The Huron News-Record, 1895-04-17, Page 7ai James E. 1Viortolson. CANCER ON THE LIP CUBED BY AYEr 'S Sarsa- parilla • "I consulted doctors who prescribed for pre, but to no purpose. I suffered In agony seven long years. Filially, I began taking ;flyer's Sarsaparilla. In a week or two I 1notieed a decided improvement. Encour- aged by this result, I persevered, until to a month or so the sore began to heal, and, after using the Sarsaparilla for six' months, the lastace of the cancer disappeared.”- .t IICHOLBON, Florencoville, N. D. 148 Ayer s— Sarsaparilla 4 Admitted at the World's Fair. _ fl.Y. 7W8 PILLS Regulate the Bowels. The Huren News-Reeora 81.28 a Year --$1.00 in Advance WEDNi SDA.Y, APItll. 17th, 1805. VOICE OF THE PRESS. Sabbatarianism Run Mad. Ott,,wa Journal. Somebody in the legislature tried to put through a hill yesterday to prevent farmers working on Sunday. There are cases where farmers would be poor if they did not work on Sunday, and nope the -better Christians. Some idiot will be bringing in a hill soon to prevent clergymen and chur•clt sextons working Sundays. Bravely Fought, Toronto Telegram. An important public service has been rendered by the Globe and the papers allied with it in the long fight which has just ended in it verdict for the de- fence in an I toric libel snit. The histo of this case illustrates the consequence of accepting unwise advice. Lawyers anxious for peace could have spared the Globe and Mrs. Beaton a great deal of tremble. The plaintiff in the late suit was not finan- cially harmed ten cents worth by the Globe's quotations from a New York paper. The whole story would have been forgotten in a day if she had been advised to keep out of the warfare which has brought her no satisfaction. The Globe Is to be congratulated upon resistidog in a case where there was every temptation to settle': upon terms which might have made the pro- pagation of libel snits a profitable in- dustry. Amalgamate Them, Toronto ecutlnel. The World has done the public a great service ny calling attention to a serious mistake hi our school system. This is in the overlapping of the public and high schools. The lower forms in the latter are doing practically the same work as the higher forms in the former. Thus we are maintaining two sets of machinery for one set of work. There should be au end to this waste, and the way to bring it about would appear to be the amalgamation of the Public and 11igh School Boards, or'n re . 0(1Iting of the eui•1•ie ultu n. Doesn't Think Muc}t of the Patrons Don in Saturday Night. Without doubt the Patrons nave been the woolicst s rangers ever brought into this town. They were captured and befouled hefere they got their shoos and stockings oli' the first night. It is very probable, indeed, that. Fath- er Mowat knew where they were be- fore they gut here. it is painful to think how the people on the conces- sion lines and crossroads will regard the manner in which they have been bun0oed. All that now remains is for somebody to Mow out the gats on the while crowd. :\ coroner's inquest• would not be necessary, for men who ha ye been such hafts while alive are not worth 1he expense of an inquest after they are dead. "Good" Legislation. Ifumilton sp stator. Some very good people tell ns that horse racing is wicked. Sit• Oliver Mowat, being 0110 of the very gond peotlait' -in fact lie is so very, very good that he has been able to write a book for the guidance of ordinarily very gond people --is, of course, of opinion that horse racing is wicked. Therefore, when the question of horse racing at agricultural fairs cause up before the legislature yesterday, it became accessary to prohibit that wickedness. Bet lest the big ptlmkin and fat pig shows should lose popu- larity, it was agreed by the legislature that "trials of speed under the direc- tion and control of the officers of the associattion't would be q a quite right nd porper. It now stands this way : Horse racing at pumpkin shows is wicked and illegal ; but "trials of speed" )Lt the Saline shows are right and commendable, and will receive the sanction and pecuniary aid of the Christian statesnlat,'s government! Now let the legislature pass that act to make it legal to ride in a trolley tsar 01) Sunday on one section of a road, and illegal and wicked to ride in the same trolley car on Sunday, ten feet further along the line, and Ontario will be ready for the millennium. For Over Fifty Years Mita. WIN 'LOWS Soomutno SYacr has been used by millions of mothers for th, it children while teething It disturbed at night and broken of your refit bya sick child suffering and crying wick pain of Cutting Teeth sem at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winnla,w'a Soothing Syrup" tor0hildren Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Diar- rhma, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cores Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Infivnmation, and gives tone and °ner,ry to the whole system. 'Mrs. Winslow's 5 ,nth1ng Syrup" tor children teething is pleasant tn'he taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in th" I -sited States, Price twenty live cents a h'ttle. Sold by all d. n"gists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for ••)fns. \y1NnLOw'd SOOTHING SYRUP," Mr's, Paran Stevens, the well-known society leader of New York, died at her home in that city last, week from pneu- monia, complicated by heart trouble. Goynt. of the Holy Names of Jesus and [Barg. -R PIeasin & Jilarvelinus record from a Citu EducatiogaI Institution. Testimony of the Highest Possible Character. Paine's Celery Compound and It's Good Work. The Sisters Call it the "Wonder-working Medi- cine," and Strongly Recommend Its Use. No medicine in the World lets ever earned or received the high and un- stinted praise that has been ,justly :it - corded to Patine's Celery Compound. Testimonials (many o them of 1111001- • tain authenticity and quest amiable ver- acity) appear 010.11 week, advocating the use of medicines, worthless and of ' no value to the sick and suffering. Paincl'$Celery Compound stands on a summit of fame, far removed from all the deceptive medicines of the day. Its letters of testimony come from the best people, and from institutions whose, names are synonymous with honor and uprightness. Among the large and noted institu- tions whose people have been blessed by the curing 'and healing virtues of Paine's Celery, is the "Convent of the Holy Names," in the city of Mon- treal. This tho'0ngh and magnificently equipped institution of learning, is amongst the largest, of t he kind 011 this °Continent, 01111 has over thirty branch houses in ('anala and the United Si at After aL thorough trial of !Woe's Celery ('onlponnd in the head house, by sisters who suffered from the trou- bles that, make human life miserable, and seeing the truly grand results - healt.h, vigor, strength and strong nerves -it Was deemed advisable in the interests of suffering humanity, to lnnko 11. declaration 1ha.l, would give c'omf'ort, assnr1Ln(r 1(11)1 1101e to 1111 snflvrer; in the land. The sisters have kindly and graciously written ars fol- lows : "We feel it aL (lily to 11(10 our testi- mony in favoi of your "wonder-work- ing" Paine's ('elet•y Compound. Many sisters suffering from 001)ilit y, dyspep- sia, sleeplessness and indigestion, have been completely relieved after taking it,. "\Ve shall strongly re0ornmend 1Ls tete in 1111 our houses, 1w the hest medi- cine to restore heaLlth, and give folie and vigor to the net's -Otis system." PERRIN BLOCK. CLINTON. For sale on easy terms, on bloc, or divided to Ault purohader ; one quarter Dash or other good security, balance a 6 per sox tient., or will uhange for a g.•od furP or. J. P. TISDALL Danker, In the bloat will show monism,. The laud ouet$1,000 and the building over $3,000. D. I. CASIPBELL, 254 Main W., Hamilton, Ont. 887•(1 Brick for Sale. WETNAB VER. ,t WILFORD, Proprietors of the Blyth Brink Yard, have a limited quantity of (heir superior brick on baud. They desire to clear them out before the spring make begins. Iuteudiug builders will consult their bed interests in writing or calling on ns. w•E•1'PL.oUtrlat & WILFORD. Wash Day Made Easy. I have secured the right to ruunufaeturs th famo'te nagiu washing 31 uhluo. Already I have made and sold a number. The purchasers are dcllghtcd. To use the ruuchine on trial h,, sure to make a sale if olio is leglllred. Waahob,3 is made luny cep!' and earpoto 0.11, Le kept perf, et ly clean; no ept...wng or Whale rot, Cr whit: lev. The price bus been tot ata ,ory low figure. The machine may be seen at my redolence on Isaac Strout. B. COLE 1:700-1 Two Farms For Sale. Beira; rnwpused of Zhu south halfnf Lot No. 21, Iluynvl 1 1 ins, (ludo -irk '1'oensulp, eootamiug 70 acres, more or lend, ell,'Ieared except bout tivea'•res in good state of eniti, al ion: log house ou the pre' nudes; well w:Vur0!; well !towed. Also Lot No. 14311, Id 1.Ine, comprised of h0 acres, more or leas ab011' 20 u,rte h10)0 to good state of cultivation sad awl a atercd ; ;luse, berm ned Irunle stable, and small b airing nrch;u•,1. 1' 1rms rra'amablc. Apply to iOIIN SIIF.PPIIrn, 83701 Chutuu ('.0, Mrs. Whitt, Teacher of Musio, Pupil of lily. Charles W. Landon, of I'hi:adelphia. The Alaimo Method 11(13 tsclu�irvly. It is considered by the Mediug 01 u,le1Ll Arti,tca that no rootlet 1 develop tun b, thuie 00 rapidly 111 lir. llIasou'a "rush and Technic." Piano, Organ and Technical) for use of pupils Apartments iu Beaver Meek, over W. Beosley'a, Albert street, Clinton. • Property For Sale, For sale, the large dwelling and lot owned and lately 00011 pied by Dr. Auplrtou, on Ontario *user. 1las all ❑ odern eunvenionces. Centrally located. Aloe a house and lot adjoluing above propel ty, facing Victoria atr•eet. For parti.lolaro apply to MANNING & SC0'1"r, Clinton. 807-31 Room for Rent. Large room, cnnvouiontly ))tit)1t0, easy of access, at low 1.011t. Apply to W. 0. SEARLO;, 821.11 SPECIAL NOTICE tF Tua Naws-ltacose will always he pleased to receive reliable Information of Births, Mar- riages, and Deaths, or of any other local event. d9r THE Newa RECORD can furnish as hand• some welding Stationery and guarantee as fine letter press work and at as low prices ad any city or other printing office. 11')2" In the matter of 10000101 Circulars an Memorial Curds, '('11R NRwa•I(1CORn g,'arante prompt attention and the very hest class u work, at fifty per cent less than eastern prices. COMFORTS OF HOMc,. Ladies who desire the cunlfnrts of home, but find it necessary now to be as Economical as possible, can have some of the comforts, at very little cost, by following these instruc- tions : GOOD CARPET AND RUCS — CANNOT BE MADE ON HAND LOOMS UNLESS: FIRST, -You Prepare veer Rags in the Proper manner ; SECOND, -See th eelhat01113 e beat of Ware or Chain is used; THIRD, -Tho WEAVING rightly done. I Am Prepared to do the Best of Weaving at reasonable prices. Carpets and Rugs You Need, And you eau have th001 woven ;11 a first-class manner, in many beautiful and handsome patterns front the plaia hit or Innis kind tin Carpets) to the gaudy striped, or I•itney center with border. Rugs too, of all shades, colors and kinds, you can have woven. YOUR CHOICE OF WARP. My Warps are bought direct from the .Mills and yon can have your choice of Canadian or five-ply Anlcricaul the very best in the market and Twenty Shades to choose front. . Prices per Yard and a Yard Wide (when we furnish Warp,) from 16c. up. Samples of work may be seen at my residence, East Street, Goderich (Mrs. Miller's old 581)13 . W. A. ROSS, - East St,, Goderich, 3 POINTS ItEIIEI.BER Horsemen Will consult their own interests by getting thein'.. .. .. . . Route Bills, Tabulated Pedigrees And Any 0111u• PRINTING They MRs Need ---AT THE NEWS-I1ECO'O OFFICE; 1Ve have a fine and Largo Assortment of Horse Cuts and can turn out work in the host style and promptly, Orders by mail will receive our host attention. Advertise your Horse's Route in THE Nsws-Rio'uiiu, it will pay you! Rates rea• sonnhle, 91 s: 1, x.11 You Can Get Ferry's Hoods at your dealers as fresh and fertilo as though you got them direct from Ferry's Seed Farms. FRRY SEEDS aro known and planted every- where, and aro always the beat. Ferry's Seed Annnal for 1895 tells all about them, - Free. D. M. Ferry & Co. W Indaor,Ont. •'r THE CLARENDON BUS ' This newly equipped houso hie put an a new bus wbioh meets all trains regularly. Cells made in all parts of the town at reasonable rates. Orders left at oalee in ttto Hotel Claren4on will receive prompt and careful attention. J. C. MILLER, Proorlutor. BUSINESS CHANGE! Tho undersigned begl t, fut,rul the people of Chinon and aurrcumdlu0 country that he has Sought the stock of BOOTS & SHOES of Mr. Goo. Stewart, and hu will 00/11000 the oust - nose In the amine plea , up, os1te the iltat ket, Ho will sell fur cash only, am.1 off ,r Spoeinl Bargains for the next 80 day a. Ne Lupus by strict attontiwt to bn,inees to merit a aliaru lit Public Patronage. Re- pairing u apeolalty. 847 -Sm JAMES YOUNG. EUREKP BAKERY AND RESTARUANT. Under the new Management business con- tinues to flourish. Our Stock comprises everything require,l in u tirst•class Bakery and llxstauluut--such les Plain and Fancy Cakes, Pastry, Superior Bread, Confectionery, Cool Summer Drinks, &e., &c. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIAL - '1' Y cud pl ices reasonable. I'irvnic lrtrtie•s dealt with on the must liberal terms and Bread delivered to all parts of the town, Better value than lye 0lfcrcannot be obtained. Give us a call. Stand next the Grand Union Hotel, Clinton. JAMES BOYD, Proprietor. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICRRn. D.Itnss, President, Clinton P. O. ; Oen, Watt, vice-president, Ilarloek 0. o, ; W. J. Shannon, Suoy•'rreus,, Seafurth 1', 0. ; SI. Murdie, Iu- pecter ofelaims Seafurth P. O. uln3CTOR1, Jas, Broadfoot, Seitforth ; Alex Gardiner, Lea bury; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; John Han nah, Reafnrth; Joseph Evans, Beechwood; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. 00):NTS. Thos. Ndlaca, Blalock ; Roht. McMillan, Sea. forth ; J, Cnnuuiug., 1Sgmoudville; Geo. Murdie, Auditor . Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans act other business will be promptly attend ed to on application to any of the above officers' addressed to their respective post etficns. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS UNN'S AK INC P�WDER THECOEOK"STSALS BEEIN CST FRIEND LARG. S. HURON ORANGE DIRECTORY. 1895. Names of t [)istrict Masters, Primary Lodge :1lasters, their post office addresses and (late of luoeting. JOHN NEIL, W. C. M., Centralia P. 0. 131DI)ULI'H DISTRICT. John Neil. \V.1).M., Centralia P.O. Hutchinson, (i!sem way, Fri day on or before full moon. (132 --Thos. H. (' mosey, Lnc:Ln, Satu day on o1' before full 111001. 403 -- Richard Hodgins, Saintsthury, Wednesday 011 or before full moon. 800 -- George Walden, Maplegrove, Wednesday 011 or before full moon. 924 -Edward Gill, Exeter, 1st Friday in each month. 1087 -James Kenniston,'Parkhill, Mon- day On Or before full 1110011. 1210 -Wm. M0wsen, Moray, Thursday on or before full moon. 1343- -James Boyce, Centralia, Tuesday on 0l' before full moon. 610---A. Nevins, Centralia, Friday on or after full moon. GODERi('H I)ISTRi('T. James Calwell, \V.I),M., Goderich P.O. 145 -,James Cox, Porter's Hill, 1st Mon- day in each month. 153-Addrew Millian, Saltford, Friday on or before full hoes. 182 Geo. M. Cox, Goderich, last Tues- day in each month. 180 F. Mr(.'ar'tney, I[olnlesville, Mon- day on or before full moon. 202 .Tames Mt'L01111. Salt.ford, 3r0 Wednesday in each month. 30i3 Thos. H. Cook, (Clinton, 1st Mon- day in each month. I-IULLETT I)iSTItICT, D. ('antelon, \V.D.M., Clinton P. 0. 710 - David C1ult01on, Clinton, 2nd Mon- day in each month, 813, Robert, Scarlett, Winthrop, last, Wednesday before full talon. 028 .Joseph Rapson, Summerhill, 1st 01101135 in each month. 703 -Win. Horney, Soaforth, 1st Mon- day i11 each Il1011th. STANLEY 1)157 RiCT. Robert. Pollock, W.[).M.. Rayfield P.O. 21 James Pollock, Rayfield, ]st Mon- day in each month. 308 --Wel. Consit, Jlillsgreen, Ist Tues: day in each month 833 -Robert McKinley Blake, 1st Wednesday in each month. 733 -Wm. J. Clarke, Hensen., let Thurs- day in each month. 1035 ---Win. Rathwell, Bayfield, 1st Thursday in each month. AY-Nsss.-Any nmlssians ar othe.. error; will be mm,4tly enrrne(i',l nn writing dire' t to the County Ya8ter, L'rn. John Noll, Ceelralln. Bring along your Grain Bags. Another ear Redpath's Extra Standard Aranu'lait, ed and Coffee Sugars at Irwin's, 30 Ibs Standard Granulated Sugar, $1 Extra value in Teas, Currants, Raislast 28 lbs Extl'a Standard Granulated, $1 Prunes, &c. 34 lbs Bright Coffee Sugar for $1 4 large Plugs Smoking Tobacco for roe. SPECIAL BARGAINS : Crockery & Glassware. In Dinner Sets, Tea Sets and Bedroom Sets, Call and see quality and prices. Fresh Clover, Timothy, Field and Garden Seeds. J. W. IRWIN, - GROCER MACKAY BLOCK. - ('I INTON Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS-allof the best work-, manship and material, firiir All the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. 'FACTORY—corner Iiuron and Orange Streets, Clinton, 657— ROBSON'S CASH GROCERY. Sugars and all staple lines as c'he'ap as any house in the trade, Try our 25c. Teas. Try ou: 4 Crown Blend blit. tea 50e. 'Pry our Russian Mend hlk. tea 45c. Sole agent foe the Celebrated 3luz;twattce Tea. '11)0 best Packet Teas on the market, 40c., 50e. and 110e. per Ib. Canned Tomatoes, Corn, Pea, and Pumpkin, Pine Apple, sliced and whole, Table Peaches. Fruits, Raisins, Solcctel '(ales las, Seedless, and b1k. ;'asket. Dried Apricots, Eva- porated Apples; Fresh Prunes, Pigs and Dater. Canned Fish, Haddie, Mackerel, Flesh 11erring, Kippered herring in Tomatoo Sauce, Lob stets, best French Sardines. Pickles, 0i1lard'o, Cross & Black wells and 51estons, Canadian Pickles in bulk. Pure Spices, Essences and Extracts, Garden, Field 811,1 Flower Seeds, warranted fresh and put up by the most reputable dealers. Tea, Dinner and Toilet sets at bottom prices. Cash or Marketable Produce. N. Robson, - .Albert St., Clinton. CLINTON 848/1, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY 0 S. S. CO PER, - - PROPRIETOR, General Builder and Contractor. This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for eight years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Lumber, Lath Shingles, Lime Sash Doors, Blinds, Ete. Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYI3ILL SC1100L DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates helcre placing your orders. CJ SII JS Kir-411M e (t . - GOOD EATING is the Keystone of health, you can buy the Keystone kind of Groceries at TIT H CA.8H In Canned floods, Vegetables, Meats, etc., and all kinds of Table Delicacies ; we carry a bill'assorttnent. TEAS and COFFEES sell. agents for the Celebrated "Monsoon" Indian Tea. A SPECIALTY. j E•;t ra good value in Young Hyson, 5 lbs for $1. OR PROMPT DELIVERY, OR GOOD GOODS, OR FRESH GROCERIES, — } S 1� I OR FAIR DEALING. OR LOW PRTCE GO T,O ..:. THE CASH GROCERY oGL Telephone No. 23. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH. -- COOPER & CO. THE HUB GROCERY. ALWAYS RIGNT.r Our Stock is complete in canned goods such as SALMON, t-IADDIE, FRESH HERRING, LOBSTER, STER, :0, EEF, DUCK CHICKSI\. rURKEY.. Canned Vegetables—TOMATOES, PEAS, CORN, PUMP- KIN. Canned Fruit—PEACHES, STRAWBERRIES, APPLES, &c. In jams we have PEACH, STRAWBERRIES, IRASPBERRIES, CUR- RANTS, &c. In Pickles—MCCARRY ONIONS, CUCUMBERS, CAULIFLOWER, and WALNUT. All kinds of Spices, quality pure. Tea, all grades; wo push the sale of Ben Her Blend which draws very fine. We have a big assortment of Crockery. GEORGE SWALLOW, Clinton. `-THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY. -- We ore so Ralisfied with the Cash System that we have made a still further cut iu prices. We are determined to keep to the front in price and quality of Goods. Spec- ial cuts in Peas ; we handle none but the best lines. Call and examine our Stock. G. J. Stewart, - - Albert Street, Clinton. AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED MONSON TEAS. essinall 1,.. ¢ i+., :::, ...;iii, ems° e. t-,.+ s..►-+ , a +� + v 4 + + 4 + 4 3+ + + 4 4 4 t 4 4 .4 + 4 4 Kiang of all Bicycles. •o•Ob ++ Light Weight and Rigidity. Every Ma- ch i nefullywarranted 4� +' Absolutely f¢ the Best. i� 'O'Ob Superior Material and Scientific Work- manship. 5 Styles Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Exposition. Sea0•tmo cent stamp for our 34 -page Catalogue -A work of Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Reta11 Salesroom, age Wabash Ave. Lake and Halsted Sts., CHICAGO. ILL. 4 4;