The Huron News-Record, 1895-05-15, Page 3'NW Ter.. - ler -^,gra, Bil8INE88 DIRECTORY. ga toting. 11111 MULONZ 1111. Pleerporated by Aot of Parliament 1866. et CAPITAL, - . . $2,000,000 REST, • - $L300,000 Read Office. - MONTREAL. J. IL, R. MOLSON, President. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General liana er. Noes discounted, Collections made, Drafts 4 issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold at lowest current rates. INTlialler ALLOWID ON DePOMTB. 33'..9..1%3S4(1111ZS. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re- eulred es security. H. C. BREWER, Manager, February, 1884. MINTON. G. D. BEeTaggait BANKER,' ALBERT STREET, CLDITON. fa CENRAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Notes Discounted. • • Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, .Juno8th, 1891 668y OBRIMMIMEN=,.....1............• Ittcdtra. 1 DR. W. GUNN, 1 L. R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. Oftioe - ' °uteri° street Clinton. Night mile at front door of residenee on Itattenbury street, opposite Preebyter- tan church. DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M. 13. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. •, I 7. X., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. de S. Out, ; Fellow if the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of ondon, Eng., and Edinburgh hoepitals. Office :- /r. Doweley's stand, Rattenbury St. Night calif/ e ,nswered at Office. a DR. SHAW. • Office in Hodeen's Bleak, Retteabury St., Clinton, Int. Night calls at mime plaoc. Jas. S. Freebun, MD L, E. & Q. C. P., I., 18. 0. P, & S. 0., &a., &o. Graduate of Kiage. & Queen's College of Physicians, Lreland, Liedutiete of the General Medical Ceuneil, Great Rriteiu. Member of College of ehysieleee and Surgeoue, Ontario. Formerly resi- dent o inc Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gynre • ..ological),diublin. Special attention to diseases of women an hildren. Offiee and residence, Itattenbu ry Se, next door to Ontario St. Methodist pareonage. 829-ly ,.._ ffltotigitrg. T. C. BRUCE 1. D. S., Sure -eon Dentist. Member of R. C. D. 8., of Ont. feeble eeItacted without pain by the use of a harm- less atel pleasant local anaesthetic. No unconscious- ness, eicknese nor ill.effects accompany the use of this remedy, and many in and around Clinton can testify to its genuinenees. Special attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Office, eoatele Block, over Taylor'e shoe store. ' R. Agnew, L D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto. Best Local Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall, over Swallow's Store. Night Bell answered. Will visit Hensall every Monday, and Zurich the 2nd Thursday of each month. gaga, ID C. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, see. Office, corner lei' North Street and Square, inear Regletry Office, Coder/eh, Ont. 67, 111^ Money to lend at lowest rates of Interest. J. SCOTT, . Barrister, 4.c.. ELLIOTT'S BLOCH, - - CLINTON. *Nob Money to Loan. CAMPION & JOHNSTON, BARRISTERS, - . SOLICITORS., NOTARIES, 4rc., G-Oderich, - Ont, Office over Jordan's Drug Store. E. CAMPION, Q. C. 18,0. JOHNSTON' MONEY TO LOAN. W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, 4c., OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK - - CLINTON tf - - Vowel, to gtna. ATONEY to lend in large or small sums on good .1_1'1 mortgages or personal security at the lowest lament rates. H. HALE, Huron st. Clinton. Money. Money to lend on good 'security at 6i and 6 per rent. Apply to C. RIDOUT, Albert St, Clinton. SU -8f . remsmunummuslima B. THOMLINSON, VETERINERY SERCEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. loge, Toronto. 1 Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on th , moat modern and Scientific Principles. i 'e Day and Night Calls Promptly Answered. 1 Realdenee-Rattenbury Street, West, Cliton Ont I LIVE HOGS WANTED, Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. 798-U. ern age. L. O. L. No. 710 CLINTON, Meets 6100D Monday of every month. Hall and flat, McKay block. Visiting brethren always made welcome. M. TODD, W. td, P. CANTELON, IR. See. 3. 1'. BBEPPARD, D. M. •M•11.1.111•1111.1••=101,Mirams. 1agioatt. riLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A M. mete ej every Friday, on or after the moon. Visit - log brethren cordially invited J. W. SHAW, W.61, R.J. MACDONALD, Sco. Clinton Jan. 14 1804. K. 0. T. M. Kearns Tent Fo. 68, Knights of the Maeeabees of the World. $1,000, 32,000 and 68,000 Polioies. Mem- bership over 100,000. Assessment prineiple-baa never exceeded 12 aseesementa in a year. Cheapest and eared In exlatenee. Meete in Orange Hall, Clin- ton, last and third Friday of every month. A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No.144, ineeteln Biddlecomhe's Hall, opposite the market, the let and 3rd Fridays in each month. Visitors cordially invited. R. Sloes- ilent, M. W.; J. BEAN, Recorder, 699y msatitaighto %te ubilee Preceptory No. 161, (Black Knights of Ireland) leets In the Clinton Orange Hall, theeecond Wednes• ay of every nionth, at 7.80 o'clock in the evening. isitIng Sir Knighte will always receive a hearty elcome. A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor Geoltali HANI,UP, Deputy Preceptor Paras CANTELON, RegiSitar oyal Old Preceptory 397, Bina Knights of Ireland, eats In the Orange Hall, Blyth, the Wednesday ter full mooned every month. oyal Black Preceptor)! 315, Black Knights of Ireland, meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third Mon- day of every month, Visiting Knights always made welcome. W H MURNEY, Preceptor, Ooderich P 0 JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderlch P 0 COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE, Clint° BRAN and SHORTS in Large or • Small Quantities. OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel Oats D. COOK, CLINTON. 752-tf New Flour and Feed Store. - CASH AND ONE PRICE, 0. OLSON Rego to inform the people of Clinton and neighbor- hood that he hae opened a purely cash Flour and Feed Store on Victoria Street, next MoLennanei Bak- ery. A full stock of FLOUR, MELS, CHOP STUFF, BRAN, OATS, WHEAT, &c, &c., at the lowest living prices for Cash. Selling for Cash Only I am In a poeition to give the very best value for Cash or Trade. Goode exchanged for grain at the highest market price. Give me a call and I will do my best to give one and al] outside value. Goode guaranteed. or money refunded. 0. OLSON, - Victoria St., Clinton. HILL'S FEED STORE, HURON STREET, CLINTON. The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all kinds of firstsilass Clover, Timothy, Field and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest varieties and blends. Excellent value. J. W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton Clinton MEAT Market BUSINESS :CHANGE. The undereigned desire*/ to Intlinate that he hae bought out the Intetent of Mr. Couch, In the butcher. Ing business lately carried on under the style ot FORD & COUCH. He will continue the same at the old stand, and treats by giving the chemist and moat careful attention to the businees, etraightforward and courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice meat, to merit and receive a fair share of public patronage. All orders carefully and promptly, filled, , AMES A. FORD, CLINTON. BUSINESS CHANGE. ENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP. be undersigned having bought the butehering beet - 05R lately carried on by Mr. John Soruton, he .111 carry on the same In the old stand. As he wit - 'e perfumed attention to all the details of the beef - one enstomere can reply on their orders heIng romptly and satisfactorily filled. Ille motto le 'good meat at reneonnble prices." ' ash paid for Hides, Skins, &se. LACK KENNEDY, Alberb St, Clinton Photographers FOSTER & BAYLEY, CLINTON. Life Size Portraits a Specialty, TO THE fARMERS. Study your own tamest ami go where 4'94 CP xe Reliable Rainless. 1 moutliaettire none but tie /Sneer STOOK. Beware of shops that sett cheap, its they have got to tit*. Nft Gall and get prices. Orders by wail promply attended to Co 1 -IN HARNESS EMPORIUM, IIIIATIts ONT NOTICE. There being some mieunderetanding with re- gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that If any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to mo 1 shell at once teke proceedings. Remember this is the last warning 1 shall give. CAPT. WM. BABE. Receiver of Wrecks, Goderieh, Ooderieh, Sept. 7th 1891. FOR SALE. The property at present occupied by the un- dereigued as a residence on the Huron Road, In the Town of Goderioh, consisting of one half of an acre of land, good frame house -story and a half -seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses. .There are also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any:person wishing to Live retired - For further particulars apply to E. CAMPION, 642-tf Barrieter.Goderioh. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont A LARGE 'ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY and SIL I ERWARE at J. BIDDLECOMWS, - Clinton. GO TO nu. Union Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton J. EMERTON, Proprietor. to. Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert/ Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. Cantelon Bros, GENERAL GROCERS & PROVIS- ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glass Chinaware ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs 752-Iy PUMPS ! PUMPS! Tf you want a first -idea., well. made pump, one that will _give you satisfaction, Rend your order to the nudereigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it at the eioeeet prioes. He also handles a • tirseelass FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Opposite Queen's Hotel • High Street Clinton. 809-tf F. W. FIIIINGOILIB (MEMBER OF ASS'N OF P. L. S.) Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Loownorr, OT, Orrice -At 1, J. Stewart's Grocery Stoic, Clin- ton 761-ly 6nsoe 81t. GOREN MARBLE WORKS, J. C. Steveneon, Furniture Dealer, ;Clinton, Is our agent for Clinton and vicinity. Mohrlug, of Benmiller, le our Travelling agent. Orders entrueted to either of the above will have our beet attention. Monuments supplied In CANADIAN SCOTCH, SWF,DE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites, a well es in all varieties of marble. Give where. Mr, Stevenson a call before ordering else JOHN A. ROBERTSON. Manager. night or Era office. .7. E BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats diseases of all olornestie animals on tee most modern and scientific principles. 011"Calle attended to day. Office on Imes street, next Now Residence -Al ber t Street, Clinton., -pow, HEADS, NOTE .F Heeds, Letter Heads, Tags, Statements, CIrculare, Businees Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., ole., printe 1 In a workman. like manner and at lov, rates, at Trig News -Recoup elite°. WATTS & CO., CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. SPECIAL NOTICE or TIM News.Rscono will always be pleased to receive reliable information of Births, Mar- riages, and Deaths, or of any other local event. teir Tim News.TIRCORA can furnish as 'hand• eome Wedding Stationery and guarantee as Ono letter press work and at as low prices ae any city or other printing office. Or In the matter of Funeral Circulars an Memorial Cards, Ting News -Rumen gearante prompt attention and the very hest class o work, at flfty per cent lees than modern prices. PERRIN BLOCK. CLINTON. For sale on easy terms, on bloc, or divided to suit pnrchaaer ; one qnarter mei or other good eeeurity, balance a si per cont., or will exchange for s geed farm. .1. P. TISDALL, Ranker, In the hi() lic will glow prendees. Tho land eost91,0e0 and the building over 88,000. D. J. CAMPBELL, 284 Man W., Hamilton, Ont. 887-tf THIS SPRING TAKE THE NEW MEDICINE AND NEXT SPRING YOU WILL TAKE NO OTHER cat's arsa arilla The Huren News-Reeora $1.25 Advance WEDNESDAY. MAY I5th, 1895. .- • Well Paid For a Flogg,inlx. HOW A POOH NATURALIST GOT THE BEGINNING OF A FORTUNE 01? $5,- 000,000. John James Mago, a quiet, middle- aged man, has had a career its 101113811. - de as that of Monte Cristo, Mago is now a Guatemalan millionaire, who lives nine months of the year in Paris. Twenty years ago he was a poor Eng- lish collect:cu. ot insects in Guatemala, and also acted as British vice-consul at San Jose. One day Commandante Gonzalez or- dered Mago to appear before him. Mago sent word that he would come in a sort time. This incensed the com- inandante, and he sent a tile of soldiers after Mago, and, when the insect, col- lector appeared, ordered seventy-five lashes to be laid upon his bare back. This was done very thoroughly, and, when it was finished, Gonzalez shout- ed "Give him twenty-five more for luck." When .Mago recovered, which was only after careful nursing, as his hack was badly cut, up, he made a formal complaint to the British government. The result was that Guatemala was ordered to punish Gonzalez, and to pay Mago $500 (£100) for every lash he had received, In default of this English crusisers would shell San Jose and other coast cities. Guatemala, readily punished Gonz- alez but, tried hard 80 evade paying $50,600 t °Wag. o. The British, ho we vet., were inexorable, and the poor collector was made a comparatively rich man in one day. As he had more coin than any one in the country at that time, President Barrios went into partner- ship with bitn. Mago became one of the largest coffee planters, and also secured the contract for building docks in the ports. No one can land or leave one of these docks without paying toll to Mago, while he also levies a tax on all freight. 1 -le also owns valuable mines and traces of timber. His fortune is estimated at, £1,000,000, all due to ene hundred lashes on his back.-Chilian Times. CATAURAH DELISTED IN 10 TO 60 MINli res. - One short puff of the breath through the elowre supplied with each bottle of Drelgueven Catarrhal Pow- der, diffuses this Powder over the surfuoe of the nasal pate/ages. Painless and delightful to use, it re- lieves instantly, and penuauently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitie and 1)eidne4s. 60 ciente. At Watts & Co's, The Future Hidden. There was a house of mourning in Bethany. Lazarus, the friend of Jesus, had died. Jesus had known of his sickness, and yet had not gone to him. And when, after his death, the heart-hroken sisters ask him why he did not come and heal him, he makes this strange reply, "I ant glad for your sakes that I was not, t here, -to the in- tent ye may believe." Their brother dead, and Jesus glad that he was not there to heal hint ! But the day did not close before light shone into this mystery. At the grave of his dead friend that day Jesus taught lessons that have thrilled the world. The manifestation of his symitthy with sorrow, and of his power over death, not only won 08 multitude of the Jews to believe on him as the Messiah, and unlocked the dark providence to 11 e sisters, but became aground of consola- tion and hope to all his followers to the end of time. One dark providence hits lieen explained ; perhaps others as dark may yet, In.. The lesson is, Be patient and trust- ful. ff the blessing tarry, it, may be only until our hearts grow strong enough to take it. Though our pray- ers and hopes seem sometimes to he disregarded, there hs teason to believe that they will be more than answered, since God is greater than our hearts. Cold in the head - -Nasal Balm gives instant relief; speedily cures. Never fails. - - --- - A Word to Correspondents. Send us news as often and se fully as yen can. Write only on one side id your paper, and, when your supply is exhatested ask for more. Do not focal envelopes, as they- may be forwarded to the Dead Letter Office, when only carrying n one cent etamp, bet the flap of the envelope may be sealed to the copy inside. Send no Item. but what you believe to be facts, and no Renee that are intended ae personal items Send nothing in unsealed envelopes except what is Intend. ed for publication. It haa happened, though rarely, that an indiscreet post office clerk han divulged the names of persona sending communications through the mail. If eor- reepondenta know of Ole being done at any time they should Inform no of the fact, end we will Hee that the matter le brought to the attention of the proper anthoritim. RELIEF IN RIX ROURR.-Distreasing Kidney and Bladder di/teaser, relieved In six hour. by the "New GREAT Herrn AMEOIOAN KIDNEY CtinE." Thi, new remedy la a great eurpriae and delight to physicians on aceonnt 00 18. exceeding promptneea in relieving pain in the bleeder, kidney,, back and every part o the urinary priseagem in male or female. It relieve retention of water and pain in preeing It almost I m mediately. If you want (mink relief and euro thf, if our remedy. Sold by Watts &Co, Druggists. THE 'NEW ILLUMINANT. EXPERIMENTS WITH ACETYLINE AND THEIR RESULTS. A Product of Great Power -An Mustafa Ong Gas of Great Value Front an Ben owlc Point of View -Passed Throng Heated Tulles it Produces ivilsou's Astonishing Discovery. The astonishing announcement w made at a recent meeting of the Socie of Chemical Industry that a powerf illuminating gas could be manufactu ed by a„newly-discovered method at reduction of nearly one-third of the pr sent cost of gas. Should the discover prove as practical as claimed it will r volutionize the manufacture of gas. Factories are being erected, and it expected that gas made by the ne process will be on sale in the nea future. The new illuminant is called acet lene. It has been known to the ellen fats for years, but the difficulty of 1 manufacture prevented them fro utilizing it. It is the lowest gas in th series of hydrocarbons, and Is usuall manufactured by passing a etream hydrogen through a globe which th electric air is produced between 1.1a, carbon points. But by this method It gas is made In minute quantities mil and serves merely for experiment purposes in the labratory and lectur rooni. It remained for T. L. Wilson to di cover a. means by which the gas soul be produced in sufficient quantities fo practical purposes. Mr. Wilson diseov ered the method by mere accident. H was working in his labratory wit] an electric furnace, endeavoring t form an alloy of calcium from some u its compounds, when he noticed tha a mixture of powdered lime and ar thracite, under the influence of th electrical current, fused down to heavy semi-metallic mass. Thig, sub stance was found not to be the or, sought, and it was thrown into a buck et of water. The strange results which followed it contact with the water immediately at tracted Mr. Wilson's attention. A ga was given of whose chief characteris tics seemed to be its penetrating an disagreeable odor. On applying a Ugh Mr. Wilson found that the gas ourrie freely, with a smoky but ruminou flame. Here Mr, 'Wilson became intereste and imediately began his investiga dons. He repeated the experiment, an found that the substan,:e he had cas into the bucket was a substance caller Calcic carbide, containing forty part by weight of calcium and twenty -fou parts by weight of carbon. At thl point, Professor Venable, of the Uni- versity of North Carolina, took up th matter, and it was there that the ex periments looking to the utilizatIon o acetylene as an illuminant were firs carried out. Experiments soon proved that a pound of this calcide carbid would yield 5.3 cubic feet of acetylene gas, which immediately gave it com- mercial value, and a company wa: formed to manufacture the 4as on : large scale. From an economic point of view, thl gas is of great value, for it has been found that it can be generated In a house as it is needed by a very simple apparatus. This would undoubtedly be a boon to families living in the country. Perhaps the most remarkable quality of the gas is the fact that it ran be liquified by pressure, and put in cans that can be tapped when the gas is needed. A very simple device has been arranged by which the pressure of the gas will be regulated while changing from its liquified condition, and then pass into the various pipes. Acetylene is a most powerful illumi- nant. It is dazzling in its bringhtness and steadfastness of its flame, and when compared with the ordinary coal gas its superiority Is wonderful, the latter apearing dim and flickering. There is no dark centre to the flame, as is the case with the ordinary gas. The iluminant is somewhat peculiar, viewing it from a popular point of view, in that It gives only one-half the heating power of the ordinary gas. It is also impossible to use it in the or- dinary -burners, for they are too large. but this apparent fault has been easily overcome by constructing burners which admit a smaller amount of gas. It has been proposed by promoters of the enterprise to do away with gas pip- ing through the streets, for they say that lamps can be made containing the necessary chemicals by which the gas can be generated and consumed on the spot. This .method may be a solution to the car -lighting problem, to which the elevated and surface railroad au- thorities have devoted considerable at- tention of late. The cost of the gas is dependent upon the cost of the car- bide. It is said by the company which is about to place the carbide on the market that if the substance is sold for $50 a ton the gas can be furnished at 50 cents per 1,000 feet, which will give light equal in amount to that ,-,iven by the ordinary illuminating gas. Of course, this would not represent the actual cost of the acetylene, which has not as yet been decided, but the cost is sure to be only a small proportion of the cost of the ordinary gas. It hae been found that when the gas Ls passed through a tube heated to redness that benzol, the substance which is the foun- dation of the aniline colors, Is pro- duced. Even this feature alone would serve to make the discovery one of great value. Mr. Adam, of the Boston Gas Com- pany, of Boston, says :-" The question of the greatest importance to gal manufactUrers is as to whether acety- lene can be used to increase the power of common coal gas," Professor Elliott, the chemist of the Consolidated Gas Company, and a well- known authority on gas, says :--- The subject of this calcium carbide would be of the greatest interest to gas manu- facturers." The gas cannot only be obtained In the gaseous and liquified states, but al- so as a solid. The latter Is most In- teresting, for when cast upon the sur- face of liquid mercury it had the effect of freezing that element to a solid mass, and the thermometer placed In Its midst registered a fall of 118 degrees below zero on the Fahrenheit scale. A Brave Soldier, Amy -Was Colonel Snorter In many engagements 7 Mrs. Placid -I understand he has been the defendant in three breach of promise suits. Anemic Women with pale or sallow complexions, or suffering from skin eruptions or scrOfulous blood,will find quick relief in Scott's Emulsion. All of the stages of Emaciation, and a general decline of health, are speedily cured. Scott's Emulsion takes away the pale, haggard look that comes with General Debility. It enriches the blood, stimulates the appetite, creates healthy flesh and brings back strength and vitality. For Coughs,Colds,Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Woak Lungs, Consumption and Wasting Diseases of Children. Senilor o VP/tam/YU-I. Mailed FREE. Scott & Howse, Belleville. All Druggists. 600. AU HUMPHREYS' Dr, Humphreys' Specifics are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for years in private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every angle Speciaa a special cure for the disease named. They cure without drugging, purging or reducing the system and are In fact and deed the Sovereign Remedies of the World. MO. P81005. 1 -Fevers, Congestions, inflammations.. .25 2 -Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Collo.- .25 3-Teeth8ng1 Collo, Crying, Wakefulness .25 4 -Diarrhea, of children or Adults .25 ;7 --Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis .25 8 -Neuralgia, Toothache. Faceache. ......25 9-Headaebes, Sick Headache, Vertigo95 10 -Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Conetipation.25 1.1 -Suppressed or Painful Periods-.25 12 -Whites, Too Profuse Periods .25 13 -Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness .25 14 -Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.25 15 -Rheumatism Rheumatic Pains .25 16-Alalarta, Char. Fever and Ague 19 -Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head.25 20 -Whooping Cough .25 ney Diseases .25 28 -Nervous Debility 1.00 30-Urinn.ry Weakness .25 34 -Sore Throat, Quincy.rneerated Throat .25 HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL, "The Pile Gintment."-Trial Size, 25 Chi, Bold by Dresden, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Da. linetrimayo' annum, pegee,) remise PASS. litAirlattnfr 8ED.00., 111 & IIa Wallas. at., NNW YOU' SPEC IF I 0 S. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to MUNN & CO., who have had nearly fifty years' experience in the patent business. COMmanIgi- Mona etrictly confidential. A Handbook of formation coneerning Patents and bow to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and ecientifio books sent free. Patents taken through Munn 4 Co. receive special notice in the Scie nri tic American, and thus are brought widely before the public withont cost to the inventor. This splendid pape.r.. issued weekly'. elegantly illustrated, bas by far the largest circulation of any scientine work in the world. 83 a year. sample eFies sent free. lin Bding Edition, monthly, .50a year. Single copies, 25 cents. Every num er contains beau- tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling blinders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO., New YonE, 361 Baoanway. oak's Cottodloot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old pbyslelan. Successfully weed monthly by thousands Of Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine dia. oovered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound. take no substi- tute, or Incloee $1 and 6 cents in postage In letter and we willsend, sealed, by return mall. Full sealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only. 2 stamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Sold in Clinton by Allen .4,7, SN'ilson Dr s. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain In its tercets and never blisters. Read proof below KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Box lie, Carman. Henderson Co., Feb.2i. 'SA Dr. 18..0. KENDAI.J. CO. Dear Sirs -Please send me one of your Horse Hooka and oblige. I haveused a groat deal 00 7001' Kendall's spavin Cure with good sumeas•, It is a wonderful medicine. I once hada mare that had an Oceult Spittle and eve bottlem cured her. 1 keep a bottle On hand all the tlme, tours truly, CRAB. POWELL. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE CANTON, Mo., Apr. 2, Dr. B. J. KENDALL 00. Dear Etre-1 have wood several beetles of your "KendallesSpavin Cure" with much eueeese. I think it the boat Liniment I ever used. Have re - snowstorm Curb. ape Bleed Spavin and killed two Done Spaeth,. Have recommended It to several of ray friends who are much pleased with and keep It. Respectfully, 8. FL RAY, P. 0. Box Be For Sale by an Dragons, or address ENOSOUROM ratas, VT. Dr. D. J. ICEND.ILL COMPAXT, ---•• A PERFECT TEA ONSOON TEA Tvi FINtLT Ten IN THE Wor.° FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEdLE.HP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. " Monsoon" Ten k put up hv the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the beet qualities of Indian Teas. Therefore they nee the greatest Care in the selection 01 185 Tea and its blend, that is why put it up themselves and sell it only in the ori micleage, thereby gemming its purity and excel! ere Put up in /A lb., r lb. and s lb. packages, and raver sold in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP 1T. If your grocer doe, not I. ecp it, tell him to write to - STEEL, HAVTER & CO. 11and 13 Front Street East, Toronto.