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The Huron News-Record, 1895-06-26, Page 7
.yreq Now l ecar� ' 11;.26,tt �'vAf-..111.4.Qtn Advttae» WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26th. 1895. GAINED A POUND A DA.Y •i) A T.,ANARIi COUNTY FARMER'S REMARK- ABLE CURE. ' TANEN WITH BILIOUS FEVER TIIE AFTER EFFECTS OF WHICH BROUGHT al(IM ALMOST TO rub' GRAVE—HEC GLADLY SPEAKS FOR THE BENEFIT OF OTHER SUFFERERS. Smith's Fulls Record. - Mr. Joseph N. Barton, who lives aboltlfl a mile from the village of Mer- riekville, is One of the best know() farmers in the township of Montague. Up to the spring of 184)1 Mr. Barton had always enjoyed the best of health. At that time, however he was taken with a bilious fever: the effects of which left him in a terribly weakened condition. When the time (Awe around to begin spring operations on the farm he found himself too weak to take any part in the work, and not- withstanding that he was treated by an excellent physician, he was con- stantly growing weaker and his con- dition not only greatly alarmed himself but his friends. Having read so couch concerning Dr. Williatm' Pink Pills, .determined to give thein a trial, and rfhout consulting• ilio physician he began their use. He only used one box, and, not feeling better, he discon- tinned the use of the pills. This was where he now admits he made w serious mistake as he not only fell back to his former weakness, but became worse than before. He could now do no work of any kind, and the least exertion lett him almost helpless. Life was a misery to hind and -=lie I gained a pored a day. was on the point of giving his case up as hopeless when a friend strongly urged him to again begin the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. He agreed to do so, and by the time he had used three boxes there was a marvellous change in his appearance, and he felt like a new man. He still continued to use this/ -saving medicine, with aston- ishin>;lresults. During his illness he had i then in weight to 135 pounds, but he soon increased to.180 pounds. In fact as he says, the increase averaged about, a pound a day while he was taking the pills. He is now able to do any kind of work on his farm, and it is needless to sty that he is not only a firm believer in the efficacy of l)r, Williams' Pink Pills, but loses no opportunity to sound 'abroad their praise, with the result that others in his *silty have benefitted by his expnce and advice. To those who are weak, easily tired, nervous, or whose blood is out. of con- dition, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills coo' as a veritable boon, curing when all other medicines fail, 'and restoring those who give them a fair trial, to a full measure of health and strength. They wilt be found an absolute cure for St. Vitns dance, locomotor ataxia, rheumatism, paralysis, sciatica. the after effects of la grippe, loss of appe- tite, headache, dizziness, chronic ery- sipelas, scrofula, etc. They are also a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system, correcting irregulari- ties, suppressions and alt farms of female weakness. In the case of 'nen they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from trental worry, overwork, Or excesses of any nature. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills are sold Only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper ('printed in red ink), and may he had of all druggists or direct by (nail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Com- pany, Brookville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y.. at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. Ayer's Pills promote the natural ton of the bowels, without which th e can be no regular, healthy opera- tions. For the cure of biliousness, in- digestion, sick headache, constipation, jaundice, and liver complaint, these pills have no equal. Every dose effec- tive. • Now to to Happy. Chauncey M. Depew gives the fol- lowing receipt for happiness: Keep in touch with the young. Join in their games, be a partner in the dance, romp the fastest and turn the quickest in the Virginia reel in the country dance, go up in the old college and sit down and light your pipe and sing college songs, take the children to the theatre and howl with them at the roaring farce and laugh with thorn at the comedy and cry with there at the tta- ged,y, be their confident in their love affairs, and, if they are not equal to:it, write their love letters, and never stub writing some fel- yourself. A PUNY AND FRETFUL BABY. This is now quite unnecessary 1 Like many others, you may have your baby fat, laughing and happy. if you give it Scott's Emulsion. I3rtiries take it like cream. Exports of flay. In answer to a question the other day Hon. Clarke Wallace gave the follow- ing figures of the hay export from Canada ; in 1801,.0 Great Britain, 11,- 852 tons, value, $150,201; to the United States 50,070 tons, value, $375,813. The wit quantity exported in 1802 was : To Great Britain, 11,060 tons, value, $107,- 004 ; to United States, 67,067 tons, vatne, $598,507. In 1803 were exported to Great Britain 50,802 tons, valve, $515,461; to the United States, 94,282 tons, value $854,058. The export in 1894 was 1751550 tons, value $1,700,000, to Great Britain ; to the United States 87,847 tons value at $753,575. Heart Dinesao Itel;eved in 30 Minutes Dr. Agnew's Curs for the Heart gists prrf.•et relief n all oases of Organ•e or Sympathetic Refill Di,'nso in 80 minu;es, and opo••dily ef1,•et8 a erne. 11 le a lee:less remedy f 'r Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, 8rrotharing Spell', PAH in Left aido mrd an syrntoms of a Diseare'1 He wt. One doseconVluees. sod (y Watts & co. TRS TICRBORNE CASE CLAIMANT ORTON CONFESSES HlMR SELF A FRAUD. Q Celebrates Trial Recalled—The Investi- gation Lasted 118 nays, and Involved ,art Expense of Four Million Dollars -- Who Name of Tichborne a Household Word In 'England. Iiad the confession of the celebrated claimant to the Tichborne estates that he was a fraud and imposter been made a score of years ago it would' have created the greatest sensation in the different English-speaking countries in AA Well the people were divided into those who believed in him and those who did not. Coming, as it did, years after the great impostor had finished the long term of imprisonment to which a. British Judge condemned him, it serves only to recall one of the most interesting and remarkable tr'ais on record. Many continued to believe in the genuineness of the convict's claims to the titles and estates of the Tich- b.rrne family for years aft -r sentence had been passed on him, but they be- longed generally to the more thought- less and impetuous classes of the com- munity, and they found it hard to main- tain their enthusiasm In the face of the cold prison bars and of new sensa- tions. There are probably still a few left, however, even in Canada, who "SIR ROGER." (From a photograph taken while a bartender In Chatham Square, New York.) think Arthur Orton had hard measure meted out to him when he was sent dc•wn for fourteen years. About 1f74, the year of his conviction, the name of Tichborne was a household word in England. The obese figure of the claim- ant was as well known as that of Glad- stone or the Prince of Wales, and every little Briton who had a tendency to progress was nicknamed "Sir Roger " or "Tichborne." The trial, however, was remarkable not more for the audac- ity of the impostor and the number of those who accepted him as Sir Roger Tichborne, than for the enormous inter- ests involved and the great length and cost of the trial. The Tichborne family is one of the oldest in England, and the estates, though heavily mortgaged, were at the time of the trial estimated still to yield an income of from £25,000 to £30,000 a year. 'The baronetcy dates fiom the reign of James I. The heft to the estates in 1853 was Roger Tich- borne, born in 1829, and a grand -nephew of Sir Edward Tichborne-Doughty, the n:nth Baronet, who was then in pos- session. Roger went travelling, chiefly in South America. On April 20,1853, he embarked at Rio de Janeiro for New York, intending to return home, but that was the last ever seen of him. The remains of the long -boat of the Bella. or which he had set sail, were found a few days later, and it was taken for granted that the Bella had gone down v,ith passengers and crew. Nothing has ever occurred to contradict this supposition except the claim put for- ward some years later by the famous ex -convict to be Roger Tichborne. The mother of the real Roger TLhborne, who was a French lady, had never ceased to believe in the possibility of her son having escaped drowning, and continued for several years to adver- tise for him. The ex -convict, who has now admitted himself to be Arthur Or- ton, while living in Australia had be- ccme acquainted with the ek-valet of the deceased heir and with an ex -gar- dener on the Tichborne estates, and on the strength of numerous petty odds and ends of information gleaned from them, and of a chance resemblance to the missing man, he at last put for- ward a claim to be Roger Tichborne. This was in 1865. The first and greatest success he achieved on reaching Eng- land was that of being acknowledged as her son by the Dowager Lady Tich- borne, for the father of the deceased Roger had succeeded to the estates and title and passed away, so that the Baronetcy was now held by the younger brother of Sir Roger. Lady Tichborne A9 HE APPEARIID AT THE GREAT TRiAL. was of a most excitable temperament, and her wits had become a little de- ranged on the subject of her missing son. She died in 1868 sit l believing, or pretending to believe, the claimant to be her son. Meantime the young r brother of Roger had also died and the estates passed to his son, born in 1866. D. was not until 1871 that the claimant actually laid claim to the estates and tried to oust the infant in possession. 'This suit soon fell through, and a charge of perjury was then Laid against the claimant. This resulted in the fa- mous Tichborne trial. It lasted 188 days. Sir John Coleridge appearing for the Crown, occupied 26 days in his address, and Dr. Kenealy occupied 21 and 24 days respectively in his opening and OW DOMINION OF CANADA DIAMOND DYES are the great favorites with the ladies for home dyeing. Why they are Popular. They are the easiest to use; they give the brightest colors; they make colors that last till the goods are worn out ; the colors never crock or fade, and will stand soap and washing. Ask your dealer tot the r. DIAMOND"; re- fuse imitations. Bold everywhere, tt3TDfrectton Book and forty samples -of colored cloth free. W1t.Ls ,t IRICHARDSON CO., Montreal, P.Q. c"oe'ng eddr'ssee, The trial was pre- sided over by Lord Chief Justice Co:k- hurn, wL(i ucc•lrp ed nine days in his ad - dr -ss to the Jury. The jury returned a verdict of guilty in half rn hour. Th cc:'.ts of the prosecution were £C10,000, in- cl _ding f2; 678 for counsel fees, £18,712 for witnzsres, etc., £10,268 for whiting, i::5,837 kr shortt.ar.d writing, and '£3,780 for the jury. The trustees of the es- tate had to mo:t-age the property to meet the en_st'a• The costs of the de- fence were far greater arid were met by public sul:sertptiens r.pened in n wa- paper of'c. s and otht r p'a es. The 1Ie- brcn' money -len :ifs of London are said to have advanced him as much as £80,- 000 at different :inns, so will ins d were they of the gcn:iini n;ss cif his claims. The trial cost in all about fot'r rr.l:Pcn do'lars. ()it m t' s re eas d from 1 rlsoa in 1887 r. n1 w nt to New 'York, where for• a number of years he made a wretched living in differ:nt ca- pacities. A few years alto he returrzJ@d to London, where nothing furth.er was heard of hind till his recent conf(s ton. made probably to rave himself from the stings of poverty. So closes one of the most remarkable stories of fraud and attempted imposture which the nineteenth ceni'ury has seen. FARMERS wanting Hardy, Native Stock to plant this con, ing Fall Or Spring luny piny for it in work. We want mon with or without experience Ort full or part time. l ilnry and ex- penses or commission. Write at once for farther information.—BROWN BROTHERS COMPANY, Continental Nurseries, Tot onto, Ont.-872-3in.. The Fear of Thunder And Light- ning. From Harper,s hound Table. Girls who are terrified by thunder and lightning lose a great Ileal of en- joyment during the summer, when we have storms as well as sunshine. It, may not be quite possible fur every one to help being afraid when the sky i:; black with clouds and the light- ning's flash, but it is within the power of most people to control the expres- slon of fi ight. Once or twice having resolutely refrained from showing your terror, you will he surprised and nleased to find the terror itself lessen- ing. 1 know persons who go through life in a suet of bou(llge to teat' of various kinds. alley tremble and turn pale, or grow hysterical and cry, when the dark clouds gather and the thunders roll. Ther e is a pretty German hyum which begins. "It thunders, but I tremble not, My trust is firer In tied, His .arm of strength I've ever sought Through all the way I've trod." 1 advise all of you who need the ad- vice to remember that God rules in the heavens, and His hand sends the StOI.1ns. l'r'llst in God when y011 are afraid ---really irurl, and you will grow calm and he happy. Another grain of comfort may be found in the fact that, when you see the bright zigzagging flash and hear the rumbling thunder, the danger for you is over. You Will never see or hear the electric current which hut is or kills. It is fad' too swift, to wiL't and warn you in that way. CATARR,u RFLIF.YK1 rN n) TO 60 1118(IT5a. — Oue sheet putt of ti e breath through the aiowre suppl(en with e rets ho(Oe et nr.Agnew's eaten hal Pow• der, ditoso. this Powder over the enrtaoe of the nasal pass„g00. Painless and delightful to Oe., it re' Hosea instantly, and penn%nentiy cures, C Hay fever, Cods, if •adache, Sore Throne l'oneiliti and L' wanton'. 60 cents. At Watts & Cd.a Listowel Standard :—Wheat is being delivered at Moyer & Uo,'s will at the rate o1' three or four thousand bushels a weak. This firm have been paying $1 a bushel for wheat up to the present, but yesterday dropped to 05c.. the out- side markets not lvarran ting a cunt inu- anee of the $1 figure. Quite a number of farriers f,n this virinity have been large gainers by the rice, one farrier, Mr. John Seiler of the town line, Mint), having sold 1,0(H) to Moyer & Co. at, $1, and several others from 400 to 7(1(1 bushels each. The farmers who did. not sell their wheat when they could have got rL dollar n, bushel for it, have probably missed it, as the new crop will soon be in, which will no doubt have a tendency to lower t he price somewhat. In this neigh- borhood the fall wheat is looking ex- cellent, the frosts in May not lldving dont' it .any injury. Druggists say that their sales of Hood's Sarsaparilla exceed those of all others. There is no substitute for Hood's. If ow to Liye in Hot Weather. New Yerk Srn. More than .any other class, the physi- cians have seen the effects of the weather ; not in the heat prostrations alone, but in the general tendency to Silk iters. "I have been simply worn out for the past three days," said a well-known physician yesterday, attending to peo- ple who don't know how to endure the heat. In such weather as we have been having the greatest temperance is needful. I rlon'I; mean temperance in the glue ribbon sense of the word, but in its rent weaning, although I think that nearly all people drink too Label II Is it nihrketl 1895 ? THE NEWS -RECORD is $1.59 per year, but if paid in advance oiily $1, This seems to be a good oppor- tunity to save fifty cents. Send along subscription now. Address The Huron News -Record CLINTON, ONT. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICERS. U 1taoe, President, Clinton P. O. ; Gen, Watt, vice-president, Ilar(ock 1'. 0. ; W. J. Shannon, Secy•Treas., Seaforth P. G. ; M. Nardle, In• pector ololaims Seaforth P. 0, C DIRECTORS, Jas. Kroadfoot• `leafurth ; Alex Gardiner, Lea bury; Gabriel ElIi'-tt, Clinton ; John Han nah, Seab,rth ; Joseph Evans, Becehwood ; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. . AOEYTS. Thos Ne(lars, Iluriock; (tobt. McMillen, Sea. forth ; J. Cuuunings, Egmundville; Geo. Murdle, Auditor . Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans act other business will be promptly attend ed to on application to any of the above officers' addressed to their respective post cruses. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUN N'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE 1N CANADA. Webster's International Dictionary Invaluable in OSiee, $chool,:rnd home New frot'r Cover to Cover Slteeessor of the " Unabridged. '' Stn. -Allard r•f the U. S. (;ov't Yriut.- f .':0::1ee. t 1:e S•.prem( Con"t and cf c C"oo":1"c,e::s . '(d T S.:oo .^t:•1C fin*,'i:,.0 II t.4 of - t ^bocLi, :7 fel 01 :c r a t- Tho One Urc so :n(i: a:ority, 'Jushcc''.8, :4'� Iu4. •• A Collet:a Peci,le '-t ,lvrite.4 : Tor "ease with which t..: cyst flnds the "word soug:rt, for accuracy of defini- "i.lon, for ell':'c:i;o methods in indi- "c,a+ing tprop' ncinaon, for terse yet " cool prelrenal :'n 4-tater:entl of facts, "and for praa•ti(01 4100 a.i n 'working "diotJo wry, '11'd bst!-:"n 34rternrtional' "excels soy <t;:1d`-: Fi•.11113 t•0lunle." G. C.11ir,rLJI<o.,Publishers, t,j,e.-i. 150 Fend (o :1:• ^•r'ul49er4 17' reecenta ,filet. ram- I a, net b;;1 c' lea;I t1;lrin t a 04(04'lenc editions. ,c c much in very hot weather. A man starts down town and chinks a claret punch fir some eoncoctiothat cools him for;Lhout three it ee minutes and leaves hint hotter and thirstier: than before. He add drink to drink, and when he gets home to bed he perspires all his strength and nerve away while asleep. Presently he goes all to pieces and I haven patient. "Or take the case of a woman whom I :attended yesterday. She went sho - ping in the morning and got, thorough- ly heated. At luncheon she ate ice cream, hawing previously drank some soda water. A11 the afternoon she drank ice water freely and in the eve - ping she was doubled up with about as violent, ra stomach ache 88 anything short of cholera can bring. She was frightened to death and inclined to he angry when i tont her that she had been simply overloading her stomach with liquids. In this weather people should drink very sparingly and slow- ly, and in their going about they should move easily and temperately. A good way to begin a Hr'st-class break- down is to start out with the thern.o- meter at 05 ('egeees, and work yourself into a soaking, nervous perspiration. Simply because a mail escapes sun- stroke is no proof that the heat hasn't harmed hirer. There are other evil re- sults to be guarded against." Not many business houses in these United Stal•ee can boast of fifty year's standing. The business of 1)r. J. C. Ayer.' & Co., Lowell, Mass., whose in- comparable Sarsaparilla is known and used everywhere, has passed its half - centennial and was never so rigorous as at present. A Peculiar Suit. Guelph Mercury : A peculiar case was tried in the division court. David Martin, of the Wellington, owned a pair of fox terrier pups, left motherless When a day or two old. L. Cotten was the proprietor of a cat whose kittens had gone to it watery grave in the River Speed. Mr. Martin induced Mr. Outten to allow Mr. Cutten's cat to perforni the duties of mother for Mrs. Martin's pups: The pups lived and tilt ivea in the ,The of their adopted mother. Mr. Cotten would not sur- render the two pops, claiming that J. Brown, V.S., had promised hien one of them if they were raised. Mr. Martin got the pups under a replevin, and the action was brought by Mr. Outten to recover a pup or pity for the services rendered in the rearing of Mr. Martin's pups. The judge will flx the amount at the next court.. wrzcio:e.„.&. Look over .these Bargains. SUGARS,. Special quotation. iia bills, sellilfg by $ less th til. Wholesale trlcle .. CANNEL! GOODS, Put up by the best Packers', Tomatoes, Corn, Pets, Piste Apples, Pumpkins, Sajnton and Mackerel, TEAS, Extraordinary value In Japan, BIack and Green, good Japan only 1: t;, r • Chitties Mixture only 20c. Rice 25 lbs, for $1.00. Raisins 28 lb box for $1.00. Prunes, California, April cote and Peaches. Largest and best assorted stock of Crockery and Glassware in the county; selling; at close prices; call and see quality and prices. -0 J. W. IRWIN, - GROCER MACKAY BLOCK. - - - CLINTON. Leslie's Carriage Factory. - BUGGIES, PIIAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—a11 of the best work-. manship and material. *All the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. A1I work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. pta"FAC'1'ORY—corner IIuron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657— ROBSON"S 0/1811 G/?OOERY. Sugars and all staple lines- as cheap as any house in the trade. Try our 25e. Teas. Try on: Crown Blend bik. tea 50c. Try our Russian Blend hlk. tea 45e. Sole agent fo: the Celebrated Muzawattee Tea. The best Packet Teas on the market, 40c., 50c. and 60c. per lb. Canned Tomatoes, Corn, Paas and Pumpkin, Fine Apple, sliced and whole, Table Peaches. Fruits, Raisins, Selected Valen:iap, Seedless, and alk. L'asket. Dried Apricots, Eva- porated Apple., Fresh Prunes, Figs and Dates. Canned Fish, Haddie, Mackerel, Fresh Herring, kippered Herring in Tomatoe Sauce, Lob stars, best French Sardines. Z Pickles, Cillard's, Cross & Blackwells and Mostons, Canadian Pickles in balk. Pure Spices, Esscucss and Extracts, Carden, Field and Flower Seeds, warranted fresh and put up by the most .teputab]e dealers. 'Tea, Dinner and Toilet sets at bottom prices. Cash or Marketable Produce. N. Robson, - Albert St., Clinton. CLINTON 8A8II, DOOR AND BLIND .FACTORY 0 S. S. COOPER, - - PROPRIETOR General Builder and Contractor, This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for eight years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is" suprrvised in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Lumber, Lath Shingles, Lime Sash Doors, Blinds, Eta. Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCI -IOC L DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates belcro placing your orders, * * IN THE WARM SUMMER DAYS * * People like to prepare a meal with as little exertion as possible. That is why there is such a demand for Canned Meats and Fish. Our Meat and Fish De- licacies are delicious. Canned Chicken, Deviled Ham, Canned Salmon, "• Turkey, Deviled Tongue, " Sardines, " Dock, ('hipped Beef, " Lobster. Tongue. Potted Haar, Mackerel, Pigs Feet, Chicken and Tongue, Kippered Herrings; Dig- by Chicks, Herrings in Tomato Sauce, &c. 2 Bottles of Fine Mixed Pickles for 25e. R Lean Purse Tikes on a new lease of life, when it cornes in contact with the Bar - gams we offer in China, Class and Crockery Mare. We have just opened out another lot of Dinner Sets that are simply "nut of sight." Sole agents for the Celebrated "Monsoon" Indian Tea. FARM PRODUCE TAKESIf AS CASH. The Cash Grocery, Telephone 2a. =OGLE COOPER & THE HUS GROCERY. ALWAYS RIGHT,v-- Our Stock is complete in canned goods such as SALMON, HADDIE, FRESH HERRING, LOBSTER, BEEF, DUCK CHICKEN rURKEY,. Canned Vegetables—TOMATOES,'PEAS, CORN, PUMP- KIN. Canned Fruit—PEACHES, STRAWBERRIES, APPLES, &c. In jams we have PEACH, STRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, CUR- RANTS, &c. In Pickles—McCARRY ONIONS, CUCUMBERS, CAULIFLOWER, and WALNUT. All kinds of Spices, quality pure. Tea, all grades; we push the sale of Ben GEORGE SWALLOW, Clinton. Her Blend which draws very fine. We have a big assortment of Crockery. PEOPLE'S GROCERY.- — - We are so satisfied with the Cash System that we have made a still further cut in prices. We are determiner) to keep to the front in price and .)oddity of Goods. Spec- ial cuts in Teas ; we handle none but the best lines. Call and examine our Stock. G. J. Stewart, - - Albert Street' Clinton. AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED MONSON TEAS. 4m, King of all Bicycles. 'O.O'Cy Light Weight and Rigidity. EveryMa- chinefullywarranted Absolutely the Best. Superior Material and Scientific Work - manship. 5 Styles Highest Honors at the World's Columbian- Exposition. Sad twa•ciat'tansy tor out a4 -page Catalogue—t. work et Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Salesroom, a$o Wabash Ave. Lake and Halsted Sts., CHtCA©O, IL.L.. 4.1 ��4+rt+t1�4:+ ff is+t+�++++�tr��4r4: r�4��44i•�t•�t:�+t+•�+�?t�� • si 4