The Wingham Advance, 1919-07-10, Page 3THUM 0001) 11,BOIPBS.
• Vegetable Pie, Cold Savory, Snow
, Oream, '
Why not try vegetable pie with
crest. For It take two onions, two
Nitrate, one turnhe outer leaves of
Celery (beet Part neeerved), half a pint
tott•oicon bone stock, one muice of len-
West, clean and prepar8 the vege-
tables, cut them into small .pieces and
erterige them in a pie digh in layers,
Petting the lentils, which have prev_
tamely !been soaked for taventy-Xour
hers, in the centre; pour over the
the stock and half a pint of water, put
into the ovate with a dish over It, and
bake ter two hours (or it could be
boiled in a.eauciepan and pue into (vele
With afterward it more eonvenieet).
elist a fairly stiff paste, roll out and
shie. over the vegetables In the pie
Melt, trite the edge and mark 4t neat -
lie hake in a moderately hot'oiren for
threetequartees of an hour.
()old SavorY-To make eeld savory
takesixoyeters, two hard-boiled eggs,
a *tie beetroot cut -in etrips, two
sticks a celery cut in etrips, one
tahlesPoteniall of mayonnalie and .filt
it -qu*1 paper' oases with • the mix -
JUN. Put 4 tatiee of hardebolled egg
len the top ad aprinkle witti salt and
cayenne and place a blended. and
breeded eYeter on the top of tee .egg.
Genii/et with pareley. Shrimps or
riekais of cold cooked fish can be sub-
atiteted tor 0Yeter. .Any etsolted veg-
stibidlaestich as peas, small diee of
gatrots, and potatoes, or copked finely
shredded ierenell or scarlet runner
beano NM be need for salad, end this
lan be McKie in one large disbeif liked.
Snow Cream -For snow email take
telv places of confectioner's sugar,
tig otihees of jam, two 'whites of eggs,
Wo eipeopeule of red jelly. Whip all
$6414ther ler half an hour, and then
stir in about Our tablespoonfuls of
Wiled rite. The jelly and etigar may
be endtted, but in that cage the sweet
takes Much loner to erbip,
es, fe
ten- Matt or women should hobble
painfully "beet beeause of Corns when
so Certain a 'theft is at hand as Hot-
letvity'a -Cern Cure.
„Marty housewives are discovering
thet docoiteut Is delicious in puddings
and pudding sauces, beiddes being
steitetenieg. Cocoanut sprinkled on the
too of a cake that has -just been baked
takes the place of frosting and saves
sugar, besides giving a•delicious flavor.
Before ateling the oat flakes to oat-
meal coOkies put them through the
er grinding them eoarseIy.
This prevents the raw taste that oat-
meal cookiett so often have.
'Cornflakes of any reliable brand
may be substituted for oatflakes in
oatmeal cookieg. Many persons prefer
their flavor to that of oats.
.-Titto Or three tableePoonfuls of kero-
State used in the wash -boiler will re -
MeV* etalltil *lid help to whiten the
Never allow a mirror to hang In the
sunliget Qe the butting will heeoree
IIn reelPee which eall for (Wee, re-
member alwaye to wesh tee datee be-
fore wen. If they seem hard and ere,
they will be much improved by iiteata-
lug. To steam the place them inthe
steamer, or 'in the upper part ot the
double boiler for two or three minutes.
Good kettle eovere nety be matte
from tin covers by giving them, yolien
dry and new or when scoured bright,
one or two Coats of the best aluminum
Paint obteinable. They are thus InaOe
non -instable,
Went!. Parts of milk aud lukewarm
water are excellent for spoeging
A tablespoonful of lee•cold water
added tope unbeaten white of ali egg
will make better zneringue thentwo
eggs. .
Tapioee and eornetarch pudding are
always improved by ealt, whether the
reeipe calla for it or not.
A pound a prunes stewed evith a
pot roast will give a delielous flavor
to the meat, end the prunes are lust
the sort of relish to serve with it.
• • • .
Wifie-I can cook and cook. and cook
for you, and what do I get/ Nothing:
littuby-You're lucky; I always get in-
Sickly Women
Given Strength,
Vigor, Spirits
Many of the woes of womanhood,
are due to kidney wealutess. •
At first the back aches.
Then pains gather around the hips
and lodge right in the small of the
To stoop or bend seems impossible.
Headaches are constant. •
Unhappy existence, No pleiteure
in life when the body is overloaded.
with poisons that the sick kidney
can't filter out,
Bright's disease is the next stage,
but it can be peevented by using Dr.
Hamilton's Pills of (Mandrake and
Butternut. They cure sick kidelis
and cure them perihanently.
Wheu the kidneys work properly
pure blood Is formed.
This means nourishment and
strength for the whole body .
Back -aches and dragging • pains
are forgotten. Irregularities disere
pear, vital energy is restofed, 'Mad
happy, robust health is once' more
Dr, Hamilton's Pills for womensee
ills is the slogan of thoosends to-
Enormous benefit in many whirl
follow their use, and no woman or
girl can use medicine that will do
their general health more geed, •
For the sake of your kidneys, ter
the sake of your liver, for the ad-
vancement of your general well-be-
ing, you can't improve on Dr. HMO-
ilton's Plflu, 25c per box.
• **
Bokhara 's Anwar Hite Largest
° Private Hoard in World.
The largest private hoard in the
world is probably that owned by the
Ameer of Bokhara, the Russian vassal
state In Central Asia, ' According to
the Turkestankive Kraj, the arneer
possesses in his stronghold a vaillt
completely filled with gold bars with
coined gold.
Some years ago the ameer had an-
other vault built to hold his savings
and the new storehouse is now almost.
WI. There is at the Bolehaeau ceurt
an enormous cash book, whieli has
served for generations, and in which
all revenues and expenditures are sup-
posed to be put down, but also for
generations it has never been checked
with the "cash in hand."
Grafting is the easiest thing in the
world at Balthus. The =eerie office
18,1e draw no salary. They are ap-
pointed on the underetanding that
they must keep themselves on what
they can snake out of theirva Mous cif-
fices. There is no budget, and the •
Prririr Shoes re the moat serviceable', mod comfo table•
toot ceottotekal :hoes for romping kiddies -for girta whEo help
mother about housetriti for hop who veork with father
hi the ttekla.
tite -ma& -tor-9"ineri and WOMII for Work and
play: for every,day and Sunday Wean, .\
Tha Darnels stamped ee everY bat
Aorkyour tauter tor
Mrs. Lilian Taylor
Tells Bow Cuticura
Heated Her
"Our hair wits two weeke old
when ba facet heeame antry tea and
terribly itchy, end he
was fairly Noy PM -
Wog and scratching
till the skip broke and.
bled. RO could not
aleepsand did nothing
% Hirifactilooked,
ne though he might be destigeited
for life.
"I thought I would tits Celtitura
Soap and Ointment a trial. I found,
the free Semple so getted tine I bong*
more and two ordres of. Gettiettre PottP
and a fifty cent box of Ceticute ghee
latent healed him," Patted) !MN;
Lilian M. Taylor, BOX Oriteest
bridge, Muskoka, One, boo.* '104
Cuticum Soap to cleanest and Imre
nee Cuticura Qintmertt to :when
and soothe arid neatiema Talcum to
powder and perfume are ideal 'foe
daily toilet purposes.
ForkyTszone• •'attitZ:Sop Ofrd.
gell,ThwtoluN'i.-47.7 fewest to. '
largest permanent charge on the
ameer's ineome Is eine Of e15,000 anima
ally for a local hospital. Then there
18 a email contribution toward the npa
keep of the Ruesian puttee in the pro•
teetorate and the initinteriance of the
Bokharan "annye' Which bas shrunk
to a mere bozlYgeard.
The ereeerhi azuwal savings, it is
calculated, aniouot znore teen $8,-
000,000 a year. Be Is traelitional
usage eompelled to send every year a
number of valuable "present" to the
Russian authorities at Samarakand
and Tashkent. These presets eon.
Shit; of carpets, silks and the like,
which are immediately sold by the re-
cipients to native tradere, from 'whom
the ameer as regularly buys there back
at fixed prices, to be stored up and to
genre again as "preseete" the follow''
ing year, -St. Petersburg Cor, New
York Sun.
Summer Hattery.
Flower trimmings.
Surprisingly few etriettee
Fabric models predomigate.
Organdie and chiffoii numbers.
Transparent ehapes of mallue and
• • ,
The cheapness of /Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator 'pelts it within
reach at 11d It can be got at any
Interested in Strangers.
Many of the native, clistOnta men-
tioned by "Merrigal" as Samoan or
Xelaneelan seem to be observed all
over the western ruffle, the Sydney
(Australia) 13ulletin Saes. The ex-
treme deference to the .chiefs was
Practiced by the lifeline- and Fijians
particularly. In Paptia• the Trobriand
natives are the °hie tribe with any
regatd for the claiin8 Of high descent.
They never stand in a ehlef's presence,
much lese walk nest hire. The custom
of placing a stone in 'a leaf on a path
ae a 'no thoroughfare" tegn 18 cone
men in Papua.
A favorite trick there is to knot a
vine or long grasp =lase the tracks
as a warning to go beck: The mirth-,
eastern. Papuan weleomes a visitor by
feeling over and pinchihg the caller's
arms and trunk, remarking at the
same time what splendid condition
he's in. Coming from a people Who
have been and are, when they gel a
chance, unblushing cannibals, this is
rather disconcerting, however et:maple
mentary. •
$1 03—FIEWA R 00
Catarrh is a local.disease ,greatly influ-
enced by constitittiortal .conditioas, It
therefore requires conatitutionet treat-
Is taken internally and acts through the
Blood on the Mucoua Surfaces of the
destroys the foundation of the dieease
gives the patient atrength by improving
the general health and assists nature In
doing Its work. $100.00 for any case of
Catarrh that HALL'S C,ATARRH 1/03D -
WINE/ fails to cure.
Druggists 76e. Testimonlals free.
P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio.
Ireltle Stage Where Queen gess
Saw Shakespeare. •
The nail of the Middle temple, Lon-
don, contains a table made from a tree
presented by Queen Elizabeth,
The tap is 30 feet long and 3 inches
thack eed forms ethe eigh table" for
the Benehers of the Inn. The. date on
which it stands is at the western end
of the hall, and on the actual floor
boards of this platform. shakettpeat•e
perfornaed "Twelfth Night" for the
enteritainment of "the Vitgin QUeen,"
who opened the hall in 1672.
The eastern end of the hall is occe-
pied by a magnificent carved screen,
neighed in 1674, the upper part of
whieh forms the Mittstrels' gallery.
The waltz of th,e are Paneled to
a great height, end both the panels
and windows above are richly embla-
zoned with the coats of arras, detieg
from the sixteenth century, of legal
Itiminaries, Plumbers of the len,
Among them, may be observed the
arms of Sir Welfer Raleigh, Pepys
and ot the present lord ehancellor and
the present lord chief 3tititice of Eng-
land, Portraits by Vandyck, Daly,
lenter and Iteurray, together with
Suits of well-preiterved antler, gteatly
add to the mural edorfinleht of tete
histOriti edifiee,
A Punier,
A Pren'ehtnait, boaeting in coy
tht he had thoroughly, Mastered the
Bnglieh langttage, was asked to write
the following from dictation: "As
Hugh Hughes was heivihte puleleg
from a yew -tree, a Man dre880d In
clothes of a dark title came ule to
Hugh and sald, 'Have you, seen my
elves?"If you will welt until hew
this yew, will go with you anywhere
le Europe to look tor yOu ayes; said
Pine Of A*------.4.4.*'—tteated,Valtea.--Parrtieleeti
Vegetable Pille are .the result ot
eitreful study of the preperties Of cer-
tain roota and herbs, and the aotien
a such as sedatives and laxatives ott
the digestive 4Ditarittus. The suecess
the compounders have met with at -
teeth the value of their work. These
Pills have been reettgnized for Many
rare as the best Oleallatire 0: the
spawn that can be got, Their ex-
cellence Ives recognised from the first
ire* two Vopalar
• tateteteretP4+TEJ +1+4+++,.+1(
It ease the average poultrymen), to
start a clean up campaign in his Yards
which will reselt in selling alt tap sur-
plus cookereie as Moen. as they reach
Marketable talze. Tido dispoettion of the
male birde will provide more contrite&
quartere or the pullet/3 which Are
to be mime to maturity. Furthermore,
as 4 general Paopeoltion the earlier the
ceekerele are marketed atter they reeoh
suitable 'Me the higher ere tbe tirteea
they will bring, other conditions being
equal. While on the other hand, the long-
er the eookerele are kept In the floc
tee *Netter will be the net profit the/
Will yield when finally sold.
It is deoirahle to retain the choicest.
most vtiorous and beat grown gookerelo
in the nook for subsequent breeding 0P
mations, While it aloe pay to hold
back and ,grow to a larger alze aUGh
birds as aro desired to use for tha fani-
ilY table. The commrei Practice to be
recommended is to tont the cockerels as
soon as they attain marketable eIze. In
sectiens where sneetai Rod fancy mar-
kets are available, cockerels of the light-
er breeds,,,euch as the Leghorn, may be
sold As equab broilers wlien weighing
from three-quarters to o. pound or one
pound apiece. On the more generei mar-
kets, where frying chickens are desired
and with the larger breedseapeciallY, the
cookerels may be fattened to weigh torin
one and ono half pounds apiece borer*
being sold.
The ooekerels which aro retained for
breeding purposee sheuld be kept apart
from the rest of the flock. In the ease
of the male birds designed for the mar,
ket it often is possible and praeticable
to tatten2them .tor a few days before
gelling them. This extra attention gets
the birds ,Irtto the best condition„ and
even rneans the ,:difterence between mar-
keting them with the fancy trade, which
is willing to pay premium prices, and
Oiling ter consumers who desires goods
of mediofte quality because they are
' The following rations may be fed pro-
fitably to cockerels which are confined
WootlYs rhasylsoititm
The °rot , English, Pentedy.
Tomer and inviaorates tho wholo
nerve _utt eystem, maltea new Blood
in Atm voles (Now Nervous
,Pebaitta_ggint latu( Brain Worry, Veapint.
,oknoz, LOss ealserate Poipteattois . Of •tes
Heart, nif.314,O itirp. Price el per box, .Ix
for II& 0 wig hAse, sunlit owe. Boletby ell
drussiate dla,atliati pkg. on receipt of
tainailed 1111111 WOOD
atti OtOiTO. 0 . (tweets Vilisikee)
and cooped' •order to be fattened for
The Bret ,ration eenaioto et a mixture
of six wine; weeght ot cornmeal and
four parteSot low. grade wheat flour or
middlingeathe second ration is one part
by weight;pf .sherto or middlings, two
parts of rovrgratte- wheat flour and three
parts ot ceirritneal, white the third feed-
ing mixtitre,,Ia.'etirtiposed of equal parte
by weighteof cornmeal, wheat flour or
middlings, and oat 'flour.
With eielr, or 'all. of these grain Mbk-
tures "either- whole milk or skim milk
should be tee. in amount sufficient to
bring the Mixture to the cousistency of
porridge,aSet.that it w111 drop from the
end of 5t-spoest-.1t no milk Is availe.ble
add 10 p,'Pr cent. of chopped vegetables
arid 6 per cent of wheat meal to the
above ratiohs. If water is used for .mix -
Mg the feen aneutal ahoulcl be used to
make a. cruniblv moist mixture. Water
may else' be 04 to, the fowls for drink-
ing purposes where;thia teeding combirt-
ration. is.used, but in cases where milk is
uaed the ration it is not advisable
Lo ;supply any additional water.
When ;the 'birds aro first contined for
fattening., Purposes they 'should bo fed
lightly for, two or three days, after
which they ,rney be furnished all that
they will clean up in thirty minutea Two
or three times a day. Their heavies, t
meal for the day should always be the
last One. Comprehenalve experiments
by the Brined States" Department of .4.g-
riculture show that aft takes three and
a quarter pounds of ,grain to produce on*
pound of grain on fattening poultry. tja-
ually It coats considerable more to fat-
ten matnre hens than it doe o to flesh up
cockerel& and Younger stock. The gen-
eral purpose birds are the most desire.:
able for fattening purpoaes.
As a ride .the' fattening period usually
teats foe from.oeveh to seventeen days,
during which time the bowls are confined
to coopte The younger or smaller bird's
give good restate Whore they tire fed for
the longer period, 'What has been Bald
in the feregoing paragraphs applies with
eqUal forte to the fattening of all pout -
Growing chicke, like growing children,
need plenty of green food if they are to
mature 'properly. Young, tender, leafy
pasts of, plants, especielly or legumes
such as alfalfa:and ,clover, are especially
helpful tri previding the vItamines nec-
essary tor nuoamum, growth in the chiek.
That the feeding 61 foods rich in vit-
amines,' such as Milk, eggs and green
planta, doos materially increase the
weight of the birds hao been Proved con-
clusively by experimente carried on In
-the Vineleauriegg laying and breeding
contest duringS th pas( year, and taint-
martzed by Prot H. rt. Lewis of the
State A.gricultnral College.
The average weight of 100 Amerieari
pallets 24 -weeks old tett on ordinary rat -
loos Was found to be SSS pounds, while
100 pallets of the pante age and breed
' iten
s • elt;
Wet -MK
!Creatures of Habit.
frse Olean (N. Y.) 'Mew ileadlinea
it tide teal: "Twins Born Seven
RHEumAT s •urshowort,$,alt°13.11ReZelltll'eerAlnde
. TthemlipetawIli:
philosophiee. Amazement, because
• twine slIettltt like being born so well
that they repeat the act seven time:
to philosophize on the force of bablt
whien makes them continually ehoose
the sante greet ea the scene of their
natal -encores, It seerne to tis that if
we were twine with an incurable birth
habit, we eltould desire a bit ot vari-
ety. Hevitig been, born once in Olean,
we ' should yearn for some different
Place for our next debut; we should
try to be born in China, in France, in
Salamanea, in Cattaraugus, in Indiana,
at Aurora Poud.-Cleveland Plain
"I rim eightysthree years old and I
doetered tor rheumetlent over since 4
came out of the army, over re yearago.
lake nagny others, epent money free-
ly for vo-called 'cures' and 1 have read
aboUt 'Grits .taeld' until I could eiraost
twit° it. I waist not Meet) night* or
went without mon; ine halide weiesu
sore and stiff I eould not bola * pen.
But new 1 ant again la Active business
end can walk with eerie or writo all day
With comfort. Friends arurprised at
the change." You might Juot as well
attempt to put Out a fire with oil est tee
te aot rid et your rheumatism, neuritis
And like cone:Oa:0nm by taking treatment
aupposed to drive Uric Acid out of tater
bleed and body. It took Mr. Ashelman
fittY year to find out the truth. He
learned, hew to get rid of the true CaWle of
his rheum:teem, other. disorders and re-
• cover hio strength from "The Inner
Mysteries," now Petrie diatributed tree
by an etithority who devoted over twen-
ty Years to the scientific stUdY or thie
trouble, If any reader of this PaPOr
wishes "The lnner Mysteries of Rhein
znatiern" everieelred by doctors; And
scientlete for centuries past, simply send
a Poet card or hatter to H. It. Clear-
water, 556*C` Street. Hallowell, alaiue,
Bend new, lest you torgeti If not a
sufferer yourself, eut out this notice and
head this good now and opPoettinitY to
some afflicted friend, All who send will
receive it by, return mail without attY
charge tvtuttever,
which had been gett tig a quantity Of
these apocial - 1'ood wig4ted 410 pounds,
Leghorn pullets showed an even greater
difference: the 10() which had been:. fed
on erdinary rations weighed 010 pounds,
thoge ouPPlied with vitamine-rielt nbur-
lehment had sh inereeee tet thirty -tour
A dozen eggs will dost about the eanle
as a pound of -beefsteak. The foort,Val-
ue of the eggatie Moro than one and
a half dines that ot' the beet and •the
01' '5 can be made to /terve considerebly
more peroons than the pclun(1 of beef.'
All cripples /should be trilled imanediate-
ly on being' rerrusved from the neve Or
incubator. De..not allow sebtimeat 01
tenderheartedness to oyerrpte good -bust.
ness ability or eonimon tweet>. Weak -
lingo and run 1' '''111 .1104 -Pay any alvi.
dends. i)o not 'Invest too much thrze or
feed on such.
Poultrymen will be reising more pullets
this year to make me for the depletion
caused by seer .elausegency. Beware of
crowding. Tu develtife her it:Merited teens
a pullet must ^,haveaplenty of gra*Mg
space, abundisatlY, stocked • with green
An 011 Thnt Ia Prized Everywhere.
--Dr. Thomael peleetele• 011 was but
upon the markets etttliotit any flours
Ish over thirtneyeates ago. It '• was
put up to meet thahaants' of a small
section, but ice 80911 115 its merite be-
came enown'iteadeeTesehole contifenat
Lor a fieI4, and ttref now known and
prized througiroutsefhis •hernispleere.
There Is notliihes•echial. tq 11
The Ill1zaliet1i4t,.a.gave- vogue to
the button and Imetorihele, two le-
ventions whichseintr be:regarded as
important, since:'they did: much to re-
volutienize dressoe 'The laingitial. Mit-
ten was whale a liroalief of needle-
work, which witeesgon improved by
use of a wooden mould. The brase
button et said .to, have beeh intro-
duced by a BIrraingham reerebant in
16$9, It took 200 yeal•s to improve
on the method of sewing the eloth
upon the covered •bueton.• Thee an
ingenious Dane hie upon the idea •el
reeking the butters18 te-o parte fled
clamping thezn tegether with the cloth
The most impertent branch of the
button industry in the 'United States
is the making of pearl buttons, the
material for wliich •ie obtained frem
eltells gathered along the Missiseippi
River. The industi•Y lute grown dio
withit the last stwentte years.
It happened to a loeal druggist that
sold a cheap aeld corn salve instead
of the reliable utntiente Corn Ex-
tractor. Substitutes .burri the flesh
-Putnanes clirea the corn. Use on-
ly the best--"Putnana's" 25e, at all
dealers, ,
Effeet of Light On Plants.
The atteetion Of botanists has lately
been recalled to 'experiments naade at
Juvlsy, near Parise by M. Flatntrierien
on the effect of exposihg the seedlinge
of sensitive plants to lights o dif-
ferent colors. 'laving Placed Vier
Pairs of railliOsta Seedlings in four sap,
arate pots in a hothiense, he covered
one pair with a bell of blue glass
another With a bell of green glaeia,
a tilled with a bell of red glass, while
the fourth was expoged to ordinary
white light. At the end of two months
the plants subjected to blue light were
only one inch. high,' having hardly
grown at all. Those.expoSed t� white
light were four inehea high, thoe that
had grown in greenlight were five
inches high, wiiile thotie whose light
had beett red Were no less than six-
teen inches high. Expertments with
other kinds of plaets gave vetioes
reeults, but in every instance blue
light irispeded growth and develop-
* 4 *
Drives Asthma Like Magic. The
immediate help from Dr. J. D. Kel-
logg's Arithtna Rentedy seeme like
Magic. Nevegtheless it is only a nat-
ural remedy used he a. natural way,
The antoke or vapor, reachingthe
Most renlote passage of the Oleo' ted
belles, brushes' hilide the trouble and
°nano a way for freelt air to .enter.
It le sold by dealers throughout the
Lesson for Pig Users.
in131tfiLeuiclakillwIt ireg raisitg eWnasser3hle2tWeild
Utter mates eight weeks•old. At the
end of the fatenting season one eeig
weighed 620 pounds, the other only
61. The expenses Were, reepectivelY,
$15.64 and $6; and the ohe sold for
;68, the other for P. „ This Mettne
• Weight in the proportion of 1 •to•8;
expenses, 3.11 to 1; selling price, 7.26
to 1. Thus, ficientifie raising can
elimihate the notorious "rittorbaek."
hog,. •
Soparate Skirts,
In13kirtaftriall—ro short and narrolv.
'The pleated skirt nowhere Visible.
%steed, 4 men:a-circular flare ap-
pears et this front only.
'Returning toletiera say our 1r1e are
behind the Unita WO long
Ian it tragic
Me Minor's 'Wenn Powder and the
battle agattuit Wotnts is .Won. These
DOWdert correct the morbid conditione
of the stomach Venjult nourish Igt>triae,
Old these delantbitot Ilaraeitea earls
not eXiet after they come In eon,.
tact With the medicine The worms
itre digested by the powders end ere
speedily evacuated With, other rattail,
from the Pods. Soundnets is tut -
petted to the organa and tee breadth
tit the Ohre' 0144410i inifprOyse,
Rzeagiinrae. D'Italia-At New York, front
Santa Clara -At New York, teem se Na.
Tiger -At Now York, trout St. Nazeire,
Taormine-At New York, :roma Genoa,
and MareeitIes,
21PaPPd -*-7.44.AJ PNh ei 1 lavd elipohrki , ft% lietdradte. aux.
Argentine -At Gibreitar, from NW. York.
Gibralter, from Nett • ;It
Duca IYAosto-At Naples, front New
Bria, - At Marseillea, from New
eaOrna-At Loodon, from Montreal.
cal:ma-at Sydney, from Bell toland.
Seal -At Sydney, froni St. John's,
Bessie Keeper -At Sydney, from Char-
"Completely Discouraged"
Is the feeling and plaint of women who
are "run-down" eo -low that Whrir dregs,
head aches, back eel*, dn
ragtong dow
pale natgniiin84, gsdwi leeza:ki
pay and "every,-
thing goes wrong. '
Look mo other
way just a minute
and ;ea what Dr.
Fierce's Favorite
Prescription has
.clone for more
than a million wo-
men in the teat
for othero it can
do for von.
It hehring hand
to lift up weak,
. Aired, over -taxed
women -that's
what you'll find in •Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. It eivee you just the help
teht:trest,:eti need, 'lo be had liquid or
tablets. Tablet fairrn, 60 cents, at all drug
It ilea medicine that's made especially
to build up wonien's strength and to cure
woroen's ailmenet-en ievigoratiiig, re-
storetive tonic,' -.sobeldeig cordial and
bracing nervinen }steely vegetable, mono
alcoholic, and peefectly harmless.
'You can procure a' trial' pkg. by send-
ing 10e. to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
TILLSONDITEG, ONZ-n.ti few years ago
t had a severe nervous break -down. I
would have pains In my head' and would
suffer with -beekache. Is was ailing for
about two years. Had doetored but did
not seena to get cured of the ailment. At
last I took Dr. Plerceis Fevorite Prescrip-
time and it aid no more 'good than any
medieinta I ever took. It built me up and
I felt better In every way than I had for
two yeargprevioustye-laftte. L, lineerte.
Good as Ice Rink Except in Very
Warm Weather.
Nature has been eonquered once
moro. Men can Orate ,not on We, but
on salt. A salt slzating rink, conatrue-
ed by a patended ,process, waa recent-
ly exhibited and Operated in Berlin.
All skater» will welcome the inven-
tion of a method of producing by pure-
ly chemical means and without the
employment, of a costly refrigerating
process of saline crystaline masa which
exhibita all the characteristic proper-
ties of ice. The eurface of the lease
can scarcely be distinguished from a
surface of natural or artificial ice, end
the resemblance is increased by the
fact that the shavings produced by the
skates have all the appearance of
snow. The mass- Is entirely odorless
and contains no ingredient injurious
to the health or the clothing of tho
skaters. It can be utilized for skating
wtth ordinary ice skates in every sea-
son and climate, except when tee tem-
perature is higher than 86 degrees IP.
The mass can. be Applied to any
tight floor of Wood, cdment or asphalt.
from which it ca e easily be removed
by chipping or steaming. It is pre-
ferable to consertiet the skating floor
in a building, but it May be Installed
in the open air if it is protected from
rain and drying winds. --Scientific
Some people never stop to think,
and wouldn't think 11 they did.
Bicycle Tires
'Unquestionably the
Best Tire* Nadel,
. .
Por speed, safety and t1zoroughl4y
satisfactory service, be sore tca
ride on '`Doniirdosi" Tires, Tho
extra mileage makes them 010
best an4 cheapeat to buy. 10 t
sold YtAff
Leading Deniers
November is the Mating Month
in Holland.
It is the usual thing with the Dutch
to impress match making in all its
branches within the mouth of Novem-
ber, The four Sundays of the month
mark the four stages ot the courtship
and each is iznown by its, individeel
earn() gs "Re -view," "Decision," "Pur-
chase" and "Possession" Sundae.
On Review,Sunday in a village the
whole populatien lingers after church
while tbe yotille people parade ebut,
by shyly forbearing to speak. Dee's-
ion Sunday ele a long step forward.
After the seryleet eace bachelor ap-
,proaches the: Maiden of his choice
with a ceermonizeie bow: He must be
shrewd, for from her manner of re-
sponding he Jai to judge whether it is
the part of wiadom Or of danger to
make furtheradvanees.
If the test et. Decision Sunday Is
safely passed,' efie.agitor waits a week
and an Purehase, Sunday calls upon
the parents of, his belayed. With their
approval he .tniWappear oh Possession
Sunday as a earespective bridegroom.
November is chosen as the fittest
month oe tlae"ereter, bectitise- the hard-
est work of farraing Is over and the
comfortable Aimee of gathering the
harvest is th&m.erriest season of all.
Candied Fruits.
Candied fruits are delicious.
Limes, apricots, prunes, pineapple.
And other tasty ones.
Write us for prices on strictly new
goose, duck, chieken and turkey feath-
ers, any quantity. Highest prices
paid. Geo, H. Hoes Son a Co., Lim -
Red, 62 BAy street. Toronto.
• .0
Owl Stopped Wheels of Industry.
The curioua combination of an owl
and a steel trap in which the bird had
become caught and flown away, trap
and all, alighting on a high-powered
electric cable carrying 11,000 volts a
electricity to run a tnill at Goodyear,
Cont., stopped -the power and threw
several hundred tnen ont of work to
several hours. Linemen, after several
hours' search, located the owl, burned
to a cinder.
Bffigies Thought to Bring Luck.
The scarab of the land of the Pyra-
mids is the expreesion of the hope of
resurrection and the desire to live
long, As the beetle was supposed to
be always bOyre anew, 50 the earrying
of the beetle or its image earne into
the customs of the ancients. The war-
riors of an elder day hung the images
of gods about their necks, and xnany
of the brooches and pins oe the old
fighers were the effigies of luck -bring-
Prevents Aceidental Poisoning,
To prevent poison being listed in
mistilke for medicine an inventor has
patented a bottle with the neek at
0710 side and so formed that its con-
tents cannot be poured out without
careful manipulation.
Spring Fever
—What Is It?
rir lint o'clock in the after-
' noon -- and absolutely no
"pep." You call it spring
fever, but is it?
When you are constipated waste matter ree
Plaine in the intestinee„ decays, forms poisons
which are absorbed into your blood and earricd by it to every
cell in your body, When your cells are thus poisoned, of
course yousheve no
Pias,salts,mincral waters, castor oil,ete.,merelyforee the boat.
els to net, and Make conetipation and self-poisoning a habit.
Nujof Is entirely different from drugs as it does not force or
irritate the bowels.
Nnjol prevente stagnation by softening the food waste iind
encouraging the inteetinal Inueeles to aet naturally, thus re -
Moving the Cause of cortstipatiOn and self-poisoning. It ie
abiolntely hermlesa and pleasant to take.
Nujoi helps Nature tetablish easy, thorough bowel emelt-
atiott at regular Intervals -the healthiest habit in the world.
Ott it bottle of Ntlitil from your druggist today and watch
your "pep" donee hack,
ire:Ming• ZIA:a Welt let tebaltetellctetnylretsrollgtlarestlitatia:
It, InuAt often have struck tee obo
storm that many people who lead,
highly irregular lives ere tar healette
ler in body and itt tuipti than tit
who live lives eo the utroost regulZe
.ty, whose whole ilie is a kind of ei-
taiszed time -taint), every tutnute of
wturn could be nescribed ir year ii
vance. yet tve are Always being adtle-
ed and eaveiing otbere41 leaa lives
the utneaet regularity. To Mitre reeleer
vacate, to evoke evcitentent, hurry sled
teem, to go to beii in geed time, and te
arranee theor recreaton with method.
weer°, teen, does, the truth HO Aa
usual partly with bete. Tbia le a very
different thing from saying thin the
trutia liee in tbe mean. in the first
• pain) owing to tile enortuttue differ-
ence, iinyeeeal and temperamental, be-
tween different individual% there are
120 hygellie laws of universal applica-
non, but quite apart Xrom this It MaY
be etated as generally true that for
tnia°nsety,paeorifle; oefxaceble)otiuinte0rie4eUilgater'l to;
a life of constant irregularlte" a
equally harmful, or at any rate equelse
saiYenedni:veirtt'taeoleittillyvee'ajalirierthe eeeichlf":611Xitrni.nplUiTimichi Ideaty l
regularity, tempered by not to) inir
(Plant otatburais of peyeical mime
ganee, the oceaelonal fast and the c-
05510851 feast are endicated, not mere,
ty for reasons of religion or aestheties,
but for geed (mild reesone, o healte
and vitality. The etaegy lite, the as.
cello 11W, and the ;life of habitual or.
&tics are ell three hygienically un-
fortunate. The needs of man are very
complex, end bealth, like happiness,
is generally beet seought in variety.
And that Is one of!the reasons why ea
large aemeed• of both these goods Is
garnered .be outh: The explanetion is
far from,. helhg merely physiological.
If in raiddie, age we would but con-
tinue the. eelsie habits of the young we
should be nurearised to see how small
would lii the:tailing off of the Yield.
We beget taJao14- much too soon, al-
though Terttlitettely-not so men as our
fathere peed:
A very valunele iepert on what doe.
tors eau thee etiology of eickets bee
just been isolied bY the British Medi-
cal Resoareb „Conehittee. It bee cent -
manly been,lield that rickets is alumet
entirelya. censeedence of faulty feed-
ing, and itrhas ben believed that
in Last-J.:wilt* was almost a sure pre-
sentive in the great majority of cieses.
It we &nee:Olathe conclusions at whicti
the Ntettikal 'Research Committee have
arrived ,as the resiet of aa investiga-
tion intea very large nitmlier of cases,
we shalt beee to drop our old notion.
E'or these eltstingelshed dcetors con
tend that tile facts prove that diet
alone has very little to do with tee
causation efethisedisease. The dura-
tion of ;breast .'feeding, they hold, is
nOt proved to haseesany relation to tbe
ineidenee of eickete, the age at which
artificial tdeding. Is commenced ap-
pears to be of little moment, and the
eilfeccite soLts•viekantotyseignndiinicoann-trieldzeutfteYrefniOcu-
As summarized in .the "Britieh Medi-
al Journal," the report shown • that
the majority of caeca in both nekettY
and non-riCketty children seem to
(lave had an adequate supply of fat
uring infancy. The evicience was
pellet a deficiency of milk or fat
eing a determining faCtor. On the
tiler hand, illadeqUate air and excite
Ise seem to he potent factors in de-
ermining the (meet of the disease.
he probability Vhat rickets Will ace
ur was found to increase with the
umber of children in the family,
lthough thee lived in the same dis-
rict the social coliditiOna of the non-
icizetty families Were better than
hose cif the ricketty, but the dietrict
1 the city in which the child dwelt
ad not so gfeat an influenCe on the
evelopment of rickets as .the actual
onditions of the home, The cuble
pace per each person was 32 per cent,
es,s in the families With cases of
narked rickets than in families free
rom the disease; and the house Was
istinctly cleaner in the lion-ricketty
ban in ale xecketty fa.milice. Rickets
as found to. be Very Uncomlnon hi
he garden 'cities of Bourneelle and'
alt Sunlight. Briefly, tbe • conclusion
rrived at is that the really Important
auses of rickets are improper housin
iid absence Boifmf-ascoilnitBiess. for open-air
One of the dengers associated with ill-
c(si siess tilknevpoolvssinibgielotonrgmapettrolondosf obfedr-esores
proper care, and precautions are hot
Item In nearly all eases, these results
om techelcal Ignorance or neglect That
to say that except in certain paralytic
se8 they are preventible if the tturse
charge known what to do ned does it.
some cases where there is great 01118'atoll and the whole betty, has .a very
w vitality, it is„ sometitnes, extremely
ffictilt to prevent bedsores. But still,
en in such eases as these, prevention
possIble thongh once they have been
lowed: to font, cure is often impossible.
The principal preventive methode are
In the case of all patients who
e likely to have to spend a long time
bed, the bed- should be omoothly made,
ft, and elastic. A water -bed, e.ontalna
r only just enough water to support
O patient, is best of all, particularly
tere tentlepcy to soreness shows it -
f. Then, again, everything Must be
no to preveht continuous pressure an
e parts moot, likely to be effecttil, sueh
the hips, bottoin of the spine, and
ttocks, This• can generally be effected
slight alterations in the position of
e patient, and by the use of pillows,
etc, Lastly, and most im-
Kara of ell, scrupulous eleantinesa
st be taken to prevent the slightest
Ito.mination of the akin with urine or
ter excretions-. The back and hips
mild 011101011)' bathed With warm
tor tWice dailY, thbrottghly dried, and
n dusted avith an equal mixture of
Iler's earth andob,Ofrracie powder.
Worth temernberitig.
telt an onion (lipped in ealt and
on a Wart is said to cause it t
Noth:1Ig is better to ease !sore, lilies
ed feet than a salve Made of netts
tallow and alcohol.
A few chopPed ralaine or detes add -
to apple ealed le an iMprovement,
qua! parte of linteeed oil and lime
ter make a soothing application for
lack stoekings will keep black if,
er v.'aehing, they are rineed 18 rae
r slocp bluing water.
• so
Tea leaves and vincear will eleall
the inside of a vase whieh had becente
Try tint (welding intik and cooling
It when,_rattking elegant pie.
in large fa.‘ Mos, where 'cream la
a luxury, the "top" Milk, Altichenel
with etaparatcd milk, will be found
very niee for tonal and coffee.
There ere lots of fossils that haven't -
beet placed ift rinteriume. Flame of thenl
are stilt -walking ground,