HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-08-26, Page 5Succeed to the Old 'Established Business of - - - JOHN JACKSON Messrs. We & Fied T.JLCkSO1beg to announce to the Public that they have formed a Partnership under the above firm name and will conduct "Up -to -Date'° oot and Shoe Establishment .•mmePu-AT THE OLD STAND.r Durin this week we will not be open for business, as extensive improvements and alterations are g being made, but on AUGUST.31st, open with AN IMMENSE SELECTION OF ALL THE NEW GOODS to be obtained in the best We will Markets. Modern Principles—that is, SELL FOR CASH, We will d® business on M believing that the LOW PRICES which we will offer will be sufficient reason for the great majority to adopt this system. OJ Our future announcements in this paper will be of interest to shrewd buyers. JACKSON & JACKSON, - CLINTON. Don't want it all —BUT WOULD LIKE TO SELL SOME Public School Books This week. Think we can fit the children out all right. Will try anyway. The smallest child will receive the same fair and courteous treat- ment as the biggest man or prettiest woman in town. Worth remembering, isn't it? Better send along your children, we'll use them right. FILEN & WILSONI'S Prescription Drug Store. • -meq,- Clinton. -411•0,--- to We don't sell High School books, only Public School Books and Staple Stationery. To Smokers Test the wishes of theirDcustoiners The eo. E. Tuckett & Son Co.,' L.td., Hamil- ton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of "T &B ss SMOKING TOB 9CC0. This supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the fam- ous "T & B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. . The tin tag"T & B" is on every piece. PERSONS TO TRAVEL, WANTED. --Several faithful gentlemen and ladies to travel for established house. SALARY $780.00 AND EXPENSES. Position permanent if suited.; also in- crease. State reference and enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. TIIE NATIONAL, 310.317.315 Omaha Bldg., Oblongo 865.8m. Don't Build Without a Plan. J. ADES FOWLER & CO., Manitoba Excursions �*%-min i�(•:!y. W (. .7 ( Aug. 27th and Sept. 3rd ' --FARE $28.00—• Good for 60 days. Baggage checked through. Only agency issuing Through Coupon Tickets. For reliable information consult WM. JACKSON, Town Agent, G: T, R. Architects and Civil Engineers, Are opening a permanent office In Clinton and are prepared to supply Plane, Specifications and details for any .class of work at moot reasonable rates. Patent Drawings prepared and patents obtained. Valuations and inspections earofally made. ;6 Years Experieneein nnitario. Mall address—P. 0. Bo% 210, Clinton. ANADIAN A� —SONE MORE" '~' EXCURSION TO MANITOBA, TUESDAY, SEPT. 2nd, FARE $28 GOOD FOR 60 DAYS. Excursions to Ottawa, Kingston, Mon- treal and Quebec on Aug. 30th, 31st and Sept. lot and 2nd. Fares $8.25, $7.25 $9.25 and $11.25, respectively. Coupon Tickets issued, reliable infor- mation given by the authorized agent of the C. P. R. Company. A. T. COOPER, C. P. R. Ticket and Telegraph Agent. CLINTON, ONT. Bayfield CONCERT.—The concert in the town hall recently, under the auspices of the Bayfield brass band, was largely at- tended, and proved one of the hest entertainments held here for some time. But two days' notice were given, and many who would have attended knew nothing of the concert until it was past. The programme was an excellent one, and was taken part in by talent from Toronto, London, Brant- ford and Clinton. The dancing of the Highland fling by Miss Josie Mc- Murray, of Clinton, was inuch admired. Solos by Miss Maggie McMurray, of Clinton, and Miss R. B. J. Stanbury, of Toronto, were well rendered. Mr. John Goldeen, of Brantford. sang two solos in fine voice. Mrs. Stanhury's recita- tion, "Reverie at Church," received close attention. The comic songs by Mr. Flock, of London, and Mr. Downs, of Clinton, brought down the house. Special thanks are due Mr. George Stanbury, who took great interest in the preparation of the concert, and was chiefly instrumental in the holding of it. Door receipts, $27. BIRTIIS. DIEnL.—At the rectory, Ailsa Craig, on the 18th inst., the wife of Rev. L. W. Diehl, formerly of Clinton, of a daughter. MIDDLETON.—At Woodside farm, Goderich Township, on the 18th inst., the wife of Mr. Charles Middleton, of a daughter. , FERGUSON.—In Ethel, on -Aug. 20th, the wife of Dr. Ferguson, of a son. PEAREN.—In Brampton, on Tuesday, Aug. 13, 1895, the wife of J. W. Pearen, fortnerly of Goderich, of a son. MARRIAGES. SHEPHERD—MANN.—At the resid- ence of the bride's father, on the 701 inst., by Rev. Dr. McRobbie, of Shel- bourne, Frank Shepherd, of Shel- bourne, to Emma, daughter of R. Mann, of Orangeville. LAIRD—GOVENLOCK.—At the resid- ence of the bride's father,:on August 21st, by Rev. P. Musgrave, assisted by 1 Rev. T. G. Thomson, of Hamilton, former pastor of the charge, Mr. George A. Laird, of North Dakota, United States, to Miss Euphemia, third daughter of Andrew (Jovenlock, Esq., of Winthrop. A Workshop on Wheels. E. Taylor, the celebrated cutler and grinder from Sheffield, England will be here for a short time to do all }kinds of grinding and repairs by steam power. Razors, scissors, tailor's, sheep and _garden shears and all kinds of grinding and repairs done in the best possible manner. Knives rebladed and made equal to new. Saws sharpened ; cross cut saws gummed and sharpened ; lawn mowers sharpened and repaired. Umbrellas and parasols neatly repaired and old ones bought. Stand : Albert St., Clinton. News Notes. There have been 16,000 deaths from the cholera in Japan. Milwaukee had a three-quarter of a million dollar blaze. G. L. Wilkinson of Kingston died at sea on the 20th August, on board the steamer Britannic. ' Butter MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) oLINTON. 0 65 to 0 70 .. 0 45 to 0 50 .... 034to035 . 0 55 tc 0 60 ... 0 40 to 0 50 ..013to0I4 ... 0 9 to 0 10 9 00 toll 00 300 to 400 ... , 3 75 to 5 00 0 18 to 0 18 Fall Wheat.... Barley Oats.. Peas Potatoes, per hush Fred. Filgiano, ex -cashier of the G. I Eggs, per doz day Cordwood Beef Wool T. R. freight otiiee at Hamilton, is under arrest for enrbezzlemeut. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Westcott, Exeter, attended the funeral of Mrs. West- cott's uncle, the late Josiah Butt. • Elgin county fair directors will offer a prize to induce a couple to be married in front of the grand stand. An aged widow in Williamstown, named Mrs. Alex Chisholm, was burn- ed to death by a lamp setting tire to her clothing. The Toronto horse, Lion Heart, won the Beverwyck Steeplechase, worth aixteentat h of amile.iethe second horse Albert Hilliker, a hog buyer, was thrown from the train near Norwich Wednesday night and killed. The sec- tionmen discovered the body. The locality around Picton, Ont., was visited with white frost on Wednes- day night, but fortunately, little dapi- age was done. Mr. John Galster, foreman of the Exeter flax mill, had one of his hands badly jammed the other day while putting a heft $n a pulley. At Listowel, the barns on the farm of D. L. Campbell were struck by light- ning and totally destroyed, also this season's crop of hay and fall wheat. Mr. Richard Delhridge, of Ushorne, has completed a silo, the largest in the county. It is made of Queenston cement and is thirteen feet square, 21 feet high. Mail advices from Hakodate esti- mate the combined catch of all plagic sealers in Asiatic waters this season at forty-two thousand seal skins. Last season the Canadians alone took forty- nine thousand. The spire of Knox Church, Stratford, was struck by lightning at a height of 200 feet from the groundsetting it on fire. The fire brigade. .by passing a line of hose up inside the spire, sub deed the flames after half an hour's - hard work. DEATIIS. NEsrIT.—In Regina, N. W. T., on August 17th, Joseph S. Nesbit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes Nesbit, Blyth, aged 27 years, '7 weeks. CURwEN.—In Goderich township, on Wednesday, August 21, 1895, John Curwen, son of Henry Curwen, aged 20 years, 1 month and 23 days. KINAHAN.—At her residence, 42 Major street, on evening of 16th Aug. Mrs. M. J. Kinahan, formerly of God- erich. RonB.—In Clinton, on the 21st inst., Annie, wife of D. Robb, Esq., School Inspector of East Huron, in her 34th year. BAINES.—In Morris, on Monday, Aug. 19, 1895, Francis J. Baines, aged 36 years, 5 months and 5 days. CRAtG.—In Hullett, on the 19th inst., Catharine Craig, relict of the late John Craig, Bayfield road, aged 90 years. LovE.—In Blyth, Aug. 23, Sarah Love, aged 32 years. OUNINGHAME,—In Clinton, on Aug. 26, Hannah 13., relict of the late Robert G. Cuninghame, aged 79 years. TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET. Wheat white. $ 72 to $ 00 do red Peas Barley Oats.... do new Hay, old do new Straw, bundle do loose Eggs, new laid Butter. lb. rolls Tubs, dairy Chickens Ducks Turkey Potatoes ... .... 30 Dressed hogs 6 00 Beef, forequarters do hindquarters Spring lambs... Mutton Veal 72 to 00 60 to 64 46 to 48 36 to 37 29 to 31 17 00 to18 (10' 14 50 tole 00 9 50 to 000 7 50 to 00 11 to 00 18 to 20 13 to 14 40 to 60 50 to 70 9 to 10 Coming Fall Fairs. CLINTON, Huron Central, Sept. 24- 25. Goderich, Great Northwestern, Oct. 1-3. Belgrave, E. Wawanosh, Sept. 30, Oct. 1. Toronto Industrial, Sept. 2-14. London, Western, Sept. 12-21. Owen Sound, Sept. 17-19. Guelph, Central, Sept. 17-19 Ilderton, London township, Sept. 23. Exeter, South Huron, Sept. 23-24. Zurich, Hay, Sept. 23-24. Wingham, Turnberry, Sept. 24-25. Collingwood, Northern, ept. 24-27. St. Mary's, South Perth, Sept. 25-26. Stratford, North Perth, Sept. 26-27, Ailsa Craig, Northern, Sept. 26-27. Brussels, East Ruron, Sept. 26-27. Seafgrth, Tuekersmith, Sept 20-27. Mitchell, Oct. 1-2. Walkerton, Northern, Oct. 13. Hamilton, Central, Oet. 1.3. to 00 to 6 75 300 to 400 7 00 to 8 00 7 00 to 800 500 to 600 500 to 700 Notice of Contract. On Monday, the 2nd clay of September, at 2 o'clock p. m. a contract will be let at the Colborne Hill, one mile from Boin esville. Plans and Sparifioationamay be seen at the Ramsey House, Holmesville. JOHN COX, Reeve. Goderieh Township, Aug. 20, I895. It TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Milchers and springers,each20 00 to40 00 Butchers' choice cattle,cwt 3 50 to 360 Butchers' good cattle, cwt 3 00 to 3 25 Butchers' corn. cattle, cwt 2 50 to 2 75 Export cattle, per cwt..... 3 75 to 4 25 Export Bulls, per cwt 3 00 to 3 50 Sheep, export, per cwt300 to 375 Sheep, butchers', each250 to 301) Lambs, spring, each 2 00 to 2 75 Calves, choice, each 4 00 to 6 00 Calves, common, each 2 00 to 3 (10 Thick fat hogs, cwt 4 40 to 4 75 Hogs, long lean, cwt 500 to 5 15 Store and light hogs, cwt 4 00 to 425 Stags and rough hogs, cwt. 2 00 to 2 25 Sows for breeding, cwt 3 75 to 400 BRITISIi MARKETS. The following table shows the quota- tions per cental at Liverpool for the four preceding days. In the case of wheat highest prices are given :— s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Spring wheat 5 7 5 6 5 6 5 6 Red winter.. 5 3i 5 3 5 a 5 3 No. 1 Cal.... 5 4 5 3 5 8 Corn... 3 10 3 9a 3 9l 3 81, Peas ... . 5 1 5 1 6 1 5 0 Pork ..58 9 58 9 5873 58 9 Lard 31 3 31 3 32 0 32 9 Bacon, h'vy. 36 0 36 0 36 0 36 0 Bacon, Iight38 6 38 6 38 6 38 6 Cheese, new.38 0 38 0 38 0 38 0 Propelty For Sale. For sale, the large dwelling and lot owned and lately occupied by Dr. Appleton, on Ontatiio street. Has all modern conveniences. Centrally located. Also a house and lot adjoining above property, toeing Victoria street, For particulars apply to MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton. 807-t Farm for Sale. For sale, that splendid farm in the township of Me Killen, 2i miles from (be thriving Town of Seafartb' comprised of— a.ree. The land ie in good condi- tion, well drained and fenced, anda spring creek running through it; one acre orchard. On the premises -aro a one and a half storey atone house 40x 80, with 20118 stone kitchen attached; barn 40x60, with stone stabling underneath ,and two outbuildings. Possession given after harvest. The property ;is a bargain. For full particulars write War. JonaaTorr, the owner, Seaforth P. O., Ont. New Laundry. Huron Street, Clinton, next door to H. Hale's ot6ee Having just opened out our Laundry here we :flab to inform the public that we are prepared to execute all Laundry work in first oleos order. This is a Hand Laundry in every particular, we nee no acid or chemicals of any description. All goods are dried In open air. Customers run no risk of having their goods tom by machinery, while at the same time we guarantee a finish equal to any city work. C. CONSIONEY, Prop. 872-45 Two English railway companies, the Great Northern and the London and North-Western, have just succeeded in breaking the records for express ser- vice by running from London to Aber- deen, a distance of 500 miles, at the average rate of a mile a minute. The Royal Scalp Food Co. of Wind- sor in our advertising columns speak of the merits of their Hair Food a remedy' to be:had atlallthe leading drug stores and which claims to destroy the disease.' germs of the scalp, eradicate dandruff, and give color and vitality to the hair. Corner Yongoand Gerrard Ste., Toronto, Ont. Canada's Greatest Commercial School. Advantages beet in the Dominion ; moc'er ate rates instruction first-class. WRITE FOR CATA LOGITES SiiAW & ELLIOTT, Principals - GO TO TZ-iFt' Town all BARBER SHOP --FOR— S ZRST—C7L -A 1 3f� :: 'aPO1.B . F. $A11iES, - - - Prop. VOTERS' LIST, 1895. .'Municipality of the Township of Goderich, Huron Co. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted of delivered to the persona mentioned In sections 5 and 6, of the Voters' Lists dets, the eepiee required by said amnions to be eo transmitted or deliveredot the list made pnrsaautto said Act of all persona appear- ing by the last revised Asseasment Roll of the said Municipality, to be entitled to vote in the said Muni- cipality at elections for members of theLeglalative As- sembly and at Mnnielpal Elections, and that saidrLiet was first posted up in mylomee in GodeMob town- ship, on the 24th day of August, 1895, and remeins there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said LiSI and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have geld errors corrected according to law, NIXON STURDY, Clerk of Goderieh Tp. Goderich Township, August 24th, 1895. Two barns both full of farm produce, situated on lot 29, con. 1, township of McGillivitry, adjacent to the Lucan railway crossing, owned by T. Dunce -y. were struck by lightning and burned, together with contents,