HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-12-11, Page 8IP
este `Wet.
iug of t. Vlin on Coir s ative A a,
tialrt Arps held lest 'Wvdrlesdaysgenitii;.
!;fele arca were appointed to attend
the 1 idieff Can,veutiau;lt tiMith'a ldili
yesterday. , The election . of officers
waspostponed until ,Filey eyening of
this week in the Orange Hall. Let
there be a grand rally on Feiday even-
iog. .•
Now d'us't. -For • Setae renaon tare
kngwtt to Tui ' NRw&-REo0Up all the
printing for the Blouse et Refuge con-
eel% dre., was converted •. ko out•
ceteenied town cam, Au a Matter of
comllon . coertesy anduistice there •
should have boon at least a division of
the work, even if the Mayor was a
member of the committee.
To AnvairrIBnRa,—Aur advertisers
should remember that ill changes for
the current issue roust be handed in
not later than Saturday noon. With a
pressure of other work it is impossible
to maps changes on Monday. Please
hear in mind we cannot guarantee
changes unless we receive copy by Sat-
urday noon.
ATressarrvn WINDOWS.—Few town
the size of Clinton possess as wide
awake business Men. Here they real
ize that a well dressed window is im
portant and just now lire displaying ex
cellent taste a d judgment. Our re.
ders will be tivel1 repaid in viewing th
well-dressed sttdore windows of Clinto
busiuess men.
SuccEssPuL.—Last Saturday Mrs. B.
Cole underwent a critical surgical oper-
ation and we are pleased to learn is do-
ing nicely. It was performed by Drs.
Gunn and Turnbull, town, and Elliott
of Chicago, formerly of Bruccfield.
Mrs. E. Butt, of the Base Line, also'
submitted to surgical science, was op-
perated on, and at last accounts was
Claus is a triplet this year, as usual, in
tine office of The Ilhistrated Buffalo Ex-
press. Three sumptuous Holiday Num-
bers are to be issued by that popular
journal, for the weeks of December
15th, 22d, and 29th. The first is to have
a stunning cover in three colors. The
second, besides colored cover and oth-
er Christmas attractions, will contain
the prize-winniug photographs in the
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER llth, 1895. Express Amateur Camera contest.
The third or New Year's Express wilt
also be extra big and extra. fine. It is
evident that the Illustrated Express
means to end the year in a blaze of
glory. Certain it is no one can afford
to miss these Holiday_ Issues of The
great, cialpsideratipus-are Style,
Beauty,: Pkice., The drat of them we
*Re, you can confidently trust us; for
11441010, w.erairow.ete 1Gire latest novel
attod eneinepliy afcorrect."
The, seeopd must be left. toe .the
PIRchaser,leit feete,s differ regax ding the
heaut f 4 ;X,; We' have the variety and
diose whet have been the rounds tell us
ourgeoda ha ve;the beauty that belongs
1;00 lens and elegant designs.
The, third As everybody's business:
. eve ask 1.4 a fair comparison and
eerewicee Will clinch the point. As a
siCl#14e 'eti our vfilnes just examine
enne•kaney China Department; if you
i at re,auy inclination towards buying
ir$ this line'Our.-stock demands tha,
you, should; it is hut an index to all
our departments in variety and ele-
We buy only'from up-to-date bouses
and consequentlyg5et the newest ideas.
Opportunities don't make long stays
an& require prompt action to capture
them. Buy ;now, if you want a nice
arid.aptropriete present.
D. Fay Co.
the Huron News -Record
51,55. • Year—$1.00 in Advance
• in sand Around the flub,
gown gait.
Ohoiee winter apples for sale—CANTEr oN Bans.
emu EXCHANGED Boa WHEAT, Rolled oats for
oat' at O. OLSON'S Clinton.
TUREkYs eese and Chickens want-
ed, wings abd tails unplucked; highest
clash. price.—CAiaTELON BRos.
W :re --Two or three furnished
or partly furnished rooms, without
board, suitable for young married coup-
le, apply to Mr. A. W Hartt, at the
Molsons Bank._
Gems* ,17
taken in
ok, and chicken feathers
change for furniture at J.
Masoinb Bete-rune—The following.
are the otiicare°.of Clinton Lodge No.
8f. As T. and A. M. elected last Friday
eveniet :-�T,_.W. Shaw, J. P. M. ; A. J..
Holloway,. W. Mel Oliver Johnston, 8
W.; W. D. Fair, J. W. ; O. S
Doan, Treasp er ; J. B. Itum•ball
Secretary; J. T. Euterton, S. D. ; J. Be
Hoover, J, D. ; J. W. r Chidley, I. G.
W. J. Paisley D. C.; D. B. Kennedy,
S. S. ; J. E. Blacken, J. S. ; J. Ryder.
Tyler. -
rar meeting gf Kearns Tent No. 66, last
Friday evening, the following officers
were elected :—P. C., A. M. Todd ; Rev.
J. W. Ford, Commander ; Lt. Com.,
Seams; Chap., H. Crich; Si rgean
Jos. Crich; 1st M. of G. F. Qrcb'Geo.
White, 2nd M. of G. ,We.. ndsboro,
Master -at -Arms; JoshuaWhite, Sen-
tineI; Thos. Biggart, Pickett; Physi-
cian, Dr. S$aw. Its is expected that
the installation will be a public one
and will likely take place during the
piresent month. The organization is
one of the strongest, cheapest and
safest. insurance societies hi this world
loathe membership here leslightiy on
the increase.
er, Deputy --Reeve of Stephen and .the
competent, chairman of the House of
Refuge $gii,�din'g Committee, was un-
animont,'lyr,Vot tt,, $25 by the County
Council an '"s ltgtikrecognition of his.
valued dervieeettsitolaneetion with the
work. This recognielerewas fully justi'
ede electors would -lave endorsed ati op
propriation of $100, because .We ktif'R'
he earned and along'evitl, •uoiritiltee
saved the aSounty many titnesthat sum.
We would now suggest that County
Council elect Mr. Either Warden at the
January meeting: Such an act would
be a fitting and worthy proceeding.
No member will be better qualified for
the position.
ent indications it would appear that
there will be livety times in municipal
matters between the present time and
ti(e. 6th of January. Whether all of
th'epresent members of the town council
will offer for re-election is hard to say.
Mayor Holmes has held the office for
teen years and will likely be re-elected
,z ifh ffers. There is talk of giving pp.
; tion to Reeve Kennedy, white
cillor Cooper is on the war path
opposition to Deputy -Reeve Cante
Ion. Among the possible new candi-
pdates for eonnctllors are Thos. Walker,
J' B. I$oover, 3. W. tihidley, H. B.
tfonibe S. E. Blackall, Sas Fair, Jr., J.
Hat nd, S. G. Plummer, Alex. Arm -
ug and several others.
thaw TO PLEASE. --The Exeter
me is not���ppleased with The Newe-
� co D's House of Refuge number,
crap .: seethe belief that there Is mem
r. venal actions for libel, and sags:
me of these (cuts) are fairly good,
4 of Mr. and MM�e, French and
ry.EEitber ore as unlike those
ascotti l possiblybe." The opin-
our est pp eoxttempor ry does
note agree wi h.. t t : of the immeni'e
nngrber Of peopi 'Yup Were present at
the.'Rous'e of Refi�ea.8"penng. They
knew the lady ttird gentleman at.,
as glance from the fact that they°
Inld seen their pictures in tiau Nuw -
10tottn and hundreds of personal ex-
in' bend . But wee uppose the pinion
othe Times Critic ie superior to that
of tilt PEOPLE i ---on paper.
BRIEF TOWN Torics.—Mrs. Andrews
was viditing in Exeter last week and
was theuest of Mrs. D. Johns while
there.—Arthur Cook was in Hensall
last week introducing his patent clothes
reel.—Mr. Riley, of Kippen, was 'in
town last week.—Blyth fiitandard:
The following Clintesians were guests
of Mr. Jas. McMurchie last Sunday:
Messrs. W. P. Spalding, Jas. Fair, jr.,
Jos: Rattenbury, W. D. Fair, Oliver
Johnston and Norman Fair.—Mr: Jas.
Noble, of town, is visiting his brother
Thomas in East Wawanosh.—Mr.
Crane, formerly baggage master _ at
Blyth, has been transferred to Clinton,
and Mr. Maguire from here to London.
—Mrs. Lack Kennedy has returned
from a two weeks' visit to Seaforth.—
Miss Leslie spent Sunday last in
Seaforth with her sister, Mrs.
Jas. Watson.—Miss Lizzie Elliott,
of Goderich, is spending a coup-
le of weeks at her home in Goderich
township.—Mr. R. Gauley, of town,
was in Brussels on Wednesday.—It is
unfortunate that several names have
been omitted from the resent County
Council on the marbles b at the House
of Refuge; the error wi l doubtless be
rectified. —Mr. S. J. An rews has been
ill during the past week.—Capt. Rance
has been indisposed for several days,
but we trust. :no serious, results may
follow.—Word has been received of the
death of Jacob Connell at Cleveland; he
was ht one tirne residing here.—Henry
L. Cole has accepted a situation es as-
sistant station agent on the Santa Feei
R: R. and is now on duty.—D. Cante-
len shipped a car load of live hogs to
Collingwood on Monday, the prige paid
here being 31c per. pound.—Mr. Miller
White,• of the Exeter Times, was in
town Friday.—TIIE News-REcoRD
had a •pleasant call from Mr. George
Curry, of the Nile, on Friday.—Reeves
Ratz of Stephen and Cook of Howick
will not_ offer for re-election.—The
statement wail made at the banquet
Thursday evening that Goderich se-
cured the county seat over Clinton by
ogly one vote.—The millionaire editor
cf the Hensall Observer thinks there is
too much noise and fuss over Huron's
House of Refuge; not'so.— Mr. Searle
noticed a robin' in his garden last Sat-
urday.— The Horticultural Society
starts with about one hundred mem-
bership; cubo meeting last week Mr.
H Fostergave an excellent address on
" tusk! it gardening in Winter."—In
lug D. Gardner's new house one
evening last week fire was noticed and
on exaxination it was found that a
quantity of oil rags were ablaze in a
barrel; no damage.—S.'S. Cooper has
ordered the machinery for his new fac-
tory from McGregor & Gourley of Galt.
—The term of Messrs. Harland, Steven-
son, Hoover and Bruce, as public school
trustees, expires with the preset] tyear.—
Appropriate and thoughtful education-
al sermons were preached in the Rat-
tenbury Street Methodist Church last
Sunday by Rev. Mr. Austin of Alma
College, and in the Ontario Street
Church by the pastor, Rev.' Mr. Ford.
—Mr. Walter Coats has retired from
the resturant business; he has not yet
decided what he will engage in.—Alm
though there is little snow sleighing
has never been better than during th
past week.—The Clinton Drill Corp
will hold a grand ball in the town hall
on Friday evening, Dec. 27th; the Lon-
don harpers will be present and the
affair promises to be one of the most
successful of the season.—Mrs. Adatn
Cantelon bas purchased from Mr. T. 0.
Doherty his house and lot on Princess
street for $460, and Mr. E. Glenn has
purchased, through au eer Carling,
Mrs. Porter's houseof on Queen.
street for $300.—Bat�tenbury stree
Methodist church is now lighted by th
incandescent sq'stem, new woo
furnaces have been put in by Davis
Rowland. and the front and front aid
seats are being remtfved and replace
more convcnientlye-Mr. 3. P. Joy i
not leaving town as was falsely repor'
ed. -0 -Mi' Addie McBrien, of Oatew
Yoe this Xmas we are better..: preParee .,lhau evert to Wast. the Want$ of ouf
Wan? Qaatopiere. Qtly aaeortulblat. of
chairs, 'j`abiie'M AND O1 ER
• ,
Is away Shoed of auytig we have over had, and better still (whiuli naaeps don-
aidetal►le, for we have always had the name of selling cheap) our. prices are
lower than ever. Do not debt), in Making your ee ection for the fret purohae-
era always eeoures the Snaps.
That Polished Oak -Rooker, {Leather Seat) at $8,25
Is a snap. The former pride was $4 80 but we purchased what we
have now at a big reduction. Come and see our Stock, you are
welcome whether you buy or not.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.
When you see a Lady whose Byre is wreathed in smiles
you can make up your mind that lady has just secured
a good, Bargain from our
Millinery Stock, . .
it here.—Geo. F. Bynerson spent a
‘..e.oupleaclityslast week in Toledtle Ohio,
or). Bicycle business. He claims bicy-
abou0 lace ' is 'the subject at the Deta-
il* eittirch on Sunclay.evetting.—"The
condition of opiritui. knowledge" is
the enbject for mortil
• Bargain Stock
All through. There are always Bargains in our
Millinery Department.
There are bigger ones now, and the reason is we don't
want to carry any over and we offer the bala4ce of our
Choice Assortment at a Big Reduction in price to clear.
There ie eileer for, all, you smile worth the rest. We
are offering special inducements from now to Xinas.
2 Ply Black Factory Yarr, in two qualities.
BLANKETS. •' . .
Do you need any ; there are a few of those left that we
bought at a bargain; there is a pair for you. If you want
one just look at the peice and then come and see the
Blanket $1.50 to $2.95 for the largest size, the biggest
value, our customers tell us.
We shall have some choice goods to show you in a few days.
The Ladies Favorite Establishment, Beaver Block, Clinton,
Keep Your feet Warm and Dry.
Cape verc
On Saturda3ftivtt we will offer between the hours of 2 p. in, and tip, ie.,
45 BO‘ and Childrens' '
are the levers that move besiness here.
Come and see us. If we cannot save
you money in the price of footwear and
give you the best of satisfaction the
fault will not be ours. Remember we
will not be undersold.
OUP Fall. and Winter Stock
is most complete. It is useless OD
specify; we have everything in season-
able and modern footwear, and at
prices that will please you.
At exactly one•hall of the regular price
$8 00 Overcoats for..
7 00
6 00
5 00
4 50
$4 00
3 50
3 00
2 50
2 25
This Stock represents all New, Clean, Fresh Goods, but we are free to
confess that we are overloaded and there is no use in waiting until
peOple have bought before making prices.
This is the Greatest Slaughter ever made and shrewd people will
watch this chance.
Remember these prices refer only to Cape Overcoats. While we
think nothing looks so well on a youngster as a nice Cape Overcoat
there is a craze for Frieze Coats and consequently we are stuck.
These figures are for Spot Cash; they will not be offered for sale un-
til Saturday, Dec. 14th, at 2 p. m., so everybody can have a fair
If there are any left at 6 p. m., they will be withdrawn at the above
figures, as we think they will bring better figures in the Toronto
Auction Rooms. It is not often we make a mistake in buying, but
we have got caught on this line of Goods.
Cash d One Price
is our way of dOing business and every
price we quote is the lowest, if they are
not bring the goods hack and get your
We are Offering
special inducements in LONG BOOTS
that is worth your while inspecting.
pee, uximense dement! for our go4ts is the evidence that our efforts to supply
Reliable Up -To -Date Foote? r has caught the attention of shrewd buyers.
SeleAgents in Clinton for the Celebrated Slitter Shoes. It will cost you noth-
.. leg to see them and you e; itiet get better goods.
SoN15 .014GLAND. —At the annual
meeting of Sheffield Lodge,. Clinton,
Dee. Dth, the following oOlcers were
elected for 1: ! ell by acClaniationL—
Evans; Secretary, N. Robson; Trees -
Moore; 2nd Guide, J. Appelby; Brd
Guide, S. Etrickendem Inside Gilead,
Wm. Sloteasfe Outside GuarO. Prank
Sloman; Trustees, B. Joyner, S. Me;
Dele tes to Grand Lodge, Theft. Jack*
Clothiers, Furnishers and Furriers, Clinton.
Wd have made careful preparations in anticipation of a big holiday trade. In
almost all departments of our store will be found articles suitable
for the occasion. After this week the store will be in holiday
attire, and you are welcome to come when and as often as you
like, and look over the immense rauge of useful articles that are
suitable fer bolidasi gifts.
The Furs we sell are
G000d Furs.
What would make a more acceptable Xmas gift than a Fur Cape In the
popular Greenland Se'al we are showing some very choice gar-
ments, ribb, soft, close, even fur, that will keep its appearance,
lined with quilted satin that' will wear, they have high storm
collar and very full skirt, and are not any higher in priee than
some arieeekieg for Furs net as good
Just opened the other day were some very choioe Gray Lamb Sets for girls.
Trimmed Millinery
3 is moving out. Our Millinery tables must be cleared befor
Christmas, hence the reduction.