HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-01-10, Page 2t1V era Grip
The papers that, are' twigfilOg bili '
torr ut the Caotlerii1t Miguel with hitt
nexati tf r tendeiieiee, tlbould . turn
their r ttentiOn :t Mr Ilu long, _tire
nutnagerr( of the !hall -.l txipire, who is
Auld to entertain the ettiiae views.
The motor in a 1'utnlloll«
The Globe or4ro,,i1TheatUtire this
country ehuttld bra. acid Ott be Mere
economically ilziainii tered,' allthe
• Ilrstthing,,that, Will be expected of a'
Liberal'Government will be heroic re
adtfction in the ,coat of adtiiinibtra.tion,
the 'contrary, the .;aUoaiit o:..Qt
eeunoatical, democratic,:anct yet
cfclepit •ivanagerneri of public,' af--
fairs. •
'T ere van be no question whateve
about•the truth of this. Thirty -aye
*IWon dollars annually is too much to
oxpe>i{i in governing ti country` popu-
lyitd,i'Canadrtt is. If extravagant ex -
mature i not curtailed there is on -
$‘900 'rest*.
nyoneresult. A Liberal Government
I,e'ippledgged.te retrenchment, and the
wlttchword to: every election should be
"reduction of eiepenaes and economy
x71 adr inistration.";
ItWin Have To Go
One cif the Ministerial speakers in the
l .elections, defends d the existence of
<Sei ate on the ground of it "being
jliin;t+t rat the constitution, and therefore,
nalterabl'e. Yes, it's parttof the con-
stitution, and its abolition becomes all
the More difficult; but sooner or , later
it.xu ust be abolished. People will tol-
exl to for` ,a long time things which
they': do not approve of, but there
comesn, tithe when "patience ceases to
be ;r virtue," and that time is rapidly
eotttng in Canadian history. If a
TOlutltary reduction of legislative ex-
pen`diture is not made, there will be a
aced ;reduction, for a free people will
mtrph• longer allow the existence of
Itt tttution that isabsolutely useless
xispensive, such as
Canadian Senate
Press comments on, Montreal
Centre election.
pibest and most popular candidate
rlirought before the people of Mont -
,has 'been saariftced, and had any
her Ivan in the division except Sir
ldinggston consented to be the
dardt'bearer, he would have been
eaten by�,:,1,300instead of 300.-Toron-
}Worid, conservative.
v ' ace to.;face with the Opposition. the
o ern
ant isbeaten and.
beaten bad-
y4a4the' very citadekof its strength.
tis condemned ort .edit-ade policy; it
t condemned o, ' school policy; it is
++. =•-. +- every detail of a long
sord* ncompetency. and eorrup-
leondemnedrin what might
e;house ofits friends, and
ral party has just cause to con-
te itself upon having been the
iald Clio medium of its condem-
0o1d et 'The.turnieig in the long lane
ri eight—,Adontreal Herald.
rtii tat; Stands broadly forth in
Ie that the government
r confidence of the very
4_ Montreal, and in-
i} ominlon of Canada. The
df' today are in possession of
citatTel;sof prt;otectton in Cana-
: very greatest protectionist
hirers' and 'millers of the Dom-
ve led in the'campaign, and
' been ' utterly defeated on
r •utYtl, and' that in a by-el-
ich, the whole influence
Or. :the government was
Seery effort was. made
tnibuted at the church
Oa to show that Sir
resented the policy
this must have in-
dtraight promise
Iran emen that the
ig its strong as -
would pot put
legislation. -
A mise ng of the •South
niers' 1 brute will be held
WWII. lion dao. Sth.
Via Crrl lt) .Destaw . 011e
ne . Wingbam, , 'resent= • ' a,
a with a beautiful silver rtII
ar: eiVP•xe' @ e v.e.
At,tite aunt%) meeting of • : « f:«
llullett, held tot the Vatlt tilt, VVat
fwaa -leeted trustee, 111 place,, Alae 171,1,f'
si, yr
�'� retires. ih
Lunen. high school board has +gaa89d
Mee .41110%. do ughter 44 3, Jill0)11
Killop, AS, �sM ant , r u e_rP Iangr
teacher. e b ►�
Figs. W,P. Stet?vai�t,13 asel ., Met with
a fie Orel accident on Mu}iduy night.
As ilh,ft wee w a tin to stand oxi a
t ternlp S'
chair elle fell, and broke her ribs. ,
Alex, Orr, of FGrdwich, was fined $1Q
and costs for violation of the law in
Unplug his hotel baro n after 11 pm.
Inspector Miller had theemcase in hand.
Pater McGregor, of Brucefleld, is
buying up horses for the old country.
fie has some as fine specimens o#` horse-
flesh as ever left Canada, in his stable
just now.
The numerous- friends of Wm. Moore
librarian, of Seaforth, who has been
confined to the house for six weeks
through illness, will be nappy to learn
that he is now on the mend.
A very sad accident happened to Mrs
Thos. Alexander, of St. Helene, a few
days ago. She was in the yard, when
bysome means she fell and injured her
hip.- She is an aged lady, butlwe hope
that no serious results will follow.
One day last week Rod.. McKay, Jas,
Shaw and Jas. Burgess cut and 'split 2
cords of 22 inch wood out of a maple
tree, in 88 minutes. The two former
did the sawing and the latter handled
the axe. The "work was done on Mr
Burgess' farm, near Brussels.
t.' One day last week Mrs Carnochan,of
Egmondville, was so unfortunate as to
fall while walking from .the barn to
the house, the result being a severely
sprained Wrist, and probably one of
the bones partially fractured.
At the close of the prayer -meeting at
Calvin church, on Thursday evening,
Rev Mr Hall, pastor of the Belgrave
and Calvin congregations, was present-
ed with a neatly -worded address, and a
complete outfit of furs, consisting of
coat, mita and robe. -
SH1LOH'S CURE is sold on a gnaran
tee. It cures incipient Consumption. It
is the best cough onre. Only one cent a
dose. 25ets., 50ots., and 11. Sold by J.H.
Combe, Clinton.
The residence of John Seale, of Mor-
ris, was the scene of an interesting
event onXmas day, when his daugh-
ter,..Miss Mary A., was united in mar-
raige with Mi' Young, of Hullett. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. T.
Cosens, of Walton, in the presence of
about one hundred guests.
There died, at his eon's residence in
Lower Wingham, on Tuesday evening..
an old resident of Turnberry, in the
person of Wm. Mitchell, sr., better
known in the community as "Tory
Bill". He was in his usual health 'until.
Sunday, when he was seized with dizzi-
ness in the head, and other troubles,
which indicated the breaking up of
life. Deceased was in his 77th year.
Wordhas been received of the death
in Los Angeles, Cal.; cif Thomas J.
Saunders, a former Goderich boy and
brother of Manager Saunders, of the
Organ Co. Deceased was engaged in
the tinning and roofing business there,
and while at work on a building re-
ceived a•fall which caused paralysis of
the brain/
Mr Wm. MeNevin, of Exeter, who
went to London Hospital last week,
underwent an operation on Monday
last, and a large stone the size and
shape of a medium-sized watch was
removed from his bladder. We are
pleased to say he is progressing favor-
ably, and will probably be able to re-
turn home in about two weeks.
"Old.yet ever new,and simple and beaut-
iful ever," sings the poet, in words which
might well apply to Ayer's Sarsaparilla
the moat effioient and scientificblood-pur-
ifier ever offered to suffering humanity.
()thing but superior merit keeps it oolong
a e front.
Mr David Dorrance, Seaforth, well-
known to all our readers as the cham-
pion pork packer ofjOanada, seems to
be growing better as he grows older.
On Monday, the 23rd of Dec., he,cnt up
at the packing establishment of Beattie
Bros, 25 hogs in seven and one-half
hours. This included trimmiug all the
hams, taking out• all the bones, and
trimming all the lard. This is a re-
markable feat for a man who is over 70
years old. He has been connected with
the pork curing business upwards of 60
years of age.
•B. Quar-
ishes the
the fsh-
rt Bare
has jur;
t 80,000
rgeon • 33 --
xed 23,&
, cunt re-
4anada and
ployedi 80.
.. The ee-
hie" np.
ort hili
Times are looking up on the Morris
boundary. J. Messer, of Morris, has let
the contract of a new barn. H. Gauge
has the stone work and .t. Messer the
frame work. D. Moffatt is building a
new brick house next summer 18x24,
20 -ft walks to be let ,by contract also.
There its also talk of another on the
corner by 11,. Moffatt. The first line
Comes next. It. Johnson has the stone
work of his house done, and the -brick
on the ground for building next sum-
mer: .
There has been some crooked work
Ong on, on thd'ist Morris, Mr Fraz-
:rs barn has been broken into three
till s •this fall, and a load of unthresh-
deage and a fete bags of oats taken
t,tibiei They were traced the sec-
tirne to the, Wingham gravel, but
ld not. tell which Way they went
there. The third time they were
ell to %;ower Witigharn, where the
n `rvaa,'found just taking oft~ his rack,
rrazergot out a searchwarrant,
nhe.and Mr.BullardWent and -
d the pease said oats, and the Irian
loft to Wall was sent to Gode-
rotiwas' felt by t e citizens
, On�`rida. ;mtgic'ztfttg lacitytn
the oi: Mr J'aitneb
inter, of that toWn., Air
ult wlto:rlot. unc'xppeecIi d
noire : the lees keenly
404 1104 its lailirng
four years, htit; team
business Until n, few
1 for the pant NW
qtly, confined to iced.
waft the immediate
Mr Wiltiamn wain
of lint, .being just. 5b
1 r
r Rennewies, the rttit4l reeve of
illap, was presented ou Mi flay
ring, on behalf r.f the rateppay ti of
n tvwnehl ,with fo heavy.140a tell•
tuned at,tr400. Mr 13exinew,efe p rved
NeKUlota tie }testae fpr six yea two
i.yougAs I.3eputrt, and one as (iii ncil�'
kit i haudsnrne'presei►tatlou is
a III >no^rw ed trent t°V the high
appreciation yin wll xh he is held lay his •
.04 eotistituente. Few repreeentsttiVee
niers ever held In ouch high esteem by
Gad rate oyeerelor towel sip. and Mel.....
KII1Qpp poop API or'ely°aver,bie with-
•tzuth bi uni
o . dad � t., e r m i? lCip
al affairs,
,. ,el : parents not: live
bdt,with the u,�Iii 414P31141419*
obi s
:u f41001odt ty to ttend lathe way Ober
daughter"ii knowledge of herself; of 'hier'
poaeibilitiee, of bar perils. For, over'; thirty,
etrw Di!_, Vierce .b1!ir deed his "t yorite.
vresariptiou ae. utrenggth ,ier,epurifier,
regulator; It •works directly 'upon the
t telicate, dietiuutly� feminine organo; itt a'
natural, soothlugWaY, It searohea_out itis
weak spots acrd builds them up. A'Oman •
who would undoratend herself should "/lend.
81 Cents to the World's Dhipeneery,
Buffalo, N.Y., for Dr. ,Piercers Medical -
Adviser, a book of 1008 pages.
Poiitieai Pointers
The life of Parliament expires on
April 251 h, so that whatever business
is to be done must be got through be-
fore then.
There have been five elections since
Parliament proro ued. The first one
was held in Westmoreland, New
Brunswick, to fill the place vacated by
Mr Wood, who was made a Senator.
The Government succeeded in retain.
ing this seat by a largely reduced•ma-
jority. North Ontario was thrown
open by the death of Mr Madill, Con-
_servative, and Mr McGillivary, the un -
pledged candidate of the Government,
was returned by a very mttch smaller
vote than Mr Madill received; notwith-
standing the increased names en the
list, There was a large majority of
votes cast against the Government,
but the three -cornered fight allowed
their man to slip in. In Cardwell,
which was thrown open by the resign -
tion of Mr R. S. White, the opposition'
to the Government profited by the
mistakes of North Ontario, and Mr
Stubbs,, the McOarthyite, was elected
by a handsome riajority in a riding
which never, in its history refused to
accept a Conservative as its representa-
tive. This -was a straight lose to, the
Government. Followmg it came the
great Liberal victory in Montreal,Cen-
tre, and then still greater victory in
Jacques Cartier. So that put of five
strongly Conservative ridings the Gov-
ernment had been able to hold en to
two with great diflithulty,' while three
have declared against the policy. of the
Administration in the Inost emphatic
At tie last moment the Government
have-(lIle four of the cep vacancies in
the Sena e. This leaves six vacant
seats. T of these are iOntario,
one 1n Qu , twoto Nevw ' .Bprunswick
e bet B
and one in Nova Scotia, so that Par-
liament met Thursdayw}th the Govet n -
went in a badly crippled stater Be-
sides losing the confidence of the peo-
ple, as manifested by the recent elec-
tions, it has been compelled to meet
without a successor to Mr Angers in
the Cabinet, or a Solicitor -General to
take the place of Mr Durran, and six
vacancies in the upper chamber. In.
addition to all this the Administration
hits lost' the support of Clarke Wallace,
who resigned his position in the Gov-
ernment, and the support of Lt -Col.
Tyrwhitt, who has joined Wallace's
The general opinion le that the Gov-
ernment will not last many weeks, and
the party is already scheming as to
how they can throw Sir Mackenzie
Bowell overboard and get Borne one not
committed to remedial legislatson to
take his place. This is said to be why
Mr Haggart took no part in the bye -
elections. The latest proposition is to
form a Tupper-Chapleau combination,
with Sir Chas. Tupper, as Premier.
Rheumatism for years, and Nerviline is
the only remedy that has done me any
good." So writes Thomas McGlashan,
North Pelham, July 24, 1890, and his testi-
mony is supported by thousands of others
who have experienced the wonderfully
penetrating and pain subduing lower of
Nerviline—the great nerve pain Imre.
Nerviline is just as good to take as to rub
on, and is the beat family remedy in the
world. Nerviline is sold lay dealers every-
Mr. George E.Hendereon,Q.O., Belleville
is dead, aged 77.
Mr. Charbonnean, the Liberal candidate,
was elected in Jacques Cartier by 674 major-
The Thomson -Tipping block at Orillia
was totally destroyed by fire with all its
KARL'S CLOVER.. ROOT, the great
blood purifier, gives freshness and clear -
nese to the complexion and cures Consti-
pation, 25 Cts., 60 oto., $1. Sold by J. H.
Combe, Clinton.
.Tphn B. Blair, who was ninety-five
yeah of age, died on Wednesday ip the
Chicago Home for incurables. Fifty
years ago he invented a bicycle made
on the same lines as the safety of to-
The police officials of London, Ont.,
claim that the Salvation Army is re-
sponsible for bringing a large number
of tramps to the city, owing to the ex-
treme cheap fare and lodging provided.
• Mr• G. M. Hays Thursday entered up -
ort his duties as, general .manager of
the Grand Trunk Railway Company.
Mr $eargeant, the retiring tnttnager,
Will sail from New York the first of
neat month.
0bamberleau, the plttiger who wail' scent .
by Toronto Conservative,nlanagerg to
sonars at the Winnipeg eection arca whop.
was convicted 144a senteneed,in Marek 1894
AO three years rn ta4 Manitoba. p�1anitnntiary
115.' been set' at liberty+. 1:$ is the old story
petitions signed by 1eading politicians: dirt
the work a 'Ottawa,
Vi issa T. Mir srftrlc+t lies Temnto
Chocre. 1'ieage send 'tie font lore ' Mil-
hure'e Cod Livers Oil Emulsion. We find
it a, genuine article. It knocks all others
"Ont in the.flr'et round. Sersral ladies hers
are loyal in protea, etty'ing, it hoe
Bye? their children.
GAO. 0°4. Ne
- tai. t.�'
BINE l?Xir;oE aElr;.
t'anadiatis :,�'�nerallyw" etidorrre every
wora of this, l:KAn1 T11Q ';,ionto T'elRgram:
Either the Dentiulen Cie eruni,wt ie using
Lord Abardean afa s buff to ,revs It frons
ibis tigbteoup wrath a - by the oornnan•F
itatipa Pt its death • ' upn Shortie,
hg YiI u ,rdsler, or Lora has inter.
fared .most unwarriiria' aril the 001144
iatratiari of ju bee.
The *Sort tel lobed from Ctitawa it
ilial thelabinu d oiled: to allow the law.
ri he
tut stir ae, Thou. t Gfa k
! v
ka mut moo.
General, in the exereite of prerogative,
ooxgrauted thade lib tiet4tiei ua for:hupriewi.,,
Went e for life, i ,
` ,r•
0anoda i :l�e,�eifaaeta,lew
i`h •
the oaeetiou hthrtherogetveitPi•
(lovprnor" Generrel •. eft ' to • eupercode; the
powers of ar Osbinet,*Iwork ' by . the tgio le
ntihnu }h their xa esuut
aa l`r,
1,1tIt was„ nothingelagri of wit; outrage that
1 A►berdaeti ,shogla , interfere. 'she
Fteare 0f; the ,prisoner' Sburtfs' poor, . old
tether Olid mother' amid not have urged
hirn, to interfere in`;the lausineea of1de
advlaerss iii the .Government of •Canada.
When mire adviisera of his Exoelleney the
Governor -G unurarl id thlaw ou
take its ap�llree, 8borsatis ought toe kb; shbb ea hanged,
Shortie displayed no more signs of
insanity, and far mora ounniug in hie crime
then did Ohatelle, the murderer of little
'Jessie 1i eiph.' . Oheitelle waghanged and
properly hesnged, Shortie, too would have
been hanged if he bad' been a Canadian.
But, forsooth, because be was the son of a
wealthyNold country family, influences on
both sides of the ocean worked in bis behalf.
His treacherous murder of poor young
John Ley counted for nothing. His kill-
ing,of Maximo Leboenf, the son of a widow-
ed mother, the hard-working father of a
young family, counted for nothing.
The sacred character of Canadian justice
is now endangered by a precedent which
deoleres that any man with a taint of
insanity in his blood may cruelly slay
frieeds'who trust him, and, then be saved
from the gallows by a Governor-General
who strains hie prerogative out of sym-
pathy of e, weeping father and mother.
The parents'of inertia deserve sympathy.
But what abort the parents of young
Loy, the atrieken mo er, wife and
children of Sherds' other victim ? The
parents of Shortie could easily fmd evi-
dence of their son's insanity when he
was aoeneed of murder, When they were
so certain that he was insane, was it not
criminal in them to send him ont to this
country? • Why did they not keep him in
Ir'elend? They were wealthy enough to
put him in an asylum. But no, their eon.
was sane enough to come out to Canada as
a remittance:man. Ho was sane enough
to gain the confidence of the poor Cana-
dians whom he afterwards murdered. It
would have been better to hang a dozen in-
,epne murderers than to deal the blow at
the oharadter of Canadian justice that has
been dealt either by the action of the Dom-
inion Government or of the Governor-Gen-
eral in the Shortie case.
"I have eight children, every one in good
health, not one of whom but has taken
Scott's Emulsion, in which my wife has
houndlese confidence.
The injuries which Mr John Charl-
ton received lately by being accident-
ally thrown against a moving train
have proved more serious than It was
at first hoped would be the case. He is
still unablto leave his bed, and im-
pacted fracture of the hip joint is fear-
ed b ''his medical attendant. It is
feared't'hat his recovery will be some-
what tediour.
It is. understood that the English
Government fully realizes Canada's.
grave peril from invasion, if war were
declared by the United States, and it
is quite prepared to co-operate in put-
ting the Oanadita,n militia and defenses
on a first class +peace -footing if Canada
seeks the British aid. Never -the -fess
the earnest hope is expressed that the
Canadian Parlaiment will refrain from
adding ftiel to the flame not yet extin-
guished by any heated language or ex-
tt aragant plans. Hasty legislative act-
ion at this moment may imperil s
peaceful agreement.
When Baby was sick, we gave bar Caetoria.
When she was • Child, she cried for Castorla.
When sheMira, she clung to Oratorio,
When she had Jldrw, she gavethem Claree
Lee Crum, white, was murdered two
miles from Antlers, I.T., by two Chock -
taw Indian boys, aged 12 and 10i They
shot him on Sunday, injuring him so
badly that he was helpless. On Mon-
day they went back, scalped him while
still alive, and cut off leis ears. They
then cut his throat, gouged out his
eyes, slashing his cheeks and robbed
the dead body. When arrested, both
confessed, explaining that United
States laws were no good, and that
that they had decided to kill a white
If You Do Not You Are
When yon ask for Diamond Dyes and
your dealer offers you a substitute, yotl are
being deceived, and trouble and loss of
money and goods will be the result.
Diamond Dyes are the simplest, strong-
est and fastest colors for home dying.
Every package of each color is warranted
to do the beet work when the directions are
followed. The manufacturer of Diamond
Dyes prepare speoial dyes for wool, silk,
cotton and mixed good* that gives the
most brilliant and lasting colors. Ask for
the bialiibd; trefus' all others.
To(anaditut orseEYc jrtexs
1ii>a. » proprietor tf;•tile lri "til city:_
ep ee1t.ry,ha'r>t esu zonate*, i`tifIeod,i
resPpetl fully Odle ettegtieii t0 the exceptioniel
diseifitdeb'• er the hale ei x11 .laebet of Home. at
the Attetleh ga1ee which at. Mild creery ToseeteyanilI qFriday, tt addIUoii to aa,lerrbypriratirtreet
tenon in the C1Iy of 1 oudoei,'iaudgrtp1 arras etg80pe
homer, inelndin Drivers, Trcttlist.pahnsre sad
pnwmial(ariT oriel. tlilidlapo.sd of Wegaie,
A large ntnnrbee o! 0airadian.hoi ee • w already
been poled atth.Reptie - , �y; ; isles
MVO'Coma ,coo
is °seuot
Barri r, S
RtruaMlestel;ertar Miotic
010,4 raiuedlietely nth at
1))11, DOS
S• 1�
A filwgTB
Iry E
117f -stare seas Ifartrr"Hi'r'ers
9T, R4V4 2r rJ�
', from the injurious coloring.'
Theo MOM_ you nom' of 1; the better
rou.like it,
T$*itiocupo.r, Tuelte f•T h SON CO.. Lira
U 0.M1i.TOt11. ONT.
Make tole an offer for thio. Say 8300 or 8400
cash, balance as can be mutually arranged.
D. J. 'CAMPBELL, 284 Main W., Hamilton Ont
Tho undersigned will 6711 ata saorfoe, Lot 451
or 12, Railway Terrane Clieton. artionlars
upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &e
Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderioh
Township. Fpr terms and particulars ap-
ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton
The following valuable residental property in
the Town of Clinton is offered for sale. Lot 107
and part of 108 Victoria St.,,and part of lot 118
High Street. There are two comfortable dwelling
Houses upon the property, In en excellent state
of reprlr. For further particulars and terms
apply to JAMES SCOTT.
An excellent opportunity is now afforded to
farmers with small capital, who desire to obtain
improved !arms or stook ranches with irrrlga•
tion, buildings and fences, in the District of Al-
berta, N. W. T. on easy terms. The raising of
horned cattle, Horses, sheep and pigs 15 rapidly
developing in the district. The undersigned
will furnish information or answer enquiries.
Ii. W. 0. MEYER, Q. C., Calgary, N.W.T
Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 138 acres,
being lot 11, Maitland con., Colborne, about 105
acres cleared, all fit for cultivation; balance
hardwood bush.. Frame dwelling hoe= a good
bank barn,drivinghouse and other outbuildings.
Good spring in nearly every'Held. Bearing or-
chard of 2 sores. School house on the farm Will
be sold on reasonable terms.
MICHAEL SCHWANZ, Benmillor P. 0.
Sutsoriber,offers for sale the Ensthalf of lot 2
in tbo Sea concession. E. D. of Ashfield, It con-
tains 100 acres, with about 80 acres cleared and
freeborn stumps Frame house barn and driv-
ing ahead bearing teethed, creek runs through
the lot, situated lir miles from Port Albert, on
good toad. Will be sold on reasonable terms.
to ppPly to ALEX.
tri IIA A so tna"t ydn;aNdic
night Sand for breath i o filar of
wanes BendTowrnameand F R E
gddretatIve trial bottle
Purpuant to an order of the Hightourt of Jus-
tice, Chancery Division made in the matter of
the estate of Simon Movittie, 'and in a canoe,
MoVittie vs. efoVittie, the creditor. of Simon
MoVittle, late of the township of Hallett, in the
County of Heron 'Yeoman, who died on or about
the rand day of September, 1888, are, on or about
the 15th day of January, 1896 to send by poet
prepaid, to B 8. Hays, of Seaforth, the solicitor
for the admliistrator of the deceased, their
christian and surnames. address and descrip-
tion, the fall particulars of their claim, a state-
ment of their accounts and the nature of their
security. if anyy, held by them, or in default
th, roof they will be peremptorily excluded from
the benefits of the said order. Every creditor
holding any security is to produce the same be-
fore me at my chambers, in the Court Reuse, at
Goderioh. on the 22nd day of January, 1896 at
eleven o'clock in the forenoon, being the time
appointed for adjudication on the claims.
8. MAL 'OMSONN Master at Ooderioh.
Dated this 81st day of December, 1896,
— OF —
— 11t THE —
Under and by virtue of the power of sale con-
tained in a certain mortgage which will be
produced on the day of Bale, there will be sold
at Public Auction, by James Howson, Auction-
eer, at the promises, in the Village of Holmes -
villa, on
Saturday, Jan. 26th, 1896
at 2 o'clock, p. m„ the following property viz:
Part of the Gore Of lot No. 88, in the Mait-
land con., of the township of Goderich, con-
taining one rood, more or less, and a part of lot
No. 83, in the said Maitland con.. which parcels
aro more particularly described in the said
mortgage, There are erected upon tho pre-
mieee, a frame dwelling house and a frame
Store ocoupied and mediae a Store and Post
TERMS—The property will /be sold enb,9eot
to a lease of the store on the ppremises for a
term of five years to J, L. Courtioe from let of
May last. Ten per cent of the mucilage money
down on day of sale, and the balance in 80 days
thereafter without interest. Further terms
and cgnditions made known at tho sale or upon
application to the undersigned
Auctioneer Vendor's Solicitor
Clinton, Dec. 81st, 1895
— et'
. HOUSE -: AND :
Ira 'tial ON.
J I* C
O�co--79laip#lieu b'l
ekpo'#t k
tea pelts
DR,' WM. G URN. 104
Edinburgh, Ofleo..4 51t• r
Night o is at frog door' Od 3trldcne
bury .:et, opposite Pxe0byter. sh 711th
DUUnivoi ity `p 0.18.. Ylotori'a Unly a
M. O. P & 8,, Ontario. VelibW 0103,0 pbp ge
Booiety of Edinburggh; late' or tondo:4E44
Edinburgh Hospitals ..pli3•ce,—Dr.I)owseIy'eo
office Rattenbury lit, Pi•,inton. Night
answered at the risme puree.
D$, J. W. l:'B $ICIAN sq�0110716
A000uoheur, eta., oPlce in the P'ala60 Block
Rattonbury• fferinarly occupied by br.RQQy*,
Clinton Ont. ,
seAB. S. FREEBORN, 21/0).. L.H.&Q, rep I, �,•
C. P. & S. O., Graduate Hinge and queen",i
College of Physlcians,•Dubjin, Ireland. LielP79
tiate General A edical. Qonneil, Great Brit
Member of College 1;'l1yalolann ane Burgeons,
tarto. Formerly resident of Rotunda Hoepjt*i,
041.13g-in041.13g-in and Gyaecologlcal)Dublin- Residepee es,)
—R,attenbury 8t. east,. teat door to Ontario t3ti,•
medical Department -or Victoria Univer'•�'.'
eity, Toronto, rorinerly* of the Hospitals am
Dispensaries. New York, Coroner for lie •
county of Huron, Bayfield, Ont.
Londesboro, iencoessor to Dr Young.
T. AGNEW, M. B., Toronto University, M. D.
M., Trinity University, Member of College Ph
sioiane and Surgeons, Ontario. Office oppost
Methodist church. Night calls answered at the
same plane. Office hours 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to ap,ml
to 9 p.m.
L.ID.S., Royal College of Dental Turgeons of Ont.
D.D.B., Trinity University, Toronto.
Special attention given to the Preservation 0
the natural teeth.
Olbee, Coate Block, over Taylor's shoe store
N. B.—Will visits Blyth every Monday mad
Bayfield 1st Thursday of each month.
tf • Honoraryteradnateof tic eOntarioVeteri.
College. Treats all diseases of domesticated
male on the moat modern and scientific r
s Office— immediately
Orth pp
pp Y e Ne
Office. Residence —Albert St., Clinton.
night orday attendedto promptly
• Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Ve
nary College, Toronto. Treats all dines
Domestic Animals ori the most modern
Stientifio Principles, Day and night calls in
ly answered. Residenoo-,"Battenbury Bt.,
MARRIAan LIUBNbE, 4stt;8 B ,
lssurerf Marries Tdiccnses, ibtsry'
and Besidente, Jittery et.at, Clinton.
No witnesses roqu
i!L Smal] anmer on good' mortgage
moderaterate off n tercet. H $Ac.v. a
Civil p. L.•
London Ontcial . Offices a
Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
R. AGNEW, L.D.$ D.D.S.
sliaduate Ont. onor f Royal
Orsdn t° ofeDental of
TriniyUnive sity
All operations in Dentistry carefully performed.
Best local Anaesthetics tor painless extraction.
Office oppoeite Town Hall over Swallow's store,
Will visit Bensall every Monday, and Znrio
every second Thursday of eeoh month.
td•N1gbt bell answered.
Architects & Civil Engineers
Are prepared to furnish plans, drawings, de
tails, and specifications of all kinds ,work
All work at reasonable charges. 25 yeiris
rienoe in Ontario. Post office ad
Success wis hortook6ttRna these
Batt lig of, their
• time while attenflifrg
The CanadaRusinessColIege
Last week showed `rho I kelp ,rot'firm �to
dente to choice Positions; this Week three. ,
Bella Mitohell plape rte eeteend eteni'gra
phcr with the Vain Ank OSteani Spee 1tlf Co,
of Chicago, Thefirbt8 n0graplier, lrt'thetama
office, Miss Anne Moffatt Is alripa formeryinpil.
James Warren as stock -keeper and Wee s-
eistant with Wm.. Gray & Sone, Chatham„
Fred Thompson changed from stenogmpber,
ith Geo. B. Douglas. tc , dtonographer Iwith
wars Wilson, Renklh, Mol con gi, Seri
misters, Chatham,
,ISAYS yo ATTEND ' lL t.
'ollegere-opentr fox the irejr
of catalogue oIeither;de
nt/ bleb a•