my thanks for your approval of my public services by your again supporting the as Councillor, and especially to the ladies who name out notwith- standing the cold weather, My duty will be performed fearlessly and faithfully. Yom's truly, W. C. SEARLE. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the MoKillo Mutual Fire Insurance Company, will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Friday, the 17th day of January, 1898 at the boar of 1 o'clock p.m for the purpose, of eleoting three directors for three years, and one to 1111 out the term of the late Donald Ross; for the hearing and receiving the report o, the transactions of the company for the year; the financial statement, the auditors' re- port, receipts and expenditure assets and liabi- lities, and any other business in the interest of the Company W. J SHANNON, Seo•Treas GEO WATT, Pres , UQw much better it will be for youpto pay; cash for what youwill need for another yearijind not be;pes- yl tered with long bills at the yParp -07d, than to eon- ' tin.ue buying on credit atAlig prices. It is not necessary for us to Say that no mere . sell the people goods as cheap on credit as when: a the cash is paid clown. Every one hno* ' you wish to save money and buy at the very cloy prices, you can do so only by paying cash. Since the first of Sept. last, this store has -been seY .i{i for cash, and would not go back, to the old system o any account. Even though we know vc e could .ge' large profits by doing so. Make your choice for 189( and try the Cash System for one year. GILROY ,'WISEMAN, C1inte Mckiitnon & Co, Blyth • We make our bow to New Era readers. 1895 is gone and 1896 has fairly started. We swing into 1896 prepared to serve you better that} ever before. We're always looking for bargains, and we always have them. It's well you should hear of them so you may may partici- pate in the .good things. "We sell nearly everythin and sella little cheaper . than any other store.'' The reason is we buy for Clash and sell for cash. OVERCOATS—Men's Frieze, high storm collar, tweed lining, well made, were $7.50, now .. $4.99 A little better line, light and dark colors, well made, sold everywhere for $8, our price.... 5.99 Boys' Overcoats, Tweed, with or without capes, a perfect storm defence, ages 6 to 10, regular price $4, for2.50: LADIES' GERMAN JACKETS ---newest styles, worth $6, special at 4.99 Ladies Jackets in Black Beaver or Rough Serge, worth $8.50, for 6.99 We sell 6 lbs Tapioca for 25c We bought a lot of Gingham, fast colors, good patterns, regular price 9c, going at 5c Same value in Table Linen will in- terest you, one line is a regular 36c kind, our price 25e DRESS GOODS is one of our strong holds—Special line for school in plain colors or dark checks, double fold, was 30c, now 19e Henrietta, all wool, 46 in. wide, all colors, should be 50o, our price -39c 7 lbs good clear Raisins for 25c You will find our stock up-to-date "We always do as we ,ad_ i every respect. rise." McKinnon & Co., - Blyth BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. NEWS NOTES Mr. James Smith, • Grimsby farmer, was knocked from the mill deck of his windmill by the revolving arme and may die In Victoria B. C., Col Prior, the Con- As rale, the quality of the cattle here was servative candidate, was elected on poor, but we had a much more active Monday by a majority of 85 votes. He +demand, and a corresponding stiffening of had 600 majority before. l prices. While as a representative price it Great Britain is evidentally deter- would scarcely be fair to say that more mined not to be caught , unprepared than 8o was given this morning, yet as a for war, if Emperor William should matter of fact some small piokedlote fetch - proceed on his recent arrogant course. ed 3,j, and one lot did a shade better than In the MaYoralty contest at Ham- this; still the range to -day was from ilton on Monday. Mr. Tuckett was elect- 2&o to 3-•o for most of the stuff, though ed by a majority of fully 2,000 over sales were made both above and below these Mayor Stewart who sought a third figures. A lot of 17 averaging 1,000 lbs Bold term. at Sho a lot of 21 averaging 850 lbs sold at Mr. R. J. Fleming, who was Mayor $be sold at 3e; a22.50 each a ixt laveragingot of 20 lota of se en verai1 g 850 of Toronto in 1892 and 1893, was on sold lbsat 2 o and a load of 22 averaging Monday elected to the Mayoralty by a lbs 0 lbe sold stale per pound. majority of more than 1,700 over his opponent, Ald. Shaw Josie O'Loughlin, a gill of twelve, who The Rev. John Watson (Ian Maolaren was abducted from Buffalo on October author of Beside "the Bonnie/Brier Bush" llth, has been found at Chippewa Ont. and Auld Lang Syne has closed a oontraot She says that she wanted to become a Pro - by oable for a lecture tour in the United teetant, and she ran away because her States and Canada beginning in October father threatened to put her in a cevent next. TORONTO LIVE STOCK Toronto. Jan. 7.—We had to -day, all told, 40 loads of offerings at the Western cattle yards, including about 600 hogs 350 sheep, a dozen calves, and a few milkers. The Rev. George Anderson, late pastor Improved Torii shire Boar. of the Wentworth street Haptiat oburch in • • Hamilton died Monday. aged 74. The The undersigned keopa for kervice at° their deceased hada paralytic . stroke in Nevem- . promiNry, 16 sou., 4odorioh tronas , an im• p Y pr coed (regtetorodl Yorkshire boar, No. 1892, ber, 1894, and had been confined to hie Canada Improve Yorkshire Swine record. bed ever since. shippers consider this breed the best for ship. ping. The South Wentworth Reform Associa- pocking cktn and scat and intuits -the highest tion met in fiariiilten on Saturday and nominated Mr. John Dickenson, who i$• an lett.wiirden'of the county, and who has been for sevorat year's reeve of Glenford town*, bhip,,ae thoireandidate for the coining bye. plectron for the'Ontario T.ogi;iiatnre. rpy . price lep In the Lugligb market. Terme tl1 at tune of seuvice with privilege of returning if necesa Baty, also G good milch cows for side; simply - ovoretocked.-LINDSAY EliOS. r islominations for the ninth Legis' t. 'titre of MatxitobdjWero Made ytNI 'l day'' 10.4,, 'Weight' out of the forty coined''' en'ciea,'4'eE'ulted .i.n' the eleetiOn of at ineniberft by arelattutiltitlfitl. .t%1( Of 1h eight Are supporter4-of'thio Govern nLN!tit, tvio of whom. Messrs .Hestina and ['enteron, 'Winnipeg ('entre atld ''Winnipeg South, respectively, are members of the Glovernni'ntr Sewe itzpot'itor Baja:—" i..swate.that 'tot tbattkt For sal abeeili0O btlg5Uls wg1 W sold At Nil e.lh par b Ice, s Ibth tlbn., R Il.tt.-14 BORN JESSOP.-In Blyth, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr H. W. Jesse , of a daughter. FERGUSON.-ran Blyth, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Dr. Fergus on, of a daughter. CARTER. -In Clinton, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr David Carter, of a son. BUBOLZ.-In Tuokersmith, on the let inst., the wife of Mr Wm. Bubolz, of a son. REID.-In Seaforth, on Deo. 27th, the wife of Mr Wm. Reid, of a son. MASON. -In Morris on Dec: 27th, the wife of Mr A. G. C. Mason, of a daughter. MARRIED WASHINGTON-JENKINS.-At the resi- dence of the bride's father, on the, 8th inst., by Rev. J. W. Holmes, Jos J. Washinggton, of Au• burn, to Clara fourth daughter of Thos. Jen- kins, of Goderich township. PAULIN- MOSER.-In Blyth, on the 1st inst. by Rev. Mr Becker, Mr J. Paulin, of Mit- chell, td Miss Mary, eldest daughter of J. G. Moser.' TUCKER -SCOTT. -At the residence of the bride's lather,' Morris, on New Year's day, Hugh Tucker, of Turnbery. to Isabella, young- est daughter of Wm. M. Scott. MF,RR.ITT-ERRINGTON.-On Dec. 25th, by Rev. J. W. Pring of Nile, at the residence of the bride's parents, 2nd line Morris, John Mer- ritt, of Kincardine, to Jennie, second daughter of David Errington. MILLER-DENNIS.-At the Methodist par- sonage, Walton, on Dec. 17th, by Rev. W. Pomeroy, Mr Robt.. Miller, of Morris, to Miss Maggie Dennis, of McKillop. NORRIS-BROLEY.-At. the residence of the bride's mother Elora on Dec. 25th, by Rev. J. C. Stevenson, Mr Richard C. Norris, druggist, Elora, to Miss Minnie M. Broloy, daughter of the late Rev. Jas. Broley, formerly of Seaforth. DIED. WEST HURON ELECTION . Oirilr O MEETIN iS The following meetings will Ile d in the interCameron of Mr at.the:'_ m ritv.t places mentioned - .a`., 1)11NOANNOti, Agrioult tdfidil'; 'tlt ajr. Jan. 10, at 2 p. m INCHEsTF.B, Friday.. > • , IYi 7 p. M. *pts of tltr MITCHELL. -In Tnrnbury, on the 1st inst., Wm. Mitchell, aged 76 years. W ILLIAMS.-In Seaforth, on Dec. h, Jas. Williams aged 51 years and 2 months McKEI4ZIE.-Io Tnckersmith, on . 31st, Jennie McKenzie, aged 22 years. WII.KINSON.-In Morris, on Dec. 27th, Mar- garet, wife of Chas. Wilkinson, aged 32 years and 6 months. HILL. -In Pickford, Michigan, on Nov. 30th David Hill, of Hallett, near Harlock, aged 70 years.' DOUGLAS. -In Stanley, near Blake on Dec. 19th John M. Douglas, son of Mr A. Douglas, aged 22 earn. ° WALTERS.-In Devon, on the 2nd inst., the wife of Mr Alfred Walters. Church Chimes. ENTERTAINMENT NOTICES. - Co with the first of Jan., all notices a our columns of church or other en where au admission fee i9 char paid for at the rate of ten I nts •;ppe Church meetings or entertainments -ria free will receive the same liberal treat they have in the past. Don't forget the meeting of the Lot Union in Ontario St. Churolr.;;:lf (Friday). evening. Owing to the storm Rev. Mr. 04 vent was not able to reach Clinton Sunday, and the pulpit of Ratenb i* r. St. Church was supplied Sunday morn* ing by Mr. Coltman and by Mr. N., I,4.; Holmes in the evening, c;3 Rev. A. L. Budge, M.A., formerly.. o Clinton, whose marriage was anneun ed last week, was, on the 7th inch., ducted to the pastoral charge o'.1kt daumin, in the Presbytery of Sir He is a clever young man, and render efficient service in the M+ cause. - . At the Baptist church nes.i'ri4.S morning and evening. Rev. J* B- of Toronto, will preach. He conduct special services ev next week in the same plaice una suming, Mr. Moore is tive and successful evange one is welcome. Rev. Mr Ball, of Toro Willis church pulpit on At the close of the ey Miss Leitch, who Wit brother,has been a Ceylon for about tee most interesting add gress of mission w.2 addrefis full of enc spiration; Mise -Tae; the Sabbath Schdai With wheat at the National Polio for the people of Overcoats Every Coat now in stock must be sold—not one over. We have cut the prices in two, andhave no buyers will taker o4yantage of 'this opport Childs' Cape Coats, sizes 22 to $1..I Boys' Cape Coats, sizes 29 to 35, Men's Tweed & Worsted Coats $5 tt These are desperate cuts anderhaps req i ation. The prevailing style this season hat other styles have been in a measure neglect over stook. The Coats are of good Material, well made, and although not just the latest at sirable garments, and at present pricer) Arc :elm are not likely to meet e1sewwh6 We have a few' Frieze Coats still b them at reduced figures, $0 A°Co , or $6.50; and our best imported Irlsb . regtdar price : $1 Our entil e,stdak• a£ Fura, con Collalcs:4,4d ,11Auffoi Men's lies be sold at a 'i is