HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-01-10, Page 3.". s
0 ininthiMnAg $40,1 Slam WuOdo •
OM MN x.AtplvEg.1.101',341.2tatztt.u,1)::in4.:',
; x. ;levant', large luttee
V(PIX TOECIP 0.014( skod
, ,,,p0atrullttr are belk1Viifthwt:1 hydalti made
VfONAttittATL, 1114000. 101)1UVIMWARTI). "ZiTM. 11VS:rairv,
amignin 0 x410104 Drat, tvery, r,d100 Buiktetit;Claita e 3A1 tomit4111 $41K1110101**.ea 114 "1" 64** th"fieriltZtlit tikt !Erg: ,t,tts%
stipitlertilliydmpuevg ,401ilttlilt4300k01!at
txt.• those: Vied: ftw.,
Boa o $6. Vi140.$70 0011t:SAfkilif;.00ittfOn• JM eeitai*.' tab" 1ra.tifilter2,;;,...-7;00toot,)31,'.10g,!?trozifitstonst.':
most a
;Lilpeless Case
& Terrible Cough. No Beet Night
• 4WD VAT. Given up by Dootore.
ist3everal years ago; I °might a severe cold,
attended with a terrible cough that allowed
me no rest, either day or night. The doc-
tors, after working over me to the best of
their ability, pronounced my case hopeless,
and said they could do no more for me.
• friend, learning of -my trouble, sent me
a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which
began to take, and eery soon I was greatly
relieved. By the time I had used the whole
bottle, I was compleMly ured. I have never
bad mach of a cough since that time, and
IMO bolleve,thet Ayer's Cherry Pe
owed Tatitfei—w.1Tv Quimby
Ave.,,Leviell, Masse
Ayer 8 Gimpy Pectoral
*waft Pita the Nest .ranady Physfs•
How to Get a Square Meal.
In an eating house I sit as hear brake -
Men as possible. Brakemen always have
goed• appetites and eat everything in
, aight,. As long as theypursue the even
• tenor of their way, I know the train is a
.. . . fixture. By keeping one eye on these un -
:failing Indicators, and by starting one or
;Awe courees-khead, of them. I now con-
'. ..ttive to:get-eomething to. et when
tOte-cars are t not attached to any train.
It is not a "square” meal, but it keeps
body and soul together. • It is not such a
meal as a certain man ate once upon a
,time, and then handed 76 cents in pay-
- -"One. _dollar( if you please," said the
ca%eiri.y,''' look here," argued the travel-
• ler, "you advertise to furnish meals for
0 "That's all right," replied the cashier,
letting his clinched fist fall upon the
• desk with a mighty thud, "but when a
man este as though there were no Creator
: it's St "—Chicago Times -Herald.
- " ' L. , 414.0pool*O4n4hiar..Qt prdintirt Ititowe
100=4 Ito , gas,' and reseighlkag 1400.10What tbstef thSir—Por vo e:
• - var ,• , 00* . a 44.00:kalegn'W•004. 0 4004
yeare'lceri reni-vEvOu, " 'ggrzh(iit, ,for:11-istgegatolls. werie Am a entail,' plant:teeniag out 640 .
led Witkin=404 1113d 014 90thinfil Wallin/0On . 4119 ,",tegielatlItta )3* 'coble nis440 corVtli '441tr 01)00 Om t04,
tiould hear at At 'Oat wattedvniet,i te try !It= akgelnaplane. itenan Sae of.eeirsdakt;:efill tatiell; tveentS'4011
I thaeghb it WeX
a 'bottle. of Yellow Off an4-laihatea because.
lt like all thrilest—a failure. th'14°""9414 9419t194 " ue 24".. 14°4111' 444 *.144iti; 4134.4 bq' '44.11184
A half bottle 'wee, given to roe* kw*eYet's '°1gire.n4tnotter7 UEnVinerSber d9efPrr4trrorIV. Ilse •Shbunrolnerbb4r1V1":44111thITmhrniattt r 4an 94411146411,1k:'
banotdtle fvylinioah otturhedelPetelr°VnaitIolviatigtkv4krtt.•exi13-,14° w-1,4th-i4firioaiLlt,,110,181:114411 041,1e.seyVedinp- rex.. froaanitai4troul' Tho 4,e.a.r4 qtjullaanitit4 doP1.10111
bottle I would not be without it. THOS. riwoutnE:fro44.riodtegr'0. bosoover will And salagrame ritsawdust leaves a resid,ne of
QUINN, Oravenhuret, Ont. oomettlino there bearing on their work, and 80 kilograms of Aber •
the information supplied is given in euch a„
way that or.V.Aqraptaan understand It. n strovuteet wonuta•
The authorized flogging of little girls,
or big girls,is a pleoe of barbarism wbioh,
now that the subjeot has been definitely
raised, will receive, we trust, no counten-
ance from the Home Seoretary. Mr. Riley
says that girls in the elementary sohoole
• are caned, a bit o information which we
commend to the immediate notice of Sir
John Goret. The public of London has out-
grown the day e of Mother Brownrigg,and
Mother Brownrigg, as the Newgate "Cal-
endar" informs us, was not sustained by
Judge, jury, public opinion or Jack Ketch
in her theories and her praotloe as to the
castigation of girls. There were philoso-
phers, to be surd who approved of, the
whipping of girls, Looke did, for one; and
so did Pr, Johnson. Locke approved of
a mother who whipped her little daughter
nine times in order to compel the child to
confess some error; and Johnson com-
mended a mother who whipped her child
in the interest of future truthfulness be-
cause the girl had said she came in
through one door, when in fact she had
come in through another. But those were
days when children were supposed to be
born only that they might be birched as
far as possible out of their share of orrgin-
al sin. Women were publicly flogged at
the cart's tail in the days of Locke and
Johnson—and.of course, in the interest of
discipline and order and morals. Wo can
not go back to those days,and any serious
and public attempt to get back to them
would be an absurdity as well as an out-
rage.—London Daily News.
The Useful Poplar.
Russian soientifie men have ascertained
that out of 697 trees struck by lightning
in the forests near Moscow 302 were white
oplar. They advise farmers to plant
p. I are as natural lightning conductors.
For four thousand years or more the
world groaned, suffered and fumed about
its corns, for there was no positive relief—
no certain and psinleas °use until Dr
Scott Putman gave to the world his great
Cora Extractor. If there is iluffering now
it is as a result of °sullenness, for the
remedy is at band. Try Putnam's Corn
Extractor. It is sore, painless and prompt.
Beware of Substitutes. N. C. Poison &
Co., proprietors, Kingston.
A" ,'"r 1.' I.. ` - 11 OUI In
To Is curinui i:.( !cut ; In the
year 'IMO. 'i'ne ha t :lc wa. f: gh t early
on tbe mornit.g in .June in the oresence
of the Earl of Buokingam as High Con-
stable of England, and in the palace
, yard, Westminster. The combepnts
were Sir John Annesley, the (scams
and Thomas- Katrington, Esq., the ace
The eharge made ,by the former was
that Katrington, belng Governor of the
castle of St. Sandi -3111P le Vicomte, in Nor-
mandy, did treacherously surrender the
• place to the French. Sir John bad some
The Growth of Total Abstinence. personal intereet in the matter apart
trom patriotism, because he had married
A woman who has spent much of het one of the co -heiresses of Sir John
. time of late abroad says that it is quite Chandos, to whom the ottatle belonged.
astonishing to see bow the principle of Early in March Annesley brought this
total abstinence has grown among high- accusation, and offered to justify the
tenable people in England, and how it charge by duet Katrington denied the
has worked in a somewhat onrione way, charge, picked up the gauntlet, and so -
en the Continent. In Great Britain, she °opted; the ohallonge. Whereupon both
goes on to state, some twenty years or parties gave surety for the proseoution of
• less ago,. 15 was to be marked and peon- the case.
' liar to refuse wine at a dinner. Now, the Two days later they again appeared be-.
, betties of different sorts of waters am fore the same oourt and renewed their
. offered one, instead, if one prefers, quite suretlea The day of battle appointed
.-' IS a mutter -of coarse. Throughont Ens was suns 7. Why this delay was allowed
repo generally she finds that the same
. tirinelple results in advanced rates on
.. the wine -cartes. The hotel -keepers urge,
• in extenuation of this advance in prices,
.' tlir4' there are so many total abstainers
' ainong their English, and American
• bOardeiti 'a:311061611v among the feminine
• ' Ott/Mk Abet, they cannot make any
: Pniflt At all, any More, with their liquor
• '. traffit milers they charge more than
$11.0/,- .3 when wine was oftener colied
f orp',!4- --- • • - • .''
. , •."-f
.'....•, -... • The Day's Gossip.
' .'• lotritreally truer said the little boy,
• - , ' "thali• li3Oltielatie are sometimes not
, : ittictit honest," - .
. ,
',..,. :-etilif,i0,44,otagai Senator • Sorghum,
.. '.', ; %ate -i , ry sorry to say that it is.
Itlikete IthOevis po Whine who got votes'
%.- part( ',Ago and ha _pot paid for them
- " •i0•-"Whsblbgton Stst...,„
one knows not.
The combatants were to fight fastlpg;
they bad to ett,ter that they had not pro
twitted ,,thereadves by any magic arts;
mien malls iwore also to the truth of his
I own AMC illie1fidictiture or agreement by
1 which 51157 web bound to light was
read 1006.,tb44:'.'•-"' -
• There 'ttait . agf,,. ., pens* concourse of
people," And 00 _, _Oh" y in the end went
-.,away 4thitte:-1601640fir-for the battle was
long and:. fierce,;ad the result was °t
acitly What the epee:haters desired. Kat-
• rizigton trail•ft big. ,halking Mall; An-
nedel one oftliee'eniitYlest men—" among
those that:are::: 'lli Means stature he
was one of the 1 itt f.','P , ,,•
They tjangiit :with Pears first, then
'with ewerds#"'• Mid, latitly with daggers.
The little Meet danced COMA, all round
the „ big . mate ' withettt„.. receiving , ply
hurt, .but without beint able to inflict
any fatal wound, prodding hikadversarr
whenever there Wee * Obatatin \
At last, exhanated by tailgate
of bleodi Kattiffitert at010t144'
bab rowt
The misson )baby's 48
grow h. To that little bin.
ale f love, half track half
m, every ounce
flesh :means added ha..
and comfort! Fatii
e signal of perfect health,
fort, good nature, baby
Emulsion, with
---ThOsphites, is the eas.
food baby Can have,
'-.tform, it it
nci Iota
and fell.,
Annesley stood over hitt yeah Ilitent to
Make him Surrender or tile, eBen he was
, blinded by the persPiration Of h1& head
and fell aerose the 6 bili ':;...
• . Then' it Wes Vint tigtok's-turt4 'Ho.
rolled Ititngott &von. it VitAld perhaps.have finiebot- oft b it advrierp ' *hell
•":.tlie A ordiSred thorn to partea:
74$ s" OfOrtilb* knight, obtfig Ito
so the judgef: 4hehold of. / ant stilt
fraih And taihttrt.:' tat' V her again
and let tit' tonic go en.'
This petition ,was gran
- appeared that Xatrin
They,took off his hid
- h_ut he *Mimed t
lie look •
not pi
iadie olean'your kid gloves with Jos-
ephine Glove 0104110r, for sale only by
Hodgoos Bros., Olintou, sole agents for the
Perrin, Freres. and Alexander ICH Glove
n all the 'most desirable shades, dressed
and undressed, lace and button.
It is impossible to feel much regret for
an .A.mericen firm who tried to make v.
corner In Christmas trees and failed in the
attempt. Thio, however, was the unbaPPY
lot of some Philadelphia men. who found
it impossible to keep the price up to the
exorbitant figure they wished to get. As a
ooneequenoe they havelthirty-five oirlqads
of the trees left op their hands, which
represent a loss of $10,000.
says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture
in an editorial about No -To -Bao, the fam-
ous tobacco habit ore.. "We know of many
oases cured by No-To.Bao, one; a promi-
nent St. Louis architect, smoked and chew-
ed for twenty yettrs; , two boxes cured him
so that even the smell of 'tobacco makes
him sick." No -To -Bao sold and guaran-
teed no care no pay. -Book free. Sterling
Remedy Co., 874 St. Paul St., Montreal.
Sold by Allen &-Wilson. -
There is a sad story in oonneotion with
the ,death of Miss Edyth Carney, Windsor.
which took place two days ago. She had
been (misting her mother in nursing Mr
Charles Kent, her fiance, when he was lying
ill with typhoid fever at hie hotel. The
loving care saved the young men's life.
When Mise Carney ten 111 Mr. Kent wee
moved to the Hotel Dien as Mrs. Carney
was needed at her daughterte bedside. He
was kept in ignorance of the admit; nature
of her illness until a day or two before she
died, when she became oonsoions and asked
to see him. He was brought to the house,
but the exertion of being moved had ex-
hausted him and it was some time before
he recovered. Miss Carney then became
unconsoione again, and sae remained so
until she died.
Mrs T. C. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn.,
say: Shiloh'e Vitalizer Bayed my life. I
consider it the best remedy for a debilitat-
ed system I ever used. For Dyspepsia,
Liver or Kidney troubles it excels. Price
6 ots.
The commutation of Shortie' sentence
of life imprisonment was a suprise to
the. people in the. neighborhood of the
seene-of the murders. It is reported
that a mob of 100 men gathered at
Valleyfield, on Tuesday night, and
tried unsuccessfully to procure a train
to take them to the prison where Shor-
tie is confined. Threats. of hanging
the unfortunate young man were free-
ly uttered.
Dear Sirs,—I had severe headaohes for
the past two years and used all bands of
medicine without finding a cure until I tried
Burdock Blood Bittere, when relief and
euro cgdokly followed. I think there is no
medicine in the world. Min Murton Dam-
DALB, Berlin, Ont.
'The Toronto World has e. little story
to tell about how Shortis escaped the
gallows. It asserts that Lord. Aber-
deen fitted without the advice of Min-
isters, who were unable to decide up-
on a course of action, and commuted
the sentence. We cannot accept such
an extraordinary statement without
the best of evidence to support it. The
Governor-General has no right or po-
wer in such cases, save as Governor-
General-in-Council—that is, "by and
with the advice of his Ministry." His
prerogative is exercised according to
the decisions of the Cabinet. One-
man government in Canada ended
neatly a generation ago. There is
room for explanation of the Shortis
case, but the World's story doesn't
An aged spinster Itving in. d,
Conn., haa carefully stowed away in bar'
attle the timber for a ooftlu,whith she haft
instructed her relatives to use when she
dies. The woman is nearly 70 years old,
'bat gives evidence of living to a ripe old
age. A peouliar filet is that sho planted a
black walnut tree many years ago, when
she was a girl, with the Bole purpose ot
using its timber for her °alba. When is
was a full-grown tree she hired a farmer
to out it down, and, taking the body to a
sawmill, she bad the boards sawed out,
giving full Instructions as to thickness,
width, eto. After the work was complet4
she told her nearest neighbor all about the
matter. A local undertaker has been en-
gaged to make the oeffin at her decease.—
Hartford Times.
The Important Part. -
A young typewriter had just been hired
by a prominent lawyer. She had never
done regular work before, and was some-
what nervous.
The lawyer settled himself back in bis
chair and began diotating from mind a
brief. He had pegged away for about five
minutes, when the girl stopped, with a
horrified look on her face.
"What's the matter?" asked the laver
"Would you mind saying that all over
againir the girl asked, with eyes full of
- "I forgot to put any paper on the ma -
*Mine 1"—Syraouse Post.
Positively Cures
tri a surprisingly short time. It's a sci-
endfic certainty, tried and trne, soothing
and healing in ataffeets.
W. C. McCown:it & Sons_
Bonchette, Que.,
report In a letter that Pysty.Pectoral cured Kra
G. Garman of chronic cold In chest and bronchial
tuber. and alio cured W. G. hIcOomber of •
longetinding cold.
Me. 1. it/liorrx, Chemist,
525 Yong, St., Toronto, writes:
As a general cough anti lung Orel, •
Pectoral Is most Invaluable preparation.
has emit the utmost satIsfacUon to all who
have tried It, many having spoken 10 100 of the
belt derived from Its nee in their families!.
It le sultabM for old or young, being pleasant to
the taste. Its sale tint:role has been wonderful.,
and I can thrall rmstof,aend ate • safe and
reliable cough myl e.
Laeke Bottle. 25 leta:
Sole Proprietore
A Hippy, Fruitful
yEily. MA al
KNOW the
TRUTHS; the Plain
Facts; the Old Secrete
and the New Discover -
les of Medifial Science
as applied to Wanted
Life, should write far
our wonderftil little
book, called "PER-
anyearnest Sean we will mail one copy
Entirely Free, in plain sealed cover.
IsA amine from the quacka.” Adrian*
Clitoris; is Dr• Pitober's l*eseglffititsrt for IniGlIGO
and CGAildren, eoutaina neither 0141(n1,140014110 1101'
other liMalptie SOblitillPeee hatiniesa fitniOltiAllte
for loaregorle,pProps, Eloothingt Syrups, and .47.1440*. 000.
t Is ruaggint. Its gualrantre is thirty years'
MilliOnSet Illotherd. Clatitoriailiestroys1PORthe:aatta0041e
fevekislatietta.' CastOrlivie)reists vomiting- SoWpi;
cures Diakrbeela and Wind Colic. Castoria • re,
teething troubles, oozes constipation and ijuieOc
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates thet�mtCI
and bowels, giving healthy and, natural
tori‘ is the bhildrenvs. Panacea—the Mother'i lf,'40/04a
"baster% is an excellent medicine for chil-
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of ita
good effect upon their children."
Da. G. C. Os000n,
Lowell, Masa.
Cdstoria is the best remedy for Andrea of
which I am acquainted. I hive the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children, and use Castoria 10 -
stead of the variousquack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, by forcingopium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Da. J. T. Emcana.on,
Conwoy. Ark.
Castoria.ip , •
"Castoria is eo weal adaptedt'
1 recommen&iI assuperiorteallYll
known to me."
a d. Anottx4t
111 So. Oxford St, Brun
"Our physicians hi
town have spoken highly' 04'0*,
once in their outside practice with,
and although we only have aid)
medical supplies what is 'mown' Ent,
products, yet we are tree tc 641,
merits of Castoria had-wou us to
favor upon ft."
• Darrao Demur. AND
ALLEN C 8=14 Pres., .
The Centaur Company,. 71 Murray Street, Weir'Irsyeka744,„i,..„:.v.
WhoDoes Not Know(
That Christmas will soon be here, and that in order toproper
it you meet have a good pudding, and that to have a geed,
must hsve good material to work with. Granted tha
knovi this much we wish to inforni Iyou that we ha OW
the highest quality at a very reasonable prioe. We
ferior quality at a lower price, but much prefer .gi ty*
it is cheapest in the end. Everything you need m • e way 01
Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spices, Figs, die.,
As low as any, quality considered. We are in 0,-positioni044
as others, and will give as good value in any line of goodif**,,
oan be got in town.
OMR TEAS are the best to be had for the money, try thensir-
tried "Salads" you should do so, as almost daily we are getting 01
for it. The best 40 cent COFFEE in town; try that also. A WPM,
nes and Toilet Sets just in. Call and examine good e and prietaii
• •
. „
Not Giving up Bu
But continuing with full lines of seasonab
New Flannels. and Ilann
New CottonandWooll
New Tweeds, Trouse
New Ladies' Under
• New Readymade 0
New shirts and D
- New Dress Goa'
Proebel, the great promoter of the kin-
dergarten syetern of teaching children said:
'' I,et parents not live jor their children, lsut
with them." The mother who understands
this sentiment lives with, even her unborn
child. She studies to be wise [Mout betself
and the little life she is fostering. She does
all she can to give her child a fair start in
life, by givingit a strong well developed
- body. All througb babyhood, childhood
and youth she lives milli her 1301t dr her
daughter. Especially her daughter she will
kdep, iiear her. She will allow no false
modesty to stand in the way of that &bah-
tet'alfantviedge of heiself, of her possiblIe
ties, rher sterile. She will teach her diet
liapPy, healthful motherhood is an honor,
a blessing. That eiekhees Is a mistake, o
-breaking otaititurele laW. Sat there tate
' linieri of -unaveklable lwardoiteg. when the
,..eVetent liettotties.ren.tawn,
Por overtitirty *ears Dr.. Pierce Ulla used
lais "ItaNctitC Pres4riptioro, salt strength,
'tater, S., purifier, a regulator: t woe
direetly.upon 550: dellgetoi 41 .t10 t fetiiia,'
Jiiiie Mate, hit natural, soothin w y.r rt
sesxches out the C170312 spots; . al d WEIS
them up. It is benaelat In 6 Ie of,t1te
M. A *ottani wlio would tiderstend
(wilt find au able assiett t by amid -
cent* to the Worltre %Amery
ion. Buffalo, X'. ter lir.„
we Me tiltiocel It'll
Reasonable Rates. Improved Courses, Ef-
ficient Teachers, the only practical system
of business practice. Thoroughly equipped
Shorthand depart rnent. Satisfaotion guar-
anteed or money refunded. These are some
of the foundations on which we baild
our attendance. 1Ve will have a goad one
during the winter term, prospects show it
even now. Will you join us? Winter op-
ening Jan. 6, 1896. Write for free catalogue
Central Business College,
Strai ford, Ont.
P. al, INTOSH, Principal.
SIT A 'V & ELLIOTT, • Proprietors.
sure OONSUMPTION, bung and Thmat Blanca%
Sample mule coat Me to oveng aufferar. CVO Itzp1t3n and
Pont Moe A4(1140;11
110 T. A. Slocum Chemical Co. Ltd., Toronto. din.
New Boot and Shoe Stoie
of510 kiousestioroanatlettlitv,tliatu011a 07 -00 -The ututersigned bees to annonnco to tr ee-
ad a Boat rata 8114061tero at the pea ID de,
where ili fro fnut,rI i. complete ,te3SOrtibellt
• va.r.i laid 1100TO ratatillleaca..Our
'f144)iiiir4gte I:13°11 itbt "r Prib6831r4 44146"
• /' etPit r4V?1,!!,t14.,‘13Ftl,t441"
lute ••• ,,
niitter and 14-0 ttatoit ea each dome bildtme
0 I;Slare.btalue siseWhore. ' .
4.1%,1Y1.1lP1 LonalOSlibleeit;
" -
Iaii,ig' MMI
• .
Don't trust to luck, it may assist you, but
lurch. Use good judgment and buy wh
New Raisins, New Currants," Prunes,• ' bates;
." Walnuts; . * Filberts,
" Canned Sahnon inehe
" Toinatoes, " Macke
Om -stook of Orookaty, LailtiPtes and
.is tookyout w
. , , .
iaaaapiar,imoi- -
A , • ,
Icilt 2