HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-07-03, Page 8Page
1919 Old Girls' and 1919
Old Boys' Reunion
Hanna & Co
Hello Ma! Hello Pa! We will be
waiting to 'welcome you . at our
store Iduring ,Old Home Week.
Our basement will be equipped
and :chairs where you
MaY.„. bAve your own. lunches.
on'1fail to. come. • .
Tho .big reunion will be in full
X '
lit swing.
' • •;*
The Store with the Stock.
rotravimotargarolx vateriarrxxxxxxr.:
Local Girls Who Took Part in Liewoc Peirrott Concert
•• Reading from left to right. Top row -Aileen Kennedy, Hilda Cowell, Mrs.
R. V. Brooks, Edna Scott, Jean Currie.
Centre row -Ruth Anderson, Shirley Dotaldson, Eva Patterson, Sarah Mc-,
Lean, May Dinsley.
Bottom row -Mary Coulter, Mrs. W. H, Dore, Lizzie Gilchrist, Vera. Road-
, house aud Bessie Abell.
MissViolet McGuire is spending a few
weeks with her brother, Holstein.
• Miss Olive and Jean Jackson of Moose
jaw. Sauk,* spent a few delta at their un-
cles', Mr. John McGuire.
• Mr. and Mrs, A. Wray of London,
spent a week with Mr. .and Mrs. Geo
Dr, and Mrs, Allisorr of New Toronto,
are visiting the Doctor's Mother and ins.
Mr. Adam Geddes of Dakota, is visit-
ing at his brother's, W. S. Geddes.
, •
The Misses Devid have returned to
London after spending a few weeks with
theft: grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Carter.
• Mrs. Blackstone of Warren, Illinois, is
vielting with Mr. and 1Virs, Daley.
• Miss Hilda Sutton of Toronto, is visit
Int with old friends in the village.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Vanoetnan el
Ilannota.: Man., are here for the Huron
Old gloy's Reunion.
hira. Adams and daughtere have re-
uraed to their home in Kingsville, after
spending a couple of weeks with their
brother. Robt, and Neal 'McCrea.
Sunday fast, Biehop Williams held
Confirmation Service in the Anglican
church, and preathed a very appropriate
eermen from the text "Love the Brother-
There will be specie' service in the
Methodist church, next Sunay evening.
for the Orangemen. Rev. Davidson will
give the eiddress.
Have represented eon -
federation Life Assoeia7
tion in Wingham forover
27 years
And have never had one dissatis-
fied Policy holder which proves
that 1 give
To my patrons and honest In.
surance in One of the oldest and
most reliable Companies.
"See me before you buy Life In -
at ranee,"
A. E. Smith
Private Banker
Wingham, Ont.
R. 1VIccalluin auto rwhhyteriaa church
here exeltanged ptilpite on Sunday, ea
A merriage of e oiis1ierabe interest Rev. me, Rod of south /cows, and
took place at the Roman Catholic church Rev, W. lirettley of Tecswater.
on Wednesday morning, when Miss Mary
daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Angus McKie
non became the bride ot Mr, Leonard Le -
tang of Pembroke. The ceremony was
performed by Rev, Fr. Letang, brother of
the groom and seldom has the church had
a bigger crowd, The sidewalk leeding
to the church waegarpeted with Brussels
carpet and the church was decorated
with roses, carnations and orange bias
&loins. The bride was escorted up the
aisle by her father and was given away in
front of tire altar where she was met by
the groom. She was attended by her
sister. The bride was dressed in white
satin with Juliette cap aria veil and carried
a bouquet of white rosee. The brides-
meid was di•esned in pink satio and car.
ried a banquet ot red roses. The St.
Augestine choir turnishect the rnusle.
After the ceremony the bridal party were
driven to the brideshome where a tannin-
ful werkliog dinner was served. The
bride and groom left on the afternoon
train for an extended honeymoon amid
ihowers of confetti and good wishes.
From Sr. Und to Jr. IIIrd-Lillie Gar.
niss, (-honors) Pearl Mathers, Margaret
McVettie, Hazel • Hamilton, Gordon
Hamilton, Lloyd Turvey (recommended.)
From Jr. Ilnd to Sr. Mid -Bert Gar-
niss, Harry Garniss.
From Ist class to Jr. Itud-Howard
Woodrow, Melville Matters, Margaret
Mnstard, Irene Allen.
Front Primer to Ist. class- Dorothy
McVettle, Bert 1Viathers, Clifford Wood-
rew, Derothy Garniss, Faith Warwiels.
S. S. No. to. Mania.
Sr. IV A. -Mable Johpston (H), Jessie
Messer, Greta Eckmier, B. Harry Robb,
Grace Xernaghan.
Jr. IV-Dunelda 1VIacDonalcl (H), Flor-
ence Eckmier(H), Vera Sellars(H),
Campbell Robertson.
Sr. 111 Mary Breckenridge, Clarence
Johnston, Ernest Karges.
Jr. III Gertrude Wheeler, Ethel John-
ston, Lizzie Robertson, Irene Wheeler,
Willie Peacock, Jean Messer (absent
through. illness.)
Sr. II Fletcher Pell, Clifford Iternag-
han, John McDougall.
Jr. II -George Peacock, Carl Johnston,
Velma Eckmier, Pearl Johnston,
I -Gertrude Turvey.
P. -Doreen Irckmier, John Kernaglaan
Vtca,a M. ELeiOrie Teacher.
A very quiet wedding took place at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, John Carter on
Wednesday night when their adopted
daughter, Miss Grace became the bride
of Mr, Peter Carter, lately returned from
overseas where he spent some time and
was badly wounded, The ceremony was
performed by the Rev, Mr, Garbutt in
the presence of only the immediate rela
tives of the bride and groom were pres.
ent, They are making their home with
Mr, and Mrs. John Carter for tile present.
On Wednesday night Lucknow turned
out to welcome home another of her hero-
ines in the person of Nursing Sister
Agnes McQuaig, she has been overseas
for sometime and served in hospitals in
England and in France, that were bomb-
ed by Hun aviators, but escaped injury,
She is one of six et this family to enlist,
two girls and four boys, one coming from
Chicago to enlist in the Canadian army
and one going with the Australian army
from Sydney, he was wounded twice,and
badly gassed and returned to Australia.
All the others are at their home here ex-
cept Nursing Sister Cora who is still over-
Wednesday night the band and recep-
tion t-ommgtee marched to the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Aitcheson where they
gave Pte. Alex Butler who was visiting
there) a reception also an address and
$10.00 in gold. Pte. Butler' enlisted here
with the Bruce Batt., but his home is now
in Clinton where his parents moved eince
ee,enlisted. He arrived in town on Tues'
day night and is now visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Dan McIunis at Lang.
At the last regular meeting of Old Light
Lodge A, F. & A. M„ Bro. J, R. Graham
who .recently returned from service in
Egypt and Palestine, presented the lodge
with a beautiful gavel made of olive wood
from the Mt. of Olives, he alsp visited
King Solomon's gave and carved his
nettle there along with Old Light No. 184,
He says names of Masons trom aLl parts
ef the world are carved them
A 'marriage of interest to many here
took piece in Rochester, N. Y., when.
Miss Sadie McDonald daughter of Mr,
:and Mrs. Angus McDonald of the ilth
con., became the bride of Mr, Frank
Wise of Rochester, , Th.ev. E. N.
Nichole performed the ceremony.
•Ny '
Thursdity July 3rd1 iv v
East Wawanosh
Mr and Mrs. W. C. Steen of Carberry
Man, are visiting the Messrs. Irwin of
East Wawanosh, It is twenty-two years
since 1VIr. Steen Was here andhe naturally
missal/limy old faces but is pleaeed to
meet with the other old buys and girls
• who are here at present,
Miss Margaret Montgomery daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Montgomery of
E. Wawatiosh, passed away on Friday
aeth after a leugthy illness. It is. only
about thirteen months since Mr. and
Mre. Montgomery buried anther bright,
loving daughter and they have the
sympathy of all in their sad affection,
Miss Florence Deacon returned froth
Straford Normal School last week. "
Names marked P have passed into the
classes in which they are placed Names
are in order of merit. Honours
Sr IV_* Annie Homuth P
Jr. IV- Alma Loekeridge.
Sr III-. Janisa Homuth P, Annie Pul-
en P, M yrtle Rollaway
Jr. III Neil Potter P, Tom Baker
Chatlie Deyell P, Ivez Aldington P,
Jack Cleghom P, Gordon Deyell P, Char-
lie Douglas.
Sr Il -Dave Finley P, Margaret Pullen
P, Alvin Potter P, Wilfrid Dennis P, Tom
Saint 13, Beatrice Baker P, Fred BaileY,
George Finley.
Jr. II -Vera Finley P, Ivez Chruick-
shanks P, Florence Groves P, Harold
Dennis, P, Orville Welsh P, Henry Finley
P. Lillian Groves P,
Pt. II -Jean Orvis P, Harry Newell P.
Arnold . Dennis P, Doris Halloway P,
Gladys Welsh P, Jim Cruickshanks P,
• Harry Groves P.
Sr I -Mary Pullen I', Albert Rintoul P,
Garfield Finley P.
Jr. I -Hazel Wilson P, Roland Finley P,
Velma Orvis P, Eldon Welsh P, Howard
Baker P, Arthur Aldington P, Thelma
Phippen P, Lillian Groves P, Frederick
Finley P.
• H. A. MUTTON, Teacher.
days, Misses Luella and Bernice Shaw,
Flo Aitchison, Laura Holmes and Mary
Mr, and Mrs, W. j. Masters spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Proctor, 3rd line.
Mrs John Anehor of Pordvvicb, is at
present visiting with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Alex McGee.
Mr. L. W. Ruttan has purchased a
Pord runabout.
Wt. Geo. Mobray and children visited
Cranbook friends last weak.
Miss Lila Grey to visiting friends- at
Torortto this week.
The Methodists will hold their antneal
Garden Party on the church lawn, Tues
day, July 8th. Tea served from 0 to 8
p m The Wingham Band will be in at
and a good program is being
prepared. Admission 35 and 25ets.
Nurse Ruby Duff It home for few weeke
The following teachers have evils:NI at
their homes here for the turn mer hoU
The following is the report of he pro-
motion exarnintions for b S, No. 14, E.
and W. Wawanoele
Sr. 1V-Winnifred Perrier, Elizabeth
Inglis, Prank O'Callaghen, Stanley
Thomson. •
Sr. III -Madeline O'Callaghan, Lenora
Jr. His -Roberta Martin, IVitiity Martin.
Carnet Perrier,
Sr. II -Wilbert Naylor, Alex Inglis,
Printer - Chrissie Inglis.
A. OLIVB CLo‘lfr Teacher
Turnberry Council
The baseball tournament tinder the
auspices of the brass band on Thursday
was fairly well attended and the games
were good exhibitions of baseball. The
game between Belfast and Lucknow re-
sulted in a win. for Lucknow by a score of
6-2. The second ganae between Ripley
and Lochalsh, was won by Lochalsh slime
8-2. The final between Lucknow and
Lochalsh iesulted in a win for • Lochalsh
by a narrow margin of 3. The umpite for
the day was Elliott Little, Chieago. The
brass band supplied an abundance of
musie all day. A sad accident marred
ihe days. proceedings for many when i
the first game Andsrson playing for Luck-,
now in sliding into second base fell on
Wiggins who was playing that position
for Belfast and broke his leg, An officer
Of the C. A, M. C. who was on the ground
assisted by Drs. Elliott and Spence, and
Nurse Stanley of Ripley who also happen-
ed to lie.Rn the ground dressed the leg
and he was rentoved to his home in Dun-
gannon . A fad that makes' the accident
more sad is 'that- Wiggins is both deat
and dumb. The ball team immediately
got together arid donated their ehares cf
the proceeds to 'Wiggins.. It was a very .
unfortunate 'accident andLwill lay hilts up
for some time,
Jack MeDonald who recently bought
the Saw mill and chopping mill of Thos.
Treleaven met with a very painful acci-
dent when hie hand came in contatt with
a saw vvhicti he was operating and „badly
mangled his hand though no part of it
had to be amputated.
Soldiers to arrive home during the past
week included Pte. Glen of Glen's Hill,
Driver King rho worked for Phillip Mc
Millan before tha war, Pte. Alt Mitchell
who spent some time with the Siberian
force in Russia, and Capt. Merchison who
was with the forces as :ehaplain. His
early home was here and he is yiSiting his
brother, Sam here and other friends.
Arthur Newman whoewas on the staff of
the Sentinel here some time before going
overseas- visited friends hereoVer Sunday.
Mr. 'J. Carruth of Guelph and Mr, F.
L Carruth of Wingham spent Sunday at
their home here.
Miss Freda Aitchesonhas completed
bei course at Toronto Normal School and
is spending a few days here before going
back to Toronto to take a coarse in the
gindergarten wolk.
Mr. John Bell of Ripley has been en.
gaged as engineer of the waterworks
• here and "caretaker of the.tovo hall, and
will commeoce, his duties .M abut two
weeks, in the meantime the plant 15 being
• run by Mr, Bowden Ritchie.
Miss Hattie Carruth is spending Old
Home Week with friends'in Wirigharn,
1,00AL IDIPROVEIgRene Name;
ist Theyoutiell of the corporation 0 the
'AMA of wingham Monde u, countract as
lora improvement the foitoweat works:
4eword with or without cellar dieing laid la
the sone trench, es may be deemed advisable
by the Streets, Sewers and Sidewalks Commit-
1 On John 'Streets between Minnie and
William streets.
3 On Vtatorla Streets between Ifrances and
Stutter Streets.
3 On Minnie tit. North from Patrick Street,
4 On Minnie fitreet from John to Victoria,
0 on Altana Street from Edward to Minnie
Streets and on Minnie Street front Alfred.
Street to Meet No 3.
0 On Scott 8t, from Viotoria to the present,
sewer -
7 That the Waterworks aystent of the sald
Tewn 0 Wingham be extended by laying of
makes on .Shuter Street between Patrick and
Alfred Streets.
8 on Scott Street between Victoria and!
Josephine Streets.
And lutenas to speolally assess a part of the
cost upon ttto two, abutting dlreetly on the
work, ,
2nd. The estbnated cost of sewer's Is $1,fitl0
.0 which 43,354 Is to be paid by the Corpora -
Lion. The estimated special rate per foot
frontage is 4 1114 cents, The speelal assess.
meet Is to be patd hi thirty annual instalments
iird The estimatul cost ut he Waterworks
I s VMS, ot which tie part is ta 'be borne by
the Corporation. TI.o estimated special rate
per foottrontage 1* 1 rents. The opecial as-
sessment IS to ha p ;:41 in (hal y annual Instal
Ith A. petition against thee work win no
avail in prevent its construction.
Datedtilisllth day of June, 1010,
Naomi; E, anoVEN,
A. very successful garden party was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Rich-
ard Irwin Ioth con. on June eatel. 'Under
the auspices of the young people of Brick
Church. A bountiful supper was served,.
a good prognuntne was rendered and
• Music funished by the Luckuow Band •
Proceeds at the gate in the neighborheod
The average temperature In June Sot,"
years past has been about 02i degrees.
The maximum temperature day by, day
for june 1019 has been away above the
normal, There has not been a day his;
month that the thermometer at some nine
did not register over 75 degrees. On
June 3 and on June 14 and 15 the maxi.
mum temperaenre was somewhere be-
tween 03 and 94 degrees.
Minutes of council meeting held in
Bluevate, June 23rd 1919, members ail
present. Minutes of last regular Meeting
and minutes of Court of Revision, were
,read and adopted on motion of Scott and
The following accounts were paid: -J.
Kelly, drawing grader, $1.00; M. Sharpin,
rep.road and culvert, $3 00;0. Stokes, rep
road, $1,50; A Lincoln, team on grader.
$3 SO; 1 Stokes, team on grader, $3.601
D Marshall, team Oh grader, $3.50; 5
Marshall, team on grader. $3.50; W.
IVietshall, rep road, S1.00; P. Haugh, shov.
Oleg gravel, $600; R. Weir, team on
grader, $2 50; N. Underwood, team on
grader, $5.00; R, Wilton, team on grader,
$5.00; John Smith, team on grader, $5.00;
Thos Weir, managing geader, $22 50;
adeMichael, shovelling gravel, $4 00;
• J. I: Scott, gettitig rep. for grader, $3 00;
W. Gallagher. puttiog in culvert, t 7 00;
3, L. IVIcBwett, engine and operating
grader, $39 00; R. •Hupfer, gravelling,
$51 15; J. Edger, gravel, $6.90; Mrs.
Brooke, rent for lull, $7.50; Chas Alt.
ken prating itt tulvert, $7..00; Chas. El.
Boa, tile, $3 SO
Moved by V" A. Mines and J. J. Moffat
that the next conecil meeting be held in
Bluevale, Monday. July 28th, 1010, at
P. Powell, {eIerk).
S. S. No. le :NIorrie. Netnee in order of
I merit,
Front Sr. IJ1i1to Ir. IVth-Kettneth
• McVettie, Arlene Turvey, (Wallet -Sellers
and Frame alteiterd) Jim Turvey, Bertha
S4arcli, Ch: the Warwiolefrerommenatel,)
1 From J. IIIrri to Sr Iliad -Viola
.14 ethers.
FOR ft A1,10,41 foot fVfoOormick Binder In geed
complete.Apply to
FRANK Emory, R. R.
condition, with track and sheaf °sorter
Repreaorattaive Wanted
One ot the MOFft 'PrOfrottlire 0anadin 14te
inseratani repreaulee with over it
Inertaveivete Wm., watts a r .eot,sll5
Wingtem and vicinity. A guarantee tin-
ning renewal Intereitt agency oontrftet.
t v-
toiaa Urn In.m. am* exporters,* net *welt la/
Oa C. ft,—Ilm Artkitton
An unfortunate accident happened to
Mr. Purdy, who is workiug with Robert
Munn on the 8rd coneession of Hay. Mr.
1Viunn was having one of his out buildings
aised, and Mr. Purdy chanced to put his
land on a timber that David Shirray was
hewing with an axe. Before it was really
realized what had happened, Mr. Purdt.
ost two of his fingers under the sharp
axe, and a couple of doctors hurriedly
summoned to dress the wounds and care
for Mr. Purdy who had suffered much
from the shock and great loss of blood.
Billie Burke will elmrpen your shears
for 10e. We make a good job
(Correct up till Wednesday noon)
Wheat No, 2 Spring , ...2 00 to :
Wheat No. 2 Fall 2 11 to
Flour, per cwt, standard, 5 90 to 6 15
Bran, per ton 40 00 to 42 00
Shorts, per ton 42 00 to .,44 00'
Oats 75 to 85.
Barley , • ..... .. . , 85 to 1 00
Hay, 17 00 to 18 00
Butter, per lb. -dairy- as to 50
Eggs, per dozenso to 45
i 40 to • 40
Ctldttle, med.butchers10 00 to 1200
Cattle, butchers choice -13 00 to 14.00
Hogs, liveweight -20 75 to 21 2505 mponAgionnumimmimgres
Butterfat o , . .
On our bargain counter we are offering • ,
Misses' and Cl.;ildren's Shoes and
For $1.00 and $1.25 per pair in nearly all sizes.
Also an extraordinary bargain in Queen Quality Shos
as follows: •
Fine Kid and Patent Boots in sizes 24-, 3 and n
worth $7.50 per pair, for $4.00. •
w 1
Oxfords in tine kid and patent in sizes 2*, .3 and • n,
only, worth $6.00 per pair' for •
• $3.00' per pair.
1-1:„ W.I
• _.6(
Miss Myrtle Beecroft, nurse -in -training
• fn Kincardine Hospital, is home for a fort-
night holiday,
Mrs. Wm. Shaw of Toronto, is spending
a few weeks with Langside relatives and
also with her sisters, Mrs Mac. Ross and
Mrs. T. H. Moore, of this place.
Mrs E. Sperling attended the wedding
Of her nephew in Palmerston ort 'Wednes-
day last, •
Mrs Fralick and daughter of Hamilton
spent the week -end at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Martin of the village.
Recently David Clark, a farmer ot con-
cession 14, Grey Township, was sitting in
his home, when a bolt of lightning struck
the house knocking off part of the chimney
and made its way into the interior. Mr..
Clark was in fine with its course, and got
a slight ehock. His knife in the pocket of
hie trousers diverted the current, which
went through the seat at the chair on
which hewas seated. One foot showed
a purple lind, Where too clOse contact was
evident. •The room was filled with sub
phorous srnoke. It IS hoPecl Mr. Clark
• vitt soon fully recover. ,
A large crowd of gypsies are carnmhg
at Torrence's; side.road, and are engaged
in their occupation of hdree trading. All
the sport e of town have drivers now
which they wonld not trede for antontoe
The ocal lodge of Masons attended
• service in the 1Viathodiet church oil Sun•
day morning. Brethren from Winghani.
Kincardine and Ripley helped to nAke
good tern out.
Rev. Mr, Garbutt who NW hilan plater
of the Mstirotaet church 'for the pest three
year preached his farewell /sermon on
Bentley night, to a. large ceregregatian.
Rot.tlm, Perrie of Wlergbetat and Adv.
Miss Edythe Peddle, who has been
teaching at Kingarf, is home for her holi-
Mr. and Mrs, Duncan MacTavish, are
this week moving to Ripley, where the
latter will spend the summer while the
former attends college in Toronto, Mr.
MacTavish preached his farewell sermon
in the Methodist church on. Sunday night.
Miss Cora Sherriff of Star City, Sask.
is visiting at the home 01 her aunt, Mrs.
John Clubb. •
WM Live In HistOry as Having Given
Their Names to Articles of Every -
Day Cornmeece.
Three towns • in northern Prance
have given their names to, articles of
every-dity contmercel-Cansbral, from
which "cambric" is "derived; Arras, a
• term applied to it certain kind of
tapestry, and Valendennes, noted for
its lace in olden antes. CaMbriti, tOen
Ls associated with the name of the
great French ecclesiastic and moralist,
• Prancois renelon, a statue of whore
Stood In. the CO thedral before the Ger- •
mans eaptared the town. Fenlon
wrote orm. of thesi•nost famous novels
Of the eighteenth eentery: "The Ad-
venture8 of Telemaehrie," an account
of the sonof tlysses. At Cambrcti was
eoncluded n Very CuriOuS treaty, the
So-called• "Lndiee Peace," between
Louie° of Savoy and Ittargeret of Aust-
trla, representing Prailee and Austria,
respectively, In 1520. At Arras was
born the- celebrated leader a the
French Revolution, Maximilian Xtobea•
• plerre, who organized the Reign of
Terror by which he himself Was thattlly
to fall. Valenciennes no longer made
• the beantif 01 Ince which its name, sugs
gests, but was a center for the menu-
• feature of hosiery, trimmings, and
handkerchiefs. It was the birthplace
• of two famous men-Watteart, wboee
paintings are regarded as perhaps the
most eharacteristia products of Freneh
net in the eighteenth cehtury, and
• Prolssart, whoee ehronicles of the
Work of the 'Middle Ages nre full of
tivivement and volor, Near by is an-
other tablolk4 town-Dnimi-swhose
ottme is Joined with a version in Eng-
lish of the Bible prepared for the
• sPeeial use of the ratholic
Dutch Tannetiee.
On adeount of the intibility to
pori tanning materials overseas, sev-
eral Dutch lanneritss nave built small
extracting plants at 4.11 expenae of
about $20,000 veal.
- -
• Miss M. Campbell of no: 9 school has
been re-engaged for next year.
• Mrs, Mowat Cliowen is visiting friends
in Owen Sound. •
Messrs. Miles and John McMillan,
made a busines trip to London and Pet-
rolia last week.. •
Mrs, Wm. Dawson and Miss Jean spent
the week.end at the home of the former's
brother, IVIr j, C. Purdon, of St. Helen's,
.Miss Edna IVItiegrove of Wingham is
spending a week with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Kennedy, mot-
ored rip from Toronto, last week and are
visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs,
David Kennedy.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ramage of Asq-
uith Sask. have come East to visit .re-
latives. Mrs. Ramage was formerly Miss,
Edna Cuyler of the village.
Murrays' school and Langside school
held a union picnic on. Monday afternoon,
June 30.
Mr, Alex Casemore has gone to Kin-
cardine, where he has taken a position in
a hardware store.-
• Pte Charles L. Gi11espi and Signaller
Roy M. Patten returned' from ' Overseas
last week. Both enlisted With the 100
in the whiter of 1918, and both have seen
active service in France. •—
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ross spent July I
in Goderich.
-At Fleming, Sask. on Wed.,- June 25'
there passed away a former well-known
resident of Whitechureh, in the person of
Mrs. John Campbell, whose maiden npme
was Miss Kate Ross, daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. George Ross, of 2nd con.
Kinloss The late= Mrs. Campbell was
married nine years ago to het riow bereav-
ed husband since that time lived , at
Stockholm and Fleming, Sask She had
been in her usual health until she under-
went an operation. The operation Was
successful but the patient finallY succtimb-
ed. One sister and six brothers survive;
Mrs. W. J. Coulter, Malcolm and Robert
Ross of Whitechurch, Alex, of Netherhill,
Sask., David of Winnipeg, Anges of Hart-
ney, Man., another brother, George, was
killed in action in France, less than a year
Get Ready For Reunion Week -Buy Now
I_ MN. wi..•1.1.3a1Wiw ef•
Specials in Summer So
tor,r,mt -In Wingham on Wednesday,
June 26th to Mr. and 1V1re, Herbert
Collar, a daughter.
• CLOATOLY— At Sunehine Maternity Iion)
Ben DUO, California, June 214, t
Mr, old Mrs. Jaw Cloakey, a am.
• Wash Skirts Middies
Silk Gloves Silk itose
Voile Blouses
Sport Skirts
Sport Frillings
opt Clothes for itil
Summer Suits
White Trousers
Siik Shirts.'
.Silk Hosiery
Summer Neckwear
:Summer Underwear.
Panama Hats
'Straw Hats
• Kings' Grocery Dept.—Poro. Foods at frione0aving Prices
To enable you to. feed your guests economically. vitd Ofkr these prices for this •
week only, put in your supply to.nd boy now. •
3 lbs. best ..... .....250 Shredded NVbeat ..10c Aylmer Tomatoes ..... ..15c
Aylmer Peas 15e Corn Plakes ,..10c 5 lbs best tea '3.15
White beans, per lb... Sc 12 bars Laundry Soap..90e Pure extracts 10e
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyi mama xxxxxxxxxxx