HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-05-15, Page 5BEWARE Of buying the inferiorw, grade of Bluestone for spraying purposes. It contains only a proportion of Bluestone and of course can be sold much cheaper" than the genuine article. Exceptionally low price is almost sure to mean exceptionally low grade. We sell only the best : --Bluestone' Al aslow prices Paris Greenas the beast earn Hellebore possibly be sold Insect Powder, &c. 3 for. ADEN & WILSON'S Prescription Drug Store, - - Clinton, -A/IA.1%4'1'1'013A SCI-10001JS- Look over these Bargains. SiI;GARS, Special quotation in bbls, selling by $ less than Wholesale prices. CANNED GOODS, Put up by the hest Packers', Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Pine Apples, Pumpkins, Salmon and Mackerel. TEA, Extraordinary value in Japan, Black and Green, good Japan only 15e, Chinies Mixture only 20e. Rice 25 lbs. for $1.00. Raisins 28 lb. box for $1.00. Prunes, California, Apri- cots and Peaches. Largest and best assorted stock of Crockery and G ra_ssware in the county; selling at close prices; call and see quality and ices. J. W. IRWIN GROCER MACKAY BLOCK. - - - CLINTON. 1111$$$$$Ititimmnit $ When House Cleaning Don't forget that you can paper your rooms with nice CLEAN PAPERS for less than a man will charge you to. Whitewash or Kalsomine. 4 A room nicely papered with border and .ceiling to match and a nice Cream Shade, a Curtain and Curtails Pole being on the windo is then half furnished. We are proud of our Stock and so are our custom- ers because there is no better values to be had in Western Ontario. CoopeF & Co, CLINTON. t $ $1111$11111 i1M1 • Webster's International : : Diionary • Invaluable in Office,School,andHome : • New from Cover to Cover • 401111 • Possessor of Ow • • •. : th" Unabridged. " • Standard of the • II. S. Gov't Print- • ing Office, the U.S. Supreme Court and • of nearly all the • Schoolbooks. Warmly corn- • mended by State • Superintendents • of Schools, and • other Educators al- - most without num- • her. The One Great Standard Authority, : So writes lion. D. J. Brewer, Justice tl. R. Supreme Conrt. A College President writes: " For : • "ease with which the eye finds the • • •' word sought, for accuracy of deflni- • "tionr for effective methods in Jodi- • • "eating pronunciation, for torso yet • • "comprehensive statements of facts, • • "and for practical nee as a working "dlotionary, 'Webster's International' : "excels any other single volume." • G. & C. MERRIA M CO., Publishers, • Springfield, Mass., U.S.A. • or Bend to the publishers for free pamphlet. • • 67- Do not bey cheap reprints of ancient dltlons. To Smokers To meet the wishes of their customers The Geo. E. Tuckett & Son Qo., Ltd., Hamil- ton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of "T & B" SMOKING TOB 4000. This supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the fan>I- ous r'T & B" brand of pure Virginia. Tobacco. The tin tag"T & B" is on every piece A IIIean-Looking. Letter -Head Has lost many a dollar for business Hien. If a man is judged by the coat he wears, he is also judged by the letter -head he uses. An artistic and business -like letter -head has frequently been a basis of credit. It may he looked on as a gond investment. Let us fit youl' business with a good coat. THE NEWS -RECORD CAN SUPPLY YOU. BIRTHS. RLTLEDGE.-In Goderirh township, on t he 8th inst., the wife of Mr. W. Rutledge, of a son. LAwsoN.-In Hullett, on the 7th inst., the wife of Mr. Robt. Lawson. of a Son. 51r('r'rcuEoN.-1u Morris, on April 24th, the wife of Mr. John McCut- cheoi, of twin sons. MANSON.-In Wolseley, Northwest Territory, of May 2nd, the wife of Mr. Alex. P. Manson, of a daughter. ARsco'rT.-In \Vingletin, on the 7th inst., Mrs. Robt. Arscott, of a daugh- ter. REID--In Goderirh, on the 28th ult., the wife of S. J. Reid. of a daughter. MARRIAGES. KERR--NESRITT.-At the residence of the bride's father, on the 8th inst., by Rev. E. A. Fear, Mr. Harvey J. Kerr, of Thornburry, to Miss Helena, eldest daughter of Mr. Chris. Nesbit t, of Goder•ich township. MONTGOMERY - CLENDENNINO.-At .c. - AL St. George's church, Winnipeg. on April 24, by Rev. J. J. Roy, Miss Bella Clendenning, of Wingham, Ont., to William H. Montgomery, of Emerson, Man. ] r -. PcRI L E STEW .SRT. -BY the Rev. John Mills, at, the residence of the bride, on 30th April, Mr. Censor Per- due, of Goderich township, to Mrs. Helen Stewart, of Lucknow, DEATHS. • StMONS.- -In Goderich, on Wednes- day, May 8th, 1895, Mary Simons, relict of the late James Simons, aged 80 years. EI.r.n)TT. -in (xoderich township, on the 7th inst., Anthony Elliott, aged 83 years and six months. MCMrlc ittE -In Clinton, on May 9th, Alex. MrMurchie, aged 50 years. ROOERTSON.--In Wingham, on the 8th inst., Mnrgiiret Robertson, aged 75 years. SINCLAIR. •- At his residence, Erie Mt., Ridgetown, on Wednesday, May lvt, Rev. Thos. Sinclair, formerly of Wingham, aged (10 years, 0 months, 12 days. MtCALL.Isr.-- in Morris, on Satnr- day, May 4th, Duncan McCallum, ,on of Gilbert McCallum, aged 42 years. TArr. - in Brussels, on Thursday, May Oth, William Trait, aged 72 years. The public revenue of (lannda. for April shows an increase of four hun- dred and fifty thousand dollars, as compared with the revenue for the corresponding month last year. it is rumored in Winnipeg that the Governor-General has summoned Messrs. (4reen way and Sifton to Ottawa for the purpose of considering a way out of the difficulty of the school question. The Premier and Atto . ey- General of Manitoba left for the east last week. Holmesville. 111r. Stilwell Phipps,has the contract for digging the Post Holes and skating the putts around the cheese factory and Mr. Russel Forster builds the fence. The factory is to be coMpleted this week and operations are to begin on Monday next. There is to be an open meeting of the Patron Association here on Thurs- day evening next when addresses by J. Connolly and D. A Forrester will be given. .rhe Patrons are bound to keep alive here. The new store in course of erection by J. L. Courtice is progressing rapid- ly. A number of his friends are aiding hint in the work,in consequence he will occupy it at uo distant day. Two families, relatives, in our village have recently been at variance on financial grounds. A short time ago it was concluded to submit their cases to arbitration on it certain day. Before the day arrived however they were both induced by the intervention of others to settle the matter between themselves. Since that time however the wife of one of the interested parties does not feel inclined to let the matter drop notwithstanding the factof strong pet suasion to the contrary. The result is that an arbitration has been asked to give their decision on the matter this week. It is a pity to stir up rancorous feelings among relatives. Rev. W. Smyth of Ontario street church, Clinton, officiated here on the evening of Friday last and gave One of the most thorough and able dis- courses we have listened to for many a day. On Sabbath last the quarterly ser- vices were well attended here and al the Quarterly Board on Friday even- ing Mr. Ed. Acheson was elected delegate to the District Meeting. Misses Hamilton and McRae, of Clin- ton, were the guests of Airs. Holds - Worth 011 Sunday last. So says Drone Rutitot. She said more but WO won't toll. MUCH LIKE A MIRACLE. A STATEMENT FROM A WELL-KNOWN BERLIN MERCHANT. HOW HIS DAUGHTER WAS RESTORED FROM TIIE TERRORS OF ST. VITUS DANCE -HER CASE ONE OF THE WORST EVER KNOWN -HAS FULLY RECOVER- ED HER HEALTH. From the Be 'in News. The readers of the News have been initde familiar with the virtue of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People through the atticles appearing front time to time in these columns, and while the druggists say that many in this vicinity have received undoubted benefit front their timely use, it is only recently that we have heard of a cure in Berlin of such importance as to take rank among the most remarkable yet published. There is hardly a n -. an or woman in the town of Berlin, or the county of Waterloo, who does not know Mr. Martin Simpsnn, issuer of marriage_ 1ieenses and general mer- chant, King street. Anything said by Mr. Simpson will be implicitly relied upon. A day or two ago we had a talk with him in reference to his fourteen year old daughter Helen, who had for two years been rt great sufferer from St. Vitus dance. He tells us that it was the worst case he ever saw. She did not sleep for whole nights and wits an intense sufferer. She was totally helpless •incl, could neither eat nor drink unless administered to her by her parents. The best. medical attend- ance was had, but all to no avail, She kept getting worse and worse, and finally, when in the paroxysms, com- menced to froth at the -mouth, and her parents believed she was going out of her mind. Though unable to walk for about eight. months she would in her spells have fits, making her jump high above her couch. While in this condition, the worst case ever seen in this place, Mr. Simpson, as a last resort, purchased some Pink Pills and gave them to his suffering and afflicted daughter. He assures us that in thirty hours she found some relief. In a week the "dance" was entirely stopped and she ons able to sleep, and was rapidly regaining her former strength. Some months after the use of the Pink Pills was discontinued she again bad torches of disease, het a few doses of the pills stopped it and for the last eight months has been entirely free from the terrible malady from which no one who knew the circum- stances, expected she would recover, and her parents, a9 may be expected, are warm in their praises of the wond- erful remedy which worked sncli great results. These facts are known to all who are acquainted with the family and further comments are wholly un- necesstir '. When such strong tributes as these can be had to the wonderful merits of Pink Pills. it is little wonder that they are the favorite remedy with all classes. They are an ,unfailing specific for locomotor ataxis, ppar ial paralysis, sis , St. Vitus donee, srittica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of lit grippe, palpitation of the heart, nervor5 prostration, all dis- eases depending upon vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a speci- fic for troubles peculiar to females, suppressions, irregularities, and all fiirn]s of weakness. In then they effect a radical cure in all cases arising front mental worry, overwork, or ex- cesses Of any nature. These Pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, of Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady. N. Y., and sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hnndred, and the public are cautioned against numerous imitations in this shape), nt 50c. a box, or six boxes for$2.50, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., at either address. Mr. John ('ostigan Drought down the report of the Department of Marine on Thursday. It shows that the total number of wrecks in Canadian waters daring the last fiscal year ons eighty- six, representing the loss of ton lives and three. hundred and twenty-two thousand dollars. The recent advance in the duty on m s ats is not likely to result, in the abolition of the five rent drink. it is likely most of the hotels will keep two lots, charge five cents fur ordinary whiskey and ten cents when special brands are named. The hotel -keepers are of opinion that the increased tax will probably result in a greater con- sumption of beer 4 'To Dy Qr Not to. Dip that is the question: whether it is better to wear that faded, shabby dress and endure the scornful looks of all your well-dressed neighbors, or to purchase a package of Diamond Dyes and restore its freshness in another color - making a new dress for ten cents. Diamond Dyes are made for home use. Absolutely reliable. Any color. tioon lBd ocrayh4eea. mpepkd ecrth♦ ,ireree- `y1ILLS & Rte111�BOSOY CO., Montreal, P.Q. IVO •,a,•1,.a _ _ •,m News Notes. The 12,000 -ton battleship Renown was launched on Thursday. O'Donovan Rosso was expelled front the gallery of the British House of Commons for interrupting the debate. The Globe says -Isaac Brownlee, arrested on a charge of setting fire to the Mason House stables in Clinton, has been honorably acquitted. Six persons were probably fatally bol ued by the explosion of a gasoline stove and the fire which followed In a sweat shop at Baltimore. Diu ing the first halt of the year the Meterological Observatoi y, Toronto, sent out 215 storm warnings, of which 223 were verified. Mr. \V. R. Smith, superintendent of the Botanic Gardenin Washington, has held the place for forty-three years. Professor J. T. Rothrock is authority for the statement that 15,000,000 acres of land in Pennsylvania were sold for non-payment of taxes last year. Mr. Charlton's Sabbath Observance bill was killed last week in the Domin- ion House of Commons by the Com- mittee of the \Arhole rising without making a report. In the English 1 -louse of Commons, after several hours' debate, Mr. Knox's bill to repeal the Crimes' Act was read a second time without a divison. Herbert, the 12 -year-old son of Frank Hartley,' of Thorold, was drowned in the Welland Canal tau Saturday morn- ing while bathing. The lads's twin brother Was drowned a few years ago. Mr. Lowell presented to the Domin- ion House of Commons a petition of the Council of Bestie township, asking for legislative protection from unfair competition of alien labour from the U nited States. The Quebec Government has taken action to unravel the St. Thomas, Que., murder mystery, and the exhumation of what at present remains of the corpse has been ordered, with a view to holding a new inquest. The License Commissioners of Lon- don, Ont., have finally decided to allow bars to remain open until 11 p. rn., standard time, instead of 10.27 p. m., its at present. The temperance people opposed the extension. Rev. Dr. Sutherland has asked the Dominion Government to assist in the search for the missing steamer Glad Tidings, which is reported missing off the Pacific coast, with several Ontario missionaries on board. The steamer Cayuga, of the Lehigh ✓ alley line was sunk in acoltision with the Joseph L. Hurd near Skila allee lighthouse. The bow of the Hurd was ktinekis1 off, and George ,Johnson, the steward, was knocked overboard and drowned. The presentation of medals by the Royal Canadian Humane Association to those who have saved lives during the past YC11t• at the risk of their own will take place in Toronto on .June 1st.. The Gnvetnor-General will be present on that occasion. in St. George's church, Hanover Squr111, London, last, Tuesday, Lilian, Duchess of Marlborough, formerly Mrs. Louis Hammersley, of New York, was married to Lord William Beresford. The ceremony was a very brilliant one. There was a large gathering of Mili- tia officers in Ottawa on Wednesday. and Messrs. Foster and Dickey assured theta that they would endeavor to readjust the estimates 511 as t.ocontinue the annual amount for the drill expen- ses of city corps. Mr. Taylor 'proposes to move that, in the opinion of the Dominion House of Commons it is expedient that a few of the large islands in the St. Lawrence, which are t ss yet (indisposed of, be reserved for the use of the public as it Dominion par k. Pope Leo X1II.'s hands are nearly useless, and cause hire much suffer ing. When he writes he roust hold his right wrist with his left hand, and what he writes t most illy ible. This is not is11 K due to age, hitt to an attack of ague twenty-five years ago, when he was Bishop of Perugia. The smart money to be paid by Nicaragua to Great Brittain is being raised by popular subscription. The feeling against England is very bitter, and it is expected the Central American Republics will enter into a set-r•et league to exclude as far as possible the importation of British goods. The body of a roan who was buried in Kingstnm nn Saturday was stolen, but it was located, and returned to the cemetery and re -interred. It was to ltttve been used for dissection in the 'Medical College during the summer session. The body was recovered through the efforts of the Rev. Father Neville. A King street woman, says the Lon- don Free Press, has invented what, she calls a "snore -di vel ter." 1t is com- posed of a hodo and a section of flexible pipe. \Vhen her husband's snores yrov nnbAnrahle the hoed is lowered over his head, and the snore is con- ducted into the cellar. There hasn't been a rat seen in the house since the diverter was used. James Cragniill, young sen of Mc - Hardy Craginill, Guelph, had the mis- fortune to swallow a iarge bean, while in school Thursday. A doctor was im- mediately summoned and -ordered him to be taken at, once to the hospital. On his arrival there an operation was proceeded with. Owing to the bean having lodged too far down to he otherwise reached, it WAS neressary to make an incision in the throat, which was done, and the bean removed. He , is now doing very nicely. Beautify Your e�ss. ilomosi ---"1411 HARLAND BROS. STOVES AND HARDWARE. Kalsomine 41? Alabastine, Carpet Sweep- ers, Carpet Whips, Lawn Mowers. Screen Dooreand Windows, Wire Clothfor Dooraand Windows, Coal Oil stoves all sizes, Spray Pumps an d Syringe P are ready mixed, Paints, all shades At bottom prices to suit the times, MA I[KET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) 101,INTON, Fall Wheat 0 78 to 0 Barley .. 0 40 to 0 Oats.. .... 0 34. to 0 Peas O. 55 tc 0 Potatoes, per hush ... 0 30 to 0 Butter . 0 10 to 0 Eggs, per doz.... Hay Cordwood Beef .............. 0 8 to 0 7 00 to 7 3 00 to 4 . ...... 375to5 80 45 35 05 40 19 50 00 00 TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET. The receipts of grain on the local street market were nominal ; prices were steady. Wheat -200 bushels, 85c. to 87c. white and red. Peas- A load sold at 65c. Oats -Firmer, 300 bushels selling at 391c. Hay and Straw -The receipts were fair, there wits a fair demand and the Market was steady, 40 loads of hay sell- ing at $10 to • $11.5Ufut timothy and $7.50 to $8.50 for clover, and 5 loads of straw at $5.50 for loose and $7.50 to $8 for bundled. Dressed Hugs -•The receipts were fair, there was a moderate demand and the market was steady at $5.50 to so. Wheat white., ... ...... $ 85 to $ 87 do red 85 to 87 do Goose 75 to 00 Peas 65 to 00 Barley 48 to 00 Oats .... 391 to 00 Buckwheat 421 to 00 Rye 50 Hay, timothy Hay, clover •Straw, bundle do loose Eggs, new laid Butter, Ib. tolls Tubs, dairy Chickens Turkeys Geese Potatoes Dressed. hogs Beef, forequarters do hindquarters Yearling latnbs Spring lambs... Mutton Veal 1000 750 750 5 50 10 12 10 6(1 12 7 55 5 50 5 00 0 00 1000 354) 700 5 00 to 00 toll .fiC to 850 to 800 to 00 to 00 to 15 to 12 to 70 to 13 to 00 to 60 to 6 00 to 0 00 to10 00 toll 00 to 0 00 to 850 to 700 TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARK ^T. Buying was active in nearly every line and prices forevery thing mere well hell except in the case of hogs, which dropped about 10c per cwt. Offerings of stuff were heavy, over 51 car -loads, which included 229 calves, 161 sheep and lambs, and 957 hogs. Buying for Montreal was active. There were about 25 car -leads of export staff went: through there and 10 car -loads of butchers' cattle. Messrs. Halligan & Rodgers are buying light stockers to ship to Antwerp. Butchers' cattle -There was a firmer feeling to this line, although prices were not any higher for ordinary cat- tle. One, or two loads of fancy butch- ers' cattle sold for 4 cIper.1b. but the ruling figures were from 31c for ordin- ary cattle up to -tic per lb. for choice butchers' cattle. Buying tor Montreal was fairly active, about 10 car loads being taken. Some sales were :•-One car -load • cattle, 1,050 lbs, aver- age, 4c. per lb ; one car -load cat- tle, 1,080 lbs. average, 4/c per lb. less $1 per head on the deal; one car -load cattle, 1,00( lbs. average, $3.85 per cwC; one car -load cattle, 1,000 lbs, average, $38 per head ; one car- load cattle, 9011 lbs. average, $3.60 per cwt.; 22 cattle, 1,025 lbs. average, 4c. per lb. Export cattle -Almost all the deal- ers were operating and prices were fine. There is some difficulty in get- ting the right sort of cattle, and deal- ers have to 611 up with the best of the butchers' cattle w many instal •]ces. Prices ruled from 5c to 51c per lh. mostly, occasionally 51c per lb. being paid. Sales :--One car -load cattle, 1,310 lbs average, 51c per Ib ; one car- load cattle, 1,300 lbs average, 5c per lb ; 20 cattle, 1205Ih5average, 5A c per bit 5c 21 cattle, 1,2(10 lbs. average, ncerage„ per Ih ; erre cat -load cattle, 1,200 lbs average, $4.95 per cwt. Stockers and feeders --Messrs Halli- gan & Rodgers were buying light stockers, weighing from 801) to 900 lbs each, for Antwerp, and paying front 31c to 3ile•. per lb. They require some there this week. feeders are also in re- quest to go to the count! y an d to (111 vnc- 110(1(5 in the distillery byres. There were quite rt few stockers and feeders in, but net enough to supply the de- mand. Some choice feeders sold for as high as 41c per lb. One car -lead, averaging 1,180 Ills each, sold for 4.1c )et' Ib. which was the hest price paid. tier were exceptionally fine half -fast feeders. Hogs --This line was easier, and showed a decline of about l0c per cwt. Best long lean hogs were fetching $4.70 per cwt. fed and watered, and about $4.85 weighed off the cars. Other hogs are lower in proportion. Packers are about supplied and the demand from cheese factories is falling off soute- what. Sheep and lambs -There is no change to record in this line. Good grain -fed yearlings and choice spring lambs sell well enough. Ordinary butchers' sheep are dull. Prices range as quoted in the tabulation appended to the end of this report. Calves -Offerings are heavy, and the feeling was easier in this line. Choice veals touched $5 per head, hilt the gen- eral range was from $1 50 to about $1 per head. Milch cows and springers -Not many offered and the feeling wits slightly easier. i'r•ices ranged from $25 to $40 Seed Corn for Sale. Have large amount of seed corn for ensilage. 61aru. moth Southern sweet, very best quality, Also Essex Co. (Canada) Yellow Dent Corn,Outs,and other grains tor tend. Drive right to the warehouse, opposite the railway statiou. W. G. PfyRRIN, Clinton. 881 ftp - - - panted,- - - - - - A good man in your district to represent the "Font• hill Nurseries of Canada." Over 700 acres. The largest in the; Dominion. Position permanent. Salary or commission to right man. • With the increasing demand for fruit a position with us as salesman will pay you better than engag- ing in farm work. Send us your application and we will show you how to Darn good money. School teachers I I Its Just tho thing for you during the summer. Write for particulars. STONE d WELLINGTON, 861.8m. Toronto, Ont. Piano For Rent. For rent, a Piano in Good conuttion. Will be rented on rraeouablo terms to responsible party. l'or particulars apply at 'rue Ngws-Itaeogu office. 8,11-tf NOTICE. COURT OF REVISION. A Court of Revi,ion will be held in the Town Hall, Varna, on Monday, May 2715, 1895. at 10 o'clock a. In. for the purpose of hearing complaints against the as- ses.ment roll of the Township of Stanley for the pre- sent year. All parties having complaints to mske against said roll will please att,nd. 861 -It. J. T. CAIRNS, Clerk of Stanley, TIIE- 'r vvn Il a l l BARBER SHOP -FOR- FIRST-C/1,-6,8S :•: WO12.3M- 13'. BAKES, - - - Prop. Central Business Collo Corner longe and Gerrard Sts., TORONTO, ONT. Canada's Greatest Commercial School. Write for Catalogue. SiIAWV & ELLIOTT, Principals. COURT OF REVISION CODERICH TOWNSHIP Take notice that a Court o1 Revision for the Town- ship of Goderirh will hold its fret sitting at Holmes- ville on the 27th day 01 May, P. D. 1895, commencing at10 o'clock A. `M.. for the purpose of hearing and rectifying all complaints against or errors ou the assessment roll of the 'resent year, All parties Interested are requested to attend. NIXON STURDY, Clerk of the said municipality. Ooderich Township, May 4th, 1895. 860-8t COURT OF REVISION TOWN OF CLINTON. Take notion that a Court of Revision for the Town of Clinton will hold its first sitting in the Town Hall on Monday, the :17th day of May, A. D, 1895, com- mencing at 8 o'clock P. 11., for the purpose of hearing and rectifying all eemphdnts against or errors on the assessment troll of the present year. All parties inter- ested are requested to attend. W. COATS, Clerk of the said mnnicipalty. Clinton, May 601, 1895. 860.8t per head mostly. No really choice cows were in. Milchersandspringers,each25 00 to40 00 Butchers' choice cattle,cwt 4 00 to 4 311 Butchers' good cattle, cwt 3 (10 to 3 80 Butchers' con. cattle, cwt 325 to 359 Stockers and feeders, cwt.. 3 50 to 4 25 Export cattle, per cwt 4 75 to 5 25 Sheep, butchers, each500 to 000 Lambs, yearlings, cwt.. 5 50 to 5 75 Lambs, spring, each 3 00 to 4 00 Calves, choice, each 4 50 to 500 Calves, common, each . 1 50 to 350 Thick fat hogs, cwt 4 70 to 4 75 Hogs, long lean, cwt 4 80 to 485 Hogs, stores g , es and light,civt 4 25 to 4 E30 Stags and rough hogs, cwt. 3 (10 to 375 Sows for breeding, cwt 4 50 to 4 75 nRIT[SIH MARKETS, The following table shows the quota- tio ns per cental nt Liverpool for the toter preceding days. in the case of wheat highest prices are given : - - s, d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Spring tvhettt 5 7 5 7 5 7. 5 71 Red •winter.. 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 Nn:•1 ('rat.... 5 3} 5 :3 5 :3 5 :34 4 7 4 7.1 4 71 4 74 Peas ... 5 2.1 5 21 5 2.1 5 21 Pork .01 3 01 3 01 3 61 3 Lard '31 0 33 6 3:3 0 i3 6 Bacon, h'vy. 32 0 32 0 32 0 42 6 Beacon, Iight32 0 32 0 3'2 0 32 O Tallow, 21 6 24 6 24 6 24 0 Cheese white46 0 4(1 0 441 (1 4(1 0 Cheese, co147 6 47 (3 46 (3 47 0 MONTREAL MARK ETR. Grain --Oats and peas still maintain their flim position and ,there is 0 teas- nnahly good demand for both grades. Further sales of eats have been made at 42e. and they cannot he bought in the west and laid down here at, less. \.'heat, No. 1 hand, 86c ; wheat, No. 2 hard, nominal ; corn, duty paid, nom- inal ; peas, 66 lbs, in store, 70c to 71e ; Hats, per 34 ills, in store, 41c to 42c : rye, No, 2, 55c to 56c ; barley, feed. 50c to 51c ; barley, malting. 58c to 59e. Butters -Creamery continues nn the down grade. Business in good stock has been dune on the basis of 16c to l04c and 1712c has been accepted for single packages of fi,'alt stock. There is little or nothing doing in dairy and prices are purely nominal, New but- ter -Creamery fancy, 15)c to 17c ; East- ern Towaships, 13c to 15e ; fancy west- ern, Ile to 12e ; western rolls, 9c to 12c. Eggs The market has altered very little dnrinir the past week and prices kept. about. steady on the basis of 10e to 1001. Quite a largelot sold at 10}c.