The Huron News-Record, 1895-06-05, Page 2Restores natural
Color to the hair,
and also prevents
it falling out. Mrs.
H. W. Fenwick, of
Diann, Id, S., sass :
"A little more
than°two years ago
my hair
to turn
and fail
out. Af-
ter the
"° use of
ono bottle. of Ayer's Hair Vigor my
hair was restored to its original
color and ceased falling out. An
occasional application has since kept
the hair in good conditinn."-Mrs.
H. F. FENWICL, Digby, N. S.
"I have used Ayer's Flair rigor
for three veers, and it has restored
hair, 1V!ticlt NV:IS first i'c•enming grey,
hack to it.i natural r:,1,^ -it. \T•
I'IASELI1J:., Petersen, N. j.
DR. 1, C, rYER & CD., ? f};'lE:.t, I%r 5 U .S. ,t
river's Pills etre Si::I.: Iteodaclies.
The Huron News-Recora
1 26 a Year -$1.00 to Advance.
1Vrnst.sDAY, JIeNE 5th, 1895.
Icten ted for 1as; we )1t.
members of Lodge Londesboro, No, 143,
Sons of England, were pleased to have
Mr. Bond Laweasou with thein again
and called IL special tweeting on Friday
evening last and presented hint with a
Past President's Jewel and the follow-
ing address :-
Londeslroro, May 21th, 1895.
MR. B. L,1WrAeos:-
Dear Brother, -The time has come
that we have to hili you farewell and it
is with deep regret that we 'lave to
part with such a kind and loving
brother as you have been, always
ready to do that which has been most
profitable to the Lodge. As Secretary
you, have been a useful and efficient
member and we regret the circum-
stances which have arisen necessitating
your remove), from our midst, and that
hereafter , we shall have very little of
your company and assistance in the
work of our beloved Order. We trust
that what is our loss will he your gain
and that you may be long spared to
work in other fields. In your new
horse we hope you will be happy and
prosperoue and that you will always
entertain kindly feelings towards this
lodge which you have been so instru-
mental in building up. And now as
you are about to leave us we, the
officers and members of Lodge Londes
borough, No. 143, Sons of England
Benevolent Society, desire to present
yon with this Past President's Jewel as
a token of the esteems in which you are
held in the Lodge. We trust that as
often as you may glance upon it
memory will carry yott hack to the
many pleasant evenings which you
have spent with ns in our lodge roost.
Wishing you Illa.ny prosperous and
happy days hi the Miaow, we are, in
behalf of the Lodge, you,', fraternally,
The Rev. Jas. Ferguson, of South-
ampton, preached a grand sermon on
Sunday afternoon to the Sons of
England here. There was quite a lot
down from Goderieh, \Vinghani and
other places. Thechitt•ch was crowded.
IIr. B. L:twi'ason returned to his
home in Adelaide en Monday after
spending a week heel, with fHeeds.
ibin•. A. McGregor, of North Star
Lodge of Good Templare, was elected
as District Secretary at the District
Meeting at Constance last week.
There wits a Lawn Social at the
home of Mr. Mishit, McVittie on Mon-
day evening, June 3rd.
The members of council met as a
court of revision at 10 o'clock a. tn. on
Monday, May 27th. The. Reeve was
chosen chairman of the court. Lot
No. 2, L. R. E., was changed in roll
flout Isabella Huston to Wm. J. St inson.
C'our't t,hcn adjourned to meet regain
on June 24th ut 1 o'clock p. ni. to fur-
ther consider the appeal of Hugh Mc-
Gregor lir any other appeals which
may be filed with the Clerk on or be-
fore June 0th. ()n resuming business
as council the wee -mitts of Wm. M.
Reed, $13, for keeping Andrew Craw-
ford ; F. G. Ncelin, for printing ILsaesc-
ment notices end Menicipal World,
anci $5 for press seal, were order
dere(' to he paid. The Clerk wlis in-
structed to notify all parties not hat-
ing paid 1)r. Ar•tns`.rong for vaccinating
their children to pay the saute before
next meeting to the drink. The stand-
ing I3y-laws which were rtwined at
previous rnee'.111g of the council %were
read end passed. The following lure
the appropriations fur roads for the
present yeitr, viz:-Cowcessious 2:nud 3
Seek, 4 and 5 $.A (1 and 7 5(1), 8 nod 9
$40. 10 and 11 $10, 12 mid 13 $(1(1, Lake
1LotL(1 $lee, (.'entre Linc' $(hi, Gimlet's
Side Line $10, McGregur's S. L. $15,
Innis' S. 1.. $20, ileird's S. L. 514,
Cu'rie's S. L. $13. Sharp's 5. L. 52(1,
Boyee's 5. L. $15, McNairs 5. L. $15,
Reid's 5. L. $1(1, Mc•Beth's 5. L. $30,
Shreenan•s S. L. $15, Hayfield Road
$100, Mcflveen's S. L. $10; Turner's S.
520, (;lark's H. L. $10. Mr. Donald-
son was paid $150 on cedar account.
('nuncio meets swain on Monday, Juror
tit h. :tt2 o'clock p. ni. J. T. ('AltcxiS,
Rhemmrthsrn is retried by lactic acid
in the hlood attacking the fibroma
I iseni's of the joints. Keep your blood
pare and healthy and 3s'ou will not
have rheumatism. ilorel's Sarsapar-
illa gives the blood . vitality and rich -
n08( and tones the whole body, neutra-
lizes the acidity of the blood and thus
cares rheumatism.
Hoon's Priers are the best after-din-
ner pills, aseist digestion, euro hettrl-
Stllfi ant lffl.'
Too late fur last week.
School was' cloyed her.# on tbe last
three days of last weer.owing to the
Huroh teacher's Convention, in Clin-
ton and the��, ueen's Birthday.
',j"he Rev. M. Armstrong, of Hayfield,
conducted Divine Servii:e here last
Suuday and our pastor, the Rev, Wm.
Stout took lite work at Hayfield.
The garden party at Mr. Miller's in
aid of the church improvement ftlud of
the church here was in every wtty
a success. The Rev. Wm. Stout per-
formed the duties of chairman tit IL
very satisfactory wanner. The pr'o-
gratunue was well "tendered and well
received find ;the evening being fait' all
went merry its a marriage bell.
The Sunday School attendance i't
splendid. There is still room for more.
The fife and drain hand paraded on
Saturday evening last and will do so
weeklze,if wit more frequently until
the lin. All the teutber., should'
make an effort to be present every time.
Mrs. II. B. McVittie, of North Bay,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Joseph Watkins, and other relatives itt
this vicinity,
Port Albert.
There was a large windier of pie-nic
parties in the pint on the 21th.
Fishing at tit.• harbor has heen,lgood
during the past t Ivo weeks.
1'. .s1cFarlen left on Monday last
for Acton anti Ed. Platt retires from
the mill business on theist of June and
retires to Toronto.
A \1r.'Ke1ly of Seegini1ler, is talking
of starting n flax still in the port.
Dr. Case, of Dung/tnntes, 'arta his
brother froth Exeter, were in the Port
on the'3itlr.
Geo. lie wlcins was in the Queen City
during the past week.
W. B. Iltt,vkins was in the Foreet
City on the 24th.
At a int e'ing of the township coun-
cil of Ashtleld, held ou the 2.ith inst.,
it was 1'eSn1Ve'd to send a llelegeitron to
interview the Mou. the Minister of
Piddle Works at Ot(atva relative to
harbor MIproveutents at Part AlIn'it,
and other twitters. The delegut-is to
consist of Mr. Girvin, Breve, L1It.
i-tothcrrs, Clerk, Es -Warden Griffin and
A. U. Hawkins, forweriy government
foreman of harbor works. The conn -
cit has seleetedapretty strong delega-
tion, who are qualified to represent
the interest of their municipality.
The weather' hes been rather cold
along the lake shore since the severe
frost, and the damage by frost is not
5U large 1(5 wits at first anticipated. ,;,
Frim the ntt,wn Jouruat.
Mr. George Argue iS one of the hest
Icnow'n farmers in the vicinity of North
Gotvttr. He has p Lssed through an ex-
perience as pitipful as it is remarkable,
and his story as toll iL reporter will
p? be of value to others. "I was
born in the county of Carleton," said
Mi'. Argue, and have lived all my life
within twenty miles of the city of Ot-
tawa. Ten year's of that tittle have
been years of pain and misery almost
beyond endurance. Eleven years ago
I contracted A cold which resulted in
pleurisy and inflammation of the lungs.
Other complications then followed (133(1
I was confined to toy rooter for five
years. The (tt,tx•tor who attended ate
through that' long illness said that
the reason I was unable ''to )novo
about was due to the contracting
I rofhl hohhlt afoarul at roaches.
of the mingles and nerves of my hands
.End feet through long confinement
to bed. I could hobble around n tittle
on crotches, but was well nigh help-
less.. At this stage a second doctor was
C(Llle.1 in who declared my trouble was
spinal rrioplaint. Notwithstanding
medical advice and treatment I was
sinking lower and lower, and )6')s re-
garded as inc'urehle. 1 was now in such
iL state that 1 was unable to leave soy
bed, but tletel:ruinecl to find a cure if
p o sible, and sent for one of the most
able physicians it; Ottawa. 1 wits un-
der his care and treatment for 'three
years. He blistered x337 Frick every
three or four weeks and exer'te'd all his
skill, but in vein. 1 was growing
weaker arid weaker and began tc. thine
(he end could not be far off, At this
juncture a friend Strongly urged me to
ta-y d)r. Williams' Pink fills. i yield-
ed eo his solicitations, and by the time
six boxes of pills were anted f found
myself getting better. 1 used in all
thirty boxes, and khey have *'e,nIi-
plishe1 what ten ytitr's treatment un-
der physicians felled to du. Thanks
to this wuntlorf(t1 medicine, 1 sun able
to ,L1 tend to ray duties and run Its free
from diseitae as any man in ordinary
health is expected to le,. 1 still tete
Ur. Williams Pink Pills, and they are
the medicine 1'nr ine, and sit long as 1
live I shill ;lee Ito other. 1f I had got
these rtids ten years ago 1 tun satisfle(1
i would not have "ufirred it•+ 1 dict, and
would have caved sunt, hundreds 01
11o11nrs doctor hills. it is only those
who have passed through Sieh a tern lido
siege v.5 1 have done who can folly
realise the wonderful merit of l)r.
Williams' Pink fills:"
Mr. Aegni's experienee should con-
vince even the »wet, skeptical that 1)i'.
�Villiu ne' Pink Pills stand far in ad -
veer„ of other medicines and are ten-
or the greatest discoveries of the lige.
There 1e no disease due to poor, or
watery blood or shattered nerves which
will not speedily yield to this treatment
and in innumerable e(tses patients have
been restored to health and strength
after physicians had pronounced the
dreaded word "incurable." Sold by
all dealers in medicine or sent by mail
post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 by adder -rising the I)r. %Yil-
linens' Medtrine Co., Brockville, Ont.,
or Schenectady, N. Y. Refuse imita-
tions and do not be per'saitdeil to try
something else.
i shadow tell across the page that the
local editor Nan writing" }Ie looked up.
A man .stood at the other side of the
desk.. -a man with lively eyes, a reddlah
moustache, his stat set a little back-
%'. and, and his hands In his pockets.
"Good day, sir," said•the intruder. "I
have been tn-the counting room: tn see
about an ad. And now here I am, to
aeh if you want a 'story.' "
"Editors are always in want of a
'story,' provided -that it be a good one.
And inside of a couple of thousand
words -or if it was the autobiography
or Napoleon with his views about Tt•il-
h3', we couldn't take It to -day."
The visitor podded to show that he
understood the pressure on the columns.
•"It is a remarkable ease, sir. Likely
to attract the attention of scientists
and equally of the great North Ameri-
can public. But 1 rather think that 1
can give it to you inside of 2,000 words.
S"c,u may take it down as I tell it, and
blue pencil it later. See ?
"Well, sir, I will introduce myself,
Raymond Dooley, advance agent of
i'urington'a Aggregation of Talent,
Will show here next Monday. Admis-
sion 10 cents, children half price. A
good, clean show, sir, and one to make
the hair curl with wonder at the WVrks
of Nature and of the Human )find We
are engaged with a circus In the sum-
mer ; in the winter we travel, rent
a vacant ahop for a few days, then
inove on. We hope to stay home time in
your beautiful city. Our Aggregation,
:err, at preetnt consists of the Fat Lady,
who should be mentioned Best on ac-
count cif iter adrnirable, qualities, and
who acts like an riwn mother to our two
sweet young ladies, the Cirettssian Girl
and the Snake Queen, We have among
its the Living Skeleton, the Sword S%:al-
rower, and the Ttvo Beaded Man -all of
tl.em perfect gentlemen. My story is
about the Two Laded Man. His name
Is Daniel Nathaniel Drigge. His right-
hand head was baptized Daniel and his
]efthand head Nathaniel. E'er some
years, while he was a boy,
his peculiarity did not trouble
him much. He could eat two pieces of
pie at once ; and at school, while one
head was reciting, the other could peep
at the boolt and prompt him. Then he
could study two lessons together, clay
mental arithemetic and spelling, and
so save time to play marbles. And if he
cculd not find another boy to play
with him his right head would play
against his left. There were ever so
many ways that he could see wherein
his blessings lay, until he left home
and joined the Aggregation, •
"Then it was that he fnund that two
heads are an over supply for one heart.
Because Daniel fell in love with the Cir-
caesian (girl, whine Nathaniel was
charmed with the Snake Queen. His
place In the show was between the
two, so that whichever way he looked,
or both wa$'s, there was the idol of his
heart. Daniel preferred a blonde, and
our Circassian is the pretlest albino that
you ever saw ; eye's pink as a rabbit's
and lovely white hair that stands out a
yard from her hen In a eirede. And she
has a beautiful disposition ; sits there
selling her photographs and telling
fortunes all day long, like a lamb. But
Nathaniel preferred a brunette ; and
our Snake Queen is that and a beauty.
Fine figure, black braids down to her
asst, little hands that play with those
snakes as if they were no more than
pond Illy- stems -and there is not a
snake in the bunch that can move swift-
er or more flexibly than that girl, Dis-
position lively, bat you have to have
decision of character to handle snakes,
"At first poor Briggs did not know
what was the matter with him. He said
that he felt queer in the chest, as if
his heart was being pulled two ways,
and a stiffness in his neck. The Fat
Woman thought that he had taken cold,
and advised him to drink hot lemonade
and put a mustard plaster on his chest.
That did him good. Then he found
that when Daniel and Nathaniel both
looked at the same young lady, he
felt better in the chest, but one head or
the other would ache. Finally h nar-
rowed it down to facts ; he had two
heads,e ach in love with a charming and
respectable young lady -and only one
heart. And the heart was getting strain -
rd. Then he began to pay marked at-
tentions to the girls, hoping that he
should find that he eared more for one
of them than for the other, or that one
would have him and the other would
not. In which case, the thing would
settle itself. But the young ladies, being
such and very refined, were both nice
an could be to him, so that he could not
make up his mind.
"Also to let you see what elegant peo-
ple ours are. Daniel anci Nathaniel
were kind enough Co agree among them-
sele es that whichever of the two was
engaged in courting, the other would
shut his eyes and go to sleep in order
not to intrude. But one day when
Nathaniel we.a freeing ant', Daniel wee
Bilking to the Circassian Girl, Dan says,
'Excuse me a moment, Light of the ()t-
ient. while T speak a word to Nat,
the ugh T know that it is had manners to
crisper in company. So he stirred Nath-
aniel up with the news that the Sword
Svel power was t'iirtintx'wlth the Snake
Q1tlep ,t nptbej all
that tilg ovist Slte1timeeto$llt waswi)rned atllppinPa
off i; loci of the tlircaS.sian Girl•'s-hair,
Slr'they .had tb keep awalte to ook out,
tot rivals, ,r<p Briggs' the fell a¢
'badly that he reared that he phould be
obliged to give up work and go to the
Tben the manager talked It all over
with the Fat Woman and the motherly
cid soul advised him to change the
places of the young ladies, putting the
Snake, Queen next to Daniel and the
Circassian Girl at the side of Nathaniel.
But poor Briggs got his necks so twist-
ed around each other, trying to look at
their' girls, that the Snake Queen her-
et,lf had to come to straighten him out.
And Nathaniel's head smiled until it
looked fairly silly, while the Daniel
head muttered 'Oh, get out,' The Sword
Swallower inquired what Mr. Briggs
meant by such language to a • lady,
r:ayinq that he could swallow eighteen
inches of cold steel, but no cold inso-
lence. Briggs said that what he meant
was, get out his neck straight ; and
the Sword' Swallower was obliged to ac-
cept the apology, because heated discus-
sions are against the rules in ntrr Ag-
gregation. You may call our people
freaks or you may call them artists,
but they are perfect ladies and gentle-
men every time. And don't you blue-
pencil that.
"One day Daniel and Nathaniel triers
to talk the matter out between himself.
Tan prnpoec'd that Nat should cease his
attentions to the Serpent Queen and
turn bis thoughts instead to the Cir-
cassian Girl. To which Nat oh,jected
that pan would he jealous, and Dar.
allowed that it would be so. Then Nat
suggested that they should offer the
hand and name of Mr. 'Briggs, each to
his own particular idol of their com-
mon heart ; but Dan pointed out that it
would be awkward if both were accept-
ed. Nat could only say that he :wished
that the+r was just a Solomon in our
Aggregation, for his great judgment act
in the case of the baby with two moth-
ers was only a dress rehearsal to what
he might do with this difficulty. Tian
said that the Fat Woman was a real
Solomon in petticoats, and he, for his
part, was willing to let her umpire this
game. Nat agreed, and -they went and
put It to her.
'What does she say ? Says she : 'Mr.
Triggs, I don't think that you are e-i-
nc:tly stilted to matrimonial life. Ito-
cnuse you have too much head for your
heart ; and domestic felicity calls foe
the oposite makeup. Two heads, the
.saying is, are better than one ; and
ith a double brain like yours, Mr.
Briggs. you would much better choose
fame instead of happiness. Moreover.
which every young lady you mlgi.t
marry,' either Daniel or Nathaniel is
bound to be dissatisfied all the time. d
should advise you to cultivate your in-
tellects, Mr. Briggs.'
"What he did, because that very day
the Sword Swallower told him that the
lij,ake Queen had promised to he Mrs.
S. 5., and the next day the Living Skele-
ton invited Mr. Briggs to be best man
at his wedding with the Circassian Girl.
'The marriages came off, and you would
-not wish to see more happy and united
couples. And the same applies .to Mr,
j.iriggs' two heads. I3e, sir, fnilowing,,
the further advice of the Fat Woman,
has studied -to be a Lightning Calcula-
tor. In which he succeeded and got his
salary doubled. A salary, as you may
say, per head. Having two mouths he
is able to eat. and now can pay for,
double meals. Mr. Priggs, sir, is grow-
ing very stout. Put the Fat Woman
says that she does not fear a rival, be-
,I'use nobody would care to look at a
r•an freak in that line. It is because
the public does not expect lovely woman
to weigh over 350 pounds, that she is so
"If you will accept these ttnkets, sir,
and bring your good lady and family to
see our Aggregation, or if you are not a
family man, escort the object of your
(-eldest hopes -and i shall be pleased to
make you acquainted with our artists,
and especially with Mr. Briggs."
Then the e'iltor spoke : "Pnrdnn me,
Mr. Dooley, but the story sounds im-
"It is not tmprnbahle, sir.' retorted
the advance agent. "It is simply Im-
possible. It is, in short, a lie. T made
It all up myself for advertiving pur-
poses. But I think that your readers
will be interested In it, if you will print
it, and I shall be glad, sir, to set up the
beer 1"
('alo'sat Children
The quaint little town of St. Niehnlas.
in East Flanders. boasts the pnssessinn
of two children of such extraordinary
abnormal growth as to put completely
in the shade all eimtler infant prodi-
gies of the past or present. These verl-
able Brobdignaglan youngsters are
boy and girl. The elder. Master Clem-
rnent Smedst, is 15 years of age and
weights no less than 420 pounds (30
stone) ; the circumference of hi1 hotly
is 6 feet 6 inches ; he meaaiires 36 inches
round the leg and 28 inches round the
arm. His sister Bertha is 8 years old,
and turns the scale at 224 pp,ound (15
stone). In spite of their enormous di-
mensions their activity is remarkable,
for they trip and ekip about with all the
agility of other children of an equal
age. It is an astonishing sight to see
these Infant mountains of humanity
romping about in the country lanes with
other children of the village. One would
imagine them to he the offspring of a
race of giants, so high do they tower
over the heads of their little playfel-
lows. Thetr appearance is decidedly in-
teresting, both having extremely hand-
some and regular features. Bertha, like
other girls of tender years, delights In
nursing a doll, whieh seems ludicrously
out of place and proportion in the arms
of the young giantess. Ttie couple are
attracting the attention of the country
around, and on fine days ern%Vds of pen -
ole firek into the quiet little town in
order to catch a glimpse of these colos-
sal children -Blackburn Times,
Found 01 a Breaux.
"Great Scott ! I put through a terrible
night !" "What was the trouble ?" "I
thought I'd borrowed $5 and wake and
found it a dream."-Chlcagu Inter
"What Is this ?" exclaimed the prima
donna, as she crumpled the printed
sheet, threw It upon the floor, and
stamped upon It,
"What is the matter, my dear ?" ask -
et. her husband.
"A brand of piano h"Q been placed on
the market without my knowledge, and
( have not written a testimonial saying
it is the finest instrument I have ever
used. This is the first time Ruch a thing
Itas happened, and It is an iveutt."-
Detrott Free Press.
Rejoice Together.
Nine Year Old Maggie McRitchie, a Victim of Chronic
Fainting Spells and Nervous Weakness, Completely Cured
by South American Nervine After all Other Efforts had
failed. The Mother, a Sufferer From Nervous Prostration
and Indigestion, Likewise Cured. Hear Nhat .the Than1
ful Father Has to Say.
A leading local physician, whose
profession takes him among the chil-
dren of the various public institutions,
remarked to the writer, that one
would hardly believe that so many
children were affected by nervous
troubles,, which sap the system and
prevent proper development. In
many cases the doctors are powerless
to cure these troubles. They can
relieve the suffering little ones, but in
South American Nervine we have a
medicine that does more than simply
give relief. Its peculiar strength is
that it completely cures where physi-
cians relieve. A case in point came to
us the 24th ult., in a letter from Mr.
James W. - McRitchie of Bothwell,
Ont. He says :—"My daughter.
Maggie, aged 9 years, was afflicted
with nervous fainting spells for over
a year, which left her in such a con-
dition of weakness afterwards that
the child was practically an invalid.
We tried several remedies and doctor-
ed with her in one way and another,
but nothing gave relief, Seeing South
American Nervine advertised, as par-
ticularly efficacious in nervous dis.
eases, I decided on trying it for bet,
and I must say that I noticed a decided
change in my daughter for the better
after she had taken only a few doses.
As a result of using this medicine, she
is now entirely free from those faint-
ing spells t1'td possessed of that life
and brightness that is the lumpy lot
of childhood. I am satisfiedis an
excellent medicine for any nervous
weakness. My experience bas been
further supplemented inthe fact that
my wife has also been using South
American Nervine for indigestion,
dyspepsia and nervous prostration,
and has found very great relief."
W,hether the patient he man or
woman, young or old, South American
Nervine provides a complete medium
for restoration to health. It is a
medicine differing absolutely from
every other. A cure is effected by
application to the nerve centres of the
human system, and science has proved
that when these nerve centres are
kept healthy the whole body is healthy.
For these reasons failure is imposs-
.;,e.�r.-.!YVL'•�0.7'!'� o �f�\�® rr� ea-1�i.ICVl�gei71(-'a•.���(C�6 ��
THE RES LT of ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body t)ndnc-if
ed by lust Land exposure are constantly wrecking the lives and future
.m!eapptness of tt oftwanda of promising young men. dome fade and wither et an early age �
i zit the blossom Of manhood, while others aro forced to drag oat a weary, trnftleso and
(,nelancholy existence. Others reach matrimony bnt find no solace or con fort there. The
s victims are found in all stations of life: -Tho farm, the office, the workshop, the pulpit,R
the trades and the professions.
SL'1:Fone T8E,1Ti%TEN•r An= TIIL.LTttaNT
Wm. A. Walker of 10th Street says: -"I have suffered'
untold agonies for my "gay life." I was indiscreet when
yenta; and ignorant. As "One of the Boys" I contracted
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month and throat, bone pains, hair loose, pimples On
face, finger nails came off emissions, became thin and
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.1t It 1 !maned n had habit. At 21 t had all the symptom;)
'f Bernice! Weaenees and Sper•matornccee, Emissions
were dra(nen- and weakening my vitality. 1 married ail
1124 under advice of my family doctor, but it was a
7annd ex peri, nee In e�iqhtetn months we were divorced. I
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