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r' gait yen --
-*Please the Pare.
You can da It conveniently b
` leitiag and purchasing at our To
tipp�, tment• the assortment is large,
mcltthe quality and price is just. The
Gaeta you want at price you will like
sive included In our ,splendid line of
Toys, Looks, Games, Albums
and Novelties.
Every department has special fea-
tures, honest prices and alluring attrac-
tiveness, in briet
We have the Stock,
We have the Assort-
Our Prices are Right.
Economy and the indulgence of
your wants are compatible here. Peo-
• pletell us so and the voice of the people
ia the voice of truth.
D. Fair Co.
We respectfully solicit your news-
paper subscription.
The liven News,Recora
111.25 a Yens-8i.001n Advance
In and Around the Hub,
gown Zaik.
Choice winter apples for Bate—OANTELos BROS.
FLo,R EXCHANGED FOR WREAT, Rolled oats for
oats at 0. OLSON'S Clinton.
WANTED.—Two or three furnished
or partly furnished moms, without
hoard, suitable for young married coup-
le, apply to Mr. A. W Hartt, at the
Molsons Bank.
Goose, !'luck, and chicken feathers
taken in exchange for furniture at J.
C. Stevenson's.
MONEY FOUND.—Mr. Wm. Jarvis,
Sr., found the money advertised from
Tmr NEWS -RECORD presses, and re-
turned the purse and the contents to
the owner, Miss Levan. Mr. Jarvis is
one of Huron's pioneers and has for
half a century or more been known as
a mau of undoubted integrity. He re-
fused to accept any reward.
DEATH.—It is with regret we learn
of the death of Francis Howard, the
infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George M.
Kilty, of Summerhill. The little fellow
was a few months since stricken with
scarlet fever and inevitable compli-
cations followed, resulting in death.
Mr. and Mrs. Kilty will have the sin-
cere sympathy of a very large circle of
The Acton Free Press says:—THE CLIN-.
TON NEWS -RECORD of last week was a
highly interesting number. THE NEWS -
RECORD has always interested itself in
county matters and in last issue gave
an able illnatrated review of the pro-
motion and erection of the House of
Refuge of Huron County. It contains
much valuable information and could
be studied with profit by the members
of our own County.
nual meeting of the Clinton Conserva-
tive Association was held on Friday
evening. There was a very large and
enthusiastic attendance from every
ward in town. Officers were elected as
follows, President Todd retiring : Presi-
dent, Dr. Freeborn; vice-president, Dr.
Bruce; secretary, D. S. Cook; treasurer,
S. J. Andrews. Mr. Weisrniller, the
Conservative candidate, was present
and addressed the meeting. He very
favorably impressed every one and was
heartily cheered as he concluded.
Resolutions were unanimously passed
endorsing Mr. Weisnniller's candida-
ture and the general policy of the Goy
ernment, also one expressing hearty
appreciation of the many years faith-
ful service performed by the retiring
President. The meeting adjourned
with cheers for the candidate.
The attendance and interest at this
gathering held in Clinton last Wednes-
day, was a decided improvement over
that of last year, and a good indication
that there is yet a hopeful feeling that
"horses will go up," and the present
long depression in draught horse breed-
ing give way to something like the
good prices of former days, The man-
agers of the Domsnion Society are cer-
tainly entitled to credit for the excel-
lent financial condition they maintain,
for while some of the other and more
pretentiot ooks are seriously in ar-
rears w,ith their finances, and others
have hard work to make enols meet,
this one begins its tenth year with over
$1400 surplus funds in the bank. The
reports show that while hut little reg-
istering has been done during the past
year, the current expenses have been
met without impairing this surplus.
All the old officers were re-elected, and
amongst the business transacted it was
decided to close volume "0" on Febru-
ary 1st, and at once print and distri-
bute it, at the same time raising the
standard to four registered crosses. A
deputation consisting of President Mc-
Millan and 0. E. Mason will wait on
Minister Dryden next week, and en-
deavor to make satisfactoy arrange-
ments for placing the register under
the supervision of the Government In-
spector, hut the Society to conduct its
own elerical work and general business
as now. The Council will hold their
next meeting during the first wee{in
February and arrange for the printing
and publication of the 3rd.
itom T.A404n,Xt.. d. O. OpoOneP
has lensed P W the Yptrir, olx from
M>r. bike and talo, ,iossesajslll on axe
1st or Jauutwy, L'Oir fume time t'.
Pike has been in failing health and
will live retired,
XMAS $ousE.--The .Baptist Church
people will this year depart front the
usualcustom and have a Qlirietmas
Nouse instead of a Tree. Santa Claus
will emerge from the chimney. The
date is set for Monday, Deo. 28rd.
past week the Main eidewalke have
been converted by the boys into a skat-
iugground and locomotion has been ren-
dered dimenit and dangerous. Skat-
ing on the sidewalks should be stopped
at once.
very interesting edition containing
cuts of the Rouse of Refuge, stats. ar-
chitect, contractor and the Building
Committee. Editor Todd received
many commendations.—Brussels Post.
will become familiar with evey young -
ter in town. The other day he pur-
dhased from Ogle Cooper & Co. one
thousand sticks of candy and will give
one to each child in Clinton as a Christ-
mas present. It has been suggested
that the distribution take place in the
town hall.
steel & Gibing have purchased the
store in the brick blcok owned by Mr.
Hyman of London and they now have
men at work converting it into a dry -
goods store. We understand a plate
glass front will be put in and the
firm will likelybe located there with-
in a few wees.
EvER;WIpEAwAKE.—Sanctum Selec-
tions, published irk Toronto, says :—
Huron County has Iust opened:). House
of Refuge, and THE EWS-RECORD,
ever wideawake to tie interest of its
constituents, publishes an illustrated
number, giving short biographical
sketches and portraits of the meinbeis
of the committee in charge of the build-
ing and all connected therewith. The
number also contains two cuts of the
building. Mr. Todd can truly feel
proud of the issue,
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH.—The Christmas
service iu St. Paul's will be held on
Xmas morning at 11 a. in. There will
be an early celebiation of the Lord's
Supper at 8.30 and another after morn-
ing service. The church will be taste-
fully decorated and the music will be
exceptionally good. Below will he
found the order of service :—Proces-
sional Hymn No. 76; Venite, Battishill;
Te Deurn, Schneckers; Jubilate, Schill-
ing; Hymn No. 78; Kyrie Elison, Gil-
bert; Gloria Tibi, Tours; Hymn No. 77;
offertory Anthem, "There were Shep-
herds," Mickley.
Doherty was in Blyth last week.—Mr.
Houston was in Blyth last Sunday and
occupied the pulpit of the Methodist
church.—Mr. S. H. Gidley, of Blvth,
was in town last Tuesday.—Mr. Jf. P.
Doherty was in Wingham last Thurs-
day.—Wes. Mitchell was visiting his
brother Will. in Clinton last week:—
Captain Barber and Lieutenant John-
ston of the Salvation Army were in
Bayfield last week. --Dr. Campbell
wishes it understood that the rumor
current that he has disposed of his
practice in Seaforth and intends re-
proving to Brooklyn, New York, is in-
correct; it is also incorrect that he has
resigned his office of House of Refuge
physician.—The Galt Reporter says
THE NEWS -RECORD issued a very
creditable Horse of Refuge number.—
Mr. A. M. Polley, of Goderich, was in
town last week buying horses.—
The Oddfellows hall windows have
been frosted and lettered as • a
guide to those who are members
of the Order; I. 0. O. F. No. 83 meets
every Tuesday night.—George Cooper
is now able to sit up fora short time;
there is not likely to he any serious
after results.—Last week several errors
crept into the letter from "A member
of the soviety for the promotion of
true Catholic doctrine," which our read-
ers would readily understand; another
letter will appear next week.—With
an abundance of holiday advertising
and plenty of news, municipal and bye -
electrons, and ordinary routine work,
the lot of the newspaper man is a busy
one.—In our report of the banquet of
the County Council we should have
said the vice chair was occupied by
Reeve Kennedy.—At the Public Si hool,
Board meeting last week Principal!
Lough's report showed an average at
tendance of 410; the new furnaces and'
work, estimated at $950, amounts to
$916; Inspector Robb's report was com-
plimentary of the new order of things
and comruendatrryy of the teachers.—
Robert Knox, of l-Iullett, has decided
to retire to Clinton if he can secure
n suitable property.—The hospital en-
tertainment at Galt was ahuge success
and rve notice that two former Clinton-
i.rtis, Mrs. T. Keacnie and Mrs. W.
Fletcher, the former being treasurer of
the Woman's Hospital Aid Societyy,
were active worker s; both are daugh-
ters of Mr. John Ci ell, town. --Some 50
inmates have been received at the
House of Refuge. —Mr. and Mrs. W.
Foster have again taken up their resi-
dence in Clinton. --Mr. James Miller
slipped on the hvalk opposite the mar-
ket and received a severe shaking up.—
Miss Bella Bay fell on Tuesday and
broke her arra. --The officers of Clinton
Lodge No. 81, A. F. and A. M., will he
installed on Friday evening, Dec. 27th.
Reeve and Mrs. Kennedy were at
Blyth on Friday calling on Miss Flora
Watson, who is ill.— Many young pen-
ble last week enjoyed the good ice on
the Ba field River. The rink has been
secured by Marsh Morrish and Thos.
Hartwell and they expect to open it
this week. --Next Sunday evening
"Base Ball" will he the subject at the
Baptist church, and "Jacob" is the
morning theme.—Several weddings are
announced for to -day and this day
week.—Several bicycle riders were out
on Saturday enjoying a spin on the
smooth streets of (Minton. --Mr. W. J.
Emerson, of Grandin, Dakota, is on a
few weeks visit to friends in Goderich
township.—Mrs. S. Porter leaves for
Manitoba this week, where she will
join her husband.—The Council were
wise in deciding to hold the municipal
nominations in the evening instead of
in the morning; electors should
hear the hour in mind, from 7.30
to 8.30 p. m. on the 30th inst.,
and turn out in full force.—
Tramps continue to find a night's lodg-
ing in the lock -up. ---Mayor Holmes has
been requested by a number of elect-
ors to again offer for re-election and he
has consented o meet them and is in
the field. ---Mr. Thos. Walker life a can-
didate for councillor for Sts, John's
Ward arid Mr. J. W. Chidley for St.
James'.—Mr. M. C. Comer r,n ras in
town yesterday conferring( with his
friends on the political sit Mon.
.. V
For tbje Xmas we are better prWparodthan everr, to meet the waute of our
many Customers. Our assortment cif
Chairs, Tables AND OMER
Is away ahead of anything wel have ever had, and better still (which means con-
siderable, for we have always bad the name of aelling Cheap) our prices are,
lower than ever, Do not delay in making your selection for the; flratpurohaa.
ers always secures the Snaps.
That Polished Oak Rocker, (Leather Seat) at $3.25
Ie a snap. The formar price was $4 50 but we purchased what we
have now at a big reduction. SerCome and see our Stock, you are
welcome whether you buy or not.
Price $10.00.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. ,.
Suitable Holiday Gifts.
Kid Gloves, Cashmere Gloves. Wool Mitts. Japanese Silk Embroidered and
Heinstiched 'Handkerchiefs, 10c. to 75c, suitanle for pocket or neckwear.
Smss Embroidered `Hand Worked Handkerchiefs, Choice Goods, 1%c. to
75c., Plain Hemstiched 5c. to I5c., Fancy 5c. each, 3 for 5c.
Ladies' and Misses Hats. .
If you're looking for a nice stylish wearable IIAT or 130NNUT, for a
present of superior quality you're likely to suit yourself here ; our assort-
ment is choice. DRESS CAPS, Grandma need's one ; you had better get
it, you'll find one to suit you here. WOOL TOQUES for the Girls,
Presents for Baby. . ,.
Bibs, Bootees, Mittens, Hose, Over Hose,' 'iysts, Baby Wool Veils, Eiderdown
Coats, Eiderdown Flannel for Coats, Hoods and Caps, &c., you'll find just
what will please you.
Fancy Goods.. .
Silk Embroidered Picture Throws, Chenille Table Cloths, Table Linens, Linen
Napkins, Tray Cloths, Towels, Pin Holders, Pin Trays, Fancy Photo
Holders in Silver and Celluloid, Novelty Purses, Purses for the little
Gents' and Boy's .. .
Scarfs. Kid Gloves. Silk Handkerchiefs 25c. to $1,25, Silk Ties, Knots, Four -in -
Hand 15c. to 50c. Cashmere Hose.
We have Iots of other Goods suitable for presents; come and try ue; if you have
never been a customer, come and learn the result of the welfare, satisfac-
tion and good feeling of our regular patrons. If you have been dealing
elsewhere, give this store a call, just to be enabled to contrast goods,
styel of dealing; our prices tell the result.
The Ladies Favorite Establishment, Beaver Block, Clinton,
Keep Vour Feet Warm and Dry.
are the levers that move business here.
(Dome and see us. If we cannot save
you money in the price of footwear and
give you the hest of satisfaction the
fault will not be ours, Remember we
will not he undersold.
OUP Fall and Winter Stock
is most complete. It is useless to
specify; we have everything in season-
able and modern footwear, and at
prices that will please you.
Cash and One Price
is our way of doing business and every
price we quote is the lowest, if they are
not bring the goods back and get your
We are Offering
special inducements in LONG BOOTS
that is worth your while inspecting.
IThe immense demand for our goods is the evidence that our efforts to supply
Reliable Up -To -Date Footwear has caught the attention of shrewd buyers.
Sole Agents in Clinton for the Celebrated Slater Shoes. It, will cost you noth-
ing to see them and you cannot get better goods.
WM. TAYLOR & SONS, Clinton.
A GOOD 0fiorcE.--Miss McGregqor, of
.this town, a recent graduate of the To-
ronto Normal school has received the
appointment of teacher in one of the
junior departments of Clinton public
school. That Miss McGregor will fill
the position to the highest satisfaction
of all concerned there is not the slight-
est doubt. We congratulate the pub-
lic school hoard of Clinton on the
choice they have made, as Miss Mc-
Gregor is a most estimable 'young lady
as well m reing a first-class teacher.—
Seaforth Sun.
We have been told by hundreds of people that oar
Overcoats at the above priciris the beat value ever offered
in the County. We know t is ourselves and the best
evidence that we can offer t people who doubt this
assertion is the facie are selling dozens of them every
week. We make theIp ourselves in style and manner
totally different from ordinary Ready -Modes.
We give you a cut that is far superior to the ordinary
Ready -Made and our lining and make is of the very
best. People who want the beet Overcoat in the trade
cannot afford to pass our Coat.
Our selection of Boy's and Children's Overcoats is the
largest in the County and our prices are the lowest.
Jackson Eros
Clothiers, Furnishers and Furriers, - Clinton.
— For Xmas Gifts.
Many people give Furs. What could be more
acceptable to either lady or gentleman in this
wintry climate than a Fur garment of some kind.
F tp:.
flp Ladies,
Caps, Coats, Capes, Ruffs,'Muffs, Gauntlets,
Boas, Ruffs, Collars, Mail's, Tams.
Cape, Coats, Gauntlettr.
In all kinds of Fashionable.
The Furs we sell are
good Furs.
The prices we as
are low prices.
For Xmas Gifts.
Where is the housekeeper but would appreciate some dsitty bit of snow
white Table Linen as a Christmas Gift. With people who like to givef';
useful presents, Linens are great favorites as gifts. Such lines as finely
Damask Tow rile with heavy knotted fringe, Tray Clothe, Napkins all
Table Covers axe often selected for presents, and make moat euitabli
ones. We've an elegant stock of the above goods and will be glad t
have you see it.
We sell Richardson's Pure Irish Linens. Perhaps you don't know who
Richardson's are, they are the greatest firm of linen bleachers and manu-
facturers in the world, and their linens carried off the highest awards at
the World's Fair in Chicago. We buy them direct, so save the whole-
sale profit, which means close prices for good qualities,