HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1895-05-01, Page 2Tomas 4. Johns. CURED BY TAKING A ERS M: la "1 was afflicted for eight years with Salt Rheum. During that time,1 triode great many medicines which were highly rec- olnweuded, but none gave me relief. I was at fast advised to try Ayer's Sarsa- parilla, and before I had meshed the Sarsa- parilla, bottle, my hands were as Free fro xii Eruptions as ever they were. My business, which is that 01 a cab -driver, requires me to be out iu cold and wet weather often without gloves, but the trouble has never returned."-TaomAs A. JouNs, Stratford, Out. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Admitted 1)t the World's Fair. Ayer's Pills Cleanse the Bowel& ,epi -n.- ^,.a:rx.v-•cm, -^^--R•.•u:.,.,,w=........,.r.., The Huron News-[ ecord 1 •25 a Yaur—$1.00 1n Advance. 1VE1Y';1 snAti, MAY 1st, 18D:3. West Wawanosh. The Canuck Orchestra Band are again croaking, which is 11, sure fore- runner of spring. A great tunny are busily engaged in manufacturing maple sugar, although the season is anything but encourag- ing. Uuusal Stir is being made by the fanners of this part in putting 1n the spring crop on Recount of the back- ward season. Albert Bowland, of Beaverton, spent a few clays last week under the paren- tal roof. He intends to leave shortly for Manitoba. T. Finigan, of Bloomington, has se- cured the services of Mr. Win. Mc- Whinney, of the Nile, in erecting his new barn. Condor Bros., of Dorms -brook, dis- posed of a fine heavy draft horse to horse buyer W. Reed, of Goderich, for a handsome st1111. H. Thompson has resigned the posi- tion of tea seller for McMaster & Co., of London, and is now looking for a more lucrative position. John McLean, of Dungannon, in- tends to erect a new harp the coming season of mammoth dimensions. This improvement will add greatly to the beauty of his already handsome premises. Sato Birchall, of Lucknow, Made a few purchases among the stock raisers of St. Augustine last week. We are sorry to announce the seri- ous illness among the children of Mr. J. Foran, of St. Augustine, as seven of thein are very low with tyhpus fever. A modern Monte Cal lo of no mean reputation is at present in full blast in Pleasant Valley. All the champion players might congregate at the well- known rendezvous, where free use of the chips are tolerated by the proprie- tress of the above institution. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fowler, of Dungan- non, were the guests of friends iu Ebenezer on Wednesday last. Mr. T. Elliott, of Colborne, Huron's tea king, was in this vicinity last week, Mr. IL Aplin, Fordyce, was the guest of Mr. H. Junes, of Pleasant Valley.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Nilson and Mr. and Mrs. A, Aplin spent Senday with the former gentleman's father un Coe 7111 coil. Mr. J. Stalker and his particular friend spent Sunday with friends in the northern part of the township. Medd Bios., of Dungannon, spent Sunday with their parents in Pleasant Valley. Iley. We are sorry to announce that John Davidson, of Auburn, has been placed in the Lamson Asylum on account of serious mental derangement. Andrew Webster, of St. Augustine, is at present on the sick list, caused by an acute attitek of neuralgia. The many friends of Miss C. Moss, of Beaverton, will be pleased to hear of her recovery from her severe illness. Miss Si. Bruce was the guest (1f the Mieses Rutledge, of C'llerrydale, on Friday last. Mr, Thos, Merritt, of Auburn, is at present visiting friends in and around St. Augustine. Mr. Thos. McKenzie, of the 3rd con., has pur'c'hased from the herd of This. Anderson, of Dungannon, a yl 1i'ling Durham hull of fine blood. \Ve also understand that Mr. It. Medd has 11111(10 a similer purchase from .1. (pannus, of St. Helens, Those interested in the improvement of stuck should inspec't the above. Mr. and Mrs, 11. Stevens, late of Dakota, who hive been visiting lit the latter's par•lv'ts in Auburn, took their (10partnr) for Ripley, 131)00 comity, in which place Mr. Stevens has made a purchase of fiu•lnilig pr•oper•l3', preferr- ing, as a great many otJtees have (lone, the rose t(1 the t•hisl le. 1'[r. and Airs. C. Thorns, of Blooming- ingtou, spent Sunday with friends in Lucknow-. Miss E. Gibson is at present visiting friends around the Nile. Mr. 0. Jones, who has been on the sick list for a considerable time past, f4 making; encouraging iinpruv)nlents towards recovery. E. McBricn hall opened up a train- ing stable for fast bloods in Dungan- non. We may expect something fast on the 21th. Mr. Philip [1. Pettingill, a farmer living on the shore of Lake Ontario, near Wellington, was found in his barn un Fridriy « ithapart of his head blown off. Stanley'° Tee 11a@ tar trot INA - Again we have been sttrprisoci and saddened by a very sudden death. Last Wednesday, 17th inst., Mr. Wil- liam Peck, on Goshen Line, expired in his own borne almost without a mo- tnents warning, having been in usual health up to the very day of his death. He was one of t he oldest, residents of the township, having lived here about fort y-tive years. Ile silrvivod the allot- ted time to nein, being seventy -sip: years of age at his death. Ilis corpse was conveyed to the Bayfield ceme- tery un Friday. The funeral service was conducted in his late Houle by the Rev. Me. Kerlin, et • Alitehell. The many who att milled was ex pi(reel Ve of how much he Wit' 1l': I>o,,lt•,1 by a wide circle of ac(lu,t!1)t:on:es and friends. During the clueing years of his life he was it Idedibcr of the 1 piscupitlhul chtu•(•h add Ifvdd add tiled 111 the faint of the gospel. He 1ca(•es vii ager( wife: laid a huge nuttily and t'unuectio>1 to mourn their less. 'i'hey have the sym- pathy of the entire e•or)11rt11uty in their bereavement. ratrineri and Eggs. Lditu,• \'ors•l;ccurd. 1) Alt Sats, At the commencement of another, iese season 1 peentil us to again call yeti. et tent hot to he in1;u>rt- i)uce of 144111 er4 :11111 others handling their eggs prur1,p11y and nut holding until (buy bcrulme nldtle. 1n this city 141441 summer thousands of dozes of eggs were sent to the (11111,11 1uu1 tens of thous:m(1e of dozens were zaniest useless b1(11lse they reached 11101ki+. too old. Our chio1 nmu•k(t now for eggs is Great Britain, and it re(I1ives care mid skill to overcome I he (Lstanee and land lkte eggs it) geed ()islet,; but all the came and skill is vain it the egg is not fresh when it reaches the istelser. \Ve therefore este you to impress on your farmers the importance of mar- keting 1 heir eggs promptly and regu- latly, while they are at their best ;and we also heg of you to dispose (1f them prwriptly and regularly and nut to i111 - pair their value by waiting 1'u1• larger shipments or holding for a rise in price. The volume of tins husincss is now large, a0(1. With the : - > pro- ducers. local o'a dealers I dell rs and expellees, it )nay he indefinitely- increased. AVe therefore ask you in your own interest, as well as in the interest of the trade generally to give this matter the care and attention its importance demands, Yours very truly, D. GUNK, FLAVELLE, & Co. Toronto, April 22nd. News Notes. Barris Scott, a young man of White- church, committed suicide by hanging. It is said that Chinamen are 210«' be- ing stnitggled into the United States in coffins. The City Council of St. Thomas, Ont. has fixed the rate of taxation at. 16 mills on the dollar, the lowest rate for' some years. Mr. J. C. Patterson, who is in poor health, left Ottawa ()11 Tuesday night for Santa Barbara, Oalifol'nia, where he will speed a couple of months. Charles Knox, of New York, well known as the maker of hats bearing his same, is dead. He \ViLS seventy- seven years of age. Dr. Montague returned to Ottawa on Tuesday, and was introduced in the House by Mr. .1. C. Patterson and Dr. Rooule. He was received with hearty Conservative cheers. At a special meeting of the City' Council of Toronto, he:(d last week, it was decided to submit to the popular vole a proposal that the c•orporit4)n un- dertake the business of electric light- ing. l'he Board of I'nderwriters of Win- nipeg have Made 1L formal• complaint agau)st the chief ()f the fire brigade, au'l stale that the in igatle is inefficient. '1'11e chief has applied to the Council for an investigation. The Majestic, said to he one of the finest steamers ever constructed for traffic on fresh water, was successfully launched at Ceiling -wood last week. The Majesl ie is the latest addition to the Great Northern Transit Company's line. Thomas Russell, aged lei years, wits arrested at Loudon for placing a tie on the L. & P. ti, It. 11,., in frontuf a train. Ile admitted the act, and said lie did it for the purpose of stopping the trail 1tn(1 getting a ride. Mr. Ooldwin Smith has advised the University Commission that fu his opinion the control of the 'university should he completely severed from the Provincial (iovernment, a-nd should be vested in the Senate, subject to r'atifi- ca'tion of le(;islative )nactrllents by the Lieutenant - Governor, Some excitement was created in Montreal by the arrest of 1)r. Chas. E. Cameron, 1L leading young doctor, on 0 w)u't•ant issued at the instance of Ed- ward Nelson, a sleight-of-hand per- former, who accuse, him of stealing at collection of stamps valued at -three thousand dollars, POtona s temple. The erelt of f;ol.mon's Trrnt-le rind its Interior (Je1 ral!ons and other para- phernalia was one of the wnndern of the r.'110n liters. :se -meting to Villalpnn- dos, the "talents" of g,1111, silver and 11raee us a1 In its construction (51:•0 N1,141011 1)1 11'0 ( nlrmnus :4+41.1 of $0,170,- 1,04100, The worth of the j.•v.'o!o f+ 1•rn- 01nlly a11111 at figure squally as Moe, '1 l.e vessels of golrl, arcorl•in,g to .dore- fhura, wer,' valued nt 140,000 talents, w.'hteh, reduced to tenons)! money le .( has been shown by c'hapel's reduction tables), vas equal to F7,75.296,203. The yr ssels of :;liver. ^cording to the r 4me nonlegal s, wore still more Vllln,lhle, I.(•Int r .Inv; 11 as wort'; f845,%14,000. 1'rlests• ve:;tmrnt:; and mhos of Fing- ers. 42,01',060 ; trumpets, _0;),0110. To this add the expense of twilling Materials, la b,r. 0tr., and 1V0 g(t imine wende:fol figures, Ten thousand men hrwin.v cedars, Conon benrer's of burdens, k 1 nee hewers of sone, 3, ;00 nyersecr0, nil of whl: h were emeloy( rl for seven ;;pars and upon whom, besidorc thclr wages, 104Iomon bestowed 46,733,9.37, if their daily food was worth two shillings each, the sum total for all was 463,977,081 during the time or buildi.l';- The materials In the rough are estlrna;- ed as having been worth 42,44:1,3:17.000, These several estimates show the total cost to have been 117,442,442,465, or $77,- 521,665,936 in United States money. OUT OUT TO PLEASE. SWAGOERINO STUDENTS. Unsatisfactory Young Man -Sir. I love your daughter. Father -So de (.- Somerville Journal. "'Willie, do you know what the Easter season is especially noted for ?" "Yes'in ; it's the only season of the year when the hens lay colored eggs," - Brooklyn Life, Medical Exarniner Tuve there been any symptoms of insanity in your faulil\' ? Applicant for Insurance -Yes, sir-er-that is, ray sister once refused a lean worth halls million,-'I'id-Bits. Landlady (who Catches Hall Bedroom cooking over i>is gas jot) -Hero, here; I'll have none of that. hall Bedroom- I You aro quite right, madam. It's all ' for 1110. -Chicago rimes -herald. Clara -I wonder it it is true that one is likely to catch something from being kissed? Maud -Of course not. you've been kissed enough, but you haven't caught anything yet, have you? -New York Herald. A -feat are you going to do, now that you have amassed so large 0for- tune? 3-1 (4111)11 retire from business, and tell everybody what a burden wealth is, and how happy I was when 1 puSSassed nothing•.-1)er Schalk. Ulehitelt-What inside you fool me so about 'I•ibbitt'44 character ? 1-10 has au lawful temper. You told lie he was as easy to. got ;dome with as a baby. Not). pop -If you over had anything to do with mvung•int(' a baby you would have und(n•44(1101 rue in the first place,-Iu- diauapolis Journal. One Theory. 7(// He -Groat Heaven's ! I've been talking to you for throe haul4. She -Oh, it seems only half that time. Ho (insinuatingly) -Why is that, I wonder? "1 suppose it'e because ono forgets 80 much faster than you drink," Forecnvling the weather. He was inclined to he humorous, but sometimes unwise. He had torgotten to go home to supper and he leach what i11 Store for him 4.11(11) he Should tdil- tioally get there,, So just to he pleasant and (+ntel'tni)liilg he got 8o111(> miniature flags ata toy store 1)11(1 put bicap in his pocket, "John Beery," exclaimed his w'fe, as he entered the, (louse, "I should think you'd he ashamed of yourself' to treat lout' wife with so little considers - ally slowly unrolled his little package of flags, took out a sgulu'44 red one wit!) a black square in the center and fasten - end it to the mantel. 'What's that ?" she demanded sharp- ly. "Storm s`gnat," he replied pleasant- ly. She drew herself up haughtily. Once or twice she seemed on the point of speaking, but controlled herself, and finally turned coldly :may. Il,: merely took down the red flag end re placed it with a white one with a black center. 'Cold wave,'' he said. There was a moment's silence alei he saw that her feelings were hart. "You're cruel," she said at list, "Yost stay away from dinner and then you come home just to (make fun of me. 1-I---" IT,. put up e lone flag. "Rain or snow," he said. "Why do you want to he so menu ?" she asked tearfully. "Why can '1 you be the dear, kind roan yon used to be? 1 won't be cross again." Ile put up a w•11ite. flag. "Fair weather,' he said, "mid also a flag of truce. I capitulate to tears." And the white flag floated the entire evening .-Chica)go Evening Post. An Excellent Reason. The two wives were discussing the pecuniary l 'culiaritie:s of their respec- tive husbands and they coincided with great unanimity until they reached the point of their own relation to the purse - strings. "Airy husband never gives me a cent of money u)loss he growls about bay ex- travagance," said one. "Mine does the saute thing," attested the other. "But 1 get even with hint," and her face show d the color of Satisfactiel. "How do you ever do it ?' ''I go through his trousers' pockets when 11(1'8 asleep." "Go.pduess gracious 1' exclaimed the other, "I wouldn't do that for any- thing." "\Vey not ? haven't we a right to the money es well as they have?" "Yes; but I wouldn't go into my hus- band's trousers' pockets for it." 4- "1 'd '"1'd like to know why ?" quite indig- nant at the apparent reproof, "Because," blushed the other, "he carries his money in his vest." A Peculiar affliction. "Excuse me,"said the truthful travel- ler when the flask was passed round, "but I cannot join you." "Whv not?inquired the company. "It distorts my countenance." "In what way ?" "1 u(:Vel( take a drinic of whisky with- out making a rye face._ Saved ; or, The »luy(cra of 6oelety. CHAPTER 1. Her eyes glittered. "Thy lips reveal my secret?" she shrieked. "Never !" She sprang towards him, and at the same moment drew from her bosom, where it had been concealed by a knot of roses, CHAPTER R. a—handkerchief, with which she re- moved from the aforesaid lips every vestige of the pigment he had dislodg- ed from her cheek in pressing thereon that swift, mad kiss. s'1r7lAR to Raise a Raw Wilk the Gondaraiee. A riotous spirit is still prevalent in the students' quarters in Pads. The associates and nonassociates have been at outs some time owing to the theatre privitgges enjoyed by the former, and which the latter insist upon sharing. The music hall and theatre proprietors have told them to settle the niatter among themselves, but beyond holding storiny meetings, and calling each other names the students have done nothing. The association says its doors are open to those without the pale, but the latter retort that they want nothing to do with so aristocratic an ilistfttition. Meantime there is an extra body of police in the neighborhood of the sor- bonne, whose officers aro afraid that 1110 20,000 students may at any 1nonle04 in- augurate a reign of terror. The Paris student is a great deal of a swaggerer. He imagines himself a privileged being in more ways than one and conducts himself accordingly, There have been one 01' two attempt` at riot which have been promptly suppressed. Tho students rather like the notoriety the present dif- ficulty has brought upon the Latin quar- ter told seem to be inviting a conflict with the gendarmes. -Paris Cor. Chi- cago Times -Herald, 'Twain't Necessary. -'Have you given the goldfish fresh water, Bridget?" "No, nuns ; they haven't finished the water I gave 'em a last week." ,n The New Sear in Railroading. "Any one may predict," said Chant) eey M. D.lp;>w, iu a recent interview, "but who can fulfil? i might tell you a dozen things that will make the year 1895 historical ft,) railroading, but they may not materialize. Tal1e, for .in- stance, the Now York Central Railroad. You.know what its achievements have been. And yet how essential it is that we should be continually looking out for improvements. The roadbed must be studied, the coaling stations need at tention ; in a word, we must never be satisfied with the results that have been attained, no matter Trow good they are. So much for detail. Now for the gen- eral. "You know that Engine 999 of the New York Central road has attained a speed unheard of in kind in the history of travel. Our trains might almost be termed Clashes of lightning, but their rate is not a circumstance to the speed we aro now aiming at. Then there is the matter of safety. I need not assure you that the safety of the passengers is the most important thing a railroad marc has to do with. The coating year we expect to attain what some people may consider a chimera -namely, perfect freedom from risk in the transportation of human beings by rail. \Vo have, we believe, solved ter) problem and that, I should sav, will make 1149.3 an unequal - e11 year in railroading, "-Tire Railway Agent. As In Snake Rites. That no less than 23.000 people should have peri'+hed last year in the Indian province of Bengal from snake bites shows how little progress has been made by science toward the discovery of sorne antidote for the poison of these reptiles. Tho trouble is that the poison of nearly every species seems to affect a different organ of the body. Thus the bite of a cobra seems to paralyze the mugs, while the poison of ,the daboia produces terrible convulsions. From time im- memorial physicians of every clime and race have devoted their energies to the discovery of cures tor.thes,, kites ; but judging from the heavy list of casual- ties from this source alone in Betggal, the most highly civilized province sad possessed of the best system of medical supervision of all English colonial de- pendencies, it would 800111 that all ef- forts in this direction have been abor- tive. -New York 'Tribune. Long Enough, Stephen A. Douglas and Mr. Lovejev were ones+ gossiping together when Abraham Lincoln came in. The two men immediately turned their cower - Ration upon the proper length of n.111011'5 legs. "Now," said Lovejoy, "Abe's Ings are altogether to long and yours, DlllO las, I think are a little short. ' Let's ask Abe what he thinks of it 1" Then, turning to Lincoln, hr• saf(1 : "We're Hiking about the proper length of a roan's legs, We think yours are too long and Douglas, too short and we'd like to know what you thins( is the proper length," "Well," said Air. Lincoln, "that's a spatter that i've never given any thought to, so of course I may be mis- taken, but Inv first nnpressl0n is that a man's leg ought to be long enough to reach from his body to the ground." Napo l con,l'oriralts, No fare is better known through por- traits than that of Napoleon, vet the best-known picture of the great Corsican is believed to bo the least reliable. There are in existence over fifty por- traits, taken in his own time, and the variance between them is so great that it fs sometimes difficult to trace any resemblance., It is evident that the portraits by David are id/aliz'd, while the little known portrait by Trumbull represent him as a beefy, overfed man, with little intellectuality of expression. In youth and daring the last few years of his life he was undoubtedly ugly ; be- tween 1800 and 1810, after his emacia- tion disappeared and before he became gross, he was only passably good-look- ing. There wore in his face and man- ner a•personal dignity and an air of command that inspired respect in all beholders. -St. Louis Globe -Democrat. 4 U ysteries of t lAN' BRAIN The latest discovery in the scienti- fic world is that nerve centres located in or near the base of the brainin con- trol trol all the organs of the body, and when these nerve centres are deranged the organs which they supply with nerve fluid, or nerve force, are also deranged. When it is remembered that a serious injury to the spinal cord will cause paralysis of the °body below the injured point, because the nerve force is prevented by the injury from reaching the para- lyzed portion, it will be understood how the derangement of the nerve centres will pause the derangement of the various organs which they supply with nerve force; that is, when a nerve centre is deranged or in any way diseased it is impossible for it to supply the same quantity of nerve force as when in a healthful condi- tion ; 1lenee the organs which depend upon it for nerve force suffer, and are 'unable to properly perform their work, and as a result dia;;ase makes its appearance. At least two-thirds of our chronic diseases and ailments are duo to the imperfect action of the nerve centres at the base of the brain, and not from a derangement primarily originating in the organ itself. The great mis- take of physicians in treating these disc aces 18 that they treat the organs and not the nerve centres, whine are the cause of the trouble. The wonderful cures wrought ght b y the Great South American Nervine Tondo are due alone to the fact that this remedy is based upon the fore- going principle. It cures by rebuild- ing and strengthening the nerve centres, and thereby increasing the supply of nerve force or nervous energy. This remedy has been found of infinite value for the cure of Nervous - nese, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Paroxysms, Sleeplessness, rgetful- ness Mental Des ondenc ere OU - }? y, s nese of Females, Hot Flashes, Sick Headache, Heart Disease. The first bottle will convince anyone that ,* cure is certain. South American Nervine is with- out doubt the greatest remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and all Chronic S.‘omaoh Troubles, because it acts through the nerves. It gives relief in one day, and absolutely effects a permanent cure in every instance. Do not allow your prejudices, or the preju- dices of others, to keep yon from using this health -giving remedy. It is based on the result of years of scientific research and study. A single bottle w..11 convince the most incredulous. FOR SALE BY WATTS & ('O,, CLINTON vg;,•,'r 2OO,�1f ,EAK EN CURED! STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. 'CURES GUARANTEE() OR NO RAY! ARE YOU 7 Nervom and desponrirrt; v:rads Or dehil;tate)>; tired mnrninae; lnnm_ j� J bit ion--lifel se; m2mury pour. a)r„il. 1444it.ued; exein,bl. and ,rritab e; eyes ennlce11, regi and 1)I r)(li; p mples on face; dreams and night losses; restle'•1,; hngVan! 1 ookiug; v,enk bark; bone pain : hair 1/a, Pe: u)cer,, sore 11 roat; varicocele; depouit 1(1;rine and drains at ,-foal: distrustful; wait of conpd)nee; lack of enorgj and st:eugth — we CAN CUi7E YOU / RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRZ.I. K. r K. JOHN ', `)ANEW. JOHN .\. MANLIN. CIL1R. Pr1W1m;. ell As. POWERS. NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTi 1 CONSENT. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS APBS IMPOTENCY CURED, ,dohn A. Slanlin says:—"I was one of ten count 'twit vic- tims of early iu(.oraUre corn mo ,1)(,,1 at 11 years of age. 1 tried seven medical finis and a1, 414 )100 without avail, 1 gave up in despair. The drains on my systl m were weakening (1y intellect ns wall as MY sexual and physical life. Sly bre.tueradvised me as a last resort to consult Drs. Itennedy A; K„reran. I'ommenred their Now Method Treatment nor! in a tow weeks wits a now man, with new life and ambition. This waw four years ago, and now 1 am married and happy. 1 rec,.tr)n>eud these re.iable specialists to all my afflicted fellowmen.” CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONFiDENTAL. "The virus of early boyhood IMO the foundation of my ruin. Later on 11 ' pity life" 11'x(1 (x11(011 rt, to 10o. 11 di - completed the wreck, 1 hnd all the 8311)4 toms o1 Nervous Debility—makes eyes, P101'810418, strain in (trine, nervorlRnose, weak hack, t,1', 41)1,1iill- canw•1 m> hair to fall out, bone pains, nice'-: in mouth nnrl r n tongue, blotches on body, ere, 1 thenk (pod 1 tried tyre, Kennedy & Roman. They restored n>e. 10 health, vigor 1)1111 happiness." CHAS. POWERS. Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured. r ny-We treat and cure 1 ariencelo, E,nissid31s, Net ?tour Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, ,Sy�lrilfs, li,rnalural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RiSK. READER! Are yennvictlm? MeV', yen lost hope? Are yon contemplating mar, singe? lies your Blood hr en d(Roneec!? nave yon any weakness? Our New Method Trentment will caro yon. w'hnt 0 inn done for Others it will do for rem CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated pun write for nn honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE -- "The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseases of Men. Incloseostage, 2 cants, Vested, tar -No NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- VATE. No medicine e'-^nt C. O. D. No names on boxes or envel- opes. Everything confidential. Question list and coat of Treat- ment, FREE. DRS. KENNEDY 86 KERGAN, NDETRO T, MICR r. •