HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-06-26, Page 5r^^
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7----.u4P- t3M CCU NT SALE
10 per cent. off for CASH for a little while.
Come and buy a fine Rocker only l.lot
f Curtain
complete, imperted bonyy, M hagony&cFine lot of chairs. Picture
nteSready framed cheap. Nice Bed -room
Suites fr< $10.a0,fine Suite for $13.
Easels, good for
, Parlor
td sell off.k and Side -board t$0.50.lush Good. $25j neat
treses you, Rattan
tresses in Sea -grass and wool, cocoa fibre &c. Spring beds &c.
J, Cr: Stevenson, Furniture Emporium.
Bamboo tables, 25c., 35c., 40c. A couple o$5,f lc -es
Secretaries and Cupboard at a bar-
gain. Patent Extension Table oe
To Smokers
To meet the wishes of their customers The
Geo. E. Tuckett & Son Co., Ltd., Hamil-
ton, Ont., have placed upon the market
A Combination Plug of
"T & B"
This supplies a long felt want, giving
the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10
cent piece ora 5 cent piece of the fatu-
ous "TAB" brand of pure Virginia
The tin tag"T & B" is on every piece.
690 4
of London will take a number of lodges
which were expected, yet there is not
adoubt but what there w111he a fine pro-
cession and a large crowd, with
lodges from east, west, north, and
south of the town.
We regret to learn that Mr. Peter
Gook lost its valuable horse one day lust
week. The animal in its frolic ran
against a plough handle which run
into it penetrating. the heart, causing
Its immediate death
The people say toothpicks are plentiful
and Vote is cheep here.
Rev. E. A. Fear intends to remove to
his new Held of labor on Thursday
next. It is expected his parents will
remove there also at no distant day.
Mr. Connolly made his second stile of
cheese in London on Saturday last
realizing the satisfactory figure of 81c
per pound. The quantity of milk de-
livered on Monday last was about 14,-
000 lbs, This is an increase notwith-
standing the parched meadows. One
farrier sent nearly ti001hs on that day.
A pleasing event took place at the
residence of Mr. E. Acheson on Wed-
nesday last when his neice, Miss Eva
Lindsay, was united in matrimony to
Mr. W. Elford of this village. Rev. A.
K. Birks performed the ceremony.
The best wishes of the community are
extended to the happy couple.
P. S. Exam—Following is the result
of the promotion examnlation held in
the school on June 14th, 17th and 18th.
Fifty per cent of total required forprc-
motion. Jr. to Sr. IV—harry Evans,
Will Tebbutt, Mabel Denrpsey. Sr.
III to Jr. IV—Max. marks, 90a—Minnie
Evans 768, Willie Merrill 680, Fred.
Mulholland 590, Winnie Sturdy 561.
Jr. to Sr. III—Maxununl smirks 655—
Harvey McCartney 505, Norman
Murch 503, Lorne Fear 482, Thos. Cook
406, John Mulholland 394, Minnie Proc-
tor 357. Sr. II to Jr. IlI—Max. marks
605—Harold Forster 534, Emily Col-
clough ij00, Lillie McCartney 406, John
Gravelle 489, Harry Williams 467,
Clarence Sturdy 390, Hattie Ramsey
388, Lillie Coklough 369. Jr. to Sr. 11
—Max. marks 500—Elgar Trewartha
455, Lizzie Dempsey 368, Harvey Mail -
holland 363, Luella Fear 353, David
Elliott 294, Willie Williams. Part II
to Jr. II.—Mahel Pickard, Eddie Ba -
dour. The following will write exam-
inations in Clinton this week ;--For
public school leaving—Bertie Stanley,
Edith Tebbutt, Alburn Murch, Eldred
Yeo; for entrance—Tillie Colclough,
Edith Huller, Francis Sturdy, Lenus
Yeo, Sato Cook. School will close for
vacation on Tuesday next to open
again Aug. 10th. J. W. MCROBERTS,
Mrs. Stimore had her barn raising on
Thursday last. There was a large
number present.
The young fellows on the Leadbury
line east have bought a foot ball and
played their first game in one of the
pasture fields of Mr. J. J. Irvine on
Saturday evening last. There were
lets of rushes and tumbles.
Mr. Mitchell, who has the contract
of sawing Reeve Bennawies logs, will
soon have the stock convected into
The Methodist people here are pleas-
ed to have the Jackson appointment
again conn ected with Walton circuit.
It was a presumptuous act to take it
away,and the people of the circa will
hardltolerate such high-handed con-
duct in future.
The fall wheat has attained its full
length and has a healthy appearance.
Orange - Celebration
' —IN—
The Co. Orange Lodge of South Huron, assisted hi
notghbortng counties tem the South, North, East
and West, including Bruce, Perth and North Huron.
will bold a Monster Demonstration in the beautiful
town of Seaforth on
oa �—
$115 to cash prizes will be awarded to Lodges, after
which a long procession will be formed and n short
march mado to
hataddresses will bedeliveredtGrove, the tolloninhere it is gBre-
threnn : M. W Hon. Sir Mackenzie Rowell. M. P.,
K. C. B., P. G. M., Premier of Canada; M. W. Hon.
N. C. Wallace, M. P., Grand Master and Sovereign,
Grand Maoter Ontario
West, Torto • M. W. Birmi gham. Grund Seers-
tory, B. N. A.. Toronto ; M. W. Maier Sam. Hughes,
M. P., C. M. Victoria, Lindsay; A. F. Campbell, P
C. M., ez-M. P. P., Brampton ; Rev. W. Leech, Varna ;
Rev. Wm. Stout, Prov. Dep. Or. Chap., Clinton ; Dr.
Freeborn, Clinton ; Rev. J. F. Parke, Clanton ; Rev.
T. E. Hi ley, Blyth; Rev. J. T. Herrin, Mitchell ;
Nev. W. Smyth, Clinton ; A. M. Todd, P. C. M., CIIn-
ton nerds. Ho,'geas, McDonald, and Galloway, Sea -
And good connection from all points.—See small bilis.
Secretary; T.STEPHENS, Chairman Committee; R•
SCARLETT; P. D. M•, Treasurer; JAS. F. WELSH,'
Secrets! y,Seafortb.
God save the Queen,
WEDDING.—A very interesting event
took place at the home of Mr. Thomas
Keys on the Parr line last Wednesday
evening 'when his daughter Miss
Letitia E. Keys was united in marriage
to Mr. Samuel C. Rathwell, of Varna.
A large number of the friends of both
families • were in attendance. The
presents were numerous and beautiful.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. W. W. Leech after which the
company sat down to a most sumptuous
tea. The evening was spent in happy
social ineercourse when the guests
retired with many kind wishes for the
welfare and prosperity of the newly
married couple.
Notwithstanding the hard times the
farmers are going ahead with improve-
ments ; several are building hank horns,
moving and enlarging the old buildings
and some building new ones. Among
these are Messrs. Mc•Clymont, McCash
and Sparrow on the Parr line and
Messrs, W. N. Keys and Nathen Peck
on the Babylon line. Mr. Joseph
Makens on the Bayfield road has had a
cellar foundation put under his dwell.;
ing- -
The Methodist people of Goshen line
will hold a gau•den party next Friday,
28th inst., on the lawn of Mr. John
McKinley. Refreshments will he serv-
ed from $ to 9 p. m. Zurich choir and
string hand will be in att•endence. All
are invited to attend. Admission 10
1 and 15 cents.
The Belgrave Stars played a game of
base ball on Friday last with the
Excelsior's of Westfield at the picnic
in Bennett's grove, the Stars being
victors by 8 to 3. Batters were for
Excelsiors, Ross and Matson, for Star;
Allison and Scott.
J. M. Henderson is on the sick list at
The statute labor in this locality is
now about completed for the year.
The fresh gravel on the roads is not
very nice for wheehnen.
Mrs. Charles Wilkinson continues
very poorly and her runny friends are
quite anxious for her recovery.
Narrow overs Tuoaday afternoon-)
Fall Wheat 0 85 to 0 85
Barley , . , 0 45 to 0 50
Vats.. .... 0 34 to 0 36
Pena . 0 55 tc 0 65
Potatoes, per hush 0 25 to 0 35
Butter .. 0 10 to 0 11
Eggs, p.er dos ....... 0 8 to 0 9
day, ..., 9 00 toll 00
Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00
Beef . ...... 3 75 to 5 00
wool 0 18 to 0 18.
The receipts of grain were shall be-
ing one 'load of whits wheat, which
sold at 90c. The receipts of hay and
straw were small, the demand was
good and the market was firmer, eight
loads of timothy selling at $15 to
$16.50 and four loads of straw at $7 to
$8. The receipts of dressed hogs were
small and the market was steady, with
sales of at few lots at $5.60 to $0.
Wheat white..... ..... $ 90 to $ 00
do red 90 to 00
do spring 06 to 00
do Goose 8'.3 to 00
Peas 61 to 00
Barley 464 to 00
Oats 41 to 42
Hay, timothy 15 00 told 50
Straw, bundle 7 00 to 8 00
do loose 4 50 to 500
Eggs, tete laid' 11 to 00
Butter, lb. rolls 13 to (10
Tubs, dairy 11 to 12
Chickens 50 to 00
Turkeys 8 to 10
Potatoes 3)) to 00
Dressed hogs 5 60 to 6 W
Beef, forequarters 400 to 600
do hindquarters 900 to10 00
Yearling lambs 700 to10 00
Spring lambs... 12 50 to00 00
Mutton . 7 00 to 8 (10
Veal 5 06 to 700
Milchersand springers,each20 00 to30 00
Butchers' choice cattle,cwt 4 00 to 4 25
Butchers' good cattle, ewt 3 75 to 3 80
Butchers' corn. cattle, cwt 3 01) to 3 25
Stockers and feeders, cwt.. 3 00 to 4 00
Export cattle, per cwt..... 4 75 to 525
Export Bulls, per cwt 3 50 to 4 25
Sheep, export, per cwt300 to 400
Sheep, butchers', each 3 50 to 3 75
200 to 300
5 00 to 600
200 to 300
420 to 425
425 to 430
Mr. Thos. Poulton intends returning
this week to his home in Cleveland,
Ohio, after a brief visit with his rela-
tives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Oakes and family, of
Clinton, were visiting friends in town
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon, of Winnipeg,
ars visiting at the residence of the
lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floody.
Mrs. Wright and family of London,
are paying a visit at Mr. John Sherritt's
for a short while.
R. Howard & Sons have the brick
work of Geo. Denstedt's fine residence
on Westmoreland street almost com-
On Saturdry John T. McKinnon ret -
turned from attending the High Court
of Canadian Foresters which was held
in Hamilton. He reports having a
splendid tune.
The Union S: S. picnic of the Metho-
dist and Presby cerians is to be held in
the grove owned by A. Sloan, Esq.,
north of the village, on July lst.
Trinity Church S. S. intends holding
their picnic at Auburn on July 2nd.
Workmen are busy taking away the
old wooded bridge aeross the river. A
new 11•or) one is to take its place shortly.
Early on Sunday Horning some per-
son entered the residence of Mr.
Robert Taylor on Dinsley street and
carried off a gold watch and chain,
diamond ring and some money. The
inmates of the house were soune asleep
at the time and never heard the least
sound. At present there is no clue to
the thief.
Our public schools close on the 20th
inst fear the serener holidays.
The firstgooddownponr of rain came
to us early on Monday morning, which
has brightened up the farmers faces
On Monday the regular sittings of
the 12th Division Court was held in
Industry hall before His Honor Judge
Doyle. Several cases were disposed of.
Port Albert.
J. B. Hawkins, travelling agent for
the Lyons Co., of Guelph, returned
home on a short visit from British
Columbia. He leaves for the lower
provinces in a few days.
McPhail & Shrowd, lessees of the
roller mills, are getting considerable
repairs done and putting things in and
about the. ,Hilt in first-class order. They
intend to rim a large business daring
the fall trade.
The Rev. Mark Turnbull, of St.
George's, Goderich, held morning
service here on Sunday lest. The rev.
gentleman has at host of friends and
admirers in this neighborhood.
Messrs. Buchanan and McLarren, of
the county town, met the church
wardens a few evenings ago with the
view of tnaking some changes and
repairs in the belfry and steeple of the
church. "Dan" is it hustler in that.
line of business and could trove a
mountain if it was necessary.
The dry weather continues and cops
The garden party act the residence of
Mr. Robert Holland on Wednesday
evening last was a complete success.
Thele were about 500 persons present.
The refreshments were good and the.
Brussels orchestra, together with local
talent, furnished high class music.
Quite a number here have turned their
stgqck in on their meadow land as they
die!' not consider the hay would be
worth cutting.
Mr. James Bell, of Drayton, who
has been visiting her mother and other
relatives here for a fortnight, left for
home this week.
Miss Cruse, one of Toronto's fair
maidens, is visiting her uncle and aunt,
Mr, and Mrs. John Dundas.
Miss Amanda Gray, of Hibbert, was
visiting relatives in this section during
the past. week. Her many friends here
were pleased to again meet her.
The members of L. 0. L. 813, Winth-
rop, are anxious for gond attendant*
at the coming Orange demonstration
in Seaforth. Although the attractions
•e sntf rn for want of rain. lice
redemption cr the hay crop, yet oats,
peas and wheat keep good colour, but
need rain. Root crop will play out un-
less rain collies very soon.
Our delegates tvho sojourned at the
Capitol of this our glorious Dominion
returned horns sound in wind an 1 limb
without the slightest mishap, end not-
withstanding the necessity of the new-
ly imposed duties on old rye and sugar
to repl•nish the coffers of the chancel-
lor of the exchequer, they have suc-
ceeded in getting it solid promise that
the south peir will be built at once and
in the sweet bye -and -bye the other
much needed repairs will he completed.
Hip, hip hurrah 1 The ex -foreman
of harbor works did not accompany
the delegates as was agreed upon.
After serious consideration on the part
of those deeply concerned, they carne
to the conclusion that when we met at
the department of public works it
aright cost them the south pier, as the
remedy order would he brought into
consideration. However, he seen the
"boys" off at the station in the county
Lambs, spring, each
Calves, choice, each
Calves, common, each
Thick fat hogs, cwt
Hogs, long lean, cwt
Hogs, stores and light,cwt 4 20 to 4 25
Stags and rough hogs, cwt. 200 to 2 75
Sows for breeding, cwt .. 3 75 to 4 00
Grain—Oats are very dull and are
easy itt the decline. Wheat, No. 1
hard, nominal ; wheat, No. 2 hard, no-
minal ; corn, duty paid, nominal ; peas,
per 06 lbs, in store, 73c to 74c ; oats, per
34 lbs, in store, 44c to 441c; rye, No. 2,
60c to Ole.
Cheese—The market is winding np
for the week very steadily, but prices
continue relatively low to those ruling
in the country. Finest Ontatrios are
quoted at 71c. to 71c and Quebec's at
6fc to 7e.
Butter—The market is quiet at 15c to
16c for creamery and 126 to 13c for good
Eggs—Are unchanged at 10c to 101c.
The following table shows the quota-
tions per cental at Liverpool for the
four preceding days. In the case of
wheat highest prices are given :—
s. (1. s. d. s. d.
Red winter.. 5 94 5 014 5 81
No. 1 Cal.... 5 84 5 84 5 74
Corn... 4 31 4 4 4 t 34
Peas .... 5 4 5 4 5
Pork .60 0 60 0 00
Lard 33 3 33 3 33
Bacon, h'vy. 32 0 32 0. 32
Beacon, light 3:3 6 33 0 33
cheese olad...4:3 0 43 0 43
C:tecse, new.30 0 30 0 36
And make life a pleasure by using a
Buy only the absolutely Pure English Paris Green, only 25 cents per pound.
We have the Peerless Bug Killer. Scythes, Snaths, Hay Rakes and Forks,
Lawn Mowers 14 inch for $4.50. Decorate your dwellings with Elephant
• Mixed Paints, and Paint your Buggy for 75 cts.
- OI!ntofl11
S. Acheson, Mr, Ross Johnston, of
Stanley, to Miss Rebecca Edighoffer,
of Hay.
MCDONALD—CALD1sn.—At the manse,
Seaforth, on June 18th, by Rev. A. D.
McDonald. D. D., Mr. John McDonald
to Miss Jetninia Catherine Calder,
daughter of Mr. Andrew Calder of Mc-
POLLARD—DRIVER,— In Brussels, on
June 12th, by Rev. A. K. Griffin, Mr.
Wesley Pollard, of Granton, to Miss
Lottie, daughter of Mt. B. Driver,
We are sorry to announce the death
of Mrs. John Smith which occurred on
Saturday last at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Adams. She had been in poor
health all spring. The funeral sermon
was preached on Sunday afternoon at
Mr. Adams'and the corpse was taken
to London on Monday morning for in-
t er•men t.
Miss Ellen.0ox died on Friday morn-
ing after a long but patient illness.
The funeral took place on Saturday
Mr. Geo. Snell has got at new black-
smith, Mr T. Tullett, of Atwood.
Mr. Lou Farnham of Constance,
Miss Mary Sturdy of Auburn, and
Addie Crisp of Londesboro, all left
Londesboro station on Wednesday
last for Toronto, all being delegates to
the Grand Lod of the I. 0. G. T.
Mr. Isco. Neco of Winghant, has
sold his property here to Messrs. Bell
and Lashetn.
Mr. and Mrs. Dickson, of Winggham,
were the guests of Mr. dames Camp -
hell last week.
There will be a Methodist Sunday
school pic-nic in Mr. William Brig -
ham's grove on the first of July.
There will he at strawberry festival
in connection with the Presbyterian
Church on the evening of the 1st of
• Colborne.
L. 0. L. No. 153 are goingtoSeaforth
on the 12th of .Inly. They will take
the train at Goderich. Two new mem-
bers were received at the last meeting.
It is our sad and painful duty to have
to record the sudden death of Mr's.
Wm. Stevenson, who died on Saturday
at 12 o'clock. Deceased met with an
accident, falling from the top of the
stairs to the bottom, the injuries re-
ceived resulting in her death. We ex-
tend our sympathy. to the sorrowirtg
friends in their sad loss.
Mr. Thos. McPhee, who received a
very severe shaking up at at raising, is
recovering slowly.
d. s.
9 5
83 4
4 5
0 00
0 33
0 32
0 33
0 42
WANTED IISLP.—Reliable men in every
locality (local or travelling) to indroduce a new die-
eovery and keep our show cards tacked up on trees,
fences and brldgee throughout town and country.
Steady employment. Cou,misatou or salary $1'5 per
month end expenses, and money deposited in any
bank when started. For partieulare write The World
Mad. Eleetiie Uo., P. U. Boa 221, London, Ont., Can-
GiRBINus—ANDREWS.—At the resi-
dence of the bride's mother, on the20th
inst., by the Rev. W. Smyth, Mr. B. J.
Gibbings, to Miss Millie Andrews,
eldest daughter of Mrs. II. Andrews,
all of Clinton.
ELFORD—LINASAY.—At the resi-
dence of Mr. E. Acheson, uncle of the
bride, Huron road, on thti1119th inst,, by
the Rev. A. -K. Birks, assisted by Rev.
E. A. Fear, Mr. W. Elford, to Miss
Evac Lindsay, all of Goderich town-
MuLLOY—LoVYs.—In Detroit, on
the 13th inst., by the Rev. J. M.
Gordon, Mr. John Mulley, formerly of
Clinton, to Miss Camilla Louys, of
SMITH--SPRot1T.—At the residence
of the bride's grandfather, Eginond-
ville, on June 19th, by the Rev. N.
Shaw, Mr. Alex. Smith, of Dakota, to
Miss M., only daughter of Mr. Jarues
residence of the bride's father, on June
lath, by Rev. G. H. Cobbledick, '.Mr.
Wtn. B. Avery to Miss Rena, third
daughter of Mr. A. Bawtinheimer, all
of Bru?isels.
McBAIN—WILSON.—At the residence
of the bride's mother, Mill street, on
June 19th, by Rev. John Ross, B. A.,
Mr. John McBain to Miss Lizzie H.,
third daughter of the late W. R.
'Wilson, all of Brussels.
MC0OLL--SPEIRAN.—At the resi-
dence of the bride's parents, 10th eon.,
Grey, on June 20, by Rev. W. J.
Waddel, Mr. George E. McColl, of
Morris, to Miss Lizzie, third daughter
of Mr. Hartwell Speiran, of Grey.
COYNE — Durlrv.—At Irishtown
church, on June 17th, by Rev. Dean
Murphy, Mr. John Coyne, jr., of
Detroit, to Miss Sarah Jane, second
daughter of the late Patrick Daffy.
DALLAS—MONTEiTH.--At the resi-
dence cf the pride's parents, on June
19th, by Rev. S. Acheson, Mr. John A.
Dallas, to Miss Annie, eldest daughter
of A. Monteith, Esq., all of Tucker -
How Duch Do You Owe ?
Last and this week we have sent
out accounts to the amount of a good
ninny hundred dollars.
The reason is that the money is
required at the office of publication+,
and an early response is desired.
The accounts are all small. Do not
put off sending the money because such
is the case.
in every case where the amount
of hill is not forwarded us the credit
price will be charged.
We regret being compelled to place
a number of shall accounts in Court for
collection. but those who force such
action can blame no one but them-
Will nil who have been sent a stet( -
nrent. kindly respond promptly i'
The price of THE NEws-RECORI) is $1
at year STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.; in no
case will credit be given at that price.
Pay up NOW.
Room for Rent.
Large room, conveniently stitute, easy of Scoess, at
low rout. Apply to W. U. SEARLE.
Property For S ale.
For sale, the large dwelling and lot owned and
lately occupied by Dr. Anpletou, on Ontario street.
Rau all modern conveniences. Centrally located.
Also a house and lot adjoining above property,
toeing Victoria street. For particulars apply to
MANNING it scum, (Tinton.
Two Farms For Sale.
Being composed nt the Booth halt of Lot No. 21,
Hayfield Line, Goderiob Townsaip, containing 70
scree, more or less, all cleared except about live acres
in good atute of cultivation: b -g house on the pre-
mises; well watered; well fonoed. Also Lot No. 22
Bayfield Line, comprised of t10 sores, more or less
about 20 acres bush ; in good state of cultivation and
well watered; house, barn and frame stable, and
email bearing orchard. Terms reasonable. Apply to
837-tf Clinton P.O.
House and Lot For Sate,
The property oia Queen Street, owned and occupied
by Mr. 0. A. Hartt, will be sold on reasonable
terms. There is a stone foundation under the build-
ing, good cellar, hard and soft water ; modern con-
veniences. For particulars apply at residence.
SM tf
W anted.
A good man in yourdistrist to represent the "Font -
hill Nursuries of Canada." Over 700 acres. The
largest in the Dominion. Position permanent.
Salary or commission to right man.
With the increasing demand for fruit a position
with us as salesman will pay you better than engag-
ing in farm work. Send in your applleation and we
will show you how to earn good money.
Eahool teachers 1111. just the thing for you during
the summer. Write for particulars.
881 -Sm. Toronto, Ont.
For sale on easy terms, en bloc, or divided to suit
purobaeer ; one onager cash or other good security,
balance a 57i per cent., or will exchange for a good
farm. J. P. TISDALL, Banker, in the block will
'show premises. The land eost$1,000 and the building
over $8,000.
D. 3. CAMPBEL, ,, 284 Main W., Hamilton, Ont.
MCKENzrE.—In Acton, on June 13,
Barhara Boyd, wife of Samuel Mc-
Kenzie. aged 52 years, and sister of
Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and Mrs. Geo.
Morris, Colborne.
DICKENSON.—Irl Goderich, on Tues-
day, June 18th, Sarah, daughter of the
late B. Dickenson, of Cornwall, aged 63
STEWART.—in Kippen, on the 20th
inst., Donald W., eldest son of Rev. A.
Stewart; aged 12 years and 1 month.
CARTER. --In Tuckersmith, 1st con.,
ou the 13th inst., Thomas Carter, aged
54 years.
BIRNEY,—In Tttrnberry, on the llth
inst., Francis Birney, aged 76 years.
SMITH.—In Lucknow, on Tuesday,
June 18th, 1895. William Henry Smith,
aged 56 years, 8 months and 25 days.
McDON.tLD.—In Goderich, on Wed-
nesday, June 19, 1895, Mrs. Angus Mc-
Donald, aged 04 years.
HUNT. —In Brussels, on the 233rd
inst., Mrs. Robert Hunt, Sr., mother of
Mr. Harry Hunt, of Clinton, aged 84
years and 1 month.
SMITH. --In Hullett. on the 21st inst.,
Mrs. John Smith, aged 49 years.
Goderich Township.
The regular meeting of L. 0. L. No.
189 will he held on Tuesday evening,
July 2nd,. instead of the 1st. All mem-
bers are requested to he present, as
matters of importance will be discuss-
BELL. ---In East Wit inosh, on the
10th inst., the wite of Mr. Thos. Bell,
of�a( son.
0 IIIMSDROOKE,—In Seaforth, on the
8th inst., the wife of Mr. Henry Grmi.-
brooke, of at son.
REiD.—In Seaforth, on the 10th
inst., the wife of John Reid, of a son.
Li ASH. -ln florae, on the 13th inst.,
the wife of Mr. George P. Nash, oi.a
ELLIOTT. —In Ea1st. Wawauosh, June
150. the wife of Mr. John Elliott, of a
HEDDEN.—In Crediton, on Jirne 17th,
the wife of Mr. Thomas Redden, of at
ANDERSON. --In Crediton, on Jtme
15th, the wife of Mr. Wilson Ander-
son, of a daughter.
POW ELL. --In Seaforth, on .Tune 17th,
the wife of Mr. Joht Powell, of a
1RwlN—WAT9oN.---At the residence
of the bride's mother, on the 18th inst.,
by Rev. R. Henderson, Arthur J.
Irwin, of Winghanl, to Miss Marion
A. Watson, of West Wawatnroh.
manse, Kippein, on June 12th, by Rev.
Wash Day Made Easy.
Ibave secured the right to manufacture thJalaon
Magic Washing Machine. Afread),I have made and
sold a number. The purchasers are delighted. To
nee the machine on trial i, sore to make a saleif
one is required. Wash -day is made very easy and
carpets can be kept perfectly clean; no apL.eu,n,g or
waste water whatever. The price has been set ate
very low figure. The machine may be seen at my
residence on Immo Street. B. COLE 800-t
This newly equipped !rouse has put on a new bee
which meets all trains regularly.
Calla made in all parts of the town at reasonable
rates. Orders left at office in the Hotel Clarendon
Will receive prompt and careful attention.
News Notes. ,
Masons generaclly celebrated St.
John the Baptist's I)ay by church par-
Senator Burns of Bathurst, N. B., is
dead, after an illness of about two
Mrs. Hough of NiViarton is reported
dying from a dose of arsenic, taken
with intent.
Miss Matilda Elliott of Hamilton
drauk carbolic acid by mistake and
died from the effects.
The well-preserved body of a warrior
of Charlemagne's time has been un-
earthed in Stade, Hanover.
At Midland two children named
Rathwtll were drowned, the girl losing
tier life in an attempt 10 save her
Mr. Levi Rightmeyer of Kincardine
is dead. Be was very protninently
connected with the salt industry of
The D. & C. new steamers are now
running four trips per week between
Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac. Send
for their illustrated pamphlets, Mid-
summer Voyages to Mackinac. Ad-
dress A..4.. Schantz, G. P. A., Detroit.
William Welter, who was hanged at
St. Thomas, Ont., was a resident of
Mackinaw, Mich., three or four years
ago. He was prominent in social and
church circles. a worker in Sunday
school and a singer in the choir. He
was a general favorite with those who
carte In eontat't with hint.
rirown H all
F. BA.TLES, - - - Prop.
Corner Yonge and Gerrard Rs., Toronto, Ont.
Canada's Greatest Commercial School.
Advanaages best in the Dominion; moa'erete.,rates;
instruction first-class. WRITE FOR CATALOGUES.
SIIAIV & ELLIOTT, Principals.
Central Butcher Shop.
Subscribers desire to notify the public that they
have bought ont the butehering business lately con-
ducted by Me. Je.a. A. Ford, and will continue the
same under their personal supervision. Orders will
have prompt and careful attention. Fresh tneata of
all kinds will bo kept in seagoo, sold at reasonable
rates and delivered anywhere in town.
All persons having Maims against the Estate of
Anthony Elliott, who Mee at the Townohip of Gode-
rich, in the county of Huron, on May 715. 1895, aro
hereby required ou or before the Oth Any of Ally,
1895, to 'Jowl by post prepaid or deliver to George
Hanley or n. Cantelon, the Ezeieutore, or to the
undersigned, their Solicitor, boll particulars and proof
of their Maims against the saki eatate. After the Mk
day of July,1895, the Executors will proceed to distri-
bute the assets of the said estate among the parties
entitled, having regard only to claims of which they
then have notice.
Dated at Clinton, June 15111.4v, 1811B5B.
The Roseberry Government was de-
feated by a vote of 132 to 125 on div-
ision of the motion of Mr. Broderick,
Conservative. to reduce the estimates
in order to enquire into the matter of
supply of small arms and ammuni-
Edward Baker, who Wits for several
years head bookkeeper in a rnanufac-
tering business at Oshawa, Ont., hers
left for parts unknown. An examin-
ation of his hooks shows a shot tage of
aboet five hundred dollars.
John Bellair, aged 45, an eniploye
Stevens' mill, Chatham, Ont., vvhile
shovelling grain in the eleyator in some
way got Ian the bin, and was carried
by the running grain clear through the
shute. When the body was recovered
life was extinct..