HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-11-13, Page 8are ready with a new,, select and variocl stock .of WAToio PAPER and we c • age high price: for any Of our ..gooc a,: all that, we is real o tableland lair margin tpay. expenses and live, . For good qualities ,and values, we lead tra4e, If, you are alive:,to your opportunities, you will not buy elsewhere on, this H. A call' is solicited and we'll con- vince you. The passion for ecQnomizinb while spending can be well'_ satisfied at our store. e �. 11. Fain' Co. Newsdealers and Agents for Parker's Dye orks. The H"ren News,Reaora $1.26 • Year—$1.001u Advance WEDNEspAR. NOVEMBER 13th, 1895. LOCAL NEWS. flu and Around the Hub, Flour exchanged for wheat at Olson's, Clinton. Hungarian flour, all Mani - to. Try- it.—O. OL80N, ' Just arrived 250 barrels apples—Spys, Baldwins, Greenings, etc:' See quality and variety. Prices riy,ht.—CANTELON Bros: • atth e 4O bear wa lime 1Eo ped t, a nter,�- The conation of the church Qt ] n$lau i, at 4iohneeville, Ate building a large addition of drive -shed, This is a necessity owing to the increase of attendancg. at church, for several montbr past, so that there was 11001 - cleat cleat uccomwodation for the horses> and vehicles. -.Mr, Jamey Steep offered Frlin r now until August 1st there will be a Itetil ctiou of 10 for sale a car load of wpplea at the GF.. � 11 � 'tare Remember, We do lace aaBt.•two to .cif lialultry have been T extra 10 per cent.on'' ,o l* Gooag, 89 as we can tall;e it li to off, but everhing is marked at the Regular Price, then the discount ;is deducted from it. Our S10,50 Bed Suites Until, August 1st $ 9.45 13.00 '" " 44 u 66 11.70 • Rg 14,50 " tc rt 6; " 's . 13.05 } PRonEsx CHANGE.—Mr. S. L. Scott, as -imitated in thesecolumns a shilpestime- shoes has removed to Clin-e feat. He hae•hurchasedfrom Mr. Chas Coats, of Cleveland, his one and a. hal storey house and quarter acre lot o r Queen street, situate between Mr. `. Plummer's residence and that of Mayor Holmes. Mr. Scott will prove a goo citizen, and we welcome him and Mrs. Scott to- town. THE COMING CONCERT.—The plan of the hall for the Thanksgiving Concert was opened yesterday at Jackson Bros. The large bills are out to -day and the programmes will soon be issued. Con- cert ticket hplders will be admitted free to the base ball match to be play- ed on the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day (weather permitting). There will be at least 20 pieces on the; pro- grammq and the concert throus'hout will be above the average local concert. .A PPOINTED AGENT.—Mr. A..T. Coop- er has been a}ipointed agent for the International Navigation Company. of New York, who control the American line of steamships running to South- ampton, and the Red Star line which "connects with Antwerp. He also has been appointed for the North German Lloyd Steamship Co., of New York and the Beaver and Dominion lines plying ' •from Montreal, Halifax and Port- land. THE POOR "AT HOME."—The recep- -ti0n of inmates at the House of Refuge was inaugurated on Monday. One old man named Ballantyne, aged 97, was admitted from Bayfield, three females from Brussels including Sarah Lee, the latter of whom now thinks she owns Huron's Poor House; and Wesley Sutton from Exeter—a total of five. Mr. and Mrs. French, who have charge of the Home, already give every evidence that they will in all re- spects fulfil their onerous duties. The telephone and electric light service is not yet .complete. Some fifteen more inmates were admitted yesterday. ANOTHER WEDnzt. .—Monday even- ing brought forth the confirmed news of, another interesting matrimonial event, the marriage of Mr. Samuel Porter, of Medicine Hat, Assa., to Mrs. Alice Cantelon, town, widow of the late. David Cantelon. The consumma- tion took place at "Inkerman Terrace," the residence of Mr. Wm. Sperling (cousin of the bride), Rev. Mr. Ford, of the Ontario Street Methodist Church, officiatin . After the ceremony and congratulations a very enjoyable even- ing was spent by intimate friends. The groom is a former resident of Goderich township and is now apros- perous rancher at Medicine Hat, Assa. Mr. and Mrs. Porter leave for their home in the course of a week or so. BRIEF TowN Torxcs.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Colwell, of Hensall, were the mtiMigists of Miss Brownlee ; Mr. Fred. llaeoihbe was here on a visit, and ss Gouley in Hensall.--Cows at R. H-earreesaitle • realized from $19 to fi. MxCarling was the auctioneer. gr. D. A. Forrester was in Mitchell lest,week.-Tie D. D G. M. for Huron, 3,, ; ,McFadden, paid an official visit toi.Clinton Lodge No. 84, A. F. and A. ,, lastFriday evening.—S. S. Cooper's nae*factory is Nein rapidly pushed l forward and with favorable weather Iv .soon be closed in.—Mr. M. neck- tle has been working in Seaforth anvil* the past week.—Mrs. B. Cole, ave regret to learn, has been seriously ;'during the' past week, but is now sornewhat better.—Mr. Lack Kennedy added a car load Of ease ale to his stock .the other day --The scissor grinder, d'iith his workshop on wheels, removed tO,Seaforth last week,—E. Diasl is again buying pork and ;is this eek paying $4.50 to $4.75. -The C. P. R. We commence Stock -Taking the end of this .mOnth,.b* t. bet4e We start we would like to reduce ° our Stock. Tow,'.; in.. Order to do this,ve are going:to make prices right. T R freight •>:hede last F>i•1day.--At per emitQ a . 9ur uxn , , P. consumed by .the 'people of C n n during the Past, two Weeks, the grin- eine! cause being that an over.supply created a low prices -The eleetric lights lefepedestreins in. the clerk fora.few minutes 011 Thursday night.= -'The Drill. Corps were , again on parade and pre- sented, as usual, a very attractive appearance; the ate bership continues to. increaseeest E. larkali, V. s., has pprocured frons Ne. York a modern Gillettee hair clipping wobble and last week relieved sixteen horses of their surplus hair it does the work well.—Several boys while playing broke a pane of glass in Ford & Murphy's butcher shop. ---This (Wednesday) even - jug a Vestry meeting, will be held. in St. Paul's school room at 7.30 to decide as to whether church pews shall be `voluntary or rated 'according to Iota. tion. ---Messrs. Anderson & "Judie made another shipment of hogs to London last Monday.—The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Church will meet at Mrs. Watts' on Thursday afternoon at two o'clock. -Mr. Geo, Cooper, who Was accidentally shot a few weeks ago, is" rogressing very favorably,—Rev. Mr. tout, Mrs. Stout and daughters Delta nd Ida, town, spent a very pleasant allowe'en with Mr. and Mrs. S. Sturdy, Goderich township, in com- pany with the latter's friends, Mr. and Mrs. Kernahan, of Colborne.—Mrs. J. Ades Fowler is on a visit to friends and relatives at Listowel, Trowbridge and other places. Mr..Robert Howard, of Blyth, was in town Monday. He drove his son out, who is engaged on the brick work of S. S. Coopers new building.—Mr. C. H. Sanders has pur- chased Mr. Dyer's interest in the Exeter Advocate and will publish the paper alone. The Advocate is a cr edit to the publisher and has our best wishes for future success.—Miss May Doherty, who . has had a pleasant several weeks visit at the Rectory, left yesterday for her home in Ohio.—Rev. W. J. Ford will be absent from home next Sunday. He is billed to preach sermons on behalf of Educational in- stitutions of the Church in the -Col= borne St. Church, Brantford.—Ratters-. bury street Methodist church are this week putting in two new furnaces and re -arranging the seats in the front of the church. The are electric lightsare also to be changed to incandescent in the course of a few weeks.—The Junior Epworth League of Christian Endea• your in connection with the On- tario street Methodist church has already 71 members enrolled. The meeting, next, Friday evening will be a misssionary meeting, A good programme is provided.—The . C. P. R. announce a single filth rate for Thanksgiving day, - good' to go Wednesday or Thursday aed.return on Monday : the nearest junction points are London, Drumbo and Wiegham.— Next Sunday in the Ontario Methodist,' church, in the absence of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Newcombe will ' ` onduct service in the morning and Rev„ Mr. Andrews, of Holntiesville, in file eyen- ing.—The Gun Club shoot last .week, was in every respect a decided"success, several contestants being preterit from Seaforth.—The next regular meeting of L. O. L. No. 710, at which election df officers takes place, will be a]seld on Monday evening, December Atli.—The magnificent choir of St. Paul's church, under the able leadership of Miss Mc - Hardy, is creating deep interest.—Have you seen the haudsorne wedding in- vitations in stock at THE NEWS -RE- CORD office ? They are the very latest, some of them for 1896.—Last Sunday evening the congregation in the Ontario street church was so large that numbers went away from the doors, not being able to obtain seats.—Mr. Geo. Hanley, town, who has been ail- ing for some time, had the old-time spirit and pluck of an Irishman, which many younger people might profit by, to celebrate the 5th of November with his brethren at Summerhill and Clin- ton ; long may he live to set such an ;example.—Guy Bros. played to a fair, shouse here on Monday evening ; they itroup has a standard reputation and is certainly one of the best on the road.— The editor of our town totem. was anxious -to ascertain who was speak- ing in the Orange hall the other night; the names appear in another column. —Rev. Mr. Millston is quite ill this week, and is under the care of a medi- cal attendant.—A very sad event was the death of Mrs. Henry Cook, of the Bayfield Road, last Friday ; she leaves five small children and Mr. Cook ; the funeral took place to Holmesville on Sunday.—Rev. A. Stewart exchanged pulpits with Rev. A. McKay of Lucknow last. Sunday. Mr. McKay preached two excellent sermons and held the close attention of the congregation on both occasions.—Weddings are so num- erous and some courtships so brief that it is rumored a most worthy alderman niay soon follow the time-honored ex- ample at any time.—Miss Shaliie Mc- Naughton has returned home after a• visit with her sister, Mrs. 3. E. John- ston, Chatham.—Architect Fowler has been engaged to make a thorough in- spection and report on the state of the Trowbridge public school ; the work will be performed next week.— Cantelon Bros. are making large ship- ments of poultry, butter and eggs, and have just placed in stock 250 barrels of apples to supply the local demand.— As a result of a small advei•tiseudent in last week's NEWS -RECORD Mr. Wm. Moore had in a short time five purchas- ers for his cow and sold the anitnal.— The Grenville Kleiser entertainment, under the auspices of the Guild of St. Paul's Church; has been postponed for the present.—"Palestine and Egypt" is the-atnbject of a lecture to he delivered by His Lordship Bishop Baldwin in the town hall on the 22nd inst.—We learn from the Stratford Herald that Con. ductor Hunn is in a fair way far recov- ',ery.—The G. T. R. will run single fare excursions to all pointe on Nov.•21st.— Mrs Trouse has been quite ill for sev- eral days. -Mr. R. C. Pearee, of Pais- ley, was in town yesterday arid called on THE Nrtws-Ruedilln.—The subject at the Baptist Church next Sunday morning will b" "Steadfastness," and in the evening t second of the series, "The Lost Coi ."=-44iss L. Reid of Plutntteel & Gibbins millinery depart - went, het 'returned to her home in Stanley. J. W. CH1DLI-Y, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. Beesley & Co �jPOPiJLAR1Ppp� Is our Millinery department, and we attribute its popularity to the fact that it's our BIG SPECIALTY and that no where is there to be found such an assortment of STYLISHLY TRIMMED ' HATS AND BONNET'S as here; and if you do notsee just what suits you, trimmed up, we'll take your order. Our Milliners have the knack and reputation for trimming to suit any face or purse, whether it is a $1.50 hat or a better one. Ladies Overhose _ with cut heel at 45c and 65c. See them. LAEIES' AND CHILDREN'S --UNDERWEAR Ladies' Elysian Natural Wool Vests, full fashioned, perfect fitting, high neck, long slleyed pule wool in natural and white, all sizes. 45 and 50 cents. ' Ladies' Drawers 40c and 50c, better goods at 70c, 75(1 and $1. Men's and Boys' Underwear 50c, 90c, $1, $1.35 and 01.50 the suit. Big Clearing :: : DRESS GOODS SALE. UNEQUALLED BARGAINS the order of the day here. Low price does not with us mean a worthlees stock made up for exorbitant figures in some other department. Our price features are based on equit- able calculation. If we save a customer a dollar he comes again., and regular patronage is worth striving for. 0 BEESLEY & CO., The Ladies Favorite Establishment, Beaver Block, Clinton. NM. 1111•111. - Jackson's Jaaksan's : Storo. SOMETHING THAT CONCERNS EVERYBODY. - i Considerably over Two Thousand Families Read THE NEws-REcoRDevery week. o-- Over 2,000 families buy Clothing and in all cases they want to know where they are going to buy the cheapest, which ie quite right and se a general thing they all read the many advertisements in this paper to see which is the most reliable place to invest their money and the general verdict is JACKSON, THE CLOTHIER, and Up•To-Date Cutter, where you are sure to get perfect fitting garments. People are "all complaining of hard times, which is true enough, and as a natural con- sequence they Want to be dareful how they lay out their money. But yet they must be clothed and what I want to tell the many families who read this paper is that I am offering special iuducementa to compare with the hard times and if you will only call andsee what we have got you will be convinced, that this is your place for Fine Ordered Clothing and for two weeks morn will continue to sell READY MADE CLOTHING at Cost Price Last weelc we : ienttoned:; about a big chase . of Lades' a Far Oa .es, d aG" 'g' 'below, hguaree, cording to promise we give: below, are without doubt the lowest ever offered in this section,.. No lady who has any notion of buying can offord to Mise --CALL AND EXAMINE, T. JACKSON,` SR,, - Practical Cutter. THE NEWS -RECORD -FOR- FINE JOB PRINTING. this chance. OUR TERMS FOR THIS SALE iS SPOT . "414p.1Sriee I4iSt. " 25 in. Greenland Seal Capes, 28 in. 32 in. 25 in, Electric 28 in. 32 in. 28 in. 32 in. it " Seal Capes, rr Columbia Suble Capes, u 019 00 worth $25 00 2300 " 3000 27 00 35 00';', 24 00 " 30 00 28 00 gi. '• 35.00,.;: 33 00 4.. 40' 00 26 00 " 32.00' 32 00 " '38 00 a These Goods are the finest that money c? purchase and we feel sure no such `valt� can be found elsewhere. ac-kson The Famous Clothiers - - Clinton. es TAT 4.4k ,.ate te TAT 0''T tt V 1� YOUR' ---ALWAYS i ‘1r DEPEND ON GETTING - THE BEST -s- +GOODS++ At the owest prices if you shop at "THE PALACE," This is particularly true in our 114. Nrsarr 7.4PkW I�r 1.0 Department. In it we keep the best goods marked at close prices. Our fur sales up to date this season are away ahead of any.season this huuse ever had. It's poor economy buying low grade, cheap dualities in any line of goods, and it's specially so in Furs, there's so much room for deception in making and finishing them, that unless you buy from a reliable house, you are very liable to get inferior qualities that will not last. We buy our Furs direct from the best manufacturing furries in Canada. Our fur order was placed early in the summer, thereby ensuring the first choice of skins which are always made up in the first orders. Owing to the great demand, prices of many lines have advanced since the season opened, especially in Green- land Seal and Astrachan, which have gone up 15 to 20 per cent. Our orders being placed early we have not had to pay this advance, and are quoting old prices. If you are wanting Furs, you can get de- pendable goods at the closest prices from us. Particular care is given to special orders, and mak- ing old garments over into the latest styles. 10+.-431.411b—w.a1 Hodgens Bros CLINTON. _kpU see INOURAD YRS. irkOfiT •• • • • o. <QRtCf.0j�- CASH -11:"S jet. ihts ,44 ,00% 104