The Huron News-Record, 1895-07-03, Page 2t tY ' ••a r' • +.1.•.�- s+� 't t 1 • ,Ott r'; 1 i:' f• r tnn::y tee isct re - 11 i.` n'd i.UYer -r. reactteho isscrei ,., are ea'.ty i:: ip , s, . • h I 'ease saes e e o lie sea s Ssti Rider ar rtrt)riet-'3 Fair, •:•.'j. rz:'st.-2;a:•iZlaforth+.c blood. rhe Huron News -Record $1.25 a }'ear -$1.00 in Advance '- WEDNE:91).1Y, ,IttLY 3rd, 1895. AS ITIS JN E CIL-4ND, The advocates of "free trade as it is in England" ars fund of making; con- trasts between the wra1th of the people of England and that of the people of Canada. They tell ns that England lead, money to the world ; but don't mention the facet, that she sends ptr- 'pere to Canada. Tliey tell us that. England is able to bay the test of the world ; but forget all about the mill- ions of starving poor in England. While Canada has no large number of very wealthy own, she has, in propor- tion to the ,population, very much fewer paupers than England, and un the whole the condition of the Canadian is very touch better than the condition of the Englishman. \1'e hear a gond deal from ourfr'iends the Grits about, the public debt of Canada. It is desetibed as being huge and bnr•densome. It is $47.51 per capita. The debt of that paradise of free trade and wealth, Great Britain, is $87.79 per capita -a difference of $40 in favor of the Canadian. Occasionally some Grit contempor- ary rakes up the hones of history, and tell us how the English used to suffer it century ago, attributing their suffer- ing to the protective laws of the time. As a natter of fact, the protection had about, as much to do with the wages and labor a hunched years ago in England as it had to do with the fact that Englishtnen then wore knee• breeches mid tied their ]fair in it tail behind. But how is it now? We will let the Christian World answer. The following is from that excellent jounal: "Does slavery servive in England ? After reading Saturday's special nim - her of the Schoolmaster on the subject of Half -timers, we final it difficult to answer that question in the nogattive. .An insnector writes : '1 examined a child who rose 5.30, worked at 0 mill, and thee walked a couple of miles to exauninattien. Another girl of 11 rose soon after 5 a. in. and walked through the frost and snow nearly two utiles to the trill. Work commenced at 0 and continued ttit 8.30, when there was an interval for breakfast -tete child not leaving the mill. At 9 work again till 12.30" --six hours in all—"and then dinner at the mill. At 1.30 the child trudged off to school.' How many British children are liable to this sort of experience? Not less than 170,000! Shaine on us I" it is admitted that things were not precisely what they should have been in England a hundred years also, but in the fare of the int',rmatjon given by the Christian World, it cannot he denied that fifty years of free trade have not made England as g pod a country fur the poor than and his child as Canada is to -day. 25 CENTS VS. KIDNEY TROUBLE. Fort years i was dosed, pilled, and plastered for weak -hack, scalding 111 int and constipation, without bene- fit. One box of Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills relieved, 3 boxes cured. It. .1. Smith, Toronto. LIBERALS IN OFFICE.'. ft is no new thing to hear the Lihera1 leaders prate about the necessity of economy in the adtoinistr•ation of public affairs, and their determination to in- ttoduee dreetic rneaso"es of retrench- ment if nffnrdcd t he tamest ntity. Their pre,v•p,s and their practices have always been widely different Clings. in opposition they aye strong in the use of the pruning knife, but in office that implement is hurriedly laid aside. Let the record, cited by Hon. Mr. Wallace in his recent speech in the Commons, speak. it stands thus : Expenditure. Revenue. 1872-3. Past ofiir r $1,067,800 $ Public works.. _. 1,490,18:1 1,316.'' Totals ...,.$2,501,051 $2,1. 2 in the year preceding the advent to power of the Liberal party, the admin- istration of the postal service and of public works, including railways and into practice and of exhibiting, the sincerity of thole profession* of ecollauty, the Account stood thus; - 1i xpeed itare. Revenue. 1877-8. 1877.8, Post office... ,$1,724,938 $1,207,7£ ) Public works, ... 2,471,4)7 2,031,483 Totals $4,190375 $3,21' ,273 That is to say five years after the Lib- eral party had obtained control of affairs the net charge upuu the Treas- ury arising out of these services was increased to $051,000, or by no leas than 130 per cent. These ec,011111 isti had suFceed+•d i •t inci nt'»iug t he revenue faun post offices and public works by $1,001,981, anis itt doing this they had auguleuted the expenditure by $1,032,- 321, In other words, 11. cost the people it dollar nod a half to collect every dollar of new revenue from two princi- pal sources of income during the period of Liberal rule. How has it been since, under Con- servative adinioistratiou ? The figti•es testify to the superior business capacity of the present Government, and they are as fulioevs :-- Expenditute, Revenue. 1893-4. 1893-4. Post office $3,;,17,201 Public works .., 3,914,807 3,702, 745 Totals $7,432,008 SA1,512,080 The net charge imposed on the Treasury by these services last year was $920,000 or $31,1))) loss than was imposed sixteen years ago when the Liberals were in power. In that period the expenditure upon post naives and public works rose $3,235,093 but the revenue increased $3,209,813, or in other word:: every dollar of new expenditure under Conservative rule has been mint by 0 corresponding ad- dition to the revenue without the im- position of a single cent of crew taxa - ,ton. In those sixteen years, the postal service has been extended throughout the Northwest, the weight of 3 cent letters has been increased from, a half ounce to an ounce, the city delivery system has been greatly en- larged, canal toils have been reduced, mid freight rates on Goveenptent rail- ways lowered. That is practical proof of the value of the professions of economy of the Liberal party in federal affairs. IN YOUR BLOOD is the cause of that tired, languid feel- ing which afflicts you at this season. The blood is impure and has leeome thin and poor. That is why you have no strength, no appetite, earnest sleep. Purify your blood svith Hood's Sarsa- parilla, which will give you an appe- tite, tone pent stomach, and invigorate your nerves. Hoot's Plats are easy to take, easy in action and sure to effect.. 25c. Stanley Council stet as adjourned Court of Revision on Monday, June 24th. The roliowing changes were made in the assessment roll, Lot No. 8. L. R. E., was assessed to Huron and Bruce Loan and Investment Co., having been pre- viously assessed as nom -resident and part of S. 1)., 1 of Lot 15, con. 1, was changed from Samuel Pollock to John M. Hart. The assessment of Hugh Mc- Gregor was not changed. rhe asses:- ment roll as revised was finally passed and court closed. The council then proceeded with the general business of the township. The fallowing accounts were paid :-B. R. Higgins, Insurance on town, hall $0.1.,'; f)t. Armstrong, vaccinating account and hoard of health -meeting, $13,'0; John Tough, salary and postage. $70.50. A. by-law was passed empowering the treasurer to borrow $1,1)0) to meet the current expenses of the year. Council meets again August, 1'2t11 at Otte o'clock p, ru. J. T. CAIRN:, Clerk. A HANN Of Broad and Fear for Thoilsands of People. Il) You Would Banish the Blues and all Your othor Distresses Use Paine's Celery Coin - pound, Yes, this is just the season when we hoar Wren and women lamenting about their half -deans crnulitien. They find that physical and mental energy has deserted therm, anti they ass' sinking deeply into Ilse pibiif despondency. The hot weather invariably produces thousands of miserable feeling mortals. They lack nerve force, strength anti v;tality. They are usually consented by dyspepsia, flatulence, biliousness, heart trouble, cnnstip•ttion, nervous- ness and sleeplessness, they cannot, rest, day or night, tocol life becomes a burden heavy amd intolerable, The great reraspy-at it; strength and health -giver fel' siir"b we'tt<v, worn -ant and sulferiteg people is Paine's Celery ('otnpnttntl, now so universally approv- ed of by medical men. Paine's Celery 1'otnpo'tnrl in its pant- her eontpnsition, combines the hest prodnc•ers of healthy and mire blond, the first essential c o perfe'c't health, strength and activity, \Vhen the great, rr]erii w11 is used in slimmer, lan- guor, irritable y, It er vonsn ess atnrl sleeplessness are perrnanent,ly banish- ed, and Wren and women gt, escort theirI canals, involved a net charge on the duties with a vire, will and energy that Treasury of *11 4,10), 1` re years btl r r• tdirwtes 1,10111 th aid robustness. i atine'sriory Uontpclnnd nt once, if after the 1 1i ,tis had had ample opyn,t womid enjoy life iu the haa weal h• portunity of putting 1Ile;r precepts cr. L,uxu> of ,food tlealtl1 epen?1 upon pure blood, mare b2 gcott'S Sarsaparilla. 00114E. PEOPLE GET FAGGED OUT nervous,,yvaary, t eprogged, headaebes, 'mild, or blue lips, energy all game -just ' wasting away. REGAIN HEALTH by building up worn out tissues -pure blood does It. SCOTT'S SARSAPARILLA makes pure blood, curds nervous and wasting dis- eases, MONUMENT TO AN APPLE Adieu,Mgr.t"`'"`e1' IIamiltcn Spectator• To mark u. spot Where the 'Baldwin are told that our estimable wits ni.:c.)r,•,ed, friend the Bishop of Nicolet is to he A Wilmington (Mass.) cort(S ortdent writes : The 1:un,ford Historical Assu- titttiiti of ',1'c•bnrtt a lit elect a leonu- n.e t e h re at,,.t t 00 ; cars ago was dis- cuve:ed the 1ialdsat apple, benmced from his present position and transported to souse locality whele there are no newspapers itt which to print his letters to the holy see. The Samuel Thu:nps;,n of Woburn, white e' surveying bishop is not to suffer (lepot•ta- surveying a rouse for th • 111 d ilesex tion for having falsified the history of canal, di:•covered this apple. Els atten- Canada, or foe having, proposed to cor- twn had l:e, n drawn to it by the num- i•ttpt the highest court in the realm ; 1 it of woo•ii.eeltert to hi ;•h gathers I about the tree on account of the apples, but for leaving permitted his false his - 51r. Thompson thought it a new v)- tory and his own statement of the :•iety-, end cis it visas e 1 les t ist s he attempt to corrupt the court to got called the etc, ntdon or t.l., n •!ghbors to into the newspapers. The publication it, and he and his broth r hastened to gof the !otter is regarded as being "in raft from it many trees o e tiled' own este tis, oppothuie," injudicious,,, and The noigl:bor and friend of the Ti:ompsons, Celen.•1 L• antmi 1 a'dwin. the eminent enginrer, showed the fruit to his many guests, who came from e oma P1t+AA .MQ., ,N.9, 8r not ' t,Ntw, Aff.<.A„.,,, no TPA lINO Po Pin' OAtDWIN ~--�.J ♦!. "' 4 Tll h: BA LOW IN APPLE MON UM EN 1'. distant parts of the country, and this did much for the spread of the app:e's fame, which in a few years carte to be known as the "Baldwin," The granite shaft is seven feet high, and is surmounted by a representation of a Baldwin apple. The shaft will be placed in position within a month, To Hold the Scent of Hoses. The month of roses will be here short- ly, and the customary flood of enquiries about the making of ruse jars w1:1 be poured over the land. Here is a recipe for the old-fashioned kind that lasts, a rose jar tilled by this precise plan in 1032 being fragrant yet. Gather the roses in the early morning as soon as the dew has dried off and select only the most fragrant varieties. A large quantity of rusts or of ruse loaves dwindles into a very small quantity of dried leaves, be it remenib (liven a !,eek of to- es, pick off the 1-•aves and s! tinkle titer them three- gparters of a pound of salt. Let them remain two or three days, and if fresh {caves are added each day, sprinkle ad- ditional salt over them. At the end of three days mix with the cured rose leaves half a pound of ,.finely pounded bay salt, the same quantity of allspice, cloves and brown sugar, a quarter of a quarter of a pound of gum be nzoin, and two ounces of orris root. Add one gill of brandy and any sort of fragrant flowers, such as orange and lemon flowers, lavender and lemon scented shrubs, or any other sweet rented shrubs. They should be per- fectly dry when added. The mixture should he occasionally stirred and kept in close covered jars, the covers to be raised only when the perfume is desired in the room. If after a time the mixture seems too dry moisten, using only brandy, and but a few drops. Essences, too, soon loose their quality and injure the per- fume of the potpourri -New York Herald. Cult's Teeth. politic," and that sort, of thing can- not be tolerated. A Quebec bishop may stt:te that Louis Riel, all alone, mid with one arta tied behind his back, thrashed Colonel \Vulseley attd 00,(.) Biiti,-h soldiers on the plains in front of Fort (lorry, told sank the entire British ntivy in the Assiniboiue river, erns nn fault is found. He may pi o- f pose to to i be, coerce or.ca joie the high- cst judges in the land, and the high official of the church to whom ,tc snakes the proposition will tlittnk ]tin) for his zeal in good cause. But when he permits 0 record of these things over his own signature, to appear in the heretical newspapers of Ontario, he cenermits a crime which merits severe punishment. His name is Denis, find he must pack his grip and seek some place where he can waste his pas- toral lot teas on the desert air, His use- fulness is gone and he roust go. 'Well, Mgr. (,ravel, old boy, adieu. You have endered the state gond service with- out meaning to do so, and gratitude for your mistake impels us to rrtu;trk that, in your retirement, you will have our heartfelt sympathy. But we earn- estly beg of you to slndy •,p the s- cent history of ( 'anadn, and tt> reinent- her, always, that 13t'itish judges are not of the kind you have known in Quebec- RRr.iti IN SIX HOUR s.—Distressing Kidney and Gadder diseases relieved in nix hours by the NSW f3an:Ar Sucre Ao n+HicAN KmNsr Crar." 'Aim Hew remedy is a great surprise and delight to pits siciaun ,in account of Its exceeding promptness in relieving poi" in the blae.'der, kidneys, back and every part 0 the urinary paesnges iu mole or female. It relieves retention of Water and pain in passing it almost ins. reediateiv• It yon want quick relief and core Udall' our remedy. Soto by Watts &Ca. Druggists. As tt cottsequenee of Friday'.s adverse vote in the British House of Commons Lord Rosebery Itas placed his resigna- tion in t he Bandse ) f the (,ween, and Lord Snlishury has been called On to forst a Government. Catarrh -(`se Nasal Balm. Quick, positive care, Soothing, cleansing, healing. The independent press score Sheriff Brown, of St. Thomas, for his patrtial• ity in the matter of admissions to the press reporters of the leading daily newspapers of the province. Any re- presentative mf a Grit paper \vats neartily admitted by hint, but as for the others they were not in it, until Inspector Chamberlain's acid w•atssecur- ed. The Spectntnr, of 1Ianiilton. is inclined to the belief that it trees a case of jealousy ns to who should he the big maul --Bruton or Radcliffe --and the latter carte out ahead. Blood -purifiers, though gradual, are radical in their effect. Ayer's Sarsap- arilla is intrndcci as it medicine only and not a stimulant, excitant, or bever- age. Iueniediatte results may not al- ways follow its use ; but after a reason- able time, permanent benefit is certain to he realised. ' Feeding 'Turnip•+. As regards the feeding of turnips to milbh t ows, of which there id cons;rl- erable being said against of late on ac- count of their characteristic flavor be - leg imparted to the butter, I will ray In the colt the incisor and the first this much: I have fed out a great three molars on each jaw are always many turnips, particularly rutabagas, temporary and replaced by permanent to milch stock, but have never notice,] teeth some time during the animal's that they affected milk or butter flav- Ofe. The last three molars are always or except when fed excessively or permanent and are never replaced. The when cows have eaten heartily o. the teeth make their appearance as rot- green tops. Have always rationed out lows : The two middle incisors and the the turnips in winter in conjunction iiast th'ee mo'ars )rake their appetr- � with hay and corn fodder. I have no- ance before or some days after birth; tieed, however, that milk from cows the first laterals four or six weeks after that have broken into a growing tteid birth, second laterals or corner of these roots and gorg,•d themselves teeth, six or nine months after birth, on the green tops, had a pronounced t1t' fourth molar (first permanent ones) foreign flavor. The reason of this is is c ut at 10 to 12 months of age, At that the leaves are much more pungent tet n and one-half years the middle in- than the mild, sweet -flavored roots that ctsors and the first and second molarst i should be fed. it happens alsa that many of the turnips raised by being g'•nwn nn Improper s011, among wee.)s, or coming from poorly-cele•ted it •ri a :re tough in texture and strong in flavor. If your milk tastes of the roots that you are feeding, it is quite p, sslhle that ftmay be due to some of the causes i have enumerated. Such has been my personal experience at least. There are 'Muter t:r 110 restore Meld. also many domestic makers who regu- i:n•ly produce a quality of butter that sults their own Individual tastes, Be- cause other people may not like their butter they imagine that its g, nn points err` not appreciated and endeavor to bring consumers 40 their tastes instead of catering to the tastes of consumers, -t;eo. E. Newell, in Ohio Farmer, are repinrcd- At the same time the fifth molar Is cut, At three and one-half the dost lateral ineis'ors and the third m„lar are replaced. At tour and one- half the corner teeth are replaced, and th•' sixth molar is cut- In case of a made the canine teeth are also replaced at four and me -half. The se. ore water tub In the pasture shown in this little picture will not he pushed over by stock, and will prevent a mischievous animal from circling about the watering place to drive the younger or weaker stock away, 1f a light cover or roof is plated over the tub to keep nut the hot sun so much tar het it me inn rs CPr from a spring• see that the spring .is tightly covered to keep St cool and to keep eat- tls from tramping in It and fouling It. Sarsaparilla.. Boot on the Other Lap. Henrietta --Why are you so down- cast Florence -Who wouldn't he, when one expects one's father -In-law to come and iiec. with one for six months 7 Our soothers would never do that. A gond al)pefite and refroshing sleep are esventtd to health of mind and hotly, and t hose are givers by Ho�s1's A Mother's 'Beautiful Child Dragged Nearly to Death's Do*r . by Severe Nervous Disease—Suffered Extreme Pain bathe Head—Doctors Could Do Nothing --South American Nervine Called in at the Eleventh Hour and Restores to Health Little Annie Joy, of West Toronto Junction—The Great Remedy is Reducing the Death r1 Rate of An Canadian Cities. MISS ANNIE JOY, WEST TORONTO JUNCTION. A bright little lad, or golden -haired girl, is the delight of your home. Whether you revel in riches, or know something of the privations of poverty, that child is all the world to you. It is no wonder that mother and father become anxious when sickness overtakes the little one. The remedy, fathers and mothers, is near by. South American Nervine has been the means of giving back the bloom of youth to thousands of suffering linin ones. It is not a medicine that buoys up the parents' hopes,only to have them inashort time dashed down again lower than ever. Whether with child or adult, it promptly gets at the seat of all disease, which is the nerve centres. From this fact it is peculiarly efficacious in the treatment of ner- of man, woman or vous diseases child. A recent case is Clint as told by Mrs. M. A. Joy; of West Toronto Junction, whose little daughter Annie, aged 15 years, had been a sufferer from severe nervous depres- sion for about two years. As with all mothers, no trouble and expense was spared in the` effort to bring relief to the child. The little one suf- fered extreme pains in the head, so distressing at times as to render heir completely helpless, sapping all her strength. The beat skill of the most skilled physicians was called into request, but little Annie steadily grew worse. Becoming more hope- less and discouraged' as the weeks went by, Mrs. Joy decided on trying South American Nervine as almost a last resort. Employing her own words she said : "I determined to give it a trial, although I felt it was useless.” To -day it is all happiness around that home, for before one bottle of the medicine had been taken(, the mother tells us Annie commenced to show decided signs of improvement, The child has taken three bottles and has practically regained her natural health and vigor. There is nothing NfGrprising in the fact that Uri Joy cannot speak too highly ofouth American Nervine. Much was at stake, but this wonderful discovery proved equal to the emergency, and so it does in every case. Thousands of letters on file from well-known citizens prove this. For nervous diseases of young or old, from whatever cause, it is an ab- solutely infallible cure. FOR SALE BY WATTS & CO,, CLINTON „et 6i, ,'R iit=u •KA sii�� R5 • etcirt I'1YOIJTU1 I.[UL HABITS IN LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD K MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN 1 11 RESULT K of ignorance and folly in youth, ovorexertion of mind and body induc- 81 od by Inst and eaposare aro constantly wrecking the livor and tutnre 1 -.happiness of thousands of promising young men. dome fade and wither at an early age ,lost the blossom of manhood, while others are forced to drag out a weary, frnitle rl. melancholy existence. Others reach matrimony but find no solace or comfort the victims are found in all stations of life: -The farm, the Miles, the workshop, t, a p' pit,-' I the trades and the professions. RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K, .1 K. • WM. A. WALKER. Wm. A. WALKER. 11108. CHAS. FERRY, CHAS. FERRY. • '5 fr „•:...i t/ilR )t + BxirOnE TREATMENT AFTER TREATMENT Min -weed but united agair f39 -NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CGNSENT.'t ��[ f0 Wm. A. Walker of lath Street says: -"I have snffereds• untold agonies for my "gay life." 1 wasindiecreet when young and ignorant. As "One of the Boys" 1 contracted Syphilis and other Private diseases, 1 had ulcers in the month and throat, bone pains, hail loose, pitnpies on taco, finger nails came off, emissions, became thin and..s 4 despondent. Seven doctors treated me with Mercnry,D Potash, etc. They helped mo but could not care mo. Finally a f riend i ndnced mo to try Drs. Kennedy & Kergan.114 rThtiir tNow Method Treatment cured me in a few weeks. Their treatment is wonderfntliou fel yourself gaining every day. I have nover hoard of their failing to care is atingle$ casc" rCURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED ('ant, ('lin. Perryeays:-"I owe my life to Drs. K. k K.IMPOTENCYadleiAt 11 I learned a had habit. At 21 1 had all the symptoms IMPOTENCY EA f Herniae' Weakness and Spermatorzhcen, Emissions 2. w, re draining and weakening my vitality. 1 married at VARICOCELE ��t under advice of my family doctor, but it was a sad experi eco In eighteen months we were divorced. 1 then consulted Iles. K. h I{., who restored me to manhood uRE® °°"bytheir hets,MotlodTreatment, Ifoltnnow ldrethrill throngh C EMISSIONS -K my nervus. We were united again and aro happy, This was Rsix years ago. Drs. R. &K. aro scientific specialists and I heartily recommend tbgm." SYPHILIS EMISSIONS STRICTURE CURED ar IVC treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Sew,4 Weakness, GI et, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abustee41 • Kidney and Bladder Diseases. • p 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK &READER t Are yon a victim? Have yon lost hope? Are yon contemplating, mar( Tinge? Has your Blood been diseased? Have yon any weakness? Our , New Method Treatment will core you. What it Malden.) for others it will do for yyon. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated yon write for'an honest opinion Pre."'" "'of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE- The Bolden Monitor'• (illustrated), ono Diseases of men. Inclose postage. 2 cents. Sealed. ilk NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI -D VATS. No medicine sent C. O. D. No names on boxes or envel- opes. Everything confidential. Question list and cost of Treat-$ ment. FREE. K.DRSI KENNEDY 8, KERGI�N "DETROIT,LBY, MICH. a K K •