HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-06-05, Page 3id • 8'U,$IAVE$&, OI 'Et'TORY. anhin4. THE 14LILZI1IV 11111. Incorporated by Auto/ Parliament 1866. QAPITAL, $2,000,000 REST, $1,300,000 j Read Office, ,. - MONTREAL. J. II. R. MOLSON, President, 8'. WOLFERBTAN THOMAS, General Nana er. Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex -- change bought and sold at lowest current rates. INTaammT Abt owaD ON D8P08ITa F.A.1=t,1J1E11R,E3- Money advanced to tanners on their own notes with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re-' :,aired as security. H C. BREWER, fifanager, February, 1884, CLINTON. G. D. McTaggart BANKER, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. d iENEAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. • Notes Discounted. - • Dsafta Issued. Interest Allotoed on Deposits. Clinton, June Mb, 1991 668y adtc:d. DR. W.-GUNN, L. B.'C. P. and L. It. C. S„!Edinburgh. Office - Ontario street Clinton. Night calla at front door of residence on Rattenbury street, opposite Presbyter- ian church. DR. TURNBULL. .1. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; M., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. & S. Ont, ; Fellow of the obetotrical somety of Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals. Office: - Dr. Dowsley's stand, Rattenbury 81. Night calls answered at Office. DR. SHAW. Office in Hodgen'e Block, Ratteubary St., Clinton, Jet. Night calls at same place. Jas. S. Freeborn, MD ' L. K. & Q. C. P., I., M. 0. P, & S. 0., &c., &o. Oradnate of King's & Qeeen's College of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland. Licentiate of the General Medical Connell, Great Brits:M. Member of College of ebyelolela and Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly resi- derto the Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gynre- aological), Dublin. Special attention to diseasee of women and ob¢dren. Office and residence, Rattenbury St., next 1i . to Ontario St. 'Ylethodist parsonage. 829-1' @alttiotvg. T. C. BRUCE 1. D. S., Surgeon Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ont. Cert% acteacted without pain by the use of a harm- less and pleasant local anaesthetic. No unconscious- , neer, sickness nor 111 -effects accompany the use of this remeipry, and many in and around Clinton can testify to Its genuineness. Special attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth, Office, Ooates' Block, over Taylor's shce store. R. Agnew, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto. Best Local Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall, over Swallow's Store. Night Bell answered. Will visit Hensall every Monday, and Zurich the 2nd Thursday of each month. R• O. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, dec. Office, corner • North Street and Square, n ear Registry Office, Goderich, Ont. 07. lir Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. J. SCOTT, Barrister, 4.c., ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - • Ac Money to Loan, E. CAMPION, Q. C , BARRISTER, - - , SOLICITOR., ' NOTARY, ¢c., Goderich, - Ont. Office -Over Davie' Drug Store. Money to loan. CLINTON. M. 0. JOHNSTON, BA RRISTER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ET C., Goderich, - - - - Ont. Office -Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew'e Ste. W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, ctc., OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK - • CLINTON. 817-tf ant to gaud. MONEY to lend In large or small sums on good mortgages or personal security at the lowest earrent rates.' H. HALE, Huron et. Clinton. Money, Money Lo lend on good security at 61 and 0 per cent. Apply to 0. RIDOUT, Albert St., Clinton. 862-tf. arils mmew B. THOMLINSON, VETERINERY SERCEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. lege, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on th meet modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calls Promptly Answered Residonet-Rattenbury Street. Wont, Oliton Out dight or Era Officer .1. E BLACEALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats disoasee of all domestic animals on the most modern and scientific principles, 62 Calle attended to day. Office on ienae street, next New Residence -Albert street, Clinton, L. O. L. No. 710, °LINTO Meet; moan Monday of every month. Hall tad Sat, Hatay block. Vielting brethren always made welcome. A. M. TODD, W. M. P. CANTELON, JR. Seo. J. F. SDEPPARD, D. M. aa0onic. (`iLINTON Lodge, No, 84, A. F. & A 61. meets V every Friday, on or after the moon. Visit - trig brethren cordially invited J. W. SHAW, W.M; R. J. MACDONALD, Sic. Clinton Jan. 14 1894. K. 0. T. M. Hearne Tent No. 00, Knights' of the Maccabees of the World. $1,000, $3.000 and 53,000 Pollutes. Mem- berehip over 100,000. Aseesement principle -has never exceeded 19 assessments in a year. Cheapest and safe • t in existence. Meets in Orange Hall, Clin- ton, first and third Friday of every month. A.O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meetsin Blddlecomhe's Hall, opposite the market, the let and 3rd Fridays in each month. Vleitore cordially invited. 11, STONE. HAM, M. W.; J. BEAN, Recorder. .1LtiCe 699y § an 44411t y Jubilee PrOceptory No. 161, ' (Black Knights of Ireland) Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednes- day of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. Visiting Sir Kmighte will always receive a hearty welcome. A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor GEORos HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor PETER CANTELON, Registrar Royal Black Preceptory 397i Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Blyth, the Wednesday after full moon of every month. Royal Black Preceptory 3161 Black Knights of Ireland, Sleets in the Orange flail, Goderich, the Third Mon- day of every month. Visiting Knights always made velcome. W 11 MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P 0 JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderich P 0 COOKS FLOUR & FEED STORE, Clinton. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities, OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel Oats D. COOK, CLINTON. 762-tf New Flour and Feed Store. CASH AND ONE PRICE. 0. OLSON. - Bege to intern) the people of Clinton and neighbor• hood that he has opened a purely cash Flour and Feed Store on Victoria Street, next JloLennaa's Bak- ery. A full stock of FLOUR, MEALS, CHOP STUFF, BRAN, OATS, WHEAT, &c., kc., at the lowest liv.ng prices for Cash. Selling for Cash Only I am in a position to give the very best value for Cash or Trade. Goode exchanged for grain at the higheet market price. Give me a call and 1 will do my best to give one and all outside value. Goode guaranteed or money refunded. 0. OLSON, - Victoria St,, Clinton. HILL'S FEED STORE, HURON STREET, CLINTON. The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest varieties and blends. Excellent value. J. W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton BUSINESS CHANGE. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP. The undersigned having bought the hatchering beet - newt lately carried on by Mr. John Scruton, he will carry on the Hanle in the nid etand. As he wil- give personal attention to all the detail: of the boat- neeH r.'nntomers can reply on their orders being promptly cud satisfactorily filled. Ilia tnotto 18 good meat at reasonable prices.” Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &e. LACK KENNEDY,. Alpert St., Clinton LIVE HOGS WANTDDI Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. "08-tt. NOTICE TO NEWS -RECORD READERS. The publisher would eeteem it a favor If reader would, when making their purchases mention that they saw the mernhant'e advertisement In THe NRWS-RRCURD. _ Mrs. Whitt, Teacher of Music, Pupil of h1.'. Charles W. Landon, of Phlladelphie. The Mason Method used exclusively. It is considered by the loading Mneleal Artistes that no method develops the technic so rapidly as Dr. Mason's "Tneb and Technic." Plano, Organ and Tcahnicon for neo of pnpile• Apartments in Beaver mock, ever W. Beeeley'e, Albert street, Clinton. TO THE. FARMERS. Study Your own Interest and go where you eon get . Reliable rilk flarmess. 1 manufacture none but the BasT or &rooe. I)eware of Otos Moult cheap, «Elea,/ baud gotta flee • 1ST Call and got prices. Orders by mall prowply attended to J0001E1.1N "Etam LX, HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLVTil, ON's' NOTICE. There being Beene misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let 11 be dletlnctly understood that if any person takes poeseeelon of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to ate 1 shall al once take proceedings. Remember this is the luet warning I shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of Wreel';, Godericb Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. FOR SALE. The properly at present occupied by the un- dersigned as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Qoderioh, consisting done half of an acre of land, good frame house --story and a half -seven rooms, inoluding kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone oellar, stable, wood and carriage houses. There are also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any:person wishing to U ve retired. For further partieulars apply to El. CAMPION, 642-1f - Barrister. Uoderioh. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY and SIM ERWARE at 3. RIDDLECOM6'S, - Chiltern GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton J. EMMIERTON, Proprietor. Geo, Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert, Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first Claes material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. WATTS .& CO., CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. 1DROPERTY FOR SALE OP of n••,l RENT. -Advertisers will find "The Newe-Record"one of the beet mediums in the County of Huron. Advertise 1n 'The News -Record" -The Double Circulatiop Talk, to Thousands. Rates a low as any. PUMPS ! PUMPS ! It yen want a first claw, well•made pump, one that will ,give you eatfefaetion, send your order to the nndereigoed. He will dig and clean wells and do it at the closest prices. He aleo handles a first-class FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Opposite Qoeeu'sHotel - High Street Clinton. 809-tt F. W. FAANC011IB (MEMBER OF ASS'N OF P. L. 8.) Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, LONDON, OST, OFFICE -At T. J. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clin• ton '761-ly 6me. 81t- Cantelon Bros, urENERAIt GROCERS & PROVIS- ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glass d Chinaware ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter :and Eggs 752-ly "RILL HEADS, NOTE He..ds, Letter Heads, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, ate., etc.,printel In a workman- like manner and at lea rates, at THE News -Recent. ofiloe. COMFORTS OF HOME;:. Ladies who desire the comforts of home, but find it necessary now to be as Economical as possible, can have Borne of the comforts, at very little cost, by following these instruc- tions : GOOD CARPET AND RUCS CANNOT BE MADE ON NAND LOOMS UNLESS: FIRST, -You Prepare yodb Rags in the Proper manner; 3 SECOND,—Seo that only the beet POINTS of Warp or Chain 1.need ; TO 1t7 THIRD, -The WEAVING rightly done. REMEMBER I Am, Prepared to do the Bost of Weaving at reasonable 'prices Carpets and Rugs You Need, And you can have them woven in a first-class manner, in many beautiful and handsome patterns -from the plain bit or miss kind (in Carpets) to the gaudy striped, or fancy center with border. Rugs too, of all shades, colors and kinds, yon can have woven. YOUR CHOICE OF WARP. My Warps are bought direct from the Mille and yon can have your choice of Canadian or five-ply American --the very best in the market and Twenty Shades to choose from. PriceserYard and a Yard Wide (when we furnish Warp,) from lac. up. Samples of work may ba seen at my residence, East Street, Goderich (Mrs. :tiller's old stand). W. A. ROSS, - East St,, Goderich. DIICK PEOPLE BLEEDING SICK __ •_. 0 TO' REMOVE DISEASE USED TO pE COMMON 0 NOW 'TI8 DIFFIER11NT, Poor, weak and watery blood is turned into doh, vita- lizing and tissue building. The new dis- covery, " TH E KIND THAT CURES." makes the change. co it's 111111101111110, ► iiia. THE BIG FOUR RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA SCROFULA, SYPHILIS Some medicines cure mild cases -it takes the latest discovery in medical science -Scott's Sarsaparilla -to reaoh stubborn cases. Cures where other medicines tail because of ite difCer- enco. Contains now blood purifying properties -never failing. $1 PER BOTTLE OR 6 FOR $3 EDAIANSON, BATES & CO., • • TORONTO. WHOLESALE AGENTS SCOTT'S SKIN SOAP CLEANSED AND HEAL. The Huren News-Recora $1.25 a Yeas--$1.00In Advance WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5th. 189:1. Teachers in Council. E. AND W. HURON INSTITUTES MEET. CLINTON, May 22, 1895. A union meeting of the teachers of East and West Huron was opened in the Collegiate Institute here today, at 10 a. lir. • There was a largo attendance, over 200 teachers being present,. A. H. Musgrove, of Wingharn, occupied the chair. J. W. Hogarth opened the proceed- ings with prayer. Dr. Bigshy, M. A., of Detroit, was introduced, and proceeded to address the. members of the Association on methods of teaching language, and, although his rete nrks at this stage were preliminary, they proved very interesting and. instructive. The speaker dwelt on the iulpoetance of teaching the origin and meaning of words and names. Several apt illus- trations were given. The following committees were then appointed, viz : RI*SOLUT10Ns - Messrs. Pluullner, Houston, Halls, Tom and Murch. BUSINESS -Messrs. Musgrove, Weath- cr'head, Holman, Scott and Lough. School Inspector, D. Robb, East Huron, was introduced, and tuck u arithmetic and algebra, dealing with the papers set on these subjects at last midsummer examination. !lir. Robb's solutions to these problems were full of interest and instruction. Sheets con- taining the problems and solutions were distributed among the teachers. School Inspector• Tom suggested that some action be taken re the recent proposed changes regarding the quali- fication of teachers. A. committee was appointed to con- sider the proposed changes and report to Convention. The time for adjournment having arrived the Association adjourned to imeet again at 1.30 p. nr. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Association caret as per agree- ment at1.30p.m. John Houston, M. A., head master of the Clinton Collegiate Institute, proceeded to discuss "English Litera- ture," taking the selection contained in the High School Reader entitled "The Raven." This lesson proved very instructive, and the manner in which Mr. Houston dealt with the subject showed that he had given it much time and study. Dr. Bigshy was again introduced and continued the discussion of language, dealing with word sounds, showing, by diagrams, his method of dealing with the same. Uusing the teachers as a class, the speaker made this very inter- esting and instructive. Vertical writing was the next topic for discussion, which was introduced by J. 11. Cameron, of Brussels. Mr. Cameron gave several reasons why vertical writing should he taught. The following are the chief reasons advanced in favor of vertical writing, viz : legibility, hygienic principles, rapidity, more easily taught and more council' leaf. The discussion was continued by Messrs. Tom, Baker and Robb. The delegates to the Ontario Pro- vincial Teachers' Association, Messrs. Black and Weatherhead, gave very full reports of the proceedings of that atSROC i a Wm. The assnciatinn adjourned to meet to -morrow at 0 a. m, LECTURE. In the eveningDr. Bigsby, of De- troit, who had taen a prom ineut part in the exercises of the day, delivered an eloquent rand instructive address in the town hall on "The Sehonis of England and Dr. Arnold," to a Large and appreciatit'e audience. CraosTON, May 23, 1895. The associations met in separate ses- sion, as per adjournment. Business of a routine nature was transacted by both Associations. In East Huron Association the elec- tion of officers took place and resulted as follows: President, A. Scott, Sea - forth ; 1st vice president, J. H. (lamer - on, Brussels; 2nd vice-president, Miss Robertson, Wingharn; sec.-treas., A. H. Plummer, Blyth; ex. com., Messrs. Dodds, King, Shillinglaw, Misses Wil- son and McEwen ; delegate to the 0. P. T. A. .1. H. Cameron ; auditors,. Messrs. Anderson and Metcalf, of Bl th. In the 'West Huron Institute it wets decided to hold an Autumn meeting J. S. Delgaty gave notice that at the next meeting of the Association he would move that in future the Associa- tion hold only one meeting yearly. At 10 o'clock the united Associations as.4embled in the general assembly room of the Collegiate Institute. J. B. Weatherhead occupied the chair. Roll call showed 200 teachers in at- tendance in both Associations.. it was decided to pay the secl•etar- 1 les > each'i.'or reporting the proceed- ings of the Association. D,'. Bigsby was again called and con- tinued phonic drill. II. I. Strang gave some explanations regarding a Change in the programme with reference to the paper in rhetoric to be discussed by J. S. Canieron. Mr. Oameron was then introduced, and showed his manner of dealing with rhetorical analysis. He took a para- graph from the "Plague of Locusts," High School Reader, as the lesson. This paper proved very interesting and instructive, and the teachers expressed their high appreciation of Mr. Oatmer- on's method of teaching the subject. The question was further discussed by Messrs. Musgrove and Robb. Dr. Bigsby was again introduced and continued his discussion on language. In teaching composition, teachers were urged to encourage the children to use simple words, the simplest words are the strongest..13y all cleans children should be got co use their own words, it is the: only way to make a child strong in language. More attention should be given to synonyms and slang words and phrases, as these were ulcers on the body of Ian uage. In teaching the word method the torics of printe letters should be given to the children, each child a little boxful of these letters. Follow it consecutive thought 118 1, names; 2, numbers; 3, parts of •a thing ; 4, qualities ; 5, comparison ; 6, comparison of different subjects; 7, being; 8, having; 9, acting. There must be the objects: themselves. It must he borne in mined that a word is the visible form of an idea or an object. Peas and toothpicks should be used and get Lhe little ones to make objects. suCh as chairs, &c. Have also sand boxes, and let the children trace in the sand furans of things as maps, and by means of ficiur, blue, fine coffee, green powder, these maps can he made to re- present the real landscape. At this stage of the proceedings the hour of adjournment arrived and the association adjourned for noon till 1.30 11. 111._ AFLI:RNOON SESSION. .Che association met at the hour fixed on adjournment. Inspector Tom was at once called on and proceeded to discuss Phonics. He said he believed the phonic method was the best to pursue in teaching. reading. Reading is a means to an end ; it is the key by which we unlock the storehouses of learning. The development of read- ing took the following order : 1. Re- cognition of words ; 2, extraction of thought; 3, expression of . thought. Rote reading should be discour- aged under every circumstance. The sound of vowels should be given first and then the children well drilled on these. Print and script. should be used and taught at. same time. Teach- ing by the phonic system is synthetic and the most natural. The discussion its v • � 'on i a c t n e.i by !Messrs. Rohb, Plummer, Lough, Low- ery o ery and Delgaty. Dr. Bigshy then proceeded to dis- cuss history. He said thV this was a fearfully neglected subject in Canadian and United States schools. General contemporaneous history- should be taught, not so notch ancien t history. Dr. I3igsby's remarks were of necessity very brief on account of tiine. No doubt much good will re- sult from his talks. The committee appointed to consid- er the recent proposed changes by the Education Department reported, and the resolutions prepared by that com- mittee as amended were adopted as follows : RESOLUTIONS. Resolved : 1 That candidates for all Departmental Exi,tuinations be re- quested to Slake 50% total as hereto- fore. 2 That grammar, arithmetic and chemistry be continued on Jun. Leav- ing course. 3 That one language he substituted for the three proposed by Department for Junior Leaving Exam. 4 That Senior Leaving candidates take one language and the science course, or that two languages and physics constitute the course in plaice of three languages and two science subjects as proposed by Department. 6 That the three years term for Primary he con- tinued. The resolution committee's report was presented and adopted,as follows : Resolved that the thanks of the associa- tions he tendered to the Collegiate In- stitute trustees for the use of Assem- bly room of the institute for the ses- sions of the Joint Association and to the town council for the 050 of the town hall for the lecture last evening. As a great many of the teaching profession believe that from a hyygienic• point of view as well as from the legi- bility of, and speed and ease 111 wr•tt- in{, the vertical system of penmanship is superior to the oblique, therefore he it resolved, that. the Minister of Edu- cation be requested to authorize, in addition to the present copy -book, a set of copy -books based on the vertical system. The usual votes of thanks to those who read papers at the Association were passed, and the Association ad- journed to meet again at the call of the executive Cnr11Illittee. All of which is respectfully submitt- ed. G. W. IIOL.MANI clecretru les. AND'W SCOTT f' FOR YOUR OOTIRO CO TO PICTURESQUE jTIOCKIIIEiC ISi.00D. ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDS AT SMALL EXPENSE. Visit this Historical Island, which is the hrandest summer resort on the (treat a1;cs. It only costs about $13 from Detroit ; $15 from Toledo ; $18 from Cleveland, for the round trip, incluiliog neals and berths. Avoid the heat lino dust by traveling on the D. & C. flnatinc palaces, The attractions of a trip to the 'ilackinac region are unsurpassed. The :stand itself is a grand romantic spot, its climate moat invigorating. Two new steel passenger steamers have just been built for the upper lake route, costinc $300,000 each. They are equipped with every modern convenience, annunciators. bath rooms, etc , illuminated throughout by electricity, and are guaranteed to he the grandest, largest and safest steamers on fresh water. These steamers favorably compare with the great ocean liners in con. struction and speed. Four trips per week ;aetween Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Macki- nac, St.. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago, "Soo," Marquette and Duluth, Daily between Cleveland and Detroit rind Cleveland anti Putin -Ray. The palatial equipment makes traveling on these steamers thnr. Nighty enjoyalilr. Send for illustrated descriptive pnniphlct.. Address A. A. SCHANTZ, G. P. A., D. & C., Detroit, Mlcl'. co. mulslo the cream of Cod•liver Oil, with Hypophosphites, is for Coughs, Cods, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consumption, Loss of Flesh, Emaciation, Weak Babies,. Crowing Children, Poor Mothers' Milk, Scrofula, Anmmta; in fact, for all conditions call- ing for a quick and effective nourishment. Seudfor Pampklr1. FREE Scott & Boone. Belleville. 'Ali Druggists. 60e. & SI. HU M PHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with $umplu,'eys' Witch hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 4o years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding -Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—Sure certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Bons, Hot Tumors, UIcers, Old. Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 5oc. and $1.00. Sold by Druggists, or sent post-paid on recoiptofprice. HUMPHREYS' SED. 00., 111 b 113 Willem 81., No. York. WITCH HAZEL OIL • • Ift-XT cAVEATS,TRADE MARKS COPYRIGHTS. promptanswerI OBTAIN A PATENT? For a M NN etc CO. who have bad opinion, year,' experience Intim patent business. Communica- tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In- formation concerning Patents and how 10 ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and scientific, books sent free. Patents taken through Munn k Co. receive special notice in the Selo net fie American, and thus are brought widely before the public with- out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper. issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, bas by far the largest circulation of any scientific work In the world. $nq3es year. Sample copies sent free. Bcopies,.25cents. Every number co0 a ntains bean- ilial plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plane, enabling builders to show the latesti,r1BONN & CO secureand owl,36RADWAY, WOOD'13 Pfl PI3EODIrgM. The Great English Remedy. Six Packages Guaranteed ro promptly, and permanently cure all forms of Nervosa Weakness, Emisslons,Sperns- atorncea, Impotency and all effects of Abuse or Emoessee, Mental Worry. eatoeeeive use Before B and After. of Tobacco, Oplumor sifting - !ants, o lants, which soon lead to In- firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Has been prescribed over 36 years 1n thousands of cases; Is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine known. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodine; it he offers ammo worthless medicine in place of this, Inclose price In letter, and we will send by return maiL Price, one package, $1; six, $6. One will please, aixwill cure. 2'nmpbleta free to any addree. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada , Sold in Clinton by Allen & Wilson Druggists. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN Oil BEAST. Certain in Ite effects and never blisters. Read proofs below: KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Box 19German Henderson Co., Ill., Feb.20 '04. Dr. n. J. KENDALL bo. Dear Sirs—Please send me one of your Horse Books and oblige, r haveueod a great deal of your Kendall', Spavin Cure with good euecess ; it le a wonderful medicine. I once had a snare that bad an°Meuit&povin and five bottles cured her. 1 keep a bottle on band all the time. Tours truly, Chea. PowELL. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. CANTON, Mo., Apr. 8,'92. Dr. B. 3, lfeimsLL CO. Dear 8ira-I hove used several bottles of your •• Kendalr's Ilpavin Cure" with much success. I think It the best Liniment I ever used. Nava re- moved one Curb, cue mood spavin and killed two Bone Bpavine. Have recommended It to several of my friends who are much pleased with and keep it. Reepeettully, 8. R. RAT, P. O. Dox ha. ' For Sale by all Druggists, or address Dr. 13. J. 10ENDALL COMPANY, ENODOURS H PALLS, VT. A PERFECT TEA THE FINEST TEA In rut Wonto FROM TSE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA Ca•P 04 Its NATIVE "URITV. " Monsoon" Tea is pot up by thc ir.Pnn Ten 1rnwer0 as a sample of the best qu:dlties of Indian 1e',s. Therefore they use the grr:u.mt care in fh, sel:ction of the Tea and Ito blend. that is why they put it up themselves nod sell it only in the original p tcknge,. thereby securing its purity and excellence Pot up in ti tb., r Ib. and :i Ib. packages, and never sold in hulk. ALL GCOD CR::CERB KEEP IT. If your gromr Joe. no. i.,, ;. it, tell him to write to STEEL, KANTER & 00. • 11 and 13 Front Street East, Toronto. ..-444.44144