The Wingham Advance, 1919-07-10, Page 4Page Vow
nv4aiu Sthanee
A, G, SMITH, Editor and Prop.
(Intended for last wee)
Mr. and Mrs. 1•1 Auld of Deleware were
the guests Of Mr. and Nye, Jae. Barton.
17 eon Howlek last week.
Mrs, John Marshall, London is .,visiting
her daughter Mrs, Wnt. Abraham
Rev, and Mrs, E. Lucas and family of
Superior City is renewing old acquain-
tances in these parts
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Milne Sr., North
Bay le uisiting at the homes of Inv. Jas.
l'olurray and Mr. Wm. Irwin.
Mr, Sam Richardson, Toronto, apent
the weekend here.
Mrs. R. Mitchell and Miss Mitchell,
Teesv,ater is visiting at the Manse.
The Union Sunday School picnic was
was held in Fleming Ballagh's grove on
Thureday afternoon, a good crowd was
preient and a splendid time enjoyed.
Mr. John Hartley and daughter Paul-
ine of Deleware is renewing old acquain.
tances in these parts.
Ptes, Sterling and Carl Haskins of
Hamilton is visiting with friends in these
ports. We are glad to see the boys
home again,
Miss Margaret Ballagh arrived hom e
from the West Wednesday, accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. C. Fisher and son, of
Carman, Man.
Miss Blanche Irwin spent last week
with friends in Wingham.
'Mrs. Fred Hyndman, Gorrie, is visit-
. ing friends in these parts for a few days
Mr. and Mrs, A. Fitch attended the
- Higgins ana Proctor wedding in Morris,
bee week.
Mr Herman Hall,. Toronto, is spending
a few days with hie parents here.
Mrs, Fleming Ballagh and daughter
Edith of Belleville, are visiting friends
• Miss Reddy, TbonSontos addressed the
• young people C, H. S. • on Suriday even-
ing, on "Social srld•MoraiReform " She
was listened to with much interest.
The Women's institute will hold their
, menehly meetiog onSemi-day in the Hall.
The -young eharge of the
meeting Everyone welcome.
. .
Mr. Wm, Baker, Brantford, was the
'gueet ot his brother, Thomas, for a few
'days last 'Week. z`•
Mr. John •Mulvey ,spent the week -end
in Toronto. " '
. Mises Myrtle GallowaY is visiting friends
in Wingham for a few days.
Mrs. Wrn. Nichol and family returned
lime last week, accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. A. H Lowry,
Mr. James Ballagh, 2nd con. Culross,
is not improving as ,qUickly as his many
friends would like to see him.
Quite a number from these parts at-
tended the.Reunion in Wingham, and
report a good time
What Is Real Value
You van bey a VentCylinder 5 Passenger 'Alotor Car at a lower
price than the Dort.
You cannot afford a ear less good than the Dort,
You do not want service It complete.
Measure the service and satisfaction it gives you.
Judge the power and quietness of its motor, the sise and comfort of
its body, the so bathes canteleaver springs xnean easy riding. Its equip'
meet and. the years of serviee you get from it.
All these things the Dort gives you abundantly.
As well as genuine service front the man you buy as is not so with
some other so called pedlars who will promise yon everything and give
yonr nothing.
A fu114line of parts for Dort Cars always kept iu stotik in ease yott
ilo need anything,.
Buy a Dort and eliminate your troubles.
Miss A. Murray is at Goderich attend
ing the summer school.
Thos. Bradnocks' were at Bruce Beech
over Sunday'
• The Township Hall has been decorated
inside. A much needed improvemeet, S.
StInson did the job,
The annual Orange sermon of Howick
district was preached by Rev. Bro. Kerr,
in the Methodist church on Sunday, the
befitting was more than filled.
Two barrels of oil have arrived for
the purpose ot oiling our front street and
parties concerned are now considering
how they will get the job done.
A union picnic of the churches was held
in John Wylies bush south of the village
on Saturday and a good time was had in
spite ot the rain which no doubt inarred
the pleasure somewhat,
E, MERKLEY & SON, Agents.
Box 62
Phone 8.1
.14eAler oFricE.
TrI.S 'W1NGH.A.M. 10.:;V.ANCIE
Dear Editor:—
The soil of this country is good and
will grow anything ahnost, except MaPle
trees which is a sad lack, we travel for
many mile without seeing anything more
than bustles and scrub, to an Ontarian the
country seems desolate as there is so muCh
sameness about it. In many places not a
building for many miles and there is an
absence of beautiful farm houses and
barns such as we have, nevertheless it is a
vast country, caPable a producing much
of the world's needs. As far as I can
judge what is principally required are
frequent rainfalls to give necessary
growth. In travelling over the prairie it
appears much burnt or dried up for lack
of rnoisture. The soil varies here as well
as Ontario, much gravel, clay, sand and
very black loam which produces very fine
vegetables, etc , but oh, they want
moisture badly, in fact there will be little
production and growth in places, although
the country being so large it is said there
is a crop somewhere. Here around Cal-
gary they are pretty well burned out and
people are feeling quite pessamistic in
consequence. As this country depen ds
upon the wheat for prosperity, in fact
they go 3 or 4 years without a crop but
these people are good sports, they keep
at it, hold on and hope for something
better which eventually comes and they
roll in the wealth when a good yield comes
around. By the way we people in Ontario
have not these conditions and are reason-
ably sure of a good living, no doubt they
think us slow but we get there just the
You should see their "towns". Here is a
typical one, to begin with a station, 2 or 3
'elevators along track side, the main street
buildings facing iailway, we see a good
sized brick 'Wilding formerly a hotel in
boom aays,. windows boarded tni in, con-
sequence of. fanatical temperance cranks
demdnding ,prohibition, then across the
way in a one story wooden structu're is
announced a '",general store" next .a pool
room (it wouldn't be a town without a
pool room,) -cafe, (this name, sounds big)
drug store, garage, vacant lot, shack, a
Massey Harris•sign, vacant lot, house, a
restaurant, hardware, bank, and so it
goes for two or three blocks and froin that
point on the prairie for some distance, we
have houses add.shacks planted semi -oc-
casionally. Utitil • the' town finally dies
away. '
On first avenue back of the main street
we have the palatial homes of the afore-
said pool room. and -cafe vendors in the
shape of two gabled story and -half wood-
en house,, while eon. the other avenues
they are scattered piproiscously over the
landscape; but I must not • forget the
church 'Which' apPbarrs to be set in some-
body's backaid, it is frame, apparently
30 by 40 feet, built ,after the fashion before
described but with a tower to make a
distinction: The tower in question has a
little pointed roof set on 4 stilts and has a
bell to com'Plete the arrangement, ,I ex-
pect this is used to call the sinners from
the aforesaid poolroom and other Points
There is no great evidence of prosperity
in these places although it is said a great
business is done, these peopte spend
money lavishly when they have it, the
close wads from Ontario When they come
out here get the spirit of the west and be-
come weniderfully changed in that respect
and loosen up, whereas in Ontario they
used to rub the King's head off a quarter
before they parted with it. The C. P. R.
graciously for a good money consideration
rushes on from place to place so we strike
Moose law, can't see where the "Jaw"
comes in, I presume they must have had
HAT kind of a start did
you have in life? If
you had a good one you
were fortunate., If not, you
know how much it would
have meant' to you to have
had something tp start on.
You may, by openinobtrust
accounts for your children
'in The Bank of Hamilton,
provide for the future..
WINGHAM BRANCH --C. P. Smith, Manager
.L.VesieSie5raete• Tk.
Ice Cream like mother used to make?
No indeed!. Ice cream far superior to that.
Nothing but pasteurized pure cream, cane sugar and
pure flavor extracts go into 'Silverwood's Ice Cream.
That creamy, velvety taste that mother never could
have given to her home-made ice cream is the result
of homogenizing and scientific freezing.
Brieks In all
Look for the
'For sale by Z. LOCKMAN, Wingha
Miss E. Owens of tistowel, is visiting
her cousins, Mesdames Thornton, Sreck-
midge and Fells on the bountiary.
Mrs. Vern Iliggius of Toronto is
ing be sister, Mrs. Cloin Higgins.
Miss Vitale Curtis of Toronto is a visit.
or at the home of her parents, Mr, and
Mrs, Jos. Curtis,
We are pleased to say Mrs. II, Matters
is improving in the Fergus Hospital,
Sony to say James Peacock is sulittr.
Mg limn a very painful foot, it being
bruised in a barn raising at Joseph Brec-
Mr, and Mrs. .Sandy Morrison of At-
wood were week-erntvisitors with Ilesi'r
niece, Mrs. Jos. Curtis.
Mrs. Saul and ilaughter, Miss Bantam
of Toronto, were visitors at the home of
John Fell.
Pte. Lorne Messer and his friend Pte.
Johoston have returned fo their home: in
the West after a month's visit with friends
'rite following is tits resnit ot the pro.
'notion in Bluevale Public School
Prom Sr. Third to Jr. Fourth. '
To pave 435. Roy Thomas 568 (hon.
ora) 1 -Larry Elliott 546 (honors,) Charlie
Gannet 498. Charlie Messer 451, Willie
Mundell 435, Janet Mow oray 400 (recom-
Prom Jr. Third to Sr. Third.
To pass 350. Harold Thomas 360
From Sr. Seeond to Jr. Third.
To pass 387. Donna gmith 471 (hon-
ors ) Edith Breckenridge 457 (hen ors
Mary IVIowbray 431, Velma Broeks 420,
Beatrice Thornton 417, Gordon Mundell
411, Everett McGee 389, Cora Cannet 38$
Irene McKinney 334.
From Jr. Second to Sr. Second.
To pass 350. Muriel Thornten 402,
Mee. Thomas 351, Fred Elliott 350.
From First to Jr. Second.
Sorry to say Mrs- Jas. Messer is not
enjoying her usual good health,
• Mrs. Charles Turvey• has been under
tee doctor's care may she soon improve.
Mrs, Milvert Sellers and daughter. Vera
are on a modth's visit to friends in Michi-
Wm, Ward, wife and four children are
visiting at the home of Wm. Nicholson,
What makes'alorris wear that' smilea
new baby boy. Congratulations.
Lee and Eva Breckenridge spent the
week -end in Brvssels.
Haying is the order of tbe day,
Sealed Tenders addressed to the under-
signed, and endorsed "Tender for Coal for
the Dominion Buildings, Ontario and
Quebec", will be received at this office
until 12 o'clock noon, Friday July 25,
1919, for the Dominion Buildings through
out the provinces ot Ontario and Quebec.
Combined specification and form of
tender can he obtained at this office and
from the Caretakers of the different Dom-
inion Buildings.
Tenders will not be considered unless
made on the forms supplied by the De-
partment and in accordance with the con-
ditions set forth therein.
Each tender much be accompanied by
an accepted cheque on a chartered bank
payable to the order of the Minister of
Public Works, equal to 10 p. c., of the
amount of the tender. War Loan I3onds
of the Dominion will also be accepted as
security, or war bonds and cheques i re-
quired to make up an odd amount.
By Order,
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, July 3, 1610.
Make a beauty lotion for a few Cents to
remove tan, freckles, SallowfiesS
'our grocer has the leMons and ans
drug More or toilet Counter will supply
you with three ounces of orchard white for
a few cents. Squeeze the juive ot two
tresh lemons into a bottle, then put in the
orehard white and shake well. This
motkoi quarter pint of the very best tem
on skin whitener and complexion beataili
r known. Massage: this fragrant, creamy
lotion daily into the fa, neek, arise+ and
1iand4 and just eee how freckles, ten,
sallowneee, reds -it -se and roughnnes die
*war and how Amooth, soft and .cireovir
the skin becomes Yes! It im bartaltse
and the beautiful results will surprise yeti.
Three flavours
to suit all tastes.
Be SURE to get
Sealed Tight
KePt Right
Flavour Lasts
EPT secret
and special
and personal for
YOU is
in its air tight
sealed package.
A •goody that is
worthy of your
lasting regard
because of its
lasting quality.
11111niselt i
Ai)1:11Y fdw dropslii'l lift sore,;
touchy - e6izs cift with
flnger$ -•
. •
To. pass 110. Olive Garniss 137, Nellie
McKinney 126 Irving Cleghorn 122, Reta
Smith 114, Hazel Mundell 95 (recom
mended) Noble Greenaway 56,
Front Primer First.
To pass 75. John Mowbray 79.
The following is a report of the pro-
motion exarninatione for S. S No 8 °East
Sr. IV—Lewis Bone, Evelyn Gibbons,
Alex Menzies.
Jr. Iv—Beatrice Leishman,
Sr. III—Jessie Menzies, Gwendolyn
McDowell, Alex McBurney,
Jr. III—Angla Gibbons.
Sr, II—Myrtle Leishman, Blanche
Cunningham, Laurette McBurney.
Jr. II—Annie McDowell, Zora Bolt,
Jr, 1—Bruce Chamoey, Blair Gibbons,
Harvey Stapleton.
Primer—Eeryl Cunningham, Clarke
Johnston, Dorothy Vincent, Cleland k3one.
Doesn't h let a bit! Drop a little Free
zone on an aching •corn, histantly that
corn stops h irting,Ilieb•you lift it right
6ut. Yes, magic!
A tiny bottle of Pmezone costs but a
.few cents at any drug storeobut is suffici-
ent to remove every hard, corn, soft corn
or corn between the.toessand the callus-
es, without soreness -or itration. •
. Ereezone is the sensational discovery
on a Cincinnati genius. It is wonderful.
some talkative women here, hence the
name. After a while Medicine Hat,
couldn't say where this name came from
and why "Hat" is associated with "Medi-
cine" I don't know unless it is to pass it
around to pay for dope when you are sick,
however the place seems better than the
nairie and cuts a figure in this great coun-
try. So during the nights we sleep fitfully
the 180 miles ahead being the last lap on
way to the beautiful city of Calgary
which we reach at about 3.3,0 a. .m., and
are dumped out, a policeman receiving us
with evident satisfaction. After squaring
ourselves we go through the iron gates of
liberty, in a few minutes entering an
"Overland" we take a grey morning trip
to heights of city and through the mist
we behold the wonderful Snow Clad
Rockies, being asked how far? We say
35 miles, no 70! great country.
Geo. Mason
The following is the report a the.
examinations at S. S. No. 3, Turnberry.,
The classes are given as they willbe
after Sept. I. Names are arranged in
order of merit,
,Entrance Class—Barbara Weir.
SR. IV—Edith Metcalfe, Elmer Breen.
Sr. III—Grace Mitchell, Robert Breen,
Andrew Mitchell, Irene Mundell, George
JR. III—Isaac Metcalfe, Clark Elliott,
Boyd Marshall.
$R, II—Isabelle Metcalfe, Addie
Breckenridge, Walter Heidrich, Jimmie
JR. II—Annie Campbell, Mary Weir,
,Mary Mitchell, Annie Stokes, Myrtee
Stokes, Walter McGlynn, Jean MaLean,
Margaret Baird.
First—Ruth Stokes, Alex Marshall,
Noreen Baird.
Primer—Elva Metcalfe, Scott Mitchell,
George Mundell, Mervin Marshall
Ada L. McGill, Teacher
Daylight Saving Tinae
London 7.30 a. m. 3.15 p. in.
Totontb and East 6.45 a. rn. 3.25 p. in
Kincardine 12.20 p. m. 9.40p.m
Kincardine 7.15 a m. 3,10 p. m.
London 12.05 p. m. 7.35 p. m.
Toronto and East 12.20 p. m. 9.40 p. m.
W. F.Burgman, station agent, Wingham
H. B. Elliott, Town Agent, Wingham.
Duncan McCallum of Woodstock, was
here to attend the Old Boys Reunion in
Dan Halliday of Toronto, is visiting
his parents Mr. and Mrs. Halliday.
Harold Work of Brussels, spent couple
of days among friends in the village.
Mrs, Riehmond of St. Jacobs, and Miss
Fyfe of Hespeler, spent a day with Mr,
and Mre J. A. Brandon,
Miss McMichael of Seaforth, spent a
few days with her friend Miss Greeta
James Porterfield is home from the
West and spent a few days with lila sister
Mrs. Earnest Geddes.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and two daugh-
ters of, Drayton, spent Sunday at j, A.
Mr. and Mrs, 'Wen. Isbister of Toronto,
spent a few days last week with Mr. and
Mrs, Joe Miller.
Mee Hilda Sutton of Toronto, spent a
few days with Mrs. David Stott,
Private Harry MeGuire arrived, horne
from overseas on Saturday and is spend-
ing a few weeks with his parents Mr. and
Mrs. John McGuire
A reception wad held at the home of
Mr. arid Mrs. Dave Dunbar on Monday
evening, for their son, Joe, who arrived
home from overseas en Sunday.
Mr. T. Proctor and Mr. R. Munroe
have each purebiteed a fine Mason and
Rish Piano,
James Taylor shipped a car ol cattle on
Pridity hat also another on Tuesday of
thief week
How We Can Affo
To Do It.
The secret of our tAiCee$3
with the Bachelor Suit i4 found
in the turnover. We are con.
-tent with a very snr.til margin
Of profit in eriltr to Le able
to cell the
SUIT $23.50
"'the Suit wii 1aCmf,race.'
The profit on cid'
small, but we can r;ford
do it beause we I;(.11 :twin a
big qu_tntity.
If you want a Chat
will wear as well ; it 1ook.1,
don't lose any time about
coming in here,
rsionememano sommiallmo ~NI SIVI 110MORINNIMI dotodulowasm 111MINHOINNNEO el
I . —- WATCH = .
.. -
ITAKE NOTE—Will close every Friday evening. one half hour before
sundown, until Saturday, one-quarter hour after sundown, Time this week:
Friday, 7,30 p. m. to Saturday, 8 15 p. m. Meals will be served' to regular
boarders during this time,
••••••••••.•••ON..... 1
6 '
• Biueva. le
The Wonien's Institute will hold their
monthly meeting July 10th at the home of
Mrs. J. F. McCracken at two o'clock,
papers will be given by Mrs F B Scott
"'How to create and preserve that atmos
phere. which gives Character to the
Horne" alsc;‘by Mrs. W. Fraser "Where
the housewife's time goes "Roll Call an•
swered by Irish quotations., Everybody
Mr. H Mothers, motored to Fergus on
Sunday, and report Mrs. Mathers doing
nicely" after her operation. Her many
friends wish her continued improvement.
Toronto and East 6.40 a. xn. 3.00 p. m.
Teeswater 1 04 p. m. 10.32 p.m.
Teeswater. . .... 6.40 a. 01. 3.00 p. m
Toronto and East 1.04 p. m. 10.20 p. m
J. H. Beemer, Agent, Wingham.
J. W. McKibbon, Town Ticket Agent.
— —
Chiropeactic Drugless Healing accur-
ately locates and removes the cause of
disease, allowing nature to restore health.
J. A. FOX D.., D.O.
Osteopathy Electricity
Member Drogiess Physichins Associa-
tion of Canada.
—Phone 101—
For immediate sale,
complete small farm, near
Wingham. Good buildings,
well watered, rural mail,
tblephone and a fine grow-
ing crop.
Will be sold either s,vith
or without the crop, I3est
of reasons for selling. Easy
terms. Apply to
PAUL E. VAN NESS, Proprietor.
Special Discount To Regular Boarders.
assemassasso 1111019 dimio
A large number of our citizens attended
the reunion at Wingham,
Private Archie Somers, arrived home
from overseas on Saturday evening, Pte.
Somers was a member of the 161 Band
and was in active service in France
Tbe Presbyterian congregation are hay
ing the interior of their church renovated,
On Sunday they will worship with the
Methodist congregation Rev. Mr. Stev-
enson of Stratford will speak in behalf of
the Lords Day Alliance.
Dr, and Mrs. .Allison of New Toronto.
called on Tends during the week also
visited his mother in Belgrave,
Miss Vera Webb of Hamilton, is visit'
ng her friend Miss Annie Taylor,
Captain Roy Stackhouse arrived on
Monday evening, from overseas, Pte.
Wilbert •Spafford and Pte. Harvey Bent -
e y accompanied by his bride arrived
during the week.
Mr. and Mrs Wallace Potter of
Wawanosh contributed uneoliented
o the Memorial Hall Fund.
Itmranco. and Root Eodate
Successor to Ritchie et Comm
Whssiortm, Ontario
Municipality Of The Town Of Wingham
County Of Huron
got's° is horolv given that I have transmit-
ted or delivered to the 'persons mentionea in
section 9 of the Ontario Voters' 1.1st Act thc
&mice required by said aoction Lo he so trans.
mitted or delivered of the listmade pursuant
to said net, of all persone appearing by tho last
revised Assnismeet Roll of the Municipality
to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality
at eleetions for members of the Legislative
Assemblyitt Munietpal Itleetions, and
that the said list was first posted up at my
office at the town of Wingltern on the 7th day
Of Jtily. 1919 and remains there foto inspection
And. I hereby call umut all voters to tako
immediate proceedings 1.0 have any errors or
ommisioes torreeted accOrding to laW,
Jomor Ir, Ottevus,
Mirk, Town or 1,Vingham
Dated this ith clay of Ally, 1919.
Osteopathie Phrician, only qualified
oeleopath in North Euron.
Adjuetment of the spinei. More quickly
deenred and with fewer treatments than
by any. other method.
Blond pressure and other examinations
All sii.teaonss treated.
The lecturer on the fourth day of Chatattqua Will he nr, Frank Bohn,
who created such a tremendous intereat on •thd circuit last 51 al'. It will
be a -great plk.sure to welcome Dr. Bohn to our town. knowing his repu-
tation as a speaker and his knowledge of the great eussolons of the day.
Dr. Bohn has spent the year largely in Switzerland and has been in
•tttendanee at various onventions of Socialists, combat ling and
orWarding the inter( sts of tbe Allies. His subjeet, "nevolutionarY
Europe," will be of intense interest.
During the oast jsotor he !net contributed articles to the "New York
Times" and other leadis e papers and roaosevi•-, .1, and so ,,ne has been
quoted Mere frtspostily and more ceplocaily 1 s 11ss an authority
on all great interns thine I loom.
Hear This Speaker at the
Chautauqua—Wingham, July 17 to 23S-7.
igg•Xlit gt,.14 4„..)"
fit eo 1:0 44. fd 4oA ofi "IAN. (A' ‘A, TAv oro • .1". 1'4
otornetrist Optician I.
P:11111 ""'"*""""'"'""""j"*"""'""
For 20 years we have made a special. study of 04
,31*.• Optics. . .
ir. In 1003 I took my first eouree.
Iry In 1005 graduated at the Canadian Ophthalmic, College. Toronto,
.fkoo. In 1012 took a spseial course 10 muscle treatment and shadow testing.
.'441 And in 1018 took a Post Graduate Cout•se in the Canadian Ophthalmie
A14,4 CO1 it' ge , 10E08(0.
To every isise graduating with bottom's. •
•A`P Our optieal perkier is equipped With the most up -'o -date instruments
t.,,..afor sight testing that vett be proeured, anit is sissual to none in Canada,
it‘st* We examine your iss es free, and recommend ghteeve only when alieo.
intely tweeyiary.
I. 4
R. M. MicKAY 010
Watchmakias En 'graver ford Optician'
'Formerly with llyrie Bios, ltd., Toronto.
SUMV.0(01' to A, M. Knox. *
HOW** 41441014****4144114-*