HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-12-11, Page 54 2:_ti::h:•..V`.7. V14-;C4�C3Q .'i._:_.s" -•it C`.'.:-_' 7. :.::a'+•a..-:A iY.'L":::;ear ,i.:i';:�'?aA,'-">' "__.....'.-. dlifeetamege u _1(►4 in the Oat i ty ` we clehe *meek net eel r ! rx , It ° �4' for Ladies' ,g'*r 4 put -. S9 bash reenie*" eel Cvec;,..te 00, worth 0400 23 00: ,5t. -27 00 32 «E• la IIT4X1 ` 404 bulk laotrift L Capes 24 00 .Me,. ,, 28 OQ . 28 ft .t : 28 00 41 . 34: 00' 31- ee • .ff: .33, 00 tc 40 00 28 blab Sebia Seal Capes 23 .00 ,t 32 00 �1 32 .t Et 43 00 "le • 40.00 o Qm)fi r r 1012; f El.,,A IT► r OA t, &e,. te' •targe and::complete eind many a Fine Chraattalu PreeaUt °ill be. selected from our .*took.' No igluee cau 1,413011 'us for Putti, - ' . et' ILK HANbKER. HiEFS. 4. 'W'e always do a tlreenendolu tie in Silk Handarcbiefa et Christina,* tilne, end 'hitt ieeaelor►, aro Will show * e etortment 4t paries.* very trns') tower than termer yore. We bays is wonderful line of Whine SU pppenlet !iI' VtFts., 00c., 7t t,, erhioh we think cannot he °quelled. Ther were bought very 1Qlr and we *Ilk t6elerl .> rt SITAC-HAN'DKRRCIIZEFS ere greatly appreciated for Chris tau Oiferinge' and we knew filet ypn, will; he f►�' with Our aelecilolt. lilt and, es . ere MUffler8 • in greZettietionglyon alould pitlk out a very nice pre ell;t•froni this line ofetuti' We are fanlonp fot'.eiirryillg-the ftneat .range of Furnieniiig Goode in the West and out of out stock you can pick some 1lattcleome-gopds. anitable for your Christmas preeeutatiene, We eau" Tprynaa Celebrated 1Jngiieh Gloves, the fipeavperbape in the World. A more useful present than our great ea o$m 01} line isould•-not 1m given, We have. the greatest range of Vine Neckwearinthe west, Our new C _i 4 k Goodj are pecked one in a box and they' make a very handsome present,What about a Silk Um - i brebd .Thiel w.Qnla be a nice present and we can allow, you a splendid assortment. N. BROS. Boy's and €h11dren's Clothing. We are the biggest dealers in the above lino of goode in the west, and our trade is conatantiy increasing. We carry a stock that is not °quelled by any house in the trade. g We sell hundredeof pairs of our Boy's Knee Pante at 5Qc. We sell hundreds of our great Suits at, $2.00, We claim that no house can equal us for value and our big trade is good evidence that we arobacking up this thiel. A nice suit for the vouugeter would be a good Christmas present, or perhaps he is in need of an Overcool:; surprise him with one on Chrietmas Day. 9 CLINTON: Idea of Our 4 -Xmas Stock -�- ,',="4 And Prices umm._ Is all we try to give you this week. To have an adequate idea however you must call and see. This we invite you to do, prom- ising to makeou welcome even you don't buy a cent's worth. Please remember, too, that these goods are all new and the styles the very latest. Poets, (well bound) $1 and $1.50. Bibles, n. 25c., 75c., $1.00 and up. Albums, ... $1.00 to $5.00. Purees $00 Calendars, 25c. to 100. Ladies' Combination Dressing Cases, Mani- . cures, &c. $1 to $10. Handkerchief and Glove Cases 75c. to $4.00. Collar and Cuff Boxes, $L75 to $4.00. Shaving Cases. $1.50 to $5.00. Shaving Mugs,. ., 15c to OOc. Smokers' Sets, $1.25 up. Photo Frames 10c. to 50c. Pretty Vases, Flower lubes and Flower Pots, 15c. Pretty Novelties 5c. upwards. Best Perfumes. 25c. to $4.00. rfume Atomizers, Toilet Bottles, Mirrors, Toilet Articles, &c., all new, all pretty, all useful andall at prices within your reach. Call now while the assortment is good, make your choice and we will save it for you. We tbrnk we can save you money and give you every satisfaction. ff1i8n.Wilson's Drug Store. CLINTON.�--- Holiday Goods. == Fancy Rockers and Chairs, Cobler Seat, in Oak, polish- ed. Parlor Suites, 6 pieces, in Oak, carved, beautiful goods. Bedroom Suites, Latest designs. Extension Tables in Oak, and hardwood. The Peerless Patent Extension. Lots of fine Pictures Framed, best value I ever had to offer ; come and see them. Bamboo Goods in Easels, Tables, 25c., 35c., 40c. Music Stands, &c. Gale's Nickled Plate Spring Beds. Din - wing Chairs, Sideboards. from $6.50 to $25. A line of Mir- rors at my lowest prices for cash. Clinton Furniture Emporium. J. Q. STEVENSON. BIG SALE -OF- Heavy Overcoats -AND- SERGE SUITS Going on this week at ac son's, - Huron Street. o-- Watoh this space next week.��■��►. .¢O TCS TEMbo r-- ',T'cr.vvn 11 BARBER SI30r' --tro,. . ' 'I t St ' C7 yd fEi13 Worm. ". EA *sc, - Prop. TORONTO AND STRATFORD, ONT. Unquestionably the Leading Commex Tal 8chooia of the Dominion; Advantages Bent in Canada. Students may enter at any time. Write to either achool for catalogues and mentton thio piper. 811AW & ELLIOTT, Principally • The Pretty Dolls . • . In our window this week are for your children. Next week Dec. 10, to 21st, we will give one with each pound of OUR BAKING POWDER. We want everybody to use this pow- der because we think and those who have used it also think that it is the best powder:on earth. This premium we offer is but an inducement to try it once. Thereafter we know you will need no inducement. We let you run no risks for we take the powder back if you don't like it. 25c. a lb. is all it costs, and next week only you get a doll with each Ib. The Date -Not be- fore Monday, Dec. 16th. Not after Saturday," Dec. 21st. Allen & Wilson's Drug Store. Annual Cheese Meeting. The annual meeting of the Hohnesvfle Cheese and Butter Manulactnriut Company, limited, .111 be held in Pickard'. Hall, Holmeaviale, on Saturday. Decem- ber 21st, at one o'clock P. 11. All parties interested, or likely to become intereeted nest year, are requested to be present. W. B.FORSTER, W. S. LAWRENCE, President. Secretary. Holmesvllle, Dec. 8rd, 1895. 890-3t Notice. All persona in arrears for assessments for this or previous years, to the MoHnlop Mutual Fire Insnr- anca Company, will bo charged 6 per cent it not paid before January let, 1898. 881.8E W. J. SHANNON, Sec. Tres. "DO YOU TRAVEL?" Consult the undersigned for reliable information concerning travel by RAIL OR OCEAN. Through Coui;ion Tickets to all points in Dakota and Manitoba. Baggage checked through. x WM. JACKSON, TOWN AGENT, G. T. R. tO ENGLAND FOR CHRISTMAS. VIA : S. S. LAKE SUPERIOR. This boat Leaves St. John, N. B., on December llth arriving in England a week before Xmas. Saloon, Single $40, Return $80. Second Cabin $27.50, Return $50. Steerage $16. R. R. fare extra, Clinton- to St. John, N. B. A, Tr Cooper, Telegraph, Tic- ket and Stearn - ship Agent. -CLINTON, ONT.- Londesboro. LocALs-Mr. Bond Laurason is en- gaged with Dr. Kransmann.-MrRobt. ebb is on the sick list this week. We hope to see hire around again. - Miss Bertha Younghlntt, of Auburn, was visiting friends in this vicinity last week. -Miss Etta Young, of Clin- ton, was in the village last week. - Mrs. Whitehead and Miss Mickel, of Clinton, were in the village on Thurs- day evening. -Mrs. Clemont, of Port Hope, returned home last week after spending a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. John Tamblyn. ORANGE OFFICERS. -At the annual meeting of L. O. L, No. 863, held last Thursday evening, the following officers were elected and installed for 1890:-W. M., Geo. Snell; D. M., B. Laurason; Chap., E. Crawford; R. S,, Geo. E. Wtlliiuns: F. S., JosephMorris; T., S. Woodman; Director of ceremon- ies, J. T. Lee; Lecturer, M. Maines; Committeemen, Wrrf. Jenkins, E. Best, J. Brown, C. Ruddell, W. Gray. S. O. E. OFFICERS. -The following are the S. O.E. officers for 1896:-P. P., Geo. Snell, W. P., Geo. C. Thompson; V. P., James Shobbrook; Chap., E. Crawford; R. S., Geo. E. Williams; Treas., A. Woodman; I. G., John (lim- ing; O. G., T. Sampson; Committee- men, P. W, Thompson, W. Wallace, I. E. Taylor, T. Cole, J. Morris, H. Moore; Trustees, J. Shobbrook, Geo. E. Williams, A. Woodman. Liver- pool Lodge, Goderich, intend paying this Ledge a fraternal visit a week- from eekfrom next Friday. • At the end of the last financial year the surplus of the Wentworth County Council was $26,000, and is still. grow- ing. To this will shortly be added the amount to be received from the city of Hamilton for the goal, $35,000. The disposition of the surplus is an anxiety to the Council. To Smokers To meet tite wishes of their customers The Geo. E. Tuckett ds Son Co., Ltd., Hamil- ton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Ping of "T c B" SMOIING TOB 4CCO. This supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the fam- ous "T ea B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag"T & B" is on every piece MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) OLINTON. Fall Wheat Barley Oats.. Peas 0,63 to 0 65 ... O80to040 to 0 24 tc 0 50 Potatoes, per bush ... 0 15 to 0 20 Butter 0 14 to 0 15 Eggs per doe ....0141o015 day .... 9 00 to13 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 3 50 Beef .,. 3 75 to 500 Wool 0 18 to 0 18 ... 0 22 '0 50 BIRTHS. MCDONALD.-In Wingham, on Dec. 1, Mts. A. R. McDonald of a son. PENTLAND.-At Dungannon, on Nov. 29th, the wife of Rev. S. Pentland, of a son. _ ROBERTSON. -In Colborne, nn Nov. 30th, the wife of Mr. W. Robertson, of a son. MARRIAGES. Lrrr -DARLING. -At the Manse, Sea; forth, on December 3rd, by Rev. A. D. McDonald, D. D., Mr. Edwin John Litt, of the Township of Ellice, Perth county, to Miss Jessie Darling, of Mc- Killop, Huron county. BELL-ROLPH.-In Logan, on the 3rd inst., at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. Dr. Williams, John Pitman Bell, of Seaforth, to Mar- garet Jane, youngest daughter of the late Joseph Rolph, Esq., of the town- ship of Logan. WARD -KING. -On December 4th, at Victoria Cottage, Brussels, by Rev. R. Paul, Mr. Wm. Ward, of Elma, to Miss Annie King, of List.iwel. YIJNOBLUT-MILLER.-At the resi- dence of Mr. J. E. Naegle, Manchester, on Nov. 27th, by Rev. E. M. Genzmer, Mr. Echart Yungblut, to Miss Mary Miller, of Colborne. DEATHS. GORDON.-In Clinton, on the 5th inst., James, eldest son of Mr. George Gordon, aged 25 years and 5 months. ELLIOTT.-In Hullett, on the 1st inst., Mary Ann Stewart, wife of Jas. Elliott, aged 79 years. SHAW. -At the residence of his son- in-law, Mr. Alexander Mills, 481 On- tario street, Toronto, on the 3rd inst., Rev. John Shaw, D. D., in the 66th year of his age. CAROILL.-In Wingham, on Sunday, December 1st, John Cargill, aged 61 years. A GENEROUS OFFER IPsblished by request.) Dear Mr. Editor : Kindly inform your readers that I will gladly send ab- solutely free to any sufferer from ner- vous debility, sexual weakness, night losses, weak, shrunken parts. varico- cele, and the results of self-abuse, full particulars of the means by which 1 was permanently restored to perfect manhood and sexual strength I have nothing to sell and want no money, but will be pleased to explain confiden- tially in a private. sealed letter, how I was cured. As I send this entirely free, each applicant must enclose a stitmp for reply. D. G. Owen, Box 204. Picton, Ont. THE DEPIITV-REEVESHIP. To The Electors of Clinton. LADIES AND CIENTLEMEN'- During the few months I have been Deputy -Reeve of Clinton I have endea- vored to serve your best interests and ask your suffrages for 1800. If elected it shall .be my earnest endeavor to closely Fmard the best interests of Clinton and the Welfare of e+rery elect- or, Yours faithfully D. OANTELON. EWELERY Cut In Two: o The public generally doesn't know when they get A SNAP IN JEWEI_ERY But to show you plainly what a bargain is I wrff.giye you the following prices. Everything in my stor at Wholesale Cost .... Until December 31st, 1895. This is a positive fact. 100 Brooches at 5c each 50, 25 and 35 cent Stick Pine at 100 10c Collar Buttons at 5c. 10 and 15 cents. 50 pairs of 50 and 75 cent Cuff Buttons.. 50 Nickel Alarm Arsonia Clocks at 12 dozen Nickel Teaspoons at 25 cents. 65 cents. 50c per dozen. 5 cents each. 25 cents. 200 Black Brooches at 15 pairs of $1.50 Bracelets at 24 Ladies' 25 and 35 cent Hair Pins at 10 conte. 50 Tie Pies at 6c. 50 Popper and Salta at 15c a pair. 14x Gold Filled, 21 year Hunting Watch, Ladies' 6 size case With $18 for $12. 10x Gold Filled 15 year case, was $13.50, for $9. Gent's 7 jeweled, " oz. Nickel Case, Waltham or Elgin,. 34.65. Gent's 7Iewoled, oz. Nickel, Stem Wind for $4. One day Walnut or Oak American Clock, for. $2.25. 8 day Walnut or Oak, warranted tw) years, for $2.75.° Elgin or Waltham Movement, ~ ,:� Remember these aro fi t -class, new goods, and we warrant ' them in every way or our money back. What we tell yon is a?I 4'.''. true, and you will be covinced if you inspect our stock, mese prices are for Cash only. We are here to stay and will give you great value. J. RUMBPILL, Watchmaker, Jeweler, &c. Telephone Exchange. Everybody . Says That our Dinner Sets are the Finest that have ever been show in town. No doubtyon in- tend buying your wife a Xmas Present and a Dinner Set is the most useful present yon can make and one that will be appreciated by your wife. Call and see our Stock and you will be convinced that we are Headquarters for DINNER and TEA SETS. Have you seen our Fancy China I We have a fine line of Berry Sets, Water Sets, Salad Bowls, Bread and Batter Plates, Cups and Saucers and in fact everything you can mention. Yon will want your XMAS FRUIT right away. We are still selling 6 Ib. Raisins for 25c. 6 lb Currants for 25c. -6 Ib. Figs for 25c. A SNAP -4 lb. Ginger Snaps for 2> THE CASH GROCERY Telephone 23. Ogle Cooper & Co. Farm Produce taken as Cash. Clinton. DR.. SPINNEY *c CO. The Old Reliable Specialists. 33 Years Experience in the treatment of the Throat and Lung Troubles, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Nervous, Chronic and Special Dis- eases of men and women. Lost alanh0od deertetroubles npeand nnanentl. nro cured -Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Vaceleana stricture cured without pain. No cutting. Syphilis and an Blood Diseases coxed without mercury. Yowig Nen su$ering from the effects of yonthfarfolles er indiscretion°, or anytroubled with Weakness, Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Despondency. Aversion to Society, Kidney Troubles, or any disease of the Genital -Urinary Or- gans, can here find safe and speedy cure. Charges reasonable, espescallyy to the poor. CURES GUARAN 1Til3D. Kiddie -Aged y el-wTnoaorefremaquehtovacunblei tions of the bladder. often accompanied by a slight, smarting or burning sensation, and weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. Then are many men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause. The doctor will guarantee a fact cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the Benito -urinary wCon- Saltation free. Those unable to eall, tan rite fall particulars of their case and have medicine tent by express, with full instructions for use. Mention this paper when writing, 0 a hours: From 9 a. m. to S p. m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a. m. DR. SPINNEY & CV, (812 Entrance No 1Dwitua 1:. Elisabeth SO DETROIT, MICH. Corn for Sale. To Steell Faanaas.-•..Largo amount best No. 1 Yellow Corn. .Present price. according to kind and quantity, 41 MO Dente a bushel. wet sell for cash or exchange for oats dr any kind of grain; some cases give from 1 to 6 months ttme it desired. Don't teed este without mixing corn meal. Experience has proved that pound for pound gocd Yellow Corn Meal will put on more and better fat than any other meal for tnixintfto give body to nate, cannot be beat. Will bare Jptn of e.nallage• or Fodder Corn at proper time Drite right to the Warehouse opposite Grand Trunk Passenger Station, Clinton. Ont. W. 0.PERRIN. 80041 Desirable Pro -erty For Sale. A FIANCE FOR GARDENERS. In consequence of my age and lack of bel I haws decided to offer for sale my splendid garden ln,l pro- perty consisting of are and a halt Kerne in ton, some of thq beat land in the county of Huron. includ- ing bob beds and other necessary requirements. There le on the prenhites a frame home with eaters. soft and hard water, barn and other outbsllifoge The Raydeld ricer adioinb the property. Wilt angst a reasonable price for halt Muth and balance Mettt'ea by mortgage. As I desire tt1 sell. this is a oitasce seldom met with, Apply pelbonally or by letter to the proprietor, JOSEPH ALLANS011. 884-1.f. ei ethnical 4