The Huron News-Record, 1895-04-17, Page 8• 77.77 ant !oii' to Keo 1St. That we are now fairly well settled in business, and that in a few days our Stock will be as complete anti well aasorted as any in the County. 2nd. . That we desire to obtain a share of your patronage and will do our best to give satisfaction. 3rd. This week's arrivals con- sist in part of a good as- sortment of Children's Wagons, Barrows and Carts. Remember we do not exaggerate our facilities but state FACTS as they are. Oiw best advertisement is our Stock and on it we depend to gain and retain customers. tg .78 WALLPAPER We have some good remnants that we are clearing out at your own price. ill1 D, Fair C The Huron News -Record 1,26 a Year -$1.00 in Advance WEDNESDAY APRIL 17th. 1805. LOCAL N N W S • !n and Around the nub, gown galla. a „ Cash paid for eggs and hatter.-0ANTnl oN Sacs. Potatoes wonted -Highest price paid-Cantelon )Trus. piiimumenotemanmemas ANOTHER BUSINESS. -Messrs. Jock and Smith Kitty- are about to engage in the restaurant business and will next week open out in Jackson's block, Huron street. Both gentlemen are well known and will doubtless prove capable business risen. SCHOOL BOARD. -The mention of the school board meeting last week should have read that all the members were present. The error was caused through several members not being present when the business of the meeting commenced. EASTER MEATS. -AS usual til(' display of Easter meats made by our local butchers -Messrs. Kennedy, Ford, and Fitzsimons -.-was of a superior older and nnich admired. For years the butchers of Clinton have catered to the general public in a manner that has given the town a famous name, and this year the se.era1 displays were a credit to all concerned. MILK DELIVERY.-Dairyrnitn W. Weir is ever on the lookout for any- thing that will be in the best interest of customers , and has adopted the rnodern pint and quart milk jars es bottles, with patent cover. The churning process is thus avoided and the general result is likejy to prove more satisfactory than the old Anode. The fluid is bottled at the dairy and delivered in these neat parcels. NEWSPAPERS AND MEN. -The Strat- ford Evening Herald recently passed the eighth milestone,.and the owners, the Messrs. Dingman, are to be con- gratulated on the success they have made of the Herald. When these pro- gressive and competent newspaper men assumed charge of the llear•Id some years ago the paper was at once placed on good footing and has from time to time unproved until now the weekly takes a proud place among the very best newspapers in the province. -The Evening Galt Reformer has en- tered upon its second year and under the ownership of Editor Laidlaw has made wonderful progress. The only Reformer objection we have to the. I (1 r mer Is its politic.;. Like the Stratford Herald, new presses and utonern type -setting machines have been introduced and is in every respect fully abr•ea;t with the times. -The Mitchell Advocate has en- tered upon its 36th year and is as vig- orous as ever. During that long period the only change was the death of 000 of the owners, a brother of the present editor. The Advocate is a bright and fearlesslocal paper and is men well support- ed by thetv business en of Mitchell.-- The Saturday number of the Easter (S. A.) War Cry is comprised of twenty pages with appropriate title page '•1 am the resurrection and the life." The pages are fail of appropriate natter in verse, song, story. illustration, and descriptive religions reading. The Easter number is far above the aver- age and should meet with universal approval and a good sale. --The Inter- national Art Printer, published at Owen Sound by Mr. Arthur M. Ruther- ford, is the roost practical Cana- dian publication in the interests of the craft we have yet seen, and should meet. with mach favor. It con- tains many specimens worth more than it year's subscription to the job printer and apprentice and will natur- ally grow bates as it grows older. The price, monthly, is only $1.23 a year. --The Attwood Bee issued a speci- al eci- al edition containing arepo t f the trial and conviction of Chattelle.- The Palmerston Reporter will issue a speci- al illustrated number shortly -The village of Neustadt, up in Bruce county, wants a local paper and may find sonic erne foolish enough to put a lot of grad money in such a venture.- 1). McGil- 1100(1dy, of the Goderich Signal, has accepted the agency for several makes of bicycles and rides a wheel hilri- salf.-=1'he \Volnatn s Globe, to be issued te>-sorrow•, promises to be an exceed- ingly fine production. The wumen of Stratford will also publish an edition of the Herald. • A'r"gQ1411.4 '-T1 e' AMMO: AiAti ioiaie't ONlilnttora No. 1Q11, Rome Qit'cte wilt take ;Alice in their rooms (over Biddle. comb s) next Tuesday evening, April 23rd. A choice liters ey and musicial program is being prepared for the evening's entertainment. • BRIEFS. -Mr. A. H. Plummer, of Blyth, was In town last week. -Mr. I. Rattenbury is erecting an additional sample room. -On Good Friday the Citizen's Band occupied the stand and rendered several selections in the after- noon ou the market square, demon- strating that the organization is an acquisition and direct benefit to the town. -H. W. C. Meyer, Esq., of Cal- gary, was in town the other day and made a friendly call on THE NEws-RE- corrD. The gentleman looks and feels well and is delighted with his far-off Canadian home. -Mr. James Miller was in the Forest City on business last `Thursday. -Mr. J. A. Cook, of Goder- ich township, has passed the final ex- amination at Trinity Medical College, Toronto, and is now a full fledged M. D. He may locate at Indiana, U. S. Wherever he may go his many friends will wish hint abundant success. -Mr. J. W. Rites was in the Queen City on business last week. -Mr. Remington, now of the Molsons Bank in Montreal, is spending his Easter vacation in Clin- ton. -Mr. G. N. Davis, of Goderich, silent Easter with his brother here. - The mild rains of Friday and Satur- day have created slight vegetation. -- Mr. J. Miller has his new blacksmith shop in good workinar order, Friday's bee giving good solid footing for that noble animal the horse. -Mr. McKay, of Toronto, brother of Mrs. L. Ken- nedy, spent Sunday at the residence of the latter. -Mr. R. Harper is home from Dundas, where he is working for his brother in his grist )Hill. FIe will retnove his family to that town. - Messrs. J. McMurray, E. J. Cantelon and W. wereGrigiti London last week and took part in the big (run shoot, each getting in some creditable work and winning laurels. -Mrs. Me- Clusky, of Tara, was last week a guest at the residence of Mr. \Ver. McKown. -Mr. Geo. Swarts has leased the Mar- tin hotel at Saltford and takes posses- sion shortly. , Mr. Martie, who has been in poor health for some time, was one of the hest hotel tnen in the coun- ty. -Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harland and child were in Toronto for several days and have returned. -The Young Liber- als did not Meet on Friday evening, but will next Friday. -D. Cantelon will ship two cars of hogs next Monday to London, one from Clinton and one from Kippen.-The Misses Mount - castle are spending Easter vacation at Listowel, the guests of Rev, and Mrs. Fairlie. -Miss Worthington, of Chi- cago, is home on a visit.-I11r. Geo. Dewar, of Glencoe, is the guest of Mr.and Mrs. James Fair, jr.--Miss Hattie Irwin is on a visit to the county town. -Mrs. E. Finch, sr., has returned ti out an extended visit to London and Flint, Mich. -Mrs. A. Hillen leaves this week for Detroit, where she will spend a couple of weeks. -Miss Marney, of Goderich, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harland. -Capt. and Mrs. Mc- Leod, of the Clinton S. A., took part in the Easter jubilee at Seafor•t h on Mon- day evening. -Miss Snell, of \Viugham, is the guest of Mrs. W. Foster, Albert, street. -The Messrs. Kemp were visit- ing their brother harry in Hayfield last week. --Mr. Thos. Tipling, of De- troit, was in town On business last week. -Mr. Thomas Tipling, f<n'nlerly G. T. R. baggage master here, will in a short time remove his family from l•Vinghatn to Goderieh.-Miss Martin and Miss Gibson, both teachers in the public school at Listowel, are spending the Easter holidays at the Rec'tor'y, the guest of 11t. and Mrs. Parke.- week eggs were eight cents a dozen in Brussels and tcii cents in Clinton. -- Now is a good time for business Wren to plant spring advertisements. -The Brussels Herald says Ed. Dunl'ord of that town was in Clinton on business the other day. --Miss Mc\Vhinney will hire a grand entertainment- in \Ving- atn next Tuesday evening. Among the Most interesting features will be a Military drill by 16 young ladies, limbs. command of Capt. \Villiarns.•-The Bruce Herald says that 114e. 'Phos. R. Todd, who was 1'11 It visit to Clinton recently, left Walkerton for his boon' at Hillview, Manitoba, on Friday week. -Miss Minnie Cooper, of the Brussels public school stair of teachers, is spending her vacation at home in Clinton. -Mrs. Prendergast, of Strat- ford, is theuest of her sister, Mrs. Whitt. -R. R1ason was summoned be- fore Dlagistrates McGarva and Steep this week and pleaded guilty to a violation of the license Late and was fined $50 and costs. -Miss McKellar, of Glencoe, was the guest of Mrs. Jars. Fair, Jr., over Sunday. --Mr. It. Gard- ner, clerk at the \Valper HOl1S1',B('r'lill, spent a few days in town. --A gang of Igen aro at work scraping the streets road again. -Miss Lily Oliver placed a gold ring on tau large a fingert yester- day •- d(y morning and that nipllll) r in- creased in size so fast that the gold band had to he cut.. --Traveller II. Cantelon was home for Easter. --THE NEWS -RECORD was pleased to have a call from the Rev. J. Walker Shiltou on Monday. He speaks in the highest terms of the people of Walker lou and is well }pleased with his charge. -Mr. Thos. Me1C('nzie has the contract for the putting in of a modern system of closets at t he hotel Clarendon ar,d has commenced the work. Mr. Ira Johns returned from the Matecabee conven- tion at Sarnia last, Saturday. The de- cision was against forming a grand Camp for Ontario. - \ir. 1lerbert, Wat- tern is very low front a complication of ailments and little hope is entertained for his recovery. Mr. M. 1). M(Tatg- gatrt is tlu' rITITSV11tntiVt of Murray Camp, S. O. S., at Niagara Falls this week.- Miss McTaggart, is on a visit to friends in Toronto. --M r. Harvey Rend, of Trebilcock's London establishment, spent Easter with relatives here and returned Monday. firs. and Miss Sib- ley have returned from Mankato, Minn.- -Miss May Irwin and Mr. It. (;oasts are Koine from Toronto for the Easter vacation. ---Miss Noble, of Elora, spent Easter with her brother of l'ar•ran & Tisdall's hank. -Mr. 11 Ross has engaged with dairyman W. Weir. -From the fact that leather is quoted much stronger school boys are mak- ing new resolves for next week. Wheat is higher, which may mean dear- er bread rtl the near future. Once more there is happy Sill1les for the farmer 7 the market price of wheat, pork. beef and horses 18 OPIUM y advaur(•in1;. Mr. T. Robinson, of Berlin, tra, 1hi: woes; the guest of Mr. .1. 1'..\tiit<-r t tae -Hotel('larendon. 'iii r'..Jama rya g - ie and W. I1. Turney. of Goderich, were callers on 'I'IIE `'n•:\'--(-Itt•:<•rritu yesterday. 'rhe%• were attending the Masonic Lodge of instruction het e, tnel bicycle riders will soon 110 on 1.111' you EC At this season of the year everyone is making some alteration in their Home, by putting in some new piece of Furniture. Now have you decided yet what change you are going to make? If not, a look through our Stock will help you to decide. In every line of Furniture our prices are lower than ewer. We would like to call your attention to that $14.50 Bedroom Suite Of ours. It is Great Value. When you call on us, ask to have a look at it. That line of Pictures at 45 cents is also Great Value. Cur- tain Poles all complete for 22 cents. J. W. CHIDLEY Furniture Dealer, and Embalmer. tro.n.s. BEESLEY FROM T � f� CO. \IPOI%=S 0_ OUR OPENING. Our opening was a decided success. Our patrons pronounced it so because of the exquisite taste displayed by our Mil- liners in their work, and because of the beauty and wide ralfge of shapes and patterns exhibited. THIS YEAR'S STYLES This year's styles are said by conoissieurs to be the most wear- able ever introduced. It sometimes happens that the prevailing styles are becoming to certain types of features and much less suited to others, but this year the fashion leaders have been equally considerate of all kinds of fitces, and the styles are not only beautiful, butbecoming. Of course the beauty of the finished article depends much upon the taste and judgment of the artist who trims the slat, as well as upon the designer of the shape. Our Mil- liners have the requisite taste, judgment and materials to furnish you with a beautiful Hat or Bonnet that will perfectly suit both the Cast of your features and the weight of your purse. FROM OUR POINT OF VIEW. From our point of view, the opening was distinctly successful. The congratulations of visitors who thronged our show room, were of course very gratifying, and the many orders were not less so. We are confident of a very large Season's business. HATS AND GLOVES. If you are needing a Hat or Bonnet you can not do better than leave your order. Our New Ki(1 Gloves are here and you cannot dD better than buy from us, sloth for quality and price. 0 BEESLEY & CO. Jackson's : Clothing The Ladies Favorite Establishment BEAVEI1. BLOCK, CLINTON. 0 SOMETHING THAT CONCERNS EVERYBODY. - Store. Considerably over Two Thousand families Read THE NEWS-lE('oltuevcry week, Over2,0003,000 families buy Clothing and in all cases they want to know where they ore going to buy the cheapest, which is quite right and as a general thing they all read the many advertisements in this paper to see which is the most reliable place to invest their money end the general verdict is JACKSON, THE CLOTHIER, and 1Tp'I'o Date Cutter, whore you are sure to get perfect fitting garments. People are all complaining of hard tinges, which is tree enough, and as a natural con- sequence they want to be careful how they lav ont their money. But yet they roust be clothed and whet I want to toll the many comities who read this paper is that I am otTering special inducements to compare with the hard times and if you will only call and see what we have got you will be convinced that :pia is your place for Fin t)rdetod Chthir,g and for two weeks more will continue to sell READY MADE CLOTHING at Cost Price. ----CALL. AND EXAMINE T. JACKSON, SR!, - Practical Cutter. THE NEWS -RECORD FOR FINE JOB PRINTING. r, aoKso :Bro H AS IT EVER occurred too that there is nothing nearer - a man than his SHIRT ? HAS IT EVER occurred to you that the SHIRT that goes many times to the wash will come back some day torn ? HAS IT EVER occurred to you that the best way of putting oft this evil day is to buy the best SHIRT you Can ? AS IT EVER occurred to you that .the best makers of SHIRTS in Canada are Tooke Bros., of Mont- real`? mallipangl HAS IT EVER occurred to you that we carry no other line of WHITE SHIRTS, because they are the best in the Market ? JJAS IT EVER occurred to you that 11 the 50 cent Unlaundried WHITE SHIRT shown by us is a marvel of quality, fit and finish ? Let it occur to you to look at these Shirts when you are in need of the same. JACKSON —o -- 8R0 Hatters and Outfitters. a�?�eraroavz01-2,79mYms IZSreqaamnva�=vw.aw..omu::auZmaxMnr.� READY Our spring Opening was a de- cided success in every parti- cular and in every depart- ment. People had collective- ly 'and individually but one verdict : "(The display is the Best in Clinton" Stocks are now complete and we ate read v for business, cat eying for your trade with a stock that is the best We Have ever shown, whether you look at it from the standpoint of Style, Assortment or Value. Millinery When it comes to Millinery, you will acknowledge that we have carried oft' *lie medal for the ti\veelest Millinery Clinton has ever seen. A large stock of pattern flats and Bonnetig is here for your inspection, and will always be throughout the season, for it \will be replenish- ed from day to day as sold. Making to order is a big part of our business, and if there is not just. what you want ready trimmed, we can work out ,your ideas and give you a Hat or Bonnet that cannot fail to please you. 0 CAPE MATERIALS We've opened the past few days, Box Cloths, Clay Wor- steds in light weights, Broad. cloths and Covert Coatings Blacks, Browns and Fawns, also Shepherd checks in Fawns and Greys. Stylish looking an 1 inexpenSive,^thev re just the thing for the tali s so pop- ular this season. NOW Trimmings, vide and narrow in Jet, Silk or Wor- sted ; moderate in price to inatcll them all. Kid Gloves We sell Gloves made by manufacturers of a world wide reputation, such as Perrin, Fer- res, Alennder, Converiers, whose Maines are a guarantee of superior quality and perfect goods. Perrin's -Bourbon" 4 button length, stud fasteners 00e ('onversio1, 4 button $1 Alexander, 4 button $1.25 Perr•in's 7 honk lacing $1 25 All above are in Black and Colors ; new, fresh stock is now in, we want your Kid Glove trade, if we onc,5 get it we think we can hold it. Est. J. Kodgc�s CLINTON.